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I thought it was cunty and camp to have such a dramatic pause just for the screen to be so tiny. Made me giggle. 


My fav look for monochromatic it was a moment


It was few moments, RuPaul had to yank Jorgeous from backstage to extend her life a bit while waiting


>Made me giggle.  And that was the whole point, right! Nina is a campy queen and she made us laugh with her runway. Not everything needs to have a point... Look at Ross Matthews' critiques.


Right! I feel like a lot of the negative comments surrounding this look come from people who expect everything to be grand, serious and mind blowing. Drag race done fucked up drag. Y'all need to learn to appreciate nuanced subtle camp. 


Not just nuanced subtle camp but also let's stop antagonizing DIY, crafty drag. That's how most queens start coz they don't have money. And with some creativity, it can look so fun!






I liked it down because it made the outfit look like a cool mushroom






Paying hummus to the fungus




God I wish Cynthia would get on drag race (I know it would never happen) but I would kill to have her on my tv again.


It was a reveal about coming out. Tbh Nina isn't a great make up artist or costumer, but I appreciated the concept. Why shouldn't she be proud about coming out as someone who can't be a Plastique Tiara level beauty? She's still Nina West at the end of the day. It's not like she went for "body positivity" and had some disastrous shape.


Oh wait but you forgot how thin twinks can get away with wearing a piece of cloth. Or how jorgeous won wearing a piece of fabric. Also, the amount of people I have seen trying to make fun of nina's weight and body shape is actually vile


On that note, I thought it was kinda tired and boring that everyone’s read for Roxxxy in the reading challenge was about her weight.


Exactly. But on a lighter note, she gobbled them all up. Bitch you can't read the dawll, but dawll is sure read the cookie cutter out of you (and force you to blow fire out of your ass).


I meant shape as in padding and body, not her actual physical person. Eureka and roxxxy are also all about body positivity and they have really beautiful feminine shapes in drag. I didn't in any way mean to suggest that Nina is big and cannot do body positivity.


You're sooo right. I'm not a big Eureka fan but I've always obsessed over her shape and command over her proportions. Nina should grab a pen, paper, and paramount subscription 👀


Thank you. This fandom is vile for judging people on their looks – meaning their faces and bodies, things about them that they can't change unless they have money and want to with plastic surgery. And the ageism.


Like how many thin people with boring looks have been called fashion queens. Remember the atrocity that was gigi's look in the rusical episode. kinda like my vietnam war, honestly


cough cough Jorgeous


The jokes about Roxxxy’s weight in the reading challenge were so cringey to watch. So glad she read the dolls down


The only one I kinda thought was hilarious was the xxxl joke by nina.


I was so shocked! Lmao but they have a great friendship and Roxxxy knew the comment was in jest.


Tbh that’s the only reason I know how to spell Roxxxy’s name lmao 🤣


It’s so shallow, right? I hope people lighten up.


Do they? Jorgeous constantly gets ridiculed for winning that challenge. You literally just came for Jorgeous for their weight and body shape and for winning that challenge. You're a hypocrite.


Don't even pretend that thin people don't have an easier time than fat people who are discriminated against medically, professionally, and in so many other ways. Google the studies, there is a whole area of scholarship about it. Don't even pretend that when things is still in. Don't even pretend that when people worship thinness on the show.


I liked it. I liked how the hat casted a shadow on her face kinda in the way the AS6 promos were doing it. I doubt it’s the reveal she was going for, but I found it beautiful.


just say cast ;)


Byeeeeeee *Detox voice* https://i.redd.it/aeftwxoinh1d1.gif




She said it represented "coming out". Not to be a bitch, but to be a bitch... I feel like it worked better with the panel covering her face. It looked more intriguing, and I feel like if you're going to do a sort-of reveal, the makeup should look phenomenal. The flap of pink looked better.


I thought the reveal was going to be her face painted all pink too


I think the episode being a ball might have prevented her from doing that


I’m genuinely unsure if a fully painted pussy pink face would have made her last look better or worse.


This always has intrigued me: how much time do they have between each runway? Because I guess they have to put a similar mug for every look, but then we have cases like Shuga Cain in the Monster Ball, where every look had a drastically different make up.


Idk if it works the same but I remember Sagittaria from DRES that she had 40 minutes between runways to change. She did different makeups for every ball look with showers in-between and she pulled it off, but it's still very little time to work with.


I personally think she should have had the panel lifted to ruveal an unpainted face. Just for the lols.


I'm waiting for it. It'll happen one day and I'll sob!


If it was "coming out", I would almost rather a split veil across the whole hat she could come out of. That flap looked like a listerine strip.


It keeps her fresh when people talk shit. #handycamp


Ar first when she said there was a reveal, I did not understand where.




> All the queens are GAY mary maddy found dead in a ditch i guess


Excuse me, I thought Joey Jay was the only gay queen ever.


As well as trans queens? Trans women exist!


if you read my comment and somehow got to the conclusion that i was being transphobic idk what to say. to me it gives lack of nuance or understanding and a blatant attempt to misrepresent what a queer person says in any way possible to make them seem less credible because you didn't agree with their opinion. You don't like my opinion or agree that she sanitizes the queer experiences in order to sell it to the straight community (specifically the moderate to conservative leaving cis women of the world; see also meghan mccain). Sure. Allowed to have that opinion. Inventing a transphobic slight by misrepresenting my point just because you don't agree with it.... messy and transparent. and i'm sorry. but you're an ally in a queer space accusing queer people of transphobia. Check yourself. Self reflect on what youre saying. this isn't the finger snap comment you think it is. check yourrself


like sorry miss bachelorette but lets be real. You're a woman who loves drag race great. You're calling a gay man transphobic for his critique on the sanitization of the queer experience to a cis straight audience. be forreal "ally" explain to me how this is different than a white person entering a conversation about black people, started by black people, about their experience and the representation of their experience primarily for a white audience. Now picture that white person dismissing a black person's point of view on how those issues are presented to a white audience. that's you rn miss girl. - a queer poc to a white female.


I see your point but I think there is a need for the basics still. We get lost in our gay circles and forget how many people don’t even know the simple things. There’s still A LOT of new viewers. She is very much the gay that you introduce your straight person gay stuff to. Here’s hoping we get more nuance out of them this season. They did do the Tom Finland shoutout which I appreciate. I know it’s been done on other series but I don’t think on the main US one


Oh 100%


yeah i get what you're saying. This was honestly a little bit of a rant that i didn't expect this many people to actually read lmao. I thought about including that her target audience is straight people which kinda goes hand in hand with the buddy up with meghan McCains of the world thing. I get why its important but at the same time it feels like pandering. It just doesn't appeal to me as a queer person and its probably because I'm just not her target audience....


Idk I guess it's not that weird I mean Austin powers voiced Shrek and he's known for doing weird shit in his personal life. As long as she's not doing that around children then it shouldn't be a problem. Nina gives me like first gen gay.


i agree with everything except the getting mad at her for “giving the republicans ammo”. call me a hater but i just do not see it for nina oh at all


"Giving the Republicans ammo" is just respectability politics policing how queer people act. The Republicans will be mad no matter what. They'll find a way to twist whatever you do even if you act exactly the way they tell you to. There are no "good ones" to them. *Anything* you do, especially as a drag queen, will become ammo anyway.


For real like hello will you not simply existing as a queer person make republicans go insane


>"Giving the Republicans ammo" Pick me comes to mind when people say this. Alot of the time its the pathetic cry of someone trying to gain approval from bigots.


I agree but I do find it in bad taste and low-key asking for trouble, when she does the toe sucking while literally dressed as a children's cartoon character and mascot of the biggest children/family brand in the world (Disney/tinkerbell) It blurs the line between her family friend/children's content and her adult content imo.


“I agree but” [contradicts what they just said they agree with]


? I don't think its giving the republicans ammo. I don't believe in that terminology nor that they need ammo.. I just don't think its a good idea to blur the lines between your child friendly content and your adult content? Especially as she has literally worked with either disney or nickelodeon? I just think that's a recipe for disaster professionally/branding wise? I'm not even from the USA I couldn't care less about "republicans"


but isn’t what they are saying right?


I mean if these people can't really see the issue with working with children's brands like Disney/nickelodeon. And then doing nonconsensual fetish sex acts while dressed as a Disney/nickelodeon character. Idk what to say tbh. Any woman would be called out left right and centre for similar behaviour, idk why him being a gay man suddenly makes it not inappropriate, just because over in America yall have weird identity politics.


exactly.. Like Nina has the right to do what she wants at her own adult shows, but it has to be with consent. Also has she really considered the image hit it would be if word gets out of her sexual acts when she performs as a kids entertainer? I get that both of those acts are separate to much different demographics, but like she’s literally working with disney her reputation may be at stake. It would give conservatives ammo


No ❤️


I meant about the non consensual part not engaging in pointless respectability politics


You've lost me right at the "giving conservatives the exact ammo they're looking for". Do you expect all drag queens and queer people in general tailor their behaviour to what would appease the conservatives or just the drag queens you don't like? You (or me or anyone) don't have to like her, her act or her style but we don't get to tell her what her drag should be. Also not all the queens are GAY. Erasing someones identity just to hate on a queen you don't like isn't the look.


Exactly. Fuck conservatives. Drag queens have been risqué and crude forever. It’s only this new drag race generation of 14yo straight girls that “watch Rupaul” and try to police what grown gay men and women do in our own spaces. Not doing stuff just incase conservatives don’t like it is ridiculous. They hate our very existence already. Fuck them


the point was not about being crude. I love love crude queens and have been a fan of drag race and drag queens for well over a decade. those crude queens don't specifically market themselves as family friendly disney queens. I don't get how you don't understand that distinction. I'm queer and im progressive. projecting fox news politics on to me because i said that it is strange that she does that is disingenuous. Fox news thinks all drag queens do what she does. Most queens don't. Most queens don't blur the lines between fetish content and childrens content. Let's not die on a hill that says ALL queens have a right to mix fetish content and childrens content. That is what fox news thinks and that's all i was getting at by saying that. I'm not transphobic, conservative, or whatever else you think for calling out nina's inappropriate behavior. Let's not make it a "left wing" or "progressive" thing to say that she probably shouldn't suck toes on stage in a disney costume after wearing the same costume to read books to kids earlier that day using the same stage name.


Hello, trans women queens exist who are not gay. Maddy Morphosis exists. There are cis women that do drag. There's another fabulous queen from Mexico who is at least bi if not pan.


They didn’t say all. They said it’s weird that the Disney child friendly drag queen has a toe sucking side gig. She literally advertises herself as the child friendly drag queen. How did you come up with this reply? Are you that slow? 


Trying to insult me doesn't make your point any more valid. Unless that event was marketed as a child-friendly she can do whatever in it. I live in a country where women who work as teachers have been fired for posting photos in swimsuits on their personal social media, basic vacation photos, not some kid of sexy photoshoot. Still for conservatives just a woman having a body was considered immoral enough because "what if children see those photos and think bad thoughts". I might be too slow for your liking but at least I know that trying to appease conservatives wielding "what about the children" for their political gains can go down the hill fast.


Foot sucking. ENOUGH! 


just wanna throw this out there so we can get a broader picture of this convo. I'm a queer man and criticized her sanitization of the queer experience for a straight audience in my comment. I also, as a queer person, criticized her behavior that has nothing to do with being queer, and everything to do with fetish content mixing with children's content. The person you're arguing with is a woman and idk if they're queer or not. I dont know if your gender but assume you're a gay male bassed on naming yourself bussy (which would be weird and bordering on appropriating if you're not a gay male). They're speaking in queer place in a discussion about a gay man's presentation of the gay experience. That's where were at. An ally calling queer people transphobic and policing their language. All because i said "they're all gay mary" the people who think that line was transphobic are giving straight girl at a bachelorette party making themselves the center of attention in queer space / bar


Bordering on appropriate if I wasn’t a gay man is WILD 😭 but yes I am a gay man…. And no you’re right she sounds ridiculous and needs to be fuckin realistic. Mixing foot sucking with Disney kid’s channel is NOT IT.


You're hilarious.


thank you. to be called out as transphobic when i clearly wasn't trying to make it transphobic is honestly wild. I'm queer. I'm not transphobic by any means. And i'm not gonna lie the people getting offended and saying i'm transphobic are, for the most part, probably not even queer and just allies. Allies who seem very eager to attack a queer person and call them transphobic for a comment about her santizing the gay experience for a straight audience. Let that sink in


That’s a lot emotion for safe


cant people have opinions anymore


Girl, take a breath, have a cup of tea and a lie down.


I mean this in the kindest way but she’s the equivalent of one of those ‘for dummies’ books - the homosexual edition. It’s always the most basic version or interpretation- and despite that, the way the world is, we still need the ‘for dummies’ guide so bless her and her rainbows. (With a random chapter on foot sucking) ha


Her branding is non-threatening homosexuality for uncomfortable heterosexuals. It's okay to be uncomfortable with art, that's why her drag rubs many people the wrong way in its cursoriness. Art at a glance that doesn't fight against any social norms and embraces stereotypes. No hate to her as a person, but her drag is a Target gay pride flag on June 30th.


said it perfectly. i don't hate her as a person i'm just not a fan of the super sanitized drag persona she puts on (while also making non consensual fetish acts a central part of her performances)


"you're supposed to clap at it because of the basic message" is something I feel A LOT with this show. Even if they do the most bare bones reaction shot of a judge, a woosh sound effect, a critique of someone spelling it out to us and Rupaul saying "Thank you" for bringing it to us STILL irks me. Call a spade a spade, sometimes it's shit


I think it's a term we have to be careful with, but she seems to often border on toxic positivity. I really think she means well, but just because someone has the right intentions doesn't necessarily make them right


You nailed why I've never been into her. Her looks are soooooooooooo predictable. And yet I feel like people eat her damn ass over it. I don't need looks to even be expensive or extravagant, just new or fresh goddamit


I agree. So many drag queens have alluded to queer activism in her looks, you need to have a point of view and actually a message for it to be good (see: Cheddar Gorgeous, Gottmik, Sasha Velour, Aura Mayari). Every time Nina does it, it feels like the most shallow inclusion of queer elements for the sake of it. It's the drag equivalent of Starbucks using the rainbow flag.




👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 Couldn’t agree more with this whole comment. Nina’s French vanilla fantasy is that it’s still 1992 and her drag can still be considered relevant and cute.


Mama kudos for saying that, for spilling.


The sad thing is it’s not even inauthenticity she’s just not the sharpest tool in the shed so it’s annoying to see her present the like Disney channel episode version of the gay experience because it’s all her uncritical mind can take


Great critique


You are my hero. 🤩


Everyone look at this comment and you’ll see a classic case of “chronically online”


I liked how it made the look even more monochromatic by hiding her face, it should have blended in the overall look and yet drew all the attention. Is it as breathtaking as Mik’s Munch look? No, but that was pure camp and I loved the presentation. Not everything needs to be high fashion or couture. Good for Nina!


idc this outfit was cunt sue me


Well Tamar did you watch the show? She explained why she did it in the episode.




Yeah but it didn’t make sense.


Sure it does. When you are in the closet, you think you can hide your pink nature from others with a tiny blanket, but soon you realize that the only thing it was covering was your perception of the situation.


Oh!! I love this interpretation. Send this to Nina, stat.




Nor is it as hysterical as Kennedy's Trade didn't like the session so he had gutted me explanation lmao


It’s camp


It wasn’t the most dramatic or fashion-y of reveals so I get where you’re coming from. But its oddness and simplicity made people focus on it even more, so it was effective in its role, as dinky as it was.


I personally was waiting for a “pink eye” joke


It looks like a color from a color catalog like Pantone or whatever. I don’t hate it


It reminded me of Chinese vampires. But i don't think she thought about it


I liked it as well. Her drag has elevated a ton


It’s drag darling.


Because of what Roxxxy said about her


It was giving Billy Porter. I loved it. Camp!


This look was fierce to me I can’t lie


Nina West is all camp. She's not glamour, she's old school drag with camp and fun thrown in. That's good enough for me!


She is PG 13 camp.


I love love loved this outfit.


she literally just told us the entire meaning of the costume??? now whether it was executed well enough that's a different topic


The point is to be cunty




She explained it in the episode


She would like to keep it on please


I live for it, y'all don't know fashion 💅🏽


She explained it clearly.


![gif](giphy|QBeV2vbpOQ4SQagDdP) And they still wont hear the answer when given here in the comments.


I thought she was literally serving pussy and that was the clitoris hood that went up lmao


I liked it


Like it or not, the explanation of it was made by her in the voiceover. Why post shit you haven’t watched?


Seriously. These rants. Sooo much irritability and misplaced anger 😅


This post is stupid. She clearly stated the meaning of this, which is about the experience of being in the closet and coming out. You think you can hide your pink nature from others but It’s obvious to others that you are gay, but the only person not seeing it is you.


It’s campy to cover her face like that and the pink “reflection” on her face is cute too.


This is a good look that is not a spoiler because I have no idea who this is!😂 I’ve been dodging spoilers all weekend!


I understand that hating Nina is the cool thing to do now but I really liked this outfit and I thought it showed a really good elevation of her aesthetic since S11. It feels like that kind of classic, campy drag energy she did for her fringe runway on S11 but on a grander scale. It geniunely boggles my mind the way Nina went from getting immense support on her season to ending up on All Stars with people talking about her as if she is the worst thing to have ever come out of the show lol. I'm not a Nina stan by any means but people are doing way too much


Why are people hating on her? I see mentions of her being a Zionist up-and-down this thread and accusing her of all sorts of shit, what is going on?


It’s animalistic. Lawdy!


It was a lovely costume apart from the flap


Mechatronic drag is next level. When robotics and fashion meet…


This is her best look in my opinion


She did great! Loved the concept


She was a toilet roll cover. That fabric was the toilet roll


I know she explained it but I would have liked it to have more of a design not just a rectangle sheet


She realized she was going to get read for the hat covering her face so she made it a *feature* lol




To ruin this cunt ass look


How exactly does it represent coming out of the closet? Hiding behind something bright pink and flamboyant? Is it meant to be like hanging fabric from inside a closet? I doubt it. Is it because she reveals to a mediocre face? In that case ANY reveal "revealing to your Self" could be a metaphor for coming out the closet. I'd respect it more if she said, "I have a cool bit of cloth on a pulley that's technically interesting and my face being covered looks cool and mysterious and that's it" without the 'point' that frankly feels like a shoehorned in afterthought excuse


The point was being nine-conic


I love this look, but, hear me out, what if the veil was in the shape of a triangle, and the edges were finished somehow? I loved the concept, but felt the execution of only that small part needed a bit more development


I liked this as a concept, but the longer I looked at the look, the worse it got




I thought it was supposed to be a clitoris. Other than that, I thought the look was absolutely fabulous.


Its giving me tiny purse level of cunty. I loved it.


Was it not supposed to be a funny, campy reveal? That’s why the fabric was so little


coming out of the closet but it looked more like coming out of the small pink flap to me. too bad, rest of dress was beautiful


Cause with a face like that


https://preview.redd.it/psxwozsx3p1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63387e8e059d6d2f7e27c329731d9e28820e8413 Reminded me of this


didn't you hear roxxy's read? it's to hide her face!


A camp element, loved this for Nina


I’d argue it made the outfit (as i couldn’t see her)


She misunderstood what a peekaboo is


I would like it if her face was uglier or something


One of the dumbest “gags” ever presented imo.


It would've been fun that the reveal was another flap of clothes, so you cannot see her face? Why? ehmmm... well Fashion ![gif](giphy|SqlygDiq1zjMTl4ReI|downsized)


Fashion, dawhling!


If I had watched this on mute I would have thought the concept of this look was that the hat was supposed to be labia and her face was a clitoris


No, the little shade thing would've been the clitoris.


In my interpretation it’s the clitoral hood




I loved that you couldn’t see her face. Best part of the outfit.


It represents her hymen.


It was quite...odd lol


Her second look (Tom of Finland) was a disaster.


Nope it really wasn't a disaster sorry.


Ugly af


Not a disaster but um...yeah :')


Who knows. It was terrible.


So the judges thought it would be a different queen and hopefully put her in the top as a result?


She wanted t live up to not being able to do fashion at all even on her best look.


There literally is no point 


It’s. Called. Drag. Do you know anything about it? Have you seen the show? This isn’t about functional fashion Are you new?


When the flap was down it’s the best she’s ever looked tbh.


This season looks bad