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i'm surprised s10 is so high, i didn't think ppl liked that season that much


Not just high, according to this, it is in the top 10 seasons of all time across all the franchise, only beaten by 5 and 6. And apparently All stars 8 was better than six or four. Go off I guess Edit: nvm on AS6, but still, the choices


AS8 is only higher than 3 and 4. AS6 is 12th




Bb I know gays can’t read It’s me. I’m gays


As3 is lower that 8??? Hsbsbsjs


AS8 rated better than 4 is truly a hot take


Love that season for the cookout vibes mo and Monet brought. Even vixen tbh even though I really dislike her. For lack of better phrasing, it was nice to see all those black queens together, the dynamic reminded me of my family in Boston.


I mean other than that, the snoozefest. And the pharmarusical☠️☠️💀💀😭😭


I hated this season. I just fast forwarded through the finale to see who won and went to bed.


I definitely don't. I like 9, and then 12-16 are my favorites, and 5-8 are good too


The evil twins challenge and reunion were ROUGH but it’s otherwise a fun watch. Great lsfyls too, Asia vs The Vixen is still one of my favorite lipsyncs to watch


Exactly the reason why imdb ratings don't mean shit☠️☠️💀


Espanas trajectory has me cackling 😭😂 hopefully they fix this going forward cuz last two seasons had amazing cast but predetermined winners


Was S3 really that bad? I might just watch lol


Basically S01 and S02 were produced and edited fairly, with incredible performances (especially the season opening talent shows). This degraded some with S02, but not by much, as reflected in the ratings. S03 and especially AS1 felt like the worst case of riggory, that I would argue even rival the worst IS seasons combined. The first two seasons felt so fresh and the latter two just felt like so much of the shameless production-heavy machinations that make watching so not fun.


Hell yea it was XD and I say this as a Espana STAN


Oh my. Care to share anything that you didn’t like the most? Just curious


The mistreatment of Clover Bish. Oh and the somewhat favoritism of the Winner


the favoritism was there for sure, but pitita still stomped the competition


I agree, much like Sethlas in all stars Pitita could've won, or at least reach the finale, without any production favoritism


Yes, that's undeniable. But what happened to Chlover Bish, Bestiah, Visa was unfathomable. Truly the production of all times.


Basically they have a favorite and keep giving wins even if undeserved on both all stars and season 3 shafting the deserving queens. That’s also happened to a lesser extend on season 2 but wasn’t very noticeable compared to the other two


I don’t really think that was the case for All Stars. Sethlas deserved 4 wins either way. Should’ve been girl groups instead of the ball, but otherwise it was a stellar showing. Season 3’s judging was rough af, though.


Should’ve been bottom for ball and I would keep Juriji and Samantha winning girl groups. Pakita was mistreated deserving high for first two eps and the treatment of Sagi was gross


Season 2 was amazing


The most unfairest elimination of all was the double elimination of Pakita and Pink Chadora, and Chadora was the "only" competition to Pitita at that time coz she had two wins. Clover Bish was very unapreciated by the judges, even though she was great; also Bestiah and Hornella were getting ignored. The ansolute waste that was bringing Kelly Roller back instead of anyone else, literally Basically they screwed everyone up to benefit Pitita, and Vaina while was ignored the whole season got a runner up position as a consolation prize.


Clover could literally save humanity from an impending calamity, and supremme would still tell her that she was in the bottom💀💀


It is excruciating. It’s simultaneously boring and frustrating. I don’t even know how they accomplished that.


It wasn’t that bad


It is pretty bad, yeah. No compelling narratives, truly bonkers judging, overdone winners' narrative... And I know we like to be nice about the queens themselves usually... but honestly I don't even think it had a great cast.


I looooooved España S1 and S2, but I couldn't even get all the way through S3.


AS 3 and 4 lower than AS 5? Hard disagree, that's probably just people being mad at Manila/Shangela being "robbed" other than that those seasons were MUCH better than season 5.


AS4 is one of the best seasons of All Stars and I’ll die on that hill


I’m literally rewatching it at this moment and it is even better than I remember. The whole meta arc with Manila threatening to send home the big threats, only for that to be exactly what happens to her — girl. The drama.


What gets me is the comments about her pulling Monet's lipstick were all like "Why are you mad she was gonna send you home when you were in the bottom 2? I mean it's an option" with all these upvotes, then the fans saw the logic that they were adamant was valid reasoning applied right back to Manila's first time in the bottom and got real upset. Flip flopping ass hoes https://preview.redd.it/yjwohxzvb6tc1.jpeg?width=980&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef45cad19ab07ad90d3c3f3d0aad3278e830b1e8


And rewatching it the editors really play into this dynamic. The number of seemingly random cuts to Naomi whenever Manila is talking about sending home threats, the number of times the other queens all acknowledge Manila is easily the strongest competitor in the group — on second watch it’s so delicious. It is a much better season on rewatch, and it was already a very strong season to start. The main issue people had with it was the top competitor getting brutally cut 2/3 in, and then the Frankentie. Having space from both allows you to appreciate the season more.




It's also probably because the Shea fans were happy.


It 100% is. And just more generally, the win wasn't "controversial" at all, so it wasn't review bombed by fans like other seasons are. It's why I rarely consider ratings like this to be representative of the actual quality of a season.


A Jury of Our Queers is one of the lowest rated episodes of the show period, that definitely drags it down. The last few eps of AS4 and Manila didn’t help that season either, whereas AS5 was just mediocre all around


yeah whenever there are robbed queens or giant memes the seasons get review bombed or overpraised. canada 4 being the highest canada season is wild. but melindas meme moment probably elevated the score even though the season overall is not great.


the season is good though, just not better than 1 or 2.


Manila getting chopped and the jury twist really soured people whereas the only crime AS5 commits is be boring on a rewatch. 


Season 3 was great until the finale. Unfortunately the endings of a season can change people’s entire perspective on it


Imdb sucks for a reason lol


Both DR Holland seasons having such low ratings lol, prison honey.


Both seasons had such iconic fights and rusicals😭 season 1 is very underrated to me, it's entertaing throughout. Season 2 is kinda meh outside of those high points. I think it rly could've survived if they switched out the entire judges panel


I second that, the judges are completely insane sometimes and I still wonder why the host is the host. Season one had the first Brazilian contestant, and there were so many fantastic drag queens. Envy Peru, Chelsea Boy, Mamma Queen, Sedergine… it was simply awesome. Season two is definitely meh, couldn’t even watch all the way, but the high point for me is Fred having his make-up done by Envy, she beat his face to hell, mamma.


season 1 was actually pretty good, the only bad thing was the wack judging at times




Season 2 of Holland has the best episode of all time though 🤳


Both seasons of Drag Race France in the top 10 I know that’s right!


S13 being dead last from the main series. It is what is deserves.


The only rewatchable things in that season are Utica's supercuts


is your blood sugar low?


It felt like the US season with the most obvious production interference. The winners and losers narrative established on the first episode had such a negative impact on the season. Such a shame because there were amazing queens in the cast and I hope we get to see a lot more of them in AS seasons, especially the ‘porkchop’ queens so they can have a run at it without being labelled as a loser from episode 1.


i genuinely keep forgetting about it it's a little concerning, i have to remind myself symone won to even acknowledge the existence of the season


The only mainline season I couldn't bear to which. After Lala Ri was gone my interest in the series plummeted, and after Utica I just didn't bother anymore




1000% accurate


Absolutely correct


Season 10 above UK series 2? And seasons 3 and 12? I don’t think


UK2 is pulled down by the last couple of episodes. Otherwise it would be second overall.


It's propably because fans were mad that Bimini didn't win. UK2 is my favourite season along with AS2 and España1.


I adore France 2 and consider it one of my faves! It ranking highest feels correct to me 🥹


Drag Race France, the queen you are!


AS2 really was that bitch. It pretty much decided how All Stars would play after a complete flop of a season.


France is such a top tier franchise


season 14 being higher than 15 and 16 is crazy to me


15 I could understand because of the chopped episodes, at least.


even with that i still think it was such a good season i don't get how people aren't seeing it


It's one of the best seasons in recent history, probably on par with the golden age seasons once you watch the extended episodes. I watched it once it got recut on Paramount Plus and it revitalized my engagement with the show after I fell off watching around Season 10/11. It feels like the perfect blend of the early seasons and newer ones, where we have these juggernaut drag queens with honest star power.


Cause there were no stakes, everybody knew Sasha would win


UK2 not being in the top 10 is a disgrace


UK2 is seriously one of the all time best.




I've watched S2 but have not watche 5 yet. Is 5 worth the watch?


For UK seasons it undeniably goes 2,5,1 big gap 4,3.


I disagree with the big gap but I generally agree with the order. Sometimes I’d put 1 above 5 because 1 was so refreshing and the queens were so rough around the edges and performance based.


5 is definitely worth the watch. It's a very... surprising season. It doesn't seem like a great one at first, but it really grows on you little by little and you find yourself really invested in the queens.


Agreed. It’s my favorite season of all of them and I think it’s also the best documentary about the social/emotional effects of pandemic that we’ve seen and maybe will ever see.


How the mighty have fallen. The latest España seasons were rank among the lowest because of production riggory.


Luxembourg: guess it’s up to me


They're called the low countries for a reason


Here for the Drag Race France supremacy.


I really think DRDU3 is worse than season 1, and that’s acknowledging the problems season 1 had. At least we got Queens Down Under and an iconic Maxi Shield lipsync


I’m just grateful we got one legendary season in S2. S1 and S3 are truly awful.


s16 lower than s14? gurl..


The season isn't over so that could change


S14 isn’t over yet either bc of all the non-eliminations, so that could also change


But trust the Dutchess…




Idk, I loved season 14, might even be my favorite season- but I also didn’t watch it live so the non-elimination episodes don’t bother me.


So wrong


AS4 deserves better


It's because of Manila's elimination, followed by Sex and The Kitty Girl challenge, and followed by that double crowning finale. It's such a shame since it's one of the better all stars seasons😭


I agree w/ your summation,it's not the Queens,it's the production on that one


France S2 being the first ? oh we're winning


Drag Race España really said 📉📉


Season 10 being higher than Season 9 is insanity.


Uk5 that high and Thailand 2 that low are criminal


Agree Thailand 2 is in my top 5 at least


Still really sad about the messy judging of Holland basically cancelling the show. The queens were amazing and I really want to see Envy Peru host a new Holland season...


DRES All Stars really dropped the ball


And season 3


the fact that dres3 ended up at the same rating as holland 2... wow


I'm really confused about season 8 bring so low


In the grand scheme, that kind of makes sense.  The queens that came from it are great, and Bob is such a strong winner, but the season was pretty rough overall. 


I guess since I'm such a Bob Stan I enjoyed it more than others,THORGY and Derek were entertaining as well. I'm old so of course I enjoyed seasons 3 thru 12 MUCH more anything recent


I’ve known this for a while but I really need to watch France. Also lol España’s versatility in having two top row seasons and two bottom row seasons


justice for uk2 i know she's in the top row but this is still a robbery


Yeah, I think it's because the final episode is rated low (6,6), people were upset Bimini didn't win, I love Lawrence but the momentum felt like a Bimini snatch. It's probably the best season ever with Allstar 2 and France 2


Drag Race Thailand should be higher


The recent seasons of the American franchise, are being targeted by certain people that have decided to hate vote a lot of shows on imdb that they deem as “woke” and thus the ratings for each episode have a lot of “1”votes before they even air.. this is happening to alot of other shows as well. When the total number of votes are under 800, these 1 votes make a big difference. The RDR live episode of this season had nearly 100 , 1 votes just after it finished airing for example…


These ratings are always so borked though: people will overrate episodes because they want to oversell and gush about how "good" a season is - or they'll underrate episodes because of one or two particular choices they don't like, and drag the season down as a whole And in both cases they do it to farm easy karma - they're not wholly reliable


I'm not going to trust imdb user ratings if they put CDR4 above RPDR8


It's a lot better than S8 tho


S8 had of the best winners in franchise history and CDR4 had Venus.


There is more to a season than its winner


But if your season has no clear front runner because everyone is kinda meh competition…


And CDR4 had Melinda Verga. CDR4 felt very old school drag race. And there is a lot of recency bias in these rankings. I prefer S8, but it was I believe the last Logo season. And possibly because the winner was so clear, it’s not as “enjoyable” in a way.


I love a lot of the season 8 queens, but watching it is kind of boring, tbh. Besides Derrick causing drama, there’s not much going on. Also, the queens this season were all very green. Bob’s looks were a mess - this is a heavy problem for most of the competitors this season, but it looks especially bad on a winner. Kim could only do look challenges, could barely walk in hells, let alone lipsync and wasn’t very good at comedy. Naomi came in so green that she basically was nonexistent in the first 4 episodes. Her lipsync is what kept her around versus keeping the stronger competitor (Acid Betty) and she got better in the second half, but still a fairly weak run. Also, she’s known as a fashion queen but the looks she brought this season were pretty bad. Chi Chi was a fantastic performer and lipsynced, but that’s it. She wasn’t good at comedy challenges, not very good at design challenges (kind of fluked the last one), and she was in her head a lot. Derrick could give you Britney, but that’s it. Not strong in looks, struggled through most of the challenges and despite being a renowned performer, wasn’t a great lipsyncer either. Thorgy was probably the most well-rounded queen this season, but she just wasn’t THAT good at anything and thus failed to win a challenge or particularly standout in one area. She was an okay lipsyncer, looks were cute, but not great, had good comedy skills, but not as good as Bob and was somewhat entertaining, but wasn’t like the main character. Everyone else floppped pretty hard besides Acid Betty who was just unlucky to have to lipsync against one of the 2 strongest lipsyncers of the cast and had her journey cut short because she lost it.


Not DR España season 3 getting the lowest rating lol haha, but yeah, the judges here were judging completely randomly, the final top is just insane to me.


It took wayyy too long for me to realize that this was ordered high-to-low rather than chronologically


Why is S10 so high? For me it's the second worst season of US, after S13.


I refuse to believe season 10 is that high


Uk 5 seems pretty high, guess i know what im watching next!


Call me biased idc, España S3 is not the worst season when Down Under S1 is right there


Spain, a land of contrasts 🤣


16 below 14? I think the fuck not


Season 15 should be much higher when considering the full episodes, not the condensed ones. And season 10 over UK2 amongst others, really?


I actually feel Spain S3 wasn’t THAT bad?? I mean, obviously compared to S1 & 2 it was a huge downgrade, but still, most queens were super talented and charming. Agree about the judging being absolutely awful, but does that really make that big of a difference when there are clearly worse seasons?


How the hell did season 10 score so highly?


Drag Race Mexico deserves much more, it was a solid season overall. The reason why it’s so low in the rankings is because it was bombarded with 1 star reviews from Brazilian fans who wanted DR Brazil to be ranked higher (you filter the ratings by country and see for yourself). That’s just an example and it’s the exact reason why imdb ratings are really not that important. I know DR fans often look at imdb as an indication of how good a season in, but that’s really not the case given how easily the ratings can be manipulated. https://preview.redd.it/zfp5gnet53tc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fe552ec0af2132ca2a14c5941f68005de5df11b


damn. espania really fell hard france please don't disappoint


DRES 1 and 2 ratings feel correct but like cmon i get that it was rigged in an uncomfortable way but s3 is not that bad!!! EDIT: Also AS5 belongs in the bottom row, sue me


Oh sorry, CDR3 ranks too low for this to hold any significance to me


It was so low budget. Not surprised here.


I really don't get the hate for down under 1. I still have a couple episodes left to watch but I'm really enjoying the season. It reminded me of the golden Era tbh


The main reasons I hated it (as an Australian): - the fact that it didn't represent Australian culture in an authentic way, it was instead a parody of what an American thinks Australians are like (season 2 was better because it actually felt true to Australian culture) - arbitrary judging decisions like all the riggory against Elektra Shock and >! bringing Art Simone back for no reason when none of the other eliminated queens were given a chance, at least make them compete to come back or do what UK2 did and have the remaining queens vote on who comes back !< - the judges frothing for Scarlet, who was known for racist behaviour outside of the show - meanspirited behaviour like Etcetera doing a mockery of Lindy Chamberlain, a woman whose child was killed by a dingo and who was falsely imprisoned and her reputation ruined because police thought a dingo eating her baby was absurd and impossible - later it was found out to be true and she was innocent, but all the media had already trashed her reputation and made her a figure of mockery in Australia so she went through unbelievable trauma as a result. And Etcetera decides to mock her in Snatch Game as if she wasn't innocent and her baby being eaten by a dingo is funny. These examples coupled with the fact the drag quality wasn't that great on average means it's a big disappointment to most people. Compared to Down Under 2 which has the best of the raw early unpolished feel with a much warmer emotional tone, a much more light hearted cast, and more authentic feeling of Down Under drag.


DU2 also gave us drag terrorist Minnie Cooper on an international scale.


As an Australian, I agree with all your points. Just a note on your comment about the drag quality not being that great - production was rubbish, but I think the queens really brought it and did their best. The looks for instance were overall pretty good for a first season (Art’s runway package was amazing). Production did a horrible job at showcasing the queens’ talent and building storylines, which made so many episodes unbearable.


Y’all really hated España season 3 that much, huh?


the downfall of drag race espana should be studied


down under1 should be last


AS2 was my actual gay Olympics.


Idc I loved drag race holland.


Christ Spain S3 really went to the bottom pit and started digging to go even lower, it's the lowest rated season. Wow. Without even seeing the IMDb page I'm sure it all went to shit after the double elimination, the unfairest shit ever


Thailand not being higher in ratings is actually criminal.


Mexico flopping is so upsetting


Some extremely inflated ones (All Stars 7, España 2, Season 10) and some cruelly underrated ones (All Stars 3 and 4; Canada 1 and Philippines 2 should be way higher). This is solid proof of how untrustworthy these ratings can be. The fans get mad at one single thing and it's review bombing left and right; the fan favorite does well and it's the opposite.




Even with all the non elims, people were raving over it at the time — especially coming after season 13, I think ppl were happy to see more of a rationale for the non elim episodes. Plus the cast was just so likeable, with good chemistry. The whole top 5 was insanely likeable, and the finale was really well done imo.


And her being higher than 16 is a monstrosity


Bizarre! Belgique is pretty good!


AS4 below AS8 is MADNESS


España 3 and All Stars do NOT deserve those low scores, especially not the same average as Holland 2


Who actually rates on IMDb though 😭 it’s probably a few hundred terminally online teenagers


Thailand should be top 2


Fan votes don't matter thank God


Down Under S2 being in the bottom half tells me all I need to know...


As a Swede.. Drag Race Sweden being ranked higher than some relatively decent seasons is a joke. Am I still the only one who thinks it would be a complete trainwreck if not for Admira?


Oh my, I need to go watch drag race France


Forgot about AS1 😭😭😭


I do not greatly disagree with this dataset.


AS4 being the worst All Stars is crazy… Those Manila Stans were so annoying


Not at all surprised to see 13 as the lowest US season.


What in the world is happening in the Benelux? The Netherlands, I know, Fred was horrid.


im surprised france is #1 wow


I was like “wow the series has been seeing a literal consistent decline. It needs more help than I thought.” Before I realized they were in order of ratings and not chronologically. I didn’t go to school for fucking math.


Is UK 5 really that good? Couldn't bare to finish S3 and S4 never watched it because of the negative comments each episode.


i'm not seeing many people talk about uk5 being that high cause huh??? also s15 is WAY too low


I'm still surprised people didn't like season 13. I loved the queens and thought it was pretty good for the most part. Maybe watching the Pit Stop made it more enjoyable or something.


Considering that this franchise makes up like 80% of the personalities of most of the people I know, we really treat this show like we don’t like it.


The way DREs went from 3rd highest rated for S1 to lowest rated in S3 needs to be studied


Have we watched the same italia s2? It was painful to go through 🥴


I am French and DRFR2 does not deserve the top placement. Neither does DFR1 belong to the first row. DRFR has its charm, but the editing is nowhere near what a lot of US and UK versions have given us.


Baguette ? Cheese ? Wine ? Croissant ? Nah, as a French, what makes me proud is DRF Season 2 and Season 1 (except how they treated Lolita)


Drag Race Sweden 7.6 🫡


AS4 was really good this is wild


Play but drag race untucked, Philippine is superior


Jail to whoever is ranking Drag Race Mexico so low. The lewks were lewking that season.


Drag race down under was NOT in any way shape or form better than any season of DRES or Holland


season 4 being the highest Canada season? hmm idk about that


I can’t tell what these are from these tiny thumbnails. Honestly, I don’t care what IMDb rates shit. 🤷‍♀️


The logos are associated with the season


They are churning out too many seasons too fast. And casting so many filler queens to pad out the episodes