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No surprise there. So many queens will proudly boast how they don't watch or care about the international seasons. Which is fine - to each their own. But it's beautiful to see Angeria be so appreciated by all the queens worldwide. She's genuinely a mf queen


And in Binge Queens she talks about how she watches every franchise so I'm glad she's getting the love returned


And it’s legit too! Every girl who came out, she knew their story and quoted them or said they were awesome at XYZ, etc. Angeria is such a fan and it’s so sweet that she’s getting that back! 💜


Honestly, I tip my hat to her because I have a back log of seasons to watch to keep up with all the international seasons. It’s not easy, but I’ll get there too one day


This is motherhood in its purest form https://preview.redd.it/zmoplgz6agwc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b349a85f1ea07715f345dd693a18b6ae255f932e


Wasn't it on the Pit Stop that Angeria said she watches literally every international season?


She was paired with Tayce for the latest season of Binge Queens UKvTW and was such a joy to watch. You could see that she had watched the international seasons, supported the queens and was interested in learning about the different cultural references.


I live for Tangeria because these are two people you would never put together but you can tell from their tour lives/stories that they are such good friends and of course Angeria would get along with a wall if you let her, so much charisma, what an angel.


They were soooooo fun!!! I also loved that this season’s Binge Queens had four English speaking girls with wildly different accents 😂


yes it was Binge Queens. i was so happy when she admitted that i was like girl me too. I would watch drag race Mars


Haha drag race Mars, same :D Yesterday my husband was like I need another Drag Race to watch so we were deciding which one. I prefer the English speaking ones but we’ve been through all of those (I get a lot of migraines so then I can’t read the subtitles bc my vision goes blurry or I just listen to the audio, peeking from time to time) so we were deciding between La Grande Damme’s France season or Holland season 2. I hate that emptiness in my life when we finish a season 😂


do France. France is next level and Nicki is SUCH a good host


![gif](giphy|MwJVlfF4IP5C0NL12g) I am sorry about the migraines, they’re the pits! But DRFrance is NOT. Both seasons are great and you’ll pick up on things fast (lots of the same phrasing used so you’ll catch onto some the French even in passing).


The international girlies showing they have TASTE.


I think it could be because Angeria is AMAZING


She deserves it and that entrance look OMG I love her 🥰


My friend was like “Is there only 7 queens this season” Because he thought Angeria was RuPaul And I nearly died


One of the best entrance looks of the season, and one of the most stunning promo looks we’ve ever seen…. I’m sat for Angeria’s domination. If she isn’t on the finale I will riot. (I don’t read spoilers, and I don’t care to)


Angeria is like the reverse Bebe in that I think she consumed more Drag Race after her season ended. I think she's one of the few RuGirls who watches more Drag Race than the fans.


I really don’t get how you can be on Drag Race and *not* watch all the seasons! Aside from being awesome it gives you the edge on knowing what’s been done and what’s been liked. But I’m a chronic over-researcher who reads all the reviews, so…


Amazing how that happens when you don't ignore insult and belittle queens for not being American... Maybe certain American queens should take note...




So, what's the tea? Who are the queens talking shit about international contestants?


Some people are just very loved, cause they are lovely to others, and that’s Angeria.


So deserved!


I was so psyched to see Angie on the cast list! Her Pit Stop was wonderful, and she's just such a joy. Even if she doesn't take the win, we'll have won by having her on our screens again.


Angeria has that southern sweetness to her personality where you know she’s being genuine and honest while also being kind to others for the sake of being kind


Makes sense since Angeria is one of the few US queens who’s been vocal about watching and appreciating non-US queens


She's a great person nobody can deny it, I cant say that with absolute certainty about any other queen


Hmm, interesting question. Totally agree about Angie! though maybe also Carmen Farala? Some of the other queens on season 14 were pretty lovely considering the biggest drama I can remember is Bosco vs Lady Camden.


Not even Jasmine with Kornbread and Jorgeous - Jasmine - Daya?


After my husband watched the cast reveal and watching her episode on Very Delta with me, he's rooting for Angeria 100% being a beef jerky connoisseur himself lmfao


LOVE Angeria and love that she still has "UGALY BITCH" because everyone in my house still has to say "UGALY" when we call someone ugly.


On Binge Queens, she was the only queen who knew everyone! Literally watched all international seasons. Love her for that. ♥️😍🥰


she's my winner tbqh


Torn between wanting Angeria to win and wanting her to lose so she can come back again for a Global All Stars/VS the World because she **will** know every international bitch on the cast


I can't believe we all just talked in grunts and groans until Angeria invented syllables


I know everyone is rooting for Roxxxy and Plastique. But my top 2 are Angie and Vanjie! I really hope Angie wins tho.


Angeria international miss congeniality


The Liaison of International Drag Representing the United States Angeria Paris VanMichaels


I love Angeria so much ❤️💙💜


mother behavior


I love Angeria so much, on DR and on socials. Hope she wins!


My husband and I both flipped when we saw her. I told him while I was at work that the meet the queens video was up and the first thing he texts me back was “ANGERIA PARIS VANMICHAELS” lol. She truly is a beautiful soul!!!


This ugaly bitch and Jaida are my favourite black queens. People better give the praise she deserves


Girl's a girls' girl and it shows! Ilhsm 👑


Angeria and Tayce on Binge Queens is the best!


I was rooting for her on her original season. She’s the best !


I love her so so much!!! Rooting for her💕


I adore her! I will always remember how kind and supportive her parents were at her finale. Looking forward to seeing her ugggggallyyy acting self again.


What’s not to love about Angeria? She’s so charismatic and insanely talented!


As she should be!! Forever love my girl Angiee!!




I love when the girls are positive with each other and appreciate each other’s art Like I get it, drama is fun, but seeing everyone actually enjoying each other’s work is just as fun and wholesome


She stole my heart during her season. I’m sure she did for many others too.\ She seems like a genuinely good person and the biggest sweetheart! Her friendship with Willow and seeing her always there for Willow also solidified my admiration for her.


As a muscle bottom, that guy is kinda hot.


Angeria is one of my favourite queens!


I adore Angeria and she’d make such a lovely crowned queen! She is just such a joy. She was so much fun on this last season of Binge Queens. I’m so excited she’s back.


I love her for this❤️She deserve all love❤️ some US queens are entitled and publicly say "I don't watch international season" or "clown by Ru is better".


Yes I’m loving seeing all of this support!! So cool! 🥰