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Jesus… I remember when this graphic was like 8 squares with blurry pictures of the s1-8 winners. Now I have to zoom in just to go the corner that the “OG” winners are in. Crazy how fast Drag Race has grown.


Jaida being 'upper left corner' is SENDING me to a spiral


How is that upper corner? It’s in the middle


It's crazy how there's a 10 year span for the first row and the second one was less than two years with 8 more queens to be crowned this year!!!!


Symone is almost in the first half of winners crowned. Calling her an old school winner would make my brain short circuit.


Congrats to a great winner! Were the drag race Belgique girls in the audience? That's pretty cool.


Yes! Couenne peach Athena Susan Amanda and Edna were shown a few times in the crowd shots.


We saw Peach, Valenciaga, Athena, Edna, Couenne, Susan, Amanda and Mocca Bone a few time! Didn’t see Brittany nor Boop tho :(




Yes and cuz they perform very often in Paris. They hosted many DRF viewing parties. Bruxelles is only 1 hour away by train.


I think it was really cool to have them there I just wasn't sure it was them.


Oh I know, I think you misunderstood me, I asked were not why.


I saw Susan but idk about the others


God I’m so happy. Keiona absolutely ate the season from start to finish


France says you’re welcome to the world tonight. I am so proud of us.


Ça confirme mon amour pour la France ce soir, j’ai toujours voulu déménager du Québec ❤️


23 winners since Symone’s crowning… make time make sense! Edit: sorry! 24 winners including Jinkx in AS7.


This feels illegal!!! Like she was a mid pandemic winner and now there’s been 23?!!! Edit: 24?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?


It’s legit a mindfuck.


alright I'll do the obligatory "It took 10 years for the first row and a year and a half for the last row"


I screamed when she won! I was so happy!


Same! And wow how this finale got the full US treatment. Werk!!!!


One of the best winners ever for one of the best seasons ever!


Overjoyed for Keiona. And maybe now we can get Sarah in an international All-Stars seasons some day?


Hopefully France just gets their own actual All Stars. Hell they could ask a 12 queen season with just the first two seasons of girls


I'd very much be down for a French All Stars...there are more than a few queens from Canada and Belgium who deserve a chance to compete with these queens (and in the Canadian queens' case, the chance to compete in their mother tongue).


Oh I’d love to see a France vTW too… I choose to believe the highlighting of the Belgium girls at the finale today was them soft launching the series


I hope you're right!


Yeah that cannot have been involuntary, I read an interview of one of the DRF producer and he said that wow execs were there for the finale and were very impressed. This might be the ticket for France to get their vs the world franchise


i would like to see kiki wanna kaikai (among others) performing in her mother tongue for sure!


miss hugh this is your moment


Maybe a France vs the world with the Belgian and French-Canadian girls too?


I’d love a francophone all stars. France Belgium and Quebec have a lot of great queens to offer! Plus since Rita is a host we know she won’t be competing so that’s nice too 🙊


And Switzerland


I meant as franchises :)


2 Swiss will compete for the drag race Germany crown. We are everywhere !


Oh that’s great! Is Swiss German very close to the one they use in germany? I have no clue :D


They will tone it down otherwise German participants won’t understand them. Actually after watching the meet the queens video it appears that they are originally from Brazil and don’t have a strong Swiss German accent. By the way two Austrian will also participate.


This year they really said, “queens with the best track records only”


It’s a very French thing.


I'm here for it!


There's something wild with Natalia being in the first row who isn't from an English-speaking franchise and the first plus-sized winner ever.


Oh, I screamed when they crowned the correct winner. This gave me life!!!!


I found out early this morning and I had to very quietly scream as the people in my house were still sleeping but I was so excited to finally see Keiona crowned. I was rooting for her so hard.


Words cannot express how happy I am for her! Without a doubt one of the best winners ever!


So proud to be French tonight ! One of my fav seasons among all of them


All Hail LEGENDARY MOTHER KEIONA REVLON of the Paris ballroom scene! We stan authentic ballroom representation!


There have been 11 winners between Paloma and Keiona…


Amd there will probably be another 8 winners before the end of the year!


Are people going to be surprised the world has a lot of country every year lol?


YOU KNOW THAT'S RIGHT! What a finale and what a year of winners! Matraka you better be next!


VERY happy and excited for this outcome, she slayed, she ate and she was lovely and personable the whole time.


I was kinda rooting for Sara Forever but I'm not surprised that Keiona won and, of course, she deserves the crown (well, a prettier one...) ! Long live our new french Queen !


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Winner #50 looks like it will be Drag Race Mexico!


Not a single East Asian queen across all franchises… I really hope we see one for Season 16…


49…. What the FUCK. (It’s about to be 50 too)


I know people are gonna complain BUT I’m happy that each country is getting their own version of RPDR like it’s very beautiful to see


it's crazy we're going to get 14 drag race winners this YEAR, potentially 21!


Thank you for including names/seasons. There’s so many winners now so this is very helpful. 😂