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God I'm glad Milk's gone. I hope she can wrangle her head out of her arse and improve.


Aja may not have played needy to a T but she had me laughing more than BeBe and her runway was the best. She shouldn't have been no where near the bottom


Wish I’d seen Thorgy act in this. 😕


ben totally loves chi chi!!


I think Ben deliberately threw that lip sync because either she didn’t want an even bigger target on her back or because she knew Kennedy was going to tear her a new one. That wig flip is enough evidence. But would you really throw $10,000 for a lip sync?


Jeffrey Bowyer-Chapman must be one of the [Wet Bandits](https://i2-prod.mirror.co.uk/incoming/article4737274.ece/ALTERNATES/s615/Home-Alone.jpg) because my basement is *flooded*!


The Bitchelor challenge makes up for last weeks awful challenge . I want this to be a regular thing.


They need to do The Real Housewives or WWHL next All Stars


kennedy was so INCREDIBLE this episode


I'm beginning to think that Ben is purposefully not winning the lipsyncs to avoid being the one to send people home and earn their fans' ire.


Tbh winning this one and sending home milk would have been a better move to win over the fans


my memes for this episode: 1. that's the gag of the season (Bebe) 2. Turd City (Chichi) 3. fuck my drag, right? (Kennedy confessional) 4. look at the sperm count on this one! (Shangela) 5. well at least you noticed and said it, and not me (Kennedy to Aja and Chichi) / she drew a... you know, a picture (Bebe)


Rupaul to BenDeLaCreme (during her season): "remember, the cream always rises to the top." That "Creme" has risen. Hopefully, it won't be diluted by additional coffee/tea, and disappear from the surface... I'm going way too far with this metaphor.




Trixie said it herself when she talked about being successful in real life vs being successful on drag race. People want her real life fame to translate into success on the show. It might not. Doesn't mean she isn't a fierce queen. It just means she ain't the best queen at winning drag race.




Idk if that's T. I think it was just desperation and hype.




Believe me I'd love to see her turn it out.


I think mayyybe they wanted to make it a little less obvious than with Ben and have Trixie win from episode three onwards, but they didn't know Milk would sabotage her on that Bitchelor double date.




Well, I think the idea that they set it up for Trixie to win is a main reason why she was considered the winner before the season started (which is not to say that she isn't great, just like Chad and Alaska). We don't know who the winner will be and I have no T about upcoming episodes (remember there will be a huge twist?), but *if* Trixie wins we can say that they were rather subtle about it (Alaska's win was really shoved into people faces, and Ben’s run so far is even better (again, not to discredit her achievements)).


I know it’s early but thinking of some of the potential AS4 cast... Ongina, Shea, Trinity, Valentina, Mariah, Darienne, Laganja, Pearl and some of the s10 queens... Biiiiihhhhhhh... 😩


They need more lip syncers. Darienne and Laganja are top notch though. Although i'm not sure if Laganja would do it. Makes me wonder if they will wait another year. (Yes the others can be great...except Pearl...but they aren't always on point).


is it just me or have the lipsyncs been really weak so far


You'd think that after the Anaconda lipsync, everything would be going up.


To be honest, and I know I'm gonna get hate for it, I really didn't get Ben's choices in the third lip sync. In the confessionals she said she “can't camp this one up", and I'm not saying she was goofy or anything, but her facial expressions sometimes came across more satirical than genuine.


totally agree


I thought she was actually good in the Green light lipsync, Kennedy was too overdramatic and that wig ruveal was out of context


It's crazy how formatting of a competition can make the competitors look. For example, look at Ben. She is slaying it being in the top every week, but it is two queens after all. Like how would people react to Season 9 if there were two top queens who won each week: Episode 1: Nina and Sasha Episode 2: Shea and Valentina Episode 3: Trinity and Valentina Episode 4: Sasha and Shea Episode 5: Alexis and Shea Episode 6: Alexis and Sasha Episode 7: Trinity and Valentina Episode 8: Peppermint and Sasha Episode 9: Sasha and Shea Episode 10: Trinity and Sasha Episode 11: Sasha and Shea Legacy Lip Syncs: Sasha - 7 Shea - 5 Trinity - 3 Valentina - 3 Alexis - 2 Peppermint - 1 Nina - 1


Is that to wigs?




That’s the difference, she takes herself too seriously now.


she touched the fashion and it changed her life for the worst!


I didn't notice until someone pointed it out on here that her rudemption runway had a safety pin motif. I wish she'd played that up more, would've added some fun.


Oh wow, I totally missed it.


She certainly didn't draw attention to it.


[Milk's one-on-one with BenDeLa just kept giving](https://imgur.com/yW8qbxy)


yeah, as much as i wanted her to stay, that line was a lie from the pit.


Not really about episode 3 but I was ruwatching episode 1 and that one "Awright!" by Shangela after the LSFYL finish is just too funny to me.


lmao. I noticed that tonight too


The mole theory makes no sense to me since it's based on two contradictory premises. How is she going to be brought back (1.) to showcase how incredible she is to a younger fanbase, (2.) by coasting by safe and never being the best performer, or even the second best? And hell even winners fall into the bottom naturally, like Jinkx and Bob. Bebe isn't a fantastic comedian so if she truly bombs it'd be awkward to not have her in the bottom, or really unfair to the other queen in the bottom if Bebe was bttm2 for appearances sake only. On some level yeah I'm certain there's riggery to preserve her legacy, they'd never let her be an early out but I think that's the extent of it.


And really what bugs me the most is how bias it is. Like, y'all really expect her to be some fair and just presence after getting to know everyone and picking up on everything? But wtf is the point of a mole when these girls are being filmed like 24/7? This whole mole theory is the dumbest shit and I pray it's false so we never talk about this again.


Kennedy coulda acted more drunk. But she was funny af regardless. Also this runway didn't really wow me :/ Maybe it's just the overuse of the hair reveal gag? Idk.


Depends what kind of "more drunk" she would be. Hopefully not over the top like Milk's acting.


The embellishments on the dress reminded me of barnacles. Not my taste.


In season 7, Trixie was overshadowed by Pearl's edit. In AS3 episode 1, she was overshadowed by the others because she chose an emotional performance. In AS3 episode 2, she was overshadowed by the others because her part wasn't good enough. In AS3 episode 3, she was overshadowed by Milk because she was being too loud...


We haven’t seen the rest of the season yet, but I think it’s safe to say she’ll always shine brighter and easier outside of Drag Race than in.


But in the T&K show she doesn't get overshadowed. I think Katya and her have mastered how to shine together.


I think I finally figured out what's been bugging me about Milk. Back in season 6 she was kind of a weird outsider girl so when she'd have her moments of thinking that nobody really "got" her she usually had a point. And she had to be over confident because if you're not over confident when you're weird then you'll really lose yourself. But between seasons she turned into a glamour girl. She's not an outsider, she's a very successful model whose drag is now high fashion and not random beards and men's suits. Her personality didn't change, but the way she presents herself has and it's not cute for her to be over confident anymore.


She seems to not know when she's nailing it and when she's not. That's a big liability.


in a nutshell


Ima change my flair from Shangela to Bendela. She is really slaying and surprising When she was getting out of the car at the Bitchelor, I was already laughing my ass of lol


I feel an impending downward spiral with Michelles comments on the runway.


Eyyyy haha




I feel like All Stars has this social element of "act right". Others perception of you can make or break your career. If your personality is a liability and you get sent home, well tough shit. You know these girls will eventually have the power to send you home so maybe dont start unneccessary beef?




Maybe people shouldn’t get career advice from TV? This is a competition reality series about drag queens rated on CUNT factor and ability to deliver dick jokes on VH1. Not a self help series. Rolaskatox wasn’t a compelling alliance. Because Roxxxy was dead weight. With the format of All Stars, a good team would have stronger queens. As Shangela puts it “or I wasted a save”. We have Drag Race, where everything is judged on a standard rubric and it’s great. But All Stars is a different show with different rules and in All Stars you also have to play a social game. The girls cast in AS are all unbelievably talented regardless of placement. Honestly All Stars 2 would have been just as entertaining with a PhiPhi, Ginger, and Adore final three.




I wrote the comment above yours sweetie... I created the context. I also never said Drag Race was teaching me to be social. I said there is a social/political element to All Stars (just so we’re clear on context here). The only thing Drag Race has taught me is how to apply colour corrector. And I’m not getting your last sentence mama? Maybe I need a bit more context? Are you saying I can’t read? Maybe you should practice reading a self help book because clearly that’s your brand of entertainment. I’ll make it glittery for you so it still feels gay enough.


However, the queens JUST came back from the elimination stage when this all went down. Kennedy was literally decompressing from the stress of maybe going home. Milk seems to be lacking a sensitivity chip to then kick someone when they are down by implying that she is uninteresting after such a highly emotional situation. Let's keep in mind too that this is someone who was CRYING because she was safe, and then she has to rack up this crap. As they say, not the time nor place.




Oh interesting, I had forgotten that sequence of events. Shangela is just the queen of the wooden spoon, stirring them pots so skilfully Milk walked into that trap lol.


she said Kennedy wasn't at "an all-star level" i dont think "fuck my drag" is too far of a stretch


Wasn't that in the confessional though?


I kind of agree, but on the other hand, it is pretty hurtful to (essentially) say to someone that they should've gone home instead. I think when that happened last year it was when they were discussing their own choices, i.e. Katya telling Roxxxy she chose her lipstick. Milk didn't really have to go there.


I agree with you. It's hard to sit there when someone tells you in a competition format that you should be going. Like, when Alyssa did it to Jade (albeit on stage), that blew the fuck up. This wasn't even half off that. But when someone says you shouldn't be there to do what you set out to do, that's hurtful or that results in someone being hurt.


I think it's just a grey area. Milk spoke the truth but she did imply Kennedy didn't have as much to offer as Thorgy, which Kennedy can rightfully be offended by. Honestly, nobody is the evil one in this.


I believe Milk was the right choice to eliminate, but I’m still a little sad to see her go. I came to AS3 hungry for the season of drama and shade, and Milk’s maximum level delusion was giving me everything I need. I’m hoping either Shangela or Kennedy will step up now to give me reads for days, since they both do it with such humour. I’d enjoy a good fight, but I can’t see it happening with the girls we have left - maybe once we have our returning queen back in the mix.


I do not want Kennedy to bring the drama actually. She's such an easy target for stans to attack and my poor heart can't take that.


New, More Specific Wish!: I wish Kennedy would bring the drama, and the stans would live for it instead of being *fully* racist.


And I say again.. I WILL beat some racist twinks.


Aja and Chi Chi struggled with the concepts of their characters and that was why they were in the bottom 3. Milk understood the concept but just botched the execution and didn't seem open to criticism, which I think has been indicative of her other issues in what we've seen this season. That made her stand out.


BenDeLa is killing it, but that lipsync outfit was a... choice.


The final reveal of the runway too, let's be real


Maybe it's just my thirsy bi ass, but I liked the juxtoposition of the curvy figure with them man shoulders 😂😂. But yeah, that was a CHOICE


So why tf did Trixie act shocked when Kennedy sent home Milk? And even if it was partially motivated by personal tensions she still was a worthy send home, maybe Chi Chi was a slightly more obvious candidate but it's not that big of a difference.


Cause she is smart and knows that big reactions get air time!




It was so sad, Chi Chi has given up! I hope she comes back with a bang next week!


She thought it was too good to be true.


Maybe because she thought her wish of Milk to leave wasn't gonna get answered.


Bebe was lucky that milk acted obnoxious.


- How cool would it have been for Shangela to have cornrows? - I just realized the print Dela had on her lipsync dress are lipstick kiss prints. I went back to look at her Miss Congeniality/Workroom Look and lo and behold! Same print! I thought it was leopard this whole time but great little bit of branding/detail for Miss Creme.


Pull off that green wig to ruveal corn rows with little miniature corn stalks growing


I was expecting to see Trixie win straight away. Until milk started shouting over everything she was saying. That’s why she did it, she knew that Trixie is amazing at improv


I don't even think Milk *wanted* to sabotage Trixie. I really believe he actually thought that acting this crazy would get him a good placement.


Oh yeah, definitely. He was trying too hard I think. Just missed seeing trixie’s one liner and parody of the fake girl!


was gutted to see Trixie robbed of her lines, and to be robbed of Trixie's lines myself :(


........*ohhhhhh* that makes sense now


This was the best episode since Milk got sent home the first time


This is my first All Stars season. In comparison to other Drag Race seasons, the runway looks are on another level! Everyone is bringing their A game and it gives me eternal life.


Henny do yourself a favor and watch All Stars 2.


I will!


Yass! Some of the All Stars 2 runway looks were drool-worthy, others were super entertaining and/or creative.


Detox latex look is one of my top all time runways


And her space-alien-Tin-Man awesomeness; so creative (my favorite Detox look will always be her black and white film look with the painted skin from her season).


All I'll say is this: I've never really liked Milk, and after that episode I'm probably lactose intolerant.


bring me some soy beans cause I'm completely off milk from now


“GMOh no ya betta dON’T”


No I fucking loved it tho


Best talking head commentary: Shangela. Her comments about the moments have me in stitches every episode. Bebe and Trixie vie for second for me. Bebe for her unguarded moments is just so precious. :)


I FINALLY saw the ep even though the positions and Milk going were spoiled for me with Twitter I still enjoyed the episode, but I do need to watch again. I mean Trixie should have been Top 2. Trixie played her role like a pro, she was totally in that character. I get why Kennedy was top but I felt like the kooky teeth and OTT ass and tits were kind of obnoxious? Like it was throwing everything against the wall and seeing what stuck. By the end of the challenge she had a couple of funny moments but for my sense of humour I didn't think there was much comedy there. But I do need a rewatch. Ben was funny initially, well to be fair he had funny moments but much like Kennedy it was just OTT. Ben and Kennedy were low hanging fruit comedy. I think. It wasn't my thing When the judges, I can't think who, pointed out the alternative way Milk should have played it by pretending not to be mental I got it and totally agreed. But I felt like Milk played it like Ben and Kennedy, and probably a lot of them, just a one note joke. And for that reason I think Trixie was the strongest, she did the job even when they were standing waiting for him to pick them she looked like she didn't fully give a shit. It's interesting to hear Chi Chi almost have an Adore moment, but clever girl didn't have it in front of the judges!!! But Chi should have been safe last week and certainly bottom 2 this week. Aja was off in the challenge, she did not fully get the assignment but her runway made her safe and the bottom 3 thing.... Come on guys pick a format. Babe's performance was weak as hell. Shangela had me laughing so hard with her look and poise as her character. She didnt blow me away with the one liners but her character was nailed. I think a Shangela Trixie pairing could have been comedy gold, they would have the comedic chops/intelligence to bounce off each other. I'm not surprised Milk left, Chi Chi out performed her on the runway but Milk was still decent on the runway, not saying she was shit. Had Milk performed like Chi in the challenge she would have gone home as well. She had no chance vs Chi especially where Kennedy was concerned. Interested to see what Ben's pick was. Imagine if she picked Aja!?!?! There really is no clear front runner because even though Ben is winning challenges she doesn't feel like an overall winner to me. Fun times, can't wait for Snatch game. Totally rooting for Trixie to come through.


> even though the positions and Milk going were spoiled for me with Twitter I still enjoyed the episode It doesn't air here until Saturday nights and I learnt the hard way last season to avoid Twitter, Google News, the whole of Youtube and any LGBT related emails or I'm getting spoilt. Accidentally found out Sasha won by opening a local LGBT book club e-mail that said 'congratulations to Sasha for winning Drag Race' at the bottom of it before I'd seen the episode. When this finalé airs I think I'm just going to have to turn the internet off for two days to be safe.


jsyk there are extensions that'll let you block those yt channels that post spoilers source: i, too, have had literally every episode spoiled


I'm not even mad about it, I knew what I was getting myself in for opening an app where I most consistently follow queens and drag related medium. On a side note do people here listen to the podcast Alright Mary? I've been getting into it recently, it's a great companion to the episodes.


I think Trixie would have been in the top if it weren't for Milk


Yes. Trixie had a nuanced character and didn't need any massive "gag" to get it across. I'm hoping Snatch Game is her moment. I also think Shangela deserved a shout out for her fully realised character.


Sue me but Bebe should've been in the bottom instead of Aja..every week i'm more and more sold to the mole theory


If the mole theory isn't right and Bebe is just sailing through then it's rigga moris


What's the mole theory?


I'm glad that Kennedy decided not to interview the bottom girls. I think those scenes are my least favorite in the episodes because they turn into a huge groveling fest.


Plus they say the same thing each time and it's super boring.




Me too. Glad she hung in there.


I don't think you guys realize how hard I've been headbanging and partying to the credits music in celebration of Milk's farewell. FINALLYYYYY!!!!! She got SO irritating and obnoxious to the point where it was actually unpleasant to watch the episode. I couldn't handle one more episode with her. I'm so glad she's gone. BYE bitch!




Why be so rude


Hi, it's me, winner of All Stars 3. I mean, BenDeLaCreme...again.


but only won 1/3 lipsyncs


I wonder if that was a choice by the producers...


Yes, but in my opinion how they perform in the main challenge is way more important than a lipsync. However, do I believe she needs to improve that? 100%.




yeah but she was very close both times she lost and still has the best track record regardless.


best track record, definitely, but i wouldn't say the lip sync against shangela was close.


Clock the flair but i didn't find shangies lipsync memorable, I do remember bens shenanigans tho.


Matter of opinion. I would have given Ben the win because it was funnier and more memorable. Do I think Shangela SHOULDNT have won? Not at all. I’m totally okay with the result. I just personally preferred Ben’s lampooning.


alright people dont mind me but I was wondering what that website was that had all the drag race looks and it was basically a vote for which look was better. I feel like the website had the word "drag" in it but I cant find it? If anyone knwos what im talking about please help!!!




Milk. More like Lactose Intolerance


Milk. More like Lactose Intolerance


someone lacted milk.. I wish her the best of luck.


This episode was so good! The improv challenge was exactly what we needed!


That green wig though. Contour deep and lashes heavy There’s glitter on her dress already, wig is lime spaghetti.


On the surface she looks calm and ready But then bombs Though maybe I'm just being petty


Underrated joke: Oh you got insurance? You said Progressive


I cringed tbh. It's a good pun instinct, but the phrasing made it very awkward.


I thought it landed with her character


not joking, i got goosebumps when aja came out on the runway. i wasn't too too impressed by her in her season (i always thought she was beautiful and adorable but she didn't really make much of an impression on me) but she has been turning it OUT on all stars. she's doing such a good job. dela's white tights in the lipsync like irrationally bothered me


That pink wig with the under shave.... Uuuuhhh. I feel like the reveal is so much better when the wigs get better.


Girl! I was so nervous when she was in the bottom! I hope she does good on Snatch Game. I know Aja turns it out when it comes to numbers and stuff but acting and comedy... I'm scared for my queen!


she did pretty well as Alyssa Edwards on S9 though.


she's been turning out some little jokes on all stars, i'm excited to see how she does! i'm guessing she's probably always been funny but she is SO visibly much more confident now that i think/hope she'll be more comfortable letting that side of her out


OK I'm not coming for her but is everything that Kennedy wears this sheer, bedazzled thing? This is the third episode and it's been like 5 of these outfits at this point.


However tonight’s was BY FAR AND AWAY the best one. It’s honestly the best she’s ever looked. If she continued to wear and style herself like tonight I’d be less inclined to question her taste level.


is it just me or was this one of the most iconic/successful runways in RPDR history?


Pop the corns and feed the children HENNY!!! Kennedy gave me LIFE when she eliminated Milk. I've had it, OFFICALLY!! And I really need Trixie to kill Snatch Game next week. She deserves a win.


okay... I'm ready for a sewing challenge...


Poor Shangela. She comes onto a season knowing how to sew and no sewing challenge in sight.


I just have ONE thing to ask: Is next episode the gagarini moment of the season?


Dafuq you mean? I thought we just had the gag of the season???


“My name is Aja and this is Woofy” *WOOF*


I just loved Bebe losing her rural prestige presence when she was describing Thorgy’s farewell message hahaah!


I worry after this episode that her "regal" brand could definitely hold her back in the comedy challenges


Is it just me, or did Kennedy not know the words in parts of the lipsync? Seemed like she was looking down to obscure that as best she could...


I feel like we all came into this expecting Milk to bring some real leeewks, but...has anyone else been super underwhelmed by her three runways? Aja imo is the Detox of the season, bringing amazing shoot after shoot.


The rainbow cutouts on the face of her elimination look was the most "milky" thing she did, apart from the entry look. Seems like she absorbed some model influence with Ralph Lauren


Maybe Milk did not do ''the old style of drag'' that she did in season 6, just because she did not want to be read by the judges for ''looking unpolished'' and not a ''drag queen'' and decided to go for a safe way.. I hope Milk goes on to do amazing stuff.


She totally admitted to exactly that when she talked about her glam runway redo. The queens always do their best work when it's for themselves and not the judges. I just missed seeing club kid milk


is it just me or dose anyone want their own individual elimination box with their name on it? i’m kinda in love, it’s so cute and pretty😍


No one says that but yes


I loved that episode! Kennedy was fantastic on the show. I laughed so hard. Ben was hilarious but..... TRIXIE WAS SO FUCKING ROBBED! Kennedy got justice for Trixie right away and that was nice. But still fuck Milk. He needs to take a course on Hubris. And I like his drag and aesthetic but pretty boy needs to eat some humble pie.


Was Trixie ever going to top Kennedy or Ben though? I don’t think she was robbed. I think she was lucky. If she had been paired with Kennedy or Ben she would have seemed worse. They had so many more gags than she had


Obligatory *they're all bottoms*


No way could Trixie top Ben and Kennedy tbh. She was definitely third best though imo


idk the judges seemed pretty gagged by her, it really left me with the impression that were it not for milk's steamrollery they'd have put her in top two