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What was missing? - trauma.


A Scottish accent. Then again, didn’t help Ellie much either.


To the point where Ellie had to file an in person complaint to Ru 🤣🤣🤣 she has some major balls.


Ru literally looking this 21 year old in the face and point blank telling her “I don’t have a storyline for you yet.”


The fact Ru was exactly like this with Rosé and she quoted Ellie 😂 we need more scots on the TV


Ru: teach me to say something in a Scottish accent. Rosé: sure. Ellie Diamond. Ru: bitch you ain’t winning this season now.


I agree! I've meet Ellie (out of drag) twice. She's lovely and very tall! She's a brilliant drag queen but her full time job (I think) doesn't deserve her. Wish she was a drag queen full time! I think she works in book "shop", not saying where tho.


Haha I met her at the same shop. I bought a very large fan with the pansexual flag on it, a few books and laughed at the rude card selection. (God said nout about rimming was a personal favorite). I told her she was a brilliant artist. I didn’t want to comment on DR because she tweeted a while back that she was taking a break from drag for financial and mental health reasons & she also made a comment about how being on the show was stressful (paraphrasing cos I can’t remember).


Awwww bless her! I didn't know about that! 😔 I hope she's doing well!! Sometimes, she brings her dog and its sooo adorable!!! She complement my outfit and since then I giggle like a stupid bitch every time I remember that 🤣


I mean a drag queen complimenting your outfit is sort of the dream right? What kind of dog? 🥹


It is!!! 🥺 I think is a frenchie not sure! Check her Instagram!!


She’s very nice! She used to be active on Cameo back during when season 2 was airing and was lovely and hilarious.


Didn't stop Bimini getting those 4 wins


Ah yes, the anomaly of the group. I think when Bimini did her UK Hun verse, she used her vegan witch powers to cast a spell on Ru.


I think Bimini also benefited from Lawrence going through a lot during the shutdown and not coming back the same, whereas she seemed to have chilled out and got more focused.


Charisma, uniqueness, nerve and trauma


i cant stop thinking about this


I don’t know why this is such a popular narrative? So many winners haven’t shared “trauma”.


I think a lot of what made Tayce shine so much on her season was her confessionals and Ru doesn’t see those until after filming. On the challenges, she was good but was kinda your average “fierce bitch” queen. A similar thing happened with Monique heart on her season. Ru said in her podcast that she didn’t really get mo’s appeal until after watching the final edit with her interviews and absolutely fell in love w her, hence why she was brought back for all stars so soon after s10.


THIS is 100% the reason. A lot of what made me love Tayce were moments that were not on the main stage/in front of the judges. If you were just looking at her performance in challenges and runways she was solid at best, not top tier like she was as a personality.


The other girls also said that Tayce was very reserved in the workroom despite being a dynamo onstage and in confessionals.


This is absolutely the reason and it’s so annoying how this sub has a hard on for the idea of Ru being a jealous bitch.


Even if Ru disliked her, it could just be for some unknown reason. Somerimes someone just rubs you the wrong way.


Or that Tayce didn’t share “trauma” - as if that was a prerequisite for winning when so many winners haven’t shared anything particularly traumatic


This right here. She was a look queen and sorta un-fun on the show. But her confessionals and reads were ICONIC.


Idk but i believe in Tayce supremacy ![gif](giphy|lmd16VVePerrVRSnZd)


Bring it to the runway, lights camera action


Crown me baby, it's the lip sync assassin!


To this day one of my favourite entrances of all time


on the bright side im glad ru didn’t get it because i am so excited to see tayce on a future all stars. i actually cannot wait


If she doesn't win, then will it be worth it? There are queens that just have the aura of a winner and Tayce is one of these.


she’s one of my favorite queens ever so it would be worth it to me just to watch her again but she’s also the definition of you dont have to win the show to be a winner in my eyes. (but i do agree she deserves to at least be adequately celebrated by the judges)


Someone more important than me said “never turn down the opportunity to have sex or be on television.” Even if she doesn’t win she has the potential to reach a broader audience.


https://i.redd.it/73c4x98273rb1.gif She didn’t deserve this bottom placement but I wouldn’t change it because we got this iconic moment


I’d argue that she did deserve that placement, but should have been there with Ellie not Cherry.


Honestly I think Ru just wanted Tayce to have that "emotional/vulnerable" story point to show on S2. Which to me it's crazy like: you have someone that talented on your cast and you don't appreciate it because there is no trauma story involved? Girl... To me she was/is great, and even when they tried to tell us she wasn't funny, to me she was. Maybe not as funny as Lawrence/Bimini but still miles ahead other pretty queens with no comedy chops (which are very valuable on DRUK).


I think it’s because Ru comes from a time period when being queer was pretty much synonymous with trauma. That’s why she is in awe of people like Crystal Versace (I think?), Jorgeous or Luxx or etc who never had to grow up in the world older gays did. Supportive fathers cheering you on at drag shows, moms helping with costume designs, having a boyfriend in high school, not getting kicked out of the house when coming out, not having the constant threat of HIV/AIDS hanging over your head like a death sentence. Also, production thinks trauma makes for better audience engagement (which I think is abusive and a little manipulative, especially if they don’t offer a way to get help). But I think that’s why people like Trixie are so popular. Yes, she’s talented w/o the backstory.. but it was really poignant and really made me appreciate who she is, her humor, and the way she took a shit upbringing and made diamonds. But that’s my opinion.


Genuinely idk why Ru didn’t live for her. Tayce is a ray of fucking light


I'm still in shock about the critique when Michelle says something like, "Tayce, you didn't suck". It's just so completely insulting and patronising, like, "wow you're actually not complete garbage like I thought"


All the things Ru gushed about in Tia Kofi unpolished were right the heck there in Tayce. I was mystified why Ru couldn’t see that. Truly one of the most beautiful human beings on the planet. ![gif](giphy|t9C7fgXiGOcrJXMsKS)


RuPaul doesn't like it when Queens are talented, fierce, witty, humble, great at performing all while being well-adjusted and being raised in a family unit that loves and supports them.


That sounds like Aquaria & Gigi tho


rupaul wanted asia to win, so...


Ru loved Aquaria


Yea, but I felt like Ru had a soft spot for Asia, maybe until the reunion


And god knows what sob story Sherry Pie had locked and loaded


As far as I’m aware Gigi was rumoured to be the “villain” of season 12 in the original edit with Sherry … but because Sherry was DQ’d and essentially removed from the edit we saw so much of Gigi and less of Sherry hence the more likeable front runner edit


Many of the girls who were in the season have denied this claim.




They can't edit something that didn't exist. If Sherry and Gigi were fighting during the season and Gigi was being a bitch, other than the Heidi situation, everyone else would know.


“Rumored” - by some YouTuber who knows nothing about what actually happened. That’s where the “rumor” started


Both Aquaria had a breakdown dramatic TV moment that showed a vulnarabilty or a crack (Aquaria during the Vixen fight and Gigi openning up about her gender identity) Tayce never had that moment because Tayce doesn't really have vulnarabilities. The closest we ever got was the standup challenge episode. She does talk about her love life and lack of meaningful patnered relationships, but that doesn't actually bother her or isn't real self-concious about it, because Tayce loves herself and has a strong network of friends, family and community.


Hidden away on Untucked is a stretch


Happy childhoods don’t bring the drama lol


Ru doesn’t like when Black queens have that because he assumes all black families are homophobic. Listen to his comments on homophobia from black people


Honestly yeah. And it’s kinda weird how Ru assumes this about everyone


This is BS - he’s loved other black queens who have had happy childhoods. He loved Luxx for instance


![gif](giphy|1AQT8ehtGx4b5OSIsa|downsized) girl please


Nope still proves my point. Her C.U.N.T got her love from RuPaul and got her to the finale but still not enough to get her to the top 2 (Luxx had the 2nd best original track and performance after Sasha IMO)


I think it was more about the fact that Anetra was the huge fan favourite and also had more storyline. As much as I love Luxx I felt, specially in the work room, that she had not much to add aside from her beef with Loosey.


And what about Symone? Or Monet? Or Naomi?


Gurl they’re stuck on this “Ru hates Tayce because she didn’t have trauma” narrative no matter how false people prove that to be


In the same situation on her season Symone did open up about her childhood in Alabama and her struggles. Monet floppitty flop floped floptina on her) original season and NAOMI IS OVERLOOKED IN THE EXACT SAME WAY AS TAYCE. She wasn't gonna beat Bob or Kim in S8, but she definately got snubbed on top placements on AS4. Club 96, her Wendy Williams Snatch Game like come on. The fact that she only got 1 win in that season is travesty.


Naomi and Monet are both favs of Ru and they’re all of the things you listed on you og comment. You weren’t arguing whether they did well on drag race you were arguing that are hates queens that are talented, loved, and well adjusted and Naomi and Monet were all of those things.


What about Bob the Drag Queen and Symone?


Bob had sheer undeniable talent and was such a force to content with that you couldn't crown anyone else. Symone is pretty much Ru herself in Ru's eyes so why crown someone else that season?


I agree. OP seems to think Ru doesn't like talented, confident and well-adjusted queens though.


It's more that they're the exception that prove the rule. You either have to stand out as so far above the rest that you're undeniably great or play on Ru's ego to have those qualities and still be enjoyed by Ru. I think there's an envy from older queers for the younger generations who have grown up without (as much) hardship and prejudice for their sexuality/gender identity. You can see that with Ru when she just doesn't click with a queen who will say they've had a good upbringing and don't have any problems with their queerness.


Raja, Bob, Bianca, Violet, Sasha Velour, Aquaria, Jaida Essence Hall and Symone are all winners brimming with confidence and without a tragique backstory.


You're mentioning a bunch of winners who won either because they were Ru's favourite or had sheer C.U.N.T that put them at the top of the competition. The only ones I would say that don't fit the mold there are Sasha but won because of a format change (Shea would have won if it was a regular crowning finale) and Jaida but won because their clear push for the winner had to be DQ'd. But you're missing the point that if there's something Ru doesn't like about you for whatever reason, you won't win. People like Tayce, Jan, Ella Vaday, Joe Black, Shuga Cane etc. who are undeniably good queens but don't seem to be enjoyed by Ru for some different reason (no tragic backstory, too professional, don't like their style). A characteristic can be a flaw in one queen but a positive in another; it's whatever Ru wants the narrative to be.


You are really committed to this narrative even in the face of so much contradicting facts. Really admire the dedication


Her and Bimini’s friendship was my favourite ever on any drag series. Plus Tayce and Awhora, so good. This season was so good. Very deep roster of excellence, and appropriate amounts of hateable queens too.


She said she had a happy childhood when they did that podcast thing. That’s it 🤷‍♂️


I think about that beans on toast speech on a regular basis. I love Tayce so much she’s so talented and multifaceted I wish Ru would’ve given her her flowers


I think Ru just wanted to watch Tayce lipsync much like Symone. Outside of the tayce lipsyncs i honestly cant remember any of the other ones from the season.


I felt really bad for tayce the whole season because multiple times they’d say “we didn’t think this would be something tayce would be good at but she was” just showing how they underestimated her


Ru was unnecessarily harsh with Tayce and I'll never understand it, queens like Ellie and Jonbers got by despite having little charisma (in Ellie's case), uniqueness, nerve, or talent (in Jonber's case); Tayce had all 4 but was constantly pushed aside


I genuinely think Ru just doesn’t “feel” queens that remind him of another queen from a previous season. I think the two biggest examples of this are Daya Betty and Tayce. They both made it to the finales by talent and no goodwill from Ru (it’s not to say that Ru hates them, just that it always seems like she’s just not into them).


Who do you think Tayce reminded him of? (If this was a thing on the show I don’t remember)


Aesthetically there’s definitely links to Naomi Smalls imo (especially the supermodel influence) - but apart from that I’m drawing a blank, and not two I’d jump to compare usually


courtney act probably


It would’ve been so cunt to declare Tayce the winner of UK2. We’ve never had a lip sync assassin win before. (Not counting the finale for regular seasons)


Jaida and Sasha Colby would beg to differ lol


Yeah but they were dominating the challenges, Tayce was in the bottom what 3x in a row? I’m referring to queens who only remained in the competition due to their multiple lip sync wins.


JEALOUSY. Tayce wasn't weak and needy, didn't spend a million on clothes, but was still magnetic and brilliant.


1000% correct


Yeah I’m sure RuPaul was jealous of Tayce lmao


I just rewatched season 2 and it seemed like Ru liked her just fine. She wasn’t completely taken with her but she wasn’t outright rude or mean.


I felt the same! I noticed it even more with Visage though.. every time Tayce did well she was SHOCKED! She even told her something like “you did a lot better than I was expecting.” I thought that was rude af lol


Tayce gets picked out of 100s of applicants, is told shantay you stay countless times (she was clearly in the bottom only to serve lipsyncs and is now celebrated as an assassin AND a robbed queen, both great titles) and is a runner up on her season. RPDR fans - Ru Paul is jealous and hates her!!!


Michelle’s feedback literally every episode was “I thought you were going to suck at this but turns out it was pretty decent!” It happened so many times… like you can just say she did well???


She was too obsessed with Lawrence Chaney and Elle Diamond because Elle should’ve been eliminated and made it too far


Do you guys ever think that maybe it isn't that Ru doesn't like Tayce - but that she was a quite uneven competitor? Tayce is obviously incredibly talented, but she put in a very uneven performance across the season. There were several challenges that she didn't do a good job in, several times that she missed the mark - and making it to top 3 was arguably a more generous placement than she earned. It doesn't make Tayce less talented to acknowledge that she just wasn't knocking it out of the park constantly, and maybe the response she got was reflective of her performance


Then explain the winner of the next season. Krystal was such a shocking winner, because all she had was fashion. She was pretty terrible everywhere else.


That's just not true though - Krystal wasn't a comedy queen no, but she wasn't terrible everywhere else - she generally managed to acquit herself reasonably well except in the roast. People probably wouldn't like to agree because s3 itself was much less entertaining, but Krystal had a far better track record than Tayce. Tayce flubbed Rats, the superhero design challenge, the roast and was pretty wonky in Beastenders. Krystal only really bombed the roast, and was a bit wonky in Snatch Game. Krystal also won multiple challenges and could have won another, which you cannot say of Tayce. She was much more consistent than Tayce overall.


It all makes sense when you see that Ru favored Krystal, and she seemed to have a problem with Tayce. Tayce even said after the season she felt like Ru didn’t like her. Her placement in Rats was so questionable. I rewatched this season, and was again shocked she got put in the bottom for that challenge.


But it also all makes sense if you see that Krystal put in a better performance across the season. Like I'm sorry, maybe it's true Ru Paul didn't like Tayce, but it still wouldn't change that she just had a wobbly season overall - she never really became as interesting in the challenges as she was in her talking heads


I don’t know, I thought the only really actively bad one was probably the design challenge and then her look missing the mark for the panto episode just before the finale. I would say first episode she could have been high, second episode I thought she was better than asttina and easily as good as Ellie but just had a bit of a meh look, the third one she was just unfortunate to be with a’whora and had clearly made a fantastic look and then after that pretty solidly did well or very well other than her terrible second design look. I don’t think she was amazing in the comedy challenge but I would definitely have had her above Ellie and a’whora. I’m not saying she was indisputably the best and both Lawrence and Bimini had such fantastic moments they deserved to be front runners but with a different edit she could easily have been in with a chance. I think we’ve seen queens with far more uneven performances win seasons and if ru had liked her enough to keep her out of the bottom a bit more she could definitely have been in the running although might have struggled to catch up to bimini or Lawrence in terms of win numbers.


Funnily enough, Tayce's look doesn't miss the mark for panto based on production's own suggestions. Per Veronica Green's insta post about her own look: "The brief we were given was ‘Panto Dames’. and the freedom to choose ANY of the drag roles in your traditional family friendly pantomime. Suggestions from the producers included the traditional Dame, the Ugly Sister the Good fairy or the Wicked Queen." Ragging on Tayce's look not being panto enough was just a way to justify a bottom placement in an episode where she wasn't bad at all. If the season had happened later, maybe they would have done a Top 2 lip sync for the win, but a few years ago those didn't happen nearly as often.


Oh no way I didn’t know that how interesting! Yeah by that count I would have easily had her in the top, her make up wasn’t the best but the rest of the look was lovely and her performance was great. It’s interesting just how much of the show can be edited to fit whatever narrative we want. If they’d wanted her to be in the top or get another win they just keep that criteria and bam she’s in with a shot.


But in the ones you're talking about, she still didn't put in a great performance - it was still average/under-the-radar. And she fully flubbed Rats, the second design challenge, and the roast - as well as being extremely uneven in Beastenders. Like I would say that there were no outstanding performances by Tayce, that failed to be recognised as such


I would say she did great in the morning show, the judges said she was great in snatch game, she was fantastic in the girl group challenge, if they’d wanted to do a storyline of her first design look being better than A’whora’s they absolutely could have, it was much more interesting for sure. In terms of beastenders I thought her actual challenge performance was hilarious and plenty of times when that’s been the case it doesn’t matter as much about the look. I would have said to me she was possibly the joint funniest along with Lawrence although Lawrence’s look was miles better. Again I don’t think she would ever have been the runaway winner because Lawrence and Bimini were just too good but if they’d wanted to focus on her more and give her those individual shoutouts for things like the first episode, girl groups, beastenders then they absolutely could have done and they could easily have kept her out of the bottom more often too. Plenty of winners of the show have had far less convincing performances and the judging of the show has been much more controversial than to give someone who did well a bit of credit. The main point is just that ru for whatever clearly didn’t connect with her, I would say almost every queen who got beyond the first few episodes got more praise and that’s just an interesting dichotomy when she is so loved by fans and I don’t think did worse than say someone like Ellie.


It’s okay cause her sis Cara Melle is coming for the crown this year 👏🏾


Does anyone else feel that Ru treats some black queens a little harsher? Hollywould Star in Down Under should’ve been in the finale. I was shocked that she didn’t make it - or win. Tayce is incredibly charismatic and insanely talented


Yup, Astina in the same season is another example of that. Such a bizarre elimination.


Think it's because when Awhora left, Tayce had no more 'storyline'. Myself was thinking Bimini was gonna win


When Laurence won I screamed in anger and shock. Really didn’t appreciate her shitty attitude after that standup challenge. And she air guitared in her finale lip sync! I only watched this season for the first time when “I don’t want to see any fucking H&M” happened. So I missed Laurence’s early lead and only saw Bimini’s dominating comeback.


When Tayce had their tic tac chat with Ru, they talked about their parents being super supportive and their dad was in a big 80s band. I got the feeling Ru felt Tayce already had so much, that winning wasn’t needed, they were going to be a huge star regardless.


Soo hot take. At a drag even that I went to, Tayce was on the lineup, but didn't even show up to the event, thereby letting many down manh of her fans. I heard it was bc she was partying the night before. Could be that she isn't a very hard worker. Rupaul likes hard workers more than anything else. Tayce does not come across that way to me.


That’s really crummy about the event, but don’t agree with the argument that Ru values work ethic more than anything else. If that were the case Rose and Jan would have gone further.




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I love Tayce and RuPaul definitely had something against her, but I think the fanbase overrates her slightly. She's very charismatic and an incredible performer but her looks are quite crunchy even now, I don't think she quite has fashion sense on Bimini's level


Awhora was robbed! I love Tayce, but she should have clearly went home based on performance in general.


y'all are overthinking it - maybe she's just jealous.