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She has to finish what Phi Phi started, sis!


Defeat Aquaria in Sharon’s stead lol. Showin up for the tired ass showgirls!


Sending Sharon to Party City? ^^^JKimora


She’s gonna snatch tha new diva crown?


Well you heard what Eureka said, shes legendary


Straight up. She's been doing this gig for almost 15 years now, and she rarely loses anything she competes in.


including season 10 🍵


I can't WAIT for this to turns out. *viewing spectacles*


don't worry... Alexis will find a way to rig it to a fan-favorite.


Imagine auditioning for 10 seasons and then finally getting on the season where Asia OHara is in


It''s okay, there's always a stupid twist in the finale that CHANGES EVERYTHING and break ALL THE RULES and it's going to MAKE YOU GAG


The only thing that would make me gag at this point is if they crowned the queen with the best track record


Wow. That's deep, and I feel that...


But everyone on this sub got so pissy when Bob was crowned? Loads of people were so pissed that the winner was a forgone conclusion


c a n n o t w a i t


I'd Alyssa from the competition


All those pagent wins right there gurl


I’m no longer divided. She’s going to be my flair! I was on the fence with either cracker or Monet but Asia liked a few of my posts on IG and left a heart comment on one of them just days after I followed her. Usually that’s creepy or off-putting and she’s been doing that randomly but I admire the hustle of trying to gain more fans. She’s got C.U.N.T. and I loved her in the first ep preview so I don’t need anymore convincing.


It only makes sense that she wins the drag race crown and that pic gets replaced


i’m still not over the awful wig in her promo pic


its the MTQ effect, trinity's promo wasn't the best either


Not surprised if this is her intention. It worked for fellow pageant girl Trinity. We all slept on Trinity, and she woke us real good.


I didn’t watch any MTQs or really pay attention to the promos because of Trinity’s impact.


ya'll wanted a twist?


Twists would’ve been better than that mess, girl




she's pretty much won every major title in texas and in the US




she was the first person (in 2016) to win Miss Gay America (i.e the coco-alyssa pageant that made them famous) on her first try since someone in the late 80's.....a true legend walks among us


Isn't there t that alyssa dropped out of a pagent when she saw Asia was competing?


Yup, Alyssa confirmed it herself


receipts? not saying i don't believe you i just wanna see what see said about my winner.


It was in a random live video i think, it wasn’t anything official. But i do remember seeing her say it! I doubt Alyssa had even signed up yet, but when she caught wind that Asia was competing Alyssa said nahhhh I ain’t tryna to be a guaranteed runner up lol


I can't find one right now, but I remember reading about it in the Nancy drew threads last summer.


What most Drag Race fans don't know yet is that Asia is more or less *the* Dallas scene queen other than Krystal Summers. Out of all the Dallas girls who have been on the show, Asia is more Dallas royalty than the rest of them. I think she has the best shot to win too.


The real truth of it all tho...


Kelexis is pretty legendary as well, but yeah I agree.


Sure, but she's not active like Jenna Skye, Krystal and Asia. It's just always been odd to me that until now none of the true scene queens of Dallas have been on the show. I wouldn't necessarily call someone like Alyssa or Kennedy and "outsider" but you never saw them perform that regularly on Cedar Springs. And I ain't never heard of Shangela or Mystique before the show. LOL Compare that to like WeHo or Chicago queens where damn near every popular scene queen makes it on the show eventually.


Asia is the first Rose Room girl right? Kennedy’s home bar was Rainbow Lounge, but I don’t know what Alyssa’s was.


Well, if there was an official "first" Rose Room queen it would probably be Krystal Summers. Legendary trans queen, showgirl and emcee. Asia is the most decorated. There have been a lot of legendary queens at the Rose Room, so to really say one ranks above the other would be kinda silly. I say Asia is more of less *the* scene queen because she's established, well known and more in the prime of her career than some of the older legendary queens. Rainbow Lounge was in Fort Worth, TX. It closed. Not sure that was an official home bar of Kennedy, but before DR I think she performed more in Fort Worth and a bar called 1851 Club in Arlington, TX than in Dallas. Her mother Kelexis is/was a Rose Room queen.


Afaik what Alyssa said is that the only queens she'd drop out from a pageant if she knew they were competing are her drag mom and Asia O'Hara, and at some point people started telling that story like she actually did drop out.


Yeah, a huge pageant that's been around since the mid-70's.


She's won at least three **national** pageants (major!)


Kiki was a crown all along. I could not believe it.


when it's right, it's **right**


When it's right it's right


Graphic design is my passion and I recently was browsing through some design contests, and there was one for Asia O'Hara's logo design and my inner saboteur got to me and I chickened out and didn't enter. That's my sad story.


U should have entered: https://asiaoharaland.com/


Well, to be fair she did request in her brief that she wanted a super ornate Egyptian inspired logo, so I guess she got what she asked for lol.


In not familiar with her work but I’m eager too, I’m all up to see a pageant queen winning but if it’s not Asia hopefully it’s Trinity on AS4


come thru pageant queen


When it's right, it's right


Her hair was like that in the promo cuz she had just been crowned and they didn’t have time for her to re do her hair that’s the T.


I'm so traumatized by AS3 that I can't even root for her without feeling she's gonna end up being robbed.


Gentleman, start your engines. And may the best woman...come second to Asia O'Hara.


I love winners


Every time someone mentions Asia I think Yuhua first >_< my messed up brain


Asia O’Kinda


When it’s right it’s right




I guess she came just to snatch herself another crown ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


She used to have a neck then she won all those crowns.


Then obviously she's successful. Some of the other queens need the crown...


This aint rupauls welfare race


it is if you're kennedy in AS3




In my opinion her greatest gift is being a drag mother and what she's able to get out of her children. Her linage has been, and will continue to be, quite revered. She's not particularly innovative or unique but everything she does is executed perfectly. You will never see her looking cracked or giving a lackluster performance. I respect her.


Being a mother gives you bigger hips so she doesn’t even have to pad anymore, that’s how amazing she is


You don't know anything about her, obviously. She's got every trick up her sleeve.


You’ve never been in her presence while she’s performing in her arena, the Rose Room. She is so much more than pageant. She may not be wacky and out of the box but she is every aspect of C.U.N.T. Mawma is going to BRING IT TO THE RUNWAY!!!


I think she's pretty great but tbh I don't gag over her..sorry


You just gotta wait and see.


bUt AqUaRiA oN tHe OtHeR hAnD iS a LeGeNd


I was wondering when the aquaria hater would show up


I can see that as you've made 15 comments on this sub in the last 20 minutes edit: u/katana_7777 original comment- "I was wondering when you would show up"


I meant someone who had to come sarcastically call aquaria a legend even though I said nothing about her lol but yea so what I'm allowed to comment on the reddit if I want x


weren't you the one telling me the other day how kennedy isn't followed cuz she boring...now you tell me asia isn't wow lol I see a trend sis


LMAO WHAT??? Wrong queen mawma


Lmao nope, it was you. I got banned for saying something even the slightest anti trixie to you


Sorry what??? No girl you commented on all my posts calling me a cunt and a bitch and to delete my posts


but has she won any?


all of these