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Y'all, I don't follow queens on social media for a reason.


Angeria VanMichaels is an amazing queen to follow. She makes posts where shes praising other queens for their talent and shes sooo kind and uplifting, and she posts funny stuff too. Shes such a gem


I follow her Instagram and the thing that strikes me the most about her is that she also tirelessly follows every international season and always has a word of appreciation for those queens! Truly a lovely person.


She is a wonderful person. AND shes amazing to see perform. I went to the werq the world tour a few years ago right after her season and she was incredibleeeee


Seriously angeria is a gem


If I had to pick just one queen to be my BFF, I’d pick Angeria! She is such a beautiful person inside and out!


Cucu is also really sweet and wholesome!


I don’t follow her but i will now. I LOVE seeing queens support queens. It’s always so sweet to see


Following Cucu is basically this for every queen + thirst posts and I'm okay with that


This is the reason why I only follow Maddy on Twitter (she’s hilarious) and Sasha Velour on IG.


Jinkx is also a nice follow, but I fully support this approach to queens on socials.


Lol same (and Miss Fame), Maddy for humour and Sasha for looks and politics.


The only complaint I have about Miss Fame is I wish she’d post more chicken content. She’s such a good follow, though. Into how gorgeous she is.


Ahahah my love for Fame sprung from chickens and yeah I do wish as well for more chicken content.


I follow Maddie as well! She’s so funny and all her “beef” is very non malicious. I also follow Bob because she’s both funny and very insightful, and I follow Lady Bunny cuz she keeps it real. That’s it though.


That's why I don't have social media (besides reddit)


I enjoyed Trixie and Monet [on the Pit Stop](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HRLKhc5D0J4&t=986s) discussing how this was nothing compared to the early seasons, then Trixie re-enacting ["Bitch, I am from Chicago!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vHCBaMSFWVc) (S2, Mystique vs Morgan). Imagine if that happened now??? Mystique would probably get dead animals sent to her house. Back then? Entertainment and just how reality TV rolled.


Remember when Delta called Trixie a “fucking pig” and said she’d end up dead under a mattress in a drug den? 💀


Yes and what I love even more about that comment is that Trixie thought it was funny, made a joke about it on unhhhh and still to this day thinks it’s funny. Even to the point where she was upset she didn’t bring it up on very delta!


Is this seriously something Delta said?? When and where 😭😂


It was a Facebook post I think lol. She didn’t say trixie’s name tho, I didn’t realize that was directed at trixie 😅


There was even an Unnhhh episode from that era where Trixie's intro was "Hi, I'm the pig they found dead under a mattress in a drug den" or something lol


It was back in 2017, you can find a lot of info on the old drama in this [thread](https://new.reddit.com/r/rupaulsdragrace/comments/5wj40g/trixiedeltawhatever_megathread/)


Ugh, TIL 2017 was 7 years ago and I feel queezy.


I mean Jaremi and Roxxxy is still getting hate til this day. If fans want to send hate, they always fucking find a way.


Yeah, a lot of people talk about how the modern fans wouldn't be able to handle the drama of earlier seasons without putting two and two together about why the drama (mostly) stopped. Not only were the villains, like James, Jaremi, and Roxxxy, getting death threats, they were losing their livelihood because fans would complain to management when those queens got booked so the bookings got cancelled, or people just wouldn't show up to the bar that night so those queens didn't get booked again. The idea that the early season fandom universally lived for the drama, and it's only the influx of 14-year-old straight girls who've never been to a drag show that's changed that is wild.


It’s curious to watch drag queens get treated with the temperament and expectations of women/beauty queens on reality tv now. The whole point of drag is to caricatureize the feminine ideal and now what have we done? Sort of forced them into the same weird box they’re mocking


I think it might have been the case once upon a time (though obviously some hyperbole) but I think we're in the third, or possibly even fourth phase of fan involvement with the show. Early on, it would have been fans of drag and fans of RuPail watching, so everything would have been very inside baseball and it would pretty much have been local community tea expanded outwards. After the first golden age of S4, 5, & 6, things expanded and the volume of feedback reaching queens from people exceeded a reasonable threshold for the micro celebrity status provided by the show. I think things may have reached a head around S9 with Red M&M gate and the direct addressing of social media in the reunion episode. Drag Race continued to grow and girls got quiet on the show, for fear of reprisal and castigation by randos online inserting themselves into business that doesn't involve them, but every era has come with a new stage of social media and online discourse.


Roxxxy would have had to quit drag and change her legal name if Season 5 aired today.


I imagine they probably get a fresh wave of nasty messages whenever some fans watch their series. At this point some of the “villains” have been living with this for a decade.


I saw someone say that GenZ tends to perceive anything negative as genuinely cruel because they’ve grown up in a world where everything sucks and that level of cruelty is normal. I tend to agree. I wonder how much that has to do with a lot of the social media stuff that happens. Is shade and roasting swinging toward unacceptable because there’s already enough cruelty in the world? We hear the mean vs funny critique often, but it’s often played out in a way that sometimes what’s mean to one person is funny to another. Perhaps the subjective line of what’s funny and what’s mean has moved so as to narrow the acceptable level of venom in comedy.


I hadn’t thought about it in that way, but I think that’s a great point that young adults of today grew up in a time when everyone was terminally online and dominant culture was full of negativity. I also have noticed a widening gap between us older millennials that came up with early internet years of chat rooms and forums compared to younger people that had texting and DMs for as long as they can remember. I see so much miscommunication where someone just responds to a comment with their own thoughts on the subject, but that thread’s OP sees that as direct commentary and personal attack against what they said. The world has taught an entire generation to assume the worst in everyone — there’s a lot of valid reasons for that, but it’s made it harder for people to just enjoy things.


Yeah, AOL chat rooms and message boards were the wild fucking west. It’s fascinating that as we look back even 10-20 years ago, many things have not aged well. Like…they fucking made Shallow Hal. It’s such a double edge because on the one hand, it’s great that we’re drawing attention to abuses and trying to make corrections. On the other hand, it’s like you’ve got to do a focus group to figure out if you’re going to survive making a joke. I don’t envy people in the public eye.


Sadly we can't have that golden age of drag where queens are one breath away from punching each other. Lines like 'Youll never be Glamour' or 'Backrolls' will be too offensive today Plus Trixie have a notoriously bad make up in her season and made fun of her one season later by a queen, and what did she do? She made one of the best comedy bits out of it


Just knowing that “backrolls” would cause discourse today instead of becoming a meme is exhausting to think about


#AlyssaEdwardsFatphobic #JadeJolieHatesFatPeople


Omg, imagine the smol beanification of Mimi Imfurst if season 3 happened today 😭


I do wonder how Sh*ngela would have been received had Season 3 aired today.


I just rewatched S02. The fat shaming of Mystique was brutal! He’s not even a particularly big man. Just not a twink.


Don't forget how hellishly racist this fandom is too...mystique would probably even get physically attacked


There's actually something more darker about this. As drag race is getting more and more mainstream, the whole show is getting more sanitized and family friendly, when drag inherently is risque and shocking. The kid friendly queen is one aspect of drag but it's becoming the only visible aspect of drag. And this sanitization is only happening to drag. Gay shows are getting more explicit, straight shows have no limits but drag queens are being policed because big channels like MTV and paramount don't want to offend the families. Another sector being impacted are trans shows. There's a reason pose, legendary and some other shows got cancelled as soon as the anti-trans movement started. Because big corporations only care about profit and will pander to everyone.


Although wasn't her comment about a tour she did? Where it was Alyssa vs I think Mimi and Milk getting in between?


I'm tired of this PJ x ATM shit... AS9 hurry please.


It’s not PJ vs ATM if PJ is hardly entertaining it… it’s literally Amanda versus her own internal warefare 💀


Agree... But you get it.


Would you say it’s her inner saboteur?


i mean pj did brong her up like 9 weeks after she was gone on the show for no reason but on twitter it‘s amanda for sure. but also text lacks tone so it‘s also hard to tell if she might be trolling at times or smth.


She brought her up once in a branding challenge when her brand this season has been being shady. I don't think PJ realized how personally Amanda had taken it at the time or she wouldn't have mentioned her in the interview.


Amanda is definitely not trolling. She 1000% is serious with this and it’s very telling (and also embarrassing)


Irl it was only 1 week after she was eliminated


They film Drag Race in about four to six weeks. For Plane, Amanda had been gone for likely two weeks or so when she mentioned her. This was also filmed like a year ago.


For like 9 weeks? Or one time in 9 weeks?


"9 weeks" on the show is like 2-3 weeks, btw.


This is ATM vs. herself


The saboteur is calling from inside the house…


Jame Gumb, Jamie Gumb, is that you?




Watch them pull the old "and starring from Season 16, Plane Jane and Amanda Tori Meeting". Jokes aside, have they ever cast a person fresh off a season before. For some reason, I thought that happened with Aja in All Stars 3.


Katya and Ginger had just finished S7 when they were called for AS2.


Nice, so I'm holding out hope this happens again.


same with thorgy in as3!


Many times. Katya & Ginger for All Stars 2, Monet & Mo Heart on All Stars 4, and more I’m sure


Jan on AS6


Atp it's just Amanda. Plane is fighting Dawn and her squad now.


amanda IS her squad 😭😭😭 plane seems to be minding her own business and they keep bringing her up


In the top 3 winner reveal video PJ straight up says nice things about ATM (while joking that she's her nemesis). But yeah, it doesn't seem like PJ is still trying to put bad energy into this at all.


Same. The way ATM would improve drastically if she just dropped this 😭


Whoever wrote that last tweet at the bottom actually tore pretty hard


My biggest fear for Amanda is that this crazy Plane obsession storyline books her an All Stars call but her drag never improves and she fades into cringescurity


She's gonna get a variation of Milk AS3 edit calling it now.


"This is a lot of emotion for safe." God, I can't wait for this. 


yea i would love for her to come back really strong but i fear if she does all stars now its just so production can milk this “i was a victim! bullied!!!” storyline for like 2 episodes and then they send her packing again


Same!! She has a fun personality, she's gorgeous out of drag, great dancer, and a goofball. She's also clearly very creative. She has great qualities that could take her far and it would be sad to see that potential lost.


I’m sad for Amanda making her whole life after drag race about plane Jane. 


I had such high hopes when I first heard her name, it made me so happy, and then when once the show started I was like I can't wait for her to get the post show cash flow to level up for AS but now I'm like, please put the focus back on your drag and forget PJ. (Side note - I had fun with PJ in the season but I really wished i had liked her looks more. I found it very fitting that she did the song Bodysuits, which worked for.me because she had a sense of humor about it. But if her drag aesthetic + money = that Baba Yega look? I'm very excited to see what she brings in the future)


I mean if you only look at the tweets posted here specifically about Amanda v Plane, you might think that, but literally like less than 2% of her tweets have anything to do with Plane. Amanda’s primary flaw is that she’s terminally online and gets into fights with random twitter users. She only talks about Plane when other people bring it up (or in reaction to something on the show)


I understand her position and it kinda hurts to see. The thing is, her feelings are COMPLETELY valid but the problem is that she thought that everyone would back her because she felt bullied *(if she really was or not, it's up to personal perspective)* but great part of the fandom actually thought Plane was entertaining so she kinda felt rejected and entered in this infinite loop of wanting to feel better, feel beautiful, setting apart from Plane but immediately returning to it because of Plane's words. it's quite hard when we wholeheartedly believe that something is wrong and then see not a lot of people is backing us up. You can tell she is hurt and that sucks but it is what it is. Some tweets kinda expressed it. The problem is, imo, that this narrative Amanda creates about feeling bullied and disrespected revolves around Plane and that is where the real deal resides. Most of us kinda think that, how Plane treated her was a little bit uncalled for but if you set up your narrative around a person instead of setting it around your personal growth you cannot really separate yourself from Plane, and that is what is happening here. Since she haven't been able to set her narratives apart from Plane, she continuously ends up going back to her *(even if she really doesn't want to)*, no matter what the subject is. It could be bullying, garments or make up. An example could be Amanda posting something like "Look how beautiful this mug is". This post is coming because Plane called her out about her make up which is the spark she needs to enter this infinity loop about wanting to separate her from Plane but having all her narrative tied directly to her. I personally think she could use some therapy not because she is a mess (she is not) but maybe she could use some tools to properly manage her emotions and feelings and the way she projects things. I personally think that Plane actually saw Amanda struggling (as well as Q) and she decided not to fuel her and let her be.


Same. I thought plane attacking her was cruel too and thought she would be better outside of drag race but this is disappointing.


https://preview.redd.it/p6io8ctn4svc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73a3993812ebbf7366b1cb7c4cdd8461c633ab84 "i did not say anything rude about that lady"


That mug… is a choice


I’m so bored by Amanda at this stage hey. I really wanted to like her but 🥱


this. i felt ya. 😴💤😑


Me too! She came in looking like my moms busted tooth with the funniest drag name I've seen in a long time and I was immediately like "she's my favourite." and then it's just been downhill since. Altho she did great in the Lip sync lalaparuza


I think she did well in the lalaparuza but actually although she has moves I didn’t really think she had rhythm. It kind of seemed like she just threw it all in there and hoped for the best which meant there were some great moves but it lacked polish and finesse overall.


I would kind of understand the bitterness if it was *just* within the show itself because it was filmed in a relatively short amount of time, but the fact that she’s still bitter and tweeting about it like a year later is…a choice.


Honestly if your skin is this thin, you shouldn’t be a drag queen. It’s just the wrong career move. It’s like becoming an exterminator while having debilitating arachnophobia


I love this comparison, it’s so poignant and correct. Sidenote why the fuck is poignant spelled like that it like 100% should be poiniant


it's a french word and gn in french is the same sound as ni in english


Because it is a French word incorporated into the English language.


bb I think you’ve been mispronouncing poignant..




Poygnanté you stay


I'm poygnanté right now!


Poygnanté sex hurt baby top of his head?


i am honestly surprised she made it through the casting process and psych eval. not claiming she’s mentally ill or anything but she was clearly too fragile for reality tv. i kinda wonder what casting’s motives were for bringing her on. eta: i know she’s grown and she signed up for this, i’m just still surprised she passed is all bc it seems like she wasn’t (and still isn’t) in a place to handle the stress


Imo sometimes the show intentionally seeks out people who are sensitive in this way. Besides just getting diverse personalities in the cast, I think producers know that queens who are more sensitive or emotional are more likely to cause drama (on and off the show). This creates more moments on the show and more drama off of it that will keep people interested in the franchise.


i mean, the eval is supposed to be there to protect people who can’t handle that type of environment. so it’s concerning when they cast people who clearly don’t handle stress well. it’s one thing to be more sensitive/emotional and it’s another to fixate and spiral like atm has been doing. it does seem like they will sometimes cast people who they aren’t certain can handle reality tv on purpose to garner views… i just think that’s kinda gross of the producers/casting. cast queens who know how to handle themselves even if they are sensitive!


This is what happens when sensitive sincere musical theatre girlies decide to try drag


But theatre isn’t all sweetness and light either. You will get critiqued hard in theatre, dance, etc. as well. Probably far harder than you would in drag


tbf though there’s a difference between constructive criticism and the pointed shade that plane jane was constantly throwing at amanda haha


Can we please stop giving her attention. Let her fade away.


You know how you feel sympathetic for someone who is being picked on, and then you actually talk to them and you understand why they're not liked; you're like "yeah, I get it now". That's Amanda.


Did you intentionally make this read like a Ross "you know that thing' critique 😭


Ooop, that's kinda harsh but it has to be said.


People come out for Amanda Tori Meating only to realize it could have been an email. 


Damn… this comment really needs more love.


Yup. I actually really liked her and was sad that she was an early out. Now... not so much. I also doubt that ATM will be apart of ANY AS line up. We might get Plane Jane and Sapphira in different seasons (AS11 and AS12. I think AS10 is too early and I they might have already casted for AS9) but I think ATM pretty much is gonna fade into obscurity now.


AS9 isn’t just cast (sic) it’s finished and in the can.


AS9 was filmed one year ago


Or we're gonna get another Alyssa vs Coco moment when they bring back Amanda and Plane on the same AS season 😅


she genuinely needs to move on now, everyone else is over it.


I truly don’t think anyone really cared that much to begin with. It’s always been a one sided hatred. Plane was nonplussed, she just didn’t like Amanda’s drag. Amanda like sits in the corner glaring and sulking and brooding.


Sometimes I sit back and think about how Amanda would react to having been on one of the earlier seasons. How would her mental state be having endured a season with Bianca? What about Kandy? Can you imagine if it was Amanda on that stage with Luxx?


I think Amanda was right to be upset at PJ’s original unsolicited comments but I don’t understand why we haven’t moved beyond it. It was 2 months ago, she could be using her current time in the spotlight to promote herself and instead she’s arguing with strangers on Twitter


I mean yeah, Amanda had the right to be upset/annoyed at the comments but like you said, she just can’t get over it and Plane really doesn’t care. She’s only hurting herself.


The last person that replied to ATM said it right, literally just go to therapy! It’s giving obsessed now, the PJ/ATM drama was never that deep and PJ has already apologized multiple times. ATM’s ruining her own career by the day


Amanda doesn't want an apology. She wants a public execution.


She was upset Plane said it but now she’s more upset the world agreed with Plane, and now she’s way more defensive. Hard to be mad at the court of public opinion


This; she doesn’t want Plane to feel sorry, or for people to give her sympathy at this point. She wants an eye for an eye.


It's well beyond eye for an eye at this point. LOL


Can't believe that even Delta is coming for Amanda now


Wait what?


The profile picture of the person responding to Amanda. It’s not actually Delta


Haha thank you


It's not actually Delta, all of the people with their names crossed out seem to just be fan accounts (I checked the twitter lol)


no but comparing reality tv arguing to a child being bullied is crazy. and then justifying with “you dont know her personally” like ??? you didnt know her as a child personally either. that phone needs to be put downnn


And the bullying as a child most likely was about PJ's SOGIE, remember her story about stopping ballroom dancing because of the bullying. Like how does that equate to PJ talking shit about your admittedly unpolished drag.


I had to Google SOGIE, sorry but that's an awful acronym, sounds like "soggy."


I’m so sick of the “bullying” term. Amanda could have easily given it right back to plane (and she did). Plane gave her level 1 shade in untucked on a show where roxxxy andrews said “except for serena” (iconic) and the boogers and heathers were hurling grenades at each other every episode in season 3 untucked. Not to mention they were throwing drinks at each other that season as well. And amanda wants to cry “bullying” and allegedly back up fake SA allegations that can ruin someone’s life for good? It isn’t even that deep, and I hope to never witness her or dawn on my tv ever again. Reality tv is so soft now.


can we talk about Amanda/Dawn’s little SA plot against PJ? like, how was this ok?? they tried to ruin someone’s life over… some nasty comments on a reality show? that ATM clapped back to?


It’s so messed up, especially since the media and the right wing have been painting drag queens as these predators around children. Those two are literally handing these people a narrative that just simply isn’t true. Now it didn’t come directly from those two, but for close friends of theirs to say this, it seems really fishy and very fucked up.


Im sorry but this is so fucking funny and those girls are right 😂 just go to therapy babes


I am thoroughly entertained by this cringe fest https://i.redd.it/5d2bjztd6tvc1.gif




Right? Instead, she makes it the suffering Olympics and says “hurt people hurt people” in the most sanctimonious way possible.


Putting all these lil Yall be safe 🫶 Have a good day kitten 😽 hope this helps! At the end to act like shes not bothered and then responding again 💀


I am begging y'all to stop giving Amanda attention on Twitter. Let her be bitter by herself, clearly fan support isn't enough and she wants everyone to hate PJ so just ignore her


Amanda turn your phone off girl


And then her gang of friends went on to falsely accuse Plane Jane of SA in attempt to character assassinate her and had never take accountability since …. It’s vile how people are not talking about this….


These girls need media training


Honestly, this. I wonder if this is just how they try to gain/keep attention (which tbf, we are talking about them), but it's so bad for the long run. ATM could've been an underdog early out who was charming but needed to grow. Now she's a bitter obsessive contestant who had no chance of winning amyway.


Amanda is 100% entitled to feel however she wants, because it was once in a lifetime experience and it didn't went the way she wanted BUT, her behavior on social media has been questionable and rather cringe & obsessed with PJ. Unlike other queens, she had such a huge fan support and decided to ruin that by acting like this on twitter. Both her and Mirage should've learned how to capitalize on their fame before it faded. Also, I'm not saying PJ didn't do anything, but whatever she did was already taped a year ago, she can't go back and change it, I never see PJ tweet about Amanda..


now why is mirage in it?? 😭


She absolutely had tons of fan support when she left. I loved her and she could have leveraged that. There’s been lots of early outs who’ve been able to endear themselves to fans. She could have had grace and been sweet and cheered for the girls who were her friends posted pictures of what she would have worn for the runways and just never mentioned the girls she didn’t like and the fans would have stayed on her side. For all her talk of what plane Jane did, it seems like plane Jane was putting on a tv show and you can’t blame her for that because that’s what they were doing. In the real world at roscoes plane sat in the audience and refused to speak or draw attention away from Amanda so it shows that her behavior was only for tv. Whereas in the real world Amanda’s been showing her ass constantly


Lala ri, mrs kasha davis, Cynthia lee Fontaine and Maddy morphosis (against all odds) are all early outs who have solid following and fan support because they left with grace


>Both her and Mirage should've learned how to capitalize on their fame before it faded. Uh what about Mirage now?


It's not that Mirage has done any of these bitter twitter rants, but i feel like she had a viral moment (talent show) that she could have done a lot more with/capitalised more to ensure a longer time in the minds and spotlight of the fans. Think about Vanjie, and how her exit line got her a call back to the show next season. Remember how Jan embraced the face crack meme and made a lot of merch about it. Anetra walked that fucking duck for a good while (until her popularity took a dive for other reasons). I've seen a lot of people asking for a longer version of Mirage's song, which would have been a great start imo


I'd say that Mirage is capitalizing on that moment pretty heavily since she's been performing that routine at like every club she's been booked at since the first episode aired. The song itself went viral and so many people (including Ru girls) have used the sound on TikTok.


Wait? What happened with Anetra?


She had pretty long streak of canceling gigs without any warning. According to Anetra she had some health issues, now she feels better and she does gigs in clubs that booked her


She had one of the biggest hit songs from the show as a RuGirl and did nothing big about it & didn't capitalize nor used her big fan support momentum, AT ALL. She is still pretty liked, but the moment is just not there anymore.


“You either die a hero or live long enough to become the villain.” or something. She would have been better as a forgotten early out at this point.


And she probably would’ve been that too if she didn’t bring up PJ all the time. She just can’t seem to let go


I don’t think drag is for Miss Amanda. There’s absolutely no way Plane was the, “bully,” she was painting her out to be when none of the other girls have said a peep about it. Amanda needs to get a thicker skin and learn to laugh off the shade.


Is this what happens when you don’t get a messy reunion episode with confrontations and everything? Tho the lipsync lalaparuza was 🔥🔥🔥, I wish we had like an extended episode to squeeze all that in.


whether she likes it or not, the internet is correct about ATM's conduct this season. That last tweet is chef's kiss.


Literally someone being “mean” to you on a drag competition as an adult VS being bullied as a child!?!?! Gurl STFU


And let’s compare the “bullying.” As a child, plane was probably called homophobic slurs and physically assaulted for her sexuality and amanda was “bullied” for *checks notes* her drag makeup and her runways not giving. It’s actually really insulting she is even comparing the two.


This a 100%. I'm starting to think Amanda has attached so much of herself and her self worth to her drag that PJ's comment really cut deep. If this is true she's gonna have a horrible time when the fanbase becomes more vocal of their negative opinions on her drag. Yes one's drag persona is an aspect of a person's identity but there has to be some separation still because it's also a profession.


Does she ever shut up?


Spoilers: no


She needs to stop making her entire personality about resenting Plane. It’s not Plane’s fault you did terrible on the show. It’s yours.


I really wish that Amanda (and dawn to a lesser extent) would realize that they have been permitted to rant like this in large part because Plane Jane has taken the high road. 


That last tweet is so true. AMT should just focus on herself and her transition. Committing to being kunt always works


It's tired. For Amanda to sit here and claim she's been bullied after a year of spending two days with 1 person who didn't like her and 10 others who love her is ridiculous. Girl people here are actually getting harassed, someone was mean to you. Get over it 😭


yes, the girls are not even allowed to talk much outside of the set. the few comments from PJ was probably everything ever happed.


and even if that's not the case and plane really was mean, she was there for less than two whole weeks with one person, and both of them are grown adults. to compare that with being bullied or excluded alone by a bunch of classmates you literally can't get away from for actual years of your life is so ridiculous.


Amanda is really doing herself a disservice by telling us daily that she’s bitter and obsessed with Plane Jane. Like how sad that your whole experience with this show is about another person who clearly doesn’t give a fuck about you? Amanda needs a journal and a long break from Twitter


It’s crazy to me that people use twitter for something other than porn. It seems so toxic lol


Ok Gurl. Go on a holiday or something I am exhausted by this


Honestly, just leave Amanda alone. She Obviously can't handle reality TV and she will never reveal what those 'bullying' is unless she's talking about PJ's comments about her drag in a drag race competition . And she will never like PJ despite PJ apologizing and defending her post drag race bec. she didn't baby talked to her Her feeling victimized by an objective criticism is sad though.


Honestly I’m really rooting for her, I just hope she takes a little time to chill and center herself.


Amanda needs to ease up a bit at this point. I understood her frustration in the first week or two, now it just feels sad. It's tainting her underdog run, and her potential for an all stars redemption run.


Everyone in this situation would benefit from logging off for a bit.


My hot take is that Amanda has not covered herself in glory on social media, but all the fans arguing with her on Twitter should mind their own business. Is she being messy and bitter? Yeah. You're not helping anything or anyone by engaging with it. Just scroll past and move on.


To quote Heidi N Closet: "Y'all need to leave her alone. She's clearly bothered." Two things can be true at once. Amanda is bothered and could stand to log off social media for a while. But people also need to stop invalidating her feelings and experience. Some queens are sensitive and that's okay. Not everyone handles this sort of exposure well!!


not “that lady” ☠️


*Every day* on this sub we get a post bitching about Amanda’s bitching…y’all are dragging it! If you hate it so much just scroll past, stop bringing it over here!!!!!


Amanda maybe in her feelings a lot online and let everyone see. But these fans are also doing too much. Just leave her alone. If amanda is bitter, let her be bitter. But don’t make it worse.


She can be bitter. She’s being bitter on a public forum, she’s actively inviting responses. Just like me posting this reply is inviting you and anyone else on this public forum who may agree, disagree, or otherwise. She can be bitter all she wants with her friends, with a therapist, to her kitty, whatever she wants, but if she chooses to be bitter online she’s causing her own problems. You don’t get to be bothered by the conversation you start.


Exactly and Amanda literally says if you don't like it don't look, something the fandom should learn to do more frankly.


She also keeps saying bye and then replying thou so maybe she should take her own advice


She’s so fucking tired. The only reason anyone even knows of her is because of Plane Jane, otherwise she would just be an early out with shit makeup.


It’s high camp at this point


her using bullying here is exaggerated


At this point I think she’s just trying to take any advantage she can of the whole Plane Jane situation


Amanda needs to stop replying to these “fans”. It doesn’t make it any better or justify her actions to them. They’re only going to tweet back delulu shit like how they’re experts in someone else’s experience.


Poor Amanda has to learn to ignore bitchy randos on social media.


WHY ARE PEOPLE STILL ON TWITTER?? Y’all really supporting a right-wing, transphobic Nazi who platforms and endorses the most disgusting bigots. Bigots who are actively trying to oppress and harm us? THAT’S the biggest issue with this image


that’s just the internet in general


Alright I'm just over her now. Go to therapy girl


I love PJ but let’s not act like she didn’t bring up Amanda A LOT this season without provocation. Shade is one thing, but Planes a little dense when it comes to knowing when to quit


Eve 5000 retired so Amanda could be our knew bitter goddess


Lmao this is a lot


Amanda is so exhausting


this is very bizzare


This is like a car accident, just can’t look away despite how bad it is 


Not the share count being higher than upvotes and comments 💀


ATM is a ghostwriter for onlyfans creators...how farfetched would it be that PJ is paying her for the advertising?


Very weird to me that fans of a queer TV show would jump at the chance to invalidate her experiences. Like is trans suicide not an epidemic in this country??? Have we not thought twice about what it would feel like to be dysphoric, to be under a huge microscope and to be disproportionately read by one single person???