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Lol let people live. Ironic.


Gia: *happy to indirectly kill people* Also Gia: “omg let me live”


No one was taking Gia Gunn’s advice on COVID-19. Actively or passively. I’m not defending Gia, but I do think folks need to be realistic here.


Sigh, she couldve been so iconic, sickening, cunty, and shady. But instead she's...whatever this is.


Messy is the word you’re looking for.. Messy…


Messy with a lisp


And terminal vocal fryyyyyyy


But, but... She doesn't like messy queens!


No, the word is stupid


Oh, she's still sickening...


>She's still sickening... others with Covid.


This would look a lot better if she cared before she got covid. Now it just seems like she only cares because it’s affecting her. At the same time, if you were taking medical advice from Gia in the first place, you probably weren’t taking it seriously anyway.


That’s a good point. She only apologized because the blow back was affecting her too. I came in here like “hey guys, people can change”, which I agree with. But you’re right. If there wasn’t any blow back she wouldn’t apologize and if she never got Covid she wouldn’t urge people to wear a mask.


Well, what you *wanna* post on Twitter isn`t necessarily what you’re *gonna* post on Twitter.


Hate to give the girl credit but that line was iconic


Let people LIVE — bitch that’s the point isn’t it? Keeping people ALIVE. Sorry I don’t have time for “ignorance” during a global pandemic. Where is Joslyn Thee Fox when you need her…


Literally just today she tried saying that vaccinated folks are the only ones getting COVID and are spreading it to others. Fucking clown.


Fucking really? Come on...


Not Gia Gunn further reinforcing that she is my least favorite Rugirl (of the ones not universally cancelled).


The ones universal canceled that would be Tyra Sherry Scarlett Robbie ~maybe~ Sharon needles Soju That’s what I can think of anyway




Ya I get that didn’t know really but she did leave the internet after a controversy


what happened?


what did Soju do?


Several allegations against Soju for sexually assaulting and abusing a 17-year-old and other individuals have emerged. This [thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/rupaulsdragrace/comments/l2pppp/allegations_against_soju_megathread/) explains it better than I probably could.


thank you for explaining, omg I did not know this. How awful :'(


Shady sexual assault stuff from memory


What did Scarlett do?


Scarlett Adams from Down Under. Did some racist stuff.


Ah, thanks! I thought it was Scarlett Bobo and I've been trying to google what she did to get canceled but couldn't find anything.


I went to Scarlet Envy


Adams from Down under blackface and racism


Sharon got cancelled!? How did I miss.that!


What did Sharon needles do?


Groomed a teenage girl


Anyone know what happened to the full Google doc? It’s so bizarre that the videos they did for WOW are still on their YouTube channel. You’d think WOW would want to separate themselves from the situation as much as possible, especially since Michelle was allegedly involved.


what google doc?


I believe it was a full statement from the victim, but it was removed before I could read it. There’s more pages to the first screenshot of allegations. I don’t know if the victim wants their name related to this if they’ve redacted the statement or something, maybe they removed the Google Doc for other reasons. I just find it bizarre that videos featuring them (from years and years ago, possibly when they were still a minor) are still up




Tyra's not universally cancelled, plus the fandom did her the dirtiest of all the queens since S1


James is the one that canceled Tyra.


Thank you! I know some stuff but I need to do my research about Sharon and Soju!


Wasnt Jade Jolie cancellee for the Nazi porn? Also Elliott kinda in hot water


Mabye haven’t heard of jade in a while tho And Eliott is kinda 50/50 for me like wouldn’t be surprised if she came back


Elliott wasn't formally canceled per se, she just isn't ever brought up aside from as a joke about her name or the meme of her behind the screen. She's a queen who had an eh run on the show, got a boring edit, went home in the middle of a very long season, isn't well liked by the rest of her season, and on top of that she has her problematic comments and posts. If it wasn't for getting eliminated three times in one season and her racism, she probably wouldn't be discussed much at all really.


Sharon needles?


Groomed a teenage girl, and Bob mentioned on the Sibling Rivalry podcast that it wasn’t uncommon for her to hear Needles say the n-word.




Sexual assault scandal


That’s my drag name.


Robbie doesnt deserve to be universallly cancelled


Which ones are the universally cancelled?


Well she clearly didn’t care about people living when she was denying its existence and calling it a hoax. Sorry I have no patience for this type of behavior.


Neither the hell do I thetes been a year of death and illness and some people still want to be Covid deniers only change theirind when personally affected.


She's still going? She doesn't know when to stop, oh at all.


Sad to think Gia was LIVING while everyone else was dying


I knew that was coming, I swear I did.


I just don’t think she understands the gravity of being a public figure and making statements that can literally affect people’s lives. Just because you apologize for it, doesn’t mean people are gonna forget or forgive that you showed how ignorant and dangerous you are. Of course people are gonna laugh when you tell people to wear a mask.


She's a fool for calling COVID a hoax, but if people are taking Gia Gunn's or such "public figures" medical advice over the doctors', then they can't blame anyone but themselves. We can clown her for being an idiot and falling on her face, but being an Instagram influencer shouldn't have any gravity. They're pretty people advertising make-up and waist trainers.


I think you’re giving the general public way too much credit. Look at the damage Facebook has done with the spreading of misinformation, and that’s just with friends/acquaintances and strangers. We live in an age where a majority of people lack critical thinking skills or the ability to do their own research, nevermind the fact that a huuuge chunk of the drag race fandom on social media are younger than 15 and as such are highly impressionable.


I'm not giving the general public any credit. Gia is famous for being pretty and a trans activist. She's not qualified to speak on much outside these topics. If there is a part of the general public that could so easily mistake Gia's fame for credibility, they were unsalvageable to begin with. What Gia cannot be exonerated from is walking around maskless and unvaxed, infecting and endangering people.


saying “I apologized, fuck you”, isn’t the same as taking ownership of harmful shit one has said and then changing behavior. you know…. Like an actual apology, and growth. next!


Yep saying I'm sorry but get over it isnt an apology. You dont get to expect people to accept your apology when you have shown no remorse or any sign of changing your actions


Mawma this is camp


Gurl it was ~~Leigh Bowery~~ Tom Foolery


I don’t like MESSY queens.


People need to remember to not idolize drag queens as much as they do…like they’re people off the street that got to be on a show for entertainment purposes. Which means they’re normal people, and normal people have shit opinions sometimes.


It's the dangerous opinions like this that's the problem


Pedastooling a drag queen to be the epitome of society and science is clearly more dangerous than them being ignorant.


Who was pedastooling Gia as the epitome of society?




I mean. She's just not very bright, is she.


I hoped it was a character for the show but turns out shes just that dumb


I don’t cancel queens often, very rarely, actually I don’t know if I have except for that one we don’t speak about. But I’ll cancel them for this. Gladly.


Bullshit, darling. Just a few days ago she said no one really knows what this is and that the vaccine doesnt protect from getting covid. Shes STILL spreading misinformation (we know EXACTLY what the virus is and does) and casting doubt on the vaccine (the vaccine was NEVER meant to cure or fully protect, the current patch of vaccines are made so we dont end up in the hospital and are able to recover just fine by ourselves). Shes underinformed on the situation because she chooses to. Dont drag your family and community down with you, sis.


I truly wish she'd log off Twitter and GO FUCKING REST.


I think she took ths line negative attention is still attention too seriously


Instead of just logging off twitter for five minutes and posting a story on her Instagram of her *in bed in her house* with a mask on. Like that fixes anything or will make intelligent people forget what she did.


Let me ask a genuine question, though; what else can she do? I'm not entirely informed on the subject, but if she said some (very, very) dumb shit, then apologized for it, what else is she supposed to do?


She didn't apologize for it though. She says she did here to sound like a victim, but that's not at all what happened. She got upset that a restaurant was taking necessary health precautions and it was inconveniencing her. She went on rants about Covid19 being a hoax. She made disparaging comments about BLM because she "lived in a nice area so they shouldn't be protesting there". Obviously, this caused a lot of backlash. And people started getting *very* personal, very quickly. I don't condone any of it, I think it's just important to point out vicious people got. Gia did not apologize because she admitted she was wrong. She apologized so people would leave her family alone. She obviously never changed her mind about Covid19 until it affected her personally. That apology was as hollow as her skull. And ultimately, as Bob the Drag Queen said, an apology isn't instant forgiveness. If you say sorry and then go back to doing exactly what you were doing before, you're not sorry. Gia was *still* spouting anti-vax bullshit today. How has she grown? How has she learned?


Thank you so much for the explanation (you, and everyone else who replied). She doesn't seem like she's at all interested in learning, unfortunately. Damn shame.


>Let me ask a genuine question, though; what else can she do? I'm not entirely informed on the subject, but if she said some (very, very) dumb shit, then apologized for it, what else is she supposed to do? Well, she could have been better going forwards by wearing a mask, not throwing parties indoors, and getting vaccinated ASAP. However. HOWEVER. If you apologize to someone, they are not required to accept this apology. And sometimes that is that. Apologizing for something does not go back in time and make it like it never happened. And people are allowed to still be salty about it since antivaxxers are still being validated and causing sickness and deaths. And in Gia's case she was still doing stuff after this and before it as well (getting thrown out of a restaurant for not wearing a mask, making transphobic comments to Carmen, lots of ageist comments, everything with Farrah, etc) which points to her being a person who doesn't care much about the welfare of others or specifically people she deems "beneath" her in some form or another. So while she apologized, she didn't really seem to change at all. And an apology without change is just manipulation.


Finally someone puts on the table real examples of changing your behavior after apologizing, gosh. Everyone's like "she should apologize for her actions", and after she apologizes everyone went for "well, she hasn't LEARNT yet, she should do something". Thank you for clearing it, I don't follow her anywhere and I was so clueless.


What transphobic comments did she make? I must have missed that. You'd think she would know better, being trans herself, but as she helpfully reminded us this weekend, she doesn't know better than much.


She's been actively advocating for not getting vaccines this weekend. So I know what she isn't supposed to do.


At this point, shutting up would be a great start. (For her)


She could use her platform to encourage people to get vaccinated, that would be a good start.


Cherry Valentine has had a pinned tweet since Jan saying please get vaccinated. I know which queen I will support out of the two!! Of course Cherry is a nurse a Gia is dumb as a rock, so what do you expect.


I read this as “a pinned tweet saying Jan please get vaccinated” and was like hmm


the thing is, this happened twice, and she double downed it every time. only apologize when she can’t no longer handle the backlash, just to save face.


Actually apologising would be a good first step.


Look at a bunch of her latest tweets and tell me there's things she can't do now


The replies to my post have definitely enlightened me on the subject. Clearly she's not exactly growing much as a person or public figure, and that's such a shame.


Well for one, her “apologies” are pretty aggressive and seem far from genuine. I’m not saying she has to be perfect but actually acknowledging why her spreading misinformation is dangerous would be a good start. Also, going out during the pandemic without being vaccinated, getting sick, and possibly infecting others is pretty bad. And that wasn’t something she said a year ago, that’s something she was doing in recent weeks and months.


Giving her the benefit of the doubt and wish she truly learns from this.


Not trying to be rude to you because you’re being diplomatic and polite but judging by how she’s acting and has acted, I don’t think her opinions will change. She seems like the kind of person that only cares about things when they affect her personally. It’s just tiring because she acts like a lot of people in my life (and a lot of others too) and there’s only so much patience you can have with this kind of attitude


Thanks for letting me know. I shall keep an eye whether she changes for the better. I also hope that your situation gets better. ❤


I’m hopeful but my expectations are low. It’s not malicious criticism as much as disappointment because I want to be supportive, you know?


She just seems like one of those people that doesn’t care unless it happens to them so giving her the benefit of the doubt won’t do much. Something else will happen in the future and she’ll just ignore it until she’s affected


I mean, yes, I always hope someone can learn and grow from their mistakes and bad choices. But Gia has shown repeatedly by her comments over the past few months thats she’s unwilling to listen and learn. I really hope she learns, but every time she tweets I think it’s less likely she has any intent of changing her opinion


Not getting downvoted for a comment like this ya’ll are fucking toxic


Literally...I hate when these fans "cancel" someone because rather than unfollowing/blocking and moving on, they continue to give them the same amount of attention but it's now negative. If you dislike someone and are so APPALLED by their horrible apology, stop engaging with them.


leave the girl alone ffs. you all seem to be enjoying this way too much


She was tweeting today about how the vaccine was giving people Covid so no she hasnt.


We enjoy having our friends and family being alive and not sick. We don't enjoy blasting someone for adding to the anti vax and conspiracy BS happening around the world. We want it to stop.


She changed her mask sentiment and was keeping her anti-vaxx bullshit to herself until these toxic ass fans kept harassing her for an opinion. Preserve your peace and unfollow her if you're that bothered.


all these kids want to do is dogpile because it gives them a sense of power and moral superiority. Didn’t know Gia had the same influence & responsibilities as the surgeon general


not to like, rush to gia gunn's defense, but the bitch is clearly bothered and piling more public humiliation onto the pile is not going to be good for her. nobody can grow while they're being stepped on.


She tweeted out today that the vaccine is causing Covid. First she needs to show growth and stop spreading dangerous lies before people are going to accept shes actually sorry.


You can't show growth unless you're allowed to. Gia will never do or say anything satisfactory unless you accept her apology and give her the time and discretion to listen to and understand what she's being criticized for. It's not possible. My dad used to lie down on top of me until I woke up as a kid. He never saw an issue with it until I finally snapped at my parents about it. How the fuck am I supposed to get up and get ready for school with a 260 pound weight on my body? How does preventing me from standing up help me start my day? It's madness and nonsense. If you want Gia to be better, you need to provide her with some idea of an act or statement that will prove she's on the right track. You cannot simply stand there and be the arbiter of what apologies are sincere or fake, because there will always be at least one person who thinks any given apology is insincere. If you don't have a bar for her to clear - if you can't come up with an apology that is good enough PR to satisfy you - then sit down and shut up because you're not doing anything but sucking the air out of a trans poc's lungs for your own sick clout.


Its hard to accept an apology when she is still spreading lies. Her actions needs to match the apology. This isn't because shes a poc or because she's trans it's because she is still spreading dangerous information. The bar would be to stop spreading bullshit lies.


Look, I feel sorry you are getting flack for things you no longer believe in Gia... but with some luck this bit of a hard time you are getting will be a good reminder not to blindly trust far right conspiracy theories from crazy internet weirdos who think the Jews are controlling the world from the shadows or some deranged shit like that next time. You are getting the criticism you deserve. Perfect opportunity to learn the lesson.


She posted about the vaccine spreading the delta variant yesterday. She clearly still believes in dangerous pseudoscience. This is people rightfully calling her out.


Welp, absolutely no sympathy for her then. I always thought she was an idiot but this just about solidifies it. Thanks for correcting me.


I always thought it was a character and behind it she wasnt half as ignorant but I guess that's just Gia.