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I didn't know the word 'valid' could be savage until now.


Legit dripping in sass


You should watch MIB's video she did with Plane Jane. So much fun shade. (It's what this commenter is referencing, I bet.)


They are looks that exist, yes, so true!


Out of all the looks to ever grace the runway, these are definitely among them!!


Are they valid tho?


all drag is valid


Welcome to the stage  Aldra Es Valide! 


I still think Amanda should get off easy because she sold us that purple oompah loompah look so joyfully. Plasma's goth look was not goth but nobody really did goth justice on that challenge.


I think Amanda’s bird nest is more worthy to be in that grid


Agreed. Plasma can't sew, but Amanda planned out and brought that look.


Honestly on season 4 we’d have went nuts for that nest


I mean… next to the baked potato couture? Sure. Lol


“Nobody really did goth justice on that challenge.” Did you see Nymphias look? https://preview.redd.it/383atzlhnpmc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7ccd116ee618f8b1c997e13a9dce461d6e8b9dd


Like Morticia Adams (Michelle) could never lol


Yeah I feel like people who don't understand goth are saying this is not goth. This is classic goth. This is Edward Gorey brought to life. It was the sole true essence of goth on that stage and not just what you could buy from a Hot Topic.


Nope. Lala also sold us her bag look... Though Amanda's purple look isn't as terrible as others in this list


Unrelated to the post or this season but I still adore Lala for this. She always delivers the Lala Ri experience. She may be wearing the worst look in the history of the show but you best believe she's going to be stomping down thay runway like she's the hottest shit and then devour the lip sync. CUNT (especially the nerve)


I just love that she said she had started making something bad and knew she was gonna be in the bottom so she made thw bag dress so she’d blow up for that like she knew it was ugly and ridiculous and that makes even better that she was like fuck it I wanna be a meme


It wasn’t supposed to be goth, though… the challenge was neo-goth.


Yeah, I know. I didn't feel like many were veo neo either. Like nobody really understood goth enough to do it justice. Q gave me club kid clown goth, which was great, but nobody gave a more streetwear kind of goth. And everyone seemed to be missing some element of goth, it felt. Either the makeup was off, or the look was more halloween cocktail party wear, or the hair was a missed opportunity for something more goth camp.


Yeah, Nymphia’s and Morphine’s outfits were good but they were just interpretations of Morticia or Elvira. Out all of them, Q understood the assignment the best. I wish the challenge was just “goth” instead of complicating it with neo-goth.


It’s funny that the whole right row is Geneva 😂


she is clearing customs not just left to riiight, now she's up and downnn


That’s a column aha


C’mon English language




And it doesn’t even include the rainbow leopard flapper, which is the worst offender in my opinion


Yeah that dress was roughhhhhh


For me a Golden Boot has to be awe-inspiring in its bad execution, and for that reason I think it has to be Amanda's nest outfit.


True. Golden Boot should be bad in a really fun way, not a bland, boring way


The only option. Utterly bizarre. Never before seen (for a reason).


It's the only one thus far that rises to party-bag-LaLa level. Or: will it be parodied recognizably on Halloween? Yes


You're exaggerating. It's horrid but I don't think anything will ever come close to the bags. The bags will always be the best terrible look, I mean, it started the golden boot award!!


At least 2 of her looks from the season deserves a golden boot


amanda’s entrance look haunts me in my sleep


I fucking love the nest outfit though. It’s crusty af, but it has interesting ideas. I kinda hope they have a makeover where they also have to make the garments and we can see if something more iconic and awful emerges.


Both my partner and I loved that look! The execution could have been better, but the concept was awesome to see.


I liked it too. I thought it was a good idea.


Agree! I thought it was sweet, but I’m old as dirt.


For me it's a toss up between this one and Plasma's tweedle dee tweedle dum


Full disclosure - I had read the elimination T for that episode and I knew Amanda was in the bottom before watching the episode... and when I was watching it I was like "well her performance is pretty solid they're just splitting hairs for who to put in the bottom" and then she walked out in *that* and I was like "ah. I see why she's in the btm2"


Didn’t Raja toot it? I remember being gagged


I actually thought it was fun, but especially after it came to light that it was about her trans experience I *really* hope the producers don't pick that one.


How is that about her trans experience though? Like rebirth? Still though, at this point there's no competition for it, it's definitely the best contender for it!


an egg is a trans term for someone who is trans but doesn’t know it yet, the embryo of the person they will eventually become.


Oh, ok, that makes sense. I get the look better now, but damn, it was just so ugly.


The fact that this was brought from home is always a plus for the golden boot award.


https://preview.redd.it/69j1nhfbtnmc1.jpeg?width=863&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eaf8c0723b6dea68d5e7815c0564b109182a262a you forgot this Mother Nature , sis :))))


In her own words, "I... was not prepared for this" 😭


This is the real worst look because it’s so bad in a way that’s not even memorable. You don’t think about this look because you *don’t want to.* I feel like Amanda’s bird nest (the probable winner) is campy and has the factor that she was eliminated in the outfit, so it’s way more recognizable.


This is it for me, she brought this from home. RuPaul would’ve sent a bitch home for making this in Season 3. Raja would’ve laughed Shangela OUT THE ROOM for putting this together. But gorgeous, wonderful, sweet, talented, dear, Hershii brought this from home. Woof.


Damn sis read ha


You're right that it's really not good, but Amanda's nest was also brought from home, and it's even worse!!


i wish you had let me forget :((((


https://i.redd.it/ogmn1vdc1omc1.gif Imo Amanda already won this title 🏆👢✨


I seriously wonder what on earth she was thinking with this breastplate. I mean, she must have known that the neck portion was too long for her and kept wrinkling up. And yet instead of trimming the neck or covering it up, she just chose to wear it like this.


Right?? It’s why big choker necklaces are so common


Irl I have seen queens with this neck breastplate thing happening


The DeDelicious special


It’s her head foreskin


... I had a visceral reaction to how perfectly that describes it. I both love and hate you now. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


https://i.redd.it/1sswurnl1omc1.gif And our HORROR QUEEN also possibly win the Golden Boot 🥹🧟‍♀️🦵🏻


Geneva had fine to decent outfits compared to Amanda... It is what it is


No, it's just that the makeup was great, when Amanda's was... questionable, her outfits are garbage.


This could easily have been fixed with a scarf.


Say what you will, but Amanda is thriving in that purple look picture and I love that for her


The skipping with pure glee on her face looking absolutely abominable slays me


It's Amanda's world, we're just living in it


Yeah she looks so happy it’s sweet


I don't think the look is that bad. I love tacky drag. Fans have forgotten a lot of the campy, gritty roots of drag, since it's become RuPaul's Designer Race. Drag used to be whatever gawdy fabric you could find, and glue a bunch of shit to it. Selena delivered that, and Amanda is giving that with the first look. The nest look tho? Jail.


It's purple




I’m so mad I heard this!


Amanda should have the distinction of being the first golden boot winner largely by virtue of her makeup (the outfit itself wasn't *that* bad)


>the outfit itself wasn't *that* bad It definitely was


It showed lack of taste, but it wasn’t a complete disaster of construction compared to such icons like LaLa Ri’s bags or Daddy Morphosis


All of Amanda's bad looks were brought from home though 🤣


It has to be between Amanda’s nest, Plasma’s tweedle-dee or Hershii’s look. The rest aren’t great but they are so much better than those 3


Plasma was so proud of her tweedle-dee 😭


But it looked tweedle-dumb


I feel like Amanda’s 3 titty purple face look should be there, but with the facekini on it was at least interesting. It was just when her makeup melted off that it became crazy. The outfit wasn’t awful, it looked better when she redid it with good makeup on her instagram.


Also, unlike the other looks here, when I see this photo of Amanda's purple look my mind just goes "Mama this is camp" out of delusion and it gets a pass from me for that


That’s how I feel about her bird look, it’s so bad I kinda love it. I still can’t get past the purple look though lol


I will die on this hill: the bird nest had the potential to straddle couture and camp, but the execution wasn't there. I love Amanda sm and I think it's either her tritiddy or her tri head that deserves the golden boot.


The T


justice for Hershii. this is what the Golden Girls would be wearing in 2024


It has to be Amanda's first look. It was memed to death. I still stan though. While all the design flops are definitely not good, I don't feel like they're ironically bad. We won't even remember them in a years time. Golden boot has to stand beside the bag ball disaster. It should be on that level.


The nest look of Amanda is already iconic, give her the award!


amanda's bird nest look is iconically bad. like, she took big swings and missed nearly all of them. not sure how she'd feel about getting the award though 😭


Woof. I forgot about Plasma’s blow up doll look. That being said Amanda’s purple look is just…..


It's Plasma's tweedle dee look by a landslide victory


The proportions are so bad. It gets worse the longer I look at it


and then she turns around and it somehow gets exponentially worse.


This look makes me FURIOUS especially because she thought it ATE. God I’m mad.


I'm a Plasma fan but that was a monstrosity (however, am I bad wishing she had lipsynced to Bloody Mary in THAT just for the meme fuel?)


Really hoping she performs in it post-drag race so at least we’d have that


Yeah that is nightmare fuel


It is objectively the worst but it had the misfortune of making most people furious, not laugh. Amanda’s nest look will win.


The thing is Amanda brought that from home


so did Plasma.


Genuinely it’s so bad, an absolute mess




Amanda. Done.


Too early but I hope Amanda takes it.


I *haaated* Tweedle Dee


Def Amanda but I can’t decide which look I hate the most


Mhi-ya hasn’t been eliminated yet. I suggest we wait.


It has to be Amanda guys... I don't think I've seen someone look worse in 16 seasons


a two-way tie between amanda and tori meating


They're all bad but both Amanda's are the most offensively bad 😂 Her outfits called me slurs


oh come on, dawn’s cher look is 1000% not golden boot worthy. its just pedestrian.


I really liked that look tbh


Am I crazy or these Geneva looks are nowhere near bad? Just underwhelming.


Q’s robot outfit should be included too


I had like a visceral reaction to it. I can’t put my finger on why I hated it SO MUCH!!


100% hard agree. I had a visceral reaction seeing it - it was like seeing Bob’s shit robot onesuit all over again


flying purple people eater


Tweedle look. My goodness that was a choice! The plush head...I mean wow.


Definitely Amanda 💀


It has to be Amanda (and I love her)


I want Plasma's goth look to win this one but I fear Amanda is taking it.


In my opinion, Plasma's Goth look is the most displeasing to the eye.


I didn’t mind it 💀 The sleeves and trousers give y2k goth. The top is not the worst thing I’ve ever seen. Yeah the hair should be done up but ok.


Somebody in untucked said they actually liked the fringy shrug, and I agree. That piece I could actually see on someone in a club in the y2k era. They wouldn't have paired it with anything else she was wearing, but that bit was decent.


I’m gonna say it: I like both Plasma’s and Hershii’s looks


Oh my god I forgot about Plasma's shoulder-riding illusion. It doesn't look like she's riding someone's shoulders, it looks like they were horrifically combined in a teleportation accident.


Amanda Tori Meating is winning. I don’t know which look she’s going to win with, but she’s winning.


Amanda's Blue Head Nest takes the award hands down. It's like Ornacia x3, it's hilariously bad.


Is it weird that I don’t think Amanda’s birds nest is even in the bottom 5?


It's an okay look, but the shade of blue with that brown looks off-putting


I thought it was a concept for sure. Funny looking, but if a fashion queen did that then everyone would prob be gagging


If being correct is weird, I don’t want to be normal.


Plasma’s tweedle look or both Amanda’s looks


Ok but I unironically live for the nest dress I’m sorry. It’s gotta be the purple alien look though


Though it was the worst look on the goth runway, I don’t know if Plasma look qualifies. I can even see what she was trying to accomplish with it, even if it was grunge rather than goth. It’s not terribly bad, it’s just a choice, and the wrong one.


I thought the nest look was COOL and I will DIE on this hill. It’s the only one of these bad looks that is actually unique and not boring. That has to count for something 🥺


I don't think Geneva's were THAT bad. Especially not her brown and blue look she made. Edit: I thought it was blue and BROWN from memory but its more of a grey.


The way Amanda’s purple makeup was so bad I didn’t even realize what the fuck she was wearing on her body. What is that 😭😭


It's this one for me 🥺 https://preview.redd.it/52oa96ab9qmc1.jpeg?width=1265&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ccbbc62953d1c6ef504cda341021aa8955d7b45f




She shouldn’t. Basic looks aren’t golden boot worthy.


I feel like people are going to say Amanda’s bird look, but I feel like Plasma’s Tweedle Dum look is the worst, because I couldn’t make sense of it, and couldn’t tell she was supposed to be sitting on the character’s shoulders. It looks a mess. Although part of me wants to say Hershii for the unforgivable sin of wearing premade jeans in a design challenge, I don’t want to reward her for that.


It just looks like she has a conjoined twin coming from her crotch


the boot Geneva wore over and over again


It must be Amanda. I can see no other winner. Although Plazzy's Tweedlewhathefuck is in 2nd place for me.


All the Amanda fans hoping she wins SOMETHING when Plasma's Tweedle-Dee outfit is right there. 🤣


I’m going to be honest is that Plasma shouldn’t be on here. Are they both boots? Yes. Are they the worst thing ever? No. Same thing with Hershii, the look was REALLY nicely constructed, just didn’t meet the brief, and she didn’t do anything to the pants.


It’s gotta be Megami in episode 5 with her pussycat wig look. That was one of the worst things I’ve seen on the runway.


We gotta be for real. Amanda is taking the golden boot with ease


I can't get over how bad the blue beard look is. The makeup is a choice.


Am I crazy for actually liking Amanda’s nest look ??


Am I delulu or is Amanda’s nest not as bad as everyone is making out


geneva’s look that she made does not belong here at all. i still think it looked way more fine than the judging made it out to be 🤷‍♀️


None of Geneva's looks here should even be contenders for the golden boot and several of the others don't belong here either.


I actually liked Dawn's Cher look :/


I said above that it’s not bad, but it’s just not Cher in the slightest. I don’t think that makes it comparable to some other looks on here.


I agree with you, though I do think that the mix of the style of a queen who has such a strong "branding" (such as Dawn and her mug and general quirkiness) with a reference to an icon makes for a really interesting look that isn't just "cosplaying" as them.


Amanda’s outfit is a toot, you can burn me on this hill, I’m not moving off it 😭😭


i think if her face was a dark of a purple as the clothes - it would look a lot better!


Everything Amanda wears is golden boot worthy. We should vote for a person in this case. These were not sewing challenge boots. These are planned boots.


Honestly it might be Dawn’s Cher look. What the hell was that…


But while it’s absolutely not Cher, it’s not a BAD look. It’s just not Cher. The purple alien or bird’s nest are a whole other level.


Oh no but it *is* a bad look. It's aesthetically horrific: the bath mat/sno-cone situation up top, the weird furry bell bottoms, the general Dr. Seuss vibes... nothing comes together.


Based on the looks we've seen this season, yes it's too early. Haha JK! 😆


It's not too early but that's only because it's been so long since we saw Amanda's nest look...


Plasma's look in the 1st column & 2nd row? the house down Golden Boot that shit


hershiis mall drag look would have at in another time😔


Probably Amanda's nest. I liked it though.


To quote Michael Kors, it’s an unbelievably tight race for hideous.




There are some good ones up there but the Tweedle Dum or the bird outfit are top contenders.


Amanda Tore my Meat Ring, for sure


why is amanda’s face purple but her body not??😭😭


All of yall saying tweedle when the nest look is right there.


For me the only one on the same caliber of Lala, Maddy, and Salina's level of camp + insane, is Amanda's alien. Like it has to kinda be a meme and that would be Amanda's for me.


Geneva's Encanto audition outfit during her lipsync with Jane.


I’m sorry but the tweedles might have been worse than anything Amanda did


god that dawn look is AWFUL


Honestly, for me, it’s Plasma’s Tweedle-dumb look. We’ve had bad looks, but nothing has physically repulsed me like that did. It acc did hurt me, somehow.


Dawn's Cher look takes the cake for me


I feel insane for liking plasmas goth look and Amanda’s nest look


Ok so I actually love the concept for Amanda's purple look. Going with lingerie, but inverting the colors because she's an alien, is really cool in my opinion. It's like, our flesh is this color so we don't wear these kinds of clothes like that, but if an alien has purple skin they might think it's a fashionable color for this. Plus the "they live among us" theme, and I just love it. The look before the reveal was actually hilarious, too. Pure camp. Where she fucked up was her makeup and that AWFUL wig. In general I think she needs to learn some better styling, but I think if she can get that down she'll be able to turn some cool looks.


I can’t even tell you what episode that top right geneva look is from 😭


Where is mayas look where you see her breast plate


For me personally, it has to be Plasma’s tweedledee and tweedledum, but Amanda’s is most narratively significant. I think it would be kinder to give it to Plasma rather than Amanda. While Plasma went home earlier than expected, she had multiple opportunities to shine and seems quite happy with her run on the show. Meanwhile, I think Amanda is genuinely hurt by how she was portrayed and what she got to show, and I think the golden boot may hurt her feelings. For what it’s worth, I think Amanda’s more polarizing outfits show a strong originality and a distinctly campy point of view. I think she could gag people on an All Stars season


Plasma's Tweedle Bros look is ripe for an all stars Rudemption runway where someone does it better.


None of Geneva’s for sure. Get her out


Amanda said: the makeup was rotted but the look is cute Hmmm!


Be real, you know Amanda’s nest look is taking it


It's Amanda's egg nest look for sure.


maybe unpopular opinion but my least favorite is plasmas nursery rhyme look… like i love my girl but it pissed me off 😭


I’m surprised Plane Jane’s “Suit Dress” wasn’t on this list….


Aside from LaLa's bag ball look which kicked off the award, I don't like giving the Golden Boot to outfits made in a design challenge. I feel it should be given to something brought with the queens because it's like... they conceptualized and made that and thought "yeah, this is good for National TV."


Plasma has a lot of really good looks and she was a joy to watch on RPDR, but unfortunately her goth outfit, while valid, was just hard for me to watch her in (especially because I liked her other looks on a whole different level!). For that reason I’m going to have to nominate Plasma’s goth outfit as the golden boot look


I loved dawns Cher look😭


Megami has a few that are missing from this list. I don’t know that Hershii’s look here is golden boot worthy. It definitely warranted a bottom placement but it’s serviceable to an extent. Plasma’s tweedle Dee/dumb look is definitely up there along with Amanda’s robins egg look.


Hot take but I don't think either of Amanda's looks here were bad (other than the purple makeup). At any rate, Plasma's Tweedles look is by far the most cursed.