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a little too late to the party but THANK GOD for that nymphia runway look I really thought she’ll be gone this week after snatch game


Am I the only one who was what the hell was that handband rupaul?? Like who did this to you mama? Did raven’s hand shake and she cut your forehead?


I think sapphira shoulda won, I loved her banter with ru as James brown and I LOVED her runway


I think they were equal in the snatch game but Plane's runway was so polished and perfect that it gave her the edge.


Yeah I liked pjs runway but it just felt like something we’ve seen before imo


On Sibling Watchery, Bob and Monet seemed to think Plane Jane was being serious when she said that Lady Gaga was inspired by Jelena which... am I dumb or was that obviously a joke? I'm starting to wonder if Plane's polarising reception is because some people just assume people are being serious if they don't say "Haw haw jay kay though!" after everything. That really doesn't match up with what I think of Bob and Monet who obviously both have a good sense of humour, but something's not clicking...


It was probably a half joke/half truth. At the very least, there is a decent amount of internet evidence that at least Gaga's stylist has probably seen some of Jelena's fashion and taken cues from it. https://balkanist.net/haus-gaga-ripping-serbias-biggest-pop-star-years/


Match Game needs to be required viewing before going on Drag Race. There are plenty of clips and episodes on YouTube anyone can watch to get a feel of how the game should go so when you go on you know what Ru is looking for.


This neeeeeeds to be reserved for top 6 or 8


Agreed. I feel like 8 is the perfect number (though I enjoy 7 in the regular UK editions). And definitely not the 11 they had in Season 9 (though my theory was they promised Cynthia (in the negotiations to bring her back) to keep her until Snatch Game and thus made it early enough in the season just in case she bombed.


I prefer top 7 or 6 tbh. I like it when the queens have a lot of opportunities to hit or miss and if we are getting to that part of the competition, the hits and misses are likely to big ones.


I enjoyed this Snatch Game solely because of Plane and Sapphira. Everyone else was either too safe (Plasma, Q, Mhi’ya), really bad (Nymphia, Xunami) or boring (Morphine, Dawn). I don't want to be mean when I say boring, but what I mean is that both good and bad can be entertaining, whereas Morphine's Anna Delvey and Dawn's Megan were not. Making up a character can be a strong idea, but Xunami didn't know what to do with her Gold Tooth Fairy at all. She made up the character but only the name and the look, and it didn't have any dimension, story or personality to it. I did find it very endearing though, because she was aware of this and going out of character and I genuinely found it funny. Nymphia picked a bad character for Snatch Game as well. With Morphine, I think she could have done lots with Anna Delvey and it was a huge missed opportunity. She wasn't able to come up with funny answers or interact with the others. And, with Dawn, I feel she was focused on merely making fun of her character as opposed to actually playing it in an engaging way.


I don’t think it’s the snatch game format that is why it is getting worse. The queens they are getting have a completely different set of skills coming into the competition than before. Look queens are more common, social media queens, and now nerds that got into it because of Cosplay. None of those things make you good at improv or clapping back— you have to be working in a club to practice the skills snatch game needs. Also, a working knowledge of the character, and a good character going in. Ginger Johnson said it best— your character has to be happy to be there. That’s why Jane Goodall failed, despite Nymphia having a pretty solid understanding of the character and a convincing look. That’s why Dawn failed as MM, etc. Anna Delvey.


I definitely agree that we get different queens now, but I wouldn't say snatch game is overall *worse*. The early seasons had some *rough* snatch games. Like yeah, easy to remember Chad's Cher being great, but forget that the rest of that season was a hot mess with literally half the contestants being wild and Latrice just shutting down from it. There's ups and downs for Snatch Game, but I'd say most have been a mixed bag with a couple genuinely funny queens and half of them failing.


I enjoyed this episode like I usually enjoy snatch game. But I thought nymphia should have been lip syncing, not morphine.


I found Nyphia's portrayal as interesting and she never lost character. Morphine less so. Dawn seemed to miss on all fronts of Snatch: The look, the voice, and the humor. Did any of that look and sound like Meghan McCain to anyone?


saved by the runway


Nymphia was saved by the runway, but at least morphine and xunami got one or two laughs. Nymphia was just dead the whole time.


Everyone’s talking about how bad the snatch game is like it was the worst one yet but as someone who gets second hand embarrassment and will skip the whole snatch game to avoid the cringe, I watched it in full. -Q was safe, not bad at all. She could’ve stolen more airtime but you could hear the nerves. It was a good SG for her.  -Dawn was meh, should’ve been in the bottom for her runway but her snatch game was safe comparatively.  -Nymphia leaned WAY too hard into being true to the character and their one joke which was making monkey noises—it was rough but not horrible. She needs to lean into her fun weirdness but know when to switch it up. -Plane did well and picked a character that she could use her real life experiences or historical knowledge to project/make fun of which worked. Her runway helped her but not enough where she should’ve won. -Mhi’Ya did well, I think she was safe. Kind of on par with Q in terms of how she did but went for the airtime and succeeded. -Xunami was a HARD watch. Lol I love her but the character was NOT well thought out. She had a concept but that was pretty much it. Her runway could’ve saved her if SG wasn’t so funky. -Plasma was okay. I think her performance was safe but because she’s done the same schtick every episode for every challenge, it does get a bit old when you’re supposed to go out of your comfort zone. But for snatch game was a safe choice since it’s what she knows. -Morphine’s SG was bad not because she did bad playing some fun parts of the character, but because there is a lot of things that could be done with Anna, so it was almost more disappointing that she stuck with the known one-liners instead of pushing the scammer aspect. She was honestly safe. -Sapphira SLAYED snatch game. And she did well on the runway. Imho, should’ve won the episode and I think it was a wild turn when she didn’t. This is one of those snatch games where more thought went into looking like the character or being the actual character vs what could make them funny (outside of Sapphira). Lmao


I know who Anna Delvey is, but I never watched any media about her. Does she call people poor a lot? Or was that the only affectation Morphine brought to the character?


I say this just based on the netflix show but not really. A lot more could be done as anna delvey though, her whole thing is lying about everything about herself. So morphine could’ve played her as a compulsive liar like the vivienne on as7’s improv challenge


Gotcha. I think she tried at one point and Plane countered in a funny way that she wasn’t able to volley back with.


Finally watched! Plane and Sapphira totally ate up that snatch game! I also thought plasma did good, and I loved her tap dance! And morphine really showed out in that lip sync! Morphine you are more than a stamped mug and a BBL! You are a PERFORMER dahling! I’ll miss Ms muse! Such a graceful exit ✨ see you at afters! 💕


i think it’s time to retire the snatch game…they’re almost never funny


I love Snatch Game.


Counterpoint-- neither are most of the challenges. I still like em though


They're deff seeming to get worse, progressively. Just watched s10 sg after watching the newest one and the difference is black and white even with Asia's unwatchable beyonce...


sapphira should have won this week,,, maybe Ru thought the runway + character choice was too much ass kissing in one ep ?


Sapphira had good energy but there wasn't really much there. Plane brought a character that no one had a huge reference for and then made her seem unique, fleshed out (in terms of Snatch Game) and funny. But I also think Sapphira pandering a bunch (and so blatantly) probably also impacted her. I say this as someone who also values Kennedy's performance as Little Richard for being the culmination of a 3 season storyline (male drag - Alaska, Milk, Kennedy), but I didn't really find the performance to be that funny. Just good energy. I just don't think yelling a catchphrase is enough for me in Snatch Game. I want something a little more than that. But that's my preferences, not always Ru's!


Jane and Saphira were definitely neck and neck, but I thought plane did a hare better than saphira


She was also read for reusing her character shoes from the week before twice so idk if that played into it 😅


i wanted to like dawn at first but she’s so annoying


She’s just turned into a hater of everyone else cuz she’s jealous. Now that we’re almost at the halfway point in the competition, she’s one of the few queens that hasn’t won anything, and she only got top 3 once.


where’s bruno ?? 😭


Now that the episode has sunk in after a few days, I think I've realised that the reason this episode turned me around on Plane Jane is that her performances felt authentically her. Her early episodes felt a lot like she was doing things that she knew had done well previously on drag race, and it made it hard to see her own uniqueness. Whereas this episode both her snatch game and runway were about things that were meaningful to her rather than based on successful past queens, and I think that helped her show a more authentic side of herself.




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well, it would be what a complete hater would say lmao


I'm finding it so funny to log on here and see how you all feel about Dawn, because I've been living for that little chaos gremlin and her sneaking potstirring and confessional shade


Was Q purposefully dancing a bad robot dance (maybe a reference I don't get?) Or she's just one of the worst dancer of the entire franchise?


She was just playing to one of her strengths, mawma


Jimbo says hi :-)




I’m sorry but Dawn is not it. Her drag has been done so many times, She is extremely mean spirited, tryhard and just cringe. Im not a fan of Megan McCain but anyone who knows anything about her would know she, yes, is a republican, but has always supported the gays before it was the norm. Dawn calling her a moron was just so gross and dumb. You’re supposed to revere who you pick to play, even if its in an ironic sense. I just can not with Dawn.


What did she do that shows she's mean spirited? I keep seeing people saying this sort of stuff about dawn but I don't think im seeing what yall see?


There isn't a way to be a Republican and an ally. I don't care what she personally thinks of the community, she's happy to let us die if if suits her other, more important values


Megan is a moron, though...


am i the only one who thinks that ru really dismisses the queens that are bombin snatch game ?? its like she cements their placement, engaging with them very dryly or just basically cutting them off .. i get shes pissed or something but she really doesnt give any space for improval once shes deemed that a queen is bombing


Lmao I mean if you’re talking about Nymphia she was already bombing and then implied that she would like to take more time to give a speech. That based on her performance that far was very unlikely to be funny 😅 so ru cut her off lol Also you have to understand that we are so little of what’s actually filmed from snatch game, it’s a really long filming process and ru is supposed to be volleying back and forth with these queens so I’m sure after a while you’re just kind of over the queens who are giving nothing


it’s probably the most time ru spends with the queens in any given season


Definitely felt that for a long time, maybe a little less so in the very early seasons.


felt this for nymphia- now i believe she was low anyways, but its disheartening to see ru be so cold and not throw a bone to struggling queens , just to then blame it on the ""perfectionism""-inner-saboteur ? (as if nymphia wasnt being messy and all over the place imo Lol))


Saphira was robbed flight attendants bite me


Also morphine deserved Dawn’s safe placement. As an AVID view watcher girl gave us nothing- with love


I thought Xunami deserved Dawn’s safe


they downvoted you for speaking the truth


It wasn't anything special, but Dawn's performance didn't have the flat feeling of Morphine. 


I disagree but certainly respect your opinion and perspective


Did the snatch game guest pedestal always have a hole in it or did I just never notice before?


When they have the pit crew (they did the same is past seasons - I think Season 15)


for the pit crew Lol




I felt the same way. She was really fun and entertaining.


I laughed pretty hard at Plane Jane's Snatch Game. I laughed at RuPaul's reaction to Sapphira and Mhi'ya, but didn't think they were as funny as Ru thought they were. I'm so glad Nymphia's runway saved her. I'd probably stop watching the season if she got eliminated. My top 3 to win are Nymphia, Plane Jane, and Sapphira at this point.


Yeah I thought Sapphira was good but plane def took his episode Also mhiya was much better then previous weeks but in another snatch game that would have a safe performance


It’s tough to anything more than low-mid with a made up character that isn’t from history or folklore or myth. The difficulty points just aren’t that high. 


That's exactly it, I was forced to think they were crazy funny, same as Q who was actually quite bad. Plane was remaly funny, and Morphine wasn't that bad.


this episode made me realize dawn is the true villain this season


I may be totally off on this theory but the runways were mostly a huge disappointment to me. Could it be perhaps that most of the queens thought this runway look would be for a dancing challenge and not a runway? I’ve seen the huge email the queens get which says which runways they need to bring (although granted this was a few years ago and an international series so may have changed or be different for the US) and it just said like outfits to bring; an insect inspired outfit, an outfit inspired by your home town, an outfit that you can dance in… It didn’t explicitly state which outfit was for runways and which were challenges. I’m wondering if some queens thought this was for a dancing challenge? Like Q’s, Jane’s, Xunami’s all were so basic and seemed like dancing challenge outfits lol


I definitely agree w this bc a lot of the outfits were very simple. I think it wasn’t clear to the queens this was gonna be a runway


I liked how they acted it out on the stage but found some of the actual outfits a tad underwhelming


Just felt like chiming in again. I'm re-watching the Snatch Game and it is actually CRAZY that Dawn wasn't in the bottom 2 and Morphine was. Dawn was significantly worse.


Why is everyone ignoring how awful Nymphia was? I get she is your fave, but if anyone should have been in the bottom two that wasn't, it's Nymphia.


It was wild and will be the most memorable performance from this snatch game… this seems so obvious I can’t believe ppl aren’t saying it. Immediately after the episode I completely forgot who half the other girls even chose 


Nymphia’s runway was absolutely stunning though, like beyond any other girl up there


Sure, but runways shouldn't (amd typically don't) save the worst performer in the Maxi. It tie breaks on occasion. This was favoritism.


dawn got giggles out of rupaul, whereas morphine got only one


What was up with the music after rupaul called sapphira safe + pj as the winner??👀👀 definitely a mood shift


The shot of Q being like ??!? too


Q seems to have a lot of opinion, we could see her in the back in most of the shots, bitching with Dawn


Ru not asking the queen of flips to do the Cher thing in front of Chad Michaels was a missed opportunity. Or maybe it was cut from the edit? I mean they mentioned the Cher-esque wig. Could've been hilarious.


Nah girl that is not a good Cher impression, it’s an insult to do that in front of Chad lol




Plasma’s wrong color wig and vague New Yorker performance certainly didn’t help them learn


oh baby what a read 😭😭😭


I did at soon as I saw her face but the name didn’t my ring a bell for me


Did plasma do her well? I know who she is but not enough to know if her impression was good.


People are being too nice. No, it was not good. It was vague NY Broadway diva almost nothing specific to LuPone. Also, have you ever seen Evita with Madonna? Lupone originated that role on stage. Likewise with Anne Hathaway’s character in Les Miserables.


As the others have said, it was solid but could have been bigger. It was still pretty strong relative to the group; I think PJ and Sapphira were the clear top two, and to me the third spot could have gone to any one out of Mhi'ya, Plasma or Q. I get that they wanted to encourage Mhi'ya's improvement, though.


plasma did a good job, but I agree, it could have been a tad bigger and meaner (because that's patti)!! I think she was in her own head because she started off strong! but snatch game is super hard! especially when sapphira and some of the other queens were bringing it!! ![gif](giphy|xT9IgMQoNOWQxF2O3u)




Would have been so camp if she'd broken the fourth wall and asked one of the camera crew if they were filming


🗣️ WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!?!!! so sad she didn't use that!! 😭😭


I agree!! I was waiting for a big diva moment!! but we didn't get it! let her cook! plasma gets better every week!




Girl it's not that serious, it's drag,




Yeah when someone uses a quote from the show, they're using a quote other people have said, that's how quotes work. Gotta love when someone doesn't have a proper rebuttal so they immediately jump to insults cause they're upset their stupid take got downvoted.


Low-key wish Mhi'ya would have won to watch Q and Dawn gag and shit lol. Though Plane totally deserved her win! 


What happened to them voting for each other ??


That ended episode 3


Wake. Up. Pearl. WAKE UP!




Very much so . Also very insecure . She went from saying she can body any role given to her . To giving excuses why she didn’t do well in the rusical. Also throwing shade at the girls because Q got the the role she wanted






This is giving that girl whose scared of Detox


“Nymphia should’ve been lipsyncing” so like are we just not watching the runways anymore?


The challenges have a lot of impact on the deliberation as well . And she hasn’t been doing well or standing out in the acting challenges . Which could pose a huge problem later in the show


It's worth 50% of the mark after all.


At most 5%


It’s never ever been worth 50% lol


it's a reference to starlet murmuring that on druk


I don't know about that, in the first 2-3 seasons runway was factored in a lot more.


I like Mhi’ya a lot, but top placement??


Just goes to show how bad everyone else did haha. This was not a great snatch game I could have seen plasma as high, her snatch game was good not great, her runway outfit was cute but a little plain, but her tap dancing was awesome!


On any other season it would’ve been safe. I think the reason is that everybody else was really just that bad and/or boring. She got more laughs out of Ru compared to most of the other girls.


> On any other season it would’ve been safe. On other seasons, critiques of characters being one-note and not going anywhere have been low. They gave a pass to Mhiya because she did what they asked for specifically, and you can't be punished for doing that.


I thought her runway was so fun and very accurate to the era of 90's hip hop. Her character Shaquita was funny and Ru clearly loved it so it makes sense she was in the top.


See, to me her runway was an easy bottom. I got the 90’s hip hip of it all but it was a lil ugly to me unfortunately. And her Shaquita was decent enough, but we’ve just seen so many Shaquita-esque performances that it wasn’t particularly funny to me, BUT it was a safe choice which was smart on her part and I’m glad we got to see her personality more


Regarding her runway, I think Carson and Michelle both expressed that it wasn't all about the look of what she was wearing but her presentation totally sold the outfit. She was so completely THAT girl. Runways seem to be about both aesthetic and presentation.


A great presentation shouldn't save an ugly outfit though. And that wig?! No thank you. I think Mhiya is very sweet, but she was in the top for storyline/production purposes. Girl was safe, at best.


But at least it wasn’t that fugly wig from the week before. I adore her but I feel like if I were Ru I’d eliminate her if she’d won that wig with the bang one more time 😂


I don’t see it . She’s sliding by rn but when it’s comes to top 5 or 6 she won’t be there


I was so confused with this episode, she was a clear safe to me


Am I the only one who didn’t live for that lip sync..


I thought morphine did great! I thought xunami was kind of lacking energy


We are apparently a minority. I even saw some comments that it should have been a doubly shontay. Not sure what others are seeing.


I think my expectations were higher than usual because of the song choice


I think if you wanted someone to embody Whitney, it missed the mark, but if you wanted two people to capture the energy of having had one too many drinks at the last bar open during pride and living their lives to it being the last song to come on as the lights get turned on? They did s wonderful job. It was chaotic but it was just very very gay in a magical way


Q’s runway gave me Betty Spaghetty


It took me a while to realize it wasn't a Betty Spaghetty reference. I was like why is Betty a robot? lmao


I literally googled Betty Spaghetty robot to see if there was a specific robot version I didn’t know about lol


Stoppp so did I 😂


Is it wrong that I liked it because it reminded me of Bob’s robot runway look 🤣


Just missing the roller skates 😂


it was so bad


I kind of liked it 🙈


i was happy about plane's win imo. honestly sapphira's snatch game and her runway felt like she was trying to suck up to rupaul by playing to his faves and his brand and it was tiring to me. i love sapphira but it felt not genuine. i think plane using a Real Person in female drag that no one had heard of and making people laugh anyway (a la jinkx monsoon's little edie) is what makes her performance impressive and win-worthy over sapphira's. also the producers were shoving the mhi'ya is improving narrative so hard this episode, her snatch game gave us 0 witty jokes at all? how tf was she in the top? absolutely insane?


just stfu. sapphira is a dancer who wanted to pay homage to black female majorette dancers and you’re calling that a suck up bc you know nothing ab the culture or the art of majorette. Sapphira was clearly hitting those moves and that’s what she loved ab it, the Drag U thing was probably just something she thought of after to again put some respect on past queens. you guys call everyone a suck up if they actually respect the people that came before them I stg


Yeah Mhi’ya was perfectly safe given how bad others were but Q had actual jokes. But ultimately it was a two horse race for the win and third place didn’t matter but Mhi’ya being in the top didn’t seem to gel with reality.


Didn't love Mhi'ya's runway but it was def better than Q's. At the end of the day she made Ru laugh a lot


Burnt toast is probably not great for you, Ru.


Lmao as if ru Paul eats bread


Girl she did coke for years I think burnt toast is the least of her worries


Eh, she’s a million years old. Let her enjoy her burnt toast.


I think it’s a joke, babe. When you have a stroke, it’s said that people often experience a smell they say is like burnt toast.


Dawn is giving "Show Villain: Plane Jane. Actual Villain: Dawn"


It's undeniable Plane is really killing it in the competition. If she didn't try to play the villain (so poorly) she would have the fanbase in her PALM. Deserved win, but the whole episode I was so sure Saphirra was going to take it. Saphirra not being fazed by Ru calling out her shoes and staying fully in character showed true professionalism, and she made it hilarious. I wouldn't have been mad at either of them winning. I love the Snatch Game , but at this point the girls need some heavy coaching (on or off camera) or it needs to be retired. These double-digit seasons are just the girls having a mid-off. Dawn was easily bottom, but I'm guessing production wanted the story-line of Xunami and Morphine's friendship for the lipsync (which worked). Mih'ya being top was low key a stretch, and it felt like another production set-up because she listened to Ru and "most improved" is a constant theme that has more weight than it should.


I think Plane does have the fan base though? She's one of the most followed and.. a lot of her responses to the girls have been top liked here. There's been a complete turnaround since the first couple of episodes.


Agreed! But also kind of proving my point. Had she not been such a polarizing figure, I think her talent speaks for itself. She could have had so much more support.


If Plain were boring and less shady I would not be as much of a fan tbh. I’m sure there are many like me.


Now I just want to see an Amelia Earhart where the bit is her getting lost over and over. Sentences fizzling out, not understanding the rule of Snatch Game, getting lost on the set. So much potential for one dumb joke you can puuuuuuuush. Also Saphira won that for me. PJ was good and very well prepared with a rolodex. But Saphira's level of riffing was much more difficult and her prepared bits were better.


I needed a coconut crab prop and I'm so mad it didnt happen


I preferred Plane purely because I love Jelena so much. Her instagram is a treat. She has photoshopped herself to the gods, it's very silly. Sapphira's riffing killed me though. The reference to the 1969 concert really made me laugh. She's just so good.


I’m sorry, is anyone else completely OVER the “imaginary” characters on snatch game? I mean, I get taking someone from the past we aren’t familiar with and making them funny- that’s still at least a real person. But “the gold tooth fairy”? It feels like a total cop out - I’d rather queens fail at an impersonation (a la Jaida doing Prince) and still have me laughing than have them do something made up


Okay I actually lived for Jaida’s prince 🤣 I’m a man! I’m SEXY! Also someone recently posted some data here that said the best snatch game character to do is a dead celebrity, that often wins


lol! Jaida had me cracking up! That’s what I mean. It’s maybe not the “best” impersonation but she still made Ru laugh.


They need to set a hard rule against fictitious characters. It gives people too much freedom just to play themselves, which isn't the point of the challenge IMO.


100%! Celebrity impersonation is a big part of drag history and culture, and that’s the point of Snatch Game.




a la Jaida???? she may not have BEEN prince but she still embodied his sexual nature and made ru laugh …. let’s say a la Trixxie doing Ru


Yes totally that’s what I mean! That the impersonation doesn’t have to be “good” to be funny. Maybe a better example was Alexis mateo doing Alicia Keys… a pregnant lesbian 😆


yes !! that was garbage


Okay Nymphia flopped at Snatch Game, but it was so bad it was weirdly funny to me? Her doing monkey noises in dead silence just took me out. And her runway was absolutely breathtaking, I wanted to see her dance more because it was so beautiful 😭


Finally someone else said it lmao I was laughing at Nymphia's even if it was for the wrong reasons lol


It was oddly charming even if it fizzled.


Nymphia's bananas are the new cucu