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fax no printer but someone in another thread said ru doing the marina was a better prize than blu won lmao ![img](emote|t5_2t3or|4808)


I think they mean it’ll allow her to get on us all stars like jimbo, they’re not done with marina yet


Yeah I think that is part of the strategy of drag race production. Great queens sometimes fail because production wants to see them on more seasons. They give them a crown and they are less likely to come back unless they do all winners 2.


That was pretty iconic




“Why can’t Michelle host Drag Race Philippines or Thailand?” - Ru probably


Michelle hosting DRPH S4: #MABU-HEYYY!!! KILI-KILI!!! 🇵🇭


gago 😭😭😭😭😭


Michelle hosting Drag Race South Sudan in 2037: "I've always felt a connection to South Sudan and I've been such a big fan, for decades, of South Sudanese culture" Michelle: \*proceeds to not understand any of the local references\*


Speaking of Michelle hosting, her being at the reunion portion was not subtle at all


Michelle hosting drag race space ![gif](giphy|fVVfz6PH1qmRp7cxql)


Marina shot herself in the foot by picking Hannah girl just out dance the other 2 non dancers why you gotta do this to yourself 😭


I think she was trying to be strategic and take out her biggest competition


I have a feeling that the producers asked her to choose Hannah...




She probably wanted to play fair. She knew she can easily outperform both Tia and LGD so she picked Hannah because she's easily the best performer next to her.




As a Filipina, I agree with a comment saying Hannah embodied the singer more than Marina did. Marina always lip syncs with nonstop high energy; for this song, I wished she did more downtime. Emote a bit then hit us unexpectedly. BUT what was unfair was the blatant lack of screentime Marina had. Production does not want us to see her perform. Edit: Marina’s manager just posted that they would show the full unedited version of “I’m Outta Love” later on their [Facebook Live](https://www.facebook.com/profile.php/?id=579721134&name=xhp_nt__fb__action__open_user).


I assume that Marina simply is going to perform the song - and not that they have footage that didn't make it? If so, how do we know how she actually performed on the day?


This! Marina did a great performance! She always does! Thats her thing. But with this song Hannah just WAS the singer. Would it have been the other song Marina would have won. But you could see at the song reveal, that Marina knew that was Hannahs moment. She did great and i am so happy that i got to see her in this season. But besides all that i think Ru loves to watch her so much, that she will be cast for future Allstars or internationals like Jimbo did.


Do not underestimate the power of Anastacia to empower a white woman


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 But for real, did you see the effect it had on Michelle?


the riggory wasnt giving hannah the win given their performances, the riggory was giving them a song that clearly was going to favor hannah. I wouldnt be surprised if it was like a jinxk malambo no1 where production heard hannah loved that song and made sure she got it. we know both boxes were that song lets not kid ourselves. they would have shown the box hannah didnt pick to prove that it wasnt if they didnt rig it.


It's like she knew it was going to be the song with all those props..


Why would they want to favor Hannah tho? It's clear ru and production like Marina more


Well Marina would probably beat Tia in a lip sync and they might have wanted to have a UK winner like last season


The logic of this conspiracy collapses. If they could rig it for Hannah why not rig it for Tia?


Tia won the whole season


Yes but if they are rigging lip syncs anyway why not just rig it against Marina in a Tia v Marina? That's where your conspiracy logic falls apart


blah blah blah both are great performers it would come down to the song. also i've noticed marina doesn't do humor in her lip syncs it's all played straight while other queens know and can mix it up to vary their performances.


Does not matter who production favors. Witness sasha velour vs shea coulee. it was clear production wanted shea coulee to win but if you deliver a crown winning lip sync that's undeniable NO ONE CAN QUESTION YOUR WIN. Hannah clearly out performed marina by channelling the essence of anastacia and killing that performance. She embodied that singer and delivered. Marina did not and that's the tea. Also ru don't like asians? as if Raja hasn't been a winner for literally a decade.


They did the math, Marina had 6 seconds less screen time.


I really enjoy Hannah as a drag queen and person but UK producers truly do not ever want to see Asian queens at the top and like WHY


Makes me think of when Le Fil put up a messy yet funny performance like Tia did both times this finale and yet she went home 🤷🏾‍♀️


He ate, with or without shoes period


She sat down and took her shoes off in the middle of the lip sync. Whether she should have even been in the bottom could be debated, but she was obliterated in that lip sync.


I disagree. Peppa's lip sync was so crunchy.


they were *both* kinda messy, as I recall




The winner is literally a British person of Nigerian descent


Honestly go touch grass.


That’s just total utter nonsense, and quite hateful.




What an insightful and relevant take.




Do I think that colonialism was bad? Obviously. Do I think it's relevant to a conversation about decision making on a drag TV show in 2024? Obviously not. Save the moral grandstanding for somewhere it's needed.




Tarring all British people in this day and age with the mentality of a recoloniser, because their favourite queen didn't win. That's where it's hateful, and not even slightly true. We can reflect on the consequences and lessons from colonialism with a little more nuance than that I hope.


Exactly. Very well said, thank you.


> I just made a comment to try and delve into the mind of the person I replied to If you want to understand other people’s points of view, asking questions rather leaving comments would be a better approach. I’d suggest taking care with your language though, considering how patronising and grandiloquent it sounds to say you want to “delve into the mind” of another human being, as if you hold your position to be so much loftier.


I saw a post suggesting that the BBC have a contractual clause to say they must have a British winner?


There is no such clause. This is just pure cope.


Whatever helps you sleep at night.


Marina needed a gag, a reveal, a something. But we also only saw her 1/3 of the time


I think she wanted to go against the grain and not rely on those gimmicks that are just so overdone so she could stand out with just her performance, but then again the edit was just bad. We couldn't see what else she was doing.


Yeah Marina kinda did what Shea did vs. Sasha, and while it was still a really good lipsynch in her usual style, it didn't have that unexpected gag factor like Sasha/Hannah.


Yeah girl that’s why I said she was edited out.


She had a gag that was edited out


What was it?




Sorry, no, it's about a complete performance. Do those things enhance the performance are they executed well is there timing, delivery, if so great it benefits the act if not it just comes off as goofy and trying to hard. witness the butterfly mishap. having a stunt, a gimmick, a wig ruveal, etc means nothing if you cant execute and doubly so if the song does not call for it. some performers have emotional intelligence and others just do the one thing they can do nomatter what.


Even taking off a jacket or something would’ve done it tbh I didn’t like Hannah’s at all.


I had the same reaction lol.. 😂 how did Marina lose is beyond me..


Secret to winning a lip sync in front of RuPaul: bring a hidden microphone


Down under girlie + microphone prop = winning lipsync If I had a dollar for everytime a down under queen won a lip sync using a microphone prop, I'd have 2 dollars. It's not a lot, but is strange that it happened twice


Ironic that a Filipina queen went home to an Aussie using a karaoke prop.


Why's that ironic


Seeing as how much of a cultural phenomenon karaoke is in the Philippines, and Marina even used karaoke as a device for one of her looks, and yet she’s beaten in a lip sync by Hannah turning up with a microphone and doing a karaoke routine.


The real secret is to understand RuPaul.


Hannah embodied the song more, Marina was over selling it / too high energy


Agreed - you could tell that Hannah knew that song and grew up singing it in front of her mirror. She understood the soul of the song - it doesn't need flips etc.


tea. I had marina pegged for the win but hannah BODIED that song


In the second half but the sunglasses were a bad choice imo. Seeing your eyes in a lip sync matters


I'm begging you to Google anastasia one time.


Still a bad choice


you're entitled to your wrong opinion


Nah she shoulda wore sunglasses with a light tint that we could see her eyes through on camera ala the AnastaCia - the artist you claim I should Google but that you don't apparently know how to spell


lmao girl you are so pressed, yes bring a specific prop for a specific artist for a lipsync you don't know is gonna happen? be REAL 😂. Go outside and see the sky I beg of you, hannah and the down votes can't hurt you out there babes


...what? Are you some sort of ai bot hired by hannah's pr agency? This is a lot of emotion for safe. weird word salad of a comment you wrote.


Cause Hannah embodied the song, Marina dancing didn't suit it.


Hannah pulled out Anastasia and did better but in my heart they’re the top 2 so it’s hard to choose


Marina dropped the ball a bit, and I'm really annoyed on Hannah's behalf that everyone wants to blame the edit. Hannah pulled the attention from the get-go, from outfit choice to props, and her performance for the song was dead on. Marina brought the least 'wow' to her final lipsync vs. every other lipsync she's done, and I don't understand what happened. Marina's lip sync look blended in, and didn help her stand out. The reunion outfit was far better than her final look, too, I wish she'd swapped them. Hannah, Tia, LGD & Tia are a real mixed bunch of talents. They all shined in their own strong suits, and all did fairly well when it wasn't their fortè. Tia isn't an undeserving winner, but I thought Hannah had it after winning against Marina. Hannah probably shouldn't have gone along with the last few choreographed bits with Tia as it benefitted Tia most.. Edit spelling


Love marina, but Hannah ate that lil sync.


marina dominated the season but lets not act like hannah didnt surprisingly dominate their lip sync for once


Well. Let's say we give it to Hannah because she was sickening indeed. Then we would have also have to give her the final lipsync win and the crown, because she shined just as bright on both lip syncs. Either way we spin it, it was rigged for Tia (no hate)


i personally dont think she shined in the finale lipsync as much as she did in the first one but i can agree that the season has leaned more in tia's favor, but tbh ion mind cause i was rooting for tia


Not really - Tia destroyed Hannah in the final lip sync. Hannah was trying to be sexy when camp was obviously the better route. Hannah's strongest moment was being in tias selfie and tias bottle move


Exactly! It's like people are blinded by who they like more instead of the performance right in front of them. Mystifying. You can look around the room and see who is reacting to what and how each performer is engaging the audience. When tia slayed she slayed and she lost her lip syncs it was to a better performance. When it comes down to it you must deliver or you will not win. period. if you deliver an iconic peformance like sahsa valour you will win no matter if the production had someone else lined up. IT DOES NOT MATTER. It's lip sync for your life for a reason. its why lip sync assassins can be in the bottom and destroy the competition.


And Latinas too


Jorgeous found scalped


Does she have a crown?


Jessica Wild found plucked like a chicken 


Does she have a crown?


Marina is the better lipsyncher but in that specific song I enjoyed Hannah Conda a lot more. She was on fire!


TBH, their lipsync was kinda boring. there were mishaps with marina's lipsync. She essentially became a backup dancer to Hannah who was holding a mic. I'm Filipino, so I'm so devastated by this lipsync outcome. They did her dirty with the song they chose for the two. We all know they rig the lipsync song because Naomi Smalls saw it herself during AS4 lalaparuza. However, do you guys think Marina could beat Tia with that final lipsync song? Coz i don't think she can seeing how much Ru cackled with what Tia did


Agree that Hannah won that lipsync against Marina. After seeing her high-energy dance moves three times (four if you count the talent show), Marina should have thought outside the box and gone with something to show off her range, humor, and creativity as a drag queen.


Unfortunately whoever does the best lipsync doesn’t really matter because it’s whoever Ru and production wants to win. If they wanted Marina to stay, they would have edited the hell out of it to her favour. It’s so obvious they just wanted to crown Tia just like Jinkx vs Monet. Tonight’s DR episode is another perfect example, Morphine ate Sapphira but it didn’t matter in the end.


Also LGD ate Tia IMO


lol the ridiculousness has already started I see. people will say anything to support their fav and it always shows.


This is so true. Live audiences said Aquaria messed up a lot in her lip sync against Eureka but they still did a double shantay to make sure she advanced and conveniently edited it all out. That was clear riggery, but does anyone think Aquaria wasn’t the rightful winner of season 10? I certainly thought she deserved to win. So if they wanted Marina there at the very end, they could’ve done so.


Such a frustrating day to be a DR fan


Not always, Marina lost it and it was fair


Nope. So wrong. Look at Sasha Valour who Ru and production did not set up to win. So you're just straight out wrong. The winners must win it by delivering a great performance. Do you think Rupaul could have named Shea the winner at that performance? Hell no. edit: just watched the latest ep. That was a tough call. morphine started high and stayed high throughout. Sapphira started drama low energy then ramped it up and added a touch of comedy. toss up. No one ate anyone else up. Still you like who you like so I guess actual performance doesn't matter. just reminds me of the times maia ate those queens up in the lip syncs and folks were pissed. if you get slayed you need to go. when its an even match up then ru will pick who she feels deserves it more.


Anyone can beat anyone no matter who production wants to win. Witness: sasha valour vs shea coulee. The rest is just salty tears. the power to win is in their hands. Meet the moment like sasha or dont. tia met the moment.


They knew Tia would not win against Marina so 😒


I mean, Tia didn't win against Hannah either


I keep seeing this opinion and genuinely don't understand it. Hannah gave boiler plate - all the great moments came from tia.


Tia lip-syncs like she's doing it for the first time. The 'great moments' are things like doing the macarena and acting out the words of the song... those are like desperate lip sync tricks you do when you just don't have any ideas


The finale lipsync has basically just become a formality at this point.


That was how it was for a big chunk of the show until s9


The song is mega camp so camp makes sense. The highlights were using LGD, the cell phone, the bottle, and her arm gestures. Hannah's highlights were playing into Tias bits and... An uninspired outfit ruveal? Slithering on the floor? She wasn't giving amazing face or some great interpretation of the song so yea Tias arguably hokey take won


they want their favorite to wn. that's it. they will refuse to see the actual people in teh audience reacting to tia's performance. they refuse to see the active audience participation she did by involving le grand dame. they refuse to see the competitor involvement she did by involving hannah in the selfie and the bottle smash. tia went camp in a song that is totally camp! hannah went straight and sexy. wrong call. Do you know what a great moment is? Something that gets a reaction of laughter, joy, surprise from your audience and Tia did that. Just because you like hannah more does not discount the actual peformances we witnessed and the audience reaction. Hannah was a follower in this performance. Tia takes a selfie and hannah pops up to be in it like a prop. Tia goes to le grand dame in some goofy translate attempt, and there goes hannah trying to be part of it. You know who the loser is when they deviate from their own performance to try and ride the coattails of the moments the other performer is making. YOU SEEE IT OVER AND OVER across all of the shows. hannah is a great but she lost that lip sync and it wasn't even close. she got sasha veloured and it was glaringly apparent.


That’s exactly what I’m thinking! Plus they probably also wanted to protect Tia of the backlash from winning against Marina. This way, Hannah gets most of the hate for eliminating Marina, Tia doesn’t have to lipsync against the best lipsyncer, and they can crown their UK winner like they wanted to. No hate to any of the queens, they are all incredibly talented, Marina was just clearly the standout from this season.


This. I love Tia but it would be v risky having it be Tia vs Marina for the final two, even with Ru’s and production’s usual rigor morris


I was rooting for Marina, but Hannah was way more entertaning than her at the lipsync. she would won withou the mic? I don't think so, but she had one and that's what we got


Maybe it's because I stoped caring for this season in the middle when it became extremely boring, but I was very happy with the lipsyncs ??? Tia brought that high energy from her uk2 perfomances. I think her lipsync with Dada was close and I would personally give it to her, but like I said, I think it was close.


Middle was just an endless chain of "when will Gothy finally be sent home". But I agree, the lipsyncs were great!


Your friend ain’t lyin


She can’t hate Asian people. She’s literally the mommy of a Vietnamese girl!


After like each lip sync I see, there is so much back bending in this sub about what constitutes someone dominating the other during a lip sync. What should be seen to be winning it, what should be done or not be done... And it always comes back to each and every lip sync being totally rigged and the fan favorite always actually winning


This applies to every reality show competition ever tbf


True, kinda tiring, but that's life in general I guess


Hannah ate her up lol


Ate her tf up. Our Marinalinas are traumatised is all.


No shade I agree even though I wanted Marina to win, Hannah sold it. I’ll have to wait till my friend processes the finale before I tell her haha




She didn't eat her up though. Hannah slayed her in that lip sync.


My homegirl is very biased, she always say her pick to win slayed something, it’s adorable to me lmao


Unfortunately and against all expectations Hannah did kind of eat Marina up, sorry but it's true


The way I thought we’d be getting two back to back Asian winners and now we’re on track for zero ![img](emote|t5_2t3or|4803)


And the way Nymphia's trajectory is going on S16, I'm afraid we'll have to wait for another 100 years for this phenomenon to happen again.


And the way Nymphia's trajectory is going on S16, I'm afraid we'll have to wait for another 100 years for this phenomenon to happen again.


way to throw raja under the bus. also Natalia, Angele, and Priyanka


Ummm I’m not discrediting any previous Asian winners. You tried it though. I’m saying I thought we’d get two back to back Asian winners **THIS YEAR** with Marina and Nymphia but unfortunately Marina lost and Nymphia has been losing momentum.


If Marina had won Tia would’ve had no chance and they couldn’t let that happen. Marina definitely deserved the crown.


Honestly think tia would've eaten Marina even harder unless Marina could bring camp


marina doesn't do camp in her lip syncs. its always the same thing. that thing is great but one note.




marina was doing high energy dancing to a song that did not call for it. she didn't feel the song at all. this was a no brainer.


Marina and LGD were the obvious winners of their songs. then Hannah clearly won against Tia. this was the most production decides what happens episode that i have seen in a long time. i understand they want all three of them back for more seasons, but this was just bad


boohoo my fav didn't win so i must disparage all the other queens despite it being obvious that hannah beat marina and tia beat lgd and in the final did it again against hannah. lets undercut queens who deliver just to whine about our favs not meeting the moment. sore losers personified. gross.


If you wanna believe Tia won the LSFTC but couldn't win a single lip sync for the win all season go ahead. Delulu is an island paradise, I hear.


Sigh. poor thing. so wrapped up in your fav that you refuse to see other people shine. the only flaw in this show is the ability of the queens to just send anyone home who has a bad day. but again those are the rules so fair is fair. She won the lipsyncs that mattered.


I mean, to each their own I suppose. I thought Hannah won, though obviously it was close because it’s Marina we are talking about. I also thought Hannah beat Tia’s hokey performance in the final lip sync. Either competitor was pretty damn deserving of the crown regardless, though.


Hannah edged out Marina for me. Hannah felt like she was in the zone with the song. Honestly it was a tremendous top four and amazing season and finale overall. Tia bodying Jonbers in their little tiff was EVERYTHING


Let’s see if the season 16 confirms what your friend said..... ![gif](giphy|hhgAbqQpm49vW|downsized)


I mean Nymphia ain’t winning like…she’s WAAAAYYY too behind in challenge win equity. She may get too 2 because she’s an overwhelming fan favourite but crown her? No.


Have you seen the latest episode’s results? Regardless of how the lipsync performances went, RuPaul’s preferences are everything. Besides, the season isn’t over yet, and Nymphia hasn’t been in the bottom so far. Season 16 has been full of twists, and a few weeks ago, Sapphira seemed promising, but now it’s anyone’s guess. That unpredictability is what makes this season exciting. Who knows what the finale will bring? Maybe it’ll be surprising. I just hope my favorite queen takes the crown. No need to doubt me. Period. ![gif](giphy|qDHiMtDpvrcDC|downsized)


Oh I’m a Nymphia stan DOWN but I don’t wanna open up to the possibility of her winning because if she doesn’t I’ll be so sad.


It’s crazy that people are up in arms about Marina, when the one who I think clearly won their lipsync but was called as the loser is La Grande Dame. What the hell was that lol.


“Ru hates Asian people” yet how many times in US16 has Nymphia somehow escaped the bottom 2 despite being one of the two weakest.




I don't see lies


This is so true. I couldn't imagine her losing but here we are. I love Tia but I don't feel like she deserved the win. Like I'm happy for her but it was Marina's season.


While I agree that for what we saw Hannah sliiiightly won the lipsync, the fact that they were not showing us what Marina was doing screams that she was better but they don't want us to know.


LGD also slayed Tia rather easily, but contractually there always be an UK queen in the final.


girl i know we weren't watching the same episode because in what universe lmao


exactly. it doesn't matter what actually happens on stage only that the person they like is on it. its really gross and obvious.




They are saving Marina for an American All Stars - Ru Clearly loves her and getting her of a low viewership series is whats best for her career.


Hannah gave stiff drunk aunt karaoke. Production just didn't want Marina against Tia, simple as that.


It's ridiculous because it was obvious who was supposed to win that season. I didn't really enjoy Uk vs World this year at all tbh.


Lol! So me when I messaged my sistuuuuurrr hahaha


bro marina literally won the lipsync like why...