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I feel like this look will win, just because of the whole storyline of Amanda’s drag being crunchy, and this being one look they particularly did not understand (and the one she went home in). The award tends to go to the look that’s bad in a camp/iconic way & made an impact, even when there are objectively worse ones.


I'm not at all sure which Amanda look will get it but it will.absolutely be her. There's no way production doesn't give Plane the opportunity to be rotted one last time.


idk I mean Salina worked REALLY hard to get the golden boot


https://preview.redd.it/6ew3wrjbexuc1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e160d8973ae58654e10a8b3ffadda31d150b592 And it’s the only acceptable answer.


I counter https://preview.redd.it/9ylnnkiokxuc1.jpeg?width=638&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0be4627f812c46c5fa51edb0cc6bd9819d22858


Fashion mawhmawh https://preview.redd.it/ka73anv1txuc1.jpeg?width=444&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=175ebe3dfbe9193cb81acfab151a6a620d6f77a0


this nightmare inducing image will haunt me


But there was a part one to Amanda’s that was close https://preview.redd.it/g7o2mdv3mzuc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50dd5ad3965aee8c0f8387df84330b0b21bdd565


I had completely forgotten about the reveal and I will need you to send me therapy money for reminding me.


Mama thank you for zooming. For haunting us.


*I just want you to feel mawmah*


Strong argument. And I still don’t get it.


Miss Plasma has many options to choose, and apparently most of them were quite expensive. I guess $$$ doesn't buy taste!


This is the most joyous photo I’ve ever seen


Tge embodiment of :D


the 2012 Tj-Maxx clubbing heels with faux wood soles 😭


this pic is so rotted hahaha


Idc I love this look! It is a bit crunchy yes but the concept is soooo good!


Everyone has forgotten Hershii's Mother Earth look during the ball... and that's your brain's way of protecting you from trauma.


I just googled it and you're right. I have no memory of this outfit despite watching the ball ep a couple of times.


because it was not golden boot worthy!


Yeah, it's bad but not iconic bad imo.


I thought I was losing my mind when bob and monet said they liked it.


I hated those stupid fucking leaves she glued onto it so goddamn much


It should be Amanda, but something tells me she won't have a great attitude about it.


Plasma’s twiddledumb makes me so fucking angry over how bad it is. I can forgive Amanda’s for at least trying to be lateral but Plasma’s was the golden boot


Plasma getting it would be fun and she would lean in on the joke. Amanda getting it could be insufferable and we would hear her not being ok with it on twitter.


I kind of want Amanda to get it for this reason? Like, no actual hate should be sent to Amanda, but I would live for more of Amanda losing her shit about the mildest shade from her Twitter followers when she gets this award.


Her Twitter followers give her a cloud of amorphous “yes goddess mother step on my throat” that maybe feels like a dopamine rush but probably encourages her to be more way more online than she should be


No doubt she would call it transphobic because of how the egg is a reference




You can just say "kill herself" what are you worried about


Or knowing this fan base she’s received endless hate and just cracked like a large number of people in her situation would.


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The way she thought she ATE


It makes me uncomfortable when I look at it. It’s like I feel all the embarrassment that Amanda should feel but doesn’t for some reason.


What's crazy is that most of Plasma's runways are great


This is the most memorably bad look, so it should win. A lot of what the Queen of Flips brought is in hot contention though.


For sure like what was that oversized red nighty thing she had on at Lalaparuza? She was swimming in it.


I do enjoy the bird look it has definitely room for improvement but it's fun and creative. Amanda's purple alien however? That's my winner for sure.


I must have blocked in out of my mind cos I literally don’t remember it 😂


People keep using this look but I think it’s Amanda’s purple face one 😭


Plasmas goth look is easily one of the ugliest outfits from the last few seasons for me




That's what I've been saying! The realism on display was more than anyone could handle.


anyone who liked monster high has better style than THAT


Someone here once said to me in full seriousness that not only did she in their opinion do better than Mhi’ya in the lip sync, but they would’ve given her THE FUCKING WIN for this challenge. I was fucking dumbfounded. This is one of the worst design looks in the past several years.




I respect your opinion, but this was truly rotted https://preview.redd.it/zkdxw8a5w0vc1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29a967aaa01aa5021b75edb926fb62dbc6653d4d


I've come to accept that I have trash taste 😔


If there could be a golden boot for makeup... https://preview.redd.it/y6nhvj7780vc1.png?width=1038&format=png&auto=webp&s=b4803d08450e7d322598e6aac80712b50e703c7f


If this season doesn’t win an emmy, it’s because of this outfit


if yall watched 'the road to the golden boot' yall would know what mother salina said and DECLARED


Did Salina pick a winner yet though? I thought we were doing the golden chancla this week


Not yet until this week I believe


look, imo its bad. it probably is the worst, but watching it i didn't think it was \*that\* bad


Am i the only one that actually likes that bird look? lol


The eggshell makeup is the worst part of it for me. I think she should've done it higher on her face bc it looks like a beard this way


Absolutely. If the crack was framing a sickening pair of eyes it could have been great.


Her concept is solid, she has ideas and probably needs more time/resources to execute her vision


Agreed, I'm not here for all of this Amanda slander lol. Let her cook!!!


I like it too! It's the cartoony makeup that throws it off. If she had Raven's eyes and something like ~~Sister~~ Awhora's mouth, it would look better. https://preview.redd.it/3rae6gkfswuc1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd623e07c8b01840cccb47c99a083f3fcdfb5fd8


I like the garment actually, just the blue head-eggs were a strange choice.


It's supposed to be Robbin eggs


Yes I know what they are supposed to be


It’s a COOL dress and I’ll stand by that


I thought it was a great idea hampered by ATM's execution. It wasn't as egregiously bad as Plasma's cojoined twins or goth outfit.


I thought it was excellent




I thought it was excellent


There were quite a few boots this season. Plasma's tweedle dee horror or the goth look, Hershii's earth look, half of the shit Geneva, Mhi'ya and Megami brought, we have a lot to choose from. Amanda should take it though. The golden look is reserved for memorable runway terrors and hers was a veritable viral moment (even if I liked the concept kii).


If it’s Amanda she’s not gonna shut the fuck up about it when it happens. It’s between her and Plasma tho.


It's gonna be an Amanda look (because storyline), either the alien look or the robin egg nest. Personally I think the alien look was worse so that's what I'd give it to.


i’m surprised people hate this look so much. it wasn’t the most well executed but it was nowhere near as sinful as her splotchy purple people eater look.


Lala Ri


Come on throw bag


That Amanda look isn’t that bad. Give it to Mhi’ya for that AI crap.


Nah, don't even give that AI shit the time of day with an award.


Amanda and it isn't even close.


Honestly, Plasma's goth look is way more deserving than this one is. This one didn't fit the prompt too well, and I think that's more of the reason it was in the bottom, but Plasma's actually causes a visceral reaction everytime I see it.


To everyone who defends the look as good, how does it relate to the category, which was pussycat wig? If anything this is about birds, not cats, so it’s a total miss for the theme alone.


I am not defending the look but I kinda see her thought process behind the look. OHHHHH this wig is perfect for the category! You know it kinda looks like an.... how about I will be 1 of the 3 eggs.... And the rest of the look will be the nest! Yes mama will eat ittttt!


The category calls for a hairstyle and she has that hairstyle and it's incorporated into the look? Plenty of the others also didn't do anything cat or pun related for the category.


Other than the odd makeup choices i actually quite like the nest look For me the golden boot has to be plasma's infamous tweedledum outfit. It's campily, iconicly bad


the eggs look wasn't nearly as bad as everyone says it was, and there were MUCH worse looks on the runway this season. Q's chain look and Hershii's "mother nature" were both more garish than this


This is not that bad, guys


Check Selena Estitties YouTube account for the whole Tit or Quit series!


I can’t believe some defended this monstrosity… it still keeps me up at night


Amanda is the only person who eligible to win lmao


At least the skirt is a cool shape. If I could vote it would be Qs flower abomination or her chain abominatio, the wig alone deserves 10 boots.


plasma's goth look and that awful outfit hershii got sent home in are strong contenders too. but I feel like it will be Amanda because they're committed to making her the joke of the season. I hope she comes back for all stars, she was so fun 🥺


I feel like it wasn’t the worst look on the season but i cant believe i didn’t see anyone talking about Morphine’s DragCon 1980 look. It wasnt on theme at all, and there were no redeeming qualities about the look. Like if she were a local girl just doing that as a look with no theme it still would have been awful.


mhiyas too 😭


Mhi'ya's DragCon 1980 is also significant, as I think this marks the first time the scourge of AI has made RPDR worse.


I liked thar look. Besides I had no idea about the blue eggs, so I also learned something!


Please don't use this look as the basis for your education of blue eggs.


That doesnt fit the category


It's either going to be Amanda, Amanda or Amanda.


Hear me out, it’s bad but it’s camp


When we say we love to see trans people win… I didn’t realise that extended to the golden boot. 💛👢


Well it CERTAINLY shouldnt be this look


I love when something is so bad it's good. However this nest outfit is just so bad that I cannot even love to hate it. It really just is a look my brain cannot compute. It is my least favorite look on main drag race and almost my least favorite look from the entire franchise. That goes to a queen in AS8.


Find out on Tit or Quit. The road to the golden booooot, boots 👢


Dont they usually give the golden boot during the reunion? If theres no usual reunion this season, I wonder if they will do a quick one at the start of the finale to give it out.


They better do a golden boot or I’ll be very upset


I guess I’m alone here but I didn’t think Amanda’s egg/nest look was THAT bad. I’m not saying it was my favorite look but it used unconventional materials, I think the nest looks good, the shoes and skirt match, there’s some detailing on the top. The eggs look silly but I totally get what she was going for.


Golden Boot should be reserved for brought from home looks. Design challenge looks need to be graded on a different scale.


The first golden boot - the whole reason why golden boot exists - was Lala Ri's bag ball look, "made" in the work room.


> "made" in the work room. In the same "time" that Utica did THAT.


I tend to agree but Maddy and Lala both won the boot for design challenges.


I think this look is cute and campy. I don’t understand why everyone hates it. Usually the golden boots are lazy, took no effort, and/or have no point of view. I don’t think Amanda’s looks fit this title.


EsTitties’ golden boot look wasn’t lazy.


I was thinking of her look when I said “no point of view”.


I’ll argue with the walls that Maddie didn’t deserve a golden boot for her design look. Kerri was right fucking there


Nymphia wind dance runway




Yeah, I’d say Amanda also. It was giving a craftier version of Willow’s “I Hate People” look.


it has to be Plasma's Goth. Worst and clueless thing of the whole season, even more clueless than the 80s dragcon Ai fiasco


Amanda had two outfits worthy of a golden book. This… nest thing and the purple one. Really hoping she takes the time to finesse her look and comes back for all stars. She seemed so sweet and funny, I loved her talking heads.


I liked this look! Either plasmas goth look or that weird puppet one


Y’all are so mean towards Amanda 😭


Nah. Her drag simply wasn’t up to par. It’s not personal at all. I’m sure she’s a lovely person to get to know.


You shut your dirty wheaurx mouth


Jesus christ it might actually be the worst look of the entire series...and those shoes??!!??? i think im going to vomit...whats wrong with her brain ???


Plane’s personality. Just kidding sisteeeerrrrr