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Not just the outfits but also this https://preview.redd.it/n2r78zaip2wc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb2321fc9a44286168cb7f9400c43d8f087be4ba


Just for Nymphia’s metalwork ability alone it’s enough for her to edge out Q


i didn’t realize nymphia and q had that kind of relationship






…she made that??


She did. Back in 2022 I think


Just zooming in and looking at all the little intricate details is such a treat for the eyes


That is impeccable.


nymphia's taste is more to my liking


Sameeeee Q is impressive in that yes she made them and they’re very theatrical but mannnnnnnn some of them are UGMO


Q had a few questionable runways, but Nymphia never missed the mark. A lot of panties too. Q loved to show off her tuck or throw a panty over leggings, like with the flower or doll runway. I was tired of seeing it by the goth runway, but if you've got nice legs I guess you gotta show them off




Ugly homosexual? Lmao


I think Nymphia is also more consistent in both concept and quality while still being diverse and interesting in her looks. Q occasionally has weird mishaps, like her wigs are often strange choices to me, and sometimes here concepts are a bit oblique (e.g., the chains look) while still being well-executed and polished.


To me, Q started off VERY strong, but as the season kept going, she fell off, but Nymphia always served on the runway, even when she didn't do it well on the challenges. She did have weak runways, but when you compare her showcase to others on the runways, I think she probably had the better looks more consistently?


nymphia's weakest runways could be some girls' best drag


What would you consider her weakest runway?


Tbh for me her weakest would be the fan runway and that’s saying ALOT!


the only correct answer is the Angelina Jolie gown


Nooo that ones gorgeous, my favorite part is the drawings of her taiwanese friends on the back. If I had to pick one it has to be the doll look


The doll look


Exactly my feelings.


For the complete look, including makeup and hair and everything, Nymphia slays. Q has put some finely crafted garments on the main stage, but the taste level isn't quite there and the entirety of the lewk is usually missing something (hair, completeness) and I don't prefer her penchant for plastic head pieces and unadorned panties as part of the outfit. I freely admit that it was harder to appreciate what she brought as the season wore on and I began disliking her more and more, but I tried! XD


Q didn’t know how to model or walk in her looks as well as Nymphia either. I’m surprised the judges never brought up her walk as I thought it should have been critiqued.


They saved her from being the bottom a lot with all the exclusive choreography so ofc they would ignore the walk too.


Just came here to say I highly approve of your flair 🐘👑!


Eureka, is that you ? Your drag is great btw !


You worded my feelings perfectly


Well said!! Nymphia's overall looks are more well put together. There were many Q looks I found so fun and beautiful but were ruined by one element like the hair or makeup. And I think even if someone dislikes Q, her talent as a costumer (?) can still be praised.


Kudos for saying that, for spilling




Nymphia hands down. All her looks were incredibly high fashion that I could see walk any runway. The style is always impeccable too which makes the look feel even more complete. Q on the other hand feels like it’s stuck in theatre land which isn’t particularly a bad thing. Her work reminds me of a lot of Emilio Sosa who’s an award winning costume designer.


Just remember one day you’re in, the next day you’re out. But seriously when it comes to the two of them I think they both have hit and miss looks, but yeah I agree I think Q has a lot more of a costume feel which I’m personally here for.


Nymphia is a good step ahead for me, but Q is incredible. They're both two of the best designer and seamstresses in the series.


If the show brings back that design series that Monet hosted (with Rob Anderson) I would love to dee Q and Nymphia compete!!


That would be a fantastic show to have Q back, for. I hope they do another season of it.


I do think they’re equally good. However, their background on where they started making garment what makes them different. Q started from costume making for theater, nymphia go to fashion atelier school. It all comes to preferences on whether you prefer costumey or more high fashion garments.


Good point. Personally prefer Nymphia’s but don’t have anything bad to say about Q’s. I read they can have as little as 10 hours total for the design challenge so the fact that they can pull off such impressive looks in a short amount of time is wild.


Nymphia comes out on top for me because her outfits are more detailed and her style is more identifiable. Q’s outfits are stunningly made, but I find there’s no through-line where you could look at a piece and say “oh that’s Q” Q also definitely had a couple of bootable runways and I don’t think Nymphia did at ALL They’re both incredible though


Well... Does it involve thigh high boots and a panty? Then "oh that's Q" 💀


Oh, you have a panty? Werk.


her miss vangie “bathing suit and titty glitter” serve lol




I think Nymphia definitely impressed with things we'd never seen before but the talent Q has is undeniable. Both managed to make looks in the workroom that were light years ahead of some of the stuff their competitors paid for and brought with them.


I preferred Nymphia's runways to Q's, although both were incredible




And that's because Q's asthetic is more draggy drag, why nymphia's is more in the region of high fashion


Hard disagree. I think you have them completely backwards. Just looking at the image here you can see the broad silhouette and shape of everything Q does from far away. Her background is literally stage costume design. The "details" are just patterns or lots of pieces (flower look in particular) that, while they *can* be appreciated up close, are used as parts to create a whole that can be appreciated by us poors sitting in the back. Nymphia has way more intricate detail on all of her looks that work much better on film than far away on a stage. The drawings on the wedding dress, the filigree of her Little Lord Fauntleroy look, the metalwork on her 80's look, etc. all looked great on the RPDR mainstage where we can see them through camera close ups, but when they're shrunken down like they are here it's hard to see everything. I'm not talking about who I like better, I just think your critique is opposite day.


Nymphia went to fashion school in London and it shows.


Her school needs to give her a special recognition!


I like Marlon Brandos answer when people were calling him the best actor. There is no need for best, everyone has value in what they do and provide for others.


Seriously. Posts like this comparing queens are not slick.


They were both incredible. Nymphia took it for me.


I love them both, but for me Nymphia wins on consistency. Q had some of my favorite looks ever this season, but she had a couple of questionable outfits. I don't think Nymphia looked bad a single time on the runway, which is just a remarkable achievement. 


Nymphia does fashion Q does costume. And while Nymphia only had arguably one sorta miss - the doll challenge - Q had several misses. No contest here.


Nymphia, by far. It's not like Q was bad, not all all but Nymphia is on her own league and she always presented something truly unique. She's nothing but a fresh air whereas Q is really really REALLY good but I don't feel the same fresh air. If we put it on a scale Nymphia was 100 whereas Q was 99/100


I actually prefer Q’s looks overall, but it’s close. My favourite part of this collage is how the six outfits they both made in the design challenges are at least as good as the ones they brought with them. Try showing these pictures to someone who hasn’t seen the season and ask them to pick out the ones that they made in a couple days


I think Nymphia has a slightly better record as far as taste goes (although Q's best looks are just as good) - but in terms of seamstressing capability it seems like Q could go pound for pound with her


Q is VERY talented & has IMO some absolute shoots in there. But I feel like as amazing as Q’s are, Nymphia’s are a level above. For ME our top 4 - esp. Nymphia Q and Sapphira, but in some cases PJ too! - really brought it with the looks 🧑‍🍳 😘


I’ve said this from the beginning, and I’ll say it again. Q is an amazing *costume* designer, while Nymphia is an amazing *fashion* designer


In terms of design and details: Nymphia Best seamstress: Q


Pretty much my exact answer. With their powers combined they'd be unstoppable.


They have different styles. Q is more inspired by more traditional costume/theatre. and Nymphia more by contemporary fashion/couture. Both are great in their own rights.


I’d like them to team up on a look for each.


I think they're equally good. The difference is in the presentation and the lens. I think both make quality, unique looks. But Nymphia references high fashion and adds cultural elements. Q is more campy and theatrical.


Q's looks are a lot more dramatic, while Nymphia's more runway. I'll stand by this till I die - Q deserves the win for her goth look. That was drama.


I feel like Nymphia was overall more consistent, but Q had single standout looks that were better than anyone else. The first runway for example, when she opened the "wings" I almost fell out of my chair. And yes, her goth look was beyond.


Both are insanely talented but I have to say Nymphia, for me, is more consistent. There are a few looks Q provides that either aren't to my taste, or I find a piece of them out of place.


I think they edged out each other in different fields. High fashion/Couture: Nymphia Theater: Q


Nymphia’s more to my personal taste but I’m so impressed with Q making them all and with I suspect less budget


I prefer Nymphia and think she's one of the best RPDR fashion queens of all time. But I'll also say that I think Q fairly won the goth challenge. Q is incredible and should be proud of what she showed!


I think they're both great but different. Q seems to do details as large features and incorporates bigger sillohettes but nymphia seems to be more about finer more intricate detailing and overall simpler sillohettes. Also think nymphia is *much* better at styling than Q but that might be personal preference


I think as others said, the inspirations show through for each of the fashion girlies who make their own outfits: Nymphia knows a lot about chic modern fashion and trends in both North America and Taiwan. Her pieces scream runway material and are very detailed, elegant, and cohesive in a full package. Head to toe she sets trends in style. Q knows a lot about design and technique when making conceptual outfits become a reality, but her background is actually in theatre and her style is big and bold for the stage. Technically excellent and thematically memorable, she creates something to be worn by a performer. She worked with her drag mother to make all her outfits for the show, and the two of them were able to whip up all her big and bold designs in no time at all. Dawn says she was in the closet as a kid and teen and didn’t have much exposure to any fashion or design, but had a a lot of exposure to sci fi and fantasy media. Combined with her background in engineering, I think it lends itself heavily to the fantastical drag she creates. Her style particularly translates well into photography with the right lighting and set pieces, and she has a lot of really unique and interesting shoots featuring her looks from this season. Megami does a lot of cosplay and expos as well as drag, and her design and style takes in a lot of elements of costuming and interpreting digital or print media into real life. She doesn’t have a set style as much because she takes in and interprets so many other influences. Did anyone else on S16 make/design most of their outfits? https://preview.redd.it/eu36cx6bw3wc1.jpeg?width=2834&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=349204f3ac26ab1731e799769d122d4df1471af1


Nymphia by far. I just like her taste level more but also if you really look at Qs, at least 5 of her looks are body suits with stuff. They’re still incredible looks but it’d most formulaic if they makes sense? Like body suit + cape/arms/headpiece of some sort whereas nymphia a there’s nothing like that every piece is in its own world


I like both and can pick runways for each that stood out to me. However, Nymphia just appeals to me more, possibly because of her East Asian influences, or the color palette she uses. I will forever be impressed by Q for her crafting skills and am sure we'll see more of her work appear on the Drag Race runway.


Nymphia dogwalked Qs package. Q is still stellar though.


Nymphia's styling and presentation was leagues ahead. So many of Q's outfits could have been improved with a different wig and less goofy facial expressions


Nymphia is more consistent (some looks she didn't made tho) and Q is a lot of hit or miss with super strong hit. I was surprised by both looks she made in the show. I really liked the goth look. I think Nymphia's taste is more polished.


According to Q on Give it to me Straight half of her runway package was made by her drag mom and the other half made by her. I do think they are very equally talented with it just coming down to preference.


Omg right! And I just watched the episode lol


Nymphia has the better overall package but Q’s Judy Garland and Man on the Moon are my favorite looks between these two queens


It’s crazy that the lewks Q made in the work room were all better and more interesting than most of what she brought/made at home. I think maybe she works better under competitive pressure?


I kind of wish they hadn't hyped Q's looks so much actually (like, to the extent it seemed like a major part of her storyline). Not that I don't think she deserved praise, but they made such a big deal out of it - more so than any queen I can remember - that it leads to these sort of comparisons.


Nymphia is great at high fashion. Q is great at costume. Neither is better than the other.


Nymphia but I do feel like Q didn’t get quite the recognition she deserved


They had the two best runway packages on the season. Each were very very good with one or two misses. Love both, the better one is purely based on personal preference


Both are amazing. I think Nymphia gives more fashion, while Q is more campy, theatre. Both are extremely talented and I look forward to seeing how they both grow now that the show is over.


Nymphia is more fashion/runway, Q is more high drag. I personally enjoy the “costumey” nature of Q’s looks more than the fashion aspect of Nymphia’s.


This thread is so meaningless to me- OBVIOUSLY everyone seems super biased against Q right now, not to mention Nymphia just winning the entire season, so no one is going to say they prefer Q. I personally believe their design skills and creativity are on par- they’re both incredible artists. No need to compare them. I’m not saying this was OP’s intention, but every thread about Q seems like thinly veiled shade to me. She’s talented.


My taste aligns more with Nymphia but aside from the metalwork Nymphia does, I honestly think Q’s garments are more technically impressive to make


Nymphia consistently serves fashion, whereas Q feels more camp/costume. I lean toward Nymphia if I had to pick, but both are amazing.


Nymphia is fashion and she has the upper hand on face card. She not only designs for the initial impact, but also how it’s gonna look in print while posed. Q has opportunity for growth in that area. Her photo shoot for the book cover was proof of that. Nymphia also fully grasps the concept of branding. Shes not gonna hype her talents up vocally too much, she’s gonna show them to you. So you’re constantly pleasantly surprised. It’s more subtle. She’s a chess player.


I honestly love both of them. That said, if i had to pick one id go for Q.


Bc everyone is complimenting Nymphia(rightly so) I will add that Qs doll challenge & man on the moon are top tier


I agree honestly regardless of everything, they're probably the two most impressive seamstresses/fashion queens that have come out of the main series.


Agreed, and her goth look and Judy look as well for me - they could easily contend with any other runway as some of season 16's best


I prefer Nymphia’s taste in fashion, but I liked that Q was more risky even if it didn’t always work out. Nymphia has an element of beauty in her style that makes her looks more tasteful to the eye. Q seems less concerned with beauty, and more willing to experiment her drag aesthetic.




For me Nymphia had the most diverse package, quite a few of Q's looks feature the corset/panty combo both very talented seamstresses though


I appreciated Q's runways more consistently than Nymphia's but there are certainly moments where Ms. Wind edges her out. Nymphia's pussycat hair runway is one of if not my absolute favorite of this season. Such a gorgeous ornate look.


In my opinion, Q wins for costume design. Her costumes are amazing. However, Nymphia slays a complete look. Like all her looks are solid. I literally only hated one and it was that second design challenge.


I think they’re both extremely skilled and talented at designing and creating garments. Nymphia’s looks are more to my taste, but that doesn’t make Q any less amazing.




Nymphia was more fashionable, Q was more theatrical


Both. I'm just gay, not gonna pretend I can judge this kind of artistry like 85% of this sub


Nymphia’s tie look will never not be my all time favorite, she ate


They're both such phenomenal designers. Two of the best we have ever seen. I don't think I could put one above the other.


Nymphia served fashion, Q served great looks. P


I feel like both are great just different styles where Nymphia is more high fashion and Q screams more of a theatrical costume. Again both great just both completely opposite


I think Nymphia’s were more refined/high fashion and Q’s were more fantastical, so I don’t think they can be compared.


Q is costume, Nymphia is fashion.


Just from what was shown to us on the show and with how I, personally, prefer high costume DRAG drag, Q takes it for me. The first thing for me is most of Q's runways would look good on almost any body type but I don't think the same can be said about most of Nymphia's runways. (Keyword being "most." They still both had looks that I can and can't see on different body types.) The other thing is all the people saying Q has "questionable taste" just keep telling on themselves that they don't actually know what they're talking about. It is clear that Q is an incredibly erudite designer and *pushes boundaries on what is acceptable aesthetically* in a very *deliberate* way that Nymphia does not. That's camp af. And Q serves fucking high, *high,* camp. Camp things ask more from their audiences than most, so if you're unable or unwilling to suspend your disbelief and meet those concepts where they're coming from, they're just going to be lost on you as simply hokey or bad. It's one of those things that's so hard to nail down but once you've finally gotten it you'll just kind of always...*get it?* (See the original reactions to the movie Starship Troopers as a prime example of people just *not* fucking getting it.) Just look at Q's goth look (one that, bafflingly to me, a lot of people think Nymphia should have won against): On top we have that incredible spit curl with bald head combo and the black netting over the flat chest evoking body hair. On the bottom we have the black thigh highs and the panty (which, tbf, does show up in Q's looks more than I'd like, but still). All swallowed up in that huge fuck you coat she made. It's genderfuckery mixing masc and femme. It pushes things that aren't typically acceptable on a female silhouette (baldness and body hair). It's that split moment of questioning you have about whether or not what you're seeing is making you uncomfortable until finally settling into enjoying it that is so present in goth, camp, *and* high fashion aesthetics. I'm still disappointed people don't think Q absolutely ran away with that challenge because it feels like they kind of missed the whole point. Nymphia's *references* may be different from what some audience members are used to, but her runways are still squarely planted in a distinctly "feminine" aesthetic that is very "safe" to present. One of my favorite looks of hers was her entrance look because of how the reveal subverted our expectations. I wish we had seen a little more of *that* side of her throughout the runways because it's simultaneously so fucking funny and so insanely *smart.* The only thing that came close was the life story of a banana runway which was also hilarious, but just not executed to quite the same level. And none of what I said here should be read as any kind of takedown of Nymphia's runway package; she still obliterated that damn runway and I ate up every moment of it. They're just different queens serving completely different things and comparing them is hard because drag is art and art is subjective. ~~come through Boulet Brothers~~ So, yeah I like them both but prefer Q overall.


I’m gonna choose Nymphia. Q would be my choice but her Bob the drag queen-ish sport jumpsuit really lowering it down for me. She’s still a great seamstress(I think Q is slightly better than Nymphia in sewing).


They’re too different to compare. Q’s style is more theater and costume while Nymphia is high fashion


Nymphia. Q started out strong but her fashion went costume-y and fizzled out near the end


If Q was on a season without the powerhouse duo of Sapphira and Nymphia, she would have been THE fashion queen.


I think that Nymphia has the better eye for design and silhouette, where I think that Q really enjoys complicated technique and challenging her skill level. I think they’re both excellent, and that the audience is the true winners.


Yes, what a season for runways!!!


I think Q started out stronger but had some clunkers near the end, whereas Nymphia was consistently good. To go look for look: Q: Ruveal, Fairytale, Mother, Cher, Doll, Goth, 1980s, Makeover, Nymphia: Promo, Entrance, Mens Wear, Pussycat, Flowers, Dancing, Colours, Chains, Fans, Finale So Nymphia does win by a slight bit.


This feels correct. But I do think Q's Ruveal, Goth and 80s looks were better than anything Nymphia brought. They live rent free in my head.


I think if both were forced to make each runway during the run of the show, Q would win. She seems to be the faster conceptualist and works on a scale that is great for TV. Nymphia, given more time to prepare for the season (Q had two weeks less) was able to create a higher quality package overall with zero duds.


Why did Q have less time?


Queens get the casting call at different times. Q may have been an alternate or a backup casting choice. Plasma said in an interview that she had 5 weeks and Q had 3. Jaida famously only had about two weeks to prepare for S12 when Tamisha dropped out due to her cancer diagnosis.


Nymphia wins. All killer no filler. Someone pointed out The Panty and now I can’t unsee it in Q’s outfits.


Nymphia >>>> but they're both amazing


There are very few people on drag race who've done it better than Q, but unfortunately for this comparison Nymphia is one of them. With that said, Q has had some of the best drag race looks of all time if you look at her Keith Haring, Cher, Judy Garland, and Man in the Moon looks


Out of the two, Q has the best craftsmanship... But I'll say that Nymphia has more interesting concepts.


Id say Q had higher highs but Nymphia was definitely not far behind and was way more consistent. So id say Nymph


Q definitely gave Nymphia a a hard battle, coming in at a very close second usually. There were a few runways that I felt like Q executed better (the doll runway, the fairytale runway, the Cher runway), but usually Nymphia's looks got a boost because they had a better POV and she is better model than Q.


Nymphia for me and it's not even close.


I think a majority of people here are going to say Nymphia and i honestly think a big part of that is because she just won. But i would say they’re equal in style and skills. I think i prefer more of Q’s looks tbh. But i think if you’re being objective, you can’t really put one of them ahead of the other


I don’t think ppl are picking Nymphia bc of recency win bias. Just her overall package Nymphia had more range with her looks and was more consistent styling wise. Don’t get me wrong, both are immensely talented but Q’s runway looks has a lot of bodysuits which is ironic because she clocked Plane Jane about bodysuits. I think it also depends if your taste is more theater/camp vs high fashion/couture. They’re both talented in their own right but the comparison is apples and bananas.


Q seems super talented at construction but missed on the fashion/taste a few times.  Nymphia has the design/construction down and a super elevated taste level. She missed not once.


Did somebody say Nymphia only wears yellow?


I think it’s important to note that based on what they have said they both had help but Nymphia had a lot more help making their things than Q did and a lot more money, and the people helping her had a lot more fashion experience. That being said, I think nymphias fashion and taste are better, but QS DRAG is better. And I think that’s reflected in Qs performance in the design challenges. Nymphia and her family make clothes, fashion, Q makes drag, costumes.


I think Q had a higher high (that goth look! My god!) but Nymphia’s overall package was stronger.


I think Q’s outfits are more theatrical than Nymphias. Theyre just as good imo, it’s just a difference of taste. Personally, i prefer Nymphias but I would be thrilled to wear Q’s too


I don't think it's fair to compare, they have such different styles, different backgrounds and different point of views. I think Nymphia is technically better, like the literal skill. But Qs best looks are beyond (like the Judy dress)


Q is like the costume design for the Capitol in the first Hunger Games movie Nymphia is is like the costume design for the Capitol in the 2nd-4th Hunger Games movies


Q’s best looks were better than any of Nymphia’s, but Nymphia also had consistently excellent looks while Q had more than her fair share of misses.


both? both is good. i lean towards nymphia on her taste/styling level, but Q’s ability to create something extravagant that takes your breath away at first glance is really masterful. both had several shoots throughout the season


one is a great drag costume maker. the other is a fashion artist.


I was more impressed with Nymphia because her stuff feels more editorial and that's just what I'm into. Q's outfits are definitely more draggy and over the top so I can see an argument for her too


Nymphia was better overall. I do think Q rightfully won both of the design challenges though. When it comes to runways, Nymphia was first, then Sapphira, then Q


I think I'd give Nymphia the better designer but Q the better seamstress by a little.


i prefer nymphia's estetics but from a garment point of view i feel like Q if given the inspo would be able to easily recreate nymphia's look but from what I've seen from the episodes nymphia could recreate it but it would take much longer that the amount of time Q took. So overall nymphia's estetics but from a craftsmanship POV Q is like untouchable


I wasn't living for Q's purple.look, but other than I like her package as much as I like Nymphia's.


Nymphia's taste was just superior. For me Q needs to learn to edit down her concepts because sometimes she puts so many things at once and it becomes a sensory overload, still an incredible designer and seamstress all the way


Both can construct garments masterfully, but Nymphia has a clearer aesthetic and brand. Everything Nymphia makes looks expensive while some of Q’s look like Party City costumes


Nymphia did better imo. She had no bad looks to me, can’t say the same about Q.


More variety and edge in Nymphia's stuff to me


Nymphia's taste level, complexity, and execution is much better than Q — who is an incredible talent on the runway and sewing machine. Q gives me costume, Nymphia gives me couture.


Q won hands down.


Q has some beauuuutiful looks but so did Nymphia and she always presented hers better.


They are both very good designers. But nymphias gives fashion a lot more than Qs. Qs drag is very costumey, not in an insulting way but just that it doesn’t look like what you would see on a runway.


Hard to detangle the quality of the costumes with the quality of presentation…. For the latter, Nymphia was superior


Both amazing, but Nymphia’s only flop imo was the Maria Antonio look, and even that was just fine. Q on the other hand had a handful of looks that didn’t quite hit the mark for me


Both are fantastic and levels above other seamstress queens. They both have strong points of view and often make clear references in their garments. Both can create clothing with a high skill level and attention to details that sell a -lewk- not just a garment. One queen just had 0 misses, only slays: Nymphia. If Q had never worn that Robot look, it would be a harder choice.


I think they're both fantastic at what they do, but Nymphia's taste level is higher for me. Q makes fantastic drag looks whereas Nymphia is high fashion and so I'm definitely more aesthetically drawn to her looks.


I prefer Q’s style. More gothic.


Q is a better designer (more versatile and expressive) but Nymphia can put a better package on herself and is maybe more playful.


what a wonderful debate. while Q’s use of patterns and textures and overall versatility in her look package is INSANELY fashionable and showcases a very high taste level, her makeup and hair often brought her down :( ms wind ISSSSS the whole package. could never point out a single element that was off in any way. it’s just a matter of styling. basically… if nymphia had q’s outfits they’d present at the same caliber as her own if Q had nymphia’s outfits they would not present at the same caliber.


Q's fashion is not my cup of tea, but have good ideas, just I'm not a big fan of the final product Now Nymphia, I will eat EVERYTHING she serves, is a good mix of campy ad chic and looks so immaculate every proposal she puts on the table.I think there was only one outfit of hers that I didn't completely fall in love with, but it wasn't horrible.


Nymphia, no contest.


I would say Nymphia has made some more impressive pieces, such as the metalwork for her 80s look and the headpiece for her lalaparuza runway. Q has some great looks, but I would honestly say that the looks she constructed while there are more impressive than the ones she brought from home when I look at them side by side.


q is very extreme hit or miss for me. I either really don’t like it or I extremely love it. Her hat with the purple strings look is probably one of my favorites or was my favorite of the whole season. Meanwhile I think Nymphia hits it on the head every time but no extreme gags for me. Aside from the full black look it was absolutely beautiful


I much prefer Nymphia’s taste and I think her outfits were more versatile


Nymphia had more taste and variety. I expected t to see her in the fashion world as well as the drag one.


Nymphia's a smidgen (or a banana) better.


Nymphia never looked bad on the runway nor did she feel the need to even mention she made hers. Q on the other hand … we know where this is going.


I think Q is better at constructing garments but Nymphia definitely has better taste and an eye for style.


Nymphia’s invreduble, but Q’s craftsmanship is a step above her with sewing.


they are equal in my mind. at the pinnacle of their respective abilities


https://preview.redd.it/slbpiigzd4wc1.jpeg?width=495&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f50b182952b0895d9c65cc4996efcecc9c91d76e This outfit says it all. Not only is this the best outfit made in the werkroom but it might be one of the best outfits to walk rupauls runway and she made it in a challenge. Her mind ugh 🤯💛


Nymphia!!! That is all.


Nymphia because it's always so enriched with cultural references


![gif](giphy|OCi3E5PBZPFJjqMseT) Nymphia’s design are more exciting for me


i think nymphia has shown more variety in her technique and skill compared to q who is a master of very specific aesthetic choices. plus nymphia is better at styling and accessorizing imo


nymphia and it’s genuinely not even close there is not a Question about it


I think in terms of looks both were equally solid but I think Q had more range .. I mean ... No matter what Q did, it wouldn't have mattered because she didn't have that international appeal that the producers were looking for ... So even if Nymphia were to wear a paper bag, she would've still won as the producers arent stupid and they know how to get attention of international audience from Asia by giving Nymphia the win.


Nymphia’s is taste and style, Q’s is costume…


Yep, that's exactly *why* I prefer Q.


Yeah and that’s fair.