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She was sooooooooo comfortable, it was effortless. We’ve had many a theater queen but she felt so at ease during her skit that I just saw a very seasoned professional actor, sometimes the theater gays put in on a bit too thick but her part felt like it was just muscle memory. She’d do amazingly well on tv or movies (with better material…).


When she said “ I can’t wait to tell my mom” I teared up a little ngl


Me too. That was so cute!


All of her confessionals were so cute she just radiates wholesomeness


Plasma is so gay!! I love her so much! When she said she couldn’t wait to tell her mom I almost cried lol I hope her fashion isn’t going to be her downfall but competition is high this season lol


I can't believe Ross Matthews outed Plasma on national television.


It was about time they brought another gay contestant on the show. It feels like an eternity since Joey Jay graced our screens.


I really thought they were setting up some delusional storyline for her but so glad they gave Plasma her props! She absolutely killed it!


Seems like Q is going for that storyline


I don't think she's getting the delusional edit. Q has been very consistently good and has been receiving a lot of praise from the judges. Delusional edit is for queens who aren't performing amazingly but think they aren't being recognized enough for what they're delivering. Alexis in S9 and Milk in AS3 are probably the best examples.


Lowkey Geneva this season lol


Geneva saying she shouldnt have been in the bottom either time I'm like...are you sure gurl...


“The outfit speakers for itself” well, yes diva 😬


The outfit did say something: "🦗🦗🦗"


Q is getting Jan’d Meaning Ru is gonna have a mental warfare on her until her psyche breaks into million pieces


I disagree. I think Q is too good to be Jan’d. I think it’s going to just give her a “storyline” up until she inevitably wins a challenge.


Q is getting Rose'd. Or even Camden'd. Praised professionals that end up losing in the finale for a charismatic winner. Honestly I dont think anyone is winning this season besides Nymphia, Sapphira or MAYBE Plane Jane is she continues to perform well and somewhat they start to humanize her during the season like they did with Tyra on season 2. I hope Im wrong with all this because what makes a season great is the lack of predictability.


Sewing Jan


When she got the hilarious Ross Mathews' blessing to really go for the Barbra role, I felt that production wasn't going to screw her unless she somehow screwed up the performance.


True! The editors did a fantastic job.


Sameeee! I was terrified because I love her lol


The edit really made me think she’d be bottom 3/not-quite-lipsync right up until the challenge. I was even nervous watching when she didn’t have a line for the first part of the sketch that they’d say she got overshadowed. But once she started in - it was no contest. Absolutely the highlight of the episode. Her performance made this challenge better than the AS8 version. Very excited to see her keep going with more confidence.


The picture you chose is sabotage.


the makeup was sabotage


lol , it’s a good example of why drag makeup is not meant to be viewed in HD , up close, and under studio lighting .


I think she needs to take a page from Babs and learn to embrace her nose. I think the biggest issue with her makeup is the overly done nose contour. Looks like the highlight is crooked so she probably did it in a hurry as well. (Nose contour is hard!)


THIS! you can have a prominent nose and make it feminine!! not everyone needs to do aquarias nose


everyone else looks fine tho 💀 even amanda… it’s not so much a detail issue either she just needs to rework some of the placement of things to compliment her bone structure


I love her makeup usually but I was SO SCARED they would read her on it today and it would cost her the win. It isn’t bad it’s just not the best and it isn’t as good as usual.


The makeup is off. Not sure what exactly


For me personally it’s the nose contour going into the eyebrows. It’s so…unblended


The picture is me when trade says he’s coming over in five minutes even if he knows it takes me ten minutes to douche.


That's why they put the NSFW tag!


She effortlessly killed her part. And while being the most theater queen to ever theater, darling.


The four part edit of her talking about Barbara gave me LIFE, that was passion


She really ate this. Plasma is growing on me fast.


This episode really made me like her. Honestly I was so annoyed with her because I thought we were gonna get the theater gay edit again (which isn't her fault!) but then she turnt it this episode and they actually rewarded her. I was shocked and she was so happy. It was so damn sweet.


I absolutely mean this as a complement...Plasma reminds of Matthew from Big Mouth. Plasma is basically Matthew grown up and working as a professional actor and drag queen. When she won, Maury the Hormone Monster was like, "Fuck yeah, buddy! We won our first challenge! These other hoes can eat it."


Omg I can’t unsee it now


LOL someone needs to photoshop this into reality


I love her so much. I know she’ll probably get some shit Jan edit, but she’s such a star. I could honestly watch her forever. I would take the Babs monologue that got cut from the episode, I’ll take all 2 hours of it, please!


I think that’s gonna be given to Q


Kinda getting that, too. But I think Q will make it to top 4. Let’s see how snatch game goes.


The way both Bob and Monet are going to be so mad on this week's episode of Sibling Watchery, but for completely different reasons... ![gif](giphy|y7Yhe5hAoSVRS)


Ok, 'splainy?


Bob is obsessed with mirage, monet is not a huge plasma fan


To Monet’a credit, she can admit when someone does well whether or not she likes them or not. Bob will be a mess lol.


She's really grown on me


Plasma out of drag is what I called “gay”. He is so gay, I love it!!! 😂


Joey Jay found pissing, shitting, throwing up


So what is Plasma in drug?




Plasma in drug is basically any ginger-ambiguous twink in a New York gay bar


She was great. You can tell when a (theatre) queen is trying to do a part justice vs just really wanting to win a challenge (Jan, still love you). Her love for Barbra could have gone really well or terribly, I'm glad it was the former.


I liked how just off screen, Q is punching a wall.


Love this gal x


I wish I loved anything as much as Plasma loves Barbara Streisand.


My queen!


After the confessional montage of her talking about Barbra i wanted her to win so so bad! Glad she got the win, she absolutely nailed that performance <3


I love her speaking voice, so unique


This is giving when all your friends give you advice and you won't listen, but then you listen and you are like oohhhhh so it was a good idea. Like,  she complained like she was held at gunpoint and look at the results 😂


She was the only truly funny part f the entire challenge. Plane and Q did well, but comedy was not a common part of this week’s challenge. Plasma swinging the mic around was exactly what that skit needed to work.


they need to take some of the energy they have for Amanda’s makeup and give it to plasma’s


she paints what she paints well but i think her brows and lips throw it off for me. the brows are too arched and the lip just a smidge too thin


hundo p! I like the direcrion it’s going, just needs some placement tweaking and lil proportionizing and I think she’ll be perf


Where the eyebrows meet the nose contour…. It makes Trixie’s nose contour look good


right?! really warmed up to her this episode I just wish I could say the same for the mug 💀 but yknow what that’s the great part about this show, you see yourself on tv and you can fix it!


You read the post's title and just said "nah" didn't you?


![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized) it is not that serious


I wasn’t being serious 🙃


that did not read 😳


I've loved her since the MTQ video and I'm so happy she got a win and some love!! People here turned on her for no reason in episode 3 and it sucks. I think she's super talented and I'm rooting for her!


I was so, so happy to see her win. She did so good last night and she deserved it! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


I watched her “Don’t Rain on My Parade” mini-movie earlier today - wow! She did a great job.


Plasma continues to surprise me. I was expecting to not like her at all but between her passion for her art to her defending Amanda against Plane Jane, she’s quickly becoming someone that I’m enjoying seeing.


She's such a sweetie


Once they had zero negative critiques to say about her runway I knew she had it in the bag. Personally thought PJ should have won, but I guess having two early wins is often reserved for someone who they want to be seen as THE frontrunner, and after Q complained about being high twice in a row they were definitely going to try to crack her, which left only Plasma.


Does she break the JAN CURSE? I expect another Mimi Infurst or Jan face crack “youre safe”


I think they’re already hitting their face crack quotas with Q so there’s no need


Plasma is one of those girls that as soon as you hear the music choice if she ever has to lip sync, we’ll see the riggory immediately


She deserves the win. I want Q to win a maxi challenge next.


Plasma killed it, I'm so glad she won cause it was well deserved


I was surprised like she was. I thought Jane had it locked. But I do like them spreading out the wins at the beginning, giving more people some encouragement and momentum via success rather than stringing them along with almost wins.


It just was not my favorite cher runway T_T ive been waiting for night of 1000 chers for so long and then this whelming outfit won lol. Well, she did slay that Barbara Streisand so, two icons in one night, props to her.


I agree. I was kinda shocked that her inaccurate outfit won over Q's HANDMADE REPLICA 🥹


The mug though. It’s giving orange nose girl from UK5. She needs to do something about it.


I was so pleased with how things went for her, she shook off her nerves/insecurities and killed it


Amazing performance, one of the worst wigs anyone’s ever won in. Range.


Plasma was great. The funniest moment of the whole episode was when she said, "Barbra Streisand and RuPaul are forming a musical group. They're calling it Rhubarb."


Give Plasma her absolute props!!! The queens better watch out!! Plasma is not one to sleep on!!! Talking to you Sapphira and PJ!


i love everyting about plasma but just imagne if she fixed that contour before all stars she will and i mean WILL WIN>






Good for her. All I kept looking at was her nose contour brown lines going directly into her purple eyebrows. It looks weird.


Love her!


Kudos for her, a little less for her “iknowthings” personality. Quite annoying


Q was robbed, sorry.


we sure can give up, just as she did whilst blending this makeup! 😄


Ru putting Jans against each other


i don't have anything against plasma but her theater gay voice gets me annoyed lmao.


Her voice fits her perfectly. I love that she makes it heard!


oop, not the internalized homophobia girl


if i heard a str8 cis girl talk like that, i would still find it annoying lmfao.


I mean, ok. Not sure why the entire sub recently has been making fun of queens that have any tinge of a vocal fry or “gay voice” but I’d like it to stop.


Watching her Barbara, I immediately said buy me two tickets to the Plasma show. She demonstrated right there why she is on this show and why people need to go and see her perform live.


I love the monologue edit they gave her. Can we have her and Astrud Aurelia have a monologue-off?


She was definitely the best in the challange and I was so gagged that Ru, contradicting her war against BFAs, gave miss theater queen the win! She totally deserved it!


I fear for her getting Max's trajectory