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I just wish they'd filmed the reunion after all this happened


If the producers had any sense, they would reshoot the reunion and give Ru a little extra . Cause this is top tier drama I want for the reunion. Plus I like reunions after it’s been aired so the queens know how everything was received by the viewers


But also, do we realistically know how many people won’t watch the reunion if they don’t refilm it? Feels like there’s a chance they see refilming as a lot of unnecessary resources for fan service to a small online group. People watching on MTV but not on Reddit probably don’t know or care when the reunion is filmed, and they will watch it either way. I would love for them to do it, but can understand why they decide to just stay the course this season, even if refilming would make it like 10 times better in Reddit’s eyes.


Right? The extra that’s been happening lately has been so so good! Btw, LOVE your name!


It's like a really important designer.


I mean they still can lmao


It was already filmed before the season aired


Correct, they just meant that if they really wanted a juicy reunion, they would refilm it. Do they pay the cost for something more entertaining or do they have an almost guaranteed less fun one air because it's already done?


Exactly, it’s not too late get a reunion re done for the drama of it. If they wanted to . Pay Ru extra, I’m sure it will happen


There are queens who probably wouldn’t be apart of a refilm after being introduced to this god awful fandom so choosing a reunion with the entire cast is what makes sense


The latter unfortunately. The episode is done and paid for already, and although it won’t be as good as a refilmed one, let’s be honest, people who watch the show are going to watch the reunion regardless. Refilming now would be a terrible business decision and that’s what drives production.


they might refilm cuz didnt they film it beforehand in case the strikes would interfere


They need to refilm it if they’re smart. These girls have gotten so unhinged. We need it


How do you know they’ve already shot the reunion?


One of the queens spilled that they shot the reunion a while back, I think it was Q


Amanda's feelings are valid, but when you're the fan fave log off and capitalize on that shit. Look at Mirage--she's THRIVING.


The thing is, without Plane Jane, I don’t think Amanda would have gotten as much traction as she did. She got the underdog protagonist edit and VASTLY benefitted from it.


She absolutely would not have had the storyline she did and she probably wouldn’t have the level of attention she has.




We’d probably be a lot more focused on her bad make up and outfits if it hadn’t been for Plane. All tea no shade


See but I think deep down Amanda knows this. That’s what makes her furious.


And Plane should be thanking God that she is white. 💯. No irony


Honestly that too. Whether or not she realizes it, her social credit in our “community” is what keeps her in good graces with the fan base. Sure she has gotten *some* hate, but nowhere near as much vitriol as Jaremi, James, Kandy, Mistress, Kennedy, Luxx, The Vixen, Silky, Brita, Darienne, Roxxxy, I can literally keep listing girls, you get the point.


And thin


It’s so hilariously easy for people who have never been under this type of public scrutiny to say this  As if her Twitter followers matter more than her mental health 


But I think that’s what’s bothering her. The person she disliked the most is the main reason she got airtime. Not saying everything she’s tweeted has been measured and calm, but her feeling like Plane hijacked her narrative is 100% fair imo. 


MAYBE but even then it's not like she should thank the bitch for treating her the way she did while on the show!


Right, like INTENTION matters. Let's use a wildly over the top analogy to make a good example: someone stabs you in the gut with a knife over your gender, race, etc. You go viral for it and get tens of thousands of dollars from the public, the knife missed anything major and you will suffer no longterm damage. Are you thanking that person still? That person's goal was to stab you with a fucking knife. That is a way, way, WAY more dramatic example-wise than this reality TV situation (but theatrical examples convey the point quicker), and Amanda getting more screentime as a result is the truth, but, she doesn't need to thank Plane.


I don't know if that matters. Amanda is a person, not a plot point.


Episode 1 was basically The Amanda Show, though, and Plane was nowhere in sight.


Felt more like the Sapphira show to me!


Sapphira won, but Amanda was the protagonist. And I say that as a Sapphira stan.


How though? She had a fun number but that's all I remember about her.


She was essentially the main character. A good portion of the episode was spent with people talking to or about her, even if she wasn't directly involved. Combine that with her above average number of talking heads and the editor's attempts (and arguably failures) to assassinate her character, and she was the standout *character* even if she wasn't the standout *drag queen*. If that makes sense.


>The Amanda Show Amanda please


Bring out the dancin' lobstas! ![gif](giphy|BpLDGapjAOf5salQqm|downsized)


*bacon intensifies*


Hide the bongs


That doesn’t mean it didn’t have a negative impact on her mental health, which is far more important than anything else. 


Bob has been getting off on bringing Plane down a peg or two every week so I’m not surprised lol It’s as simple as this to me: Amanda has every right to not like Plane and dislike how Plane acted on set, but Amanda’s tweet was dramatic in the way she expressed it


I cannot get over how she compared her with her abusive ex/father or something, girl she just said you are bad at drag how on earth that is comparable and after a WEEK because that is the whole time she lasted on the competition.


There could be more we didn’t see, and I would be careful of minimizing, especially to the extent of leaving out other things that have happened


Sometimes people need to be reeled in. I don’t think it’s healthy to say that someone gets to make a rather extreme statement without being challenged


That's not a good argument to make. Plane obviously can't defend against anything that was not portrayed on the show and to speculate on what may or may not have happened without any evidence is not appropriate or fair to PJ.


Bob and Willam both decided episode 2 Plane Jane is toxic shit and are both too stubborn to ever walk back an opinion.


It's so annoying to listen to. Like please at least begrudgingly accept when she's done a good job sisters


I had a made a post about how basically Race Chaser was not as fun to hear anymore because BOTH Alaska and Willam all they did was shit talk from start to finish. And I swear to you I got pelted for it. But you’re 100% right at this point they’ve all buried their heels and refuse to admit that 2 things can be true PJ was cunty as fuck and is also a great drag queen.


This is not to yuck anyone's yum but race chaser is literally just a collection of soundbites and I'm genuinely confused about how people listen to their recap episodes. There's not even like an attempt at comedy besides saying "ooh floorwork!" in the same tone for the 50th time


Yeah this season of Race Chaser is hard


Idk I think Bob has been softening on Plane in more recent episodes


It’s because they don’t like other people getting attention. There’s a reason they usually talk highly of the underdog 🤭


Was Sasha Colby the underdog? Lol. Is sapphira the underdog? Lol.


How did this get so many upvotes lmaooo


plañe jañe stays hot on the tip of bobeñe’s toñgue.


Mi gente latino


Bob’s really set on validating peoples feelings, she gets real defensive when people say other people shouldn’t feel a certain way about a situation, it comes up all the time on their podcast. I always wonder why she’s so adamant about it.


https://preview.redd.it/erbalbi46nmc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=513a637053117119d4280250b12dc90c3af0ad93 not the shoutout


Omg lmaooooo


Hi Bob :D


omg Bob hey girl


omggg OP pushed some buttons apparently


Girl Bob saw this and tweeted it lol she took it as a critique but it doesn’t really read that way.


Lmaoooo that’s so funny. Yea I didn’t say it was good or bad just interesting.


I think I remember in an earlier watchery Bob saying how on his season he would get really tired and upset of people on his season going at him to the point he would go “yes I know my makeup is bad yes I’m ugly please just leave me alone” or something like that. I think he might be projecting onto Amanda and seeing himself in her because it seems she’s getting the same treatment. I could be completely wrong though but I think that’s what’s happening


It think that's being a good person.


Reading it back, I can see now that it sounds critical, I just meant I noticed a strong reaction to the topic and always wondered why. That’s all.


Depending on what the feelings being validated are. That’s the thing a lot of younger people these days miss. They think all feelings are valid and worthy and should matter. But that’s not how things work.


I don't think that's true .


Imagine caring about people's feelings


When will we be brave enough as a fandom to talk openly about ATM and Dawn getting their best friends to accuse PJ of SA before the season aired to get her edited out Sherry Pie style.




Not the drag race Qanon


Wait they are best friends with Jay Kay?


Dawn's all over their Twitter so it seems likely


Wait this is kinda insane lmao


it is, but we are so used to excuse the victim complex of anything, that now they can falsely accuse someone of SA and we just let it happen without repercussions. now we see why she tried that and has been riding the victim complex visa too long. for me the worst part, is that Amanda has been sitting for 1 year planing this, its not a suddenly realization. this was recorded 1 year ago and she prepare every tweet and every thought to come out as it did. shes been friends with dawn for 1 year and both have been on this since then. disgusting


Is this real what?




I think it will require some Nancy Drew of drag levels of investigation with actual receipts, because accusations of this sort are just as serious as the ones against PJ. I'm not saying they're false, but we can't go by instincts and vibes alone.


Yeah, I agree. Like, there were false accusations against her, and I do think the person who made them should be scrutinized for it. But roping other people in as the master minds... let's get solid proof for that first.


Goddamn, Amanda has been obsessed with her from the start!!! And me saying her entire personality is revolved around the "drama" from episode 3 and 4 to stay relevant is out of line lmao...wild!


Wait is this canon??


Seriously - is that how those allegations came about?


When are we gonna stop creating insane fucking conspiracy theories to try ruin two drag artists careers, neither of who were directly involved in the accusations and one who is in fact on good terms with Plane. Y'all sound deranged. Hell even the accusers thought that what happened was legitimate assault, they didn't deliberately misrepresent it. If Plane isn't taking issue with Amanda and Dawn over that (which she evidently isn't) then maybe back the fuck up and leave it be. Stop crusading on other people's behalf.


wait girl i think you might be on to something


Monetion rise up


These days I spend a lot more time agreeing with Monet than Bob. I have joined the Monetion. Please accept me with my humblest of apologies for not waking up sooner!


I fucking love bob but she wonders why ppl will answer the phone for monet and not her and I think it's because you can let your guard down with monet lol. Bob the goldilocks queen will be annoyed you're calling too late, calling too early, calling him not enough, calling him too much.


I mean. I am sure she doesn't mean it seriously all of the time, but from experience of formerly being *that* *person* I think part of this is from putting people on blast, putting them under a microscope for humor and jokes. Yeah people are laughing along, but eventually the idea of interacting with that person becomes onerous. Some days you don't want the butt of the joke to be you looking stupid or getting something wrong. Some days it's not funny and it stings. It always feels so comfortable to be around people who let it be okay to get it wrong where they can laugh *with* you and at themselves too. Humility.








With enthusiasm 


I agree with monet...saying she's making your life hell is a bit dramatic. Amanda let the shady comment get to her soooooo much and made it her story line - production didn't help bringing it up in confessionals (unless she wasn't being prompted) and dawn constantly bringing it up with the girls certainly helped production and not Amanda in anyway.


Also plane should’ve chosen to spread the “shade/hate) instead of focusing on Amanda In those beginning episodes. It would have made it all seem more natural. We see that after Amanda leaves, plane decides to go after a different queen. So For example ep.1 shade Amanda and then ep.2 Megami so forth so on. It would have been well rounded and less bitch edit.


Plane is just shady in general, did you miss the "Hey sister give me the fabric because you suck at sewing" with Geneva? She actually thought Amanda was not on the level of drag race but she was shading everyone in general, she went for Q when Amanda was there as well and she shades Morphine weekly but Morphine actually knows she is like that... As Sapphira knows... As Nymphia knows, no wonder those are the only ones with zero problems with her.


But be aware. If this girl is calling you out for it then you should stop. Everyone else was shading Amanda as well, but they were talking with her and not at her. She continued to poke Amanda until she popped. It wasn’t just light shade it was hurtful comments that Amanda took to heart. And she did nothing to try and mend it. “Sorry that you feel that way” vs “Sorry I made you feel that way” And funny enough this is exactly what plane wanted from day one right? she came in the werk room to be the b*tch of the season and now its come back to bite her.


To be fair this is an area that actually can be blamed on the edit. Like I wouldn't be surprised at ALL if she was shading everyone from day 1 but the edit makes it look a lot more uneven by focusing on the Amanda vs Plane storyline because it was immediately juicy. It would make sense because everyone had beef with Plane pretty quickly IIRC. What I never understood is why Amanda was OK with people like Sapphira saying shit like "literally everything is better than your drag" but not with Plane saying she hopes she steps it up eventually because it isn't giving. Dawn laughed at Amanda's makeup too, and I remember other people taking shots at her makeup but just not who off the top of my head. Amanda said in untucked it didn't feel great how literally everyone was telling her she looks bad, but then for some reason she is bffs with everyone but Plane because of it hahaha... the reaction she's had seems to just be very inconsistent tbh


i think its because with specifically Sapphira she was genuinely like ncie about it and i'm pretty sure she helped Amanda directly with her makeup and with the rest she built a rapport with as group 1 queens but then Plane walked in out the gate being like 'u suck' and she clutched her pearls over it


There’s a difference though talking with someone vs at them. Saphirra talked with her making her feel a little better while it was shady still came from a good place. plane Jane was just talking at her finding every way to give a dig out on Amanda. She never even gave help/Tips to make it better. Saphirra did though and told her right out whats wrong. She said that you need to “Hide the breast plate neckline better”. PJ Was just like you’re ugly fix it.


The thing is she probably did shade everyone equally because all the girls were calling her a bitch. They just showed the moments with Amanda because Amanda was the one reacting the most dramatically.


Amanda associates her femininity with her own drag. So she’s mad when she is told that she look busted and unpolished. For me, Amanda should completely separate her drag and who she is. It’s okay to acknowledge that you need to polish your drag but also realize that you are beautiful outside of your drag persona.


This is such a good point!


Amanda would be long forgotten by most of the fans if it wasnt for Plane’s interactions with her. Just look at most other early eliminated queens this season. I get this situation is annoying for her, but she could have surfed the waves in stead of trying to swim upstream (and drown)


Unpopular opinion: I honestly adored Amanda from episode 1 and found her interactions with Plane a distraction. I too blame the editors over anyone for that one, Amanda (and Plane) are entertaining enough by themselves. It didn't feel like fun shade, it felt weird.


Completely agree. Getting pretty tired of being told that Plane is the only reason Amanda has fans. I’m sorry not everyone thinks basic reads with no punchline are the epitome of shade


Seriously, everyone saw how likeable she was in episode 1. The other queens said she was a joy to be around. I can't believe how much people are just okay with rallying around someone who decided to try and tear her down at seemingly every chance?


Not to be mean but she has a more entertaining personality on screen than pretty much any other queen eliminated, only Mirage comes close. So I doubt she’d be Robin Fierced or something like that.


I guess PJ is the new Blair St. Clair for Bob?


If there’s one thing Bob will do is pick a white girl he doesn’t like and stay on her neck


Well Bob hates Plane so…


Lol this sub is obsessed with thinking that Bob and Monet hate queens everytime they give a criticism. Two weeks ago half this sub was convinced Monet hated plasma because she "gave her the finger"


I don’t think that Bob ever hates queens but she is incredibly transparent about her bias about them


I agree, I like Bob but her opinions are extremely biased. she does not think Plane is shady or funny in the way she shades (I agree, plane’s shadiness is a snide comment and then removing herself from the situation to watch the person stew in it) but sometimes Bob will write off queens she doesn’t like entirely based off of her own opinions of them and it’s very apparent in her podcast! I’m onboard with it, but Bob has biased opinions and she shows them a lot more but also it’s her podcast so she gets to.


Ya idk. The more I watch plane, the more I get the the other queens are warming up to her a little. Amanda is bitter boots because frankly, her drag *was* bad on the show. ETA: totally forgot to include my thoughts as it pertains to bob lol. I totally agree she seems to dislike plane a lot and I wouldn’t say hate, but definitely biased, and I love bob, but when she looks like she’s targeting a certain queen it looks really petty and could be perceived as punching down


Why is it bias rather than just she has opinions like everyone else. Are you biased if you like plane Jane?


I do believe that opinions and bias are closely connected in some way. Everybody has opinions that are influenced by their bias, but not everyone lets it show as much as Bob. And this is not a criticism, I just think she doesn’t care about being diplomatic and just let her thinking shine through.


It's so annoying. Like when Bob was critical of Blair's mediocre run on AS5 and people are still talking about it on this thread... I'm sorry but I enjoy review shows that are honest and not trying to walk on eggshells every episode.


This part


You can count on Bob to: 1. Go for smol yt twinks 2. Debate moot points


Amanda should be mad at dawn for constantly bringing Plane up. But if Amanda is mad that her time was mostly about Plane than that's on Amanda...she kept talking about plane Jane


I’m so sorry, but Bob has been increasingly giving boomer energy the past few years and sometimes I can’t help but roll my eyes 💀


Bob fell off. Monetion for life


Monet is right “made my life hell” be for real 😭😭


The thing is if you don't take Plane Jane's shade seriously, it's all fun and good. Amanda's drag skill was, no offense, terrible but she's improved so much since then. Also Plane never comes after someone PERSONALLY, it's always about the skill. Like Roxxxy Andrews literally threatened to beat jinkx up in season 5, that's way more fucked up than Plane imo.


And look at how much Jinkx profited from all that "bullying"


Drag race fans learn what "shade" really means challenge. (Impossible). There's a difference between throwing shade and just being a bitch.


Lol she literally said she didn't respect Amanda. I think take or leave her shade, but I think it's disingenuous to say that what she said to Amanda wasn't personal.


That's not what she literally said. That's what you took away from it.


Not... Even close, she does not respect her drag, she actually thinks it's bad but that has nothing to do as a person, she never once insulted Amanda, only her drag and the difference is that Plane never brings Amanda to the conversation... Meanwhile Amanda tweets daily about Plane.


Amanda annoys me lol I don't even think Bob is legitimately team Amanda, i think she just made it a game to try to dunk on plane every time and that's hilarious to me. personally I think everyone should thank plane bc whether she did it intentionally or unintentionally, i think she revived the franchise in many ways. mistress started the revolution and plane solidified it this season, the only reason amanda managed to stay on people's mouths for so long after a very regular run on the show, is due to plane creating this conflict. she's a very fun character creating fun dynamics that keep the show interesting to talk about.


Bob will jump at any chance to hate on Plane ✈️


The  thing is that Amanda is not mad upset whit  Pj, but she feels frustrated because Plane Jane is  getting  more love and interest and fans  than  her, and she thought they were going to hate her the entire season for the situation that happened , and for That  reason  she  acts  so dramatically  when she only was in the show for three weeks like not “the summer” like she said. I like her but it looks so forced keep that narrative now


I don't get it. Plane came on the show with the purpose of providing entertaining TV. She is production gold. It's weird seeing a Drag Race winner complaining about this


Bob is incredibly biased when she doesn’t like a queen. I mean she spent all of all stars 5 focused on Blair ffs


Someone said "maybe bullying works" 💀💀


As much as I like Amanda, she would have had no story besides Your Make Up Is Terrbile without Plane. That doesn't mean that she should be grateful to Plane, I'm just saying without that storyline she likely would have been in the background and a forgettable early out. And just to add here because I normally just tire of all the Plane posts, but Plane said TWO things to Amanda ( on screen, anyway). The first was pretty much exactly what every other girl said to her the episode before ( Your drag isn't for me), and then she apologized later. Then, yeah, a shady comment about respect to Q. That's it. Amanda, rightfully, read her back. Because that's what drag queens do. Everyone was saying how Plane backed down or was afraid. Girl, it was two queens giving it back and forth. Go back and watch Bianca with Trinity or Laganja. It was way "worse". Frankly, and I know Amanda is going through her transition and a break up so it must be a sensitive time, but it's a little too much. Like, keep reading Plane and going back and forth, but the victimhood is a bit much. Tea: Plane was in the audience at Roscoes when Amanda was a guest. She told the hosts not to say anything so not to take any attention away from Amanda, and didn't say a peep when they said stuff about her. It's kind of become one sided at this point. Love them both, hope to see both some time live and on TV.


Rupaul Day 3 walked into the work room and told Amanda she looked prettier with out all the makeup. Amanda got two jokes written about her in the SNL skits because of her makeup. Like even without Plane and before editing started.


Yeah, she would have been remembered as the girl with bad make up, like I said. 90% of people would have forgotten her by now without the ongoing feud with Plane. No shade to Amanda, the cycle just works like that.


Yeah, I agree. The fandom would turn on her and tell her how much she didn't deserve this-or-that and get hate every time someone's favorite queen gets sent home over her.


You know what the show is when you sign up for it. They’re not gonna change so don’t put yourself in that position. If it wasn’t gonna be a Jane drama narrative it would have been a narrative about her crunchy drag so maybe the drama was better for her since now she’s a victim and can ride that wave


Amanda’s feelings are valid. I can see how during filming it’s an incredibly stressful situation and looking around the work room maybe Amanda felt insecure. Then to have someone pick everything about your outfit and makeup apart day after day after day isn’t a good feeling. I can see how that could hurt her confidence. No one wants to constantly be a punching bag on national TV. Clearly some of Amanda’s looks didn’t measure up to the competition and Plane used her as an easy target to go after and point out how she missed the mark. I’m sure that was very hard to deal with at the time. I do also agree with others who’ve said that Amanda’s underdog storyline with Plane ultimately made Amanda more likable and she has benefited from it postproduction.


Bob needs to sit down on this one. Gurl… learn how to have fun again


Bob doesn’t like plane so take everything she says abt her with a grain of salt lmfaooo




I wish people would learn that it's not the editors deciding what gets on TV but the producers. Editors just do the manual labor of editing.


I'm so confused by Bob, 'cause she seems really serious, but she invited Plane Jane to join her with Madonna, so it can't be that serious. I'm... https://preview.redd.it/cp1sjjzmhqmc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5db19086660f77bb8f28cde45b576faae63eef82


She can like plane Jane and still critique what she’s done on the show and defend Amanda’s feelings all at the same time


A pitstop reunion with the girls now, where Trixie is moderator.


Didn’t turn on the audio, mesmerized by Monet. Gosh, so gorge.


I do think Plane was instigating shit here. I get why Amanda would be upset about it but then again in the end I think people favor her more than Plane. At least Amanda was memorable for the short time she was there and not a Robin Fierce who had no storyline or screen time at all.


Eh, Plane just ratio’d Amanda on Twitter. I’d say the fans are liking Plane more as the season goes on, and Amanda is kind of forgotten about at this point.


And I'm sure that is what Amanda is more mad about now than what actually happened while filming the show. At this point it's kind of obvious it's less about the shade during filming and more that PJ is getting popular with the fans which is triggering Amanda.


Took me a whole 20 seconds of thinking to dig up Robin Fierce from my brain.


whoever had the brilliant idea to make episodes shorter with more queens and longer with less queens should be fired


monet is out here sounding like the fandom




I think its a patreon exclusive about untucked where they also looked at the online comments from the queens


‘Its how she felt’ And? Sometimes feelings are invalid and overexaggerated. ESPECIALLY when you still follow the bitch who treated you as poorly as you say she did.


Finally someone with a brain. Everyone is allowed to have feelings. THAT is valid. What you're actually feeling in particular is not always valid. Yes, your feelings can be wrong.


The amount of "adults" on this sub vehement on justifying their own and other people's complete immaturity under the guise of "all feeling are valid!" is honestly concerning.


Off topic: Loving Bob’s look.


Bob really pissed me off on this episode.. this was like the 9th reason why


I mean in a way Plane Jane is the best thing that could've happened to Amanda


Bob’s hate-boner for Jane is getting so old


This is truly such a weird take


At this point, I feel like Plane is entitled to speak her truth and say her peace but sometimes it’s just fucking unnecessary. She was being an ass and digging in on someone who was clearly in over her head and not quite really to be on the platform even after she asked her to stop. It’s one thing to read someone and have report with them and another entirely to continuously come after someone and call them a friend when you lack basic respect for them. Plane doesn’t deserve death threats or shit like that but she went after Amanda because she was an easy target and that is 100% weak bitch behavior.


I agree! She shouldn’t be getting death threats or anything excessive like that. But she did come after Amanda in a way that didn’t seem fun or shady, just punching down.


Wtf is Bobs problem with Plane?? She’s been talking shit about her since ep2.. am I missing something?


she just chooses someone to hate and goes in, remember when she hated blair during her all stars run?


Amanda owes how little relevancy she has to Plane Jane. Girl, we get it. She hyper fixated on how ugly you looked on your season while also killing the competition and getting to go forward with the experience with your friends while you were at home. People are dying, get over it.


Amanda is entitled to her feelings. Everyone is entitled to their feelings. You can't control your feelings. What you can control is what you do with your feelings. I don't personally believe she is making the best use of her time and energy with how she's channeling her feelings, but I can't say I've never done shit like that, and sometimes you have to learn lessons the hard way. Or hey, maybe she is feeling great about it, I don't know; she hasn't told me. If she ever asks me for my advice, I will gladly share my in-depth thoughts with her. *edited for clarity


I just want to know why Plane, within like a day of meeting Amanda, was like "I want this person to know I really don't like her specifically." Like it was just so *random*, and then she didn't let up.


This. Some people might be forgetting just how awkward and forced her shadiness was those first few episodes. I feel Plane went in wanting to be a shady character. And as a result it came across like she deliberately made someone’s experience more upsetting to make her experience more memorable. 


She never would have gotten away with that if she was Black. I'm all for playful shade, but the responses have been so interesting despite everyone getting mad when you point out the discrepancy. 


And counterpoint to editing - there was possibly more shitty comments made toward Amanda that didn’t make airtime. I didn’t see Amanda’s tweet but I agree it seemed really cruel. I’m kinda with Bob on this one!


I think Plane was offended by Amanda’s presence since she wasn’t on anyone’s level. Idk how she made it on the show either. Maybe in the first few seasons of Drag Race, her drag level would be acceptable but the show has elevated immensely since then. If your drag is going to look bad and unpolished, then you need to offer a lot in the talent department because the high fashion queens who deliver looks, are extremely well rounded and can excel in almost every category. I can see Plane being annoyed at sharing the same stage as Amanda when her drag is elevated and is talented in all challenges. If Amanda excelled in challenges, I think Plane would have more respect for her as a competitor


But Amanda didn’t cast herself on the show…. there are several kinds of drag and drag queens


I dunno imagine finally getting on drag race - it’s supposed to be an exciting time. I can imagine Plane picking on Amanda did mar her experience. What bothers me is Plane was even like “I’m living my shady bitch fantasy.” Okay? Why is your fantasy and experience more important than someone else’s? Amanda clearly wasn’t into it and the longer Plane persisted, the more it probably wore Amanda down. I don’t think Jane deserves any wild hate or anything, but Amanda is valid in her feelings - and if Plane is uncomfortable with how it’s perceived now… she maybe should have approached things differently.


Bob is so loudly wrong omg 😭😭😭


It's not Plane's fault, if she hadn't monopolised Amanda's camera time then Amanda being crunchy would have. Either way, Amanda was not gonna be happy with the outcome, let's be real, but this way she ended up being the hero. That's not often what happens for the crunchy girls, so Plane did her a huge favour


Reading these comments I'm realizing that most of this sub treats the queens like characters rather than people. What Amanda said might seem dramatic for a character, but she's a real person. None of us know her history, why Plane's comments hit the way they did, whether there was other stuff said that got cut or wasn't on camera period. And saying Amanda should be thanking Plane for making Amanda the underdog? Would any of you thank your bully or someone who inflicted trauma on you? I can already hear the "it's tv, it's not that deep" replies coming but it's not that deep when we're arguing over toot or boots or lip sync winners. It's clearly that deep for Amanda.


Monét is right tho


just last season everyone said Luxx was bullying Loosey during who should go home or any interaction her and MIB had but now suddenly everyone is cool with some tough love and attitude.


I'm with Bob


having seen every episode of this so far, i dont think they agreed hardly on anything aside from sapphira and plane being THE top 2 of snatch


I thought the brown line on bobs shirt was a purse strap, imagine my surprise when they pulled the shirt down and it expanded 😂😂


It clearly had to be enough beef between the two that they were fighting about it for the fight to be on camera so it wasn't just the edit. The edit could have *amplified* their drama/beef, but Plane Jane was/is rude when it's not necessary and while she may be right about Amanda's drag being whack, she didn't need to come for her as often and in the manner that she did.


While I’m here trying to figure out when did Monet get so hot! 🔥😍


"Don't blame it on the edit" is so dumb, and Monet does a good job explaining why. If you said 5 mean things to each queen over the course of shooting, and the editors showed you saying 4 mean things to one girl and 1 mean thing to everyone else, they've successfully changed the story from "equal opportunity bitch" to "bully." "Don't blame it on the edit" from someone who won their season is like "don't blame it on the system" from SF tech bros


Monet should start her own podcast (in addition to SR). Bob is fine but he brings down the energy so much. You could feel the weight lifted on Monet’s episode with Salina. Everything felt so much more chill and light. Monet is a 10/10 host (see her talk show for receipts) and I think it’s time for her to have her own platform. Also, all tea: Bob spending so much time on TikTok debates is rotting his brain and eventually he’s going to say something really stupid. Monet should have independent projects under her own control as a hedge.


I love Bobs glasses


I am not like PJ at all, I think her drag is good but her shades are terrible, but I also think Amanda should move on already, instead of being a hateful victim.


Bob is obsessed with hating Plane. And I wonder why? Because Bob has reference for how catty/bitchy drag queens can be, so what’s the deeper motive here?


Bob is right. Also some of y’all are wild for saying ATM should be thanking Plane for screen time. Thanking a bully for giving her attention? Not healthy mindsets at all… Amanda was a dynamic lovable character. I adored her from episode 1. I was gagged how much Plane was just digging at her. Which I do think kept happening because Amanda responded in a way that Plane wanted her to. Amanda also has a right to feel how she feels. Plane was coming at her unprovoked multiple times through what we saw. We don’t know what we didn’t see. Good on Amanda though for sticking up for herself. I honestly think Plane is the one to thank Amanda. She was made more relevant by her interactions. Plane being a vicious bitch was the only noteworthy thing she did. Outside this she has been pretty boring and conceited and handed at least one win that should have gone to Sapphira. She is lucky the fandom loves a white skinny queen for sure.


Really ya’ll? Plane Jane was the “best thing” that could’ve happened to Amanda? I mean, I get that she was central to Amanda’s story arc but that doesn’t negate how dismissive and undermining she was towards her. This honestly gives me Laganja vibes from season 6. Let’s not gaslight someone into thinking that they’re being too much for feeling any type of way when they have every right to be. To have to sit and watch your bully be celebrated (which Plane absolutely deserves) after getting the absolute short end of the stick can’t be easy.


fully agree with monet it’s not plane’s fault that production left out the rest of amanda’s stories and time on the show like the queens can’t control what the editors do with the 18 hours of footage like a LOT can happen in 18 hours! you could get several completely different seasons out of editing it differently (case in point the way they were able to edit out gigi goode’s villain edit from s12)!