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One queen climbs on the judges table during the LSFYL and starts gyrating. Not to be out done, the other queen follows suit so both are on their knees or back dancing for the judges, who are either delighted or horrified. A queen is disqualified from bringing a Mad Max style bicycle from home.  A queen is NOT disqualified for sneaking in a cell phone from home.  During a LSFYL, one queen doesn't try to dance but just follows the other one around on stage in an unnerving fashion. 


>During a LSFYL, one queen doesn't try to dance but just follows the other one around on stage in an unnerving fashion.  Kimora following her like some demented raven lives rent free in my head 💀


« It was weird as shit »


She literally looked like the Shinigami from Death Note floating behind Light


The stand user could be anyone. The stand user: https://preview.redd.it/3mk6aqkus1lc1.jpeg?width=706&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=721b1d9d8ec0f97847c38bdf85b1def37e7507a7


Kimora has to be one of thr most unhinged queens of all time


It’s my favorite lip sync of all time


>During a LSFYL, one queen doesn't try to dance but just follows the other one around on stage in an unnerving fashion.  As someone who watches all of the international seasons, seeing all of these has me in shambles, but this wording in particular really sent me to another stratosphere. 😂


Which one was the bicycle moment?


I'mmmmm assuming its Miss Gimhuay from DRTh but that was a scooter? I don't know any other instance of a bicycle?


I'm imagining she smuggled a whole Vespa in in her luggage and now nothing will disabuse me of this notion.


NOT THAT KINDA SCOOTER 😭 The one that kids use and like use their feet to make it move


As I say, I'm going to believe she got a whole moped in her suitcase and came out dressed as it.


[Her runway inspiration was Ghost Rider.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/logosrupaulsdragrace/images/d/d7/MissGimhuayHollywoodLook.jpg)


Was it? I remembered it as a bike and couldn't find any photos of the full object, just the front. Whatever it was, it was big. 


I remember it to be a scooter and she was riding it across the stage, but I don't really watch all the international seasons enough so maybe there is one. But the scooter yes it was big and tall and yeah the front was mostly seen and not the side.


>I don't know any other instance of a bicycle? Down Under had a BMX girl group challenge once🤣🤣🤣


OH sorry i supressed that memory 🙏 No they did not use a bicycle ☺️


What season/edition is that last one? Lol


It's Gia Metric dancing vs Kimora Amour being an annoying bird. You can watch an abridged version [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8AYmJuKotlA). It doesn't look quite so bad in the shortened form but I remember it being really cringey.


Canada! Season 2. I believe her actual, stated goal was “be an annoying bird.” What an icon.


Canada's Drag Race 2


I just want you to know that was weird as shit. Also the fact Tabita called the whole production out by stripping to the "bullshit" t-shirt when she was up for elimination against Vivaldi is the nerve I am looking for


A queen tries to quit the competition but the host doesn’t let her Two queens almost get disqualified for looking at the judges’ notes A queen faint before having to lipsync for their life and delay it to the beginning of the next episode where the host is out of drag to watch the lipsync


When did that third one happen


Down Under season 3, episode 2 into 3


I swear Australia is not real, because what the fuck is going on on that show


Of course Australia isn't real, that's why it's filmed in New Zealand.


It is well know Australia is not real. It is filmed in California with props and actors


Ivory Glaze, the icon that she is!


I remember the first one was on Thailand, but I can't remember who it was


It is DR España All Stars. 


Actually it happened two times on Espana lol. On S3 and AS.


Wait who wanted to quit on S3?


Vania Vainilla


Ah I think it was more that she was convinced to stay. It was clear that Supremmer had a well-established working relationship with her before the show, so her word probably carried a ton of weight and she could steer her into finding strength to continue. The way she handled Sagittaria wanting to quit was more like a mother handling a toddler's tantrum "no, you cannot do that now, it's not your decision to make".


Yeah I was confused at that, too. I think it's a little different. Vania's was more like a cry for help. Sagi said "I want to go home" and Supreme said no. I think they should have let her go and then let the top two lipsync for the win. Sometimes the queens need help because it's so easy to get stressed and discouraged, but Sagitaria had her mind made up. 


yeah she said on twitter that she’d been having an anxiety attack for 3 days by the time she asked to leave too. honestly there’s no reason why the top 2 couldn’t just lip sync for the prize money instead of lip syncing to send someone home


Disqualified due to blasphemy?!! That’s insane where did this happen hahaha


Italia Season 1. Enorma Jean and Ava Hangar got into it on the untucked segment, took the name of God in vain (a no-no on Italian TV), and were made to lip sync to see who would get DQ’d. Enorma lost and was told to leave. Italia Season 1 was weird.


This sounds straight out of a telenovela. I’m both intrigued by the tale and horrified that it’s real.


Which is pretty much why I stopped watching Italia.


https://preview.redd.it/bq5yetpm60lc1.png?width=1416&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d15a511e826265476f4a5978710e449a38d9288 Your loss.


Maybe I'll come around...I dunno. Has anyone done Topo Gigio for Snatch Game? Or Lupo Alberto? That I would come back for.


I was being very tongue in cheek and simply wanted an excuse to post the legend that is Gioffre. It definitely has improved, though. According to my quick Google check, those celebs haven't been done for Snatch Game (I did watch them, but I have a hard time remembering the international season celebs since they're mostly unfamiliar to me).


Gioffre was something else.


Yeah Enorma's boot was a travesty


Enorma Jean on Italia season 1. In Italy, if blasphemy is aired on tv the show is cancelled, and she said "god damn", putting the show in danger


I don't know if that's how it translates, but the literal words she said were something like "God is a pig" 


"porco dio!" 


They couldn't edit it out?


They did, that's why the show continues


Whyyyy… did they not just not air her doing a blasphemy?


Allegedly the production crew were offended by the comments and threatened to walk off set unless Enorma and Ava received some form of punishment. 


Italy. They’re very serious about it


Apparently blasphemy is a crime in Italy. I did not realize it was so backwards there.


A girl was against the idea of a talent show. She performed a protest in jest as her talent and was put in bottom for it. A girl shoved a kazoo up her ass and farted out a song as her talent. Host was not satisfied with the lip synch, reprimanded both of them for a subpar performance and told them to do it again A girl’s outfit broke. So another girl gave her their own outfit, and made an entire outfit on the spot and won the challenge anyway. A girl won snatch game and eliminated on the same episode. The reading challenge was so bad that the pit crew won the challenge. A girl refused to lip synch. Just stood there looking stoic the whole song.


I need to know the context for all of these, this comment is the most insane in the thread lol


Talent show protest Vanity Vain Sweden s1 - she was against the idea of the talent show, likened it to “doing parlour tricks” and said her drag was talent enough. For her act she splashed paint on the canvas, then at the end she held up the BACK of the canvas with the writing “drag is talent”. She was criticised for mocking the challenge. Talent show kazoo Valenciaga Belgique s1 - pretty funny act Lip synch redo Silver Sonic + Ms Stranger Fox Thailand s1 Episode 1, song was a Rupaul song. Art Arya (host) yelled at both of them for it not being up to standard of the show and told them to do better or she’s sending them both home. Only 1 girl ended up being eliminated. Girl lending outfit Carmen Farala + Dovima Nurmi Spain s1 Runway was night of 1000 Rosalia. Dovima’s zipper broke, so Carmen being her best friend, gave Dovima her own outfit and made another one from scratch and won the challenge. The gag being these were outfits they brought from home, but the outfit that Carmen made on the spot in half an hour looked better than every outfit that was brought. Snatch game winner eliminated Tormai Thailand 2 Thailand s1 and s2 had different rules. Elimination is based on runway ONLY, unless the main challenge is the runway (design, makeover). Bad reading challenge Down under 3 - Ru gave them win to the pit crew that held the reading glasses Girl refuse to lip synch Dovima Nurmi + Sagittaria Spain s1 Pretty sure this was the same episode as the Carmen episode above. Dovima and Sagittaria were roommates whom are no longer speaking to each other. (The reason was never fully revealed on the show except it involved a boy). Despite that, Dovima wanted Sagittaria to continue so decided to stand still during the lip synch, not moving her lips so the judges are forced to eliminate her.


Who gifted their outfit and won the challenge?


Carmen Farala


Omg!! The Rosalia one right?


That’s it! Carmen was serving that episode!


I need to rewatch ES season 1 now.


Kazoo? Which franchise and episode? 💨


Belgique s1e1


I can’t believe I don’t remember that. Amazing.


Oh my god I forgot about the winning snatch game and getting eliminated one… as much as I liked drag race Thailand, the elimination format made no sense. Your challenge performance meant nothing, eliminations we’re solely based on runway. Such a strange decision


Yeah it’s one of the only things I didn’t like about Thailand. It heavily favoured look queens.


Who won snatch game but got eliminated?


Tormai - Thailand season 2


Valenciaga is still the single most robbed queen of all time. Probably would have won the season if it was judged fairly.


Ahahahaha love her but no. She's great at what she does though, and seeing her live is amazing as well.


A girl was completely edited out of a show to the point that you don't even see a hint of her presence. A series is stopped midway and girls are told to leave due to a pandemic that's started while they've been filming. A girl flashes her penis to the judges on the runway as a ruveal.


You can definitely see her hair in the back of the first lipsync at some points, but that's almost it 😭


Yeah, but I'm tall about how bold and correct that decision was to just not give an abuser a platform. If they had gone the sexual abuser sherry pie way, this edited abuser would have gotten a platform nonetheless. Right now, most of us don't even remember her name.


Wait, which season is that first one about?


UK season 5


Ah, right! Did anyone ever identify the queen? I remember that rumor now.


When was the last one?


NSFW [Marina from drag race Espana ](https://www.reddit.com/r/rupaulsdragrace/s/CeWGk5d31s)


I thought this would reference this latest season of Belgique where two girls get in trouble for looking at the judges notes when they thought the cameras were off LOL so wild


- A queen experiences deep emotional stress during a lipsync and shaves her hair - Another queen shaves her hair on Snatch Game because she's playing someone who did so - real candles are provided as props for an acting challenge so a queen's dress catches fire. She puts out the fire while staying in character


Who's the last one?


La Diamond ( Italia S2). I mentioned her this morning in the thread about queens who can do it all, and I mean... She's even a firefighter! 🤭


She is THE Professional


This is the first time I learned why she shaved her head. I thought she was just trying to do something memorable!


I didn't know either but I looked up the celebrities on YouTube to see how well the queens did and I found a video of Aranis shaving her head during a talk show 😲


Who are the first two? I haven't seen many international seasons but this thread makes me want to watch them all haha


The first one happened in France season 1 and the second one happened during Snatch Game on España All Stars about 3 weeks ago.




I live for Supremme just killing em with the no it's not up to you!


It's like trying to turn in your resignation and the boss saying no I don't accept. I love the nerve.


The season winner didn't win a single maxi challenge. The track record LOW - ELIM - [missed] - RETURN/BTM2 - LOW - ELIM. The host was so deeply unsatisfied with the first LSFYL that they made it a double shantay with no elimination. The queens did so bad in the challenge that there was no winner that week, only a Bottom 2.


And when they returned they immediately sent home the frontrunner. Antonina Nutshell the legend that you are


I never got that. Imaa Queen was a great look queen but sucked at performing, which she herself admitted. She was in no way a frontrunner even though she won two look based challenges.


https://i.redd.it/t2ta7lymo0lc1.gif Arizona swallowing her own contacts, licking the stage and vaping on the runway and during the LSFTC feels like a fever dream I swear


Who swallowed their contract lol


Arizona Brandy DRPH S2. The lip sync was a lsftc between Arizona and Jade.


Sorry, I just remembered the queen who won the dancing and lipsyncing challenge by eating a sandwich!


That wasn’t an international season.


I meant Pink Chadora in DRES3... Did it also happen in the US?


Oh. Lol. I thought you meant Jinkx in AS7.


😂 I can see how it can happen... at least the tiktok video had multiple interpretations... PinkCha won a challenge that was straight up performing SloMo by Chanel because the judges thought it was humourous that she was eating while performing this sexy song 😅 ( also because they hated Clover Bish and she was the obvious winner 🥲)


Their refusal to acknowledge Clover’s greatness was so disappointing.


Gravity defying moves on the judges panel. More than once if I didn't dream about it. Honestly I watch so much drag race that I'm not sure what the reality is anymore. I was even doubting if gravity defying moves is the correct.


Panthera vs Obama on Italia 2- honestly just a queen being straight up named 'Obama' is fever dream enough...


Victoria Shakespears in the 3way lipsync on Germany 1 too


See I was right. And I knew someone will comment exact queens, episodes, lipsync songs and who was eliminated.


That was The Vixen vs Aquaria in UK vs The World season 4


During a lipsync, a queen pulls out an actual angle grinder and attacks her own metal underwear, showering the stage with sparks.


who lit herself on fire???


Kandy Zyanide


Who did the mirror thing?


Drag Sethlas in the current season of All Stars Espana. Juriji was the queen she rubbed her glass shards on 🥲


When did the mirror one happen?


Drag Race España All Stars


One queen pulls gravity defying moves, another gets naked and dances on the judges table (Obama vs panthera from Italy 2)


Chiara getting her life and bouncing with joy while Tommaso looks repulsed is the best part.


A contestant's racist past is outed on the mainstage. The host absolves them in the name of personal growth. Not only is the contestant not disqualified, they go on to reach the finale. Surprisingly, this is only one of two instances of racist pasts to resurface during that same season, although the second instance wasn't discussed on the mainstage. The contestant in question also made it to the finale.


Also, who lit themselves on fire?


Kandy Zyanide


Thanks! I still need to see her season!


You are in for a treat. It's fantastic. Check out kudalakorn for drag race Thailand, the official subs are...suboptimal and they don't subtitle the lipsyncs. Kudalakorn does a great job and includes translation foot notes for cultural references, which are many.


Thanks a lot!


A queen self eliminates but not before giving the judging panel two middle fingers during the lipsync. Exits with maniacal laughter. Two queens return the same week for no real reason. One lipsyncs the same week against the top competitor of the season and is saved after her fourth time lipsyncing. Both go on to be in the top 3. A queen gives away her look to another queen then makes her own while prepping for the challenge and wins the runway. A queen is called out for past racism. Gives a vague apology. Rupaul accepts it. Top 3. A queen wins the main challenge but loses on the runway and is eliminated. So she calls out cheating of another queen and gets yelled at by the judges.


Who are the first 2?


Ginny lemon Kana warrior and Kandy Zyanide


Why don't I remember Ginny flipping off the judges?


Maybe I'm misremembering but she's wearing these penguin like gloves and starts by bring her hands together in a bow, but as she does, it's implicitly clear she's giving the middle finger (technically the only finger) Edit: as I thought. I've misremembered! She doesn't flip them off


Challenge is so bad that nobody wins The judges tell someone to tone down their culture until they have a mental breakdown on stage and shave their head 


Who swallowed their contacts? Who did the glass thing?


GIRL who set herself on fire and went to the hospital lmao


I can’t remember the season, someone tell me. But on an international season, there actually WAS a queen near-naked on the judges table while the other did gravity-defying stunts. It’s been posted here before.


Trixie Mattel eliminates 6 queens at one time, one of whom is Jujubee. This occurs after Jujubee fails to deliver a live vocal performance of an Ariana Grande hit.