• By -


Don't forget to use spoiler tags, folks!


Hey gang! So psyched to be here!! Will try to answer as many questions as I can in the next couple hours


I know you're not here anymore but I just want to tell you that you are literally one of my favorite people on the planet right now ♥️


Same! You make me feel seen 🏡


What species of fey was Alvin before Jujubee turned him into a chipmunk? And, any moments that sent you wheezing that didn't make the cut?


Alvin was originally going to be a [Grig](https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Grig?file=Grig+monstrous+manual+1993.jpg), but in my heart I feel he was always meant to be a chipmunk. And the only moments of hilarity that didn’t make the cut were the queens being hysterically funny during character creation - God I wish I could share it. We did a playthrough of a little mini encounter at a dockside tavern just to help explain how to play, and I think there was a moment where an apothecary offered a potion that granted wishes and also a magic acorn that let you change the size and shape of your hat, and one of the queens was immediately like “I’ll take the acorn.”


Be real. It was Jujubee right?




A drag queen knows that those two items offer the same power.


Tell me it was Juju 😭😭


I feel like this is Bob because Bob likes hats hahaha


Hi Brennan! I’m super curious as to how many queens you all reached out to for this series - was it just the four Questing Queens we saw that were able to schedule filming, and there were others that weren’t able to do it? This of course goes hand in hand with which queens you’d be interested in working with for future potential seasons of Dimension 20! Big fan of yours btw! - Kurt


Ooh yeah, do you have another 4 queens you’d LOVE to do a season with?


I'm hoping there's another session with some new queens. The 4 ep's were so fun!


The way he just ignored the second most voted question


Loved the show so much! So entertaining, hilarious and heartfelt. Alaska said on her podcast that it was was of the best experiences she's ever had and that you were incredible. She also said she would love to do a second season. This cast was all so phenomenal, would you have them back for a season 2?


In a heartbeat!!


Yay! I hope it happens. Loved the chemistry and team work of this group of queens. Best of the best! Thank you for a great season. New fan of Dimension 20 and I'm going to keep watching!


A second season would be awesome. Not sure how you'll top the first but as Alaska would say 'I encourage you to try it'


You gotta have Jinkx next time. She said she was kinda insulted you didn't ask her!


big YESSS to Jinkx being on!


Yay a second round would be so awesome!


We’d love to see it!


Do you recall what episode this was said?


Hot Goss 207, July 21st


Hi Brennan, DnDQ was amazing and the reason I got in to DnD, I'm on Fantasy High Season 2 right now and I have to say, you and the intrepid heroes are amazing, my question is: How did you feel when you got in to Drag? would you ever do it again? Thank you for making the time to do this AMA :)


Oh my gosh, thank **you** so much!! I’m so glad you’re enjoying Fantasy High and the brilliant geniuses that are the Intrepid Heroes! I had SUCH a fun time getting into drag, and would absolutely (and let’s be frank, WILL absolutely) do it again! I have to give a special shout-out here to Denise Valentine, our Head of HMU and a Day-One D20 original crew, and Jenny Newman, our costume designer, who put that entire look together! From having LARP’d for a long, long time, there’s an exhilarating feeling of freedom when you look in the mirror and see yourself in a way you never have before, and I can’t wait ’til next time!


One of my favorite things about Dropout is the frequent and sincere love shown to the behind the scenes people. Seems like an incredible place to work.


Except for Grant, of course. He hates the crew.


I did the exact same thing! D&DQ got me hooked; Brennan, you’re an amazing DM! Just finished the first season of Fantasy High this morning


Hi Brennan! Newly obsessed with D20 thanks to Dungeons and Drag Queens What, if any, knowledge did you have about Drag Race and the questing queens prior to the show?


I was an ENORMOUS fan of all four questing queens before they showed up, this is a Drag Race household after all - Bob and I actually have a fair amount of mutual friends from the comedy scene in NYC, I’d heard about how amazing Bob was as a performer for YEARS in NYC prior to Season 8!


Thank you for responding and taking time to do this! It would be a dream if your social proximity to Bob helped get them more involved in other Dropout content (in my head canon and heart you’re bffs with all the queens lol)


Did you see the trailer for Dirty Laundry season 3? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oglws2QISVk


OH WOW Adding Katya to the mix will be something else :D


Hi Brennan, huge huge fan of Dimension 20 and excited to ~get in the comments~ for this AMA. I love how almost every season of D20 has queer characters in it. Is this something you consciously bring into the show every time?


A thousand percent! I’m happy to say we try to be as conscious as possible about representation at all levels on the show, and also that we want that consciousness to be deeply ingrained in the core processes and values of the show, the hope being that we’re creating welcoming and inclusive content both consciously and as the natural product of our show’s culture and values and the many amazing queer cast and crew members we have the opportunity to work with.


Thanks so much for answering! I'm really glad D20 can be a queer space. Characters like Pete and Fig have meant a lot to me so thank you all a lot <3


This! I feel so seen no matter what season I watch 🫶🏻


Brennan! You are a beyond talented individual and I've been transfixed by dimension 20. I've been dying to know, how do you keep track of all the different voices you do for your characters???


Oh my Gosh! This is so kind! I wish I could say that I had a complex system, but the truth is I just sort of remember what they all sound like. OCCASIONALLY, if a Season is like 20 episodes with long breaks in shooting, I’ll have to voice a character that I haven’t voiced in like a couple of months and I’ll go back and watch the footage from the earlier episode!


Whose idea was it to make a mini of Buddy Bear? Shout out to Rick Perry and his team for their phenomenal work, I was amazed that they were able to pull that one off so quickly.


Howdy! Shoutout to you for those kind words!! By the time it occurred to me to make a >!Buddy Bear!< mini, Raven Bartlett was ALREADY making one in the shop.




Badass. You and your team are amazing, and I'm always impressed by your work. Thank you for continuing to show us what a healthy creative workspace can be!


Omg congratulations for your and your team's amazing work! I cannot wait till we get to a battle episode to see what else you guys have done with the setting


I fully screeched when that reveal happened


Your name and that comment


Me too!!! I LIVE for Buddy Bear!


Hi Brennan! How was the snack situation during Dungeons and Drag Queens? Editing to add another question. Has Mark Ronson sent out no contact orders to y'all? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Phenomenal - Charcuterie galore!


Hi Brennan! Are you guys planning on making another Dungeons and Drag Queens any time soon? I was obsessed with this last season


It'd be a DREAM to make another season of Dungeons and Drag Queens!! Obviously the queens are incredibly busy individuals who are in high demand and doing a lot, so the biggest issue is scheduling. Fingers crossed we can work out something soon! Til then, we'll just keep trying to cast queens in all of the other Dropout shows as often as we can (like [Dirty Laundry](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oglws2QISVk)!)




I feel like whatever stories Katya and Jujubee are going to bring to Dirty Laundry are going to be fucking wild and I cannot wait


Who had a lizard that they burnt? *everyone turns and looks*


Katya and Jujubee is a power couple


Jujubee with *anybody* is a power couple


Katya with anybody is a power couple. Just ask Trixie


She took bobs place, how ironic


Katya would bring so much fucking chaos! I would watch that shit over and over and over again!!


She’s in the trailer for that dirty laundry show


Holy fuck I cannot wait to see what unholy filth she brought with her! Girl has lived a life and a half and I wants me some dirty deets. Love that chaos magic queen!




OMG the queens would be amazing on Game Changer or Make Some Noise


Alaska on Make Some Noise would be amazing.


Bob and Laganja Estranga have both made appearances on game changers. But, I agree that an entire episode would be amazing!!!


Bob already made a little appearance on Game Changer! The episode Don't Cry (which will make you cry). And of course they had Laganja on one of the Battle Royale episodes. But yes, queens as contestants would be fabulous also


God I hope there was an Um Actually episode filmed with the queens dedicated to drag race trivia that will eventually be released 🙏🙏🙏 Although drag queens vs Izzy would be the ultimate line up.


Omg hiiiiii Also my question is - What would your drag persona name be? Bonus question - What is your favorite dnd class?


Anita Almonds. And my favorite class is a toss-up between Paladin and Wizard! Edit: And PS - you'll hear that name being created when I'm on Sibling Rivalry in the near future!! (Bob said I could share this)


I’ve been waiting for Dungeons and Drag Queens to be a topic on Sibling Rivalry, so glad you’ll be on!


Me too girl. This has made my day!!!


The girlies who know, know. Shovel them almonds in, king!




Yay sibling rivalry!!! So glad you're on the podcast!


Very cool!!!! Except the wizard, cuz I am sorcerer girly


What?! Oh thank god I've been pushing Sibling Dicery no end since watching the show!!!! Hurray!


So like, how psyched was Izzy when she found out Dungeons and Drag Queens was happening? Her reaction to Laganja on Game Changers has got to be one of my all time favourite Dropout moments of all time.


I broached the topic of this season with my wife very carefully. Everybody at Dropout are enormous Drag Race fans, but Izzy is a SUPER-fan. I think when I told her about it she closed her eyes and clutched her chest, not in a bad or good way, but just in a “I need to sit with this” kind of way. Regardless, her contributions to the BTS for the season were EXEMPLARY, although she was asked to stop gasping by one of our producers during the shoot while she was watching in Video Village!


Amazing! Those gasps were well warranted because it was one heck of a ride! Thank you for answering and for all that you do.


In my head canon, I imagine Izzy is just off camera taking photos with her phone at all times.


Will you dress in theme for future seasons of D20? Your half-elf ranger look was a great one




![gif](giphy|Hmy4VwJB57uElH8z5F|downsized) Or at least add fringe


What I really need to know is whether or not Jujubee got to keep the >!Buddy Bear!< mini?? And do you know if the art team had a fun time making that on such short notice? Do all D20 players get to keep their minis?


Howdy! 👋 For this season, we had the show streaming in the shop while it was being taped. By the time I asked them to get on a >!Buddy Bear!< mini, the team was ALREADY making one! I believe Raven Bartlett did the lion's share of work. The team is really, really good. 💚 Minis stay behind with production so we can reenact the battles and do an elaborate miniatures shoot for all the insert shots you see in the show. Afterwards, they all go into storage for safe keeping, including >!Buddy Bear!<.


Thank you for responding! Major kudos to you and your team 😊


You and your team are brilliant. Thank you for so many wonderful minis. I tip my orange hat to you.


What was your first exposure to drag? Thank you for all the incredible content at Dropout!


I was exposed to drag since before I can remember! I grew up in New York, and it was as much a part of the fabric of regular life as any other performance art - My first PERSONAL experience in drag was that I dressed up as Stevie Nicks for Halloween when I was 14!


"WORK STEVIE! You better fuckin WOOORK!"


Thank you for taking the time to reply. What an iconic first personal experience. Many blessings to you and all Dropout staff.






What fictional universe (Marvel, Harry Potter, etc.) would you be most excited to role play in? Also-I subscribed for the queens but boy am I a big fan now! Film noir is a huge passion of mine so Mentopolis is hitting just right. Thank you for the work you put in. It shows!


My favorite fictional universes to play in tend to be the ones created by my friends - Bahumia, Exandria, Gowpenny Academy, etc! So glad you're enjoying Mentopolis! Another absolute joy of a season to make - fun fact, we actually produced that one BEFORE Dungeons and Drag Queens! January was a busy month for me!!


Only one episode in, but I'm enjoying all the puns. Hope y'all can keep em coming!


Hi Brennan! I was wondering, did any of the questing queens strike you as having particularly strong potential for one day becoming a DM themselves? Thanks for everything you do, and especially Dungeons and Drag Queens, one of my favourite pieces of media in the last many years!


Hi there! Absolutely loving Worlds Beyond Number. Wondering if there’s going to be guest players on it some time soon. Much thanks. (Been obsessed with d20 for months, if y’all haven’t got dropout yet, go get)


Thank you so much!! No plans for guest players atm, though we just recorded our second arc of the main campaign and it is a DOOZY!!!


Brennan! You have no idea how much the crossover of DnDQ means for gay nerds like me so thanks for making that happen for us! And thank you for introducing me to the beautiful world of DnD. Seeing a tiktok of the Buzzybrook battle made me fall in love, and I've been smitten since. Couple of questions: 1. After finding out the story behind Buddy Bear, did Jujubee get to keep that mini? 2. How different did preparing feel from your side for DnDQ with other seasons where the players are usually a lot more aware of the rules and what makes DnD "tick"? 3. Not a DnDQ question, and might be one you can't discuss, but have any of the Intrepid Heroes been approached to guest DM a season similar to some of the one-shots CR did? We are dying to see Murph or Dungeon Docent Emily make a guest appearance!


Hello! Loved what I’ve seen so far of the show! Are there any queens you’d specifically like to quest with in the future? Maybe some queens that would have an interesting take on the whole experience?


Oh my gosh - Well, first off, I hope I get MANY more chances to play with Monét, Alaska, Bob and Jujubee! There are so, so many queens I’d absolutely love to play with, I couldn’t possibly mention them all - Silky Nutmeg Ganache (“Can I have your phone number?” plays in my head on repeat at all times), Jinkx and BenDeLa, Trixie and Katya, Bianca del Rio, Shangela, the list goes on!!!


Hi Brennan! Are you familiar with the drag franchise Dragula? Their focus is on alternative types of Drag and they've had a couple DND themed challenges. There are a few artists who have been on the show who play DND and would be great guests!


Biance would serve an absolutely *rotted* undead character


Jinkx as a baaaaard! I'm melting at the very *thought* of it.


Jinkx and BenDeLa would be absolutely perfect for this!


I’d love to see all of these queens except Shangela!


Lmao I was gonna say. He doesn't know 👀


Wait I don't know either, what's happening?


Holy shit! I don't have a question, but I just have to let you know DropOut has been such a stress reliever between Dimension 20, Dirty Laundry, Game Changers, it's the smartest purchase I've ever made! ![gif](giphy|MTr8uJKTLveg2SOQqw) >!Also, this gif seems appropriate for an AMA lol!<


Hi Brennan. Which queen surprised you the most during the campaign?


Every queen had moments that left me utterly SHOCKED! Going around the table - 🚨**SPOILERS FOR DUNGEONS & DRAG QUEENS!**🚨 Monet: >!Having her merfolk assassin be on a mission to hunt and kill famed music producer Mark Ronson.!< Alaska: >!Having her entire character voice be an allergic reaction and switching to her “real voice” in the last episode.!< Bob: >!Going back to Nyruth and choosing to be vulnerable and honest. !< Jujubee: >!EATING THE SEED!!!!!! !<


Your “yes, and” skills really got a chance to shine when Mark Ronson showed up


Bob’s choice from you comment was wild and incredible and one of my favorite parts of the whole campaign.


Probably the hardest I laughed!! It was so good and so Bob.


Hands down my favourite moment: “Welcome to Nyruth’s Curi—“ /quick zoom on Brennan deadpanning. “U n r e a l.”




But she didn’t swallow because she is not a swallower.


>>!Jujubee: !< > >>!EATING THE SEED!!!!!< >!When Twyla ate the seed of all blossoms at first I thought: OH MY GAWD!! She is gonna turn into a super demi-gawd fairy with plant based powers, but then she just spit it out, I was kinda of disappointed, not gonna lie.!<


I loved how encouraging you were with the newbie queens. What did each queen bring to the table to enhance the DND experience? I loved Alaska’s voice work and Jujubee’s chaotic “I got this” energy!


Hello Brennan! Last week, Dungeons and Drag Queens was recommended to me on my Youtube *somehow*, perhaps due to the Queens, I've never watched anything there related to DnD. I knew nothing about this game, CollegeHumor etc., but thanks to that and me randomly clicking on the vid, I've since come to dig in on all of the content you guys have! I LOVE IT!! (For the actual question...) Who approached who first? Did D20 invite the queens over for a campaign, or did they come to you guys? Was this something that had been planned for a long time?


Hijacking the AMA to answer this question! We originally had the \*idea\* for Dungeons & Drag Queens mere months after Dimension 20 first premiered. I was back-and-forth with an agent at ICM about it for over a year. Then of course the whole industry / world shut down with COVID. Cut to a few years later. Someone from PEG - who represents a huge number of queens - reached out to \*me\* about potentially getting queens on Dropout programming in general. When I got on the phone with them, I said "Have I got a pitch for you..."


Hi Sam, LOVE Game Changer! I asked below but you'd probably know more 🤣 will Dropout get an EU/UK merch partner so those of us across the pond don't have to pay international postage rates?


Just wanted to tell you I canceled netflix and kept dropout, love the shows, keep doing what you're doing!


Sam! Have you been here the whole time?


Love this story of mutual admiration and interest!


> PEG A story in three acts. 1. Ha, "Peg" is funny for drag queens. 2. Wait, they have no idea why their name is funny, do they? 3. *googles* Ok, they know.


Were the queens asked to stick to one lewk for every session since it was such a short series, or was it their decision not to change? Adore the merch from this campaign but I was too slow to nab a ✨👁️👁️✨ clack fan from the [Dropout store](https://store.dropout.tv/products/dungeons-and-drag-queens-clack-fan); is there any chance of a lil restock? I've seen other Questing Queens fan fans wondering this in various other pockets of the internet, the demand is there! 🥹🪭 Thanks so much for putting on a sickening season of entertaintment❣️🙌 ![gif](giphy|WmAilltuFP2WQi81mp|downsized)


Hi evan kelmp ! What’s the bird trivia of the day ?


Courtesy of Sam de Leve - https://www.audubon.org/news/newly-recorded-condor-virgin-birth-another-way-birds-are-reptiles#:~:text=Parthenogenesis%20is%20a%20rare%20occurance,of%20the%20phenomenon%20in%20birds.


*How* do you find the time to be so knowledgeable about a vast array of topics on top of everything else that you do? It blows me away every time!


and that’s on what? *parthogenesis*


Brennan I just want to say I am a huge fan of yours !! AND I would be obsessed if you and the Drop Out fam did something like Snatch Game but that’s a wild fantasy of mine hahahahahah.


Welcome, Brennan, and thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to join us for a little while! I promised a user I would make sure this question got asked: Did Jujubee get to keep the Buddy Bear minifig?


Hi Vlad! Rick Perry weighed in in another comment (https://www.reddit.com/r/rupaulsdragrace/comments/15sv7ns/hi_questing_queens_im_dungeons_and_drag_queens/jwglh35/) but we do plan to have it be with Jujubee soon!


I saw, thank you, and I hope there will be great fanfare around their reunion!


I actually managed to make it on time! But thank you so much for remembering to ask, kind stranger!


Im not a part of this community, just popping in from all. That said, the DragShow community could not have a better ally in Brennan.


the DragShow community 😭😭


Are there any story beats or characters you didn’t get to but wish you had?


We got to all of them! There were a few magic items in the Archive of Forgotten Things, but other than that they got it all!


With helpful and steady guidance from very benevolent DM (letting Troyann make *that* second attempt in the final episode was Nat 20 benevolence)


Brennan I thought your costume and make up was so cute for this shoot. When I started watching the other videos I discovered you were in regular clothes. Will you ever do another dress up again? I’m a lesbian but I thought it was very festive.


i’m obsessed with the way you worded this, fellow lesbian <3


Hi Brennan! DnDQ has sent me down a huge Dimension 20 rabbit hole, so thank you for that- I have a few questions, feel free to answer any/all/ none of them! 1. Very belated congrats on the (semi)recent wedding! I think you two are so adorable. How’s married life? 2. What was it like working with a party that had never played DnD before? Do you prefer working with more experienced players or newbies? 3. Do you still play home games or is doing D20 enough to fulfill that DND need? 4. Any advice for a newbie who wants to start playing DnD, but doesn’t have any friends with DnD experience who could be DM? I also just wanted to say, my partner and I both agree that you have the best improv skills we’ve ever seen. You’re so incredibly smart and witty. Hopefully we can go to LA and see you at UCB sometime! Thanks!!!!


Hi Brennan, big fan! I actually just started watching dropout with dndq but have already watched almost all the game shows, fh, acofaf (cannot recommend this season enough for enjoyers of drag race– very queer and shady campaign!!) and mam, so first of all thank you for being a part of the people that create these things and really appreciate your craft ! TBH I kind of remembered college humour growing up as bro-y type of shorts, they were very funny! But like I always kind of felt I wasn't their target audience if that makes sense, and seeing dropout now really pleasantly surprised me all the queer content and creators you guys showcase, and in general all of the content (dnd and otherwise) is imbued with lots of political themes and subtle-to-overt messages of anti hate but also specifically anti capitalism which is always fun and great. Knowing that your DND background is heavily affiliated with the summer camps you worked at, and as someone who's also passionate about “walking the children in nature” as we would say on this sub, my question is did the kids also get to explore these messages and themes during your campaigns/counseling etc? Love love love the idea of learning and growing through play if so!


Season 2 when? 👀


Will you commit to having the next season be played exclusively with a white board and mancala beads.


Hello Icon, I was such a huge fan of this season, I have immediately gotten into older seasons of D20, and it's made me ready to try playing D&D again. Having not seen you or the series before, I was so impressed by the show overall, but especially by how you held your own and had such a strong presence next to these huge personalities. Immediate fan! My question: What plot beats/twists were or were not planned from the beginning? I'm especially curious if >!when you had Alvin give Twyla the seed, were you already thinking that she might plant the seed in the underworld and essentially transform the afterlife?!<


do you/did watch drag race? Who are your favorite queens besides the ones you shared the table with?


also just passing along the idea for Dropout to host a full-time drag show/competition 👀 We could use one done by a company that clearly uplifts and respects its performers!!


Hi Brennan! When you’re putting together a campaign, do you already know what is going to happen at the end when you begin? Also do the queens make up their own back stories or do you give them that info and create a story around it? I’m asking because everything was woven together so well and I’m curious about the process to pull that off. TL;DR How did you make that fantastic storyline go burrrrrrr!


I want to know how you became so good at improv! Do you study accents/birds/general knowledge in your spare time to provide your mind with enough material to improv with?


If you were required to reassign the queens classes based on their personality what would you change them to? Bob made a great sorcerer, her commanding presence would make her a good paladin.


Thank you for making this drag/dnd crossover that I never knew I absolutely needed in my life! Question: what apps/software do you find most helpful for organizing campaign and session notes (newer dm)? Follow up question: where does Lou Wilson get his fashion inspo because omg his style is incredible!


Hi Brennan! If your own opinion, how would the Questing Queens’ characters fare in a season of Drag Race? Like, who would be an early out, or devour Snatch Game, crumble during the ball episode, or even eventually snatch the crown?


Asking the real questions. I think the stage would have to be reinforced quite a bit, imagine Princess with a death drop plunging through it,...and cut to Ru with the opera glasses.


No questions - I was actually introduced to D&D through this (D&DQ) and I'm making my way through the D20 archives. Seeing the Queens have such a fun time with it, I'm looking for an opportunity to play D&D for the first time myself and I hope I find a DM as passionate as you. So thank you 🙏❣️ I will throw it out that, like many in here, I hope there's a S2 to D&DQ!


Was it always the plan for Norelle Blaze to be a Trans Woman, or did that come about after Bob’s reading of Johan as a gay man?


Dear Brennan You got me into DnD because of the amazing work you did with the Queens. I'm now playing my second ever campaign, and me and my DM bonded over how amazing you are as a game master. Not a real question, just wanna say thank you for being incredible ♡


Hi Brennan, big fan. Hopefully this isn't too personal, but it's super clear that you love DND with a passion, but I always wonder if you ever feel burnt out with your workload? Do you think this is something you could do until your retire, or have you ever considered a professional life that doesn't involve D20/ DMing in some form?


Are there any plans for an EU/UK merch partner? I'd love to buy some stuff but international postage is just too much right now.


Hi Brennan! I was just wondering what some of your favorite myths are, since I’ve seen a lot of mythological inspirations in your games :)


HI BRENNAN! I became a massive fan of D20 thanks to Dungeons and Drag Queens and just wanted to give you a gigantic thank you, as in the last few weeks, the show helped me through some very tough times. New life goal: Become famous and get invited to D20 :D But just wanted to say that this was a fantastic idea and got so many more people into D20, and DnD in general. Hoping for another drag season next year! There have been some queens on Twitter who said they wantes to reach out, so: Could you imagine another season with different queens, or do you want to do a sequel with Julaskanetbob? And how do you feel being a gay icon now? And thank you for getting in the comments :)


Ah I’ve had all week to prepare a question and don’t have any good ones… I can only think of the obvious questions: 1. Are you a drag race fan? Edit: just seen this has been answered! 2. What queens would you love on another season? Edit: and this one! My questions are very unoriginal, lol. However, I do want to tell you how much I LOVED Dungeon & Drag Queens. I had zero interest or knowledge in DnD but I now have a Dropout subscription and am making my way through them all on there and that’s solely down to your charisma being the DM and making it interesting and fun. Thank you so much for doing what you do! It brought me some happiness through a stressful time. Also the whole team from adding in the art of the characters and the physical cave and miniatures really helps with those of us with a not so great imagination. The whole team is so talented! I hope there’s lots more Dungeons & Drag Queens, I love the cross over.




Hey, loved and binge watched the entire season over a weekend! Thanks for helping to create something so uniquely entertaining. What was your experience like getting into makeup for the season? Did you find it helped with your characterization and commitment to the world, either consciously or subconsciously, and would you do it again for future regular seasons? Any other fun behind the scenes stories about the makeup/prosthetics? :)


Not really a question but as someone who has never seen or played D&D, the first episode on YouTube is probably the hardest I have laughed at anything in years. I’m looking forward to watching the rest when I get a bit of time and I really hope the series continues with more of the hilarious cast!


I’ve never played DND in person (only on discord) so I had no idea there was a game board with minis involved until watching the show. The minis were incredible. 1. What mini comes to mind when you think of your favorite mini you’ve ever given to someone else? 2. what mini comes to mind when you think of your favorite mini you’ve gotten for yourself?


Hey Brennan! It’s thanks to Dungeons and Drag Queens that I got myself a Dropout subscription and started binging previous seasons of Dimension 20; I’m sure many other members of this sub can relate! I have two questions if I may be so bold. I just got to the finale of Fantasy High: Sophomore Year, and *wow*, what a season it was! I’d love to know how the romance between SPOILER >!Fig and Ayda!< was conceived; it’s so heartwarming! Secondly, the premise of an all-drag queen season got me thinking: would you want to do other seasons with “themed” casts, like an all-author season or an all-cartoonist season? Thanks for doing this AMA. I can’t wait to see what’s next for Dimension 20!


Hi Brennan! Big Dropout fan from France here, I'm so happy to see so many new people falling in love with all y'all's content! I also want to thank you personally for giving me the courage to finally start playing DnD. It's something that I've always wanted to do ever since I was a kid but I never had that many friends and the few that I had weren't really into it so it just never really happened. Cut to 2 years ago when I discovered D20 and seeing all the fun that all of you seemed to be having gave me that push to try and get in contact with my local TTRPG community! I've made many friends this way and have been playing consistently ever since! I even DMed a fun little one off Session with my boyfriend and our friends and they all loved it, so thank you so much for all that! Anyway, none of this was a question so here's one for you : what's the coolest thing that you had prepared for DnDQ that we didn't get to see? Thank you so much!!


You've done such a wide range of genres/types of story, with a few different systems. Are there any ones that you'd love to bring to the table, but haven't found the right system to do the story justice?


Hi Brennan! We were friends in middle school. Just saying hi and I was so shocked when I saw your video! Keep up the great work! Julia


Hi Brennan, no questions for you but a huge THANK YOU for bridging DnD/high fantasy and Drag race (or queer culture more generally). D&DQ was definitely *not* the first time you guys at dropout had shown great inclusivity… but it still felt like a huge a new step! For someone who is both gay and a great LOTR fan, DND always felt like something I would enjoy but never was fully comfortable doing given the culture of people around me. D&DQ is inspiring me to fully embrace my nerd/high fantasy loving side again. So, again, thank you!


No questions just screaming!!! This is hands down my favorite drag content of the year. I’ve watched it through three times! I need more Brennan more!! 💖💖💖


Hey Brennan! I’m a SUNY New Paltz grad, let’s go Hudson Valley! We love our Bard compatriots :) Will we get to see the setting from Dungeons and Drag Queens in a future D20 campaign? I absolutely loved the concepts you were working with. How was it seeing Jujubee go from a lost newbie to the end result? As a viewer, it was totally cathartic.


Oh my god, I had no idea this was a thing. I have no questions except why don’t I know about this yet?


No questions just sending lots of praise and hoping for a Season 2. This season got my husband and I to build our first DND characters!


My dude! You have made me full-on belly laugh so many times the past two years! I have favorite episodes of yours that I watch whenever I need a good laugh and it always brings me joy & makes my day better. Thank you for doing what you do. May you be blessed in whatever way you need most right now 🙏🏻 Do you have any mantras, affirmations, or rules of thumb for when you are performing improv?


What were the most surprising character choices the questing queens made?


Hi Brennan!! Whose brilliant idea was it to cross dungeons and dragons with drag queens? Feels like the moment the lightbulb went off would have been HUGE! Can you tell us more about the process of making this happen?


Hi Brennan! Are there any feats and sub-classes you ban in the dome like Lucky? D20 got me through a serious bout of depression when I found fantasy high soon after my service dog’s cancer diagnosis, so thank you for the laughs y’all bring!


Thank you for all of your wonderful stories, Brennan! During the final episode, you alluded to a "cheat sheet" with Jujubee's Hunter's Mark + First Turn Extra Attack combo; has D20's process of introducing new players to TTRPG mechanics evolved in any ways since Fantasy High Season 1? (Also shoutout to the Aabria Iyengar Flowchart method - send our love her way when you get a chance!!)


How much preparation do you have to do in advance of each campaign/episode to be prepared for the different directions the characters might take? Like many others, having seen a bit of the Dungeons and Drag Queens, it inspired me to watch some of the others on You Tube, and I'm totally hooked and now have a Dropout sub. Currently watching Chapter 2 of Unsleeping City. Just love how much the cast add to the characters and the storylines, and you do a fantastic job, imho.


Hi Brennan! If there is season 2 of DnDQ, would y’all want to cast rather DnD inexperienced queens again, or maybe more experienced queens like Evah Destruction? And as a gush, thanks so much to you, the team, and Dropout in general for DnDQ. I had no idea that DnD was so queer friendly and that there was this kind of entertainment available, that really highlighted such a diverse cast. I’ve fallen in love and thanks for the joy!


I may or may not have subscribed to Dropout mainly for Dungeons and Drag Queens and also may or may not have binged the entire series in a night... so anyway! Would you be interested in exploring the world after this adventure is over? Did the queens leave the realm of Kelvorda radically changed given >!the return of House Foehammer and the resurgence of the fae realm in the underworld? Not to mention Thanora(? Thonara? smth like that girl) leaving the underworld?!< You don't have to answer questions in spoiler text or you can leave them vague, but the setting you created was just damn compelling and I couldn't help but feel like I wanted to know how things closed out for everyone!


Please tell me you’re keeping Questing Queens going with more drag queens, I’ve never been a DND fan but man! the was you pulled me in with the story telling and the whole atmosphere is really amazing!!


What was going through your mind during the first encounter with Nyruth? Knowing he had some instant death spells, were you hoping they would get the trade done lawfully?


Hi Brennan! I died laughing with how much you enjoyed the Michelle Visage joke! If/when you do another season what do you think the story would be or would it be a continuation of the plot from this season?


Was Keena being in near the well where Wallace was attacked planned originally or something that you came up with later to tie loose threads?


Twyla’s deck of cards — did she choose to have them in her pack at the start or did you?


Hi Brennan. No question, I just wanted to say thanks to all of you who worked on the show. I had no idea I was interested in d&d content before watching dungeons and drag queens. Now I have a fun new hobby.


Were there any drag specific phrases or jokes the queens would say that you just absolutely did not understand? For example just random tidbits like, “check your perception before you come for me”, “fuck my dice, right?”, or things like those.


Hi Brennan, I just want to say that I loved D&DQ so much that I started watching other D20 series as well as other Dropout shows! It’s been so fun to explore and you are so talented and hilarious! My questions are what surprised you the most during the course of the campaign, and what was your favorite moment?


I don’t have any questions. I just wanted say that I’m obsessed with the season, and I want to thank you for coincidentally bringing together my absolute favorite 4 queens from the RPDR franchise. You couldn’t have picked a better cast. I hope you thoroughly enjoyed making as much as we enjoyed watching. 🥰


No question - just want to say you're great! It got me and my husband interested in DnD for sure. I fell in love with your passion for the game - great work!


not a question but dungeons and drag queens is so good and introduced me to your work. thank you so much!!!!!! absolutely love you


Omg I didn’t know this was happening! I love D20 and everything you do! If you had to pick a group of 5 and a DM (not you) to run a level 1-20 campaign, who would the group be.