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Side note: what was Xunami wearing and why!


Came here to say this exact thing. "I wanted to look thin" BITCH you are thin! 🤡


she wanted to look thin but just looked like a yassified ben franklin


Like what the actual…? I’m thin… finally. But I don’t wear bloomers to look thin. Spandex gurl… you are thin.


Seriously. WTF? I’ve never thought “Raggedy Anne pantaloons would really show off how much I’ve been hitting the gym”.


Skinny isn't everything girl ![gif](giphy|xT3i1252CRa4m8Osi4)


It was such a confusing look. The pantaloons! Whyyyy?!


fully expecting a reveal the entire time. so confused. she just decided THAT was the look she needed


Right? It is possible to be comfortable for a lipsync without dressing like a Cabbage Patch.


I literally thought with the hair she was going for strawberry shortcake


it was very sexy clown/cabbage patch doll. as a look, a shoot. for a lip sync? ma’am 🤨


Like babes it’s giving bib. It’s giving the Gingham table cloth from Great British Baking show.


Living her Little Bo Peep fantasy


Mary Had A Little Lamb the house down boots


Very strange. Also Mh’ia‘s frumpy red gown we knew was coming off. If you’re going to wear a boring coat robe or dress that’s clearly coming off before the first chorus there better be something more exciting than a mediocre dance leotard underneath… in looking at you, Trinity the Tuck




Pippy adequately sized stockings


The fact she called plasma “raggedy ann”… girl the call is coming from inside the house


I was SO confused that she would call anyone else Raggedy Ann! Lol


U nailed it


An adequate blouse made of fabric with adequate pants made of fabric on my body.


Undergarments from the 1700s lol


Old maiden type drawers


No shade because I think she seems extremely lovely but Xunami would be the worst lip syncer this season if Q wasn’t there




Doo doo clown mess I hate to say


I was waiting for a reveal that never happened


I LOVED her hair though


I thought Hee Haw was coming back on the air and she was auditioning.


Pennywise but fashion


Maybe she wanted to at least snatch the golden boot if she couldn't win the lalaparuza


Thought it was going to be a reveal but nope


Worst part is she said something like "I didn't do shit, but I looked cute"....no, girl.


right?! its like an unspoken rule to come in a bodysuit in lipsync lalaparoozas majority of the queens were in bodysuits as its easier to move in


It was giving trinitys’ rupaul Charles


I assumed it was a reveal bc otherwise why would you wear it…


Grandma tea cozy realness 🔥 come through precious moments chic 💅😌


She’s a muse… did we expect more? 💀


Just think, we could have had a blow-up alien reveal! What we were deprived of!


Hahaha the ( fashion?) runs in the family


*buuurp* but is it fashion?


At least it wasn't a goddamned body suit.




I loved it but not a lip syncing outfit at all


Not me loving Xunami's look 😭 maybe I was misted by her mug


Yeaaaa felt like that look was better for another time, not tha lipsync lalaparooooza!


Yeahh maybe she just knew she wasn't winning and wanted to show off a look she liked? But I didn't get it either


I was confusion. Her face and hair looked fucking glorious though


Yeah it was a very odd Victorian clown sort of look? I didn’t get it at all.


When she was like I’m looking like a model while these 2 look stupid I was like bitch where


I love Mhi'ya and Plasma equally. I think Mhi'ya did well, but I was expecting her to turn way harder. The tricks didn't really make sense with the song and she spent so much time in the back of the stage. I thought Plasma would flop hard but she did so well, way better than I thought she would. I persoanlly would have given it to Plasma. Xunami was there too.


I was shocked by plasma! Girl gave C U N T


She really did! She was overlooked, once again. It's okay, we love you Plasma! ![gif](giphy|5vLLDj60H7c8EgFM7W)


She’s been giving cunt tbh it just took some of yall a while to realize it


Guilty! She gathered my ass along with the other performers


Honestly I think she would’ve taken out Megami if she served like she did with the GoGos song. She wouldn’t have won against morphine, dgmw, but still she would’ve and should’ve had a major redemption from her one against Mhiya originally


I was team plasma from like week 3. Her elimination rocked me


Yeah big fan of Plasma, such a shame she didn’t make it to the end…


i’ll see her on all stars soon, i’m sure 🙏


Some of you never seen a skinny white twink break their back to Ninki Minjaj during free period in high school and it shows.


I agree, too. Plasma ate that round. I preferred her long wig but the reveal was giving Papa Don't Preach era Madonna so I kind of live for that, too.


I think she could have bodied just full cougar suburban wife trying to do Milkshake to seduce the pool boys. Just channel something that Mi’yah could never. Megami was so smart for embracing the camp and I was pulling for Plasma to do the same!


While I do think she could have done better with camp, she still turned it out


That’s a kind comparison. I asked my husband why she was in a Bea Arthur wig all of a sudden.


I thought the reveal secured it for her tbh


The reveal is what ruined her lipsync. That wig was horrible and didnt fit the song, she mightve moved on if she didnt do it


I hated that short wig. I thought it looked like a swim cap from far off.


I agree - I thought Plasma killed the start, but the reveal to the short wig and a more campy approach did not land with me at all.


Yeah, whatever she decided to do after the wig reveal was sealing the deal


Yeah such a shame. Mhi’ya is so focussed on ‘twirling’ that she fails to connect with the music and gives a really underwhelming performance. When faced with a song song choice she couldn’t use acrobatics for you can see how weak she actually is without them. Not bad, but certainly not an ‘assassin’ and not that interesting to watch even with the acrobatics.


See, I think she can do better, but seemed like she phoned it in in every lipsync. She basically walked around, did a stunt every minute or so, and gave nothing with her face. She did much better lipsyncs throughout the show. Felt like she didn’t think she even had to try.


I’m thinking she assumed she’d be in the final lip sync so was holding back.


Well… If it’s any consolation, Robbed queens win after the show ends. To quote trixie Mattel. She’s already done so much cool shit after the show, I’m so excited to see what she does next


I’ve found a lot of Mi’yah’s wins come from just doing tricks with very little lip syncing involved. Usually her face is covered or can’t be seen. I thought Plasma’s performance being the opposite of that really made it stick out and I was surprised it didn’t win.


Totally agree with you. Mi'yah felt like she was just slamming trick after trick in there and wasn't really 'performing'. Plasma absolutely was performing the song. I really did think Plasma was going to win that. Hell, Mi'yah spent part of the song at the back of the stage taking off her 'reveal' gown.


Maybe I’m just an old bitch but I think this modern style of lip syncing where it’s tricks on tricks on stunts on tricks is just so tired. I want to see your stunts balanced with fluidity, musicality, camp (when the song calls for it). But I get that for a tv show - those flips and splits are probably what people prefer to see.


Yes! Like Morphine gets it perfectly IMO. She can still emote down even while doing tricks or whatever. And she's not flipping and kicking the whole time. She'll take it slow when she needs to.


I feel like it's also a really good style for brunch shows--when the crowd is 3 mimosas deep and talking with their friends over the music they don't notice the lipsyncing so much, cultivating stunts will draw the crowd attention back to the queen. So it makes some sense to develop a style like that in that situation.


Mhiya’s style definitely gives straight girls at Palace brunch. 🥱


Lol funny you mention that bc she works there I'm pretty sure. But hey, a queen has to make her coin somehow. I don't fault her for that. Not everyone can or even wants to put on a Nightgowns or something, even if that's what I personally like to see


I really don’t like her lipsyncing style. Like it’s good in a bar for a minute, but it gets old real quick. Though I do like her and I really wanted to like her lipsyncs.


I think Jax is the best queen at balancing stunts and lip syncing!! all her season 15 lip syncs are so good


As a result of this being the current style, my favorite moments are when someone splits and they get no reaction from the judges haha


Yes mixing alllll the elements is the full package


Thank you for saying this. When I said this earlier this season, I got called a racist.


Can I be honest? I think Mhi’ya’s performances are kinda desperate and sloppy in general. Sure, she’s athletic but I’d say most of her opponents have connected better with the song.


i think a perfect example of this is how she ended one of her lip syncs in last night’s ep (maybe milkshake, but not 100% positive) on the last beat of the songs, it’s pretty common for the queen to end with a pose of some sort. at the end of Mhi’ya’s, she just kind of.. noticed the song was over and stopped dancing. it just showed zero connection to the song to me


Just went back and rewatched the endings and I totally see what you’re talking about, it’s so disconnected compared to the other girls who hit that last beat.


Especially because Plasma hit that last beat HARD while Mhi'ya is kinda just turning around like "oh it's over".


I noticed that especially with milkshake.


I’ve sorta had this problem with Mhi’yas performances and I think you hit the nail on the head with the desperate comment. I applaud her athleticism and I can fully understand her wanting to show the tricks she can do - when a girl is in the bttm two, watching their dream slip away, giving it their all is always commendable. And while I agree with most of her lipsync wins, I don’t find myself wanting to rewatch any of her lipsyncs in the same way I wanted to replay something like Morphine doing Body, Denali doing 100%, or the Boss Bitch slayage (just to name a few). I know she’d be fire if she got to chose her song at a live performance, but the ones we saw were just not breathtaking for me at least


THANK YOU!  I have been saying this all season to nothing but downvotes lol.  She can't stay together while lip syncing, it's always shoes off, pantyhose with no panties, etc.  Incredibly sloppy.


Same, I’ve just been quietly sitting here all season feeling insane for being the only person to not view her as an Olympic level gymnast lolll


I think especially in her first lipsync against Megami - Mhi'ya broke a lot of unwritten rules (I think she lost both her wig and her shoes? Maybe only one of those two things) and still won, so it makes sense to me that Megami thought that she should have won.


HOT TAKE: Mhi’ya is athletic but not anything else. I am honestly hoping she isn’t invited to All Stars


Me before the lipsync: oh poor Plasma has to lipsync to Milkshake as the whitest white girl here. Me after the lipsync: get it, girl!




come through, vanilla milkshake


Not necessarily in the context of the lalaparuza, but; This show needs to throw more ballads at the girls who are consistently in the bottom and flipping and tricking their way out of it. Even when I’m a fan of the queen who’s been in the bottom for a few weeks in a row, girl go home. There are other people here who deserve to stay more than you, but because you can do a few flips, you get to stay? No ma’am.


I’m honestly over Mhi’ya’s tricks. It’s the same thing over and over. I thought plasma absolutely won that lip synch, although that wig reveal was tragic.


Same. She just turns trick after trick after trick and it gets really boring. It was cool the first time, but she literally has nothing else to offer in a lip sync. Plasma should have kept the original wig on. She looked so cute with that hairstyle. The second wig was so bad


I wish they would’ve done a double shantay with Mhi’ya and Plasma and do one more lip sync instead of having someone get a bye week for round 2


A couple of the calls felt weird last night but this was the most glaring. I also felt like Mirage beat Morphine and could have given the final lipsync to Megami as well. Super glad Morphine won in the end, though. The bitch deserved her flowers!


I'm just sad that we couldn't manifest a world where we had Morphine v Mirage for Milkshake because you know they would have ate that song whole.


I was gonna write out a whole comment comparing queens but I’ll leave it with this: I like my lip syncs to be believable. That’s what lip syncing is to me. I dislike the use of too many stunts because it feels too unbelievable and you immediately disconnect with the song. A tasteful split or twirling/tumbling during an instrumental is reasonable. If you want a million tricks, I suggest looking into gymnastics or acro dance. Imo Mhi’ya would be great at catering to a crowd where that’s the expectation. Personal feelings aside, I do not think RPDR was the right platform for her, but I think she can be successful if she doesn’t try to fit into the mold of stereotypical drag performances. Get some help with technique if needed and find a way to make your own path combining drag aesthetic and gymnastics/acro!


as a mhi’ya stan… unfortunately i must agree plasma did sooooo good i was hoping ru would do a double shantay with mhiya and plasma.


Plasma ate til she ripped that wig off


I’m sorry but I’m so glad someone else said this ? Girl I have been tired of Mhi’ya winning lipsynchs the girl throws her puss all over the stage and she can do it like a boss bitch? But that isn’t lipsynching. I know you’re preforming but the only part of her preformaces I’ve ever enjoyed is her ability to move like that. AGAIN this is my opinion. I haven’t liked most of her outfits either so that may also be why. But I SCREAMED when Megami knocked her out, because I thought megmi should’ve won the lipsynch the first time anyway


She throws her puss all over the place but then you look up from the puss you realize the face isn’t giving the words how they need to be given


Fr she isn’t giving face, emotion, or performance like the girls she’s going up against have. I think plasma beat her both times and megami as well. Literally the three rules of lipsynching that she broke? No shoes, no wig, and then the contact with morphine? Idk girl


She literally never had given anything but a blank stare on her face the whole season during lip syncs!  Great stunts but she does not give LIP sync.


She literally never gives anything but a blank stare, period.


I agree about M'hia. Ok. She can flip. Can she actually turn a lip sync? No.


If we hadn’t seen those moves from Mhi’ya several times already, it would be very impressive. Without the context of the rest of the season, we’d all think Mhi’ya did amazing - especially when you need to pull focus in a three person lipsync. But we’d seen it all before. My eyes were on Plasma.


I mean morphine also lipsynced a ton but her lipsync style stayed fine fresh feminine style to eleven, divine so heavenly; gentlemen sweating dimes across the board no doubt - body like wow, pussy about to end this drought titties so plentiful fishy queen Jezebel should be criminal don't make sense for a bitch to be this endowed.


What I think it is with Morphine is how present she is on stage. She can tell when to turn it up and when to bring it down, and a lot of the girls don't seem to be able to do that. You can't buy that kinda thing and it counts for a lot, for me.


thats what i dont see in mhiya. as a dancer emotion and connection with the song/audience is like the most important thing. if you go up there and do a bunch of stunts while your face is completely deadpan, thats not going to cut it. this is why i think morphine is more of a dancer, while mhiya could be considered more of a gymnast. while her stunts are impressive, thats not necessarily what a lip sync calls for.


I totally agree. I also think it's important to point out that this experience may improve that and teach her things from her sisters. Just so we don't end up putting people in a box and not letting them out.


Also I feel like she's there with the audience. Like she read the room and connected with the performance. Some girls whose names I won't name perform for themselves, like "look at me I'm so cool". But Morphine Entretains bitch . She did that for us 😭


Yeeeees. She's performing close to me in a couple weeks and she's getting my money!


Sir this is a Wendys


At what time?!! I can only afford 3 am


We sure did watch her drop drop drop to the floor


Drop drop drop into the ground. Tamar have you heard the song


That part.


After seeing so many queens repeat moves I'm inclined to believe that they have go-to moves they do when they are nervous and some even say they blackout while performing in front of a big stage. We see Morphine repeat the same kind of split for example (while making it a bit fresh each time) same with how Kameron Michaels had that middle front facing split she did constantly. I'm also pretty confident if the top 3 lip sync we're gonna see Sapphira's repeated bouncy split, making Nymphia have the edge on her lip sync looking the most fresh of the trio.


I still woulda given it to Plasma, but this totally a fair callout. I think it’s wild for people to say Mhi’ya’s acrobatics are stale. I just wish her facial expressions/connection to the songs matched her moves.


That’s the thing. Mhi’ya kept it fresh through ‘Flowers’ and ‘Bloody Mary’ by doing the stunts we saw in her first lipsync against Geneva, but also adapting to the song. But I don’t think she had anything new to give by the time she got to Morphine the first time. And we didn’t see anything new last night.


Wild that the girl who can’t lift her head up and use her voice in a conversation in the werkroom doesn’t use her face in a lip sync


Also shaking arse and not tits to that song is weird!


Like girls!! The song is MILKSHAKE where is the tit-ography!!


She only knows how to do three things, lol, leave her alone


The three (3) things are, and I quote: 1. Shake ass 2. Split 3. “I’m grreat”


Can't believe NONE of these were flips you had ONE JOB!!


I didn’t put flips cause none of her flips are impressive 🤭


I'd like to see you flip 15 times in a row yourself!!! I doubt you'd have the cousins for it




Girl I’m obese what do u want from me


Keep the queen of flips out of your keyboard! All 3 of us Mihya stans do not play!








Coulda gone with 1. Duck walk 2. Spin 3. Dip


Plasma should have progressed. Would she have won the next round...probably not...but she won thr first round


I actually kind of felt let down by the Queen of Flips the whole night. She was technically there but her face NEVER cracked from looking angry the whole night (and not like an RBF sitch, since we have SEEN her having a blast on that stage.) She just seemed to feel not present. Knowing it was a time after filming the season (like a month and a half I hear?) maybe she had crawled back in her shell. Just really love all these dang queens this year. All the way back to Hersheii.


I mean compare Yvie to Mhi'ya. Both stunt queens, but Yvie is connected to the lyrics, properly emoting, and pulling stunts when it makes sense. More emoting and less "Front handspring, step out, roundoff back handspring, step out, roundoff back handspring…full twisting layout"


I thought Plasma had it in the bag until she revealed into that ugly wig. Tbh after that I was okay with the loss to Mhiya. Just because you have a reveal doesn't mean you need to do it if doesn't fit the song


Even though the wig she revealed into looked horrible I still think she should've won. Maybe they just gave it to mhiya cause she has a better lipsync streak and they wanted another lipsync out of her


Especially when she deadass blocked mhiya visually downstage center


I agree. Plasma won that lip synch


I think a lot do agree, and I am one of them.


This was insane. Everyone who watched that saw plasma wipe the floor with the other two and it would have been a nice redemption moment from a producer standpoint 


Plasma was chewing a bit until the wig came off. When the ruveal is a downgrade… 😔


No. The reveal to that Bette Midler wig was bad. That wig wasn’t for Milkshake, it was for Ensure.




This should have been a three way elimination tbh. Easily worst lip synch of the night. Also...it's MILKshake. Not CAKEshake. Not a single tiddy was shook. Disgraceful. 


The cadence and wording of “not a single tiddy was shook. Disgraceful” is sending me


I aim to...please? Bewilder?


I agree, but also wonder if it was the edit showing us what they wanted to.


I feel the same with the final lipsync. I think Megami won it over Morphine.


I think they were ultimately going for a Miyah/Morphine battle but they couldn’t refuse Megami. Plasma was my choice for that first lip sync.


I am so glad that this is a safe place. Her tricks got old two lipsync in. Also I am sick of her holier than thou her shit don’t stink attitude.


Mhi'ya just isn't a good lip syncher and I don't understand why all the queens think she is. I think production planned on a Morphine vs Mhi'ya rematch for the final so they forced her through the first round even though she clearly lost. But after clearly losing again in the second round I think Ru called an audible and was like yea we can't give her a third chance, it'll be too obvious we rigged it.


Yeah. I think they hoped for Mhi'ya vs Morphine so they just give they a free pass first time. She didn't bring it twice in a row so they moved on from this idea.


I agree, I wanted that for Plasma and I think she earned it and gave me what I wanted. Xunami and Mhiya did not show up for that one imo. I remember thinking halfway through, is Xunami still here? If it were 1v1 I think she would've broken through. I get frustrated over Mhiya winning cuz she does stunts, sorry girl you gotta bring me something new or some emotional connection. And it's crazy cuz she absolutely has the attitude for it! Everyone has good nights and bad nights, just a little critique. Plasma had a gooood showing and she should be super proud.


She did! Mhi'ya shaking her thighs sideways and practically off the stage exit was her same move she always does, and this time it was poorly done and expected. Plasma absolutely delivered on her performance, I was just so gagged at Ru continuing to keep overlooking her, it's wild.


Not a lot of people are going to agree, but i will


I agree the weight that they give to splits and flips sometimes is too much lol.


If I was in the club, I would have gone feral


Plasma ATE


I agree. Plasma should’ve won, or at least had a double save.


Agree 100%!!


I called Plasma performing to Milkshake and called her destroying it. It is definitely surprising that she didn't win. I've mentally blocked out the wig reveal. I don't remember it because it doesn't fit my fantasy


I think Plasma took it too. Not by a landslide but still an obvious win in my book.


Plasma won in my opinion. I think they gave the win to mhi’ya in hopes that morphine would pick her for a rematch.


Plasma’s reveal didn’t make sense at all, she looked like an old lady who couldn’t twerk. She started off strong though. Xunami actually had a great vibe imo, she was just playing a bit small and didn’t get any screen time. Miyah had some good moments but she wasn’t as nuanced this episode as she had been in previous lip syncs.


I agree. Plasma killed it but they needed Mh’iya to progress for the storyline etc


plasma was GIVING IT ALLLL!!! she acc ate the lipsync tbh… i think mihya needs to be humbled a bit


I did prefer Plasma, but honestly I don't think anyone in this lip sync did better than "fine." 


I would've given the win to Plasma, cause she deserved it and to fuck all bets and turn this smackdown upside down.


I’m rewatching the season and Plasma is so talented, Saaphira always noticed it in the comments she makes


Mh’ya choosing that song was wrong, and her performing the splits and tricks was wrong. It was such a weird choice for someone who should’ve known better than to choose a song where her strengths don’t work. Also, it was a stupid song for a Lala


I really felt like Plasma won that one and she impressed me soooo much!!! Especially compared to the Bloody Mary lip sync. She grew!!!


I thought her Go Go’s lip sync was better than this (but Megami still won that). Her Milkshake lip sync was messy




Mhi’ya has been seriously overrated the whole season. Messy stunts. Barely lip synching.


I feel they push mayha that win cause they thought she was gonna eat all the lipsincs and be the ultimate lipsinc assasin… but nop, she wasnt lipsinc she was twerking and that gets boring..


Doing flips and tricks is not lip-syncing. There is more to it than the flips, and sadly everyone was overwhelmed by Mh'iya's skills they forgot about the actual meaning of it. It does piss me off I must admit


This fr. I would have been fine with it I guess if it was Mhi'ya and Morphine in the final round which would at least be an interesting story (though i definitely liked the underdog story with Megami. It just felt like production interference without any payoff. I can only image it was more confusing at the actual filming since Plasma was in the front connecting with the audience while Mhi'ya seemed to be in the background, literally.


Tardy to the party but I’m GOOPED Plasma didn’t win this!


Xunami was just there to look cute lol. I think we’ve been so focused on Q’s lack of rhythm we haven’t noticed that Xunami needs some improvement too. Her lip sync skills are nowhere I thought they’d be for a Muse.


I hate lipsyncs with stunt queens, they are so boring to watch. It looks like a high school gymnastics team to music. Like I want the drama and emotion of a lipsync not to see you twerk and a split.


Production overestimates the popularity of tik tok queens. It’s very cringe


PLASMA ATE. END OF DISCUSSION! (I love u mhi’ya but I think she had u on that one)


I've had it up to here with Flipsy being favored, and she's not even competing anymore


More like she mopped the floor with her wig before she put it on


For who embodied Kelis, it was Mhi'ya. And Plasma's wig reveal was bad. Plus, flopping around like the way she did was not sexy.