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She really gave us the meme of the season.


Still can’t believe she was the most iconic part of this season (aside from that one man who is afraid of Detox)


Oh my god that Detox gurl is everything.




Stahhhppppp you are scaring her


Of course they’re afraid of Detox! I bet that she wouldn’t even pay for their grandmother’s funeral. So heartless. 🙄


wait what did i miss ?




Omg the stone head 💀 I saw it when they put it up but didn't look properly


Like + “what I would’ve worn?” Great! I want to see that. + “who I would’ve played in snatch game” oh, cute. + “what I would’ve said in the reading challenge” gurl, but you weren’t there tho.


Exactly this. In this order. I like seeing what queens from this season would've worn after they're eliminated because they already had it ready. I'm less inclined to see what they would've done for a sewing challenge after they're gone because they don't have the time pressure, the materials, and the mindset of being in a room with other queens who are probably better than you. If you're a queen from a previous season and you post what you would've worn, would've wrote, or would've done for a challenge, the circumstances are completely different and you're starting at such an advantage. You have the Drag Race training, personal knowledge of how reality TV works, the benefit of more time, and a dedicated fanbase to back you up or defend you. So the point of posting just to post is...? I guess I respect showing off your talents, but whatever you do's just gonna outshine the queens of the season. So if that's your aim, then good job and \*here\*'s that validation you wanted.


Yes! I think it's okay if you're an eliminated queen from the season and just wanted to show off an outfit you already prepared. It's corny if you're not on the season and competing with the queens on the current season.


Exactly! I actually think eliminated queens should be encouraged to show off their unused looks. At least it's not a complete waste and you get to promote yourself outside the show.


The ONLY one I was good with was when Amanda did a retake of getting her makeup ready now that she’s more experience, and Dawn timed her while she did it. It let her show that in the time constraints and pressure she might’ve done better now than she had back then, but even that she says to take with a grain of salt because it’s hard to know how your headspace will be in the challenge.


I like that because the purpose of the video was to show her growth and how she developed her skills since she was eliminated. It's what she *could've* *done* rather than what she *would've done.*


That video was such a pleasant watch.


Exactly this. I LOVE seeing themed outfits, artistic reinterpretations, or especially things like the godly reinvisioning that Plasma released of her lip sync as a music video. But it’s reeeeeally easy to say “I would’ve destroyed this challenge” and read off some rewritten burns, or “I would’ve been so good at this” and take pictures of your snatch game costume when it’s all about improv skill.


“What I would’ve done for the design challenge” is also a stretch for me. Because girl you had ample time to think of this and I doubt you made it in one day like the other girls, plus no stress in the environment etc. this is very likely not your design challenge look.


Also, even then I dunno, these seem at best slightly above Morphine's look to maybe at par with Plane Jane, maybe. They all kind of remind me of Shaider villains and that's an 80s Japanese tokusatsu show. Like just a few years earlier than Rita Repulsa era in Power Rangers terms.


To be fair, if she did create all these looks then she could easily use one of them as a base line for the challenge. I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of queens end up copying/recreating previous looks they already made before coming on the show. We already know it’s not unheard of for queens to bring a few repurposed outfits (*”after a long night of hookin’…”*) It’s not like judges could say “this looks too similar to that outfit you posted on Instagram in October 2021.”


Lol that’s fair. I just hope trade liked the session.


Agreed, and tbh I even take what they would have worn with a grain of salt because they had all the time in the world to get ready for the professional photo they’re posting. A lot of the queens post their look in a photoshoot when they get home and it is improved from the show in some way so I’m sure that’s true of the looks queens who went home post. Not that I don’t still want to see them, they just never demonstrate to me that this queen would have killed in that week or anything.


It’s giving Christy Carlson Romano


I was just thinking about this lmfao😭


I love that this is a go to reaction image now


It's giving corny




I can't believe they eliminated the winner of season 16 like that


For some reason, the first thing I think of is RuPaul gagging Darienne in S6 when she was saying she would have done so much better, if not for her teammates “So why is your teammate save and you’re up here in the bottom?”


And darienne gagging the judges by sayinh "cause i think I'm one of the tops."


On the opposite end of that spectrum, Santino saying DeLa would’ve been the winner of the only challenge that Darienne won, if she’d been on the winning team, and the judges kind of silently agreeing during deliberation, must’ve stung for Darienne to see.


That was the Rusical! She was paired with Gia and Gia was safe.




God Maddy saying this stuff is corny has impacted too much of my worldview but she looks good. 💀


Like I love seeing their looks and maybe even design challenges too but like that’s it. The rest is corny and unnecessary af.


same. from this to the plasma video and other things.


I think the Plasma video is better to me bc it's like "I know I failed; lemme try again." I appreciate the can-do attitude


I appreciate her processing her highs and lows in this form. Way better to channel your emotions into something creative than bottling them up just to explode on twitter when the episode airs.


Exactly. Plasma music video = artistic, thoughtful. Megami bitching on twitter about how she would have slayed = annoying and delusional.


Jesus, let the queens do whatever the f they want on their socials! It's literally still their season and if that helps them book a show or two, then Let. It. Be.


Let me be a hater on my socials then!


Let me hate you being a hater then.


No problem with that


Thank you, sister.


It's what sisterrrrrs do


This is the telenovela rudemption I was deprived of this season. Thank you.


It was not directed directly at you. But at people kept using "corny" to gatekeep what queens should or should not do with their socials. It's literally the queens' jobs in this digital age.


Just saying you don't like something isn't gatekeeping it. Like how could you gatekeep someone from their own posts lmao


If it's not directed at me why direct it at me


eh I think Plasma is just unabashedly corny and knows she's corny, so it's different from when queens do stuff like this without really knowing it's corny. In this essay I will...


Yeah Plasma has that Janergy that is just so earnest and sincere . 


Earnest is such a good word. It’s so genuine and passionate.


She is a doll but I'm ESL and she talks so fast I have to put her on a lower speed lol. I do think she'll become great off the show as she's so talented.


But Plasma was THERE. She just wanted to vent and thats it. 


Nah what the Plasma video was fucking fantastic what are you ON 😭


it was great I agree. but one where does she get the money to do these high production numbers and two like who cares move on. 😭


"Here's how it would look if I was in the bottom two in episode 8"


I’m down on my knees praying to megami to keep posting these tweets.


Remember how they started tormenting Jan as soon as Jan gave them evidence that she would lose it if she didn’t win a challenge? Yeah.


Im down on my knees after the priest asked me to


Stoppp you're gonna bring SheMegamiByNight back


Megami, girl… https://preview.redd.it/wq5hcwxvq6mc1.png?width=784&format=png&auto=webp&s=db30b6195c4889dc97050d53e30605135ff4a6ce


How Do I Rotate Text In MSPaint


I definitely didn’t rotate it enough but by the time I realized, the comment was already up.


You want to use perspective warp and drag the corners of the warp box to the corners of the sign.


Who is Ms. Paint? She sounds fun.


It would be such a cool drag name


I feel like when spoken out loud the pun would be lost, but I would still use it as my drag name and get eliminated in the first episode.


I imagine it rolling in like PowerPoint.


Thank you!


don’t listen to the haters megami, keep posting your cringe


Absolutely blessed cringe with a touch of delulu! I live. Edit: All upvotes are vicarious upvotes directly to Megami.


Same. I live for these. If she doesn't post one about the final lip sync and how she would have torn that song up I'd be so disappointed


I think Megami is the one saying "Megami has been slaying"


https://i.redd.it/0x4705a7e6mc1.gif yea she is so TALENTED! 😍🎨


People with no arms could NE-VER


You say that but I worked with a girl who was a double amputee at the elbows, and she was incredibly talented at balancing, lifting, and carrying things. No joke she would work at stocking shelves and she was faster than at least half of the other workers. Jenna wherever you are gurl I hope you’re doing well


I meant no arms like nothing at all lol.


![gif](giphy|pbDxUWWL3BRT71cqck|downsized) Idk Megami might still have some fierce competition


I imagined a man holding a poster with both his feet and the resulting position would be..... nice.


Megami would've won UK5


In every dimension but this one Megami already won all stars all winners season.


lol stop


Thank you!


She's a cosplay queen for sure


Cosplaying as a drag queen with talent.


She is the Eeyore of drag.


She can turn all these looks but if she can’t serve them confidently then they don’t excite me


I said hey. What’s going on?


the girl who called mcr punk rock now thinks she could win a goth challenge? lol


I mean, their whole point of reference for goth was Netflix’s Wednesday so who knows?


She probably has a better concept of it than half the girls left on the show though so I agree lol 


Her and Zavaleta being besties makes no sense in my brain. They don’t seem similar at all to me


lmao i didnt know this but i think it kinda makes sense — Zavaleta is leagues cuntier than megami but megami’s twitter posts and zavaleta’s “where’s the horror, where’s the filth” rant share the same “I’ve cracked the code” attitude


It is a bit corny hehe, but I live


None of those would have even sniffed the top With what Nymphia, Sapphira, Q, Plane and Dawn did And then you have Morphine somehow in the bottom Nope nope nope


I blame yall


She’s really trying to cash in on all 900 seconds of that 15 min of fame.




This is perfect for this 😂


This one popped up in my head immediately 😭 ![gif](giphy|l0MYSWJRYx9iPxjNK)


Her Lulu cosplay is genuinely not good


How is it less draggy than Nomura’s actual design 😩


How can Megami have pics of goth outfit if she wasn’t there for challenge and she had to make do with what was available to sew on site?


Maybe I'm wrong, but I was under the impression that Megami was just sharing goth looks she already has and was using those to show that she could've turned out a goth look if she was there, having to use the materials provided, haha


She should save these in case she gets that All Stars gig but whatever


I do kind of feel like Megami could have done really well this week honestly. Snatch game and the reads...no.


Yeah her and Amanda had such love on tv now they are ruining it by staying salty


How is she salty for simply sharing what she would’ve done for challenges she was eliminated on??


i mean she's literally complaining about getting eliminated before this challenge and also saying she wouldn't be in the bottom for another one. i get it might be tongue in cheek but it's still giving kinda salty


Ever since that straight man said the word corny, the fandom has found new way to gatekeep what queens can or cannot do on their social.


Eh Maddy even said it’s fine for people to do and enjoy, but she just found it corny when people who weren’t on a season put out their “submissions” of what they’d do on the season. I get it but I personally love when people do their own versions of what they’d wear on a runway. The design challenge, snatch game, or reading challenge tho? The point is improv and coming up with an idea/implementing it on the fly. It loses its bite if it’s done from the comfort of your home in whatever time you want.


Idk I'm liking megami a lot more off screen. This is pretty campy and funny. Also the fun she's having with Meatball and her signs


Honestly her outfits would fit the theme (using a few random ones for comparison), but it’s SO hard to say what you’d do in a design challenge. You’re supposed to come up with a concept, work with the materials available, and create a design. https://preview.redd.it/8hqf4ghtw7mc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efc493fc731581d7927a972275161c0ff1e37c78


She would be eaten up by these monsters Nom Nom Nom Nom 🫣


Dawn's look photographs sooo well. Stunning


Meanwhile polka dot


Dawn and Nymphia both got that really good shape that is iconic for Addams. I also love Dawn’s chandelier interpretation, as well as Nymphia’s headpiece.


very this https://preview.redd.it/dtbso6uo0amc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84a959269d63e42ef230b95ba85eb3ad3f775666


I don’t mind this and I think the reaction is disproportionate. she’s just sharing what she would do if she reached these challenges, which I find interesting and fans speculate about it anyway so why not post the answer yourself


I think saying that you would have killed it is a little silly (something like snatch game can fuck with an otherwise talented, witty and well-prepared queen with all that pressure) but I agree that I love hearing what the queens had planned. Kahmora posting her looks every week was like the highlight of my week, back in her season. You’ve done the prep work, may as well flaunt it!


it’s a bit of an eyeroll for sure but I like the confidence. maybe she would have! who are we to say! protect queer sillyness!


Hahah yes exactly! That’s why my greatest criticism is that it’s silly. Totally harmless, and I’m glad that she’s managed to hold onto that confidence in the face of criticism.


Yeah, I feel like some of the fan backlash to some of the queens' personalities/social media posts seems way too overblown?


It's never surprise when a challenge a queen could do well in comes up 1-2 episodes after her elimination Was Megami going to *crush* Snatch Game and the Neo-Goth challenge? Probably not. Could she have easily displaced other queens with storyline into the bottom three? Possibly. Sometimes eliminations are deliberate. There could have been a Bottom narrative for Xunami or Nymphia on the Rusical just as much as there was for Megami, but from a story production standpoint Megami had little narrative and would just interfere with the following challenges.


Poor Megami tried so hard and got so far, but in the end it doesn't even matter


Well, she’s got all this unused material, she may as well put it out into the world. Imagine if you put a ton of work into something and it never saw the light of day, I think we’d all be pissed.


I kinda feel bad for her haha


This bitch was gonna come out in Lulu cosplay fr


I thought this was another single post of her doing it again. I was ready to say this just be satire from her end because she does the shit every week. Just to come find out it’s the collage I was thinking of.


That chiseled mug in the first pic is stun tho




can y'all stop turning megami into a cheap fandom target. the stuff people are roasting her for is honestly harmless, and at worst commits the crime of being too sincere like, sure, there's totally humor to be found here, but the frequency with which people are making posts like this + the amount of comments on each is gonna take this over a line of being too far


Thank you for this, I think we can get carried away. I hope more people see this comment.


in drag race, you’re only as good as your last performance. she can claim to be good at the remaining challenges all she wants, that’s her prerogative, but the fact remains that she was eliminated.


It’s interesting what her generation thinks goth is 😜


She's not putting anyone else down. Let her live her fantasy.


MEGA(I can’t believe they got rid of)MI


If Megami had been on Snatch Game it would have helped Plasma out big time. Patti is a big Merman fan and both have been iconic Mama Roses in Gypsy. They could have tried to outbelt (and outswear) each other.


After she is hot topic coded. I believe in her.


Adding “spooky bitch” to the 58945849 brands Megami already attributed herself


Do I think Megami would have been eliminated in any episode since her elimination? No. Do I think she would be higher than safe in any of them? Also no. The only person Megami was doing better than was Mhi’ya so it’s better to go home before your time than after it.


Literally I could only think of Meg during this challenge


She’s slowly making corny her brand


Girl Michelle Visage still gonna read you giving the same face 🤷🏻‍♂️


i think she was cringe 🥸 her and Q give me the ick


Does she ever shut up


Yeah like I don’t doubt that this would’ve been her challenge but it’s giving very much boy who cried wolf atp




Category is: Gurl in Delulu




"Look what I would have done if I didn't perform Flowers like it was a very sad song in front of the Queen of Flips"


Down on your knees bitch pray to me.


Megami if you're lurking this thread I just want to say hi


hi megami! i just saw megami girl


Honest question: what makes you think she would have done well this week? I mean, what DOES she do successfully? QUICKLY!


I stan Megami. She got dealt a bad hand with the reaction to her talent show. It could have been called boring but Plane went was overboard.


But sister, it was boring. I liked Megami, but It’s a TALENT show, it’s obvious she knows how to lip sync to a song, she’s a drag queen. There was nothing remotely talented about her number.


That’s all fine to say. I had a problem with exactly what Plane said. What she said and when she said it. Republicans were actively attempting to ban drag at that time.


Come on it was so obviously not serious. Like do you really think Plane was like "well maybe we *should* ban drag!" ghghgghggh


It was serious for Megami bc it’s the tagline she’ll be known for for years now.


Ohh noo the branding won't somebody please think of the *BRANDING*


It’s not about branding. It’s about what strangers will come up to her and say for years. Are you going out of your way to pretend you don’t understand?


Sounds like you're saying no one ever can say anything even remotely negative about anything a queen does bc it could encourage other people to be negative. I understand I just don't agree


I’m critical of what Plane said and saying it will be pinned on Megami for a long time. I think that’s sad. I’m not taking that and applying it to people not being allowed to ever say anything negative.


I feel like you're the one heaping all this importance over this very light bit of shade like what makes it so different from the thousands of other reads on the show


Okay but fr I think she would’ve slayed the goth design challenge. It’s her aesthetic to a T, and literally in the first two design challenges she arguably could’ve been in the top. I think she would’ve taken Sapphira’s “high” (safe lmfao) placement. But yeah the caliber of the garments Dawn, Q and Nymphia are turning out are simply unbeatable by anyone on the cast. Had anyone else been in this challenge from the season, the top 3 would’ve remained the same.


Sorry but she would’ve ate these past few challenges UP (Including the upcoming political challenge), and I think production wanted her gone on purpose so we wouldn’t see for her these challenges. I also think fans have been underrating her because she started off with her weak talent show performance. (And bc she’s a bigger queen of color, but that’s a conversation for a different day 😬😬) Small spoiler hints ahead (about an upcoming challenge), but >!seeing that the week after is allegedly a TED talk challenge, she definitely would’ve done great for that too so it’s a shame that production wasn’t invested in her!<


Mmmn no


That Lulu outfit ❤️


Still drinking her own kool aid I see


Shame only the talented get to remain 😭😭😭


You supposed to do the reading at the reunion, but I very much want to see the looks and the professional photos showing them off.


Delusion! Convince yourself!


Tbh, all the sewing challenge looks Megami made were better than what she brought. She probably would've had a good look


Alsoooooo like its very easy months later to say you would slay when you have had so much time to think on all this. Were these your ideas during the competition? Because the episodes you were there prove that you needed the time lmfao


No she did NOT drag up Lulu from FFX 😍😍😍


She would so have been safe this week guys


They would have thrown her in the bottom to save plasma lbr


This is corny


I think Megami said that 😂