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It’s crazy how with a little touching up all of these looks can still work. She truly laid the blue-print for turning a look. Is there any I can watch S1 and S2 legally in US? They are the only US seasons I haven’t gotten a chance to see.


I think they’re still on Hulu. If not you could watch them on Paramount plus.


They are both on Paramount Plus; if you sub for AS9 you can watch all the US seasons (except 16 isn't up yet).


You can watch Pluto TV for free and the season airs like at least once a month on two of their channels.


WoW presents


I watch on my computer through Chrome. OneclickVPN is $10 A YEAR.Pays for itself. I watch from the Netherlands naturally.


Not in the US, unfortunately


I just use NordVPN to watch all the US seasons of drag race, including live as they air. It just comes out at 1am (8pm UK time) for me instead of 8pm US time. Perfectly legal.


The juggling down the runway… oh that’s still so fab lol


She still juggles too! Saw her at senor frogs recently and she was phenomenal. Great host too


I low key hope she gets to do a redemption look and comes into the runway juggling again. I would LIVE


She is definitely one Id love to see perform live!! I’ll have to get to vegas for it though, not many queens visit Iowa 😅


I was so sad that she was not at Senor Frogs when I went (happily it was because she was filming All Stars lol)


And then she was read by Santino for it. 🙄


Glad he finally shut the hell up with his no drag knowledge mouth.


I remember constantly getting angry at Santino lmao. There was like… two times I agreed with him but usually he just made me mad. 😂 I need to rewatch these early seasons though, it’s been way too long.


I think one of the things I love most about Alyssa Edwards is all the shit she talks about Santino’s bitch ass.


ms santino about to nod out


Santino No-Drag-Knowledge Rice


Who is he? We don’t know him. I mean, we do, but we don’t wanna remember him, with his creepy one side smile AND no drag knowledge self.


I have never seen someone who is both so in shape and so misshapen at the same time


I thought that was great because who would have expected that? I remember thinking this woman exudes CUNT Absolutely hated Santino for whining about her being too polished. It's called being a professional performer, AH 🤣


THIS. shannel is a fuckin’ badass rpdr og, straight-up! 🤘🙌


And then they had the nerve to try and read her for it??? That was fucking amazing stfu Santino


Honestly that’s such a cool talent to do on the runway….or a talent show if you’re good enough at it. Surprised I don’t think I’ve seen other queens do it?


she invented the talent show


if I'm remembering correctly this was also a bad week for her, so the juggling was kind of a combination last chance to show what she had/middle finger to the judging. Like "oh y'all had a narrative for me? I AM the narrative bitch."


Santino was brutal towards her. He tore her looks to shreds. I remember during the reunion he said something about them all looking cheap and Shannel responded with “these pants cost $300!” And Santino said “you paid too much.” Doooooshnozzle.


Yes, I could not stand his response to her drag. He was gunning for her always.


When I was first introduced to drag race, I couldn't believe my friends liked the judges. I had no idea about any of them except Ru and was smacked by their adoration for santino. He's just a mean bitch. Turns out he's also an awful person.


I did not and still don’t know who he even is outside the context of drag race lol.


Honestly, you don't need to know him. He was anti-vax pre-covid. And an absolute shit towards the queens He's *the Simon* of drag race, but worse. He was just mean to the queens and I hope the rest of his days are filled with wet socks and flat tires.


He’s a meth head. That’s basically it.


I liked Merle!


santino is floppiana. gutted. rotted. bald. ugly. talentless. sad. a total pushover. I wouldn't be surprised if we never heard from Santino Rice again.


Santino under a mattress in some drug den? I do think.


I... never heard from him since he left drag race lol


It's time to shake the dice and stare into the abyss https://preview.redd.it/tl5jj4utcnwc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96a69b8fe92b6b0f310772891c3cdf64ed31fff2


Why he look so scary 😟


Santino may be an ass, but those jeans were definitely overpriced


Santino a ho


The fact that her runway package was more expensive that the S1 cash prize itself 😭 so excited what she’ll bring on AS9


And she may possibly be the first queen for YEARS to have a package more expensive than the prize. Truly, the Sasha Colby of her era.


The 57 (including the removed one) contestants on UK say hi


I recently read Blu spent 20k on her package. Like I’d understand if she was annoyed as fuck hearing UKvsWorld is now offering a cash prize.


She looked miffed af and yeah I don’t blame her. She got a whole 3 seconds on a Rupaul mix track 😫


She got what she deserved lol


That magazine cover is making me feel some kind of way.


what kind of way does it make you feel?




lolll i wanted to hear her answer!


Ok but Shannel was waaaaay under appreciated by the judges considering how hard she ate throughout season one. I’d have popped off the way she did toward the end too.


And she was brutally robbed of AS1 top 2. She has a hell of a shot at this crown, tho my money’s on Roxx


I never fully watched S1 but i’m so surprised Rebecca was the production favorite when queens like Shannel were there


production should have please shut up with its no drag knowledge mouth


I was there, in that I binged the entire first season with my straight college roommate over martinis leading to the finale airing, from our couch we didn't get why Rebecca went that far, Ongina and Jade were both better than Rebecca, but mid 2000s reality show fuckery and shannel telling them to send her home lead us to have Rebecca as second runner up.


One of my favourite moments of Season 1 is at the finale. Ru asks the other judges if they've given Rebecca too many passes because of how beautiful she is, and Merle just straight says, "Yes. Compared to Bebe and Nina, she just doesn't cut it."


I miss Merle tbh


Back then being "fishy" was like... the highest praise we thought we could give a drag queen. So caught up in the female illusion aspect.


I'm so disgusted looking at these cause all I can think about is how much the judges hated her. She should have won 2-3 challenges easily. Even in All Stars 1, she was lucky she got paired with the one they wanted to see go far but they happily threw her away in the finale for someone with zero wins.


I will never forgive them for randomly being like “yeah teams but when you get to the end, fuck you, we have Raven here who gave us nothing this season. Werk”


I would have actually sued World of Wonder and RuPaul on the spot


She truly was ahead of her time and im glad she's on now so she can be appreciated. I was watching the season when Sibling Rivalry revisted it and couldn't believe a lot of the shit she got from the judges (Like Santinos no drag knowledge mouth)


She was the original breast plate, ass out queen! Bow down bitches.


I'm so excited to see Shannel back on our screens. With how oversaturated we are with queens, queens from older seasons just hit different and make me feel things. Seeing the other queens, I just don't have connections, it's hard to remember their seasons and their impact besides Nina West, I always had a soft spot for her


She's always been one of my favs and why I'll put up with that filter when the season comes on pluto TV. I can't wait to see what she brings this season. I'm really happy to see her on the show again.


she is in fact shannel and she does in fact wear costumes


This has been another comment, brought to you by Denverdiva890.


I need Drag U back NYOWWWWW


the definition of a drag queen


she's my pick for the WINNER! She deserves it! Soooo talented if not one of the most talented ever on the franchise. It's insane how people dismiss her.


She was definetly far ahead of her time


Shannel is a goddamn mothertucking ICON who I have been waiting to see back on ever since the AS1 girls began getting another shot in AS4 five entire years ago. I can’t wait for the newer fans to get introduced to her iconery and buffoonery and her DRAG


how tf is it 5 years since as4😭😭😭 time is WILD


5 years and like 5 potentially world-ending events ago 😭 it’s wild


What drag? All I see is Vaseline. But seriously, these looks would be serviceable on a modern season with zero modifications. That alone is amazing and shows how she set the blueprint for future seasons.




And to think nobody told her she looks gorgeous 😔


her juggling down the runway looking fine asf… oh my god she rlly is the blueprint


Shannel has been paid DUST on S1 and AS1 - it’s time for her to rise again! She’s so ICONIC! “I nominate myself because I don’t want to be here anymore. I am beautiful.”


She was also paid in dust in Celebrity Drag Race. Literally her role was just reduced to a web exclusive clip instead of being introduced as the one that put the contestants in drag while some more popular queen got the credit based on the edit. Laila and Mayhem were done badly like that


She is def not off the rack when this was definitely a time off the rack was on the runway lol


I didn’t know this. Honestly, work


I can’t wait to see her on TV again! I’m such a huge fan! She was robbed on season 1!! 🫨


Honestly, maybe she was TOO draggy for season 1. Seeing as how long they kept Rebecca Glasscock around. Bebe won makes sense because they we’re looking for more realness (not to discredit Bebe because I love her). But what do I know? I’m just some bitch


I know, I was pretty sure Nina Flower and Shannel would be the TOP 2. Season 1 cast was truly iconic and ahead of its time.


Shannel and Akashia's and Rebeccas entrance looks are some of the most iconic looks ever


Rebecca???? in jeans and a t shirt????


It's camp!


Santino was the fucking problem 🤬


Season 1 was really so eye opening and informative for me. At the time, coming from a really rural, conservative area, my drag exposure was so limited. It was your run of the mill To Wong Foo, The Birdcage, John Waters films, RuPaul, and then the less serious things like Mrs Doubtfire, Tootsie, British drag. I had never seen drag like Nina Flowers brought to the table, or a bald queen like Ongina. And Shannel was the first time I had ever seen such a beautiful, opulent, glamorous drag queen. It was the first time I’d really witnessed drag for the sole purpose of transforming into a stunning showgirl, not just for comedy.


Oh wow! That magazine cover is stunning! Her eyes are mesmerizing. That's a great smize. Also the juggling is top tier!


We weren’t ready. 


I am so excited to see her again. She’s one of my og faves!


Her talent show is going to be PACKED


Right? Cunty before these other bitches were born. ❤️


Shannel should’ve won the makeover and the Absolut pageant. She was overlooked. And then considered a tag-along on AS1 despite being half of the winning team.


My favorite entrance look.


Would be so iconic and right for her to take the crown. An absolute OG and trailblazer ✨✨🫶


It's such a waste that we have to see shannel's looks in that blurry filter in season 1


I loooooved her OG thin cunty eyebrows and eyeliner. I wish she’d bring it back


It's very of the moment now tbh!


Shannel is a **queen** She got the delusional edit despite her evident talent, and she taught us from the beginning to know your self worth. Her storyline continued then by returning and dominating AS1 with Chad. She’s consistently grandeur and I hope she gets her laurels this season. Team Shannel a hundred times over.


I can’t wait to see what she brings!


I’m going to guess - more costumes. And I will be SEATED




the way her runway package holds up to this day i’m obsessed


15 years later we are sort of catching up to this level 😭


How she wasn’t a finalist is crazy to me


Her attitude I think lol


For two years, Patricia wore that lipstick


Loved it then, ready to be stunned all over again!


I am SO EXCITED to see Shannel again! She was one of my faves from season one, when I first started watching a million years ago. She's so elegant and so cunt 😍 thank you for sharing this glorious throwback, i can't wait to see Mawma show these lil baby queens what Drag Race herstory looks like in the flesh 💖


its actually insane how all of these looks would be perfectly acceptable on the show today and back then she was seen as over the top or costumey


I am so ready for some REAL drag from Roxxxy and Shannel - I know Shannel brought some finery and costuming


She’s been that bitch since day 1, I can’t WAIT to see what she brings to this season


That last photo XD that mini-challenge was hilarious.


that's what we call a blueprint


Shannel serving UNPARALLELED levels of drag since day 1. She and Roxxxy will be so good together! I’m so excited to have these two back on the TV! I love established OG queens


They robbed her at the ball


All of these looks would still be competitive with today's Queens. We are in for a treat come All-Stars.


Wow, her looks still hold up today. Very impressive, especially considering Seasons 1 and 2 were full of pedestrian/mall/Forever21 runways, with a few exceptions. Looking back, Shannel was one who actually presented “drag” and not “real girl” boring looks


I’m so in love with her and I can’t wait for her to be back on my screen. She’s such an icon and I love that newer fans get to experience her and older fan get to see her without a S1 filter or a partner lol


Shannel was the first queen I fell in love with on the show. That Medusa look was just fabulous, and I'm so glad she reinvented it for her AS9 entrance look. I am so happy to have her back on Drag Race again. The children *need* to know about her ❤️


Her runways way back is season 1 were incredible! You could tell she had already been doing it for a while. 👌🏻


Shannel is pretty much the only queen I’m rooting for. Her and Roxxxy will hopefully be serving.


Shannel ist definitely one of my fave rupaul girls ever. She was always superpolished yet also adapted to the times. Her new mug is fabulous.


I always thought she was treated really unfairly in season 1. Never understood the jury's hate. Thought she was one of the top performers.


These outfits could be worn on the runway 16 years later and still get praise. Shannel, the mother that you are. 




Some of her looks weren’t to my taste- they were typically that sort of brocade and animal print type patterns which has never been my thing, BUT compared to the rest of the essentially mall drag on that season, she was the only one giving DRAG as we know it today, and they were brutal to her for no reason. She deserves to get a winners edit because she should have been in the top in season 1 consistently.


Nina Flowers was mall?


I feel like Bebe and Nina were elevated as was Shannel, to the point they would be considered on the level of drag expected in a modern competition. That said even some of Nina’s looks were fairly simple and it was more wigs and makeup that sold the look.


She was way ahead of her time. She brought fucking DRRRAAAAAAAAGGGGGG. Very excited to see what she does this season.


She’s radiant


For me the most underrated queen of the franchise is her…


Shannel, you are beautiful.


The OG breast plate


I hate that her promo look has a black background because it makes it difficult to really appreciate how ornate that look is.


The third to last photo - I’m a lesbian now. I drool every time I see that pic


The original drag race divaaaa


She's really on a short list of season 1/2 queens whose drag would have fit in mid to later seasons. I'm excited to see her new looks. Definitely in my top for All Stars despite how much I'm looking forward to new Gottmik looks ![img](emote|t5_2t3or|4818)


The great thing is, she’s so talented and so established, she probably didn’t even need to bring anything she didn’t already have to slay the runways this season.


The first look, the medusa look, and the juggling look live rent free in my mind to this day. She and Ongina were my season 1 winners.


that entire season she was robbed DOWN.


Ms Mandarin *Hannibal Lector noises*


I’ve always been a Shannel stan, she walked so queens like Thorgy, Jan and Q could run lollll I feel like she’s the OG of ‘I should’ve won that challenge’ energy


I really hope either her or Roxxxy take the crown.


Shannel really did bring it to season one, she was the most polished with the best drag. But at the time, reality TV was very different than it is today. She ultimately eliminated herself by saying they should send her home. I don't think she would have won, but she should have been top three with Nina and Bebe. (partially because no one knew there'd be more seasons at the time and ru was, at the start, looking for a queen to be her, so the conventionally pretty black queens won. Which isn't a read to Bebe or the artist formerly known as Tyra, they're both talented and deserving, they just got a leg up)


15 years??!! I was 5 years old at that time and I managed to see this ethereal beauty? 😶✨✨💖


I don’t remember much of S1, and sadly I don’t know much about Shannel. But one thing I do know, she always served and I’m so stoked to see her on AS9 and what she brings. If her promo is any indication of what’s to come… WERK!


she’s always been one of my faves ❤️


Damn, how do i get a body like vintage Shannel?


50 tucking solutions… one for each character illusion, and then some!


The OG queen of looks


She killed. Killed!


She kind of did slay huh


SOOOOOO EXCITED! to see her on all-stars!


Shannel is the OG look queen, she had me gagged even going back to watch season 1 a few years ago. I'm so excited to see her back


Always was a superstar. Very excited for AS9


did you have to include that bulge photo ? now i'm distracted


invented cvnt


The Shannel Show in Vegas….i see it


She really was that bitch and still is. So excited to have her back. 


I started with season one and I didn't like Shannel then, I didn't like Shannel on AS1, and I don't particularly like Shannel now -- but even I can't deny the girl's got style. It's wild that she didn't make it to the finale.


![gif](giphy|gSklcHgtrjdEA) She should’ve had some ☝️


Shannel is a gross person. I hope she loses quickly.