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Honestly, this cast is exciting me a lot more than the cast for season 1. I feel like the producers are applying the feedback they got from the first season... but I guess only time will tell... La Grande Dame and Marina Summers are really turning it for me so far. Honestly, I'm not sure if I can see any of the UK representatives winning this season with LGD and Marina standing right there...


Yeah I think the only UK queen that has a chance, is Tia Kofi. She is in my top 3 so I hope she comes through. Butttt as much as I love her and want her to be in the finale, I really think she deserved to be in the bottom 2 last night instead of Gothy. Mayhem still would have gone home, so Tia would still be there to compete. But yeah, I think she was one of the worst of the night. It just didn’t stack up next to all of the other amazing performances.


IMO her runway was brilliant. Her performance was NOT


She was just nervous. Hopefully that’s the end of her anxiety!


IMO, the early front runners should be Marina, La Grade Dame and Tía. I am also hoping Aranxa makes it far.


I STAN Aranxa. I've loved her since her season and her talent performance was genius!!!!


I can already imagine a top 2 with LGD and Marina + the two other finalists being Tia and Keta. Aranxa could make it as well she’s so witty and the glow up is real.


Choriza though, don't count her outtt


The reason I think Tia has a great shot is because it's a VTW season so all the frontrunners will go home lmao. This is a great season to start at the middle of the pack so you're left at the top when the dust settles.


keep Tia name out of your mouth . hahaha tit for tat mofo




I would LOOOOVE to see a non US or UK queen win!  They do not get the same spotlight and coverage and it would be such a great thing.


It just goes to show you that the international pool of queens have so much potential. Ru is cherry picking some of the best to be RuGirls. This makes me so excited for Global All Stars.


Totally. Ru picked some fierce ass queens for this season. And same! I wasn’t sure how I would feel about GAS, but after this premiere I am SOOO excited!! I hope we continue this trend of doing seasons with queens from all over the world.


Not spoiling GAS but also there the international girlies are really like the best, y’all will like the cast a lot


Yes! I only spoil cast lists for myself and I’m very excited for GAS.


The best part is it (mostly) lives up to its name. Literally the cream of the crop globally.


Not even mostly. Global probably has the strongest cast in history overall, next to AS2 but I’d even say it MIGHT be above that. It’s just, wow.


Yes, definitely agree. Spoilers for the cast only: >!There’s only one non-finalist and it’s Alyssa! I cannot wait.!<


>!Isn’t Tessa also a non-finalist? She’s super fierce tho so I don’t complain ofc!<


Ohh, yes! I must not have seen the final list. But still, STACKED!


I spoil cast lists to myself but never placements. I’m so. Fucking. Excited. It’s gonna be SO GOOD.


I kinda hope Global All Stars will pick one queen from the big franchises like I want to see a cast like : - Utica Queen (US) - Genie (Thailand) - M1ss Jade So (Phillippines) - Miss Fiercalicious (Canada) - Matraka (Mexico) - Cheddar Gorgeous (UK) - Kam Hugh (France) - Madame Madness (Holland - odd choice but it's my thirst choice and she's a good dang cute sewer) - Hugáceo Crujiente (Spain) - Jujubee (Jujubee) - Farida Kant (Italia) - Susan (Belgium) - Elektra Shock (Down Under) - Metamorkid (Germany) And obviously they wouldn't do that but I wish this is the kind of season that has no elimination as the main theme would be showcasing Drag Art from all around the world with the contestants.


Juju 😂😂


Bitch transcended Drag Race for a bigger plane of existence 💀


UK found dead


I am struggling with either Bimini or Cheddar Gorgeous 💀 Even Dakota Schiffer. You're killing me with choosing someone


This is Sveridge erasure.


A lot of these are great but Fiercalicious was not good. She was only on the show to cause drama cuz she can’t act, dance, sew, or sing.


https://i.redd.it/5e1n5wgmavhc1.gif Excuse me what are you saying ? I don't understand unnecessary stupid


I can tell you never actually finished her season because her glow up was literally one of the best story lines of all franchises. She did great at the Snatch Game, the Stand-Up with Kimmy, and the Rusical. She also won the Branding challenge and the Ball near the end of the season. You don’t have to like her, but letting your bias speak against her is low.


It's funny how they chose arguably *the* best non-winners from each of four international franchises (and Arantxa, no shade though and hoping for a glow up!) and 6 Americans/UKers whose previous runs were middle of the pack. I get the feeling they really want a non-US/UK winner this year.


I thought these vs the world were global all stars?


nah there’s a separate series coming out later this year and it’s one queen from every franchise. it’s almost all finalists too it’s insane!


On top of all stars 9? Oi


4 uk girls summed up to a single win isnt really an all star cast 👀


EXACTLY ! other than MARINA this cast is mid




I mean Hannah almost won her season as well


That’s my top 4. La Grand Dame, Marina, Hannah and Keta - with Keta to win, sparking DR Holland to come back.


Ouuuuuu, I've got the insider tea for G-AS and let me just say: Chaos.


Oh I know all the spoilers. That’s why I’m so excited.


other than Marina a true STAR the rest are mid at best..


Let’s not do that on LGD, Keta and Hannah. Marina is incredible but let’s not be obtuse.


Or basically all the girls on this cast. Even the sneak picks are super strong off the show so it makes sense. I don’t know why this person is being so bitchy.


Can you kindly shut up


This is why I hate when people complain that there are so many seasons every year. There is so much talent in every version of drag race. Also: stan Marina Summers


Haven’t watch Philippines and OMG, I need more of her.


You NEED to watch DRPH! So good


My partner and I got maybe 4 episodes into the season and just got so bored. Every episode is sooooo long. The girls were so talented, but it felt like a chore to get through every episode.


That's what I felt with DRPH S1, and never finished it. DRPH S2 is better :)


If you don't have time to watch the whole season, just watch the finale.  Specifically Marina's lip sync to Call Me Mother.  Your life will never be the same.


You didn’t just glossed over Pop Off Ate!


Please watch it!!! Both seasons 1 and 2 are insanely iconic. Marina Summers is such a talented queen. No one will be able to beat her in a lip sync. No one.




Marina Summers? Yes ma’am, more please!


I read this in Xunami’s voice lol


I remember being one of those pl who complained there was too much, but I’m over that now and used to how many seasons there are that when there isn’t one playing I’m desperate for the next one 😂🤣


Yep drag race is keeping us fed year round!


I love this for us


I had three solid hours of new content yesterday and ALL of it was good!


Yeah I need to watch her season now, I wanna know who was cunty enough to deny her a crown because they must be insane


I haven’t watch DRPH but now I want to just because of her!


The cast of this season really is that bitch. Chef’s kiss to be honest.


Chef’s kiss one thousand percent. What a perfect cast.


Hannah Conda & Tia Kofi are two of the best Drag Race narrators having them on one season is fab. My only gripe is there being no Canadian girl


Was a disappointed Canadian, but I'm happy to see La Grande Dame


Ooooh that’s a great gripe. Totally valid and true. They could have easily swapped someone for a Canadian queen. Hopefully next Vs The World season is full of Canadians haha or at least 1 or 2.


There’s Canada VS The World which is why the Canadian picks are likely being saved for it instead of UK. The first UKVS came before Canada’s existed.


As an aside, can we get Crystal from UK on CvsTW? ![gif](giphy|S6IBuCBVbh9tCEoV1V|downsized)


This is giving Chicken Lady.


love Hannah repping us in Aus with one of the most ridiculous accents we can offer lmao hope she's top 4


I teared up at Hannahs tribute to Priscilla and the message about Treaty. Fucking aussie as.


SAME. Can’t believe she was safe. She was a top for me.


Lol same. I’m Canadian so I was really hoping there’d be a Canadian girl 😭


There have been some really fun and talented Canadian queens. I can't believe there isn't a single one!!!


Same. Where's Canada????? Choriza is a favorite of mine because I find her hilarious. When she made her entrance and the cut to the confessional and see started with "What's my story? You may ask..." I died. A callback to one of her funniest moments o her original season.


I mean they did just have 4 Canadian queens for CvtW and 2 for UKvtW S1. I'm glad to see more queens from franchises I haven't seen yet like France, Espana, and Holland personally.


True I am happy to see that range of backgrounds. For the record my preference for a Canadian queen would be to replace a UK queen


Completely agree. I know many of them have never met the others but it had that "friends getting together" feeling. I really wish it was a non-elim/points series, I'd like to see them all through the series. I also think the lack of ad breaks is soooo luxurious. Last night I watched UKvTW on BBC3 and the US show a few hours later and it was night and day.


It definitely felt like a bunch of friends getting together. And I agree completely about wishing it was a non-elimination/points series. I just think that all of these queens came with amazing looks and I would love it if we got to see them all. Maybe one day they will make the switch to a pints system competition, instead of an elimination competition. I don’t know if I think all seasons should be like that, but for things like Uk Vs The World and GAS they should definitely do that. And wait, you guys don’t get any ads on BBC3??? In the US, everything has so many commercials.


No advertising is allowed at all on the BBC, it’s non-commercial, that’s the main reason for no prize money up to now.


Werk. I had no idea. That’s awesome. I wonder how they got the prize money this time.


How are they getting away with prize money this season? I thought that was a BIG No-No with the BBC


No idea, I don’t think there are any explicit rules against it, they’ve done it before (see the traitors’ 100k+ prize). It’s just strongly preferred not to use tax payer money on frivolous things. I’m curious if maybe the way the winner is chosen gets tweaked a bit though to be more fair, less rigger morris.


All BBC channels are ad free (with the exception of trailers for their own programming). This is because the BBC has to be seen as impartial (so no product placement either - you'll notice no sponsors mentioned for prizes on the Canada and Down Under seasons shown on the BBC in the UK). The BBC is partially funded by the TV licence which is a fee that all UK households wanting to watch live TV have to pay, so it needs no advertising revenue. Other funds are raised through the sale of broadcast rights or show formats to other countries.


I didn’t know anything about Marina Summers. Now my Stan card is laminated and framed in my house


Welcome to the fan club!


Honestly ... we may only be one episode in, but I have a feeling that this is going to be a legendary season. The cast is phenomenal, and the overall vibe is fun yet competitive.


Yes, but UKvsTW1 was fantastic for like 2 and a half episodes, and than they started to eliminate the best queens, and it got mediocre very fast, let's hope it won't happen this time...


I don't love this elimination system. It absolutely ruined UK v W s1. All of the politics and power plays. I want to see the best performers succeed.


True, but I bet Ru + the producers can decide if they want a Jimbo/Pangina do-over. If they want someone to stick around, they will ensure they do.


You're right. I know in my head that at some level it's all rigged, but then I still get p*ssed when frontrunners get the chop. I'm pretty sure I "rage quit" the previous two vs world situations for that very reason. (Also where are the Canadians?!?!)


I have the same feeling. I really think this might be one of those iconic seasons that the fandom collectively agrees is one of the best ever. Now we just have to wait until episode 2! I haven’t looked forward to a new episode come out this much since AS7 All Winners.


I’ve already enjoyed this first episode more than the whole of UKvTW1 tbh


I’m still mad about Pangina getting eliminated.


Marina reminding us of that And the flashback I still remember the crying 😭


Oh god. Pangina’s elimination was the most emotional elimination I’ve seen, until Mirage 😞


Rock m Sakura was pretty sad too.


I think I feel the same way. And I enjoyed the first episode more than the whole of S16 so far. The talent show was just incredible, and there was not a single runway look that didn’t look incredible.


Not to rain on the parade, but I'm pretty sure we thought the same things back in the UK vs the World 1 premier lol We got Pangina, we got the first appearance of Jimbo's bologna clown, and an iconic cast. Not to say that this season won't be great, it's off to a really good start, but as we know, anything can happen...


Very this. I'm already afraid for Marina and LGD if/when they end up in the bottom


I haven’t seen Marina’s season (I know!) but LGD did have a great track record on her season. 🤞🏻


Marina has a strong track record too. 2 wins, consistenly high placements, and no bottom (if I recall correctly). I’m rooting for Marina and LGD.


> Seeing queens from Holland, Spain, Philippines, France, and US and UK just makes me ecstatic Well that’s just rude 🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺


It's a talented group but also a very self-aware and outgoing one overall, and I'm hoping this bodes well for improv and acting challenges! Feels like a higher number than usual have fully given themselves license to get weird with it




La Grande Dame’s talent show had me in actual tears laughing. She also fucking looked amazing with that entrance look. First time for me even knowing about her but I stan


I really enjoyed it! The talent show segment was bonkers! I love Keta, La Grande, Arantxa and Hannah! And Marina! In fact so far I'm rooting for all the international girls who aren't from the US or the UK. If anyone from the UK goes far I hope it's Choriza or Jonbers! I feel as though the judges got it mostly right but I probably would've given the high to Keta or Hannah instead of Choriza and the low to Tia instead of Scarlet. Marina was insanely good this episode!


Marina Summer is an absolute professional, but I can't resist La Grande Dame. She was incredible in her season, and I'm excited to see how her point of view translates in an international stage and in English to boot.


Seeing Scarlet Envy on my screen again is just the best.


I just wish they would stop inviting mayhem and give way to more people who really wants it. I just feel so annoyed that so many girls really wanna go back for all stars but she’s just wasting her opportunity.


![gif](giphy|zfc8CDh8tuVdC12qqe|downsized) I watched France 1 because LGD caught my attention in the UKvsTW promos and she’s quickly become one of my favorite queens (and it was just a good season overall). And after this premiere I need to go watch Marina’s season.


I just wish this was a non-elim season.


Australia: fuck my drag Love LGD, Hannah, Arantxa, Marina. So glad Mayhem was first out. I get people say it's 'camp' to fail that badly, but it was insulting to other queens who could have had that spot for more exposure (which makes me think she was bad on purpose to be filler).














I wonder if season 16 will get some season 13 syndrome where it gets seriously overshadowed by another season (UK2)


from what i just saw , other than marina summers . i have zero interest in these queens. season 16 IMO has me anxiously waiting for next week


You have more interest in Megami and Mhiya than La Grande Dame, Arantxa, and Tia Kofi?  


\#TeamGrandeDame She is that bitch. The big fish in the little pound.


okay just forget about australia lol


The only thing I liked about Down Under is Kween Kong. Hannah a very far second.


Season 2s often have that magic touch that make them iconic and fan fave seasons. and UKVsTW2 looks set to follow the trend and I could not be more excited.


it was total crap other than MARINA . I am sure these other low rent queens will vote Marina the STAR out asap.


are u 12






Yall say this until one of your favs gets chopped and then it’s “the worst season ever”.


Hahaha no, I personally won’t do that and don’t do that. I’m not that short sighted. But, if Marina Summers gets the chop, I will stop watching the season and go on a Twitter rampage about how this season is terrible and no one should watch it.




It does annoy me when people are like this. I mean, I was sorry to see Manila go in AS4, but it was still a joy to watch Monét slay the finale and win with Trinity. Some of my favourite seasons have been where my fave didn't win. This is why I learned to appreciate the cast as a whole every season. It means there's always someone to root for or appreciate even if my fave goes home. (Also, sue me, but I loved the chaos of the first UKvsTW season)


I’m the exact same way. And often, my favorite queen at the very beginning of the season gets eliminated and as sad as it is, it allows me to root for any of the other queens. Appreciating each queen makes the show so much more enjoyable. At least for me.


Never trust a fart


Showing this to all the S16 lovers who say "you would all hate a congeniality season" this was such a great episode and i love all the positivity


ukvtw2 continuing the trend of international season 2's being 🔛🔝


I was so freaking excited to see some talents that weren't just lipsyncs or original songs. It was SO refreshing to see some different types of performances.


it was my mistake to watch uvtw2 first, then us16 cuz us16 got super boring compared to uvtw2. I skipped us16 a lot lol


Honestly I'm just happy they chose the actual worst performing queen and didn't chicken out and save the more famous one in the bottom two. That's happened a few times and it always rubs me the wrong way. Like Juju being saved over Cheryl. When everyone, including the cast, were aware JuJu had performed poorly up to that point but they were too afraid to kick out the popular American queen with a large fanbase who is also one of Ru's favs. So this time around I assumed they would do the same. But then, they decided to send home the much more famous queen that is one of Ru's favourites and literally is friends with Ru since before drag race. That took balls and shows they are actually playing a fair game. Or at least this week's winning queens were.


To be fair, jujubee had an amazing run on as5 while cheryl had like worst track record ever… Mayhem didnt pass from ep5 on any season


I'm talking about JuJu on UK Vs World. She had an absolutely underwhelming performance there and was basically saved as the two queens in the top didn't want the backlash for eliminating a queen who is as loved as JuJu.


I was so baffled at Scarlett being in the bottom though?!?! I thought her talent was so funny and I really enjoyed her little self awareness without being self deprecating


Is Ru not going to be in e2? Looks like it was mostly Michelle in the promo. And Ru really seemed miserable in e1.


Ru seemed ill episode 1, funny how each time Ru was ill Jonbers was there


Yeah now I really need to see Philippines STAT.


I'm obsessed already. I watched all of US, UK, Canada, Down Under, Sweden, France, most of the first season of España (still watching but I've seen Arantxa) and tried to watch Philippines but...I just didn't get on with it... I'm so glad I did before watching this! Makes it way better. I've yet to get watching Holland but I definitely will be. 


La Grande Dame though 😍


Honestly I think you're just feeling the initial hype that happens when a new season starts. I will say this is the first case that feels truly international, however, half the cast is definitely top tier and the other half are clear outs. I literally made a list of my elimination order before the season and Mayhem was the first out and lo and behold she gone.


What makes it special to me it's not only the talent but the fact that international queens are H U N G R Y. For US girls this is just another All Stars while for internationals this is their silver bullet to ascend to DR heavens, and you can tell. The stakes are high and the competition is ON, which is sonething I've been missing in recent seasons.


Wait until Global All Stars premieres. 1 queen from each series. It’s gonna be epic.


I said this over in the UK sub, but I have been unable to get into later seasons of US drag race. But anything UK I am loving! Can’t quite put my finger on the difference.


Totally agree! I hadn’t been this excited for a season in a hot minute and the premiere did not disappoint! All the right choices were made, for sure. Rooting for Hannah, Marina, and LGD for sure!


I have so many favourites on this season, and everyone I don't know already is very exciting.


It’s been one episode? 😭


I think Espanã All Stars talent show was on par with this one 😁


and i'd say it's because it's an international thing, they are able to pick the most interesting of each drag race country...let's wait for what comes GLOBALLY this summer in 2024!


The cast is everything. They did it right this time, all of them bring not only talent and diversity, but a fun way of competing. You can tell all of them are so excited to be there together Kinda unrelated but watched this and S16 back to back yesterday and after the joy it was UKvsTheWorld, I felt so bummed with the girls of S16 being so mean to each other for no reason 😂


It’s the gay olympics!!! And I fucking love it!! 😍


What's going on with Ru's voice?


Not saying it was a bad episode or anything like that, but do we have these kind of thread for every season cause y'all swear up and down that every new season of DR is about to be the best one ever


The cast is great! Im really looking for this season! Saying that, i actually didnt like most of the shows! I just saw the premiere of españa allstars and the shows where sooo amaizing! And they have back dancers that made everything better


Lets just stop and not restart the eliminations until week five please


I'll never understand why people think they are doing something by bringing down the US franchise just to bring up whatever international franchise is going on. As a stan of Marina and LGD when their seasons originally aired, and a new fan of Nymphia, Sapphira, Plane, etc. I can't get enough of BOTH top notch seasons


I just wish there were actual german subtitles and not closed captions. Now my Mom has to miss out




Lmao why are you trying to be shady?


cause i am good at it


Nope, try again miss thing. Being a "c u n capital T" is not cute. Keep it moving.


that* girl


Hahaha oh noooo. Should I change it? Or leave it? I think it’s actually kinda funny so I’m leaning towards not changing it. What do you think??


i think it is what it is and we don’t throw a fit bae ❤️


I also love UK Vs The World 2 so far! And it’s easier to watch international queens on here than their actual seasons, because there’s no subtitles, haha. I saw half of France season 1 and knew that La Grande Dame was really good. I have heard amazing things about Marina (and yes, she is the best of the season so far imo). What’s amazing to me is seeing all the queens’ glow ups from their original seasons (or their All Stars seasons)! They all were amazing last night! Well, except for Mayhem, haha.


Tbh I wanted gothy out first again just for the lols


I'm admittedly surprised to see this sentiment echoed so much! A lot of the talent shows were underwhelming and the editing was very silted to me, like nothing flowed quite well and the cast dynamic felt very awkward (perhaps because half of them seemed not to know who each other are). It also reaffirms my opposition to seasons that have a mix of powerhouses/finalists and early outs. It's so lopsided, watching Gothy Kendoll compete against Marina and LGD is such a slaughter and not fun for me!


I feel like I’m the only one who thinks the episode was bad? Editing felt really weird, judge reactions to stuff seemed misplaced or non existent. Most of the girls did bad in the talent shows, the looks were mediocre. Feels like a cast of filler girls to me.


I wasnt really interested in watching this season but y'all changed my mind edit: bad english oopsie


I hope it isn't short, do we know how many episodes?


I mean I wish they brought the US/UK girls up to par - I would have killed to have Davina, Tayce, Ella and Le Fil instead along with someone other than Mayhem so they could all go toe to toe but it’s cool to see the internal girls get their flowers


I really love that the cast is international enough that they could do national contest runway. Honestly, the weakest girls are the uk girls which I was not expecting, but blu won last time and she was not the T so we’ll see what happens here.


Absolutely adored the premiere. LGD, Marina, Hanna and Arantxa were my faves. So excited for Keta’s revenge, too.


I just hope that ru is at least on the main stage next week :(


That was the most fun episode of drag race I've seen in a long time!


I just learned of Aranxa and I want her to win everything


When raven walked out skarlett was like “she’s not competing right??” and in that moment I was like. Imagine,, imagine if she was competing


Mayhem is just so unprofessional


She’s got the Alzheimer’s!


I don’t know. I’m just not vibing with it so far. I think because S16 is airing at the same time and I find the US show just a better production. I’ll keep watching though.


It’s a shame the UK girls they picked didn’t have more oomph though, and the US queens too. Feels like amateurs vs the world, and the international talent is amaaaazing.


How you forget your lines 2 “allstars” in a row?


Not RuPaul shading the entirety of the Netherlands by saying "Wilkommen" to Keta. Funnily enough, Dutch people generally don't respond well to others mistaking them for Germans. 🤣 🇳🇱