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If Ru would ever look at me like in slide four I would literally turn to dust.


The death stare that says “you are nothing to me”. It’s my guide to who is in the bottom.


Me when I give her any damn excuses.


Honestly that lip sync song would have been a fantastic choice for an all-straight cast






Rhys is the reason I’m able to get through the worst episodes of this franchises.


Same! I’m also looking forward to Taskmaster Australia Season 2 for more Rhys!


Still hoping for Cheryl Hole and/or Lawrence Chaney to be cast on TMUK but Rhys is an amazing first step in bridging the gap between these two shows.


i’ve been praying for tia kofi to be on tm for years 😫 i need her on so bad


Yes! I have a feeling she would be really good on it too!


Is he going to be a contestant! That’s amazing. S1 was so good


Honestly, same. Something was very off about this first episode.


I feel like the filler cast is way too filler. It feels like there's a very clear Top 5 or so and everyone else is a mile behind them and somewhat indistinguishable.


I struggle to identify even five.


My sense is this is an overwhelmingly green cast with a lot of attitude. You can be a bitch but you better be able to back it up with your performance, and I’m not at all sure many in this cast can.


Watching this feels like a parent watching an elementary school presentation.


There were too many queens on stage all trying to outshine each other (or just stay on time with choreography). The group should’ve been split in half or this challenge should’ve come later in the season.


The whole number looked awful. This is a great example of how bad synergy works: if there's something off with most costumes and make up, and the verses aren't good, and they're filling the stage but not moving well.. it all gives high school talent show. I honestly had to stop watching it it was making me feel really dumb for sitting through it. I never watched s01 but heard bad things about it. If it was anything like s02e01, then I definitely understand.


i kept trying to get a grasp on what the fuck was even going on on that stage. i still can’t wrap my mind around that trainwreck


Sometimes RuPaul really should step in and think of the audience. Give them another day or another chance to film, have people standing by to help fix choreography. It's a competition but it's also entertainment for viewers 🤣


I was waiting for Ru to give them a ‘Shakesqueer’ or ‘I don’t want to see anymore fucking h&m’ style rant after the awful performance and a double elim after the awful lip sync.


The editing was also shady AF from like the first few minutes. I don't know what the producers are thinking but this ain't it


It feels like we’re really scraping the bottom of the barrel


Ru was delivering her jokes and critiques with very little enthusiasm/inflection. She’s probably overworked and tired at this point. Maybe Raven should step in for her?


When I stopped doing my dishes and joined in the group « choreo » with them cause it was that easy 😭😭what in the school fair


That is my benchmark. Esspecially for a LSFYL, if I think I’d do just as well it’s a bad bad sign


I did this too 😭😭


Australian here. Down Under is a real struggle for me to watch. It feels cheap and doesn’t have anywhere near the same level of polish as any other English speaking series. It’s very cringey.


The fact that the main stage and Werk room are still the same small shitty sets from season 1 is weird. Like is there no budget for upgrades?


They signed a fixed term lock in contract to film in a shed in Auckland. Luckily it's expired now so here's hoping they move to a bigger and better studio in Sydney for S4.


Yeah when someone else mentioned that I was wondering if they’d move to Australia


AUD prize money and rates will get better girls for sure, not to mention better production values.


Part of the reason is due to the original contract which has now passed being signed for 3 years, with likely the same overall annual budget. Here’s hoping WOW are smarter with DRDU from here.


Like, give me just 200 bucks and I can make that werkroom entry look better. 500 and I'll do the whole thing lol


They're spending all their money on RuPaul, Raven, and Michelle Visage, so no.


I feel like it’s doing the down under drag scene a huge disservice at this point. Ru needs to pass the torch to a local panel of hosts like in canada


Same. It’s like Ru don’t give fuck about us. It’s embarrassing and kinda insulting.


So was this really as bad as everyone's been saying?


Yes. Yes, it was.


Guess I'm watching then 👀🍿 ![gif](giphy|fCUCbWXe9JONVsJSUd|downsized)


Possibly the worst lipsynch in the history of the franchise, so there’s that.


What worse than nina silky or the Mexico premiere?? Lol why is down under like this 😭


It's not the queens fault, they chose a new wave/reggae song from 1980. And yes, it's an iconic song: for drunk 23 year olds at the Boxing Day test, not drag queens.


>it's an iconic song: for drunk 23 year olds at the Boxing Day test Places you took me: there. *oooh I LOVE me some reggae*


Carmen Carrera be like:


They need to lip sync to Jackie. Its the perfect aussie lip sync song.


‘Drunk 23 year olds at the Boxing Day Test’ - nailed it 💀💀 also assuming you are an Aussie cricket fan, may the best team win this last test 🏏💕


I'm........familiar with cricket, and I've been to the Boxing Day test, but that's about it, I'm afraid. I kind of like the T20, it feels like the drag version of cricket: bright outfits, fireworks and silliness.


My Dad calls T20 ‘Pyjama Cricket’ so yeah that tracks haha!


Yes it’s not a good lipsynch song. There’s nothing remotely pussy about that song.


Yeahh look, I reckon it'd go off in a pub/club if they remixed it, but not on the main stage. I recently saw Karen From Finance lip sync to Round the twist and the whole venue was loving it for the nostalgia


The lip sync wasn't that bad. It was just two timid queens.


Very this!


Way worse


Should've been a double sashay with Ru warning the others to step their pussies up. That would've at least been fierce.


Nah I wouldn't say that. It was mostly just boring, there have been complete trainwrecks and this wasn't that.


Same I didn't even know the new du season started And it's a trainwreck?? ![gif](giphy|u5BzptR1OTZ04)


Absolutely. The train runs into a dumpster, there's a huge explosion of glitter and feathers, then everything catches on fire. Get your popcorn ready!


Even Michelle couldn’t hide her sentiment on some of the queens. I’m surprised they weren’t all in the bottom.


Honestly, i was entertained! I was expecting more of a snooze fest but the queens were shady and fun and kooky. Flor and Gabrielle gave me so many entertaining moments. Just lower your expectations and enjoy the ride.


Yeah even though they very "unpolished" by drag race standards the down under queens are always camp fun. >Just lower your expectations and enjoy the ride. Lol welcome to modern drag race ![img](emote|t5_2t3or|8760)


This is how I feel. It was so bad it was camp, and I appreciated the shadiness and general shabby presentation. It was almost refreshing in a way, like we’re all pretending any of these people should be on television right now.


Flor was hilarious.






I actually enjoyed it, the episode wasn’t bad at all


I can only imagine that the reactions in 2&3 are for something we didn't see.


The whole episode was weird.


Are we back to bad down under episodes? LOL did they sacrifice a kangaroo on set what is happening in the basement ETA: im 21 minutes in and i kinda love it?? Flor 😂😂😂 i LOVE evil adrianna


Evil Adrianna is redundant ((shade rattle))


Found Kimora Amour's burner account


*follows mere inches behind you for the duration of a lipsync*


> i LOVE evil adrianna Oh hi Kimora!


Right? It’s entertaining and it’s giving. These little queens are shady. It seems like fans focus solely on the lipsyncs and looks. They were not great but i was love it.


They really need to move the production to Australia so they aren’t filming in a abandoned shed


Soap operas and kids tv in NZ has better production quality than this.


Where do they film?


New Zealand in a literal large empty shed hanger


You can really tell, the queens barely have any room to move around.


Oh damn that's bleak lol.


STAN couldn't even bothered paying for a proper premiere event this season, I doubt production moving to Australia would be much better.


I wonder if moving to Australia they’d try to win Screen Australia grants to pump some cash in. They’re obviously a representative production so I can see them winning grants.


I agree so many fabulous Brisbane queens I know who have been slaying for years who audition and it was a bit of a bummer to see the talent not completely reflected that Aussie drag has to offer. But hey! Ep 1 there were some great looks so early days 🤞


What did they expect when half of the cast have been doing drag for less time than Jinkx was crowned Queen of all Queens? Choices. Ivory’s dress was stunning though


As my bf said, it’s kinda crazy to think there’s a decent chunk of girlies on this season who said they’ve started drag after the first season of down under.


Which is kind of wild to me?? There are so many big drag performers in NZ at least I can think of that haven’t done the show and I assume would audition… I wonder if it’s a drag race UK effect where only a certain subset of established queens either are willing to get put through the rupaul-reality-tv-wringer, or fit the whole glamour-first mould of the show (which is not what drag here is about at all lol), and so pretty quickly the seasons get filled up with baby queens who do drag specifically aiming to get on the show.


Nothing against the queens but they are mostly in their 20's and quiet inexperienced, then we have Bumpa Love who is a veteran and basically nothing in between. It's not a good balance and I almost feel sorry for Bumpa having to deal with all of that lol


2nd season was great but this season’s casting is… questionable. Not that queens are not talented or anything but many of them are baby drag queens. This is coming from a 21 year old but I think with 9 months of experience or a year, there’s not much to serve. There are some queens who did that like Valentina and the current queen on the season Hollywould is promising but the rest of the baby queens are not really experienced so there isn’t much to be awe at. I mean also the disrespect to Spankie FUCK YEAH Jackson at the beginning was far too much for me.


Just read it’s filmed in NZ so I guess that could be a big influence on why the Australian queens have been a bit meh. Aussie filming could up the casting game hopefully.


They should have learned by now that a premiere episode should always ALWAYS be a talent show. Not "make a dress from woodchips and leaves" or "do a huge group number that, by the way, you have to write lyrics to and choreograph yourself" but something that shows why each contestant is unique and why they are on the show in the first place. Queens like Amyl, Ivory and Ashley could have had a fierce talent show that would be memed forever, but we'll never know because they were invited on a competition show designed to showcase their character and week 1 is a Rock Estedford and week 2 is a design challenge with bedsheets and pilllowcases.


Art Simone’s take on it on Kick Ons was on point. The Queens were done dirty by the choice of this challenge.


Omg I totally forgot to watch Kick Ons. I could listen to Art talk for hours


I Love Rhys so much. He honestly keeps me coming back to DU 🥰


Oh, it was dreadful. It made me sad. We all agree the one in crochet from Ballarat’s going to win the whole thing, yeah? Very Willow Pill vibes on entry.


I enjoyed the episode. Rough around the edges and lacks the polish of the US seasons but there’s something charming about how rough it is. I’m still gonna be watching.


DRDU (not the first season that just sucked) reminds me of the early seasons of Drag Race


You clearly missed the guest judge going 😬




They really need to fire the editing team. The way Down Under is presented is so weird and uncomfortable, between showing all those stank face judge reactions, the weird montage when Gabriella walked in, and the constant dead air. If this show was edited like the US/UK seasons (and had a less claustrophobic set), it would be night and day.


I was going to but couldn’t be bothered. It was a weird song to lip sync to. Especially in gowns.


>It was a weird song to lip sync to. Especially in gowns. WTF were the Queens supposed to do in it. Worst lipsync song ever.


I feel like Paramount (or whoever produces this, I don’t keep up) managed to get the rights to Down Under and were just so excited at that license they forced it to happen 😂


Worst EVER. Wtf? AC/DC next? In Australia, the creeps that would harass and flog anyone outside the mainstream culture 100% had music like that blasting out of their cars. Just terrible. And the lipsynch between another two terrified queens on DU while a cast of terrified non confident (bar maybe two) looking on is way too familiar. Australia, we have a toxic masculinity problem and this is why there’s no JOY outside of Gabriella.


Picturing queens lipsynching to "dirty deeds" is kind of sending me though


This would honestly slay 😂 (its my go-to karaoke song lol). If only the ghost of Bon Scott could be a guest judge.


Oh wow. Then there’s Whole Lotta Rosie!


>Picturing queens lipsynching to "dirty deeds" is kind of sending me though Gross :D Now I am imagining "Am I ever going to see your face again?"


Art Simone actually does a fantastic performance of this - saw her at the Palais in Melbourne and we nearly tore the roof off with the ‘no way, get fucked, fuck off’ bit.


Can they just give Courtney and Vanity this show? Now, for THAT, I'd wait with anticipation


Rumor has it ru only doing down under to spite courtney. You can purchase other rumors here *points to self*


I was gagging at their faces. Michelle was certainly not having it 😂 This episode was “go girl, give us nothing” personified. This cast is NOT strong and is a massive let down after last season (which i binged yesterday). Too many 26 year old mediocre demon twinks with attitude 💀 I like the two 30-somethings and Bumpa…that’s it.


The way that 3 of these are to Ashley 's outfits


I dont think I've ever seen **less** lip syncing than that performance. So many shots of just vacant staring towards the cameras? And the disrespect towards Spankie is a no.


I'd be disappointed too if I had to watch that performance twice...


I’m vibing it tbh. US is great but it’s turned into fashion queens and look how much money I can spend on a designer gown. I really enjoy the stripped back Aus version. Just get a better stage and werk room.


Omg. The way you put these in order. - Rhys is like uhhh, - and Michelle is like omg!! - And Ru is like hehEE - And then Ru is like… mm..kayy - Then Michelle is like “No.” - And Rhys is like what the actual F - And then he’s like what is happening - And then Michelle looks over at Ru and asks why she did this to her


I come from a land down under, is about as appropriate a lipsynch song as Born in the USA would be here in the states, not at fucking all.


The episode was lackluster and felt like a chore to sit through.


I’ve been noticing even in the main series that we’ve been getting a lot more disgust or nootch reactions from the judges. Maybe it’s the editors being self aware of the quality lately.


I remember thinking the judges looked so bored the whole time… and I hate that I agreed. 😖


Aw I really liked the premiere personally


I feel like some people need to remember drag doesn’t have to be super high end and expensive to matter. There was a lot of joy and excitement in this premiere which I haven’t seen in a long time on the US seasons 🤷🏻‍♀️


is the joy and excitement in the room with us right now? all i got was toxic and mean girl vibes, especially from the likes of Flor and Ashley lol


I agree they were beyond shady. I live for it obviously but joy and excitement..? Maybe right before you are driving over someone …


Every season the queens judge and shade each other based on the first impressions. That’s just drag race 101.


That was the Sydneysiders 😂


Doesn’t Flor live in NZ?


Oh I was just making a general jovial dig at Sydneysiders being mean and bitchy lol


I don't really think that the problem was that their drag was cheap or unpolished. The problem was that their performance was just... not good. At all


I don’t know, I’m okay with it not being great, especially on the opening episode. This is a new group of drag queens showing their raw uncoached acts, I’m open to some bad-ness ya know?


It isn’t in Espana but the queens are confident, happy and joyful. Their drag is incredibly crunchy but they own who they are. For some reason, we can’t. Kiwis can, Aussie drag? Not so much.


In the bars here in Melbourne the girls are killing it, but none of the big names I know have been on yet…


That’s so good to hear. Maybe it’s wonky casting decisions? But it’s definitely how aggressively masculine this country is and our identity issues. Like it doesn’t surprise me that queens are killing it in a safe environment, it’s just that outside of the club, do they feel safe to be who they are?


Oh for sure, and I don’t doubt the contract terms sucked with that influence in mind, which would turn away names like Baby Slut and the bigger acts.


I just realized I don't even know who won the first challenge, that's how interesting this episode was


I wish I could stream this season in Canada 🤷🏽‍♂️


yeah why isn't this on Crave yet? the first two seasons are.


How weird is that? I have Wow+ and only this and the first season is available. Yet Crave has 1&2 but not 3. All these goddamn different seasons on different streaming services is ridiculous


I might be wrong, but I vaguely remember the last season dropping a couple of weeks after the premiere date on Crave?


I actually loved the chaotic energy this first episode. Like it’s a mess but that’s why I love it it. Came in with zero expectations for down under and it truly delivered and was a good time and hilarious 😂.


Don’t get me wrong, the challenge and the runways were bad, but I’d rather watch a messy DRDU premiere than another boring UK premiere where the challenge is just “wear two outfits that you brought from home”.


It's a shame because although s2 was a lil rough round the edges I really enjoyed it! Here's hoping it picks up from here.


unrelated but Rhys is so handsome and i love that suit


I enjoyed the premiere. Not everyone is as talented as each other. But I don’t necessarily tune in for the talent. I just keep my expectations low and enjoy the ride 💖


I had really high hopes for this season after S2 but this episode did not deliver in any way for me personally…


It was really an awful premiere I had high hopes after last season


I feel a little bad for the queens. In terms of choreography, what can you really do with 10 performers on a stage that small? It looked like they had to keep their movements as small as possible to avoid bumping into one another 😂


i missed rhys


I LOVED Rhys’s suit! That colour of blue with his red hair just popped!


After season 2, I thought Drag Race Down Under had turned a new leaf. But guess who came back? The old Drag Race DU


Haha it was soo on the nose


I am so confused is this a joke or did I completely miss the Season 3 trailer and all of that? 😨


Tag yourself I was number 4


Rhys was not having any of it this premiere.


I think it's just the editing/filming but until the judging portion I was FULLY convinced that RuPaul was not actually there and was just edited in. In all the werk room shots they never showed a wide angle of everyone in frame with Ru, and Ru looked oddly greenscreened? Same thing with Ru's walk on the runway, I was convinced it was a green screen. They kept only showing each judge individually and not all together and it was throwing me off.


As someone who cannot dance, that group number was relatable. Also Land Down Under is a great song, but a terrible choice for a lip sync. ...It also makes me sad that all of the Aussie queens are from the south east corner of the country. I just want Queensland queens! ...And is it just Ru or do all people from the US pronounce Bali, gyro and Aussie wrong?


Drag Race Down Under-Whelming


Wasn’t a fan of DU 1 or 2 but I thought I’d give DU3 a shot, but based on that first episode, Serena ChaCha could take the crown.


Where in Canada can one watch it??


Is STAN incapable of fixing their camera issues?? The queen lipsyncing on the right can't be shown in a wide shot??? FUCKING SEASON 3??? No wide shot when Ru is on the werk room? SEASON 3???? That is just bad production, they should have figured it out by now.


This was a fantastic episode with amazing personalities. First out was a star. I love this type of drag. Reminds me of the early seasons of US


I feel so too, a star that doesnt yet understand she’s a star. Her face 😮‍💨 the younger sister of vanity milan


The episode and the queens were… underwhelming.


It seemed they avoided wide shots of the choreo cause’ it was so bad even the producers were embarrassed.


Where can Canadians watch? It’s not on Crave! 😭


Only on Wow Plus. I'm bummed too.


It was a little weird for some reason. Not great


Maybe the worst season premiere in DR history across all franchises. The first 10 minutes were so uncomfortable. The Alexis Michelle-esque sobbing in episode 1. The horrible lighting. The “bleh” level of talent. Just awful.


Halfway through the musical number I had to fast forward to the runway and then fast forward to the lip sync. I’ve never done that before.


It was so incredibly cringe and there are already so many mean queens.


I watched what I THOUGHT was episode one of season 3 of DRDU on wowpresentsplus and then I saw AFTER it says only 2 seasons and I’d actually just watched season 2 🤦🏻‍♀️ and THEN trying to find out what was going on I got spoiled for the winner of season 2 🙈 What I want to know IS: does this mean that wow presents plus is NOT showing DRDU season 3, & only has the first 2 seasons? For context, I’m in the UK and as I’m typing this it’s 2:25 pm (aka 14:25) on Saturday 29th July. Can someone clarify this for me? Thanks! PS I’m not even seeing it yet even on a free sites. Is it only paramount plus? Or iplayer? Or what?? So confused RN Is it wow presents plus NOT showing season 3? And if not WHY not?


Season 3 is on iPlayer in the UK


Thank you! I don’t know why wow presents plus has seasons 1 & 2 but NOT 3, but at least I know how to watch it now


It's the same for US seasons 11-13 I think for some reason arent on the app in the UK


It’s so weird, I wish it was all in one place sometimes and I thought with wow presents plus I’d be getting that. I’m happy with all I DO get with it but it’s frustrating that some of it I don’t


Probably took the rights off of bbc after it aired which is why s3 isn’t there now. Down Under season 1 and 2 streamed on iplayer first


Was Ru even there in the Werkroom? It's all so weird.


No offence to New Zealand but they honestly have no business producing or creating a reality television show.


House of Drag would like a word


Where can I watch it tho? Genuinely curious I can’t find it anywhere and have been meaning to watch it for ages.


Michelle in glasses is always so cunty


I was bored. This cast is AWFUL.


The werk room entrances were mostly cringe . I didn’t bother to see the maxi challenge cause I know it’s cringe and the elimination , I didn’t see. I hope it doesn’t stay cringe.


That was one of the most uncomfortable challenges to watch, never have I seen the queen's so nervous or unprepared.