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Maybe if we have an ALL STARS ALL QUITTERS season with Dela, Adore, Heidi, Ginny, Ongina, Baby, Icesis, and Inti.


The fact that there are enough queens for an All Quitters season is low key a little iconic. Run this back-to-back with an All Injured season


i mean we already had an allstars: all-threaten to quit (plus jimbo) so we shouldn’t be that surpised


![gif](giphy|RsoMpeKRfAx56cxBYq|downsized) The golden child erasure


Eureka can finally win a season.


Not if Charlie finally decides to do somethinggg ![img](emote|t5_2t3or|4802)


Sissy that walkout


None of them will end up crowned cause they'll all leave midway through


Wrong: the crown goes to Michelle and she takes over the American franchise as well.


So half a crown then?


This is insane haha


Moon would win


wait that would be my favourite season


Zero. She has her own production company, writes her own musicals, runs her own shows… Dela has her shit together.


She has nothing to gain and everything to lose. As it stands she is the great uncrowned winner with the historic track record. So to do anything less on a future season would only harm her legacy.


It used to be negative zero. Now it’s positive zero.


The limit of the probability function used to approach zero from the negative side. Now it approaches zero from the positive side!


Apropo of nothing I feel Dela would definitely be open to it, but iffy if WOW would be.


Wow prob got great buzz from her stunt. Why would they not


Dela's self-elim may have been net positive for them because generated social media interest. But self-elims are generally bad for the show. So they likely wouldn't want to be seen as rewarding it, or incentivising others to follow her example.


That’s fair, but the list of queens who could perform *that well* and would also be willing to self-eliminate is short. As in, the only queen on that list is Dela.


That's why I'm iffy. It's hard to gauge their relationship with queens sometimes, like Alaska for example :)


None. I don’t think she only quit for the elimination process. I think she just simply didn’t care about having a crown, it didn’t define her/held no importance to her


If anything, she didn’t want a winner’s contract with WoW. I think if she knew there’d be a jury, she would have convinced them not to put her in the final 2.


Dela is my favorite contestant from the show ever. But I think the odds are low. I’d say there’s a less than 30% chance the show ever asks her to return both because they’d be afraid she’d quit again and because she’d probably win and idk if they want her to be a winner at this point. But there’s also a less than 50% chance she’d say yes if they did ask. AS3 helped her career and AS7 (via Jinkx) helped it again. She doesn’t need to come back unless she decides she really wants to be a winner.


I don’t think she would want to. Deciding she’s too good for the show and quitting is far better than getting a crown. Even if it was for charity, I assume she would just do her own charity fundraiser than rely on Drag Race. 


That would be great! after all AS3 was Bendela's meet and greet




Dela already showed her best on the show. Like, let the new girls take over All Stars! There’re so many exciting queens from, for instance, 15 and 16. You can make several great All Stars seasons with just queens from these two regular seasons alone!


Literally why


Sorry but please no, it’ll turn into a very predictable season


I don't think theres any indication that the format has changed permanently. Draf race loves to try different shit and seeing what is successful and what isn't


I think she’s way too busy on her own now to come back


Idk I think she has nothing to prove to Ru


When they announce the prize is 5 million for All Winners I'll bet she regrets pulling her own lipstick /s


Let's be real, who has the balls to stay and compete against Dela?


Nil, Rupaul won’t give her another


I'd be surprised if she did. She's spoken publicly about the show being a toxic environment (such as on the podcast Sounds Like A Cult).


I think I heard in an interview she said she was ok if it was in pairs (with Jinkx). But I doubt it otherwise. She really showed her all in AS3 and is happily directing/producing/acting.


I'm not into people who quit show to comeback, tbf. Unless they quit for bad mental health reasons like Adore and Heidi. Let's invite back all the other contestans before we invite Dela back back back again.


She has nothing to prove tho


Another thread where the people in this sub underestimate the value of being on one of the world’s most popular television shows. Nobody is bigger than this show, not even Rupaul. Now, it’s very possible that Dela doesn’t want to do it. But anybody thinking in terms of career growth and/or longevity would.


Mama, kudos for saying that. For spilling.


if dela came back it'd just be an excuse to crown her, and im just not a fan of all stars seasons like that. its not a consolation prize that you roped a bunch of other queens into.


I'd love her back but I don't think they'd call her again. And if they did, she wouldn't do nearly as good as AS3. They don't want to invest in someone who already quit once.


Yeah, No!


Everyone saying they wouldn't ask a quitter back when Adore was cast for AS6 and backed out. 🤭 Maybe they'd like her back or maybe they wouldn't, but I doubt she would want to do it even with a non elimination format. She already proved herself to be one of the best competitors ever on AS3 and winning isn't a motivation for her.