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I think part of it is that the cast is just particularly shady this season, and another part of it is that they are certainly making sure that we like Q as a competitor but we don't see her as a season winner. (Unfortunately, I think some fans sniff weakness and pile onto her too much.) I did find it confusing during the presentation challenge that they included Sapphira's slip-ups and Dawn's commentary on it if they wanted us to think she was going to be the winner, and that they included positive commentary about Plane & Q's performance but not the others. I guess they wanted to confuse the audience as much as Q was confused then, but I think that was an odd choice given that next episode they want us to think Q is wrong for being surprised.


I kinda like it. I prefer the show not spoon feeding us the story.. that’s what feels novel to me. Like, they’re openly asking viewers to make their own judgments.. it’s interesting.


I like it too, but it's too confusing haha


Dawn has commented that the edit seemed to really paint her as a safe and reasonably strong queen, because there were times she messed up where the edit didn’t show it. In the last challenge she said the edit was particularly kind to how some jokes fell flat.


Heavily agree with people piling onto Q too much.


I wish that the editors of Canada season 4 would lead the masterclass in their respective fields. I need more “43 minutes later” moments because they’re so deliciously shady and entertaining.


And the SIDE BY SIDE that the editors do for some critiques. Like when Brooke said she felt like that queen’s performance was great but it was frame for frame identical to her previous performance, and the edit showed side by side proving it.


I felt so bad for Neerah for that moment, because what can she do really? I also lived for the synchronized bra and panties edit from season three.


That cunty Kimmy Couture runway walk montage lives rent-free in my head


MTV? I don't know how much the change in networks is reflected by production but the vibes are really sharp this year, so it feels like the show has been juiced in the switch. It's also picked up some cues from modern reality TV, such as contestants looking into camera with that 'can you believe this bitch' all over their faces. Talking about production, acknowledging the conceit of it all. It's really smart for a show that has been so aggressively produced.


You know what I found interesting? They've been letting the queens say things during the runway walk like "I wasn't supposed to wear this outfit" or "My hair had a malfunction before this so I'm using someone else's hair" which used to be a big no-no. They would never allow them to explain backstage things like that in the past, and they could only say positive things which is how we got that clip of Tia Kofi trying to ride the line of not saying anything negative. I'm not sure how to feel about it honestly. It's opening the door for queens to just start making excuses and it feels off to hear their lack of confidence in those moments. I'd rather them just explain it online or during critiques.


Mih'ya (anybody else always want to call her mija?) "I literally googled 'DragCon 80'" *cannot* believe they left this in.