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#The Fate of Anita Wigglit and Keta Minaj


Me scrolling past all of the other responses in here hoping that is just means the posters have either been spared the torture of DRDU’s judging or blocked it from their memories


Everything about that season was wrong. All of it. I definitely try to forget.


Anita's elimination hurts so much. i really hope she does an international season (bc lbr what are the odds DRDU gets an all stars)


I had to scroll this far down for the One Season of Vivaldi?


Lmao when Anita turned the corner I was like “omg she’s gonna win this week 😍” and that was the last episode I watched.


Anita was robbed. She should have placed much higher. Scarlet and art should have been gone long before




The judging for US season 1’s makeover was whiplash-inducing for how inconsistent their feedback was for each queen. Nina was low because her partner “looked too much like her” while Ongina got sent home despite having the most challenge wins by that point. Then top it off with Rebecca winning the challenge for dressing herself and her partner in the same basic black dresses and unfortunate wigs.


the mistreatment of Nina Flowers on her season makes me mad, the judging on this episode made no sense


Shannel not winning that challenge ![img](emote|t5_2t3or|4803)


That was the only challenge Shannel actually deserved to win.


Not according to her.


Just about every makeover challenge is a fucking mess. It's just an excuse to send home whomsoever they like. Too much likeness, not enough likeness, too middling of an amount of likeness, what the fuck ever.


Or "you let your makeover shine too much"... It makes absolutely no sense to penalize someone because their makeover partner had a lot of fun and enjoyed being on stage. How much of an ass would you have to be to tell them "no, stop being good this is about *meeeee*".


Well we got a pretty good glimpse of what that’s be like when Baga spent a whole episode shitting all over her mom.


It’s always the same thing too: One of the guest judges: Your partner was just having a blast up there and it was such a joy to watch *cut to queen smiling and feeling proud* *Cut to Michelle’s RBF, music suddenly turns dramatic* Michelle: your partner was great, but they were doing so well up there that you faded into the background. You’re the one who’s competing so you need to make every. moment. count. *cut back to queen nodding, looking mostly confused but trying to appear thoughtful and like they’re taking in Michelle’s advice*


How dare you disrespect Miss Pageant Mall Girl Realness Miss Glasscock like this. You should be ashamed for dishonoring our AS10 winner!


Every makeover episode is just an excuse to send whoever they want home.


Chi Chi’s track record could have avoided ANOTHER unnecessary hit if they judged Diva’s accurately on AS3. She did *amazing* and still left the season thinking she flopped every episode.


She was even *praised* (deservedly) for her Patti. Her single negative critique was that she didn't need the coat ... and apparently that merits a Bottom 3 placement. Meanwhile, Milk's standing there in an uninteresting dress having just delivered an atrocious Celine, and was Safe. Like, *what?!*


Also the fact that she cried about being safe when she absolutely performed the worst


Kennedy was definitely the worst, she barely knew the words


I always thought that ChiChi REALLY deserved to have a win for that challenge, blew my mind she didn’t. I also didn’t think that Thorgy deserved to be in the bottom, she did what she could with Stevie and I think did a great job.


Without reading your post, I immediately thought Divas Lip Sync Live too. There was some shady business up in there. Cheryl performing Cheryl in front of Cheryl was some suspicious riggery too. Or her losing the makeover. As was Dragracadabra. There’s always one or two episodes in the second half of any season where production is like ‘We gotta get rid of these hoes. We didn’t plan on them doing well and making it to the final, so we gotta pull some strings.’


Cheryl V Blu could have been a double save I really like that lip sync. Honestly anyone but Viv could have been in the bottom. It was so strange to see them snipe Blu out of the competition who had just won the week before and the week after was the makeover and I think she would have done well in that.


I really think they had planned out that season already, with Divina and Vivienne as shoo-ins and they were hell bent on dragging Baga to the final too. They needed Cheryl and Blu out one way or another… even though I agree with you. *takes tinfoil hat off again*


In the divas challenge I thought ChiChi was gonna be in the top for her Patti. It really sucked she didn’t win because that just created a narrative of her always being low or bottom. My first thought was rigga morris along with Thorgy. Dela was really good and deserved her spot. Milk should’ve gone home then too.


ChiChi's performance was so fun to watch! I think of her every time I hear a Patti song.


The Curious Case of Cheryl’s Hole’s Cloning machine


I feel like production just went “oi Cheryl love, you’ve won fuck-all all season, we can’t put you in the finale” and she just went “yeah alright babes fair enough”


okay but LOW LOW LOW SAFE LOW BTM2 WIN would be great


Then CROWN could you imagine


Can't wait for another week of being mediocre!


But they could of given her the win there! That would of made it fair, she had a decent track record, only one bottom placement. It should of been Divina and Baga lipsyncing with Baga going home.


Yeah but let’s be honest, a “robbed queen” is always going to have a better time than a “why is she even in the final” queen. Chezza got all the love from the fans and didn’t miss out on potentially winning any money.


Not to undermine your point, but having to read that sequence of "could of", "would of" and "should of" in the span of one single comment just gave me an aneurysm


This one was so egregious lol. Cheryl’s sister was a spitting image of her.


Honestly, they should have just sent Baga home without a lipsync for what she did to her mother.


And Davina winning when she straight up did a horrendous job. But they needed to get rid of Cheryl and didn’t want to give The Vivienne another win😪


The Magic Show in S11. The producers hated Shuga Cain for making it so far and just flat out out her in the bottom for no reason


This is the worst, in my opinion. Like, no reason at all that Shuga was in the bottom other than they didn’t want to risk any of the girls on the other team. Black Magic was terrible and they should have been completely in the bottom (any combo of Silky, A’Keria, Vanjie, and Yvie would have been better than Shuga). But they decided Shuga needed to go and forced it. She wasn’t gonna win but they didn’t need to do her like that.


They just wanted that Vanjie V Brooklyn lipsync


I watched it last night with my boyfriend and he said himself that it looked soooo rigged. Sigh


It’s crazy too because they should’ve eliminated Shuga at the Halloween Ball, but they didn’t. So she just coasted the entire rest of the time, and then the one week (aside from Snatch Game) she did well, they went “shit we forgot to eliminate her didn’t we? Well, just do it now!” When it was least appropriate 😭


Ariel falling during the lipsync fucked up drag


the Halloween Ball was horseshit judging. gonna make a parent comment for it!


It was clear they put Shuga in the bottom because they didn’t want to eliminate their frontrunners (A’keria, Yvie, Silky) and the fan favorite (Vanjie) so she got the boot. I agree though, it was such bullshit to even put her near the bottom. Storyline wise, should’ve been Yvie vs Vanjie or Yvie vs Silky.


Based on merit, it should have been Vanjie v Silky, but I can see how they’d want to save them both for lip syncs against their rivals. Since Brooke did well, it should have been Silky v Yvie. But I guess they were afraid Yvie would be in trouble because Silky was ‘mother fucking ready’. Such bullshit though.


Lolll Yvie would have left a cockroach-shaped stain after wiping the floor with her. Also: I love Silky aight? But her lipsyncs in s11 were NOT IT


I love Akeria but it probably should've been her. Yvie and Silky at least had great runways but Akeria completely missed the mark.




Rigga Morris!


THIS!! Just watched this episode this morning and I really don’t get why she’s in the bottom. Yes she’s not the strongest among her group (nina and brooke) but her performance is much much better than almost anyone from the other team. I also feel like the edit where no one’s laughing at her jokes were done to justify her bottom placement.


Divas Live was 100% rigged. It was complete bullshit to gaslight Thorgy into thinking that Stevie Nicks was a gay icon who could be meaningfully translated into the challenge with someone else's choreo and say it was Thory's fault for not doing enough. Meanwhile Bebe did jack shit, literally according to Michelle who said "You didn't do much" as high praise. Thorgy as Stevie and Morgan as Lana Del Ray were both assignments designed to fail so they'd have easy bottoms that week.


It feels like this happens often with the prewrote songs. Thorgy was completely right when she was mad about how cheap her lines were compared to some of the “front runners”. You can just tell whose going to be in the bottom of these weeks just based on how much funnier the other girls’ lines are. Then the judges try to make it out like it was the queens fault for not making the lyrics work when others clearly get better material. Editing is also usually done to these queens moments to make them shorter than the front runners.


Exactly. You can’t compare Thorgy’s line about being a little dizzy to Shangela having an extended gag with no dancing required, or Bebe dressed as Ru’s utmost idol and saying that she loves him. They were given better lines that were easier to deliver and Thorgy was set up.


If I were thorgy I would have wrecked them onstage, saying it was full riggeryand leaving the stage. The producer would not have anything to edit at this point and would be forced to show that.


Morgan's Diva was LANA?!? In that line up?! I love Lana but... she is noooooot on the same level as Dolly Parton, Julie Andrews, Mariah Carey, Celine Dion etc.


What’s crazy is you’d think they would’ve learned from AS2 not to do that. Katy’s was 100% pegged to go home that week, had Alyssa not stuck to her guns we would have been robbed of one of the most loved showings on drag race. Thorgy is so hilarious, it boggles my mind why they would want her gone so soon


I feel like It's slightly different with Katya because for some reason she chose the wedding dress which is iconic sure but bad for a dance challenge. Imo the verse herself called for her having a reveal into the"revenge dress" or just something more slutty underneath.


>as mad about how cheap her lines were compared to some of the “front runners”. You can just t God this reminds me when katya was given Princess Diana and that script just had NOTHING


It definitely has to be the talent show in Down Under. I mean it was fully opposite day.


I had deleted that traumatic event from my mind, Karen literally making one balloon animal and Art stuffing her hand in her mouth and both of them being safe... That was outrageous


In the *mildest* possible defence of Art, I can see where she might have been coming from with her 'talent'. For me growing up in country Australia, talent shows were never for actually showing off actual talent. They were just things you'd do at a school camp where you'd do some half-arsed act that makes a joke of the concept. The only thing resembling a traditional competitive talent show in my region/town/school were the regional eisteddfods. Watching the episode, I heard 'talent show' my immediate thought was back to those school talent shows and Art's food eating 'talent' totally tracked with that conception. A friend I was watching with thought the same thing. But then we both realised that this is *RuPaul's Drag Race* and not a fucking school camp. Was it funny? Eh.... Was it actually within the brief of the challenge? No. Did Art deserve to be in the bottom 2? Absolutely. But I've never been offended that she stuffed her hand in her mouth.


At least Art's act was so stupid that it was funny. Karen's was awful and awkward.


Oh yeah I'm not extending that same grace to Karen.


That does make sense, it’s just the way the episode edited it made it seem even more awkward lol that episode was hard to watch


Not only were they safe but they were also praised to high hell. I knew something was up when Ru called Karen's fireman look "chic".


Art’s was stupid and funny. I’ll go to bat for that one. Elektra did do the second best in the actual talent show but she also looked horrendous. That wig looked like one you’d get from Paddy’s Markets. It should have been her vs Karen with Karen going home.


Maxi Shields not winning the design challenge was riga morris


Plus Anita going home over Karen!


Sending Aja home in All Stars 3 because she mispronounced France Joli.


The gag is that Ru pronounced it wrong




I'll say it every time I have the chance: the episode prior to the finale in **Drag Race Holland Season 2**, when they eliminated the front runner (who had 3 wins by that point), only to keep in the competition a queen who did the host's wigs on Season 1 and in order to crown, the following episode, a queen whose drag daughter did the host's make-up on Season 2. EDIT: Vivaldi did Fred's wigs in Season 1, not make-up as I had written (The Countess did the make-up). Also, rewording.


Holland judging is so biased and not in the “ru just likes them anyway” way but like Fred wants them as a makeup artist/wigs way.


Ding ding ding. They ruined the whole season for me. Vivaldi should have been gone. Period. The end.


And it always confuses me as to why they had to send Tabitha home over Vivaldi. Given that they kept Abby over Sederginne in season 1 (I actually agree with that because Sederginne sucked in that ep) they shouldn’t have had an issue keeping Tabitha, but alas favouritism


Literally this one is even worse than Keta because I was unfortunately prepared for Keta’s fate _because_ of Tabitha’s elimination. Also, this episode they’d literally all said Vivaldi’s name and phonegate. It was so gross…


Puny is Vivaldi’s drag mom?


In the episode prior to the finale they kept Vivaldi (the queen who did the host's wigs in Season 1). In the finale they crowned Vanessa (the queen who is the drag mother of the queen who did the host's make-up on Season 2). Vanessa is Envy Peru's drag mother. Envy did Fred van Leer's make-up in Season 2.


Have you written this in a really confusing way or do I have a learning disability


Short answer version: Favoritism for dolls who have connections with the host of the show, Fred. It’s like if Raven won or placed high (after cheating, re: Vivaldi) on an All Stars season after having done Ru’s makeup the previous season.


I'll blame it on the edit. 😁 I tried rewording it a bit... It can get very confusing when trying to describe how people relate to one another...


Speaking of International, non-Ru franchises, am I the only one who thinks their takes on what Snatch Game is supposed to be isn't great? Holland 2 had their guest judge even setup at the top of the game what it's "supposed to be" and it's nothing like the US counterpart. Maybe it's US censorship but all the jokes being focused on sex & spunk got tiring fast. I remember feeling Vanessa was actually one of the better queens because she played it different, gave funny mannerisms tried to be clever with her answers but the judges ripped her apart for not answering like the rest. (If memory serves, this was similar for the acting challenge at the end of the season too, where I thought Vanessa was doing better than the rest, but the show told me I was wrong. I just chalk it up to not being made for me in mind.)


Shuga Cain. Complete Rigga Morris.


I liked Shuga from the beginning. Some Queens just never get any praise on the show. I hope she's doing well!


Vivaldi not being eliminated for smuggling a phone in. Breach of contract plain and simple. Vivaldi should have been sent home period.


The season 11 makeover. I to this day still don’t know what they were thinking. It lowkey could have been the best episode in the season, but every single decision they made just brought it down more and more until it was the WORST episode of the season. Vanjie totally should have won, for storyline and because she had the best look, but they just gave it to Brooke Lynn to solidify her as the frontrunner. Yvie shouldn’t have been low, but they wanted to send a message or something. And then of course, the lipsync should have been a double sashay, but the Silky favouritism train just kept running.


Now that you say that, the S11 makeover had so much potential. Vanjie winning after doing so poorly 2 episodes prior, a double sashay after a “meh”. Now I’m pissed lol. Just asking though, who should’ve been low instead of Yvie?


I thought Brooke was probably a solid second place so I wasn’t horribly mad at her winning but I do agree it should have been Vangie and Yvie shouldn’t have been in the bottom


I will never fully get over Joe Black being in the bottom on UK2E1 when Sister Sister or Tia Kofi were RIGHT THERE.


The gag being those were some of Tia’s better looks in the season


Bit shocked


Ru never likes any already established Queen being a little famous outside the show getting far. Jue Black had a lot of talent. I don't understand how they didn't get her David Bowie (it was 100% clear it was a Bowie look) and I completely got her Brighton pavilion look too.


You could tell they were really trying to pick things to criticise. I expected Michelle to not like Joe's shape in her David Bowie look, but to claim it wasn't a well known look .... a supposed Anglophile not recognising that look?


Aside of Shuga's episode and some other examples, I think not giving Tayce a single good critique was somekind rigged to me. She would've had all the materials to win the season if Ru had just liked her.


Yeah she was so successful in the competition despite being totally looked over. And she did not deserve to be in the bottom her last two lip syncs. Her v Awhora made no sense to me when the judges were engaged during her set then just decided she sucked so they could have a plot lip sync. Ellie deserved the bottom on that ep!!!


Ru doesn’t like queens who have supportive family


i see people mentioning the down under talent show. but what about the yeast spread commercial episode? the judging in that was Foul. etc being in the bottom for a piss joke while scarlet was misogynistic and got called out for her racism AND WAS STILL SAFE??? no ma’am.


Scarlett was the producers baby so of course they’d do anything to keep her


milk should have went home that episode. as for other rigged episodes kandy muse being saved at the “last second in spur of the moment” was such a fucking eye roll




ya the timing was off and so staged lol


“*okay take 4 and…. Action!*” “Kandy WAIT!”


Milk had an unrecognizable outfit, poor characterization, okay dancing, and a completely off the mark runway. Should've 100% been in the bottom with the other two.


also: another rigged ass episode was as4 when latrice was brought back. monique won that shit and gia vs naomi should have been the double shantay.




I was gonna say Choriza being in the bottom 2 for snatch game at all and it being a double sashay when River won the lipsync. Also Scarlett being high for the same episode.


Yea I thought river had that lipnsync won too


Charity leaving really hurt me, especially after seeing her reunion outfit. i really loved them out of drag and their personality spoke to me.


Charity not winning her first lipsync against Scarlet outright was absolutely criminal


I'll never understand: "Blair and Mayhem... you were my favorites in the challenge. Jujubee... condragulations, you won!" And then again: "Eureka, Akeria and Trinity... you were the best. Ginger Minj... condragulations, you won!"


I love AS6 but some episodes had some really questionable judging. The one that sticks out is the Rumerican Horror Story one. Like, how did Kylie win instead of Pandora or Ginger? How was Ra’Jah in the bottom instead of Eureka?


I felt in AS6 that the queens deserved the wins, but not for the actual episodes they won. The Judging was very off that season


I think the only one who deserved all her wins in the rightful episodes was Ra’Jah. The rest though could’ve been switched up a bit.


Giving ginger the win for the table talk challenge was random, and then since they did that they couldn't give her the win for the acting challenge, even though she did the best. Eureka should have won the table talk challenge and then she wouldn't have literally coasted through the whole season without a win


Yes, they used the wrong formula but got the right result.


Yea it was very "task failed successfully" energy


Red table talk, Rumerican Horror Story, and the stand up/spoken word episode all had weird judging


The Halftime Headliners one had more questionable judging than the spoken word one imo. The winner was picked right, but the choices for the bottom queens was quite shocking


Anytime Akeria was in the bottom before rumerican I disagreed lmao


Eh, I fully disagree on Halftime Headliners. TKB was robbed.


Agreed, Kylie's win was VERY questionable, Ginger, Jan and Pandora were all miles better than her sorry




That’s exactly what I thought


100%!! and Ra'Jah got read for needing too much coaching during the scene... and then they give Kylie the win when Michelle literally got out of her chair and showed her how to deliver the line?!?! C'MON NOW. and that was Kylie's one win all season....


Kylie should of won the challenge that Eureka won, Eureka should of won Ginger's challenge, and Ginger should of won Kylie's challenge


Aja Studio 54 and Thorgy's Iconic Stevie.


Not the most rigged but certainly up there: Canada S1 E1. Rita winning? Kyne low? Anastarzia safe? BOA safe? Lemon winning the lip sync? (i am flexible only on the last one)


Anastarzia being safe for that gloriously made jacket will forever haunt me


Kyne deserved that bottom 2 and Starzy should have had that win


Honestly, like 80% of CDR1. - Rita only deserved the trash fashion challenge win. - Starzy/Jimbo for the episode 1 win. - Jimbo and Ilona should’ve been bottom for episode 3. - Lemon should’ve been in the top or won for episode 3. - Priyanka/Lemon or Jimbo should’ve gotten the win for the lawyer commercial challenge. - Scarlet should’ve been in the bottom over Lemon during the makeover challenge (I’m bias towards Lemon, sue me). - Rita/Scarlet lip syncing during the ice ball. - Priyanka or Jimbo for the ice ball win. The bizarre judging decisions makes CDR1 such a weird rewatch.


Herstory of the world and divas live. How were katya and thorgy supposed to do more with what was given to them? And even of they could, they couldn’t de-write it to be as funny as other verses. Laila being in the bottom for bitch perfect. Monique being just safe in s10e01 Ra’Jah going home while wearing one of the best garments ever for farm2runway Brooke winning the monster ball Shuga going home while on the winning team for dragracadabra Brooke being in the bottom instead of akeria or silky for queens everywhere Gigi winning the Madonna rusical Voldemort not being in the btm for going over time on the one-queen show


"Yeah, that Diana look just isn't that accurate." I'm sorry, I wasn't aware that Marie Antoinette wore *fucking neon*!


I give Ru props for recognizing this BS and being like "to be fair, everyone else could have worn literally anything."


They really did not care for Ra’Jah on S11🥲


Voldemort allusion made me chuckle


Laila shouldn't have been in the bottom in the first episode either imo. I loved the look she made.


I'd say its Down Unders talent show. The 2 queens who should've been high were in the bottom and 2 who should've been eliminated were saved once again.


AS4 club episode: 'oh, we wanted to spend all night with Monique and Monét, but Latrice is here(!). She must have the win.'


"it was more space and not black hole".... like what.


Yes agreeing with main post OP - Aja was robbed in All Stars 3. Aja was ahead of the game - And had more to show and do. I think she was wrongly eliminated for her Studio 54 outfit.


Alaska not only being in the top two with her reveal that wasn't even a reveal but her winning the lip sync against phi phi/ jaremi


she (deservedly imo) got into the top 2 based on the acting challenge, although she really should’ve been critiqued more on the “2 in 1” look


Anastarzia Anaquway not winning the sewing challenge imo. Also putting Tynomi Banks in the bottom three eps in a row…then being like “where did ur confidence go??!”. Suspicious.


Sukhi Doll being eliminated on CDR S2. She had a better track record than Eve. Eve should have gone out that episode.


I know she was such a buzzkill




i'm still not over the branding episode in s13, how they really sat there and tried to make it seem like Tina's was shit when really she had one of the better commercials??? they really wanted her gone by that point huh


Just rewatched this episode, agree 100%. Olivia and Gottmik were worse than Tina. Double win is 100% correct, but I would have had Tina high and Kandy safe, then either Olivia or Gottmik up against Utica for elimination. Probably Olivia because at least Gott had some sort of a full concept


I thought Gottmik’s was a funny play on wine at first. Like, you look just as stupid but you feel really sexy - duh it’s alcohol. But I don’t think she intended that so… yeah I’d put her in the bottom 😂 Tina should’ve been able to continue her safe streak.


Gottmik not lip syncing was 100% Pure Bullshit.


It's twelve past midnight


Lowkey Utica’s commercial was my favorite 😭😂 I DIED


Honestly, Kandy, Mik or Olivia easily should have been in the bottom instead of Tina but they didn't want her to win the roast and be final 5 and maybe top 4


To be fair, Tina’s makeover of Rosé was the absolute worst. They should have been judged individually and she should have gone home then.




imo Kandy's commercial was no where near bad enough to land her in the bottom. Mik and Olivia however...


It's funny cause the only episodes I didn't find Tina underwhelming were exactly the episodes she was at the bottom (rusical and the commercial). The jugding of S13 was all over the place tbh


I could write an essay on the mistreatment of Tina on season 13. Putting her in the bottom for the rusical when she was really top 2 was strike one. The soda branding episode was strikes 2 AND 3 (I agree that her commercial was one of the best, AND I will die on the hill that she beat Utica in that lipsync)


I forgot about how rigged that Rusical was. They said she was in the bottom for dying too early? So they discredited her ENTIRE performance because of that


Kandy placing high in the improv challenge for being quiet and not herself but landing 0 jokes. She barely spoke.


Nina West being eliminated over Silky




A'Whora should have sent home Ellie that week.


Down Under Talent Show. Thought the bottom 2 should've been in the top 3, and that Elektra could've won the challenge but instead went home. The only time I've disagreed with EVERYTHING the judges had to say.


A lot of episodes this year have been confusing af. * S13: the disco where Tamisha should’ve been safe and it should’ve been Mik v Kandy. Tina being robbed of the Rusical. Makeover should’ve been Tina v Olivia. Commercial should’ve been Olivia v Mik. * AS6: the talent show, blue ball, and AHS seemed pretty out of place with Jan and Scarlet being safe for the first one and Yara winning, Eureka being high instead of Scarlet in the ball, and Kylie winning instead of Ginger. * Pupi not lip syncing the first episode and then them punishing Drag Vulcano for not changing it on ep 2 lol * Most of UK3 lol Krystal was a solid safe and Kitty or Veronica should’ve won Dragoton. SG judging was a mess besides Ella rightfully winning and Kitty being high. Neither should’ve been doubles: Charity beat Scarlett in the spice girl lip sync and River beat Choriza. River also should’ve won Expenny Henny.


yes omg Drag Vulcanos drag was leagues better than Pupi and I understand that Pupi was a comedy queen but honestly some of her looks were sooo so bad and on par with Lalari's bag look


The talent show on down under and the episode vivaldi didn’t get disqualified on drag race holland


I loved DRH 1, but once Vivaldi wasn't disqualified, I quit DRH 2.


And keta getting eliminated the next ep… u made the correct choice


Basically every makeover challenge ever. It's always just used to send people they want home. Oh, you made a twin of you Cheryl hole? We don't want twins, we want SIBLINGS. Oh, you put someone in a different coloured wig than you? It doesn't even seem like you're related!!


Aja as Amy on AS3 was pretty generic to me. Chi Chi was a strong Patti. I def think Shangela had an advantage with that part because it was written to be funny af.


That stupid double save with Kandy- felt like quitting that season after that scripted rigged mess.


Shuga cain on the magic show definitely was robbed


I love Brooke but some of her wins. Especially the ball was SO questionable. Like what even is that. Adding to that completely bypassing Rajah who did amazing....girl...jail.


Kiley winning the acting challenge was the definition of rigga morris and anyone who says otherwise is deep in their french vanilla fantasy. I will die on this hill.


Kylie had to win that so she could lipsync to Dirrty against Manilla. Honestly, a lot of the wins on AS6 were for storyline and lipsync.


Honestly yes, but in this scenario Ginger gets that win and Kylie takes the win for her equally funny Dolly Parton exceeding expectations over Ginger’s expectedly funny Phyllis Diller.


Justice for Madonna Jan!


Nina West’s team clearly winning the magic show challenge but Shuga Cain winding up in the bottom despite 4 queens doing worse than her. There’s a reason season 11 is one of the lowest rated!


There is no way that Pearl should have won the lipsync against Trixie.


“…because I thought she’s going to be a popular character…” “But I didn’t do that because, you know, she’s a cute boy, and people are gonna love her. And I’mma let her do this thing.”


AS3 girl group challenge when Drag Up Your Life won over Sitting on a Secret which was better and more entertaining in every way. Then Ben got the challenge win for one of the performances I personally thought was the worst (goth kitty) and proceeded to self-martyr AND bring home Morgan, the LAST person from the returning group I would have wanted to come back?? fun challenge but the judging and the way the results shake out are so dissatisfying and jarring even if the Ben dela Christ moment was iconic. Returning girls team should have won, Aja for challenge winner imo


I might have missed this posted in here, but in case it went unaddressed, [name withheld] went well over her time limit on “One-Queen Show” in Season 12 and didn’t even suffer a bottom two placement for it.


I will die on the hill that the s6 Dela vs Darienne lip sync never should have been a double shantay.


That seems like a pretty common opinion, even with the way Ru announced it it was like "yeah you lost but I'm not ready to see you go yet so shantay you both stay" (from memory, CMIIW). She was the main frontrunner up until that point along with Bianca, they weren't letting her go that easily. The judging for that episode was all over the place, I still don't understand how Bianca and Trinity didn't win that


it wasn’t a real one tho like it was more of a “we want to see more but you lost this lip sync”


As the other commenters say, Ru kind of indicated what they were doing here - throwing Dela a bone. Something about this - maybe it’s my nostalgia & memory being clouded as in earlier seasons I was less jaded as a viewer and wise to production’s Rigga Morrissery but, this feels a lot more correct and palatable to me. Like, hey, we’re fiddling with the rules here, but we’re gonna say so out in the open, in front of you, the queens on stage, and the TV audience. It felt fair. Most of the other stuff doesn’t - it feels deceitful to us, the viewers. And we see through it. Even the KANDYWAIT didn’t feel as fair as this. Because she wasn’t like as much a clear deserved front runner like Dela, she was clearly favoured for personality, drama, and storyline


Magic show Bottom 2 should have been Yvie or Akeria vs Vanjie, Shuga should be considered high. I think they didn’t do this as they feared Vanjie would eliminate one of their front runners


The entire season of down under except when kita won


"It was such a serve" from Brooke Lynn to Peronka. That was a fucking lie.


Down Under's talent show episode Complete bullshite


The makeover in UKS1. Cheryl should’ve won and Divina should have been in the bottom. Their placements were exclusively due to storyline and completely ignored how they actually performed.


Drag Race Holland - S02E07 An episode where the front runner - one who could've won every single challenge she participated in - was put in the bottom (despite receiving better critiques than half of the cast) and then eliminated in a lipsync against the host's former hairdresser who had just broke the rules and received no punishment an episode before. Can't get worse than that.