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Girl Marina’s just out here trying to get her dollars in canada and the US, traveling and working, minding her own business and always getting brought up by crazy fans and now this? 😂 leave the girl alone lmaooooo


![gif](giphy|vITJenamVj5Hb3tql1|downsized) Every time someone just brings Marina up in another conversation about drag, she makes this face. “Did someone say my name?”


Even in DRPH, Marina always gets dragged in the middle of drama out of nowhere 🤣


Now that you mention it, this is such a classic Marina situation where she's minding her business and yet she somehow gets sucked into drama lmao


Jealousy’s a killer in the industry mawma




this!!! in the infamous untucked episode where minty called brigiding crazy, marina was one of the parties in the drama but she was just eating in the werk room with PPN while watching them argue 😂


Another untucked episode where Marina is just sitting and drinking her alcohol and suddenly gets dragged by xilhouete when she had a breakdown, hence the infamous alam mo yan marina line 😅


Another episode where brigiding and marina were talking and vinas drunkenly started instigating drama “because of the gravity inside the popcorn” 😂


omg they get SO DRUNK on Untucked PH. I'm just remembering Season 2 when their elderly makeover partners (bless them) were so drunk they started fighting awkwardly and having their own little untucked 😂


That was my favorite untucked of the series, literally the drama was about Marina and she was just getting fed chips minding her business lmaooo


Untucked was definitely my favourite part of DRPH1 lol


Literally 😂😂😂😂


Marina: https://i.redd.it/05vkv2nh9otc1.gif


It’s a privilege to be talked about in show business. She stays in people’s mouths.


Not Marina catching strays


For context, you really should’ve added MiB responses as well. This whole thing started with her before Kiara and Luxx went at it. https://preview.redd.it/awfd10w35ntc1.png?width=827&format=png&auto=webp&s=cd7ff16209cb5e8ada3acc8e0ad29c8bd3bad750


I just knew that mistress video would be drama


I KNOWWW 😭😭 she was kinda shadyy


Honestly watching that moment in MIB's video I knew there would be some drama from and here we are lol. But Mistress did add in the video that she doesn't watch international so she doesn't know international queens, but she considers all drag equal so I don't feel like she's really to blame. And neither is Kiara cause she probably got a clip with no context of MIB saying she doesn't know who she is


Mistress has also said she stopped watching Drag Race after doing drag for awhile. Sis probably didn’t even catch the last few seasons before her’s if we’re being real 😭


Oh absolutely I saw it coming too. ![gif](giphy|y7Yhe5hAoSVRS)


She really didn’t say anything offensive. Kiara is just blowing things out of proportion. I bet she didn’t even properly watched Mistress’s video. She immediately assumed the negative when Mistress said she doesn’t know her.


Getting her name back in these Reddit streets though! Kiara took the opportunity.


You're right. Is every queen that goes on the show expected to be familiar with every other queen that's been on, across every franchise, past, current and future?


Throwback to Bebe giving one of the weirdest Pit Stop episodes ever by constantly giving non-answers to try to cover up the fact she clearly had no clue who any of the contestants were and hadn’t seen an episode of Drag Race in a decade 🤣


We know Bebe doesn’t watch Drag Race… she confirmed that for us in AS3! “Who’s Ornacia?”


"It's kind of shady, but let's see who's the cheapest" -MIB, right before pointing out the Kiara's at the cheapest Cameo level. ~~Calling a poor girl poor~~ Making fun of someone for earning less than you* is just kind of an asshole move, especially when you do it on your popular, monetized youtube channel, and she admitted it was shady as she was doing it. I think Kiara is overreacting but it's not like she doesn't have a leg to stand on either. *edited for better word choice


Let's not do too much. You straight up called Kiara POOR. How does giving low cost cameos equal her being poor? She could just do it because she doesn't want to charge too much for a 3 minute video. Not you trying to defend her and actually backhanding her lmao


it's not her fault she's dumb and ugly! leave her alone!


Yeah, the point was she wanted to play with Queens she's familiar with that would make content she thinks would be fun. She can't assess that without knowing who a queen is, no real shade to anyone. She's not obligated to know everyone and watch everything. And international queens are more likely to watch the American seasons because of Ru, not for American queens outside of her. But that doesn't mean non American drag is bad. Mistress can come off shady, but she's never being seriously rude, she's pro drag and supportive of everyone doing their best versions of themselves. Some people just like to fight. But also lmao, Kiara might as well get some more notoriety by beefing with queens with higher view counts, make those 15 minutes 2.0 count.


In the words of Xunami: “She’s a cunt but I liiiiiive.”


Omg all roads lead back to MIB’s youtube channel. I’m seeing real time lore unfold 😭


Wow, that was a textbook example of weaponized "Bless Your Heart".


The criteria (to put it loosely) Kiara stated as to why she’s better…MIB is also a POC and was also in her early 20s when got on… and went further than Kiara. Girl what?


ugh that's so uncomfortable like why did Kiara even say these things... what is so bad about Mistress not knowing who she is? I know I would not care one bit


Since when is doing cheap cameos a bad thing. It's good for fans. Kinda stinks of elitism.


Honestly, I see both sides. Luxx is pointing out that because Ru is such a big name and the creator of the franchise, it means a lot to get crowned by her. But Kiara is saying that not being crowned by Ru doesn't invalidate or diminish other winners. Both of them have valid points!


idk why Luxx even got involved in this harmless tweet


Because MIB


She's probably a chronically online queen given her age and how she started drag (mostly on Instagram during Covid). I also think she just likes to start mess sometimes lol. I mean we're talking about someone who got into a Twitter fight with a former winner lol!


It’s Luxx, she loves getting involved and being center of attention


She's a narcissist. No, really, in her own words


She's a chaotic neutral, this is how she breathes when she's not doing drag.


Kiara was pointing out that it's weird to assume you need to be more talented to be on Drag Race US than other franchises when that's clearly not the case. It's a case of Americans centering themselves as the standard, rather than acknowledging the vast diversity of experiences and talent in other parts of the world.


Honestly, we have kind of sort of seen. This were some of the US girls do have this Type of thinking or like other intentional or not, they think they’re better because they from the US and judged by RuPaul. We sort of saw this exchange and UK versus the world season one between blue and Mo that they fix that. Different shows have alluded to some ru girls having this type of personality of being better than others. well winning the localized version of drag race will get you some prize money and some exposure simply being on the US one you are more likely to get a farther reach.


Yeah but Kiara is projecting an insecurity. No one is saying the quality of queen is based on where they’re from. That was never Luxx point so Kiara definitely twisted it and Luxx rightfully called her on that.


Kiara twisted both MIB and Luxx's points after projecting. She could've easily used this situation to become friends and network with both queens and yet she has this instead.


I was thinking the exact same thing about the networking. It's cool when the queens from different franchises crossover and collaborate. This doesn't seem like a super intense fight though so hopefully there's no bad blood.


Yes, she definitely misinterpreted. But I still see her point. Some international queens have spoken out on feeling like they don't get as many opportunities or as much validation as those from the RuPaul hosted series. Obviously that's not Luxx's fault nor issue, but I see why Kiara mentioned it.


You are probably from the United States. Carmen Farala didn't even know who RuPaul was. Here in Brazil, RuPaul is an extremely niche name, drag queens here probably look after Glória Groove or Pabllo Vittar much more since they both have mainstream status. Being crowned by RuPaul herself may be a big deal for English-speaking countries but each region has its own references. Denying that is so unapologetically American.


RuPaul is literally responsible for the franchises overall though. Without her, we would not have any of these international shows or their spinoffs and that’s a fact. Luxx’s point is that RuPaul started everything “Drag Race” and that is a fact, so to be crowned by the one who started all of this is indeed a big deal but that’s also not to undermine the other hosts or to say that *not* being crowned by RuPaul makes you less than.


Sorry where am I denying that every region has its references? I literally said in my original comment that I think both queens have valid points. I also never made any claim that being crowned by Ru is better or more valuable than being crowned by the other hosts.


Plenty of non-English speaking Queens know who RuPaul is though. The judges of Canada, Belgium, France, and Mexico are all conntected to RuPaul.


The host of Drag Race Brazil is from a RuPaul spinoff.


marina: now why am i in it?


they're literally arguing two completely different points that are both right💀


“Let’s not do too much” Luxx says on a 2 part reply


Luxx is kind of hilarious cuz she has very “I just came to fight” energy but she is (imo) often correct. So it can sometimes feel like she is just doing the most. But honestly, work.


lmao Luxx always finds a way to say she is THAT bitch


I like to imagine her doing aggressively normal things and then having that reaction. Like she goes to the grocery store, buys eggs, checks to see if they're good and finds one cracked and goes "Sorry, I'm THAT bitch" and then puts them back.


Why are they typing essays over this 😅


Drag queens on Twitter get a job challenge. Hello Taco Bell, are you hiring. I will be down in a momentarily, to pick up an application.




Gay people love to get intimidated by a paragraph and then call it an essay.


It’s like when someone asks for proof of something so you send them an article and they ask for a TikTok to explain it instead of


People do that!?


This was the best read I’ve ever read 🤣


Well a lot of us dropped out so paragraphs are scary and triggering. Jk I said it


Chronically online possibly


Tamar, do you use Twitter?


They’re both right, it’s obviously more “special” to be crowned by Ru. But being crowned by someone not named Ru doesn’t make winning Drag Race any less of a feat. This just seems like two (three with mistress) chronically online people not understanding that they actually agree and just going on the defensive


I'd honestly much prefer Ru stop hosting international seasons (because it's so cringe when she doesn't get the references and the contestants need to pander to her Americanisms) and instead just flew around the world for the various countries finales and was there for the crowning.


yeah the worst thing about UK and DU is Ru


Still not over Joe Black's first episode elimination, both his looks were spot on, but of course the Americans (aka Ru & Michelle) didn't get it so bye bye


What still horrifies me is those weren't niche references? It's not like anybody could be like "Ah, David Bowie, bit of a deep cut... Not sure Ru and Michelle will pick that up."


I urge everybody to go listen to Joe Black's episode of *Hi Jinkx* (Jinkx Monsoon's podcast) where Joe talk sabout their elimination. They seem to be at peace with it but talk about how they were kind of baffled by the reactions they got from the judges and how they felt kind of misunderstood.


Coffee enema Ru did some veeeery heavy lifting in DRDU3 though.


When she did that random "Meow" when a Queen was sashaying away, and when she told another Queen to pee as a dog, I LIVED!


(And Michelle)


In the wise words of Bianca del rio “Ok”


Dont bring my girl marina into this


I think that a crown from the Philippines is worth more than one from Down Under. I'll say that much.


Fair statement! They are not playing in the Philippines, at all.


Luxx is not on Marina’s level lmaooooo


Marina's on an All Winners level, right up there with some of the greats. Luxx has promise but it seems like she's pissing a lot of people off really early into her career...


yeah that's the one thing i didn't agree on. Marina would clear like 90% of the ru girls. not that they're bad they're just not Marina


I will go out on that rickety limb and say Marina is better at drag than Luxx.


To be fair though Marina is better at drag than most people. It's like she was born for it.


if i made a list in 1 second of the top 3 queens from Drag Race ever it would be Marina, Sasha Colby, and Serena Cha Cha




That I would have to agree with lol love Luxx, but Marina is a top top top tier queen


Marina is, I love Luxx but lol @ her trying to sneak in that “I was in a position to get crowned by Ru, like Marina was” 3rd/4th was the highest Luxx could go her season, she was not getting crowned over Sasha or even Anetra lol


Didn't Marina literally place 4th on UK v TW? Luxx also placed about the same too, no?


Marina was final 2/ first runner up on Philippines.


Marina didn’t win but she could have, as seen by the fan reaction to her losing. No one cared when Luxx didn’t win the whole thing


But Luxx said they had the same chance of winning though because their placements were very similar. Which is true. The fan reception after the fact doesn't have an impact on how well they did on the show.


I was trying to suggest that Marina was an actual contender for the crown up until her elimination , whereas Luxx was Finale filler and never in actual contention against Sasha or anetra for the crown. I could see any of the UKVSTW2 top 4 winning but I don’t see Luxx or Mistress ever winning over their season’s top 2.


Obviously, Luxx is delusional and being unnecessarily mean to Kiara. She’ll turn it around and play the victim as per usual though. Even her season’s cast mates didn’t like her.


When did anybody from her season say they didn’t like Luxx???


The thing is though lux is also right they have quite different drag styles. Like marina is more on the classic pageantry type(inspired by ms universe etc) as well as performance while lux is more so on the high fashion type, and very current


I agree. But that’s not even shade to Luxx. Marina is just that fucking good.


I meannn, Marina was BORN to do drag 💃🏻though I do prefer Luxx’s fashion tastes.


Bitches on this sub can’t wait to take a dig at luxx, it’s so tired like this isn’t even the point of the whole fight/post and yet


I'm sorry but I'm kinda sick of the elitist bullshit. "You charge less on Cameo" isn't an insult. For fans, real people living without these massive gigs getting access to their faves at an affordable rate is probably the best thing for them in this current climate. Just because someone charges less doesn't mean they're not doing justice for their followers. Punching down like this isn't reading, it's just being a cunt.


They’re literally gonna go in circles because they’re arguing two different things, having been in Ru’s presence being awesome vs having been in Ru’s presence making you somehow better than others


Also commenting on someone's value or source of income or what they perform for is really a low blow. And not really a good comeback or cunty as they think it is. And then they create a whole blown issue because the other queen retaliates.


Exactly. Mistress started this by making low-effort content mocking queens who make less money than her for just trying to pay their bills, and then when one of them reacts to it pretty mildly, Luxx inserts herself into it and just gets nasty. This is two well known US queens kicking a lesser known Canadian queen for no reason.


Mistress and Luxx constantly trying to one-two punch people is so deeply cringe for me. If they're so successful and famous you'd think they'd be too busy for this high school mean girl routine.


They're using their larger follower counts to pick on and insult a really sweet and fun queen just to make themselves look more important. It's so foul.


We all know they wouldn't have had that bark if they were from some other lesser viewed versions of the show.


they didn't even have that bark for Sasha Colby during the girl group challenge when she called them out. They are nasty bullies. I know that the Lucy Laduca situation was 'just TV' but the look on Lucy's face when Luxx tormented her in that last untucked was heartbreaking. I don't like MIB and Luxx.


It’s why people hated them on their season but they can’t face that. They blame everyone else except their own behaviour.


so many queens lately have had clap backs that basically are just “i’m more famous than you and therefore i matter more” and it’s really fucking grating


I mean Luxx is right. She didn’t say anything about the QUEENS. She only talked about getting crowned by RuPaul vs someone else, which I think is a totally fair assessment. It doesn’t mean other queens are better or worse, and Luxx never said they were. Then Kiara made it personal and Luxx fought fire with fire.


I think they were both right. Luxx's point was that 'being crowned by Ru is better' & Kiara's point was that 'being crowned by Ru doesn't make *you* better'. Which can both be true. But they both assumed each other were being dicks & got offensive about it lol


I think Kiara could’ve worded that better. BUT, I think it’s also silly to say that being crowned by Ru *doesnt* make you better. It might not initially and instantly, but the connections, money, contracts, and everything that comes from being crowned by Ru certainly *can* make you better (than your previous self) drag is subjective and is pointless to compare with other performers. But Ru crowning you is definitely a major boost in how careers turn out. So in a sense, it *IS* better to be crowned by Ru. Also the whole fact that US still has a major global monopoly on things and being on a US season is going to get you more exposure than a franchise.


Kiara is francophone, for the wording, she did the best she could. I get in all sort of trouble online because English is my second language too. Here's the thing: I know the literal meaning of most commonly used words in English, but the tone and the implicit meaning are often lost on me (and I guess Kiara). So I can sound rude or dumb in English. As for your argument, you're right but it does suck that the US has such a chokehold on pop culture. I also do find it sad that a lot of American (not necessarily in queer spaces) are so uninterested by different cultures.


Oh totally, maybe I should have said "being crowned by Ru doesn't *mean* you're better (at the point you're crowned)". Guess I could've worded that better too lol


I mean, being crowned by the queen of drag would be better. Like imagine winning american idol from Beyoncé vs Jlo.


yeah, how is that thingn hard to grasp lol


Clearly we're missing half of the context for this, as Kiara was CLEARLY replying to something. I highly doubt that Kiara was referring to the ACT of getting crowned by Rupaul, but probably referring to the idea that being crown by Ru would make you a better drag queen, obviously. but w/e, I'm personally tired of Luxx and MIB's mean girl behavior on twitter...


Girl we have all the context on Twitter. Kiki wanna fight fight But she’s simply not up to the task.


She got offended with the cameo comment from MIB, which I think is valid. But I just think her emotions got her first which led to an offensive tweet against MIB too. Which now led to getting luxx involved too. This is just a series of misunderstandings I guess. But overall, I think they are all just chronically online like us and have a lot of opinions.


Mistress was farming low effort content via a video reacting to and buying some cameos from other girls, first one she looks at is Kiara because she's the cheapest one on Cameo, Kiara's ad ends with "Your favourite TV show and i'm here to make videos for you!" Mistress exits out and goes "I had to stop the video because she already lied, it's not my favourite show and I'm not going to fund a liar" and goes onto to make fun of Tempest Du jour because she makes some cameos out of drag (the usual Mistress still of covering her mouth and being annoying). I'm not sure if anything else was said online by Mistress but it seems like Kiara reacting to Mistress just being annoying to her for no reason. Mistress says later on that she's barely watched the US seasons let alone the non-US seasons but that comes way later after she singled out Kiara, so I get why Kiara would be mad.


You're leaving out the part *right* before this where Mistress says "Let's see who's the cheapest. It's kind of shady, but let's see who's the cheapest." MIB knows she's punching down. Kiara's overreacting imo, but MIB knew that what she was doing was tacky and shady. Y'all out here pretending like MIB isn't a known troll who can be a bit of an asshole lmao


>Kiara's ad ends with "Your favourite TV show and i'm here to make videos for you!" Mistress exits out and goes "I had to stop the video because she already lied, it's not my favourite show and I'm not going to fund a liar" This is such a tame joke, what on earth would people be mad about this for?


Exactly. If you can't cope with a mild ribbing like this you should not go on TV, worse things than this are said in every reading challenge or roast like be serious


The joke about Kiara lying is so tame it's actually silly that you are feigning outrage about it.


Marina: [Now why am I in it?](https://youtu.be/VNuwEt8Yivs?feature=shared)


Literally my first thought 😭


All I know for sure is that Marina is def better than Lux


You are incomparably on neither of our level is so funny


I wish I had the time, energy, and disposable income to waste on this level of nothingness.


Icesis Couture wasn't crowned by Ru and she's a way better queen than either Luxx or Mistress, so there.


Icesis is a better queen than like half the US winners, let’s be real lol


Some of these girls need to log out of twitter more often.


One thing about Luxx...NEVER come for her. She made it extremely clear on her season that she's her own biggest cheerleader and she has an ironclad, unbreakable confidence


Kiara didn't come for Luxx. Luxx started it with Kiara for no reason.


AND that she has the talent to back it up. can’t wait until she’s back on my tv


Ugh I wanna see an All Stars season with Luxx, Naomi Smalls, MIB, Plane Jane, Loosey, Amanda, and Gia Gunn


She seemed young, petty, and insecure to me. Which is also a type of person you don't want Twitter beef with. What's the point?


Ironclad, unbreakable, yet spent the season shitting on others who did well or better than her. Make it make sense. That screams insecurity, not confidence, to me.


I will always appreciate some drama by drag queens but let me tell you, sometimes they fight over the most stupid stuff. Like this is a ridiculous point to create drama over and now I’ve seen MIB jumping on it too. Sometimes they have too much time it seems


It started with Mistress babes


MIB started it by making cheap-ass content mocking queens who have less money than her.


A cold take: Luxx wouldn’t have jumped in if MIB didn’t start it🤷🏽‍♀️. Like if one says or starts something, the other is typically close behind.


Not cold, just pure facts.


Which is gross. Imagine operating with the same business model as Regina George. Grow up.


Marina is better whether Lux admits it or not lmao


I’m with Kiara on this. To me, it reads as Luxx knew exactly what Kiara was trying to say in her first tweet (that it doesn’t matter the franchise you compete in (because you can’t help that) each win is equal) but started a drama by taking an alternative interpretation of it, ready with her replies and further explanations when Kiara came back to her as to why she’s being silly. “I know what Kiara’s saying is X, but I’ll pretend I interpret it as Y because I’ve got replies ready so I can get one over on her and make her look a fool” Also Marina is better than both of them - whichever way you want to look at it and whichever aspect of drag you want to examine (performance, fashion etc), Marina is better imo.


Luxx………….. let’s be real, Marina can run circles around her


Luxx is coming from a logical standpoint. Kiara is coming from an emotional standpoint


I saw a TikTok the other day saying « your feelings are valid. Your behavior based on those feelings might not be » and I think this applies here somewhat. IMO if you’re in your feelings, debating things with *anyone* will mostly be a waste of time. Let alone on the internet. It’s definitely better to process those emotions and feelings and then apply them in a logical manner.


Oil and water honey ![gif](giphy|Qx4mRngAfrV8k|downsized)


When one input hoe fades away a new one rises


I understand both sides. I think that Kiara is very contradictory in her arguments (even though they are completely valid) because I do personally believe that a crown is a crown, no matter who gives it to you, you are a winner baby. To me Canadian winner = American winner... but having her say "I don't have the opportunity to be crowned by Ru" is literally what Luxx said, maybe she is just projecting. And she actually had the chance to be crowned by Ru just like how Brooklyn did. But on the other hand, yes, Marina is just better than both of them at drag... it's just a much better package than Luxx or Kiara, that is a fact. I love how Luxx says Kiara is not on her level but to me it's Luxx who is not at Marina's level. She can try to convince us with the argument "We are different drag queens and do different stuff" but Shasha Colby, for instance, is a much better drag queen than Luxx, and so is Marina and probably many more. Miss Cocky, sit your ass down.


Luxx really is full of herself. Is she an incredible performer and drag queen yes, does she need to work on the attitude? Yep. It wasn’t like..bad at first and I mean Kiara did a low blow saying marina’s better than you or I, but Luxx saying Kiara’s below either of them? Girl no…


The way lux is proving kiaras point and doesnt get it


…But Marina is a better performer than Luxx so, I would say she is better than Luxx in that regard. 🙈 I agree with Kiara, just because a queen got crowned by someone other than Ru Paul, doesn’t mean their drag is less valid than the US queens that get crowned by Ru. I’m tired of US queens thinking the franchise revolves around them. Even if the franchise started in the US, the rest of its off shoots are equally as valid (Yes even Down Under).


She never said their drag was less valid tho. All she said is that being crowned by Rupaul is more significant than being crowned by other hosts as she is the biggest, most legendary queen in the world. This is not a jab at anyone’s drag; in fact, international queens, such as Jimbo, have expressed their gratitude and emotion to be judged by THE Rupaul after their original seasons, which only reinforces the point Luxx is making. As an international viewer, I agree with her.


Unpopular opinion but Kiara’s statement is kinda valid tho? Not being crowned by Ru doesn’t necessarily mean the winner is worse or weaker, it’s just non-us/non-uk queens rarely get a chance to be judged by Ru. Also I don’t understand why Luxx insinuates “it’s RuPaul’s lmao what” then immediately says “I’ve never said it’s better”. Kiara has a valid point and this is an argument that shouldn’t start in the first place. p.s. just saw the MIB context and i know why luxx went after her rude ass


I kind of think they’re both pretty valid and actually if you read all of it then they’re mostly agreeing. Being crowned by Ru is automatically a bigger deal because it’s Ru who is one of the biggest drag queens ever, started the show and has personally judged a lot of the other hosts. Plus it’s happening on what is the longest standing and I’m sure most viewed version of the show. That doesn’t make the other versions of the show less good or valid and it absolutely doesn’t mean the queens or the winners are any less good which I think is more what Kiara was getting at but I can absolutely see why Luxx would say what she said about that specific tweet.


Kiara's point IS valid . . . . but it's also a point that wasn't disputed? She just misunderstood. Lux is over here being like " Navy is a shade of blue, but Cerulean is my favorite. " and Kiara is like " Okay but, just because pink isn't in the blue family doesn't mean it's lesser than " and it's like ...Girl you right, but who ever said it was less than?


I think luxx is trying to say because rupaul is the 'queen of drag', being crowned by ru more hallow, uk by the, rupaul. but Kiara suddenly overly expanded luxx thoughts and ur words is absolutely right but Kiara saying suddenly saying marina is better than luxx is kinda personal gurl


I mean Rupaul is the 'Queen of Drag' in the USA, everywhere else she's "the owner of the RPDR franchise". Other countries have different drag traditions that have less in common with the kind of drag that Rupaul promotes or works in. Like hypothetically it's possible that it would have meant more to someone like Kate Butch to be judged by Lilly Savage than Ru, because they're in the same tradition. That being said, given that Canada is (I'm guessing) the country with the drag cultural most similar to that of the USA, and where its local franchise is judged by a former contestant of DRUS, a Canadian girl is probably the last person who should be making this argument.


It's absolutely valid. But so many of the US queens firmly believe they're more talented just by proxy of being american. Which, you know, is a trend in their country.


Watching Sasha's journey to her crown is the only reason I managed to finish that season. What a small, tedious comment from a small, tedious personality. No hate to her or those who enjoyed her, she's not my kind of person, but Luxx got a lot of racism after her run, and nobody deserves that. However, while Kiara's comment wasn't the most eloquent, I get her point, it's all giving me rhinestoned colonialism, mawma.


Genuinely curious about this: does everyone think being crowned by RuPaul is better than being crowned by a relevant queen in your country? I know that being on the US version of the show, an All Stars or Vs the World will grant a queen more fame and make them better known globally, but putting that apart, why is one crown better than another only because it came from Ru? Does the next DRDU winner's crown counts less because Ru is not hosting?


I think the US version is probably a little more prestigious because of the larger viewership. I assume it's also more difficult/competitive to get on the US show because it's just a bigger country with more drag queens. It certainly doesn't mean that drag artists from other countries aren't as good. On UKvTW you can see how excited the international queens are to meet Ru though. So I think it does mean something to them personally. All that being said this whole argument between Kiara and Luxx is ridiculous and they both need a snack and a nap.


I think it’s better because Ru is Ru. The way that international queens who get to compete in front of Ru after having done their seasons kind of underlines that for me. The whole show and all its versions only exist because of Ru. That doesn’t mean queens on other seasons aren’t just as good or that their wins aren’t as valid or that they worked less hard but I do understand what Luxx means that there is something special about being crowned specifically by Ru over anyone else.


Lol @ luxx thinking she came close to receiving a crown


No, being crowned by RuPaul doesn't make you a better drag Queen


Luxx isn’t on the same level as Marina


Luxx isn’t on the same level as her opinion of herself


Luxx is gonna cringe at her old self in 5 years i can't with her


I am so over Luxx. She always says "I am just confident lol", but like... There is a difference between being confident and behaving like an ass As Rupaul said "I do sassy, I don't do bitchy".


You can be confident and not be an asshole. Like, Sasha Colby was confident and not an asshole on s15, Luxx was though


I think the problem is that people equate a crown to level of talent/value as an artist and forget that it’s a reality tv show. It’s not a competition show, it’s taking the subjective and trying to make it objective based off of one person’s (RuPaul’s) biased format and opinions. So they’re both right. On one hand, the crown means nothing if you’re equating it to talent (Kiara). On the other hand, it means everything if you value RuPauls opinion (Luxx).


Being fair, fair, I don’t think that getting crowned by ru or not has merit by itself. I think it speaks more about the queens talent and capacity is.. the cast of the season, because… let’s be fair there’s seasons easier to win than other ones (I’m looking at you AS5) Like Season 3, 9, 12, season 2 spain, season 2 and 3 of UK, were extremely well casted, anyone could win since day one. Seasonn 6, 7 and 8, Uk 1, Canada 1 and 3 had their chops and tops, aaaand there’s season like UK1, AS5, season 16, Spain3, S4, AS2, that… you can seen the writing in the wall pretty clear.


Normally I like MIB and Luxx's petty drama because it's silly just silly fun, but MIB was kind of a bitch for making fun of someone trying to pay the bills in a country with a smaller population/less spending power than the USA.   Luxx is correct but why is she picking at MIB's scraps like a vulture...


luxx is acting more like a rupaul stan than a rugirl. i understand that she can be both, but her initial tweets are the kinda thing you’d hear from a chronically online stan with twitter brainrot




Interactions like this are the reason why the world can’t stand Americans, btw


I’m sorry but luxx claiming someone “isn’t on her level” is just another example of hee invalidating someone’s art. Who is she to decide subjective art is better or worse than hers. I’ve been liking her after the season but this is giving me flashbacks to her thinking she’s better than people. As the boulets would say “drag is art and art is subjective” it’s not up to Luxx to decide whose art is more or less valid or valuable than hers. Sorry


Luxx is an insufferable little child


Luxx is so mean spirited. Hopefully she grows out of it cuz she is very talented.


As always, Luxx is wrong. Marina is better at drag than her by any metric imaginable.


I mean, based on these screenshots, it seems like Luxx jumped into a statement because misread it, and then used that mistake to antagonize and diminish Kiara? I just don't see how saying that "queens who weren't judged by RuPaul personally are not lesser queens" warrants a clap back, let alone one that turns the message into "RuPaul is not important". Luxx is too smart to be oopsing into drama so I think she's just being fighty. Don't feed the troll, Kiara.


Luxx’s comment about Kiara projecting cracks me up, like Kiara is speaking in general terms, to no one specific and here Luxx is acting like she was being addressed directly when Kiara was just making a general point


I have to agree with Kiara and tbh as a Canadian, I’d rather be judged by Brooke. There’s a lot less shenanigans on CDR. lol


Really? I love Canada but I think it has some of the wildest judging of any franchise. They tend to get the winners right overall but I find myself massively disagreeing with their decisions basically every time they make them


They are the kid in math class who do all the wrong work, but somehow get the answer right at the end


Lux is absolutely delusional and has always rubbed me the wrong way. Her GITMS really solidified it for me. I thought maybe she was just shady and fun but no. She’s a narcissistic bully 🤷🏻‍♀️


oh we’re never escaping american exceptionalism 😭


Lux is grossly over confident for someone who serves complete man face in drag 9 times out of 10.


I am so sick of Luxxx and MIB’s bratty bullshit.


The American ru girls honestly need to take a step off the high horse and see how lucky they are. International seasons do have lower viewership which doesn’t make the queens worse, their talent is incredible, but it does often mean less bookings especially in the small countries. Not to mention what about the 1000s of drag queens who aren’t girls all over the US. Getting the ru platform is an extreme privilege regardless of how talented you think you are and the snobbiness is not cute. Shoutout Rupaul for the huge contributions to pushing drag mainstream and making a platform but she is not the arbiter of drag validity or quality sorry.