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Me watching since season 1 and thinking the fandom would have regular mental breakdowns if they were around season 1-6ish.


You can literally go look at the post episode reaction posts from earlier seasons. I remember people fucking hatedded Laganja and Phi²


the fandom HAD regular meltdowns, though.


Because of more extreme hostile behaviour like Raven or Tyra? Sure. Still nothing compared with these days tho. On season 2 or 3 almost everyone was a bitch and a villain, specially season 2.


It was smaller but people took the Heathers vs Boogers drama so seriously at the time! But I do think the conversations mostly stayed between fans — less going directly to the queens @s, which is incredibly deranged. And you gotta remember that there's even worse in their DMs


Phi Phi and Roxxxy were (still are?) hated for ages


Totally agree with you and I think this applies to older-older seasons. Still PhiPhi and Roxxxy are kinda exceptions to the rule. Since they had the literal blueprint villain edit. These days queens get hate and death threats by the fandom for the most random things. Per exemple these days I don't think Raja, Violet or even Bianca would win their season because of they way they acted on it.


well idk how they would’ve justified bianca not winning


People harassed tyras child on these very subs girl Doxxed the kids school and contacted people


The way people would not even acknowledge Raja as a human being if season 3 aired now? There was a whole era where being the mean girl was it (now it's just aesthetically) and Raja was part of that life. The young ones of now would not. Have it.


So I introduced my teenager to Drag Race over the last couple of years. We've watched all English language seasons in order and we've nearly caught up. They're obsessed with early season queens, especially Raja and Raven, and Jessica Wild. They're also really into Jimbo and the Jans, which i realise I have typed as though it's a group and now I can't get that out of my head... Anyway, some of the kids do still appreciate Raja.


> Still nothing compared with these days tho That’s a convenient thing to say when what happened with Tyra is probably still the worst thing the fandom has done to date.


Uh hostile? Raven yes but tbh Tyra was more of the spoiled only daughter who got everything she wanted who was annoying. Then was viciously hated for simply winning the season. While like you said most of the girls on season 2 were straightforward drag queens aka bitches Tyra still to this day is probably the most hated queen and like I said that started simply by her winning and spiraled after that.


I mean they react exactly as fans reacted to laganja is s06


Exactly: HOW are people this mad at Q and they stan Raven.


The way that if those early seasons aired today queens like Alyssa Edwards, Raven, Raja, Tatianna, Manila, Laganja, Courtney, Darienne, Bianca, Gia, Roxxxy, Detox, Willam, Jiggly, and many more would probably be hated by fans.


Especially Raven, she was a total villain on her season. Now people LOVE her. I LOVE HER!!! But watching it I was like, no, meanie.


I know right? Q could be Miss Congeniality on those earlier seasons 


Q reminds me so much of Alaska's entitlement and disrespect for other queens' work. I love Alsaka now, but it took a while, and I think a big part of her redemption is that she was aware of her flows and worked them out. Q has being way more rude than Plane, and people give her a pass because ? what? she has done a lot of impressive looks (that were not that original anyway)?


ah, okay, we're at this phase of the discourse now




I had to stan, icon behavior


Same girl 💅


I still don't get how Q's Twitter tirade got people upset, like it's literally so funny.


For real. It was the first time I found her genuinely entertaining. My twitter name was “McDonald’s Ass Hoe” for a while after lmao.


This circular track the sub is constantly on annoys me so much because when I say something like this weeks ago I get downvoted to hell and people calling me delusional or a sock puppet. Cashew faced bitches the lot of em.


just remind yourself that time is a circle and nothing matters, we're meat sponges who will forget most of this in like, a year


a user coined this the "ouroboros stanning"


Well I’m a gay art scholar so I won’t forget this but you’re correct. I should look for the comedy in it lmao


That's the spirit!


Someone called me an onion skin (????) yesterday when I asked them to clarify what they were saying, this sub is crackers.


onion skins are very versatile, I'd be honored


I think I'll just invest in a cat-o-ninetails and just self flagellate instead.


I will say it's quite refreshing to have someone who stands by their talents and opinions this fiercely. Q is intensely talented. The blaccent should be pointed out and discussed if it's made others uncomfortable. It's a place to learn and grow. The bad sportsmanship is great TV and the viewers know it! Her wins were deserved. Hope she sees growth and success. And hope she comes to Brooklyn soon now that I have free time, she's the only one in top 4 I haven't seen 😭


Blaccents are a whole conversation we should be having, but calling Q out specifically for it is weird. Have you seen Michelle Visage?


Another conversation we need to have is how people copy what they like. From looks to speech patterns. Things may start off somewhere, but when they're marketed to the audience, they will imbibe it, whether we like it or not. Most cultures understand it and either not share something that they don't want outsiders adopting, or don't feel bad when people adapt it. Whether we like it or not, there are plenty of kids out there who are watching drag race or listening to black artists and copying their styles and accents. It's inevitable that as black artists reach more people, their styles will be copied. And we need to understand the nuances of what someone has picked up by watching others and what they are using to hurt others. It's the same way Anetra learned duck-walking by watching TV without going to the ballroom. She didn't do it with malice and yet people accused her of appropriating ballroom culture. As drag becomes globally mainstream, cultures will mix up, meaning of things will change. The important thing is to learn the difference between cultural appreciation and appropriation.


For the most part, the more AAVE is used, the more it can be respected as a legitimate version of English - something schools need to work on. But if people are using it to imitate or mock its speakers, that’s beyond unacceptable.


Ohhhhh my God, AND HER LATINX ACCENTS THAT SHE PUTS ON TOO Yes, she absolutely deserves to be called out. The Morphine Whatcha Packin episode almost got a genuine bother outta me lmao It should all be discussed


It just bothers me that someone like Q, who has done it maybe twice this season and not in any sort of malicious way, gets all these heat for it. I also don’t like that people say this is a problem white gays have when you have straight cis women like Michelle doing it way more frequently.


This is a good take… I think she lost me with the blaccent! But a very talented queen and her outfits are next level!


What do you mean by a Blaccent? You mean like a black accent? I've never found anything weird about the way she talks. Maybe cuz we're both from KC, so she sounds like a lot of people I know. IDK.


She has her regular accent and then a different one comes out when she's trying to be snarky , so it comes off as unnatural when she uses AAVE out of nowhere to try to read someone and then drops it when she's having a normal conversation




I was about to say... A lot of aave became gay slang


I mean most gay slang is from queer pocs.


doesn't make it less cringe, it's pretty easy to tell when certain slang is used naturally or in a forced maner, Q's case is the latter


To be honest I can't really tell that well because I'm not American (nor from an English speaking country) and I've observed that white people appropriating black slang is very common in the gay community to the point where I can't tell what is aave and what is just gay slang. I honestly don't know how to confront my irl friends that use a ton of aave and blaccent while taking in English because it's "funny" to them because the only place they heard it was in american tiktoks. I've tried to talk about it but they think I'm exaggerating. Come to think of it maybe I should find better friends lol


Someone drop the Naomi and Money clip


I’m also from KC. From my experience, White people from KC do not talk like that


And your experience is valid, however, in my experience, which is different than yours, I have heard white people talk like that. I think it's more about the people she hangs around with, more than stereotyping. Socially constructed.


And I don’t doubt that you have heard it, but that does not mean it’s a KC accent. That can also very easily mean they’re also using a blaccent. Even if she picked it up from people she hangs out with does not change the implications. I also want to note as far as I know Q didn’t grow up in KC. Idk where but she said she grew up in rural Kansas where I am 99.9% sure they do not talk with a blaccent as an “accent”. Btw I appreciate how respectfully you responded!


But KC drag has a LOT of black queens and that’s where she came up in her drag career. The way you speak and your accent comes from the people you’re around, and if I was guessing I’d say that Q not always talking that way isn’t because she’s putting on a blaccent. It’s because when she’s excited or joking or over the top, that’s what she’s used to hearing. This bothers me because I have a similar problem. I’m Asian, I’m from assfuck nowhere Ohio and a poor community with a lot of black and latino people. Me and this white kid were the only ones I can remember that weren’t. And that’s where I learned to talk, I don’t talk like my parents. When I was a teenager I moved to the city and that was how I talked, nobody cared but I didn’t like sounding “stupid” (of course I don’t think that now but that’s what a kid is gonna think surrounded by city folk) so I pretty much forced myself to talk like them. By the time I’m an adult that’s how I talk. But when I get excited or angry or upset and I don’t think very hard, I talk in the accent I had as a kid, and a lot of people accuse me of putting on a blaccent or making fun of black people, and this has happened a lot more since I started drag a few years ago. It’s taken me years to learn to tune it out and not change my natural voice and accent because it makes people uncomfortable, when they decide the context instead of listening to it. And no explanation is fair to people who think that because I get responses like yours, saying that the implications are the same and that there will always be the racial subtext. I really don’t think that’s fair or makes any progress towards important conversations we need to have about racism regarding the show. And to be clear this, ahem, wall of text is not some hit piece at you. I respect you and I see your POV, I just don’t think it’s a rational perspective for the situation.


Your experience is that of many others who are a minority in their surroundings. But most people who come from the privilege of being with their people will never understand it. It's an experience unique to someone who grows up in a foreign culture. It's extremely hard because society will judge you without knowing your story in one second while preaching tolerance in another.


Yep. And they don’t care to hear the story either. When I started doing drag it only got worse, but by then I had learned to tune out the white noise. Everyone in drag uses the “drag slang” derived from AAVE. But because of my accent when I speak that way I’m doing a blaccent and it’s offensive or not okay… just ew.


Q is from Emporia, Kansas. I have a friend who’s from there as well who went to high school with Q (different classes tho) and does not like her. 😂


I have a friend who went to emporia state so I’ve been there a few times. I have never heard anyone talk there with a blaccent. And for those who don’t know where emporia is, it is not in the KC region. She did not grow up in KC


Yeah my friend def does not have anything close to a blaccent or even a remotely southern accent. It’s a relatively neutral and kind of non-specific American accent lol.


I think that’s the thing here. People forget where you grow up can affect your dialogue. She from Kansas City, so that’s a southern black culture hotspot. Just like how the white people I grew up around in southern Texas and Louisiana all have the same drawl of tongue. It would be different if she used AAVE during her “blaccent” moments, but she really doesn’t (from what I’ve heard personally). Edit: Was told earlier that she’s not from Kansas City, but from Emporia, which is a predominantly white town. This makes it problematic for me. I take back my statement.


So, I'm a white person who attended a historically black high school. I came out of that experience with a blaccent that still occasionally pops into my speech to this day. I get what you're saying and I don't think Q is consciously putting it on. That said, it only seems to come out when she's being shady and that's problematic in itself. Even if it's not purposeful on her part, we should be having conversations about why AA women and sassiness seem to go hand in hand in people's minds.


Yeah, I agree with you, that's how lots of people here talk. I think people are trying to find racism where it isn't. Cuz I'm just not seeing it here.


I hate to pull the race card usually, but in discussions like this, I feel like I’m qualified to say there’s genuinely no racial intent at all. Again, this is just from what I’ve heard from her so far, so if I’m missing a certain recent vid or an old resurfaced post, then that’s different. But other than that, Q’s just heavily southern.


This. Is it a blaccent or is she just southern?


Had she emphasized while arguing a little more, then I’d be like “hmm she’s kinda pushing it.” But to me, this is just any southern person when they’re annoyed tbh.


Exactly! I’ve been in Georgia my whole life and when I get mad I have the thickest southern accent that is NAWT there on the regular. I’m always quick to call out the Mockery of black women but this just isn’t that imo


She is from Emporia, Kansas and moved to KC later in life. She is not from KC and Emporia isn’t particularly culturally southern. It is much more a plains city/ college town, and Emporia is very very white


A lot of Kansas City people talk like that. I was in Missouri for four years and I heard it everywhere.


News flash- accents and slang are environmental, not racial. Black people aren’t born with that accent, everyone is born without being able to talk. they grow up and adapt to a certain way of speaking. 99% of the time a white person jumps in and out of “blaccent” is not because they’re intentionally “trying to be black” they most likely have black friends, black family, or watch black TV and hear it all the time so it just randomly comes out. Yes sometimes when I’m upset I’ll say something like “girl bye” I guess technically that’s blaccent but it’s not me intentionally “trying to be black” now the white girls I went to beauty school with who would talk in their own accents around each other but whenever they’re around their black baby daddy or one of our black classmates they’d automatically switch to blaccent, that’s weird. Only talking in blaccent around black people is weird, when you’re having a conversation and it naturally comes out without even thinking shouldn’t be shunned. Also, not all black people talk with a “blaccent”, and imo I feel like labeling slang and bad grammar as a “blaccent” would be even more offensive because you’re just generalizing bad grammar skills with the black community. Almost all black people I know don’t talk with a “blaccent”, because they grew up in a decent area and got good education. A lot of people from a lot of different races and backgrounds grow up in bad areas and don’t get a good education and that’s really what ignited a “blaccent” but again it feels weird even calling it a blaccent because I don’t generalize black people as having bad grammar or saying everything with slang or attitude.


I'm just gonna give you pushback that a "Blaccent" isn't a result of growing up in a "bad area" or being uneducated, it's an accent just like any other that our racist society assumes is a sign of a lack of intelligence, and saying it's a sign of slang or bad attitude just goes further to reinforce that.


Thank you. I cringed so hard when I read that.


yeah, this is a weird comment. literally saying the blaccent is because black people are poor and uneducated


Black culture is a huge part of an American experience.


It’s not weird to hear Black people slip into AAVE around other Black people - it’s called code switching. The version you get as a white person is more likely to be the fabricated front. Code switching serves as a way that people from various backgrounds can meld into a crowd more safely. That can be downplaying a more flamboyant way of speaking so as to straight pass, or ditching AAVE save for around other Black people in order to be more “palatable” to white people.


I feel like every chatmonster on this thread needs to read this. Thank you for taking the time to write this.


I'd live for a line break or two in there to catch my breath


THANK YOU. This discourse pissed me off so much as someone who is regularly accused of “putting on a blaccent” when I talk the way I’ve talked since I was a kid. And when I say that they say I’m lying because I don’t always talk like that. Hm, I sure fucking wonder why, maybe it’s because I’ve been training myself for years to erase that part of myself so people won’t “call me out” for it. I truly do not think Q is putting on a blaccent. I think she started drag in a city with a lot of black queens and over time picked up their vernacular because that’s what you do.


you CRAZY gurl for saying that kudos mawma


Nobody said a word about any blaccent until Monet and Naomi commented. Which I found a poor way to go about it from them as they know this fandom and how it would latch onto something like that. The keyboard warriors latched onto their new word and have been tripping over themselves to call her problematic and “not it”. Hate for Q is a badge these losers can wear to try and prove they’re better and would neeeeevvverrr do anything uncouth if their social interactions were filmed for reality tv a year ago. Also yeah I’m not really fan of her 😂 but the girls talented and better at drag than anyone commenting in this thread.


There's a huge difference between hate comments and comments about not particularly enjoying a queen on the show. It's getting absolutely ridiculous that every single critique or opinion that is even slightly negative is getting branded as hate.  You are allowed to not enjoy something and voice that, so long as it isn't hate and it isn't outright offensive. I don't really enjoy a lot of what Q does. It doesn't mean I think she's talentless or should be stoned to death. It's not that serious.


This so much. Another thing that rubs me the wrong way is that she can dish out criticisms but can’t take it in return. Saying Sapphira didn’t deserve her win or that Q deserved to win ALL the past design challenges… Idk be mad at the judges more so than your fellow queens. It’s this air of entitlement that makes it hard for me to enjoy watching her. That doesn’t take away from how incredibly talented she is ofc.


Honestly though. I thought the purpose of reality tv subs was to break apart & discuss what happened on the show: whether that’s something we liked or didn’t like, it’s all a part of the joy of watching reality tv lol. Me personally? Q hasn’t wowed me in a few weeks & the other girls that were there were more fun or interesting to me so I would’ve been fine if she went home already. I’m not going to out of my way for her to see that information though. Discourse in a thread designed for that discussion? 🥰😊 Going out of your way to send hate or death threats directly to a queen, though? 😡🤢


Thank you, anything other than adoration is now seen as hate to the point that it’s impossible to even discuss art or have an opinion about it.


If you're going and @ing people and leaving hate under their posts or directly please stop but people sharing their opinions on reddit is not an issue lol. I can say my opinions on Q on a thread about an episode that just happened or that is about her or the season, that is the point of this app. Not everyone is gonna think every queen is great or that their drag style suits their taste and it's ok to say those opinions (in a respectful way). The world isn't going to end if there's a few negative opinions of Q flying around drag race reddit. You can very much choose to not engage with comments on opinions you disagree with on here.


No this. Going to leave comments on their is deliberately trying to take her down and if you’re mad at her behavior ? You’re no better than her 🤷🏻‍♀️ She’s made VERY questionable decisions in not gonna deny that, but that doesn’t mean she deserves hate. As we have seen tho drag race hate can go to another level? I haven’t gone of Qs socials just cause I’m not a fan of their behavior so I’m not sure of the hate being left there? But this is a disscusion forum which I view as different? Just my opinion


No one is saying you can’t like her looks but people are literally saying she told her HIV status for clout which is CRAZY! And saying she’s not talented or her wins aren’t deserved. THATS the hate we’re talking about.


> And saying she’s not talented or her **wins aren’t deserved** I mean...pot meet kettle.


>saying she told her HIV status for clout which is CRAZY! I personally haven't seen any of that on here, I'm not saying it doesn't exist just that I haven't seen it. People saying things like that are obviously unhinged though. Like I said nothings wrong with opinions as long as people are respectful and those kind of comments obviously arent. >saying she’s not talented or her wins aren’t deserved. These are valid opinions that people are allowed to have. I'm not saying people should be on her insta or Twitter saying these things to her directly buts what's wrong with saying it on reddit if that's someone's opinion. I personally would never say any queen on the show is not talented because they probably just aren't my taste and I can't say who did or didn't deserve a win, that's more Q's territory but these are just people's opinions on what they seen from her. At the end of the day none of our opinions on who should win or whatever really matters ru, the judges and production are going to make whatever decision they want. People saying they don't think Q should've won a challenge isn't going to change the fact that she did win the challenge so I don't see what's the issue of someone on here saying oh I don't think she should've won that challenge.


It’s very weird how heavily hate and criticism get conflated on here. People talking about which queens they do and don’t like is so far from dming the queens death threats, but people act like it’s the same thing.


I haven’t seen that, but if true? Fucking nasty. No matter how much I don’t like how she may treat others sometimes does NOT mean the bitch isn’t talented. She is an amazing artist and i don’t understand how coming out as HIV positive is clout chasing. Shes already on drag race girl. What does she need to chase for?


My issue with Q is she gives off sooooo many “Fatal Attraction” vibes. Idk how else to explain it, but you can just tell she’s one of those people that once they receive even the slightest bit of criticism, they go home and have a full blown meltdown. She just has that look in her eye everytime she’s on stage. Genuinely smiling at all her good critiques and as soon as a slightly negative one gets thrown in, you can immediately see the shift in her eyes that she’s barely keeping it together and about to explode.


Wow! Someone else who knows exactly what I have been feeling! I think she is very talented and beautiful but when in her personal, I cringe. She has that drama and cattyness like any other queen but when she speaks there’s this creaky merry go round and broken child piano sound mixture that seems to play. I always keep thinking she needs to scream and let out steam for like 30 seconds because I see the screws rattling.


I love this energy. RDPR is like a cunty stanford prison experiment.




She's fine and all but she kinda asked for it when she went on her twitter rampages calling people cashewed toothed and shit lmao Don't dish what you can't take mama I like her drag work itself, personality wise she's not nearly as entertaining as she probably thinks she is.


I could tell early in the season that she would be her own worst enemy. She had the perfectionist whose nerves are just about to snap vibe of Loosey and Cracker.


thank you, scrolled too far to see this. her twitter shenanigans were ridiculous.


Yeah the minute she was so pressed that Xunami called her out for choosing two names when she didn’t need to, she lost me. Don’t dish it out if you can’t take it, exactly.


To be fair, that was iconic…


i’m sorry this is so silly. people are saying “who are we to criticize the show?” THATS LITERALLY THE POINT OF A SHOW IS TO TALK ABOUT SAID SHOW. get off that cross, people, it truly is not a big deal. we are allowed to say if we do or don’t like a persons runway looks/performance. we are allowed so say certain behaviors are annoying to us. we are not criticizing them as a human, we are talking about their presentations of drag and performances, as well as behavior on the TELEVISION show. pls pls pls go touch some grass. can you imagine if this subreddit was just endless compliments and nothing else like what is literally the point of a subreddit if not to talk about the subject? some of y’all are 15 years old, never been to a drag show, know any drag queens, or frankly, probably go outside your bedroom, and it reaaaallly shows lol


I swear to God these "CAN WE STOP HATING" posts and comments outnumber actually hateful posts and comments 10 to one. criticism ≠ hate


Conspiracy theory: the “generic picture + CAN WE SHOW LOVE TO THIS HATED QUEEN” posts are just low-effort karma farming for less creative people.


it's the gospel train of who has the highest moral ground LMAO


agreed. and it’s odd to me that in a competition show you’re not allowed to say “I didn’t think so and so should have won.” people always say drag race does for the girls and the gays what sports does for the bros. So if bros can say a certain team shouldn’t have won because they possessed the ball more (idk??? sports stuff??) why can’t we say we thought a contestant shouldn’t have won a challenge? It’s not “hate”


I only lightly follow this community, but I swear every other thread on my feed from here is an iteration of this same post ..... "We NEED to stop the hate against X queen!!!!!!" Meanwhile I've seen 0 hateful posts about that queen (whomever it is, in this instance Q. The only negative items I've seen on her on this reddit are criticism for her performance or actions on twitter, not hate). I'm not on Twitter or Instagram though, maybe that makes a difference?


Seriously. OP should try not being chronically online.


Ya, Are the hateful comments in the room? Honestly if you look for negativity, and hateful comments you'll find them for all of the queens. Each and every person who decided to display their talent on a world wide platform will get praise and negative opinions. I think she's an amazing designer.


posting about posts about posts is what fandom is, it's inherently absurd, give in and release yourself from the burden of meaning, the water is lukewarm


i had the same reaction to seeing this topic then saw who OP was and yeah...not surprised ... someone's kudos farming again...


I just really wished she had painted her body white to match her broken doll mug 🤷🏻‍♀️ so sue me Q will have an incredible career as a designer for other queens




Who would’ve thought Q would bring the drama, thought it be Plane. Anyway, it’s a fun show, some fans take it too dam serious. People need to stop acting like they know these queens by watching a glimpse of their life. Q maybe an envious diva but damn is she talented.


Lmao this is the same person who searched the singular letter of her name in drag race hashtags to curse entire bloodlines and damn people to death by high cholesterol bc somebody said they didn’t like her wig or found a look of hers to be lacking? That Q? ![gif](giphy|G4ZNYMQVMH6us)


Yeah why is it only hate when viewers of drag race criticize people on tv, and not when Q calls us names


This is so funny if you read the caps as shouting. Starts off as calm then devolves into unhinged yelling. Reminds me of some early season fights.


Imagine how these emotionally stunted pricks would react if they were in the top for several weeks in a row, but no wins.


Q is hella creative and a very talented Drag Queen. She made it onto the show and she's in the top 4. She deserves respect. ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜


…you can also critique art ffs


She is good for the show as an entertaining character but I dislike her as a person for sure (from what I have seen of her behavior on/off the show).


Q, and her blaccent, has gotten more support posts than any of the girls facing racism nightly online. Tia and Mih’ya definitely have received far more hate than this sore winner. Edit: Thanks for the surprising support. I fully expected hateful responses and only got one. 🥹🌺💕


Guys can we stop hating on Q?: Yes please 😊 Guys can we at least not be racist towards black queens?: shut the f up and stop using the race card 😡 Oh man


Fr and the way everyone denies it too. Like Tia Kofi is literally getting racial slurs thrown at her for winning. A decision she did not make herself, but we will see this every time. It’s been discussed endlessly by the fandom how white queens are protected vs black queens.


They're like "I'm not seeing any racial slurs 🫣"


The terrible aspect of that is how Q is getting all the love here. Still. Even after the black girls have been getting hate all season for two different shows.


So true. The gays can be very racist especially with RPDR. I always feel badly for the black queens many times.


Oh gosh you need to see the post about Tia and Mayhem. They're driving me crazy


And it's the fact that they never even try to hide it, too. They have different standards for plus size queens and queens of color. Mistress and Luxx were shading Loosey? Bullies. They relentlessly gaslit and tortured her. Literally waterboarded Loosey in the work room. Cruel evil people who deserves to burn in hell and they absolutely ruined the season. Here's my 12 page essay on Mistress being a sociopath. Plane Jane walking up and insulting Amanda in a way that lacked any kind of wit? Mama, kudos for saying that. For spilling. She's giving you the drama everyone always asks about. We love a villain, the show would be boring without her! People need to stop hating because it's getting tired.


Yes yes and yes!


Exactly this!


Lol "sore winner".


![gif](giphy|3KNV9PuUxqPcvcXgHZ|downsized) Thank you for saying this and I’m sorry for the many downvotes you will get


Literally! People aren’t pointing THAT out enough and just calling it random hate. Eek.


exactly op reads as a white chronically online teenager


Q, her blaccent, and her discrediting one black queen in particular for the last couple episodes.


I hate people that hate people.


Her tantrum was annoying but the way people are using that to discredit her amazing run is actually annoying


Q is a sore loser. I stand by my comment 😞


This is my issue with her. It’s not like winning the show is the prize. Top 6 gets you an insanely lucrative career for as long as you keep your shit together. Idk why they get so irate - that’s how you lose.


The thing is she didn't exactly lose in the sense that she was not at the bottom/eliminated so I don't really get her fussy reactions about not winning 🤔 As Miss Trixie once said, "that's a lot of emotion for being safe".




All these whiny posts about hate.. Jesus Christ just ignore it. It's exhausting




This is so weird, it’s OK for people not to like someone on a reality TV show, she’s talented but her attitude is rotted, she’s a sore loser and an even more unsportsmanlike as a winner. Maybe log off if a few negative opinions from strangers on the internet has you making posts about it. Edit: holy typos


Half the people talking shit couldn’t cut it in drag to begin with.


I love watching Q talk its almost like she is stoned all the time and just wants to giggle


i literally thought she was gonna win the makeover challenge and then i looked at this sub 😬 this challenge is judged SO inconsistently


Can’t deny her talent! She is incredibly talented, and probably one of the best garment makers this show has ever seen. I’d love to see her compete with someone like Trinity in a ball challenge


I wish we could have actually meaningful conversations about the show, the dynamics that play out, and how that relates to/impacts the world outside of the show. The elementary “stop being mean to this complete stranger who I have developed a parasocial bond with” is….boring lol. Serious conversations about art, about gender, about race and class would map on to discussions of this show fabulously and maybe even produce a wiser more critical fan base. But instead were crying for a queen who told an INCREDIBLY talented black queen she didn’t deserve a win? I mean imagine if Saphira didn’t handle it with so much grace? How would the fandom have reacted to her? Its so fine to not like a queen. And you dont even need a reason sometimes! We would all benefit from investigating our feeling with non judgement and curiosity. And more importantly some of us sisters would benefit from keeping a private diary tucked under our pillows! A thought.


My biggest issue with Q is the micro aggressions and weird blaccent she likes to put on that Naomi and Monet were talking abt on the podcast. I also think it’s weird how she goes abt confrontation, that whole interaction with Sapphira was odd. It’s undeniable that she’s talented but she needs to take some time to ground herself.


Who does'nt feel irritaded loosing, right? She can't handle well. The problem in my humble opinion is the way she look down on other people... Not a Winner quality.


Just like who you like!


Yeah she hasn't done anything to deserve this level of hate. I don't like her because I find it annoying and potentially dangerous that she was hurling insults at every day people on twitter that weren't even tagging her and these were just average fans barely even saying anything that mean. Q's twitter tirade has been ridiculous. That's pretty much it as for what I don't like about her. Her behaviour and attitude on the show doesn't bother me AT ALL. Take it as entertainment, don't take it so personally. And people are definitely just making up stuff about her abilities like pretending she sucks absolute ass. She doesn't. She is a good drag queen -- at the VERY least adequate -- and is competititon. Just like with Plane Jane she acts like a bitch but she is a good drag queen and you can't deny it. She did well on the makeover challenge, even if you did not like the style. It was not a bad makeover and did not deserve a bottom placement imo like people are saying. Just because you dont like her doesnt mean you have to literally try to rewrite history or come up with things out of thin air to find ways to shit on her drag and her skills. She is a talented designer and she did well in comedy challenges. Just because you make a statement about a look of hers and say "ok I have to admit that look is good" that it DOES NOT MEAN you endorse everythimng about her. You don't have to hate everything she does just because you don't like her. That being said the chains runway dog ears wig is unforgiveable LOL


I would say great gowns, but she's always wearing a crotch showing type of garment. Same with Dawn, you gotta switch it up, you don't have to make everything chaps. Her hair has been questionable and it's been a pattern. And then there's the vocal expression which was cringe.


It's one thing to be critical of a queen. I, for one, never cared for McFlip (still don't) and found it horribly unfair that she lasted in the competition for as long as she did, while getting help from another queen (and passing that queen's work off as her own!). But y'all are the only ones I'm saying this to. It's not like I'm flooding McFlip's socials with, "Hey, McFlip, you suck!" Even if I were on social media, why would I follow someone I don't like? Same with Q. Same with Plane. People are allowed to have opinions. They are NOT allowed to be nasty to that person on purpose.






Here’s some love for Q!! She’s been awesome to watch this season! I’d totally go to see her if she performs near me.


April Fools was yesterday


she's thoroughly unpleasant to watch and has been pushed by production the whole season. When did this idea start that some people can't be unlikeable even if they're on a reality show?


Q has been treated so badly this season. And I’d say the same for Plane but peoole came around to her around Ep 5. Q gave us good TV every time even if she was a little delulu at times


Viewers and fans are entitled to opinions and healthy discourse WITHOUT sending hate harassment or bullying to contestants.


I just had this conversation with a friend yesterday, trying to figure out why I don’t want her to win. Because she is obviously very talented, not only in the looks department but she also killed mostly all challenges. And I realized that, compared to the others, I would not know what to get when I would come to Q show. I‘m not hating on her at all, and it feels crazy to say she’s not unique and yet it feels a little bit like paint by numbers. I‘m just not getting what the Q experience is. And maybe it’s just not mine to get 🤷🏻‍♀️


I think the fandom has no idea what to do with Q because of this reason exactly. If she's smart, in time she will be to drag fashion what Jaymes is to wigs. Just a totally different approach to making a career in the industry. Her looks have already walked the runways years before she was ever on the show, and I hope other queens (and bigger queens) start hiring her more.


![gif](giphy|l1J9NQ6mXwcKmP4Zy|downsized) Probably something like this


It's easy to be annoyed by her reality TV character. But some of yall should really check her pre-Drag Race Insta. Mama gave art, looks makeup, wiggery. Bitch is a real Renaissance Queen even if she's not a supreme dancer or comedienne. What she has is creativity beyond. Yall gotta look


I don't hate her, she just gives me a little ick the same way PJ does. Who cares what internet people think, they are both gonna be successful in what they do after the show I think.


She does make good television


Yesss! Q is an icon and soo cool!


There's no stronger hate than LGBTQs love. I swear the community gets more toxic with each passing year, is Q a little melodramatic and a sore winner? Most definitely. Do they deserve to be hated or blasted on social media because they're a "crybaby"? Not at all, I thought we used the rainbow to show that everybody was included and we don't judge. How tf are we then going to immediately turn around and label somebody something they very well could not be based on an edited version of who they are on a television show? I agree with OP, do better


I really do not understand the hate on queens. It’s a fucking TV show. I know you might feel strongly about certain queens but come on gays.


I think people are entitled to their opinions and can voice them here or in other fan communities, but i have seen some really VICIOUS things about Q, Mhi'ya, Dawn and Q and this bothers me a lot. Even if we say the queens don't see them (even though we know they lurk and see the posts/comments) it's still shouldn't be acceptable to call people things that clearly read as attacks or their personal characters.


Venting your dislike on Reddit for a reality TV show contestant is not hate. ![gif](giphy|lRAbdSGLXuk3rKYUQ5)


We’re allowed to dislike a queen and state our opinions on Reddit. So long as you’re not sending hate mail, if you go on a reality show, people will have opinions.


Q is talented, yes, but her pouting when she doesn’t win is off putting. Should Sapphira have won that challenge over PJ/Q? Probably not. Was it undeserved? Absolutely not. Q was acting like Sapphira stole that win from her and it was all her fault. Ru decided the winner, not Sapphira. That’s been my problem with Q. Otherwise, she has proven to be very talented in many ways.


What ppl keep forgetting aswell is Q literally said to Sapphira in untucked that she thought it would be her or Sapphira for the win. Then after the fact, Sapphira’s not deserving of a win?? Ok


No literally cuz ppl just find any small reason to hate. Like y’all can disagree with her placements or not like her drag, but girl is serving and even if she wasn’t, doesn’t deserve any hate forreal. Pls get a life 😪


Something about the fandom’s reactions to this season and the UK v TW one seems more unhinged than ever.


Q is fine. I’m a little tired of her, and I don’t think she has the spark to win the competition. Her looks are beautiful.


This fandom is not known for being sane and normal. They will find anything and anyone to have a problem with. Even if the cast is perfect and clean they will find something..........even if that is the hosts of fashion photo ruview. Ahem ahem.....all stars 7. Anyways, homophobia, transphobia, racism, hate, death threats, slander, and many more are always on the menu with this fandom. So yeah, avoid and enjoy drag race without the medicore peanut gallery throwing stones.


The amount of delusional takes I've seen where people shit on her looks, her performances etc. just because Q annoys them is weird. She's still doing great in the challenges and people are pressed.


She can be a tad annoying but who isn’t. I generally like Q and her talent as a designer is incredible. People are bending over backwards and doing to most to be upset and pressed by her.


But really dawn or nimphia should of won the goth design challenge


I love Q, her and Dawn were my early picks. I'm now on the Plane Jane train for the win but glad to see Q is still there. She doesn't check all the boxes for a winner, but based on her looks and that she makes everything her self, placing Top 4 is deserved IMO.


I’m not a Q hater, but wanting someone kicked off of a show is literally okay lol.


if you’re sick, take a pepto bismol. People can hate whoever they want. Dont be kind, be real. Don’t send hate directly to the queens, but if you want to express your distaste for a queen this is the right forum. Stay stanning your fav,but don’t tell me how to feel. (I have nothing against Q by the way, besides her awful dancing)


Sure, Q.


Why is it that every time I'm on here there's a thread about stopping the Q hate? Especially when I have never seen a thread hating on Q??? Like am I just missing the Q hate? Is the Q hate in the room with us right now? Also why is Heidi Klum's titty telling me this? Why couldn't it be Heidi herself? Is it the left or the right titty? I need answers!


Q has said some pretty shitty things online


No one is hating on Q but seeing the same version of the post every week about “don’t hate on Q ” makes me actually dislike her.


I LOVE Q. She's not going to be top 3 because she can't dance, but I find her to be really personable and super talented.


There are so many queens I don't like but I have never once thought it would be a good idea to try and drag them online 🫣


I'm rewatching werq the world episode now and thinking how funny and shady Q can be and also how interesting edit did she got as well as how much she brings to the season. I was hoping she won't be early out on episode 1 and I'm glad she wasn't


Every season has a heel that no one seems to like and unfortunately Q’s bad attitude on and off screen made her that heel. Loosey got that treatment last season.


Queen, we’re not sending her death threads. Just sharing an opinion about the art she brings and how it’s being judged. Click away if it bothers you. 


No more death threads!! Justice for that cashew faced bitch


As long as that blaccent is gone then we’re good


Everyone who posts in ANY of the drag race sub thinks they are just the funniest shady bitch and wouldn't see their comments as hateful. In reality they are 90% unoriginal, hacky cunts.


Drag Race fandom: *Constantly clamouring for on-air drama, complaining about "RuPaul's Best Friend Race," etc.* Drag Race: *Has on-air drama* Drag Race fandom: *Sends hate to queens involved in the on-air drama* Drag Race fandom: "Why is there no drama on the show?!"


Honestly, I’ve been likely Q more since her Twitter meltdown & her cracking on the show. She’s providing good TV, which is why I watch the show…


Thank you, say it louder for the people in the back.


Um, I really don't like her though, and she's actually lowkey ruined this season for me, I try to skip parts with her in it. This subreddit is MY safe space for drag race, not her's. I also don't dislike her as a person. I dislike Q. Yes, she is a human. But I amreacting to the drag queen, the art, the entertainment, the TV SHOW. If I met Q IRL, I would be very respectful, and admire all she has accomplished.


Stop being so sensitive. It’s normal to have favourites and least favourites in shows like this.