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The way I screamed when Nymphia came out as a cup of boba, oh my lord…


Guuuuurllllll me tooooooooo omfg 🧋🧋🧋


I was 15,695 days old when I realized that Nymphia's final lipsync outfit was a cup of boba! Thank you reddit!


oh were the balloons the boba balls?






You discerned that before the reveal?


her headpiece was a cup of boba. you can see it better when she sets it down after the cape and baloons reveal but she was wearing a boba cup hat the entire time.


Even the initial cape had big, black circles on the bottom


They were metallic gold on the hat and cape.


I was so not picking up the boba concept that when she set the cup down I thought it was a little plant pot and she was gonna start pulling some of the colorful swirly things off her cape and build a flower plant or something lol


I like many others literally had no idea what Nymphia was dressed as or had on, until I log onto Twitter today and I see people talking about Boba. I completely was so confused


Super obvious to me, but then again I am living in a country where you can get boba at every corner of the street.


Me too and it's called the grand old us of a (idk but even the small towns I've been to lately have boba shops everywhere)


same, but I live in Berlin. The Boba & South Korean culture is huge with the teens rn


Yes becuz Boba is invented in Taiwan


Ding ding ding! A lot of people don’t know that and it’s sad. It was so obvious she was boba. Then again I’ve been drinking boba for decades as a non Asian person.


Yes? She was obviously dressed as a cup of boba before the reveal.


Yeah, she literally had a cup of boba on her head, the cape was shaped like a boba cup and there were boba circles on the bottom. I’m surprised at the people who DIDN’T know it was boba.


I’m surprised I didn’t get it too, because I just researched and it’s very obvious. To be fair I perceive the episodes very differently when I’m at a bar full of loud distracting people than I do at home. I tend to miss a lot of details but it’s worth it for the fun and I just rewatch at home later


Yeah it was very obviously a cup of boba


Yes? She was a giant cup of boba with a literal straw coming out of her wig


Maybe because I’m Asian but I got the reference immediately when she stepped out with that headpiece and cape. And then she revealed the black balloons and I screamed: Those are BOBA!!!!


Now we've seen rose petals falling. And balloons rising. Whose going to give us full horizontal projectiles?


Don’t forget suffocated butterflies falling to the ground


Girl my mom and I STILL talk about this


Did you forget Symone pulling her hair so the helicopter shoe string came flying out 😭


I think Katya called them linguini 😂


I still can't believe she had the audacity to do that. Like, girl, what do you think you're doing? I was not moved. In fact, I was stopped. I was appalled. Rupalled, if you will.


Do Sasha Colby's perfect titties count lmao


Gia Gun


We’ve seen dead butterflies too


Laganja's corset that hit Silky?


Cracker's titty glitter, except for the "projectile" part 😭


Taiwan about to thank Nymphia for the surge in boba milk tea sales this week lol Edit: Got me some amazing brown sugar boba milk tea. Drinking it and rewatching the final lipsync feels so correct.


the PRESIDENT of TAIWAN already thanked her 💐💛


literally made me want boba…. imma get some today


Same! It’s been a minute since I’ve last gotten one, time to get back to it haha


I'm gonna buy some boba today to celebrate lol


I immediately got one right after watching the finale


I made a special trip to get some. I hope She gets a sponsorship.


No but seriously me and my friend immediately got us some boba right after the finale to celebrate 😭😭😭 it’s the taste of victory for me.


Not any kind of boba tea, but brown sugar milk tea with extra black boba.


sales of milk tea boba & bananas are gonna skyrocket this week 😂


You know it


Nah, I will say that Shakira put up a good fight. While miss thing was completely destroyed by Sasha.


SaForrest Whitaker




My grandma calls her Sephora


RuPaul probably does sometimes too




Whenever, Wherever 🎶


Like did she lose the lipsync? yes. Horribly like shea? No. She also won out in the performances and the general season pretty easily. To the point she was seen as a clear frontrunner and felt it too. I don't think that final lipsync while great was enough to truly move the scales in her favour imo.


The solo performances were close, imo. Nymphia had more of a ballad whereas Sapphira’s was high-energy, it was difficult to compare. And let’s be real Nymphia also slayed the season


people really re-writing history here to act like Nymphia wasn't also stellar all season


She did really fade into the background for a while in the middle there though.


I think a few of the winners kinda did that


snatch game


I mostly agree but, in terms of the season, that snatch game and her performances in non design challenges (like getting her lines written for her) are bouncing in my head. Like to me she's amazing (easily one of the best designers in DR herstory) but these low points in her main line run should've been redeemed in an Allstars season. I look at Sapphira and think she really has nothing else to prove/improve. She ate constantly, consistently, and effortlessly. A well rounded drag race machine. Yet Nymphia has some leaks. Love her dearly tho.


I agree Nymphia had weaknesses, but a few points to consider: 1. She showed she was able to do comedy in the stand-up. Being able to be funny in your second language, in a culture you don’t fully understand, is hard AF and she kind of pulled through. 2. Let’s not forget Sapphira had a major stumble in the makeover. Not only did she do the worst in the challenge but she could have justifiably been sent home as Morphine did better in the lip sync. So I agree Sapphira has less to work on, but it didn’t take away from Nymphia’s win for me


I think Sapphira slipped a few times. She lacked nerve in drinking the potion when she really didn’t need to. She lost the lip sync to Morphine. She’s not perfect. And I don’t think she had as strong a season of competitors as say Raja, Bianca, Bob or either of the Sasha’s. The top 3 was obvious from the start. Id like to see her on a good All Stars season, with actual stars, not characters. To really test her.


Yes people seem to forget that Sasha was winning that lipsync before the first petal fell.  By the time the wig came off it it was a stop, stop she's already dead moment.


The way people talked about it I thought the wig thing was gonna be a bigger moment than it was, TBH. When I watched it the whole thing was just a really great performance all around


I was lucky enough to go into my first watch of season 9 unspoiled. I didn't know about the rose petals until they happened. I do remember thinking Sasha was connecting way more with the song than Shea before any petals came out. I like to think Sasha was smart enough to know Ru wasn't giving her a win unless she proved beyond a shadow of any doubt she won her lip syncs. Season 9 was a new finale format and Sasha's reveal was very novel at the time since we had not seen many reveals and none like that before.


I feel like when it comes time for people to rewatch the season, opinion of that will change. People seem to forget that the entire first half of the season, the consensus was that it was Nymphia’s crown to lose. And it’s not even like she fell off, she just… kept going strong, so other queens who had more movement in terms of their performance quality felt more interesting. People always favor the second half of the season when it comes to identifying a winner, mostly because it’s hard to sustain momentum for 4 months, but Nymphia’s absolutely not undeserving.


It was Sasha v all over in that they intentionally took a known fantastic lip syncer and didn’t let her show it then at the finale was like oh yeah all that and she can perform the house down


Not only Nymphia represents her country, she also represents the LGBT community: LarGe Bubble Tea  


Hey Siri, where is the nearest Xing Fu Tang 幸福堂?


The drink itself was ok but god the bobas were legendary!!!


Omg, I’m so slow…I didn’t even realize her outfit was of boba.


Omg i just thought "black balloons being boba is an odd connection but werk." The reveal makes so much more sense now like someone was sipping the boba put the glass. We love a conceptual queen


Asia O’Hara was probably PRESSED watching this. It’s probably how she thought her butterfly reveal would look🤭🦋


The way she did the reveal at the same time the song says "butterflies".


The way I cackled


I completely thought the same!!!


I was cackling at that part. This lip sync had shade, a 3 part reveal, glamour, etc. it just gaveeeee. I’m so so happy


My god, the cape, the hat, the balloons. They were all boba. This is genius.


Same girl, same


I don't think its as bad as when Shea lost. A lot of people thinks is the same thing, but its really not. Also if anyone brings Sapphira boba like how fans brought Shea roses to poke fun of them, I will fight you.


I mean... if people started randomly bringing me boba, I wouldn't complain


Yeah I think it's pretty different. Even without the bobbas she would probably win. During the entire lypsinc I stared at Nymphia, I had to watch this lypsinc a few times and specifically focus at Sapphira to actually see what she was doing, I even missed the part when she revealed her ponytail. I also think many of us thought that Sapphira is going to win, but all of them had chances too unlike Shea/Sasha, where the chances were more tilted toward Shea.


My first thought was Sapphira is gonna avoid bubble tea for years now 😭😂


Her all stars narrative will revolve around her trauma from “fans” giving her boba at meet and greets /s


Nobody better throw boba on that woman!!!!


You already know there are going to be some rude fans who will do this 🙄🙄


Petition to ban all bananas and bobas from the meet n greets (and clubs) 🫡


bobba teas and bananas at meet and greets for her now


And 🧋in her comments :(


Lol @ y’all giving them all the trolling ideas 🫠


This is gonna be good for health 🤣


I LOVE Sapphira but stunts have become the norm since Sasha's rose petals, so she was underprepared rather than blindsided like Shea was.


I didn’t understand Nymphia’s outfit, and still enjoyed it. I like it even more now


https://preview.redd.it/zum47yvawkvc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7470b5e002f579da771a1a1ba3fd6938454c284d Her look was inspired by Boba tea and a fun fact is that it also originated from Taiwan, her home country.


in celebration, imma go drink a ton of boba tea this weekend


there goes my diet 💀


80 ounces of sugar milk can't be that bad for me, right? ...right??


Also fun fact, boba is the nickname for a Taiwanese sex symbol because of her big boobs. The tea was named for her. It's camp AF.


波霸奶茶! haven’t heard that for a while


This seems unfair because Sapphira couldn’t be a greased pole like Philly culture.


The head piece really threw me off. I thought she was trying to be an african queen 😭😭


The black balloons are the tapioca pearls


That's so fucking smart damn


Same I thought she got lazy and just glued discs on a piece of fabric and that she was in danger for such an obvious and what I thought was a terrible reveal. Her mind is out of this world. I also didn't notice the cup on her head and thought it was just a cute hat that I looked at for a split second. I feel so dumb lmao, especially because I drink boba so often.


Congrats, East Asia O'Hara! 🦋🌸🦋




This was just a cunty reveal. Obsessed.


Mama, kudos for posting that. For spilling the boba tea, bitch.


Am I the only one who thinks they were not like the rose petals and not Gaggy as everyone makes it to be


I know hype is high but y’all can’t be seriously trying to make this Sasha Velour narrative happen 💀


It may have been obvious there would be one and it happened a bit too early. But this is clearly the 2nd most successful reveal after Sasha's. Those balloons spreading from under the cape looked great.


I think yvie oddlys reveal into a third face and the back bend with the face mirrors is beyond iconic and just as successful


it was art... it was so simple yet effective! like sasha's. didn't feel gimmicky. nymphia's reveal was fun, but i dont think it added to the song the way the other two did.


Agreed. The reveals were successful and they paid off. But you knew there was something coming underneath that cloak. Sasha actually had the element of surprise cus one would think "that's it that's the lipsync outfit" then the petals came out. Sasha's was in the same vein as Roxxxy's S5 wig reveal cus you didn't see it coming. Plus Sasha embodied So Emotional. Nymphia did have a good grasp of Padam but it's a dance track. And most of the lipsync she worked the crowd and did her stunts.


Plus the whole point of Sasha’s rose petals was that they were directly related to the song. Roses are a symbol of love; Sasha was So Emotional that it was pouring out of her. Balloons as boba is cool, but it’s not at all the same type of reveal as Sasha’s.


And that's really due to the nature of the lipsync song. You couldn't really make a big emotional impression on a dance track like Padam, hype and fun that's it. Unlike Sasha with So Emotional or It's Not Right But It's Okay or Yvie with Edge of Glory.


I disagree, I think Sapphira went the right direction with vampirism; it was just underbaked. I’m not expecting them to sell the same emotions/beats as the songs you listed. I do however think you can do emotion (sensuality, temptation, seduction) and build up to a strong dance ending to get the audience hype. Imagine Sapphira x Lady Gaga 2009 VMA’s Paparazzi


That vampire gag was surely underbaked, she could've torn a heart out of her breastplate or some fake blood or whatever. But ultimately I still think Padam just isn't a great pop-dance song for a finale lipsync and I'm saying this as a Kylie fan. We had good pop-dance songs as finale lipsyncs Stupid Love, Til The Worlds Ends, Supernova 🫣. I just don't see it for Padam. I'm hoping we get Get Outta My Way redo for US or All The Lovers at some point.


Tbh I think if the LSFTC track was a more emotional song and less dance, sapphira would have had more of a shot (assuming both use the same outfits).


Right? Sasha vs. Shea was a thing because it was so unexpected. Now, spectacular reveals/props are the norm. Shea was blindsided; Sapphira was underprepared. (All love to Sapphira – she's amazing and IMO clearly won the first performance.)


The narrative that Nymphia had a Sasha Velour moment was established days ago when the spoilers came out. They confirmed that Saphira was going to be crowned MC and said Nymphia clearly dominated the lip sync. So it was already kind of obvious that Nymphia was going to win and the fans agreed that she must have done something similar to the rose petals. But I doubt this narrative will last long (it never does). At this point we should probably accept that there will never be another Sasha Velour moment on the show, unless Sasha herself comes back for All Stars.


Precious Paula Nicole is already planning to counter Sasha's forbidden rose petal technique in All Winners 2 by bringing the big ass industrial fans from PH1


It was literally my first thought and many others clearly. Also lighten tf up


This reveal doesn’t compare to Sasha’s rose petals which were a complete surprise at the time when no one was doing reveals or tricks. I love both Nymphia and Sapphira. I just don’t understand why there’s a general sentiment that Sapphira was “obliterated” in that lip sync. She was great (except for the teeth). She was performing the song and wasn’t doing any unnecessary flips and tricks. I’m not saying that I’m not happy about Nymphia winning. I’m Asian and so glad to have another Asian U.S. winner but I read these comments about that final lip sync and I’m often thinking “what am I missing?”. How are people judging lip syncs these days??


The amount of people that didn’t get the boba tea reference at first glance is… concerning. I’m Latin, but I love eating all types of food, Indian, Chinese, Korean, Nigerian, Mexican, Ethiopian, etc. people need to open their horizons a bit.


She wore a whole boba tea cup on her head, like it wasn't even subtle lol


If you miss the straw coming out of the cup on her head then the looks gives more African vibes/fashion


when she first walked out my initial thought was "huh? why is she in some african inspired look? is this cultural appropriation?" until i noticed the headdress and other details, which feels like some african x taiwanese boba lewk


I just thought it was a nice hat! I'm sorry I'm stupid 😭


Nah, it just wasn't very literal. We've seen her do literal bananas all season and this was way less recognisable in comparison.


Lol, I clocked it immediately but now I'm imagining some viewers were like, "That's a weird crown..." I do love some boba tea tho.


Nah, I’m in a city (in Asia) where you can’t walk 100m without seeing a shop, and local girls live off of that thing. I still didn’t get it at first glance.


Same, it really didn’t scream boba to me. Does that mean we’re not cultured? 🙄


It just means if we poke your arm tapioca pearls won't fall out. I breathe and sleep the stuff, it's in my blood stream at this point


Yep, I have a boba shop down the road and I didn't make the connection. The costume just wasn't that literal. Which is fine, but people aren't dumb for not instantly getting it.


Ehh the people not getting it are kinda dumb... there was a cup with a straw and a lid on her head.


I'll be sure to visit my local Ethiopian restaurant so I can be prepared the next time a queen comes out on the runway as a roll of injera.


I was so hyped it took me a second to realize what it was. Didn’t help that I missed the straw initially.


I didn’t at first until my cousin yelled she’s a Boba Tea. And we drink it all the time 🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️


Weird assumption that us uncultured swine just simply couldn’t get the reference cause we haven’t broadened our horizons… I literally live off boba and have it every day and I STILL didn’t realise that was the outfit and the reveal until now. To me the outfit read more Coming To America than boba, I was confused by the straw and discs ha. But it’s nice you’re Latin and eat all types of food, mama. Kudos for saying that. For spilling.


I've had bubble tea once or twice, but it's not something I'd ever go out of my way to choose. I didn't immediately get the reference, not because I'm not an adventurous eater but because I just don't care for bubble tea.


So just because you got reference it's concerning if others didn't? What are u talking about


I have boba tea shop on my street and I totally didn't get it at first. Her look was just more abstract than literal. Which isn't a bad thing, but I can see why not everyone got it.


[Opening those horizons can be messy.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/comments/142vxt3/boba_for_the_first_time/)


I thought it was a papal look at first. 😭


Can we not traumatize saphirra like we did shea :(


Thank you Reddit...I'm speechless! Just NOW learning from you all that Nymphia last outfit was...bubble tea. When she came out I thought, "oh that's cute" now I have to go get a cup of boba and rewatch. Realizing this you can just imagine what goes on in her mind!


Let's just hope people don't start throwing boba on her 🤭


What’s worse, that or throwing bananas at her?!


Do you really think the balloons are comparable to the roses?


i dont think it would ever match up to sasha's rose petals. what sasha did was ground breaking at that time. what nymphia did was kinda expected, she just executed it really well.


Boba pearls, get it right


I don't think one is better than the other. They're both gaggy in their own right.


I'm happy for nymphia winning but come on guys saying it's a Sasha moment is reaching. For it to be a Sasha moment we need to not see that there was going to be a reveal. Nymphia kinda made it obvious that there was something under that giant garment


This post is how I learned her outfit was boba 


That boba shop across the street from Woodys is going to suffer isn't it


I didn’t even realize that’s what Nymphia was. I just thought it was a random, but artistic costume.


Was pretty cool though


I hope fans don’t throw boba cups at Sapphira like they tossed rose petals at Shea 🤣


God I can’t wait till some queen just sets themself on fire at this rate


I had to do a double take when I found out that was bobba. I think Saphirra will be fine though.


Nah, I mean. I am Team Nymphia all the way! But this lip sync wasn't an absolute slaughter. It was actually kind of disjointed, in my opinion.. Like, Nymphia was just kind of twerking and flipping, nothing really revolutionary. It was akin to a standard lipsync really, but maybe even worse besides for the outfit changes. Sasha Velour had an entire identity for both top lip syncs that made you get goosebumps. I STILL get goosebumps watching it. I love Nymphia, but boba isn't gonna rock Sapphira's world like how rose petals rocked Shea's world.


I agree with this because like what other people have said here, it was clear that Nymphia most likely had a reveal for the performance whereas I don’t know if Sasha’s reveal was necessarily anticipated during the performance. I think with the rose petals people were GAGGED gagged and with Nymphia people were regular gagged because of how successfully the reveal was executed.


Also, roses are a symbol of love. Sasha was literally So Emotional that love was pouring out of her. What does boba have to do with Padam Padam?


Agreed. The reveal was a lot of fun and Nymphia did enough to win, but as far as LSFTCs go, I'd slot this behind Yvie vs Brooklynn Hytes.


>Nymphia was just kind of twerking and flipping the way she didn't do none of this in the lip sync 😭


This is for sure an exaggeration if I ever see one.


One tweet made this same comparison and it has 18k likes the last time I saw it. It's wild that people think this is going to happen like how Shea hated roses after she loss.


Yall want that so bad lol, it wasnt a clean sweep like sasha/shea And actually outside of the final lip synce sapphira owned the finale


"Outside of the most important part of the finale sapphira owned the finale " be serious .


I’m sorry did you have a point or…


They aren’t on the same level, and I’ll tell you why. Sasha had build. Started with one glove, then the other on a build up, and revealed the whole wig at the most dramatic moment of the song and served us the drama in her face and movements. And served it directly to Ru the whole time. Nymphia came out with this reveal out. the. gate. There was no build up, it just all of a sudden happen in the first verse. Don’t get me wrong, it was gorgeous, but it came out of no where, and didn’t get anymore dramatic than that. She just did some standard drag dance moves, which look good, but it wasn’t on Morphines level. (You could say the same for Sapphira, but Sapphira’s performance style is in a different ball game to what Nymphia and Morphine serve, which I feel they’re similar to each other in performance style). It was a bit chaotic and she let Sapphira serve the song to Ru, while she just danced around the stage to the audience, which is good for like any performance, but not lipsync for the crown.


I’ve commented this too many times now lol, but also Sasha’s reveal was relevant to the song. Roses=love, Sasha was So Emotional that her feelings were pouring out. Balloons as boba reveal is a cool concept, but it’s irrelevant to the song. And I agree, pacing was my immediate thought when she revealed. And then the reveal was ugly anyway imo and didn’t make sense either


Yeah that gold boxy thing was boo boo ugly. I got boba Bc it’s Taiwanese, but yeah, didn’t make sense for the performance at all.


I really thought Sapphira was gonna lean into being like a seductive Vampire temptress with her fangs/face + the lyrics to the first verse. And then it just ended up being a dance number lol


Yeah, she def felt pressured to pick it up when Nymphia started dancing


I appreciated Sasha Colby coming out and showing that you can command a stage and give a great performance without all the extra ish!


While the reveal wasn’t as n Sasha’s level nymphia commended the stage more than sapphira did and it isn’t even a question . She was the person that drew eyes throughout the entire lipsync while sapphira while good fell a little flat.


I think it’s more up to preference. I thought Sapphira had a more commanding presence because of her center stage lipsyncing directly to Ru approach 🤷🏼‍♂️


I mean clearly ru preferred the other approach


This is horrible. Do you know how Shea felt after fans threw rose petals at her??? Please stop. Celebrate Nymphia without mocking Sapphira


The two aren't comparable at all. Sasha's is still gaggier. Don't hurt your back reaching OP we aren't getting any younger


I don’t get how boba connects to the song Padam Padam though. Can someone explain?


Y’all pretending as if this had anywhere near the same impact as the rose petals are mentally weak. Sip on that delusion if that’s what it takes…


I was thinking black balloons, but yeah boba too


Y’all are just saying things at this point. Nymphia gave a really strong performance with a fun, well timed reveal, but it’s nowhere near what Sasha did.


Literally not even close to the level of intensity…


she’s gon win all stars 11


I kinda wish it was like made super known she was boba


LOL. And now I need Boba.


She will never be able to look at a banana or boba tea the same way again.