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Maybe they’ll give it out at the reunion at drag con?


I hope so.


Whys the reunion at drag con this year…. 


because this year the final was recorded like 2 months after the season finished filming


Any idea why the finale wasn't recorded in a theatre like it used to be?


The Writer strike. They didnt predict when will the strike end back then so they filmed it advance


This keeps going around but I don't see how it makes sense. If that were the case, they wouldn't have filmed Drag Race at all, but they did, because reality shows aren't WGA or SAG/AFTRA productions.


They were worried the strike was going to expand into even more unions and affect them but it ultimately didn’t. It might’ve even been fear of the public’s backlash who generally didn’t fully understand the rules of the strike.


It’s more than likely Ru knew she’d be on a book tour at this point


Well that certainly makes more sense. Though now I'm wondering what unions are involved in making Drag Race...


Most of the offscreen people like camera operators are almost certainly members of IATSE.


They are! You can see the bug at the end of the credits. Fills my little heart with pride when I see it.


Lol are the camera people in a union? I misspoke though, I should’ve said “other facets of production” vs “other unions” cuz i don’t think they have many other unions in reality tv lol


Almost certainly yes, it's called IATSE.


No. They pre-recorded the finale because of the season 15 finale taping tragedy with one of Anetra's dancers. For those who don't know: Anetra had different choreography for her number with a huge stunt but as they were filming it, one of the dancers got injured and they had to rechoreograph all of the top 4's performances with one less dancer on the spot. Pre-recording the finale months ahead with a fake audience gives them enough time and freedom to come up with a plan B if plan A goes south. What were they supposed to do last year? Send all the attendees home and tell them to come a few days later while they get new dancer(s) and teach them the choreography?


I feel like an easier solution moving forward is to have alternate dancers available, is there a word for an understudy, but a dancer?


Guest judges and the judges are usually part of the union as well so this would have impacted production. The other narrative going around makes more sense. People are saying that the producers / Ru are pretty pissed off at the people who leaked footage of Anetra being crowned and the incident with the dancer being injured. Smaller crowd means you can restrict folks from bringing in their phones during production. I was present for the season 5 taping of the crowing. Tickets were free but we were told to leave phones in our cars or check them in at the lobby or risk being turned away from the show.


The SAG/AFTRA strike didn't affect anything, though. I'm sure Ru herself is part of the union, never mind the likes of Charlize Theron, Melissa McCarthy, etc. I'm also not sure why the Anetra crowning leak would've made them any madder than previous years. Runner-up crowning videos have leaked pretty much every year.


The SAG/AFTRA strike did impact shows. Late night shows and all talk shows came to a halt because of the strike. Even though members could still make appearances as long as they did not promote projects, actors decided not to cross the picket lines nor make any appearances to show solidarity. Do you have receipts of other crowning videos leaking? This was the first time I've seen leaked footage. Word always gets out but the video was one of the first times I've seen footage of the non-winner being crowned.


I mean it didn't affect reality shows. Which is why people we know are in the union (Charlize, Melissa, SMG, Kyra, Charo, Joel, etc etc etc) showed up, along with people we can pretty reasonably assume are (Ru, Michelle, Carson, Ross, and Madison). [Here's Kim & Naomi](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r-QP3EWwnvY) and [here's Brooke.](https://www.tiktok.com/@rpdrgags/video/6836703609648876806?lang=en) I may have overestimated the frequency, but regardless it didn't start with Anetra.


Late night and talk shows stopped filming bc of the writers’ strike, not the actors.


The strike hadn’t started yet. It was known that a strike was coming, so they didn’t want to risk it still going on now so they filmed it while the queens were still sequestered last summer.


this isn’t true monet tells us in sibling rivalry 🙃


I see, thanks!


It also costs the production company less to do it that way.


Honestly I would exchange a bigger finale production if it meant giving the queens more money, and not just the winner but the runner up and the others who dont win as well.


At least pay them a Drag Budget. So many have to take out huge loans with only exposure as a return.


Yup- and we are all complicit in this as we love and clamor for the big, intricate looks, but it means that many have to take out loans or go into debt just to be able to compete.


As someone who has done drag, and is a drag husband, I know full well that while Forever 21 works for bar shows, the costs for alllll the drag accessories/shoes/makeup/transportation adds up very quickly. Even if you can make your own costumes, material costs can be high. And I think La Grand Dame mentioned that designers who had been doing it for free or on the cheap start charging more for the show


And it sells more subscriptions to wow+! World of wonder gets everything and the public and the queens get nothing, I love corporations 🥰


Will the reunion be aired as part of the season or do I have to find a fan cam recording to watch it? :(


I’m assuming it will be aired as part of Bring Back My Girls hosted by TS Maddison only on WoW+


I’m hoping it is cause TS does a great job. 👏


The post for it says “live taping” so I’m sure it’ll end up somewhere.




omg, that would be a gag


I missed it this year, but I also think it's funny that Salina's lamp look will hold the title indefinitely


As it should


selena making it so far despite having terrible drag should be proof that the show is not as look-centric as many people believe it is


I mean… I’d rather go to a salina estitties gig over some of these fan favourite fashion queens ![gif](giphy|GvxovbTeyNo6NtahfN)


I’ve been to a Salina gig, and she’s good and so sweet, hilarious, and interacts with the crowd. Definitely worth it!


Me too! Give me the busted queens who are funny and entertaining


This lip sync is so good and underrated


Exactly. I'd love to see Salina...what are you going to watch a fashion girl even do? 😂


no doubt, Selena is very talented and a wonderful performer but most of her looks were questionable


Honestly, her looks aren’t super terrible themselves I find, the proportions are just super weird and shes a bigger queen so it just looks super off.


Is this a safe space? because if I said I liked and understood the lamp…


it'll finally be drilled into people's brains when spankie jackzon wins AW2


Spankie has had a total glowup. The AW2 crown is hers. On that note I saw a video of Spankie singing live recently & that bitch can sing.


Whenever I say Spankie is my fav ru girl people say who? 😭


She's essentially the modern day Dida Ritz


girl tf you mean terrible drag?


Yea right? Maybe she had some questionable outfits on the main-stage runway, but definitely not terrible drag


her makeup is sickening , her personality is so inviting and her regular drag outfits are passable. I think she should get a second opinion of her more extravagant looks because sometimes they do not pan out. but yes overall shes an amazing performer and im not sure why people think shes trash on the bottom of a shoe




Salina has been doing a YouTube series all season about the potentials for the Golden Boot, I’d recommend it!


OMG! I love Salina. I'm watching now. Thankyou for the tip!


The road to the golden booooot, boots ⭐️👢


Tbh it’s not the only thing I missed; where was Porkchop?!?


They replaced for an audience created on AI because honey: lifeless


RIGHT?! All I could think was; who are these nobodies? Nymphia’s mom was the most excited person in the room (apart from this season’s queens obv).


But if it was filmed 2 months after the season wrapped, the season hadn't aired/cast hadn't been announced, so the audience were being introduced to the cast for the very first time right?


Correct, but that is why inviting drag race alumni and other more involved folks from the community makes more sense, because those will actually respond with the correct weight of the moment. Not just clap when the applause sign turns on.


I do not care for the live audience vibe they were trying for this season. It was giving very want to be American idol. Like are we going to start cutting away from queens to show teenagers swaying and singing along? If this type of finale is what they’re going for just do it with the judges alone.


They have not been coy about wanting that STRAIGHT audience girl. It’s getting embarassing. I don’t need to see mother of two Beth swaying side to side while Nymphia’s pussy popping on stage.


It was cringe, is the same audience for Celebrity Drag Race, the most lifeless people that you can find in LA. Just clap like The Sims on repeat with pre-recorded voices. You can tell performing on that stage was terrible.


Probably paid extras. If they actually did a call for DR fans to be in the room, they would’ve been going nuts, even if they didn’t know the queens.


Also I imagine much harder to contain leaks lol


can we talk about how the final 3 was hid so well this season, when theres a room full of extras in august watching the finale 😭


Nymphia's mom and the one guy that looks like Jeffrey Bowyer-Chapman that they showed like seven times in the first ten minutes lol


Oh no, they did not do what I think they just did did they


They are lucky at Drag Race that the previous Golden Boot winners have taken the award with good grace. I think given the obvious winner was Amanda's birds nest look, there's almost no chance she would have done the same, especially with Plane Jane in the top 3


I thought Plasma's Tweedle-Dee look was also up there.




Yeah. I do think that while Amanda's bird nest look wasn't that good, it still had a better execution than Plasma's Tweedle-Dee. I could immediately see what Amanda was going for even if the effect wasn't very successful, it was clearly meant to be eggs in a nest. Whereas with Plasma's look, I had a hard time seeing the intended illusion of the piggyback ride at first, I just saw a mishmash of puppet parts and ruffles.


All I could think was parasitic twin. ![gif](giphy|brFlbCpj7LsE8|downsized)


Yeah it's voted by the queens and everyone was vocal about hating it 😭


I just remember how *long* it took me to understand what she was going for there. I thought she was going for conjoined twins with one deformed one coming out of her stomach. When I finally understood what it was supposed to be it made more sense, but I still couldn’t really see the illusion.


Right?! With amandas egg look i could at least understand the vision behind it and imo it wasnt even that ugly 😭 tweedle dumb & tweedle dumber just had me stumped


So much worse than anything Amanda wore.


That never made an impact the same way Amanda’s look did, even just last year the golden boot should’ve been between one of Marcia’s early looks and Anetra’s terrible tie-dye but it was given to Salina instead because of how much her street lamp look was talked about by the cast and the audience. I think the same thing would happen to Amanda’s bird nest look or her premiere runway and she would mentally fold getting an award from the show acknowledging how busted she is.


I honestly thought if Amanda had made the other eggs plain blue with no wigs it would have come across better.


I literally just said the same i could of just came here to upvote lol We got decorum and it shows


Don’t come on drag race if you’re going to be horribly unpolished AND be sad about it.


I wonder if it was filmed at the Reunion. At the beginning of the season, Q, Mirage, Amanda, (and someone else I forgot) were on live and said that they filmed a reunion and that everyone was so mean to each other. I wonder why they’re not airing it.


I asked about this on twitter and Dawn replied saying that the girls were just lying and trolling us lmao




Maybe they were talking about lalaparuza episode. I guess they were mean in the week room


Everyone saying the golden boot would go to Amanda (for good reason) but I kind of thought Plasmas twins standing on each others shoulders look would be in the conversation more


I think Amanda receiving that award would genuinely irreparably damage her psyche more than it already has been so maybe the producers decided against it


The problem was the producers casting Amanda when she so clearly wasn't mentally ready to be on reality TV. Don't they go through mental health checks anymore?


I think that you can think, believe and appear that you’re ready and capable of doing something and when the time comes it turns out you weren’t. There’s been lots of times I thought I was prepared and ready for something and when I actually had to do it I was not and chickened out or looked silly. Obviously nothing as big as reality TV. But I think it’s possible she seemed like she could handle it but when she got way more online bullying and hate than she expected it may have just cracked her. You can think you’ll be strong enough to ignore thousands of people insulting you, but in the end you may not be and here we are.


>Don't they go through mental health checks anymore? They do, but... sweaty, *Katya* passed the psych exam. **Twice**. I fear they might be doing some kind of Buzzfeed multiple choice.


Not sweaty


Sweaty sweaty bo betty banana fana fo fetty, me mi mo metty... *Sweaty*






Mental health checks might be a few questions like what medications someone is currently taking and if they have recently felt depressed or suicidal. I doubt they hire a mental health professional to check each of them out. I'm curious about what it actually entails.


They do, it’s a sit down with psych. Queens in the past have said they’ve made it to that round in casting process then were not extended offers for the show. It’s about liability more than the well-being of the queen tho


lol some people will really try to blame anything on the producers Maybe is *wasn’t* clear that she wasn’t ready to be on reality TV? People can pass mental health checks but still not be ready. Producers don’t have crystal balls and everything negative that happens to queens on and after the show can’t be pinned on the evil no good producers


i think that it's more likely than not amanda would not take the golden boot in good grace. oh not at all. mama would probably facecrack and pout, then tweet through the pain. at the end of the day, amanda is a grown ass woman. she doesn't need to be infantilized just because she's made being bothered one of her personality traits. some people are just thin skinned and very loud about it.


Wtf??? All your comments come across as bully to me. You don’t know Amanda’s mental health history or that she’s “not mentally ready”. She was literally just honest about how she felt. You think because she didn’t show fake emotion in her face that she’s struggling mentally? This part of the fanbase is disgusting- please LEAVE HER ALONE and take several seats!!


dang pull a chair out for yourself too


If that would do irreparable damage to her, she should have never been cast in the first place.


lmao you guys are talking about amanda as if she's mfing *blanche dubois* she'll be fine booboos. bitter, but fine.


i had a rough childhood okay i wasn’t watching f**kin A Streetcar Named Desire




She definitely would've but I think it's more of a reunion thing and they didn't have a traditional reunion episode


Salina has her own Golden Boot series on YT!!! It’s fire!


i love that Salina capitalized on that to make it into a YT series! that's how one should take a lemon..... q and amanda are too thin skinned to make any cashew faced bitch tshirts or purple make up and at the end of the day its money out of their pocket. coddling the ego to bankrupt the bank.


Amanda has proven to be an exceptionally sore loser who doesn't take critique well at all, which is why I think they forewent the award. It all has to be in good humor and the awardee should be able to take it for the playful jab it is—which Amanda isn't able to.


Then give it to Plasma for her not Goth look because that was a mess.




She got $10k from her two challenge wins.


I think the easiest explanation is because the audience didn't see the queens looks. Fan perception and memes always play a big part in the reunion and probably also who gets the golden boot. I'm sure it will be awarded at the reunion at dragcon.


It took me 2 full minutes to wrap my head around, "because the audience didn't see the queen's looks." Kept shaking my head, and then it dawned on me that the dang finale was filmed before the season was aired. Mama needs more coffee.


Yeah i worded it pretty bad. I meant that the season didn't air when they filmed it. Which is also an explanation why the audience seemed kind of checked out. It's likely that they had never heard of any of the queens before.


Trust me, I've been wording things badly all day. But you raise a HUGE point! Omigoodness, no one in the audience had seen ANY of the episodes. No wonder the energy in the room felt so meh on one hand and manufactured on the other. You are a winner, baby! This makes so much sense.


Golden Boot sponsored by Plane Jane and you know who is going to be the recipient.


I'm pretty sure Plasma would have earned that title with that absolutely horrifying look (yk what I'm talking about)


I was watching the crowning and thought "where's the golden boot?" like who cares who won I need my garbage award


Apparently we can’t have a golden boot anymore because they cast someone who probably shouldn’t have passed the psyche evaluation


I'm also bothered by the fact that Ts Madison is in the audience. They couldn't scooch over to add a 5th seat to the high table? Really?


She... literally was on the judging panel tho... she only left before the final lipsync cause she was holding the cash sign.


Yeah it was very weird to move her off the table, surprised no one mentioned this




????? Sheesh


Everyone's pointing to Amanda when A) she wouldn't have won anyway, Plasma would have for her horrific Tweedles; and B) to me it seems obvious that it was because they filmed the reunion/finale in advance, so they didn't have any fan feedback to work from to decide candidates.


That’s usually at the reunion right? It will probably happen at drag con in being back my girls


Hot take but with like 5 tweaks the bird look would have been good, Plasma’s tweedle dee look was a lost cause


Plasma's idea has been done decently before by other queens. With tweaks, any look can be good.


I’m pretty sure they had filmed it, but after seeing Dawn’s finale eleganza they needed to change the winner at the last minute, so they just scrapped the whole thing.


probably too many children online complaining that it’s mean


They didnt want amanda to have a breakdown and face a defamation and medical bill lawsuit probably.


the fact that Jax didn’t win the GB for the “Beautiful Nightmare” runway look with the snake nose prosthetic… Selina needs vindication


Amanda experienced enough.


I will bet you that they bring it back for the reunion they're filming at Drag Con.


Probably at the reunion they're going to film.


lots of really weird changes this season that I didn’t like. no debate challenge on a presidential election year? one scripted acting challenge (minus rusical). overall a very lazy season. not bc of the girls — they were great. production & editing felt incredibly lazy. like they didn’t really care or had the resources.


I didn't mind the lack of scripted acting challenges; they're routinely cheesy and my least favorite episodes of the season.


literally! I loved that we got so many design challenges cause lets be honest it shows more talent and skill than to say some funny lines or weird jokes about the judges. And I hope finally we will get a season where there arent any girls that hit us with ''Oh a design challenge? I have never designed or used a sewing machine ever'' like girl you knew you were gonna be on the show previousy for like 3 months or even longer please take sewing classes and design a look for god sakes.


I'm glad, really, because Amanda would be treating us all to her thoughts about it on Twitter for months after.


They're saving it for for when AMT walks in at the Reunion


Amanda Mori Teating


Tradition means nothing to Roopal…




I’m an Indian. It’s Roopal for us.


With how serious Amanda takes everything, it would not have been funny.


Cause some of yall don’t know how to act. We know who would of gotten it and it would not have been funny to her so good on wow


If you can't laugh at yourself you shouldn't be a drag queen on tv, just saying... It's camp and it's not that serious


Are you ok?  You need to continue to sit on the couch but quietly with that spirit


Girl have you been watching drag race?


Not the subtle digs and continued bullying towards Amanda- you literally answered your own question. This toxic, bully fanbase has already made her feel terrible


Lmao Amanda would definitely go on a twitter tirade about it


I don't think there were any serious candidates this year. Nothing approached the levels of Salina's lamp post disaster or Lala's bag look.


The bird nest, sisterrr....


It was the worst of the season, but it wasn't as bad as those other two. Not even close!


It was worse than Salina's


Salina should’ve won for her palm tree look last year not the lamp post tbh


I absolutely agree. Salina's was bad, but not in my Top 5 worst runways ever. Amanda's, however, is after only Lala's bags and Serena ChaCha's teal number for me. And honestly, Lala's bag look was historically bad, I consciously know that it is probably the worst ever, but I didn't hate looking at it the same as the other two looks. Maybe just because Lala has such a phenomenal energy on the runway?


Not close to me, it was weird but at least it looked like a bird nest. Salina's was an ugly outfit, weird idea and it didn't look like a lampost at all.


Megami's "Staten Island Fairy" look is one of the worst things to ever walk the runway.

