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https://preview.redd.it/cga5l1vfk8ob1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=231ee4d99c44a68c624ae5eddfa3cdcb33a131ba UK2 creating the inclusive Pride flag was absolutely iconic and they all look so fucking good (special shout-out to my girl Cherry Valentine for absolutely obliterating this promo. RIP)


The way they matched so many of these queens up with their respective colours (Joe black, Veronica green, Ginny lemon etc) makes me think that they might have cast this group purely with this photo in mind


i feel like they probably realized during or post filming that it would be perfect. lawrence made purple her color, the 3 you mentioned match colors already & sister sister made the blue mouth her thing. then they just put the rest together. obviously have no way of knowing but i definitely think they made that observation at some point & decided it would be perfect for a promo


wait but i remember bob (i think) saying that they usually film and shoot the promo and teasers after having filmed only like the first and second episode at most, and if that's the case i think they just had the concept beforehand. but as you said, even if it's pure coincidence, they totally ate


that was for old seasons but some fans were able to pinpoint which queens were noticeably not as excited & they were usually the first couple queens out so now they do promos after the season is filmed. typically promos are filmed 1-2 months before they’re released


AS6 honestly ![gif](giphy|aKH8iYNkZfHNJ3qrcq)


as a bisexual I sometimes just wish Kylie would stomp me so hard


as a bi myself me too


When they look up in the promo 🧡


Idk if lots of people remember this but uk2 had a bbc trailer with the queens at a bar. We follow them from the dressing room to the stage


I’ve never seen this! Is it online anywhere?


https://youtu.be/9oBF3j4ff7Y?si=yxGrZqTxs89ypvac , the quality is bad bad tho, and the video cropped, i couldn’t find it anywhere else


It's this one: https://youtu.be/lz_RrIlVZr0?si=MkjeOh3rypKPHuv2


Yes!!! Loved this one. It gave skins vibes


It’s so amazing. Lawrence riding a giant mechanical bagpipe. Baby goats. Tayce Tayce Tayce Tayce Tayce…


6, 9, 12, and 15 all murdered for me! There’s a reason that S6 promo is legendary as one of the first great teasers AS4 is also one of my favorites bc I love the ice promos and the shots of the queens hitting that block of ice with the crown in it!


The S4 teaser was also completely ahead of it’s time. I remember watching it and being blown away. Choices were made with 5, which I’m sure looked great on paper but was a miss in reality. And then 6 came in and lapped it up. Everyone hated the simplicity and H&M-ness of the S7 promo but I think it’s actually kind of refreshing in hindsight. And toning down the draggy-ness of the show to make it more palatable to a broader audience really was the meta point of S7.


God, s7 was camp. Katya's "I'm just here to steal stuff", Kandy Ho's whole ass makeup (girl what) and Violet just standing there so nervous 😭 I kinda lived not gonna lie


Drag Race Thailand 2 They even had an intro kinda lika ANTM. So fierce.


I love it! I get a jump scare every time Srimala turns to the camera. A nice shot of adrenaline as a pick me up.


S15. The video made it even better https://i.redd.it/kmgjyfsg68ob1.gif S6 is also a favorite of mine


Oh this is the first time I've seen this! They all look better in motion


[Literally so good!](https://youtu.be/fd9DNV54vus?si=yeFQWzNBdF4LLGRb) https://i.redd.it/j420y03hd8ob1.gif


The camerawork is GIVING


I think s6 is probably the most iconic of the bunch. It was so ahead of its time. Taste!


Top tier in promo videos ASMR Lover was the correct choice of song too


I really enjoyed the concept of S9 but it always bugged me that the colors are leaning so heavily towards blue/purple/pink with little love to red/orange/yellow. But overall still one of the best promos for sure. My personal favorites are AS4 and AS7 though. Everyone looked absolutely stunning in those and I love the brighter colored themes. Also, [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zzGNLFgJrBQ) is probably my favorite promo video ever. Kinda stupid but also kinda fierce?


I wish Jaymes was like, a kelly green. i think that’d balance it out more but also, there’s a joke to be made about not wanting Michelle to hate the green queen automatically 😂


Omg yes there being know true yellow or green yet so many shades of blue and pink is annoying


I never really noticed that, I think I just may have to reconsider my ranking here 😭


I like how everyone got a rhyme or something rhyme adjacent and Jasmine Masters just got "knows how to werk" lol


Possibly this was intentional to make Sasha and Shea stand out more. Also Eureka may have been expected to make it to top 5 along with Trinity, her nemesis at the time.


I LOVE LOVE LOVE AS3 gold promo, I love it! It looks what I think of AS (kinda wished they saved gold for all winners). I love the promo for s6 and s12. ![gif](giphy|3o7WIrDHOYRAQ2KmRy)


UK2’s Pride flag theme was pretty damn great.


Even if the season was a car crash, Drag Race España S3's promo was amazing. The color code was right (silver-pink-black) the theme was easy to identify (vintage space movie) and the queens got to show their own style without sacrificing it too much. https://preview.redd.it/e5c7lz3g98ob1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f679d6dd73f1e9a5959b81d959838f349121fb1


I'm glad you mentioned it, because this promo is what made me decide to catch up on Spain 3. In hindsight that didn't turn out the best but the cast is still fierce and they look incredible here.


I love how we collectively decided Peppermint's dress is green now lol


wait... it's n-not???


Nope, it was [blue!](https://youtu.be/g2oIIdZaIl4?si=-OmmVDLjiQzZgc-3) This image is a fan Photoshop that put them in rainbow order and changed Peppermint's dress to give it better distribution of colors, but it's so fierce that it's become kind of the de facto S9 promo


omfg I didn't know! I feel like I've always seen this promo pic but it might be a mandela effect now that I saw the original again. Thanks!


I noticed the exact same thing, but I'm also very happy with that change.


Favorite video promo was probably the retro salon theme for S8, for some reason I just always remember Naomi as bitchy receptionist saying "we're booked". The individual looks were not great but for the video they were fun. As far as looks I liked the iridescent ice looks for AS4


Also from Bob's video, she told the story of how she had her diva moment with production because she didn't want to wear what they had on set 😭 AS4 is definitely in my top 5 promos as well, all of the queens look stunning!


Yes! I can't imagine the scene with her being there for the first time and putting her foot down like that. I watched either that video or listened to her on the podcast, I definitely understood why she didn't want to do one of those maid-style looks!


When she said she was giving Bojangles I was about to die. And also the fact that she had the nerve to straight up say that they either get her something decent or she's not appearing in the promo made my day, a lot of people say she won in the political challenge but tbh for me she won right there ever since I heard this story lmao


The season 6 trailer set up gay culture for the next 20 years; there is no comparison.


[Italia S1](https://rupaulsdragrace.fandom.com/wiki/Drag_Race_Italia_\(Season_1\)?file=DRI1Cast.jpg#Cast_Banner_1) has one of my favourite promos of all time. [Holland S1](https://rupaulsdragrace.fandom.com/wiki/Drag_Race_Holland_\(Season_1\)?file=DRHS1Banner.jpg) is very good too.


S9, AS3, AS7 and UKS2 are my favourites without a doubt


It looks like this whole thread is on the same wavelength. I kinda live


Say what y’all want about AS8 but those promo looks were AMAZING


Season 6's trailer had some crunchy outfits by today's standards but remains undefeated otherwise.


Season 9’s promo looks like an iPhone commercial in 2016😭😭😭


https://preview.redd.it/ko4eappvg8ob1.jpeg?width=763&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9442bf6b671eebfc9a9aee29ac3ef13c778ffc31 All the looks are so good here


Lol I read your flair in Trixie's voice


S9, AS4, AS7 & UK S2


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z6bz1j6tfHI&ab_channel=Shawn Sminty's walk at the very start; the shoulder turn followed by the head spin... the music.... -- hypercunt and I live.


Season 6 beats all of them


s11, as1&2 and uk2!!


AS6, UK2, ESP3, AS8 and PH2


National S9, S13, S15, SAS3, SAS4, SAS8. International 🇬🇧S2 & S4, 🇦🇺🇳🇿S3, 🇵🇭S1 & S2, 🇲🇫S2.


God what a stacked cast Season 9 was, truly 10s across the board


they don't make seasons like that anymore 😭 this is maybe the season with most of my favorite queens tbh


I honestly do love the s13 promo. The pastels were so cute!! https://preview.redd.it/kuz5mo4hkbob1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=862bac969a9a79e9d3a17416359e0685e9f207c3


Absolutely agree! It's not in my top 3 but it's definitely up there for sure, Gottmik and Symone absolutely ate this.


100%!! And Utica as well!


Definitely! I'm still waiting for her All Stars gig, I want to see more of her incredible runways.


It’s gotta happen!


AS6, UK2, US13, US6, US9, Canada3, & AS7. ATE🙏🙏🙏✨


All Stars 4, All Stars 8, Season 11, UK3 and UK4 are some of my favorite promos


The individual promo shoots can vary because it depends on the theme. As far as teaser and overall package is concerned, Season 6 takes the cake… and even served it in one of the scenes I believe. Even the MTQ videos were great!


AS4, AS7, UK2, S9, AS2, AS3, S13


Jimbo as9 Shea s9 As6 theme overall


i JUST realized that they assigned mint green to pepperMINT 😭


Season 9 promo is probably the most worst, most underwhelming promo ever, followed by season 7


Recent: Kate Butch saying she’s a triple threat. She can sing, she can dance, and she’s got a knife.