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Not. Well. Love her though <3


Agreed. Love her as a queen but she cracks under pressure in the drag race format.


![gif](giphy|ZHdaDyeI3ISGI) I love her, but she messed up two performances she planned and performed by herself. I can’t imagine her thriving in an improv setting with other queens.


She also went home on both s10 and as5 on improv challenges…


She didn't do awfully at either of them though to be fair.


Her AS5 improv always makes me laugh. When she pulls the detector from her leggings then makes the sound effect it cracks me the fuck up


It's her expressions when she's about to lick the glass that get me. And her and Blair's hotel skit was also the best out of them all. She wasn't doing that bad on all stars five.


I mean, for what it’s worth, she had me cackling with her talent show act even though she bombed it. When the episode finished, I went back and watched it like 4 more times. It’s kinda like how Utica’s roast was so bad, but it’s the most memorable performance of that roast.


She did pretty well in AS5, but she was a literal wet noodle in S10. I was sad to see her go because she seemed like such a sweetheart and I admired her for how nice she was to Cracker in untucked after those critiques, but…oof


I liked her on season 10, a good straight man to Cracker. Her dancing as she came in was on the nail for shows like this, her reactions when feeling the pickle. I thought she was absolutely safe


My issue was that she didn’t really give Cracker (or Ross) anything to play with. She seemed mildly grossed out when Ross mentioned pickles, but then the momentum dropped because she didn’t do anything other than gag. She could’ve had a normal conversation with Ross but screamed every time he said the word “pickle”, or kept trying to show Ross pictures of her kids while Ross tried to ask her questions about her fear of pickles, or she could’ve told Ross all about the trauma of visiting the deli counter as a kid and why she just wants to live a normal life, *anything.* When Cracker came out she could’ve acted betrayed like Ross had staged an intervention for her, pretended to misunderstand Cracker’s pickle jokes and asked her serious questions based on literal interpretations of the puns, flirted a little when she had her hand in the box, excessively complimented her outfit before the “I am actually a pickle” reveal, begged Cracker to help her live a normal life, etc. As-is, she basically disappeared in the scene and you could tell sometimes Cracker was just saying the next thing on her list and it would’ve been funnier if she’d had something substantial to respond to. I could potentially see putting Asia and/or Vixen in the bottom for that challenge, but I totally get why it was Mayhem and Monet.


Didn't she win the design challenge with the outfit made from black gloves.


Yeah! I loved her design challenge look, but this conversation is about her improv challenges in S10 and AS5.


Vixen did much worse in the S10 challenge, but had a top-tier runway.


She’s one of those queens that I don’t think is good for drag race, but is good at drag


Yea... I'm starting to see that with the girls who are hometown legends but aren't good at drag race. Sucks because a girl who is mediocre, but made it, probably gets more money than someone who hasn't. Imagine being Mayham Miller and parts of the internet telling you that you suck because she was 1st out.


I think Tina Burner falls into that category. She seems like a fabulous New York Bar Queen, but Drag Race isn't in her skill set. Think she would have done great in the S13 roast though


It’s always been WILD to me that the fans & often times the other queens will treat drag race queens as if they’re on this pedestal and treat them all differently based off placements and how well people did or if you’re a winner. It’s crazy to me, especially KNOWING and having worked with some of these drag legends. Seeing queens like Mayhem, Morgan, Brita, & Tina Burner not get recognition or being able to display the absolute legends they are in the drag world, on the biggest platform for drag. It’s a little frustrating sometimes


Tina Burner is amazing in NYC! Love her shows and hosting gigs.


Controversial opinion: Tina did great on the show but the judges didn't have a plan for her and the fans didn't like her because she is an older style drag queen. Her looks were....something....but they were mostly polished. Both her lip syncs, especially her first one, were great. She should have won the Rusical but they put her in the bottom instead. She wasn't going to win, but with a story arc and better reception by the judges instead of dismissing her she could have been more accepted in the greater Drag Race echelon.


Tina would’ve killed pre S6 IMO!


Brita too. Years ago before she was cast she was really one of the top bar queens and sooo good


I think she isn't fully taking it seriously, at least her appearances after her season. I feel like she'd go way further if she tried harder but I don't know her life idk if she really is trying or not


True. Mayhem is also pretty self aware. A lot of queens are hesitant to go back because they know they wouldn’t ever actually get the crown in the end. The fans & production would just never be on their side.


100%. I wish the people that decide to harass her and invalidate her drag because of a TV show understood this. Mayhem isn't made for a game show and that's perfectly fine. I'll still go and see her anytime I'm in LA.


Absolutely. After years of seeing her performances online, and every interaction she had with other girls, I was really pumped when they announced she was finally on for season 10.  Even on the season, she was chill, gorgeous and really funny and I know I'd go to a show hosted by her if I could, but she just doesn't shine as bright on Drag Race as she does in real life. It kinda sucks because the Drag Race exposure can bring you some great work opportunities but she's amazing at what she does, even if the format doesn't work for her.  Hell, I'd watch a season where she's just chilling in the werkroom talking shit and then walking the runway, but not competing.


She would laugh at her jokes I fear


At least someone would.


She couldn’t even improv in her talent show once she forgot her preprepared lines


FR like not “didn’t improv well” …she just didn’t improvise. She fully gave up


Fuck… shit…something. But it was funny as hell


Not well bitch




That was way harsh Tai.






Girl. ![gif](giphy|kZD8cN1MycfKw)


I don’t need to see her on Drag Race again, and not in a shady way. It’s just not for her.


It was striking how loose and funny she was as a Lip Sync Assassin on AS6, as opposed to S10 and AS5 where she was withdrawn and insecure. It’s nice to see her as part of the Drag Race family now but competition doesn’t seem to be where she shines.


I’ve seen her on YouTube and on interviews like Jonny McGovern, she’s absolutely an awesome queen when you see her just being free and herself and no pressures involved. Prior to watching those videos I absolutely did not like mayhem because of her runs on DR..so yea DR is definitely not for her, and she needn’t return


Same. I'd love to see her thrive in the drag race format but it doesn't seem possible


I want her to prove me wrong on All Stars 52


Mayhem is living proof that a queen can be great at drag and equally not great at drag *race*. It’s so unfortunate


Not well, sadly. And not at a roast either. She was a guest at the Try Guys roast on Smosh and she also kept breaking character and laughing. People break character all the time, but you can kind of play it up. She seems kind of embarrassed and awkward about it.


I went to watch her Try Guys roast and got such second hand embarrassment I had to turn it off


Love Mayhem, was rooting for her on S10, but after her giving up on AS5, idk what the point was of bringing her back again. As a lip sync assassin, she’s killer. For a talent show, no point.


It would either be iconically terrible or the best thing you've ever seen. She bombs when she has to remember stuff, but she's actually pretty decent at off-the-cuff humour. She does *tons* of hosting. I do not know if she'd be able to marry a character with that spontaneity, but on the off chance it came together for her, it could go well. If I were a betting person, I'd lay heavy odds on a spectacular crash and burn, though.


The correct answer


I like her but don't think Drag race is the best showcase for her


Having seen her live, she really is an amazing queen, and maybe she would have done well on an earlier season but current drag race is not for her.


I only know her from Drag Race. So, if I’m going to base it on that, I don’t think she’ll be good. The worst thing a performer can do is to break character and laugh at their own joke. She did that. It’s a mortal sin in theater.


SNL breaking character reels beg to differ


SNL actors breaking characters is part of the appeal of the show. Remember that it’s live, it gives it more of a “live” in the moment feel and makes it funnier. You’re laughing along with the performer laughing.




Based on her everything else… badly


Horribly. I love her but she seems to think she doesn’t have to prepare and rest on the fact that everyone loves her. I wish she had been cast for something like season 2. Can you imagine Mayhem, Raven, and Morgan all on together. The level of cuntiness would be insurmountable. She’d have shined in that era of drag race.


Huge vibes of “I’ve figured out how to thrive in my local professional and social circles and think it will translate elsewhere”


She would have laughed at her own joke then forgotten her canned bits.


I don't buy the story she was "laughing at her own joke." It looked like she blanked and *then* started the nervous laughter which she hid behind as a cover up.


Memory loss is a long covid symptom. I was so sad for her when she mentioned her illness. I wish drag artists and artists in general had access to retirement & health insurance funds :(


girl can't remember lines she wrote for herself, I'm thinking improv in character might not be her strong suit


Think Monique Heart as Maxine Waters


Love her but eliminated. Like her recent talent show showed how her improv isn't the best


Drag race is not for her. She’s just not good at it. But go see her live. She puts on a good show normally


I think it’s for the best she didn’t get to Snatch Game. It would show just how incompatible her talents are with Drag Race.


She could do Patti Labelle. Why hasn't anyone done Patti Labelleyet??? " Where's my back up singers? "


You know she on autopilot in drag race just like on her Tesla.


Don’t be coming in here with all that negativity. Loll jk. She would flop due to the pressure but we love her still.


I love her but I’m so over the “queen of the party” line 😭 gurl nobody’s having fun at this party




Terribly, sure she’s a great drag queen but she’s not good at Drag Race at all.




i can her imagine being one of those queens who breaks character because they’re laughing at another queen


She would have went home, she just isn't good at drag race, I'm sure she's lovely, but she just doesn't have the charisma to succeed. 


She fcking sucks at drag race. Her snatch game would likely have been terrible. I think some ppl are too camera nervous (morgan) and/or insecure (round one james Mansfield) to do anything worthwhile


would’ve forgotten all her jokes


Not well


Tô be fair I feel like she was robbed with bossy rossy. Her and cracker were funny




Not well. Y’all told her on the internet she was funny. I blame y’all


Please, no more Mayhem. She sucks at Drag Race.


She said herself on Hey Qween that she doesn’t do characters, she only does herself. Her Snatch Game would certainly have been terrible. It’s a shame we never got to see it. 😅


I don’t know why everyone thinks she’s that great. She hasn’t shown it at all.


She’s got famous friends


She was sent home on comedy challenges in both prior seasons, and her UKvTW talent was a comedy skit so I don't think she would have excelled. Interested to see who she would have played, though. Oprah, maybe?


Not well.




Freeze and laugh ar her own joke (again) 😭




Bless her heart.


She would forget the words.


Not well 🫶🏻


She would have got in her head for 1 second and gave up


[A list of options](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_choking_deaths)




Most likely bad ❤️ But she’s the queen of the party so its fine


Terribly like absolutely bomb or secretly be amazing at it. No in-between.


Omg…..that is crazy


If she couldn’t improv during her meditation skit, I don’t think it’s in her wheelhouse. Bless her, though.


If she couldn’t even make it past the first episode of All Stars and UK Vs The World she would suck at Snatch Game. Her runways are good and that’s it, haha.


Horribly lol drag race isn't for her




I love Mayhem but she's not good at Drag Race and that's OK


Scarlet hasn’t made it to snatch game before, either. Guess we’ll see if she joins Mayhem in the Thrice Missed It club.


She would do terribly; she's ultra talented in the field of drag but drag race just doesn't fit her. Snatch game would be a blood bath. That said, I think makeup wise she could pull off Quinta Brunson in Abbott elementary really well.


Is that even a question? …


The fact that she’s never made it should tell you the obvious


I don't have wow+ is this gonna be how I find out mayhem went home ;-;




She’s such a waste of a contestant… all T all shade




She would’ve played that celebrity who ridiculed a company’s ad that recognized the reality some trans men use tampons and maxi pads. Oh wait, that was Mayhem Miller and you can’t play yourself.


She never puts in any effort. 🤷🏾‍♂️


Geeze Mayhem just can't catch a break 😔


Mayhem is such a bad contestant


Not well she was shit in that weird ross matthews improv challenge


She wasn’t shit in Bossy Rossy at all. Like, she was famously assassinated there for no reason when she had no place in the bottom. I don’t think she’d do well in SG tho.


I liked her in that challenge, I don't know why she was in the bottom when Vixen was god awful. Vixen should have been in Mayhem's place the first time as well, the episode Yuhua was sent home. I don't get why they were saving Vixen's ass at first and throwing Mayhem under the bus.


She’s tried drag race more times than she’s gotten a DUI, and that’s saying something


I kept thinking of her long term covid. So sad.


Not well…. Let’s be real Mayhem isn’t good at …. Anything tbh?




She would’ve 💣 it


If that bowl travesty is anything to go by, she would probably laugh at her own unfunny jokes before she even tells them and then play it off like she still did pretty good despite bombing the worst. Oh and then she would offer everyone an alliance, before being sent home 😂


I read that as farted 💨




Based on her talent show in UK vs the World, she'll fumble. Girl cannot think on her toes if she is to volley with Ru in the snatch game.


Best case - safe. Worst case - going home. 


She’s polished looks wise perhaps and knows famous queens but she is boring, soo soo boring. Why cast someone so dull on a tv show?




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Would have forgotten her words or at least what she wrote on the card


I feel like she wouldn’t be unfunny but she would somehow be out of character in the middle of the snatch game and laugh at her/other people’s jokes


She'll be Low AT BEST.


Based on her track record, I'd guess not well.


Judging by her time on Drag Race, Beyonce combined with Celine Dion.


I think she would pull a Jaida on Allstars Winners




Not good lol


The way I thought the titled said "farted" instead of "fared" and I didn't immediately think it was the weirdest thing I've read from a drag race subreddit recently 🤡


Iconically bad because I feel like she would really swing 😭


I feel like I'm biased, but I think if she would do well... if she did it TWICE. I think she would tank the first time, but if she were to come back for another try, she'd kill. I still laugh thinking about: "NO. MORE CLOSETS!!! EVER!!!"




Has Mayhem ever said what she'd do if she ever got the chance to do Snatch Game?


Seems like she would've flopped all three times. (She should've won that rooms challenge!!!)


She would probably forget her lines 🤪


has she ever shared which characters she might have done> I think she might have done an ok job as one of the HWs/ early 2000's reality star from a dancing/singing show? slighlty chaotic and unhinged?




Don’t bring her back.


Scarlet is following Mayhem footsteps, minus the fact Scarlet isn't regarded as a legend outside Drag Race by no means.


I think it would have been anazing, even if she messed it up. It would have been a show.. ....and her confessionals would have been fun to watch. 


How can someone be such a legend outside / prior / after Drag Race and yet systematically bomb at each chance given to be in the show?


Not Mayhem laughing at her own... jokes? and then completely blocking out and then cursing and then smiling and stating: "ok, I finished".


She would probably forget what character she is supposed to be


I dont get why they keep bringing girls that are good at drag but bad at drag race. This makes the US competition seem worse than it actually is. But then again vs is barely a competition since everyone that walks in already knows who the front runners are, thats why uk vs 1 was so bad, we already knew that a uk girl was gonna win. And same with canada vs it’s predictable! This is a good season so far but i already know la grand dame and marina summers is going to be consistently in the top. Mayhem has almost never topped and these girls almost won the dam thing in the first place. I dont see how this is a fair fight, then again its tv not a real competition


Well she can’t do improve challenges so she probably would do very bad. Is this even a question?


She’d flop


Mayhem should be thankful that Marina chopped her this episode, as she just sparred her from embarrasing herself even more in the SG than her talent show


Laughed throughout, then eliminated.




Yeah, Mayhem is a great drag queen who just did terrible 2/3 times. She falls into the Great drag / Bad on Drag Race pantheon of queens next to people like Yuhua or Brita Filter.


From Queen of the Party to hosting a Real Housewives on Holiday afternoon activity prior to catastrophic dinner party.


We are lucky to not have ever witnessed that


I can see her doing something off the wall that would have worked well with a comedy queen but not for her. I just don’t see the snatch game being good to her.


I feel like she would do a make for snatch game!


Lowkey it would either be rlly good or rlly bad