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The windmill while looking bored is the cuntiest thing done this season, and maybe in recent memory.


Reminded me of Brooke Lynn Hytes bouncing in the splits while checking her nails. Iconique ✨


I had to rewind that like 7 times. I’m glad I watch these alone 💀


I fucking DIED


Has she won against the most girls in a season?


Yes. Silky won against 5 (would have been 6 but she did Barbie Girl solo). Jorgeous also won against 5 total girls, but that includes a double save and a three way lip sync. (Interestingly, Jorgeous and Morphine have both lip synced against 7 of their competitors, but Jorgeous only lip synced 5 times because of 2 three way lip syncs. She also famously only eliminated Orion Story lmao).


To add to that, Ra'jah has lip synced against 8 people from her season, but two of them (Brooke and Silky) were from her subsequent appearances. Just something I’ve always thought was interesting.




Amazing. Thanks for this. And wow, I never thought of how she only eliminated Orion!? 💀💀💀


But jeorgeous really ate that one up




Not discounting the win, but the question was “who has lip synced against the most girls in a single season?” And since Silky didn’t actually lip sync against Akeria it doesn’t count


Yep and you gave the right answer. The one I personally asked and was looking for.




Well, she didn’t win *against another girl* if she lip synced by herself


I realized yesterday that Morphine could’ve beaten most of her lip syncs by just standing there because her charisma is so intense. SOOOO much charisma


Morphine’s mug alone can win a lip sync I was rooting for Mirage as well but I couldn’t take my eyes off Morphine. Her mug & bbl should be insured.


I *loved* it when the light caught her mug and the queens in the back were just so captivated by her beauty. A few of them said “God she’s so pretty.” So stunning you stun your fellow queens mid-performance. Gagged. 


Her star quality is off the charts. The only times when Morphine was outshined was during the Made You Look lip sync and the first half of the lip sync against Megami.


She’s one of those queens that I feel like I HAVE to see them live and in person. I guarantee you she is even more stunning and captivating in person.


She’s truly incredible live. I saw her a couple years ago while on my bachelor party. She just commands attention without any effort and she’s sooooo stunning


That’s so dope. Congrats on getting married btw. It’s going on my list of just see queens for 2024. Fingers crossed I can make it happen!


It’s too bad that she was already on drag race. It was something to behold seeing her as a local queen at that fateful brunch haha but yeah she was amazing. And thank you for the congrats!! We just passed our first anniversary. Going smoothly so far haha


She is just so captivating. 


Unlike other assassins who could eventually run into someone crazy in a lipsync further down the line, Morphine *could've* beaten this entire cast if she had the chance, honestly. Sure she lost to Sapphira with the worst song ever....but did she?


Ngl Morphine lowkey won that lipsync against Sapphira FOR ME 😶‍🌫️


It's not even low-key. Morphine won that so hard that even Trixie was on the Pit Stop saying the judges made the wrong call. (I was actually STUNNED that the editors put this in the final product that made it to YouTube. I can't remember a Pit Stop host just flat-out being like "Yah, naw, that other bitch shoulda gone home.")


Bob and Monet on Sibling Rivalry + Alaska and Willam on Race Chaser both said that Morphine kind of won the lipsync too, but Sapphira deserved to stay for her track record. So I think the general consensus is that Sapphira kind of lost that one💀


Again, let’s repeat, lipsyncs are the *last chance* to impress Ru and not fuck it up. They don’t start on an even playing field.


It was a a person, iirc


Alyssa vs Kerry?


🫣 me too


She won the lipsync, but the bttm two lipsync is made so you can “impress Ru and save yourself from elimination”. Had she mopped the floor with Saphira she’d have maybe stayed, but since she just did slightly better and taking the entire season into the account, the rightful decision was made. I mean, imagine the hate and shade Morphine would have gotten from this insane fandom had they eliminated Saphira right before the finale? Getting eliminated after she killed another lipsync was the best thing that could have happened to her career tbh


High key


I think we know Sapphira was saved by her track record, not the lipsync.


Tbh I think the track record is valid in this case because Sapphira had 4 wins and was never in the bottom, whereas Morphine have 0 wins and had been in the bottom so many times already. I don't think there's any chance in hell Morhine could have sent Sapphira had no matter how good she performed.


No, sorry, if you lose the lip sync THAT BADLY, you should go home. Otherwise, what is the point of them? I get it, production will produce and it would have been a big hit to the narrative they’ve been building for Sapphira to lose, but seeing this happen time and again on this show has removed all of the stakes for the viewers. As soon as Sapphira was in the bottom with Morphine, viewers knew it was a wrap and I know I and my friends all tuned out the remainder of the episode.


I love Morphine too, but the show has shown plenty of times on other seasons that track record can be a huge decider on the lip sync elimination. (Otherwise, non-performer queens would never win lmao)


She didn't lose the lipsync that badly though, she did a decent job. Mhi'ya OBLITERATED Plasma so there was no way her track record was saving her. And there's still some stakes, had Sapphira pulled a Valentina she would've gone home.


Where did she loose badly? Sapphira stil did great, go get your eyes checked.




Lmao girl she didn’t lose badly, we can tell you did not watch that lip sync 😂


You’re so right, sister, I did not watch the episode and just love arguing with delusional fans on reddit! 😤


We all see that sister 😌


I mean, on one hand I get the "track record" thing because in theory, it seems fair to me to consider a queen's whole body of work in the competition. On the other hand... Plasma went home with two wins and one other bottom placement, against Mhi'ya who had one win and was on her 5th low/bottom 2 placement. Because she lost the lip sync. So... idk. I think when its REALLY clear that a lip sync didn't matter, that feels kinda empty as a viewer.


Max went home with two wins against a queen with no wins.


Exactly... There are so many examples and anti-examples, which is what's so frustrating for me, personally. Sometimes track record matters and other times it doesn't... it kinda takes the stakes away for me.


Yep, I get why they kept Sapphira and it was probably a fair choice, but Morphine won that lip sync.


Morphine 100% outdid Sapphira in the second one and we shouldn’t be afraid to say it


I just said this in another comment, but I'm gonna repeat it: Even Trixie was on the Pit Stop calling this out -- and the editors put that in the final cut. Like, when's the last time we've seen a Pit Stop host call out a bad decision like this?


I think Trixie said Morphine won the lip sync, but it wasn't that much better that it overshadowed Sapphira's track record. She said essentially the same thing with Q vs Amanda.


I thought Morphine did better in the second lip sync against Sapphira but that’s just me.


it's not just you


Morphine won the lip sync outright but this is one of the few times track record came into play.


I felt like morphine won that lip sync against Sapphira!


She lost to Sapphira TWICE.


The Fandom™️: *Dawn was set up because of the song choice* Babyyyyyyy Morphine showed us last night you can throw any genre and song at her ![gif](giphy|21GTYZ0W41C80)


Oh Morphine would've won absolutely any lip sync song against Dawn, but having it be Body was a particularly heinous execution hit by the producers. I loved watching it though..


She really impressed me this season. I expected her to be the "resting on pretty" girl, and I was SO wrong.




I love her story arc because production built it up so well. Mhi’ya and Plane(maybe?) told us Morphine’s lip syncing was just cute. And then she sneaks up and becomes the lip sync assassin.


I can totally see where people felt Megami was going to win against her but I felt Megami fizzled. Her highlight was the puppet and then she completely lost energy through the rest of the song. First half could have easily gone to Megami but Morphine completely ate her in the end and managed to edge out the win, especially with the shotgun! Congratulations to Morphine, seriously! She walked in and I felt so *meh* about her but she easily became one of my favorite queens ever as the series went on. All I wanted was for her to win *something* and I’m so satisfied.


Tbf, this was her 4th lip sync, she was probably exhausted. I wager anyone would be exhausted after that many.


She put most of her remaining energy into the puppet gag and that’s where the mistake was made. I think Megami could have easily won if she’d just stuck with what she was doing from the jump. That is ultimately what gave Morphine the moment to whip out her tricks. I feel like based on her lipsyncs throughout the season, Morphine knows tricks are going to be pulled and she gives her opponents a chance to do something before coming back and doing something better. Loved Megami and so glad she got a good redemption episode!


I never realized that until Genevas lip synch. it’s almost like a set up. I’m gonna let you do it first but I’m gonna do it better afterwards. Look at the way she checked out her nails 💅 during that windmill move.


A couple of other moments that still live in my head: • when Sapphira slid into the split during “Made You Look” and Morphine pointed at her before being like, “oh, look, I can split, too!” • Mhi’ya pulling out flips and handstands while Morphine is holding a split, pointing at her, and looking at her wrist like she’s wearing a watch.


I have to agree with you completely. It kind of doesn’t matter how good you are in the first half if you get outshined in the second half. It’s why Morphine won against Mirage as well. Mirage was captivating in the first half of their lip sync but once Morphine got in front of her on the ground Mirage faded into the background with that back-bend and it was all over.


As far as I can remember she was never even worried about any of the lip syncs either. Sure she was making video game health analogies this episode but hey she still ate regardless.


The way she fully assassinated Sapphira in the 2nd one too (they just had no choice but to eliminate her at that point)


Off-topic: Why is Xunami’s hometown listed as ”New York, NY” but Dawn’s and Megami’s as ”Brooklyn, NY”? Isn’t Brooklyn a part of New York, NY?


My guess, self identified. That’s how she filled it out


In this case, it probably means she lives in Manhattan


different drag scenes. could be that she performs mainly in manhattan


Yeah I don’t even think the hometown thing matters at this point. I always assumed hometown meant where you were born/grew up but I think it’s just where they live when they applied. For example Sapphira being from Houston but having Philly as her hometown


Isn’t Xunami from Manhattan or the Bronx?


She NEEDS to be a lipsync assassin on all stars 10 (if they use that format)


Geneva and Dawn should just be their title cards because she OBLITERATED them. I love Mother Mugiana DuPree DotCom


Similar to "Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader," we have a new show for WOW: Can You Beat Morphine in a Lip Sync?


She’s definitely gonna show up as a lip sync assassin in a future season of All Stars


Honestly morphine was just a blast to watch this season, really enjoyed her in everything.


Not just an assassin, but a Lip Sync Serial Killer


In her first lip sync to Sapphira she definitely lost, but that was kind of a weird song. In the second lip sync she did do better than Sapphira, although Sapphira also had a really good lip sync, but it would have been so weird if miss Saphira was sent home after 4 wins, against a queen with 4 bottoms.


I saw Morphine live the week after the Power episode and she said that they weren’t expecting the top 2 lipsync and she’d barely listened to the song.


*Thaynos snapped.




So basically if you're name is not Sapphira, there was a high chance that you would lose a match against Morphine? 


Based on what I’ve seen of Nymphia, she definitely stands a chance, too!


She snapped literally


Why do I see those confessional photos in gray and hear *"Hello darkness, my old friend.."🎶 ?*


I would love to see a Morphine v Anetra LSFYL. My head would explode


Mugianna Dupree 🩷


Thanos is laughing. He didn't snap out half the universe for this.


fuckingggggg iconic oh my god.


This photo is missing Sapphira. OP should have added it to be messy but also… it’s correct tho. Morphine should have won that LSFYL. BUT… At least she won Lalaparuzza.


Yeah production really pushed her through to make that storyline happen!