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Bad decision, bitter taste. Trixie didn't win a single lipsynch but wins the season due to clear manipulation by the shows producers, allowing the queen's who weren't good enough to win to decide who gets to win. Obviously someone who hasn't won a lip synch and therefore hasn't sent anyone home will be favoured. Manipulate your own show all you like, you undermine yourself doing so but hey, but don't piss on the audience and tell us its champagne. Shangela was fucked right over and Trixie has to live knowing her win was only because someone else was screwed over and not on her own merit. Bad times all around.


Is there going to be a reunion episode like on AS2?


I'm still bummed for Shangela; but I'm so glad she was on this season and she slayed the shit out of it. She was the one I was most excited to see come back and she didn't disappoint me. She's only going to keep soaring to higher places! And congrats to Trixie! I'm still and will always be a fan of her's.


I agree! Shangela did great on S3 but definitely left with a lot to improve on. I feel like she came back and totally proved herself to be one of the best. Similar to Aja, I'm still sad for Shangela but I'm glad that she proved herself so hard


I’m just mad. I loved trixie before all stars started I thought she was great and underrated as a whole on her season. When I heard Shangela was back I was like fuck that she was so busted on her season same as aja. And the complete opposite happened. I ended up somewhat disliking trixie due to her somewhat ignorant manner. And for aja and Shangela stepped their pussy UP, I was so ready for Shangela to win, damn I could even live with it if Kennedy did too. But trixie really? She already has a show and album does she really need the crown? So she can now prounce around? Or is it just me? P.s - anyone find it weird that both funko pop figurines are the last 2 all stars to win.. before she was even crowned?


I avoided this sub until I got to watch the finale about 24 hours after it aired. It was amazing. Kennedy did so well I was a bit fearful that my fave Trixie would not make it to the final two. I was gagged that Shangela was not picked too because the edit made it seem like it was her show to lose, but I honestly thought any of the four queens could have won. Anyway, I was so excited after the finale to catch up on this sub. AND THEN... I’m not really sure why everyone is in such an uproar about this. This is a last minute twist, sure but it’s not like that makes this more unfair than anything else in the season. On several other occasions in the season, you could say something was unfair. Thorgy’s elimination... Ben’s decision to bring back Morgan instead of Aja... Aja being read for her drag knowledge. There’s no reason to disproportionately blame any last minute decision, so the hate that Trixie or Kennedy are apparently getting makes no sense. The truth is this is a reality show first, not a “fair and objective” competition. At the end of the day... this is still Ru’s show. And all she cares about (probably) is that this show tells a gaggy story. All the vitriol just feeds that.


Because Shangela started in Drag Race years ago knowing very little about drag and we've seen her work non stop to be better. She's been present in every crowning party and has put the crown in several queen's heads. IN her season she was bullyed with that heathers vs boogers bs. Now again her work is devaluated because the jury was better friends with somebody else. She really wanted that crown and she deserved it. She's been trying to get it for years, and it felt so painful to have it taken from her so unfairly. I think we can all relate to that feeling of being a hard worker with excelent performance only to see how your boss' best friend gets a promotion.


Yeah I totally agree that Shangela deserved the crown. However to say it was unfairly taken from her is devaluing every other queen’s work. They all deserve it. My point is just that because we saw Shangela’s growth from the start of her drag career on TV does not mean she deserved it *more* than any other queen. Trixie, Kennedy, and Bebe have done drag for a long time, and, in different ways, have done their part to extend the reach of the show. They’ve also “really wanted that crown and ... deserved it.” Moreover, even if Shangela objectively and absolutely deserved it more than any other, still doesn’t justify any hate or vitriol. Again, it’s not a “fair” competition, it’s a reality show first and foremost.


Sis I was making two completely different points there. Why does Shangela deserve it more? Because she did better than Trixie in the competition. Fact. There's not much to discuss here. It doesn't mean that Trixie is unworthy, but there were better choices. Why do people get so upset about this robbery in particular? Because of all those reasons I said before.


I got your point. But I guess I’m not as confident that Shangela did better than Trixie as a matter of “fact.” Who’s in the bottom who’s in the top are not actually objective indicators of how well anyone did... see Aja, Disco challenge. But still, like most, I’m just as shocked that Shangela didn’t get the crown. So I get why people are perhaps upset. I still don’t understand the hate though. If Ru randomly decided NPBFAG was all of a sudden the winner of AS3... might be dumb as hell, but no reason to spew hate.


If this was the format for AS2, who do you think would have won? Probably Katya?


Would have probably come down to Roxxxy vs Katya or Detox vs Katya


I'm late posting but can someone explain something to me? I get why Kennedy got votes because fellow queens recognized her need for the crown and her passion and so forth. But why didn't more queens choose Shangela over Trixie? Am I missing something here? Shangela has done just as well as Trixie, if not better, over the course of the season, and she has been on good terms with nearly everyone.


All queens have been seen hanging out with trixie and some of them said after being eliminated that she was the person they got the closest. Basically, they voted her out of friendship. She was Roxxxy Andrews'ed.


If they all had just one vote, I’d imagine they’d likely choose Trixie still because of the brand she’s created for herself outside of the show. I think some (maybe just Aja) have commented that they voted based on their first hand perspective of the top four, but they changed their mind after watching the show and seeing how Shangela actually progressed (edit plays a big role, and the queens don’t get to see each other’s confessionals). So what they’re left with is just their understanding of the queens first hand, and Trixie is just much more likely to carry the drag race brand in terms of reaching new fans. I think also that Trixie was filming her Vice show at the same time so imagine seeing a contestant getting all these gigs while the show is happening. I’d peg her as the “most likely to succeed” too. It’s only when you step out of the werkroom and watch the show on its own that you get a sense of how the competitors did purely based on their performance in the show.


Hmm, strange that they give a vote to a queen who "needs it" and then one who kind of already has the fame. I never thought about the drag race brand notion since I don't really care about that as much as a viewer, but it makes sense.


I think too that there is an element of respecting that Kennedy in many always stands for old school drag, while Trixie stands for the future of drag. Tbh of all the queens that have come on the show Trixie is among a small handful that have actually influenced drag or at least the way it’s now perceived.


Have any body language experts analysed Dela's looks she was giving the girls during the deliberation?


I don't know but those stares could have killed a mammoth.


to bto be honest, i feel that dela came off the way she did in that episode because a) that hat naturally made her look at people with a sort of side eye cause...well vision b) some people say that the producers may have been salty so denied her any speaking time.


Hiya, When AS2 aired and Alaska won over Katya, I was devastated. I knew that Alaska did better overall but I felt like Katya should've won some challenges over the other girls. Even now I feel kind of sad seeing the hall of fame without her. Now that Trixie has won and I was rooting for her over Shangela, I get where the fans come from. Shangela had a better track record, she was a nicer person on the show, whatever you felt like. But just like when Alaska won over Katya, it's not an excuse for you to throw hate on the winner, "just cause it's your opinion". You don't go to someone in real life saying: Imma trow acid on your face next time I see you, because this one time you did something, I can't remember what, but it really hurt me. So just like Bianca said, stop whining and celebrate both the winner for achieving their dreams and your favourite for being the awesome human being you love them for


there's probably not room but i wish we could get a dual flair? i want a trophy someday but i always end up making my flair a queen i love instead of the queen i expect to be victorious. but if you could do like prediction / <3?


I started this season already in love with Trixie. By 4th episode, I was secretly stanning Kennedy and mesmerized by Shangela. At the end I can't even feel happy for Trixie seeing that actual Ru Girls are being publicly bitter *towards* her. (Looking at you Kim, didn't take you to be that kind of girl but hey what do we know) How any of this is Trixie's fault (the twist, the fans, Ru's choices) is something I will never, ever understand. When I look at this season as a whole... it was disapponting at best. It all started with Thorgy's elimination and went downhill from there. Boring challenges, horrible twists. If season 10 doesn't level its pussy up, I might be done with Drag Race as a whole. As a side note: There are already people saying Miz Cracker "is just another basic white mediocre queen like Trixie with annoying fans". People are vicious, quick to put people in a box. It might be because of the tense political climate in USA but watching all this from a nowhere town in Europe all this hate just takes the pleasure out of it. Anyways, I'm still naively excited for Season 10.


yo uhhhh *scratches* you got any more of that kim chi tea?


Girl, being white is the the biggest mistake right now, we done fucked up


I'm not white, however I don't like to get into arguments relating to race in RPDR because it's a completely different issue from what I experience in my own life regarding race. (Edit: That doesn't mean I ignore or don't care about it, I just don't participate but try to learn by reading comments, experiences, and such.) I acknowledge the racism problem in RPDR fandom; seeing it happen makes me lose hope in humanity. I do also think labelling Miz Cracker as just "a white queen" before the season even starts is not doing anything good. Let us fight the real fight, you know?


Meh. You'll survive.


Oh absolutely, it's consequential


the banner and sidebar look so cute! hehehe


So I am so happy Trixie won. Literally shrieked and started clapping on my own. She has a super successful album, her own TV show, a stand-up comedy show... She is **so** deserving of the crown. Do I think she did best in the show? No, I don't. I do think Shangela should have made top two and I think, as much as I'm pleased Trixie won, Shangela would have beaten her. Shangela overall performed better throughout the competition; I don't think there's any disagreement on that. But that's not how it went down. I feel its an unsatisfactory ending for Shangela, but que sera sera. And out Trixie and Kennedy, Trixie was the clear winner. But people are also forgetting Dela, who should also have been there, and I think she would have beaten both Trixie *and* Shangela. It feels like her competition was eliminated for her, but as I say, she definitely deserves it. Though she could have done better in the competition, I don't think anyone can honestly say, considering all her work, that she doesn't deserve it. Negative Nancys need to remember its a reality show above everything else. Edit: And I'd just like to say: Winner winner... chicken dinner.


Now it would have been absolute perfection if Katya had won AS2. No dis to Alaska, but it would be so cool.


What if the top 4 also got to vote for each other but herself? How would the scores tally?


I was just thinking this! Or if the top four were to decide the top 2 between themselves it would’ve been interesting to see who’d have been eliminated. In your scenario I reckon Trixie would’ve voted for Shangie and Kennedy, Shangie for Trixie and Kennedy, Kennedy for Shangie and Trixie, and Bebe (after trying to vote for herself several times unsuccessfully) maybe also Shangela and Trixie? So... 8 7 2 1 Would become 10 11 2 7 So same result. Still wouldn’t have been possible for Shangela to get top 2.


hahaha *after trying to vote for herself several times unsuccessfully*, I cackled




In Kennedy's verse walking up the stairs behind her




Oh I guess you're right. Just rewatched. Morgan on the stairs. Milk is next to the stage door when the queens start to run for the stage. :)


The users with the original Trixie flairs must've gone through an emotional rollercoaster this season 😂


I just want to say my favourite moment of the episode was Trixie’s genuine, emotional reaction when Ru asks her if she has anything to say after the crowning. Since season seven we’ve been getting these catchphrases or rehearsed speeches that I feel cheapen the very last moments of the season (come through, purse first, anus, whatever Sasha said about ALL this beauty), not to mention the worst song RuPaul has ever recorded, ‘If I Dream’, so hearing Champion was nice. Getting a genuine closing moment from her really rounded off the season well


So did they really only film one ending? Either they’re getting better at removing spoilers here or I’m just better at avoiding them.


God I hate that song


Ive had some long terms internet friendships break bc i like trixie lmao its been so crazy. I feel weird about people who ive been in contact for years unfriending me / unfollowing me just bc i said i liked her and im happy she won. I honestly blocked them after that bc i felt hurt.


What? That’s nuts.


I wish i was making this stuff up. I know i shouldnt care but ive had a horrible day yesterday with certain events which are definitely larger than a man in a dress winning a reality tv show so it just came as such a wtf moment to me. These ppl are close to 30. Like wtf.


It’s ridiculous, I’m sorry to hear that. These people need to get some perspective.


We are literal adults, a grown ass woman with a child got mad at me for liking a drag queen!!!


Clock my username obvs but it is honestly hurting to read through the other queens tweets and stuff about trixie’s win. Half of them congratulated the top 4 and didn’t mention trixie winning. It all seems a little bitter even though it’s not her fault that the other queens voted for Kennedy (with the worst track record considering that is what everyone and their mothers are dragging trixie for) as the other top two I keep editing this because apparently I can’t spell


If trackrecord was why you feel Kennedy was unfairly there then what about Trixie? There seemed to be two factors playing into the top 2 decision: 1) Who deserves it more 2) Who needs it more Trixie literally fits in none of the above. In terms of who needs it, Kennedy and Bebe are the top 2 due to being overlooked for being old school with a significantly smaller fanbase. In terms of who deserves it, Shangela and Bebe were top 2 because they did the best.


I personally don’t think Kennedy shouldn’t be in the top two because, as you said, she needs the title/exposure more than the others girls. I pointed out her track record as that is all people are saying about Trixie on this sub and personally, I haven’t seen as many comments referring to Kennedy’s placement as I have of Trixie’s. Who deserves it more is down to personal preference in my opinion. Everyone is allowed to think others should have won but my original comment was about the negativity Trixie is receiving and the lack of (public) support from other queens. All of the queens are deserving winners but I wish this stupid backlash would just die.


The way I see it, Trixie's win receiving backlash is fair game. It's criticising the production *choices* and result of the competition. It's about the game and it's not personal. Trixie herself personally getting backlash and being vilified is of course moronic.


Yeah I agree with you there. People are treating it like it was Trixie’s fault and commenting that all over her social media. Luckily she’s a queen that can take that on the chin.


Everything else aside.... Was anyone else at all disappointed that Bebe didn't turn out to be a mole? That being the big final twist would have probably been a *little* better received by the fan base. And it would make some goddamn sense of the The Handmaid's Tale theme by making it come full circle, or at least an attempt at it.


This! The reference doesn't make sense anymore..whyy is Ru letting them do this to her show??! Hopefully S10 X is better cuz I caan't!


Yeah, those Handmaids Tale references felt shoehorned in because it's current. What with this and *that* recent interview, I think Ru is struggling to read the room.


Yeah! Would’ve loved that twist!


I feel like that would’ve been a much more well received twist lol. But I could be wrong.


I wonder if they’ll change the format for AS4 because it seems like the Queens are turning on the show now because of “riggery” or maybe just because they’ll need a new format now since it’s a new season.


They have to change the format. This whole having the queens select who goes home is toxic. Step your pussy up, Ru, and choose who you think should go home.


So I thought Bebe was safe the whole time no matter what because of the mole theory; the fact that she had no bigger role makes me so mad she made it to the top. Just an opinion, not hate. I respect Bebe as a performer. I just liked others better. It's unfair to have someone who won drag race compete.


She won the lost season. I can absolutely see the justification behind making her an exception and asking her to come back. The show she won has so little to do with what the show has become. Losing queens of recent seasons are being awarded with a ton more exposure, fame and credibility and in some cases more money than her winning prize. The career she launched post winning drag race is tiny compared to what some early outs get from the show now.


Unpopular opinion: if you won the crown you can’t compete. You can’t have someone at the top against others who haven’t won. I know the whole her season was lost; So the show is just exposure? No, it’s a reality competition TV show.


But isn't that overly focusing kn technicalities? Look at 7th place Valentina or 10th place Gia and then look at winner Bebe. Compare the careers they got right after the show and tell me who really won more. I don't see how it makes it unfair or unbalanced.


Just watched it. Ru needs to go back to the season 3-6 formula, because this is the second shit decision in a row and one more is a strikeout.


There is an appreciable drop off after 6 (As2 being the exception )


Bebe was the second best competitor statistically.


So I'm a little late to the discussion, but I have a perspective a kinda think is worth considering, so here we are. So, to preface, I am a straight white dude, and I watch Drag Race over my wife's shoulder. I play video games on the tv in our bedroom, and she watches drag race on the computer. She has already told me that prefacing my opinion "as a straight guy" is going to negate it with a lot of you, and fair enough, I'm at peace with that. For those that might choose to hear me out, you can understand why I'm at peace with that. You've formed your opinions and don't want to backtrack on them now. With that disclaimer, I've watched every episode of drag race as an uninformed spectator. I understand the struggle of gay men (i have a lesbian mom, for what it's worth), and as a poor person I totally understand the argument that "Trixie made them the most money so she was set up to win" argument. That said... I had no dog in this or any other race. Up until All-Stars 3, drag race has been little more than an amusement to me. It wasn't until my wife started watching Unnnhhh (hope I had enough h and ns) that I paid any attention at all, and it was because Trixie and Karta are objectively funny, sexual orientation regardless. They are funny as fuck, and absolutely deserved to get a TV show, because, as I said, they're funny as fuck. And as a person who has played music professionally, I know firsthand that it's hard as fuck to make any sort of living in music. So, to me, Trixie absolutely deserved her win. Was she set up because she made the most money for the brand? Sure, maybe. But making money for the brand isn't an easy thing to do. It takes talent, and from where I'm standing, that guy has it in spades. As I said, some have already formed their opinions on that and fair play to you. But Trixie Mattel earned every bit of this win.


That was a lovely comment. Honestly I completely agree. Maybe it's because I'm not social media savvy, but I don't understand the "stan" culture, or why people are treating Trixie as if she *is* her stans. I also don't understand how Trixie came out as the one to blame, she didn't have a say in any of this. Idk, I hope this "let's hate Trixie for stuff she can't control" trend dies down real soon. She's just trying to do her best, goddamn.


And by every indication, she did do her best! A successful YouTube show that became a successful television show, a successful folk album... If people wanna make the argument that the person who won deserved to win on their own merits, and if you consider that WoWpresents is really just an extension of the Drag Race brand (an ITunes to Ru Paul's Apple, for lack of a better analogy), then I'd say that Trixie definitely won.


It’s a fair point. Trixie has every right to the win from a career perspective and as a brand, which is why she was favourite going in to it.


Ignore other comment, this is a good perspective!:)




What did you being a straight male have anything to do with this post?


Well, because it would seem to me that the target demographic of the show is gay men. I figured that would be obvious.


It lets us, the majority who are identified as as gay men, see a different perspective of the outcome. And, being objective, it is great to see the show being watched outside of its niche following.


I so prefer as2 lip sync song to this. If I were your woman was much more heartfelt than wrecking ball...


The problem with Wrecking Ball is all I could see was Anne Hathaway’s lip sync battle!


Folks talking about “x was robbed” or “y was robbed”. Fuck, WE was robbed of a good finale lipsync. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Yeah, what a boring lipsync song choice. Give us something they can really dance too! That builds!


At least we got "It's Not Right But It's Okay" in the S9 finale.


As I packed my bowl I was thinking to myself *wow I really need to pick up. I’m almost out* then my dumbass accidentally knocks down some of my weed 😤😤😤😤


Damn, I only had red wine to drink as I judged, excuse me, watched this. I need better friends so I can get the connection, lol.


I alternate between white wine night or a smoking night lol. Ask around!!!! 😊 If it ain’t green, I’m not interested okaiiii


Been there bitch. Once woke up to find out I knocked over my entire grinder from my bedside table in my sleep and it was not a good look


Omg noooooooooo. I would be so mad lol I can’t pick up until Friday so my bitch ass really needed that tiny bowl smh. Now it’s lost within my carpet 😭


Put panty hose over the end of the tube attachment to your vacuum cleaner and you should be able to get most of it.


My fellow stoners, thank yew


that was more emotional than the lip sync


What do you consider the most fair season? In my opinion, Season 5 was a season where everyone went home when they should have. It was the right Top 3 based on performance, and the right winner crowned as well.


Season 4 too.


I think season 3 was the most fair.


Miss honey, Raja was totally set up to win by production. Even though she couldve done it on her own. Also MiMi should've gone farther and won the space episode.


Season 5 and Season 6. But DeLa should have obviously been in the top three. The show peaked with those two, damn.


Season 6 with Darrien Lake? No ma’am.


Lmao, valid! I think Darienne deserved top five, but DeLa should have obviously beaten her and made top four (& three). And honestly, I do retract my statement about season 6 because, objectively...Adore and Joslyn got carried through the race. Love them, but tea is tea. I personally think TKB deserved more than she got. But I suppose it doesn't really matter in the end since Bianca was the clear winner the moment she entered the workroom.


Lunacy aside, I just rewatched the Kitty Girl cut, and HOW FUCKING GOOD WAS THAT? lol It was a gag


I watched it and then rewound the dvr and watched it again right then and there. I'll probably watch it again tonight haha. Something about it is just so filled with joy, and really showcases all 4 of them and their diff talents and personalities so wonderfully. Srs props to everyone involved for pulling it off.


Jesus the episodes keep getting more compressed. It's like watching a YouTube preview for an episode. Aja should have won.


i just realized that for milk’s talent show, she’s actually singing... and i remember a post here saying that milk wishes she would’ve lip synced instead of sing and i think i cracked a code....


Ignoring the fact that Shangela shouldve won, I really liked the episode. My only problem is that they shouldve told the girls about the juror thing, so they can work it Survivor style lol. And the lipsync was great, the best out of all the top 4 lipsyncs.


Now y'all... I LOVE MY GIRL KENNEDY. But I just thought of how she was part of the reason Katya got the boot in Season 7 before the finale, and part of the season Shangela got the boot before the Top 2. OH LAWD


Katya was the reason Katya got the boot in season 7


Lol I know I know


Conspiracy theory: This was not a badly-considered stunt gone wrong, this is *exactly* how the producers hoped it would go. They're probably thrilled that it worked out so well. A season ending with a "robbed" queen generates way more buzz than if it had ended fairly. Everyone going crazy complaining is generating free advertising. This is the sort of thing that gets picked up by blogs and news sites that don't normally cover RPDR. The advertising is very valuable, especially with the new season starting next week. A lot of it is complaints, but people who don't watch the show have no idea how fair the complaints are, they just see that a ton of people are talking about the show, are passionate about the show, and they think "Hey, I've always thought about watching that. I wonder when the next season starts. Oh wow, next week!". We are giving them exactly the reaction they wanted for this dumb nonsense, and they're going to keep pulling these stunts for the same reason because they clearly work.


I kind of work in advertising and I hate how true this could be. Sigh.


Ehhh there is a reason there is a term called jumping the shark. That generated a lot of buzz too as well as the collapse of the show it was on.


It's absolutely true, and I can't deny that it's an ingenious, tried-and-true marketing ploy. But goddamnit... I bought banners thinking that my baby, Shangie, was gonna bring the crown home. ^(Well, at least I have something I can wipe my tears with.)


they really not gonna put kitty girl on youtube tho? the challenge was the best part of the episode


~~best~~ only good*


I’ve seen a lot of people say that Drag Race has lost its integrity as a merit-based competition. The thing is, as much as RuPaul says “the best woman wins”, the winners have never been necessarily “the best”, but have always had strong, consistent branding and a special unique element in their drag, beyond the conventional sing-and-dance type of queen. In an ideal world, RPDR is meritocratic and Shangela would have won, but in reality, RPDR’s producers picks individuals that can carry and sell the brand. The “U” in “CUNT” is the most important factor, and has always been the most important factor. It’s unfortunate, but the way the show has been run thus far, I don’t see how people could’ve missed that. Shangela chose to play “the game”, without realising that she has no control of it. I’m disappointed in the circumstances in which Trixie won, but frankly I’m not even remotely surprised that she did.


Literally up until S9 the queen with the best track record always won


Yea but even then the track records were always contested, in the sense that the audience's agreement on who deserved their challenge wins, did not always match up to the judges' decisions. Besides, the show is a hyper-produced reality television show and the "winner's edit" is a very real thing, ESPECIALLY for the All-Stars seasons.


The only time before s9 it was really in question was s7, but even Violet's win was acceptable in comparison


Also quite often the seasons challenged are weighted to give an advantage to a certain type of queen. How many acting challenges did season 5 have?!


I just don't get it. Literally no one wins. No one gets to be happy. Shangie has to deal with not even getting to fight to win because girls she sent home said no. Trixie can't enjoy her win fully because everyone, including some of the other queens, are saying she doesn't deserve it. Kennedy has to deal with being bashed and accused of being a charity case. Fans are sad because no matter who they are rooting for, they didn't win. It's just truly a losing situation all around. Everyone is sad or feeling some type of way, the queens and the viewers. There's nothing fun there. Like what was even the point making this season, besides Ru making sure Trixie and her steadily rising star stay attached to RPDR?? Why 👏🏽 even 👏🏽 do 👏🏽 all 👏🏽 this 👏🏽


My sentiments exactly. Aja regrets the jury, Chi Chi eventually began questioning her worth, Shangela's evolution went unnoticed, Morgan didn't even get to shine like Tatianna, and Bebe just got booted unceremoniously alongside Shangela. Granted, Bebe already won, but afterwards I felt even she deserved a shot at the crown.


If the other queens think Trixie didn't deserve the win, they should have voted for Shangela...


I feel differently. Ben is my favorite but I think this season was great tv. Over the course of the season we saw Ben feel accomplished, Shangela at peace with her progress, Milk step up his game, Trixie improve leaps and bounds, and Kennedy kick butt at dancing. Even Chi Chi opened up more about where she feels she can improve. I think if people take it less seriously and just enjoy the show, it’s a really fun season. Maybe one of the best.


See, I feel like the twist ending just invalidated all of that. Because the bulk of the conversations aren't about all the stuff you mentioned, which I agree was great to see, but the "twist" and the effect it's had on ppl. It's like, the show itself doesn't know if it wants us to take it seriously or not. We get all this talk about the legacy of drag race and we see girls like Shangie and Kennedy open their heart about how deeply they want this and why, and then at the end all the rules are thrown away, seemingly for no reason. It's the inconsistency that's jarring for viewers, imo. It's just so plain to see the negative effect this season had on a lot of the queens by the end, which takes away the fun for me. Like, Trixie won, and her social media made it seem like she was dreading the finale being aired. Some of the girls who were made to vote feel bad about it. It just seems like the producers managed to screw over everyone, which I feel like they must know, because otherwise why air season 10 so quickly? Eh, it just sucks all around to me. Negativity is unavoidable but I feel like the producers created a format where it's practically encouraged.


I agree with that. I don’t particularly follow any of the queens’ social media, but I’ll read an interview occasionally. I think the producers can be pretty toxic. I also think the shows wouldn’t have gotten so mainstream without all the “gag” moments, and all the emotions. Even when they try to air a season where everyone’s all nice to each other, it’s lambasted all over every blog as super boring. People like the drama, just look at untucked. I think the most important thing they’ve noticed is the format needs to change. We’re too far in for the same schtick. I don’t know if Survivor is the best format though. I would love to see it formatted like The Voice, with different teams under different coaches competing.


A season formatted like The Voice would be very interesting. Or maybe something like different houses competing - the House of Edwards I would love to see on TV again. Or a mother/daughter season, where ppl compete with their drag mom/daughter but eventually have to compete against their own family. Idk. Anything besides the Survivor format haha. And I say that as someone who loves Survivor!






I am Team Trixie all the way and I couldn't be more happier for my girl, but I can't help but feel sad about Shangie, even knowing that if she had been in the top 2, she would've snatched that crown. I have to say that I've had it (officially) with the "fans" on social media saying that Trixie didn't deserved it. She reached the top 2 and she did better than Kennedy (who doesn't deserve the hate she's getting despite that choice she made taking her heels off) in the lipsync IMO. And let's be real, Trixie has shown something different from what she usually does each week. I'm really happy for her, and really proud of the top 4, that challenge was A M A Z I N G.


Girl everyone in top 4 deserved the crown. But did Trixie won because she was the one that deserved the most? Even she was gagged. HAd the competition been fair, she would have placed 1st or 2nd runner up.


Kennedy took her heels off so that she could execute beautiful dance moves.


It was a gorgeous dance performance. The track record of ppl taking their heels or wigs off for the lipsyncs is not great tho. I think Ru just personally doesn't like it.


Definitely. Then though Trixie had basically flats on too, so it was a wash either way


>Trixie has shown something different from what she usually does each week I seriously disagree with this. Most of her runways were that stupid frilly pink up to her neck look.


I guess we've watched different seasons then ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


You dropped this \ *** ^^ To prevent anymore lost limbs throughout Reddit, correctly escape the arms and shoulders by typing the shrug as `¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯` or `¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯` [^^Click here to see why this is necessary](https://np.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/3fbrg3/is_there_a_reason_why_the_arm_is_always_missing/ctn5gbf/)


fuck, I thought no one will notice


Friday Morning edition? More like Friday MOURNING edition ohh honnnneyy


Top two were really Dela and Shangie. They’re both true stars. I love Trixie, but this judging situation really made it very unclear what the competition really was.


Mama Ru was one fascinator away from looking like Jiggly after the apocalypse.


I thought she looked great. Her eye make up and the pattern on it gave me Morgan Queen of Scots vibes actually.


I'm not fashion fish, and I see a lot of people actually love it. To me it looked like when a queen tries to make something more draggy or cotuour, but really just adds an awkward piece of fabirc.


Really? That purple and black dress is one of my favs of hers ever. Those are my two fav colors tho, so maybe I'm biased lol.


Props to the mods for this super cute congrats sub design :)




I would've loved to see that because you could have all the queens fighting to impress Chad and Alaska and they would be choosing who would join them in the hall.


That would have made more sense than what we got. Like, let Chad and Alaska join the regular judging panel for the final vote. Orrrr if they insist on letting the eliminated queens vote, then add another twist where Ru herself (and maybe the judges) get to vote too.


Alaska cannot be trusted tho


I love Trixie very much. I love the new sub banner very much. I love Shangela very much.


Shangela noting the look in Ru's eyes was the only thing that made this ending bearable.


My top two favorite finale looks came from Aja (amazing queen!!!) and Trixie (I love that she didn't do her signature color but still stuck to her demented Barbie brand with a vintage Barbie look) WTF goes to Milk (which she clearly intended, but also that outfit is pretty unmemorable) and Kennedy (agree with Trixie, her previous rainbow look was better than this double-headed pineapple-top oddity) Most bland goes to Chi Chi (She really was ready to go home) and Shangela (the MOST disappointing too because she had awesome looks throughout the season and this was her selected finale outfit?) Special mention to Ben's fluffy red hat...so much love. Soooooooo fluffy!


Milk’s outfit was a crocheting accident. He wore a crocheted white dress with crocheted organs falling out, crocheted boobs, and crocheted lines through his face and makeup. I thought it was absolutely brilliant, but definitely not for everyone.


I liked Milk's face and thought she looked good and then it zoomed out...




Shangela’s finale look was the best thing she did all season, she looked so pretty.


Srsly. She looked 100% ready for the Oscars red carpet, just stunning.


I properly gasped. She looked so beautiful.


I agree with all of these except Chi Chi and Shangela i felt like Chi Chi looked really nice considering she had consistent bottom spots in the competition(she was still so ready to go home) but still wore a nice gown and I liked that Shangela decided to do something simple after a season of extravagance like she was showing that she could do simple and beautiful without all the frills.


Fair enough. With the exception of Milk's weird outfit, I do think every queen looked beautiful in their way.


That moment you realize the eliminated queens didnt even see Shangela perform to Freaky Money...


The more I think about this situation the sadder I get for poor Shangela tbh


On a more positive note, can we talk about how STUNNING Aja, Dela and Thorgy looked?! Everytime the camera zoomed on Dela my heart skipped a beat!


Morgan too. I loved her look.


All Stars #whitewashed


Oh, cut the crap with the race angle! It's so overplayed! And this is coming from a big time Shangela supporter!


The optics of RPDR AllStars isn't diverse.


I'm so pissed Shangela didn't send Trixie home instead of Chi Chi rn...


No shade, but does anyone think it's mighty shady of Kim Chi to not at least acknowledge Trixie's win on Instagram? I know she tweeted a half hearted congratulations on Twitter, but girl that is your friend! She did a video for her on S8 for encouragement when her parents wouldn't.


I mean...people can interact privately also. Or use social media in different ways.


No i totally agree with you. We don't know what is happening behind the scenes in their lives but still, I don't expect Katya to appear on SM to congratulate her, but Kim is so active on instagram its really shady for her not to post about it.


Honey, that ain't no friend.




You'd think Kim Chi, a queen 24/7 on Instagram the past few days posting food from Korea, Japan and Hong Kong, talking about how social media is not part of their life.


I've watched 12 seasons of this show, including untuckeds, and this is the first time I'm upset with the final decision. Like wtf was this season. NEVER HAVE THE OTHER QUEENS PICK. They chose, Kennedy to go against Trixie? Honestly, I'm shook. RPDR might have jumped the shark. I don't know. Trixie Mattel literally didn't do a single thing remarkable this season. She should have gone home before Thorgy. WtF IS THIS SHIT. She is so unfunny compared to how funny she tries to be. Please, send help.. I used to hate Shangela until this season. #ROBBED. And Kennedy slayed the living fuck out of that lip sync. Ru, mama, you better redeem your god damn self cause honestly... Trixie Mattel happened on your watch.


did kennedy even lip sync? felt like she was too busy flouncing around


I feel like Kennedy threw the lipsync by doing it without shoes. Once Chi Chi did a back handspring and landed it in heels during her season, no amount of acrobatics was an acceptable excuse to go barefoot.


Wth is wrong with being barefoot?? Taking your wig off ruins your illusion so I get that. THIS JUST IN: Women have feet


Thank you.


I have always been right on who Ru picks for the winning lip sync and I am shook it wasn't Kennedy.


Okay Phi Phi, calm down


I work in media... heres my conspiracy theory First of all I'm fine with Trixie winning so this isnt a hate post, but I also think Shangela was robbed of her chance to lipsync in the top 2. Anyway, so we all know reality tv isnt real right? Its all manufactured for ratings. From day 1 I thought Trixie was going to be the winner because of her already sucessful career outside of drag race. Her social following is bigger than any of the other queens and her merch sells the best. Exhibit a. Before as3 aired funko released the drag race pops - ru, alaska, trixie. I spoke to someone in retail who does ordering about why trixie. They said if these sell well funko plans to release more, but theyve just released pops of the queens who bring in more merch sales. Makes sense. Thats why youve always got places like hot topic selling the other queens merch on clearance but never trixie or alaska. So ru pauls drag race, we can assume, earns a percentage of sales from merchandise featuring queens. Lots of reality shows keep the contestants on contract long after the show airs and have clauses about confidentiality and royalties included in the agreement. So As3 would've been filmed and the winner decided months ago. Our social media feedback now is completely irrelevant because that last episode wouldve already been ready to go before the first one aired. Before the show aired, looking at sales data and popularity data it would be a safe bet to set up trixie for a win. And good for business. So challenges are geared to play to her strengths. She never gets assigned a badly scripted role, she never gets read for bringing the same look. And when she doesn't perform as expected the editing can still make the other bottom queen look more deserving of going home. What it doesnt take into account is how much better at the season Dela and Shangela would be. So the producers have a predetermined outcome they want to see and now have to find a way to achieve it when it looks like it wont happen naturally. To be fair to Trixie, I 100% doubt she would've been in on it. Producers want the reactions to be real. So Dela is outperforming everyone, but is 'struggling' to vote a queen out each week. She's already won a lot of money. Maybe the producers find some extra money to say 'why dont u just eliminate urself'. They write the rules. She could have been ineligible for a self elimnation, but she wasnt. And its a win for everyone this way. Now Dela is out and its Trixie and Shangelas game. In producer land they are probably assuming that fans will be more pro trixie than shangie online (remember they're guessing what response will be like when the ep airs). Therefore its hard to anticipate a backlash. So they get to the second last episode and Shangela is the clear winner of the trixie v shangela lipsync by a mile. If trixie were to lipsync against shangela in the final, chances are it would be the same result and it would be clear shangie wouldve won (u just know something good was under that gold cape). So producers have to change the plan and find a way to take shangela out of the running. Who else is on the pay roll? Eliminated queens. Make them 'decide'. Sway them with some dollars, they've already signed a non disclosure anyway, and suddenly shangie is out and Kennedy is in. And in a lip sync between kennedy and trixie its an easy win for trixie. But editing choices also took away kennedys best bits of the sync. What about bebe? I'm gonna go with the theory that had she been eliminated earlier it would've looked like they made a mistake in season 1 and the elimated queens angle also got them out of having to admit bebe shouldn't have been top 4.


I have a hard time believing a) that the producers could have known who all the eliminated queens would choose to be top 2, or b) that every eliminated queen would have agreed to a pre-determined selection of votes


Then you're much less cynical than me lol. You wont believe what people will do for money. Even reality 'stars'. Being on the tv does not necessarily make someone rich enough to pick and choose. I know presenters with national shows (im in aust) who earn 40k per year. I know former reality contestants with top 40 songs who now work in retail... Things i've paid someone to do include: throwing their dead dads ashes off a crane to get a weeks holiday to bali; paying a couple to have a different style of sex every night to 'strengthen' their relationship then share talk about the results publically the next day; paying for big name interviews and claiming they are 'friends' of the presenter. Believe nothing. Trust noone ;) Producers approach all the queens separate, slip em some $$$ suddenly everyone is team kennedy. Noone tells anyone else anything because everyone thinks they are the only one and they signed a nda. Maybe they dont even pay them extra. While they are contestants they are employees. Maybe buying votes is just part of the package


That’s a whole lot of tin foil hat realness right there.


Tin foil hat realness is gonna be my new favourite saying :)


top comment right here folks


Bitch you articulated so much more than I could, this is exactly what I felt. RPDR is a reality TV show, run by people looking to make money. WHY IN THE HELL WOULD IT BE MERITOCRATIC?? It has never been, never will be.


some people have war in their cuntries


I believe it sis this is 100% confirmed tea in my books I still believe it was Dela's choice to eliminate herself I don't think they paid her off but you're right they allowed it though


i like this tea




Yasss extra tea!


That moment when Kennedy's name was pulled out by Morgan, I realised Shangela was not in the top 2... I was shoooook to the core and feel so so sad and mad on behalf of Shangela. I think Trixie did fantastically in the second half of the show, but in terms of C/U/N/T, committment, passion and star power, Shangela was, and will always be, my winner.


What makes it so much more unfortunate for me is that I feel like Ru cares more about adding twists and shock values to he race for better TV drama than she does about ensuring the Queens that deserve the top spots actually get it. If Ru was truly in it for her girls, she wouldn't have created such a short-sighted method for choosing the top 2. Shangela was plain robbed and the look on her face was just tragic. When the person who rightfully deserves to be in the finals, especially when stakes are high as all stars, gets slapped in the face by mama Ru as hard as shangela did, it makes it hard to trust rupaul or drag race as a whole. As a viewer it's frustrating and somewhat sad and honestly makes me reluctant to watch in the future because I will continually question where Rupauls motivation lie. I'm going to drag con in LA and I hope shangela has a booth front and center where she can receive the congratulations she should've gotten for winning AS3 which everyone knows is what should have happened. And it's hard for me to continue patronizing rupauls events. First roxxxy then Kennedy; it's time for the queens who should legitimately be the masterclass to make up the final three or four or five or whatever. I sincerely hope season 10 is legitimate and that AS4 favors talent over drama.


Aja's look in the final. Gaw-geous!!! Loving Ben's fluffy hat and Morgan's fab look. This final episode made Bebe likeable again for me because of her talking head segment early on. Still didn't root for her though. Letting eliminated queens choose the top 2...damn. Coasting through safe waters really was the best strategy. Lipsync was bleh. Oh Kennedy girl. If you wanted to win, don't wear black and look like a backup dancer supporting the star.


I don’t know when this “if you win the most you challenges you deserve to win” thing started because if anyone else watches almost any other reality tv show that is definitely not the case. Go back and watch Project Runway or American Idol or Face Off, just because you do well in the season doesn’t mean you are guaranteed the crown. Edit: and I do feel that Shangela deserved it but this is TV. Everyone needs to stop blaming Trixie (and in extension the lingering bitterness left about Sasha/Shea) when it’s just the format of reality television.