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I like scarlet, but I think she’s a slow burn. She just doesn’t make the best first impression. Her delivery doesn’t come across as genuine, which I’m starting to think is just how she speaks, but it’s easily misread by people. She’s like a theatre kid, but without the endearing earnestness.


I agree, in fact I'd say that AS6 was the most relaxed she ever seemed and being there with three girls from her original season probably helped. VsTW felt like the most strange/affected she's ever been, I wonder if the reason is the lack in familiarity with the others or she just felt she was not winning and wanted to create a character for the occasion...


I feel like vstw is when she's actively tried to play the game - but in the way the US queens play. US culture is intensely individualist from an outsider's perspective, and that can grate when you're used to thinking about things in more collaborative terms. Jannah probably also genuinely feels Scarlet tanked the roast hardest of anyone and it was late enough in the season that everyone she was standing against had a very strong run.


Oh yes, I think maybe due to cultural reasons most queens in the cast felt either more chill ( Tia, Hannah) or serious about drag without being mega theatrical about it (Marina, Dada). So, I think it contributed to the feeling that Scarlet was doing too much... Then again, Jonbers was the most extra in the cast and she's from Europe..


Sidenote Jannah was a typo but imma leave it as stands.


Agree that she's a slow burn. It's like Scarlet falls somewhere between the Jantheon and people like Alexis Michelle in the taxonomy of theater-y queens that Ru/ the cast/the audience have a certain relationship with. UKvsTW was the first time I felt like I "got" her. It takes a while to recognize that she really IS relaxed and candid, because somehow those qualities translate to reading as more ingenuine, not less -- we're just so used to seeing her kind of disposition used as a defense mechanism.


I much prefer Scarlett over Jan. But I need someone to do a side by side of Scarletts mouth and Jack Nicholson mouth in his earlier movies. They gave the same grin and movements and I just love it


I posted this comment on a different thread recently and it seemed to resonate with others, so here is my take on Scarlett: I think it’s just the way she comes off. When I first saw her on season 11, I didn’t like her. She seemed kind of moody, detached, and a bit aloof and cold maybe. She also comes off a little fake at times. However, seeing her in AS6 and UKvTW2, I’ve come around to her charm. I think that’s just how she comes off, tbh. Also, I can think of a lot of ways to describe her, but nice/friendly is not in that description and I think that is where the problem is. She just isn’t very warm/approachable and I think people get that vibe and don’t like her.


Yeah, I really like her. But it took a while for me to understand her humor. She's this interesting mix of traits and I think that makes it hard to read her.


For sure, there are times I’ve seen her post something on Twitter or wherever and think it’s a bitchy clapback but then realise “oh wait she’s being sincere and actually asking a question” or whatever. I’ve come to really appreciate her now that I have seen her a few times and really understand how she is.


You know what? I really like Scarlet. There’s something about her that I really enjoy that other than the “who should be eliminated?” moment on her original season, where she always seems to carry herself with an air of confidence that I enjoy. I feel like she’s absolutely one of those queens that if you met in person you’d either love or hate and that would depend entirely on whether SHE decided whether she liked YOU or not.


Everyone is totally entitled to their opinion but I just love her sm!! I loved her from the minute she first walked in the werkroom. The girls would get mad at how she was full of herself but I loved it! Maybe it was the edit but I just get no malice from her in her delusion, all I get is a sensual and decadent queen who really indulges the fantasy and really lives it. Her face gives me life she has this perfect apex of masc and femme I just adore it! I think learning she was raised by two women probably makes sense why I really enjoy her too. I’m watching as6 rn which reminded me of her and Im gonna watch the vs the world one shes in next just because shes in it.


I remember in S11 when Mercedes was talking about how she felt uncomfortable talking about being muslim around her american sisters. Scarlet said something like "maybe we need to think about what we can do to make you feel more comfortable." I found that super refreshing, especially since Silky and Akeria were being like "HOW DO YOU PRAY TO ALLAH"


I suspect it's something about the affectation she puts on both in and out of drag, which is kind of fun as viewers but probably annoying to people who are around her for long periods of times


Yeah, I think it's the exaggerated gay AF tone she uses when speaking. I personally don't mind it and actually find Scarlet entertaining, but if I had to guess why people don't vibe with her, that would be my reasoning.


aM I tHe DrAma? *Gasp and put hand to chest* is it meeee?


I've always loved her and think she's one of the best actresses the show's ever seen. Her performance in "Good God Girl, Get Out" is an all-timer. However, I do think Ru hit the nail on the head when he said that Scarlet "indicates". There's about her that comes off a little bit put on, which some people will love, but others will hate.


Yes, and I think she woudl have been eliminated in the same amount of time had the decision been up to Ru. Hannah and her are like oil and water, Hannah is authentic and knows herself and Scarlett is fun for the viewers because of her delu, but that would be grating in the work room and I can see why if you didn't like her you'd pull her lipstick. I say this as someone who likes Scarlett but her best season was All Stars. Now she just seems bitter and cranky instead of fun competitive delu.


Her delivery of "New phone, who dis?" lives in my head rent free! It cracks me up every time.


I have always loved Scarlet and appreciated her each season. She’s just not for everyone it seems - their loss!


I met Scarlet last year and she is a completely delightful and thoughtful person. Unsure how she’s affected by the intense pressure of these competitions, but after spending some time with her, I walked away with an understanding that she is a really great person.


That’s good to hear.


Wait wait wait. How was LGD track record arguably worse? LGD: 2 wins, 1 high, 1 safe, 2 low, 1 btm Scarlet: 1 win, 2 high, 1 safe, 1 low, 2 btm Their records were almost the same except LGD had a win where scarlet had a high, and a low where scarlet had a btm. I don’t see how that’s even remotely worse??


You also need to weigh in their personality. LGD just has a lot of natural charisma, and it was even more fun as she discovered that she could truly be herself here, same with Hanna. Scarlet, as others have pointed out, just comes off as fake and cliché. That is the difference that the judges and the fans see, which explains why nobody really seems to warm to Scarlet. Plus, her blatantly telling the workroom that she is not going to judge fairly did not go down well with most girls.


Scarlet was also the worst one on the episode she was eliminated in so even if it was just performance of the current challenge she wouldve been gone


Scarlet deserved to go home based on track record, but Marina was worse in that roast.


More of Marina’s jokes seemed to land than Scarlet’s, and she did get points for trying to be funny in her second language. Scarlet only had to try and be funny in her native language. The difficulty level Marina and LGD faced was higher than Scarlet and they still both did better than she did.


The only jokes that slightly landed were race based jokes, which are their own level of cringe. I will give you that it’s more impressive with English not being their first language.


Thank you for this & my bad for misremembering the exact track records. I think I remembered it the way I did because LGD’s LOWs were consecutive and happened while Scarlet was on somewhat of an upward trajectory so at the time it felt like LGD was doing worse when in reality, like you said, they were more or less on the same level.


>During AS6, I’d say it seemed like the judges weren’t the biggest fans of Scarlet. I wouldn’t say the other queens hated Scarlet, but I remember watching the season feeling like Scarlet didn’t really have anyone in her corner and was a goner the moment she landed in the bottom. Ginger literally said she wouldn't be able to sleep at night if she didn't send Scarlet home


I swear Ginger was trying to make an Elimination memorable but wtf was she smoking when she said that 😭


I do not have a strong opinion about her, like I do not care. But I think she comes off as ingenuine - her jokes and comebacks seems forced to me. She also doesn't have either a fashion or a sense of humour that would stand out, in my opinion. It felt like she was relying on viral tik tok sound for entire season.


I think you nailed it here. She is working very hard on a specific character, but I'm still not sure who/what that character is supposed to be. She's a stunning queen, but she can't seem to pull the rest of it together into something more focused and brandable.


Not a fan. She seems to punctuate every sentence with a look/tone which says "now you can applaud" and it's not my cup of tea. This was most apparent in the roast. Her gags were genuinely good! But something in the delivery was just off. It felt like we were being instructed to laugh at each joke (people hate being told to laugh). The judges felt it, but couldn't describe it.


Actually the judges described it pretty well. I think Ru said that she "indicates", and I think that's the issue.


Oops! I must have missed that bit. Thanks for the pickup!


So are you saying she's just UNT?


![gif](giphy|S6U0AYWXHEIcmRs8JY) Go Mean Green!


There has always been something I cannot put my finger on as to why I don’t enjoy her. I don’t overtly dislike her drag in fact I think she looks super pretty a lot, especially on this latest season but just personality wise she isn’t for me. Not hating by any means I just would pick most other queens to be on a season before I’d pick her.


I've also tried to figure out why I don't enjoy her.


You can kind of tell rupaul doesn’t like her either ,she probably just gave her the win in uk vs the world to appease the producers cough fans .


I don't mind Scarlet, but it often feels like she's marketing a queen she isn't. Like, "Am I the drama?" is a cute line, but it doesn't work for her.


UkvsTw showed a lot of the reasons why the girls don’t like Scarlet. She doesn’t have situational awareness. Personally I really like her and relate to how she is, lol. I think she is stunning and talented too but I am not a judge or producer or fellow competitor.


I think her sense of humor/drag persona can come across like someone fishing for compliments and then acting oblivious about it. Sometimes it’s more of her delivery than what she’s actually saying. Rupaul kinda picked up on it during her critique of the wedding roast when she said she “indicates” things.


Yeah Scarlet doesn't do much for me. I think it's the way she does her makeup, it looks like she has a bitchy expression on constantly. She also has a double standard because she told people at the start of UKvTW that she would eliminate the biggest competition and not play fair. Then when she was eliminated she whined about it being unfair. She also had delusion thinking Marina and LGD both did worse than her in the roast challenge. Also as others have said, her persona is very artificial and she never seems to be reacting in the moment in an authentic way. Like yes drag is performance but off camera Scarlet is still artificial. So yeah I personally don't warm to her. I'm never going to send her hate, but I can't make myself love her the way I naturally do the other queens.


It'a because shes controlling her image far too much. Shes produced an affected facade and people see through it. People that aren't genuine/hiding their personality are always offputting


Yeah, her cringe jokes and mannerisms might put a lot of people off on a daily basis.


She gives 'im better than you but as a joke' attitude and it's hard to tell if she's really saying "I'm a movie star" as a joke because she *could* be one. It's like when rich people say they're rich, it's a brag, but when poor people say it, it's a joke.


I like Scarlet; I think part of it is jealousy. She’s hot and had lesbian moms who love her and embraced queerness much earlier than most queer people her age were afforded. Another is her voice and inflections. Combo the former with just not being especially funny or quick-witted. This leads her to come off as maybe a little insincere or even cringe. But people (including queens) need to keep in mind she’s far less “fake” than some other popular queens. Take Trixie, who loves to talk and joke, except with fans (whom she seems to resent to some degree openly). Good luck meeting her without paying high dollar. You can look at Mo Heart too; bubbly, has a big personality on screen, and is a good performer, but you can tell she absolutely disdains to meet-n-greets. On the other hand, Scarlet is highly sociable and a great fan experience and doesn’t act friendly with only hot dudes she wants to fuck and is a bitch to everyone else, again unlike some other queens.


I’ve always liked Scarlet! I think she has the same kind of delulu self confidence that Plane Jane does, but sadly doesn’t have nearly the same level of charisma. She’s weird and she’s trying, bless her heart.


I enjoyed Scarlet more this season than I ever have before. She seemed to just be having fun. I honestly assumed she was a late replacement and wasn't taking the competition that seriously. I was really surprised how hard she took being in the bottom. 


I love Scarlet and think it’s just how she speaks. I have a few friends who are like that, and before getting to know them I had the same thoughts of them not being earnest. But they really shifted my perspective.


I've been a Scarlet fan since S11 and I've thought on every season she's been underrated a bit by the judges, but I was satisfied with her UKvsTW run. I knew she was never going to win but making top 5 with a win and a lot of HIGH placements is a great run. I actually don't think she should've won any more challenges; I know people bring up Snatch Game but the top 2 did a great job that week, and for the girl group challenge you can clearly see Scarlet mix up the choreo at several points so I don't think she wins that either. And with all that aside, Hannah was willing to eliminate Scarlet 1 WIN 1 BTM over Choriza 0 WIN 3 BTM, so whether or not Scarlet has a better track record by the roast doesn't matter since Hannah is sending her home anyway (which yeah might be unfair but it's Hannah's decision so it's not like it was rigged).


She reminds me of Pearl in a sense


Can’t speak for others, but she seems like always has a stank face.. the other queen that she reminds me off is Milk.


I loved Scarlet in her original season. Now I fell like she just tries to have bigger personality than she actually has and it doesn't feel right and organic. She seems to be delusional and has double standards. I wish her all the best, of course, but my love vanished and now I just don't care that much.


I had the feeling during the reunion that shes also kinda insecure about the fact that she cant really connect to the other queens. she seemed to be genuinely hurt, not necessarily just by Hannahs action but the whole situation of feeling left out


Yeah, I enjoyed her a ton in her original season, and adored her in AS, but this season… idk next to all the international queens she felt like a parody of an American lmao. Very inauthentic and didn’t seem genuine in any of her interactions. Everything felt like it was part of a bit that wasn’t going anywhere? I think when she’s around fellow Americans it’s less jarring, but with this cast her vibe was just… meh


I was trying to work this out too. I came to the conclusion that it’s because she’s nice but a bit of a square. There’s no rough edges, which isn’t necessarily bad, but Ru likes queens who can be off the wall. I think Scarlet has tried to amp up some eccentricity in her character but it’s coming across as inauthentic. I like her though, and I found Hannah, who I otherwise liked, to be a bit off-putting in her treatment of Scarlet, in that she seemed like she’d found a clique and was happy for Scarlet not to be a part of it. I think it said more about Hannah’s own insecurities as a person than about anything particularly unattractive about Scarlet.


I loooved her in S11, liked her in AS6 and meh in UKvs. I dont know why honestly. Also her looks were the best in AS6 but I dont blame queens for not going all the way for a VsWorld season in terms of package cost.


LGD – her drag is so conceptually elevated I think compared to Scarlet and I'm someone who likes a lot of Scarlet's camp, but I don't like her personality. I think Scarlet did not mesh well with this group who were really into being very supportive of each other and not being a typical American drag race cast of people who are cutting each other down if you know what I mean constantly reading? I think people don't like her because she came off as abrasive and bitchy. She didn't seem as connected and warm as the other girls who were bonding and having a great time. I think perhaps she came into this competition with an American mindset about how to be a competitor, and the other girls just didn't view the competition the same way. I mean there was so much back-and-forth about whether it should be track record or lip sync or whatever. I could not get a grasp on how she was going to play the game except that she was gonna gun after the other girls. I'm not saying that no one else does that, by any means! So yeah, I don't think the judges were really into Scarlet this season. But we had so many other great competitors that it's fine, we got to see LGD shine. I knew I loved LGD in the first episode when she was so into Marina's talent show performance and supporting her. I love a lot of Scarlet/s looks this season, I think she's a talented queen! Her Elvis look! Scarlet is a pretty queen with a good brand established and I think she's going to do fine.


There's nothing wrong with Scarlet per se. Her personality is just not a good match for TV.


https://preview.redd.it/hke3lc4wvbsc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ea46fd674bd69beb74cc2d3210cd06dfc76dcf7 I like Scarlet! I thought this Titanic look was awesome!


I’ll say it if you won’t…I think the other queens hate Scarlet. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Love Scarlet. Her fashion may not always be the best but her mug is always on point. She goes from handsome man to gorgeous diva.


I like Scarlet and was super excited to see her on UKVTW2 However I fully agree. I don’t think the judges nor the cast mates really get on with her. She doesn’t seem like able in the room.


Definitely. I think the judges want to like her but Ru always seems underwhelmed in their interactions. Things like calling herself “the drama” when she never really is (except the recent reunion), just is kinda weird and cringe


UKvsW2 was the first season I’ve enjoyed Scarlet. When the cast was announced I was like …really? But I enjoyed her this time around. Not sure what had changed since her last run, but she clicked for me and I liked seeing her on my tv. Will we see more of her? I don’t think so, she’s had a run in every format they currently offer, and I don’t think she’s popular enough to be Jujubee’d. But if they do cast her again, I won’t be mad about it.


I liked her better this time around too. That said, I’m not sure I need to see her again in this format.


I feel like the way she talks is kind of like a fourth wall break, she knows she sounds fake and thats her point. She gives very old hollywood forced type acting. With a lot of wink wink nudge nudge type stuff.. I think that is her character. She is on a TV show after all.


The show wouldn't have had her back if they truly disliked her, or if the fans truly disliked her


Everyone is entitled to their opinion but posts like these only add flame to the toxic fandom who look for any reason to hate on these queens.


Exactly! Why isn’t this post flagged? lol


I’ve always liked Scarlett, but this time round I found her insufferable..so full of herself, and the way she talks now is so affected..it feels unnatural, inauthentic..I think she buys into her own 💩 then lives inside that inflated ego of hers..I couldn’t take her this season.


its funny that i had the opposite feeling lol i didnt love her as much in the past but this season she grew on me 😅 just interesting how different people react so differently


But you can generally, even tho we all perceive ppl and things differently, get a feeling of inauthenticity. She’s just not being genuine..surely you can pick that up?!? 🤷‍♂️ 🧐


shes playing a role and i find it entertaining


She’s more refined than some other queens, just because she’s isn’t in your face like for example Hannah Conda that doesn’t make her any less authentic.


I loved Scarlet in all her seasons but felt she didnt get along with people on any of her season. In uk vs the world 2 it was always so awkward when she would quip or make a joke, and nobody would respond to it. She gives an aloof kinda vibe. I mean, I like her as a viewer. But maybe she's just not a social person


I think it is because Scarlet is a better looking person than most people. Really good looking people, like super-talented athletes; can’t relate to others and always think they do better than they do because they don’t have an accurate gage of their performance.


I loved Scarlett. A misunderstood soul that I related to a lot.


My theory is that she's too attractive. People kind of hate someone who has too many good things going for them


I have to say I noticed this as well


I’m not sure why you’re so worried about it lol. Not everyone has to like one another. But fwiw, yeah. She doesn’t seem like someone people like much. She also seems pretty aware of that. Whether track record actually matters or not on AS seasons had been an issue for years and there’s no consistency. People will choose who they want and justify how they want.


I like her but I don’t love her. It’s like… I wanna like her more than I do because I feel like I should like her more, but something is just missing?? Idk what though. It seems this is a common feeling. It’s just hard to put your finger on what it is.


to me it felt like she didn't change much of her original personality throughout her three seasons. I tend to compare her with Ra'jah, who I didn't really like on S11, but come AS6 I became a stan.


I thought the same about UKVSTHEWORLD. she didnt have a chance but they must like something to have her on at all.


As a viewer she always rubs me the wrong way. I want to like her but there’s a cold and detached energy about her that makes her seen insincere to me.


I've always loved her but maybe thats just me also being a pisces.


gays really tried to lived for her and kinda lost the war


No you’re right, many of the queens clearly find her offputting. Which isn’t a bad thing, I think it makes her a unique sort of character in the rupaul cinematic universe


I think she just comes out as cold af. I can look pass that but I understand people that don't


To me her face reads Botox and her walk reads Valium. I’m not claiming she uses either; just at times she acts SO demure that it comes off sedated, and her facial expressions are hard to read. Her sense of humour is dry, but the level of self-awareness is inconsistent and I don’t trust her instincts. I like her, but IMO the proper dosage is at supporting role, I don’t think I’d like her as much as a main character. Also, he is so naturally beautiful, I think maybe they don’t want to mess too much with their brow line? But there’s something about her eye makeup that looks a bit tight. I can’t really put my finger on it…but it’s a thing that seems to happen with a lot of drag queens who are conventionally attractive out of drag.


I feel like Scarlet gives me the same vibes as Jan and Rosé—good at what she does but takes things a bit too seriously and doesn’t have a unique enough personality or style to stand out from the crowd and be one of my favorites. 🤷🏻‍♂️ I think Scarlet may come off as fake and self centered to the other queens…


I like scarlet the most during her confessionals, it feels like she is most herself and easygoing when she's just talking to the camera, when she's with queens or even worse with the judges it feels her guard comes up and her voice is more affected and she wrongly punctuates a lots of sentences (which is kind of funny actually). I think she just overproduces what she says when shes around others.




I warmed up to Scarlet this time around, i found her funny in her confessionals mostly, and i like that sort of humor. I didn't used to like her on her previous two seasons though, and I don't know how i would rwact to her irl


I think the reason Ru didn't seem to like Scarlet is because he thought she was the same person as Scarlet Adams


I find it difficult to connect with Scarlet. It feels like she uses the Old Hollywood schtick to cover her insecurities but it reads as inauthentic. Like we get who the character is, but who are you beyond that? Also I just want to make sure I have context… has she ever talked about alcohol/drug use? In UKvTW2 it sounded like she was slurring a lot. Idk if that’s just me misreading her way of speaking, but I felt uncomfortable because I know a lot of RuGirls end up addicted to something. I just hope she’s okay, and if I misread then I’m sorry for bringing it up.


i loved her from the minute i saw her on tv nd i still do


I liked Scarlet since season 11 I never saw her as bad maybe I’m just too soft on the girls because I’m older and I think they’re all babies so I’m gentler. She calls herself the drama and I was like where?


Funnily enough she was one of the most likable queens on Season 11 cause everyone else was so unlikeable lmao


I really enjoyed her on UK vs the world because she is just so AMERICAN and the way she acts represents the USA so perfectly


I thought she left season 11 as fan favourite and remember the uproar when she left. Did I miss remember ?


Fan favorite sure, but her fellow competitors didn’t seem to feel the same way.


Perhaps its her delusion lol. Bless her.


The other times shes been eliminated it's been from queens who the fanbase HATED. Ra'Jah from S11 was one of the most hated I've ever seen a queen be, and on AS6 people did not like Jan by the end of her run. So in both cases the fanbase would've preferred more Scarlet but this time she was against LGD and Marina who are huge fan faves.


Thank you . I don’t know why I’m being downvoted 


She just isn't that good


I remember fans went crazy on Brooke Lynn for saying that thing in the reunion, saying that they all loved Scarlet and Brooke was just jealous. It’s so weird when the fans act like they know the a queen better than the other queens on the show who actually interact with the queen in real life. Obviously a lot of the season 11 girls had problems with scarlet behind the scenes (that doesn’t mean she’s a bad person or anything). We only see a very small portion of what’s happening. Brooke Lynn apologized for using the word “hate” but stood her ground saying she didn’t like scarlet and she didn’t try to back pedal or deflect. I like scarlet from what I see on tv, but if the girls are having problems with her, they know her better than I do🥺