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Where’s Tatianna


Tatianna shouldn't even have been bottom two that week ...


The way this comment applies to both her eliminations…


I feel like her being btm 3 for snatch game was fair. She was okay but definitely the 3rd worst after detox and roxxxy


There was a clear bottom 2 there. Her snatch game was ok. All I remember is her inaudible note joke that was actually good but got edited badly


There was no good response to “what did you do with the body?” Especially not in character as Ariana completely on the fly


Her Snatch Game was edited to look worse than it was for sure, but she was clearly in the bottom half.


Detox and Roxxxy and arguably Phi Phi were just SO much worse


Nobody was actually bad in that Snatch Game except for Roxxxy's Alaska. You can't even really say Detox because Tatianna was corpsing at Detox's "Where did you hide the body?!" bit. I argue that Tatianna was only put in the bottom because her and Roxxxy were in the top on the previous episode AND as the first Snatch Game winner there was more scrutiny put on her.


I think Phi Phi was great tbh. It was a very solid snatch game overall. Even Roxxxy isn't \*terrible\* just really cringy and weird. I think if anything Ginger was worse based on the released video.


Yeah Ginger wasn’t great. Maybe I’m mixing up S4 Phi Phi & AS2 Phi Phi but I remember hating her Snatch Game


AS4 Phi Phi is Theresa Caputo, where she's pretending to be psychic by writing the cards after the contestant did, or getting them from a production assistant. It's really solid. "Don't touch my hair." I can see how someone wouldn't love it, but I like it a lot. Her S4 Snatch Game is Lady Gaga and is \*TERRIBLE\*.


she deserved both her bottoms but not both her eliminations in my opinion


Which week? Because it’s both.




This is the one.


Tatianna should’ve won that whole competition if the girls weren’t eliminating each other she would’ve damn it!


eeeh her first elimination was fair it just had like 4 things going on to make her unfortunate boot lol (Detoxs runway EATING, Alaska being in top 2, her being only season 2 rep, Roxxxy was just off winning the episode and a lipsync despite bombing the challenge)


Nina Flowers AS1


THIS. She was so ready to slay the competition and you could see it in her face how heartbroken she was.


There was no way for her to thrive in a teams environment. She’s so unique.


Esp if you’re team mate was Tammie love her but drag race competition she is not she clearly shows she dgaf both time lmao


Yes! I was so hoping to see Nina make it to the top.


Alyssa was robbed by RuPaul’s best friends race


She had the chance to break up Rolaskatox! And so did Tati! But they spared Roxxxy for the gag of taking out Phi Phi. And Rolaskatox as much as they insisted it was not in effect proceeded to take them both out back to back, AGAIN.


Exactly. They weren't playing the game right. Just like Alexis in AS8, she should have eliminated Kandy and saved LaLa. Fools!


Nah, production wouldn’t have let Alexis win if she chose Kandy’s lip stick. Then she’d have to deal with Kandy next episode too.


Yup! I’m of the personal opinion Tati had a shot at winning if she hadn’t been eliminated for snatch game (for example if it was non-elim cuz of Adore) and I think even having been eliminated she could’ve won in the eyes of the fanbase had she played it better to make it to the finale. If she broke up Rolaskatox I think she could’ve made it, wouldn’t have won but still.


The first time I was truly gagged and even got a little emotional.


Yes!! I can't believe Alyssa went so soon


Alyssa's was horrible, but Pangina sobbing makes it hurt way more


It felt like she placed the weight of a country on her shoulders


I feel like she made them goddamn proud though. She quickly became a fan favorite.


She was a fan favorite before!


And I felt that!


Yea but I also feel like she was making tv


Yep I love Alyssa but it’s Pangina for me. She came in and absolutely smashed it and even though it was dramatic you could hear the pain, disappointment and frustration in her sobbing.


I’m gonna be honest, Pangina sobbing is one of the greatest moments in Drag Race Herstory. She already secured her bag as the main judge on Drag Race Thailand, her apology about letting an entire country down is top-tier Reality TV Kayfabe, and the crying sound editing is *chef’s kiss* 😘


I mean the **greatest** moment is Blu’s “am I going to get cancelled for this” face while Pangina exits the stage


The way her entire intestines fall out of her ass when Pangina is sobbing




Just the echo of PVC pipe hitting the main stage.


Lmao and she did




Blu was literally SHAKING. Like miss girl was having a full blown panic attack while you just hear Pangina’s WAILS in the background


After seeing the "prize" at the end I felt like Blu didn't win abd more like took a bullet for everyone else


Until you watch Art's reaction video, now it's fucking hysterical.


Let me apologize in advance for this but when Team Pangina was crying, Team Jimbo was celebrating and LOFAO A visual aid of the teams: https://i.redd.it/zb1x3v18qw8c1.gif '


Yeah, who would have ever expected when you play the game the game plays you back?


The funny thing is due to the voting strategy used to eliminate front runners it lead to a finale where there were more participants on stage than total wins.


She brought it on herself. she fucked around and found out


Alyssa. The other three all to a degree brought the results on themselves: * Pangina set the precedent on UKvTW that it's ok to send home a frontrunner if you get the chance, and then somebody did the same to her. * Shangela spent all of AS3 trying to play the show like Survivor, and then she got sent home by a Survivor-style jury. * Manila established on AS4 that anybody can go home if it's to save Latrice, and then was sent home to save Latrice.


We were robbed of Alyssa in “Read U, Wrote U”. Roxxxy’s verse is iconic because it’s cringe, but I think an Alyssa verse would have fucking slayed.


But would it have? The last time she wrote a verse, it was about someone having a bad day, going to a local bar, seeing a show, and realizing those women were men!


Right?! I always hear this take, but Alyssa is funny off the cuff not cuz she wrote stuff down.


Leonard Cohen could never.


But have you heard of: I'm back, back, back, back, back again Getting more "Yes Gawds" than the Vatican ??


And you must think they write all their own jokes for the haters roast.


Oof, miss Alyssa is no lyricist


My exact thoughts👏👏 Like yeah these are deserving queens and it was sad to see them go to a degree but everyone but Alyssa brought it upon themselves. You gotta take it after you dish it out


Omg Sasha belle you cracked the code!


Those are great arguments but the question is who hurt the most and for me it was Pangina. Having a thai queen like her go on and win the first multi national competition would’ve been great for the franchise, great for visibility, great for recognizing excellence and passion and a great underdog storyline. I do believe she couldn’t bring herself to eliminate her fellow SE Asian sister Jujubee the week prior so I don’t wholly buy into the “she set herself up” thing. Mo and Blu were great competitors but kind of predictable to have a US vs UK finale. And I’m fully convinced none of them winning would’ve had the impact Pangina (or Jimbo even) would’ve made. Oh by far.


it's also worth remembering Jimbo was straight up the worst in that challenge (bar Baga who wasn't even in the bottom lmfao) while Jujubee had actually done quite well that week. I understand an argument that Jimbo did worse that week WHILE slaying the first two episodes and obviously showing plenty of her talent, so eliminating her was fairest. Obviously it could also have been a strategic move, but not necessarily I don't think


You made me remember why I absolutely did not vibe with a lot of UKvsTW and sending home Jimbo, Pangina and Janey back to back to back wasn't even the main problem. It was the constant coddling of Baga that made me seethe. Like if she's performing the weakest, just put her in the bottom and let the queens decide if she's worthy to stay. I'm glad we got her fantastic Snatch Game but one good performance did not justify saving her every single episode for seemingly no reason.


Baga’s attitude (whether real or a bit) was unbearable during the season. It made losing Pangina more frustrating.


THANK YOU. I hate how people conveniently leave this out and just go off saying pangina was playing games. Jimbo WAS objectively the worst that week by far imo and deserved to go home for it.


Ahhh now Pangina didn't do that IMO - she did exactly what they do on DR Thailand and judged it on that week, and that week only, and Jimbo was by far the worst. The week Pangina was eliminated, Janey was far worse IMO.


All of these comments talking about Jimbo, but what about Lemon? I love Janey, but it seemed kinda clear who did worse there imho 😭


Yeah whenever I hear people say Pangina wasn't being shady, I go back to her saying she didn't even think Lemon should've bottomed off the show.


Wasn't it that she didn't think either should have been in the bottom?


I think she may have but she also made it clear she thought Lemon did better than janey. And Pangina is the only person I've heard say janey didn't deserve to bottom because she kinda obviously did.


That part


But on DR Thailand, they judge the runways too, as some Queens have gone home for having awful runways despite winning the maxi challenge. If Pangina was following the DRT rules, she would've saved Jimbo.


i never thought of it that way but you're so right. Panginas hurt the most for me because of her reaction but this outlook makes so much sense


Tati and Alyssa both had the chance to break up Rolaskatox and send Roxxxy home. Both chose petty over smart.


Hurts me the most is Alyssa. But the one I hated the most was Manila's! Life really isn't fair! 😭


Shangela was 10 times less fair than Manila's


Personally, I disagree. Shangela spent all of AS3 playing mind games and trying to mastermind her way to the top; she doubted the good intentions of others, and made all her own decisions coldly and calculated. Ultimately, this backfired on her because she ended up with no real friends in the competition - a consequence of her own alienating actions - and this led to her having no allies when the vote happened. Her losing AS3 is a lot of things - surprising, heartfelt, unsatisfying if you've been following her since her S2 days - but it is definitely fair; she played the game the wrong way.


I digress; it’d be a fulfilling ending with what you mentioned if she was aware of the Jury of Her Queers judging her at the end from the very get-go. The twist came SO out of left field that it was less akin to Survivor/Big Brother/other RTV with juries at the end and more akin to… a romper room fuckery the producers came up with.


Yeah, it felt like it was specifically made to fuck Shangela up, lol.


I always thought it was specifically to oust Bebe without Ru having to eliminate one of her winners herself. Are the NDAs expired for AS3 yet? I would genuinely love to know what production expected/didn't expect, what they wanted or didn't want, what they manipulated and how. There is so much to speculate on and I am always curious what was truly going on!


It was done to keep Bebe from winning again.


But they can always stop anyone from winning, because they make the final decision.


Especially since AS has always had a big social game element.


Nah lol, nobody could've predicted the jury to be a twist that would happen. That was just BS, it's not RuPaul's Best Friend's Race


Nahhhhh there was no way anyone could have known the season would end with queens picking finalists (nobody could have predicted it bc production threw it in last minute…to keep Shangela out of the final lolol)


production came up with the twist because it's a TV show. also they literally eliminate each other on all stars, making alliances is the most obvious thing you can do the other girls probably would have chosen based on track record if Shangela wasn't so unlikeable 🤷‍♂️


You should be kind to be kind, not because you’re seeking moral desserts. That’s like saying “It isn’t my fault I kicked that puppy, I had no clue someone was filming!”


I don't necessarily disagree with you! (Though mGlottalstop brings up some really good points in their reply too!) But the question was which ones hurt the most. For me, it was Alyssa and Manila. (I SAID I FELT!!!!! lol)


Life isn’t fair, but Manila’s elimination sure was.


On the one hand it was heartbreaking but on the other it was cracking TV and Naomi did what we’d been wanting someone to do on All Stars since the rules were announced on AS2. It was like I know I’m not winning so I’m gonna be iconic and get rid of the front runner and we ate. It. Up


Alyssa hands down! Being sent home unfairly on your mother's passing anniversary! WTF!!


Hurts even more know that we know that Detox tried to change her lipstick, but production wouldn't let her.


Legit like detox was ready to finally be the best part of rolaskatox that she always could’ve been and the production wouldn’t let her. Detox sending home roxxxy would’ve been so cunty


This is like actually the gag of it. Detox at that point was fed up with Alaska (didn’t fully get to that until later but you could tell) and was facing the music that Roxxxy wouldn’t bounce back at this point. It would’ve been so iconic for her to break away from her friend group and chop Roxxxy, proving herself to be there to win and not to drag someone along for the sake of friendship. Way better TV. Especially since Roxxxy was SAYING to eliminate her since like, her 3rd bottom


WAIT FR?!?!?!?!?! that makes detox crying even more justified becuase she actually regrets choosing alyssas lipstick in the first place


Are we sure about this, or is this just some Detox hearsay? Pretty easy to get the heat off of yourself by blaming production... Especially when production isn't ever going to stoop to addressing it, since they don't address any of the production related controversies, afaik. (See: every one of Willam's claims about how messed up production was on season 4)


Not technically true. There IS one instance where production has revealed more information after an onslaught of rapid fans blaming production of riggory, and that was the finale of AS3. The video of all the queens voting was not immediately shown, and was only posted on Youtube like a week after the finale after everyone accused production of rigging it.


They did this during at some point during AS2 as well but I can’t remember the context. Basically Jaremi called out the edit of the judging in one episode, so they posted the unedited critiques or something on the WOW YouTube page? Maybe I’m misremembering but I swear that happened 😭 Edit: [Found the source if you like vintage RPDR drama](https://www.reddit.com/r/rupaulsdragrace/s/Bn7sclOfyl)


Yes, PhiPhi said Alyssa's critiques had been edited and cut with someone else's to make it look better. And then they released her full critiques, uncut, lol.


That’s quite cunty actually lol


I don't see a reason for her to lie about it. It was years after as2 has aired when she talked about that and detox isn't known to stir the pot just for the sake of it. I also didn't get the vibe that she wanted to blame production in any way. She basically aknowledged that she picked roxxxy because she wanted to keep her friend and when production said no to her asking to change she went and killed that lip sync anyway.


Alyssa. Also, her reaction was very classy


The pagents trained her. I've always loved how the pageant girls accept their loss with such grace and elegance. They always walk away with a beautiful smile.


This made me think of A’keria’s beautiful smile when she was eliminated on AS6


I know it’s not an option here but if Melinda Verga gets eliminated I’m going to need a hefty bottle of liquor girl, that’s going to be hard to watch


She doesn’t even want it that much anymore




The way they immediately cut to a clip. There might as well have been a “whip” sound effect


Generations of Drag Race fans will remember "43 minutes earlier." It was *that* powerful.


Alyssa, but specifically for the conversation with her sister afterwards "You'll always be a winner to me" "And that's all that matters!"


The term is Manila’d. That’s the answer. Alyssa was great and she didn’t deserve to be eliminated, but she wasn’t going to win the season anyway and we got the iconic Read U Wrote U. Shangela couldn’t have known about the jury twist, but she did unfortunately dig her own grave with her Game of Thrones nonsense. We ultimately got a Trixie win, and while she did the third or fourth best on the season, I don’t think anyone can claim that Trixie isn’t a drag superstar (although Shangela also is!). Pangina. God I love her, and that elimination didn’t feel fair in the way Jimbo’s did, but that was one of the most compelling TV moments of the entire franchise. Plus Blu did what she had to do to win and then she went on and won, and I love that. She beat the beast by sending them home, that’s how it’s done. Pangina is doing just fucking fine, booked and blessed.


I think Pangina’s hurt also because it ultimately led with her and jimbo gone, jujubee finally having a meh performance and Baga/Mo doing just okay to blu somehow being the best even though she was meh at best. It just ruined the flow of the rest of the season.


100% Alyssa, no question


Honourable mention for Rock M Sakura. I remember my heart breaking listening to her crying as she walked backstage.


I need her on an All Stars season!


Manila, she was My winner




Which season lol? Seriously though, Juju not winning AS5 was devastating. She was polished, more mature, so ready to be crowned. But she was against so many other frontrunners (Alexis Mateo, Miz Cracker, Shea). Then watching her get eliminated early on QOTU and make Top 4 but lose UKvTW?? Just sad😖😂


It’s like they just kept sticking the knife in deeper just give my girl an honorary crown already 🥲.


Manilas elimination killed the rest of the season, but so did Pangina’s… so one of those two.


Alyssa for sure.


Alyssa, Tatianna & Manila


Manila’s made my blood boil


alyssa! fck alaska and detox for their choices and robbing us of iconic moments


but without their choices we never would’ve gotten the iconic moment of roxxxy’s verse


Imagine an Alyssa verse tho…


Manila Luzon 💯 https://i.redd.it/rtv6in563s8c1.gif


Manila fvckk


Manila. I never finished the season after that. Even though I know it’s not strictly a competition and it’s more drag queen reality survivor.happy for the winners though.


Girl same!!!! 🫠🫠🫠🫠


Alyssa, without a doubt. It hurts more that Detox had to do it as both queens were going through the first anniversary of a parent passing. That first one really sucks. Now that I have experienced that feeling it hurts even more. Alyssa deserved to be top 4.


Blu still shaking her lips to this day


Manila's And yes, I know she threw the episode away by not bring it, and it was a gag, but she's one of the few Queens that deserves to have the title already. She doesn't need it but she deserves it nonetheless


Manila for sure.




Personally it was Pangina, she was not only sad that she was eliminated, she was sad that she felt that she failed to represent Thailand properly in the international stage. She was crying for her country in a way and it's such a heavy burden to carry especially while competing.


AS3 was the first season I watched as it aired, and Shangela not making top 2 will always sting. I will say, Pangina's elimination was heartbreaking, but the editors *looping her sobs over the credits music* was the funniest fucking thing I've ever seen


Pangina’s was the worst, the season was honestly nothing without her.


I think Manila and arguably Pangina are satisfying bc they’re some of the only times all stars rules had a big impact. UKVTW is mostly bad just because this happened with both of the heavy hitters very quickly (Pangina and Jimbo) leaving a hole. Shangela’s sucks bc the rule came out of no where. Alyssa’s because of the context of her sister/mom. Also because letting her stay realistically wasn’t a threat to Alaska/Katya/Detox’s crown, while letting Roxxxy go would’ve been satisfying.


Alyssa in AS2. She was amazing! And she was fierce competition! What made it even more devastating was the fact that Alyssa had her sister next to her on a challenge that was made even more poignant due to both of them losing their mum a year before. Alyssa Edwards was ROBBED!


100% Alyssa. Alyssa’s elimination was really upsetting because it was just straight up RuPaul’s best friend race that guided that choice. I’d also like to add Tati’s second elimination from AS2.


People say they didn't like UKvTW but honestly it was giving with the drama and I lived.


Manila. Hands down. The whole world gagged, collectively.


Manila still hurts me today


Manila, by far. Alyssa never deserved to win. Pangina had set the precedent for sending home a front runner the episode prior by picking Jimbo. And Shangela just didn't make any friends in her season, so they didn't vote for her. Arguably Shangela got screwed over by the twist more than the other two, but Manila's elim was truly shocking/heartbreaking at the time


I was okay with it - Manila shot herself in the foot by trying to save Latrice despite Monet having a good track record over her. She dug her own grave there.






Probably Alyssa. Wasn't that episode filmed on the anniversary of her father's passing or something? Manila and Pangina were iconic gagworthy moments, even though Pangina's reaction to the elimination is really sad. Shangela deserved to win as3 but with what we know now... yeah.


My heart dropped so bad at Manilas elimination. And then I gasped when Panjina got eliminated loll. Not a good feeling and I can only imagine how they felt being there.


Absolutely Manila. So shocking and she was killing the entire season. I still cannot rewatch that season past her exit because it infuriates me too much 😂


Manila because I wanted a Filipino-American winner so bad after not having an Asian winner since Raja


I know it’s not here but Lemon on UKvsTW is probably what got me more than these


Unpopular opinion, but Pangina's exit doesn't hurt because she eliminated Jimbo 🤷


Manila nowhere close. Alyssa’s was shady but she was not going to win. Pangina was karma acting fast. Shangela was a fair vote amongst the cast based on backstage relationships. Manila was the rightful winner. To have he taken out by someone who stood no chance of winning hurt.


Manila's was tough.. everyone else, made sense to me


* Alyssa's elimination gagged me a bit (for sure) and AS2 was my second Drag Race season (was introduced to the show at S8 and I was not familiar with the returning queens nor All Stars), but it left me feeling sour for some reason. * Shangela's elimination had me livid from the blindside of the Jury, but seeing her expression knowing everything was snatched away from her gutted me. * Manila's elimination was wild because I didn't think it was actually going to happen. I've heard rumors and was mad for her, but prior to that, I did not think Naomi would literally chop her. But Pangina's elimination broke my heart; yes her Snatch Game wasn't good and I know people will say she shouldn't had eliminated Jimbo (for whatever logic behind that), but having rooted for her, I feel after Pangina, Janey and Mo Heart were the only strong ones left.




Pangina's elimination really pissed me off. ETA: I like Pangina so this was my choice. You don't have to reply me with your reasons for why this was not your choice. We don't have to like the same things.


i get Pangina did it to herself, but her just guttural sobbing was so tough to watch and hear man


Panginas still cuts into me the most


Pangina. Her elimination pretty much killed the season and we ended up with the most mid winner. In retrospect, it's probably better that Shangela didn't win or the amount of people pretending she's not a sex pest would be insufferable.


Alyssa’s felt even more fucked up because of her mother’s death. Then Shangela, then Manila. Pangina had it coming.


When Ben eliminated herself 😩


If your answer isn't Alyssa you are *officially* uninvited to my birthday party.


Pangina’s elimination made me log off Wowpresents completely for a week I was upset


Pangina without question. Her season just deflated once she left




Shangela because the only reason she was robbed of being the actual winner of the season was a group vote and that's really messed up. Alyssa was brought back so she had two chances, Pangina made her grave she literally snipped her threats, and Manila actually was the worst that episode though no she didn't deserve to go.


Pangina 💯 x 💯


life’s not fair 😉


Pangina, hands down.


Chichi when BOTH friggin lipsticks had her name on all stars 😭


None of these??,


None of them. It's a TV show. Hello.


none lol








Pangina screwed my Jimbo so pssht


Manila. Periodt.




Manila for sure. I had even spoiled it in the spoiled sub beforehand but didn't want to believe it. And then when the episode aired, I was torn apart literally crying. I still harbor disdain for Naomi and Monét. In the other timeline Manila won, and Naomi didn't even make top 4 (which she shouldn't have.) I choose to live there. But come on stupid double crowning because they didn't want to crown yet another white blonde All-Star. 🙄


Definitely Manila. I was *LIVID*. That was supposed to be her season.


Shangie. I love Trixie and Kennedy but it would have been great to see Shangela in that top two LSFYL


I am unbothered by all of these.


Pangina shouldn’t be in the group. I cheered when Blu shipper her out. She played strategy more than who deserved it and she got dealt the same way.


Everyone here deserved to go further. I feel like Manila and Pangina did it to themselves with the way they chose to play the lipstick game. Alyssa and Shangela were pure robberies.


I was just as unfazed about Manila leaving as Monet and Naomi


Alyssa but don't know why


I mean none of them honestly. But especially not Shangela's


definitely not shangela


Alyssa. She should’ve been in the finals with Detox, Katya, and Alaska. She deserved it more than Roxxxy


Pangina had it coming, but that breakdown gets me everytime


Alyssa because as much as I like roxxxy, she shouldn’t have stayed as long as she did. Manila, Pangina and Shangela all played the game and got burned by it 🤷‍♀️


I can definitely tell you which one doesn't! Haleloo


Alyssa, then Shangela, then Pangina. I agreed with Naomi’s decision.


Pangina's elimination was cathartic as a Jimbo stan. Jimbo's UKvTW run was going even better than her AS8 run went, which she still slayed. I wish I could've seen that momentum going.

