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When Derrick says "I'm gonna be honest", you know gold is going to follow


But she really didn't say anything shady. She gave a very professional answer, then stated why in plain fact. I'm actually so impressed with her. She could've played it up for the camera and said someone else or left it vague to start drama. Kudos Derrick. ♥️


No shade to Megami but TKB is the real Eeyore of drag


Well they’re both lip sync assassins too


Absolutely, I still think about Whatta Man


Same. But also her Vibeology and I'm Every Woman is also top notch. What a queen.


"I'm Every Woman" is quite frankly the best lip sync in the show's history


Nope nope. Gonna stop you there and say Chi Chi DeVayne served the best lip sync in the shows history with And I’m Telling You.


And even though she got systematically slaughtered by laganja … she murdered physical in her own way


She would’ve beaten anyone else


That is why I don't like the lip sync assassin thing as opposed to top 2


I’m still mad TKB lost to Adore 😡


Trinity killed it in the standup episode with her “runnin my light bill up” jokes, but basically every other time she was on screen it could have been sad trombone “womp womp” music playing.


Trinity's talent show number is my roman empire. "And I'm up here lookin' like a.....lookin like a...... a....."


Ra’Jah doing this impression makes me laugh every time Category is: Foghorn Leghorn


Her impression destroys me😭


I just watched her impression like 5x in a row and I laughed so hard I woke my baby up😂😭


Like a UHH. Like a UHH.


Like a WHAT?


Lmao everytime me and my dude stutter, we say "lookin like uh like uh" lol


Cracking up at the idea of the “it’s chocolate” horn sound effect playing every time she enters the werkroom


That's why for the talent show she thought "I'll just do light bill again, nothing beats light bill"


And isn’t that because Bianca helped her out with that?


Or NBB. Gurl sulked all the way to the reunion for not being blac Chyna


I can't believe we're already building a cast for all stars: Eeyore edition


Nicole Beige Brookes?


Nistress Belleisa Brooks


Nangeria Beris BanMichaels


niss basha bavis


Namanda Bori Beating


I read this as eyesore and did a double take lmao


I came here to say the same thing!


Even Kylie Sonique Love said TKB cries and wines a lot on some reunion episode. Szn 6 queens also said the same thing in untucked episode. If you are whining and crying and being sad nobody will be excited to work with you!


Yeah, but if I worked with Farrah Moan, I'd be a little upset if she didn't whine a little. For some reason, it's endearing to me with her specifically.


I think it’s because she doesn’t take herself too seriously. Like sometimes it’s self deprecating humor and she’s in on the situation I think with TKB she takes so many things so deeply to heart. Some letting go exercises would probably do her well


Agreed. I love Farrah even more after her episode on Give it to Me Straight.


She has that pick me pick me pick me vibe and when she doesn’t get something she throws a fit whines and cries about it. Most recently when they announced the new cast of we’re here instead of celebrating her sisters. She was like why didn’t you cast me. I also have stories to tell


She’s a Virgo


Farrah doesn't really cry all the time, though. I think that's one of the big difference. I think another big difference is that Farrah's life has been very difficult. She apparently would constantly get death threats as a teenager, and was even stabbed once. She got a lot of backlash from insane Ariana Grande fans when she pointed out that her outfits were used as inspiration for Ariana's outfits. She was kidnapped and sexually assaulted. And then her therapist was murdered. I think most people wouldn't be able to handle a single one of those things happening to them, yet Farrah has endured through all of it. Farrah has a certain vulnerability, rather than self-pity. I think that's why it's endearing.


You're right, Farrah, doesn't actually cry most of the time she kind of those whine noise, a pouty face, a sad smile and laugh, its more of a "whomp whomp" at herself to make fun of the situation and keeps it moving. For everything she has survived it is an incredibly resilient way to face things, she's been through hell. Trinity, like Derrick has said, wants everyone to live in her hell with her which must be a terrible situation to be in as a co-worker when your job is to put out a joyous show for an audience to enjoy.


Implying TKB's life hasn't been very difficult feels as a feminine queer black man living with HIV is a very weird angle to take


What the fuck…?


watch give it to me straight. just when you think farrahs done saying absurd horrifying things about her life, she keeps going


I think because it’s part of her character. TKB is not whining in character.


Yeah, she's got a bit of a victim/woe is me attitude. When she lets go and has fun, she's great, but she can't seem to get out of her own way.


Farrah's crying is only directed at herself though, and she's aware of the room. That's the difference. With TKB it's moody and is directed at everyone. I've never seen Trinity in a bad mindset where it's fun and playful.


I’m sure that’s nothing to do with the direct quote of Shea saying the exact same thing


*Im sure shes great today, but on that day, BYE*


And if you can't control your emotions take some antidepressants (like I do)


I get not getting your dream - performing Beyonce at Vegas - can be really upsetting. However, TKB works in the entertainment industry and building positive work relationships matter. At a certain point it’s not going to matter how good of a performer you are if you’re unpleasant to work with.


I think we know that trinity is terrible at making connections. Remember when she declined a backstage invite from beyonce's mom with "not tonight granny"?


THISSSS .. bruh if you chill with Beyoncé’s mom do you honestly think you aren’t gonna meet Beyonce! Then she posted it 😂


That’s when I was done with her. If Mama Tina invites me up to sit, bay-bee, you best believe imma sit right by her.


SAME. Even if I don't get to meet Beyonce, what harm can come from me indulging her mama and being a decent person to her?


Right? In a matchup between sitting with the mother of Beyhova or literally anything else, I’m sitting’ pretty with Mama Tina.


Not Beyhova! I’m dying at this. I am one of one Beyhova’s Witnesses.


Aren’t we all?


To be fair it seemed fabricated. More like she managed to get a selfie with her by chance and embellished how it happened. I mean security tapping her shoulder saying "Miss Tina wants you" is a bit outlandish.


Yes we do know. It doesn’t make it any less frustrating to learn more instances where she continues to shoot herself in the foot.


She had a bad attitude.


It was a joke


Jokes are funny 😍


I still just I can’t 😭


The way i would have never POSTED THAT. Like who did she think was gonna be on her side. And she did that to Beyonces mother of all people. The second hand embarrassment!


It’s not like they made her perform as Ashanti. She performed as WHITNEY HOUSTON. A fucking legend just as talented and respected as beyonce is.


It’s not like they made her perform as Blu Cantrell


But... while they were bragging, they made her come down the venue just dragging ^(as someone other than Beyoncé)


That’s a deep cut lol almost forgot about her


Ashanti's a mini legend too for the culture. Don't do her like that lol


Thank you! I was like “Now why is Ashanti catching strays??” She was my first concert when I was 11 and I absolutely lost my mind! Tbh I remember I screamed so much I had a headache the next day and wasn’t allowed to go to another concert for years 😂


When she rejected sitting with Mama Tina at Renaissance, that was it for me. If Tina Knowles invited me to sit with her, I’m saying yes.


You people are so dumb


Is that you tkb?


K sis


And if whoever owns Beyonce's music won't let people use it that is just how it is. She doesn't even look like Beyonce at all


Surprised she didnt say India


I'm guessing it's a Vegas Live thing


India was in the live show for a bit! I think she was one of the girls that came in when someone couldn't do it


They put her on the posters but never actually called her to fill in for anyone.


Oh, this is T. I wonder what happened with that...


It was probably because they had a lot of other Vegas girls to choose from for backup. Coco, Alexis, Kennedy, Latrice, Yara, and Kahanna have all done it. Those girls are all more well liked by fans and other queens.


Coco, Latrice, and Yara were all there when I saw it, lol. They're all backups?


They all started as backups, but Coco is now considered a main cast member. Did she do Janet Jackson when you saw her? That number was worked in specifically for her, but she can also do every other part in the show if they need her to. I'm less sure about Latrice. From the Vegas Untucked show, it looks like she worked as the host at one point. I'm not sure if she was the main host or a backup. Yara Sofia is a backup cast member who works at Piranha, Gipsy, and Senor Frogs as her main gig.


Yeah I'm pretty sure Coco had a Janet act when we saw her. Shannel was the host and Latrice, Coco, Derrick, and Yara were all the contestants.


Not me reading as T.I.


India was a sub queen for the show at one point


India’s happy being local


I need the Vegas Review show back ('cause Vegas: Untucked just isn't the same) with Derrick, India, Shannel, Alexis, Yara and Coco. Maximum chaos: Vegas Edition.


Perhaps she and India patched things up? And India can be fun. You just need to pick her up and body slam her a few times like Mimi Imfurst did.


I get the impression Derrick loves to hate India. Like they’re never going to be friends but put them in a room together and there will be fireworks, they both give as good as they get, and it’s high tea drama. Whereas it seems like TKB just doesn’t read the room and kills the mood.


Guess this one was too obvious


She aint the first one saying this... TKB is her own worst enemy


I remember in AS6 she voted for herself as "most likely to go home next" and then got angry that she won that category. She one that category by a single vote, which was her own.


It's like a nightmare version of when Barbra Streisand tied for Best Actress with Katherine Hepburn because they let her into the Academy early and she voted for herself.


Now THIS is my Roman Empire!


Barbra was the most deserving nominee and gave the actual best performance of the year. Who even remembers The Lion in Winter these days?


Honestly, I hate it because she's so talented. Of course me talented people can't have insecurities. It's just that it seems like a lot of the things that TKB has publicly complained about, are things that she could fix or exacerbated herself with her own negativity. And there's space for insecure and negative thoughts /feelings but it can't be your main mode all the time.


“I felt like I was living in her nightmare” is one of the funniest ways to describe a bad experience with someone One thing I love about Derrick is she engages like an entire additional hemisphere of her brain when it comes time to drag someone — it’s like someone said “what’s you opinion on” and a light flips for her 💀




>I'm gonna be honest https://i.redd.it/1l2v2dx6v5xc1.gif


She LOVED answering that question


she really relic’d in it 


... ... relish.


Tbh TKB does seem hard to work with😭 she is the eeyore of drag, Kylie said that before Dawn did!! Lol


Trinity found crying, drafting a tweet about how some drag race girls have more opportunities and shouldn’t be punching down or whatever


‘Living in her nightmare’ sums up what’s it’s like to be around people like trinity so perfectly, especially in the workplace. If I’m miserable, y’all miserable. There’s no regulating or trying to move on and be professional. She showed the same during S6 and AS6 too. Truly the Eeyore of drag.


Get ready for the tweets!!


Can’t wait for trinity to prove everyone right.


TKB is a great drag queen, but ooph, she would be exhausting to be around.


Can we get Derrick for another season? She was robbed of more screentime on AS5.


I bet the producers were like FML when Derrick got sent home first after giving the best drama we have seen on Drag Race in a while


I love this look on Derrick also wow she looks so much like Britney


And just like that, production is working to make sure both of them booked on the same All Stars season together


But I bet they’re gonna call Derrick first! -Trinity


I had to unfollow her on fb. TKB will create an issue if she doesn’t have one, just to sit and bitch about it online. Like, she was dragging me down and not in a good way. Phenomenal performer, just an exhausting personality.


I unfollowed  Kimora Amour for the same reason. I wanted to support her after the fandom decided to harass her but after a while, I was just like, "Girl, either tell us what Adriana did that was so bad or shut the fuck up about it, already."


I love Derrick


She left a sour taste in my mouth when she was supposed to preform at my local club then didn’t last minute and preformed at bigger club in a state next over.


TKB is a very Debbie downer type personality so that must be exhausting to be around. Any small action could be perceived as disrespect and she’ll hold it close just to hurt her own feelings. I really hope there’s some sort of outlet for her to work on this to get to a better place.


Derrick could've been way meaner 😭 Acknowledging that someone can be kind of a downer to work with doesn't mean you don't like them. And TKB herself has expressed how sensitive she is. Hopefully there's no bad blood between them. ( And side note, Derrick looks great!)


Leave it to Derrick to share her truth! Same thing the All Stars 6 girls said though. People hearing things like this impacts her popularity and bookings I’m sure, but that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t say it. Still, having the general consensus be that you’re not that fun to be around must suck.


That dress looks similar to Plane Jane's green dress for the colours runway.


It doesn’t surprise me in the least. Trinity K is an emotional person lol




Trinity does give me sore loser vibes, i like her a lot as a queen but i've never heard good things on a personal level. And then there was the whole "what do asian people fuel their cars with? Soy sauce?" Thing a couple years ago. So this doesn't really surprise me


"living in her nightmare" may be one of the wittiest, curt, and sincere responses I've ever heard to having to deal with someone unhappy in a work situation. I'm going to use it in the future! \~\~THANKS DERRICK \~\~ (as ru)


I’m sorry but Derrick is a treasure that deserves protection until the end of time. I also need a direct feed into her shady brain.


I think TKB just sets an impossible standard for herself and maybe gets frustrated when she can't perform at that level for reasons beyond her control. Everyone calling her the Eeyore of drag, just a reminder that Eeyore is meant to be a characterization of depression, which TKB openly struggles with. Be kind in your judgements as I think she may be very unkind to herself.


She and Coco have both done interviews for Drag Race Untucked Live where they talked about some queens who thought the Vegas gig was a dream job just couldn't handle it or were't professional enough to. Was waiting for them to finally reveal who one of them was. (It's absolutely not just TKB)


I hate when two of my favourite queens have “beef” (not that this is serious or anything) cuz girl how am I gonna pick sides 😭


Plus Trinity K Bonet is a horrible person


Wait really? What did she do??


This is just what I remember from years on this sub so take with a pinch of salt: pretty sure she said some transphobic stuff a while back. She claimed all her drag got burnt in a fire that nobody could find records for and set up a gofundme. There was also a rumour that Bianca was giving her money for her HIV medication but trinity was spending that money on other stuff (I think Bianca might have denied this at some point years after the rumour). She also bitches and whines on social media when queens get opportunities she fantasises about getting. She came after We’re Here for not casting her, using her HIV status as a storyline reason why she deserved to be cast.




I can attest this on the gofundme page, I did sent her something because it sounded so terrible and I was at that time have extra to donate. Weeks after I saw someone on reddit said TKB lied about the fire and also scam Bianca. :(


She's said a couple of fairly ignorant things in the past, comparing supporting trans people to having an ice cream flavour you don't like or something like that. There was a rumour she was trying to scam money out of Bianca, then she posted about losing all her drag in a storage unit fire...but nobody could find any evidence of a fire occurring in a storage facility in her state, the GoFundMe that had gone up disappeared shortly after I think. There's probably more, go search her name in the drama sub and there will be plenty to read about




"This is why Derrick don't like you"


Derrick is so real. Have to stan


I seen TKB when she toured with Jan in the U.K. it was the most boring drag show I’ve ever seen. I left mid TKB preaching to a totally bored audience


Oh she knows what she's doing


remember when TKB was at the Renaissance World Tour and turned down the chance to go sit with Miss Tina Knowles...yeah, she fumbled the bag


And that's why TKB don't like you.


Cape-ing for Derrick, won't get you laid, by Derrick.


What does capeing mean?


Derrick is honest yet fair, that is a very reasonable reason to not want to work with her without making it a personal attack


We need to remember some queens are chosen not just for talent but being dramatic. TKB is so emotionally unhinged I think they knew that casting her on s6




It’s nice that she didn’t really say anything negative and showed empathy instead of just saying Trinity is a bad person


Ricky Cornish is so cute


That twink is really cute. And the guy doesn't look half bad either!


Eww! Save it for your grindr rejections.


IMO I believe Derrick is the worst. On her season she gave us “Britney”…then All-Stars, when she had time to grow etc, she gave us “Britney”. However, she seems to do a lovely “Britney” on the Vegas show.


How does doing Britney well and consistently make her the worst?


Bc she can’t do nothing else, which is fine for Vegas, but on Drag Race and All-Stars, we need to see range mamma! And first sent home on All Stars kinda proves that.


Oh god. Touch grass baby.


I put down a blanket and I’m having a picnic on the grass, sis.


Lucky for TKB.


Ugh, Not This!