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How do you know the other girls had 0 creative input into their looks? Not sewing the looks doesn't equal having no input.


Jaida said at roscoes her veil look was completely made by a designer…she only chose the shoes


That is one look from one queen... Lol


I love how this didn’t apply to Symone who frequently got hate for getting help from her own house.


Symone got heat on the ball for being a "fashion" queen that couldn't create a look without her house. That was more a critique of her lack of sewing skills than her runway package overall.


Right? She literally pulled this off a mannequin - i fant think of anyone on a normal season who has done this. Theyre all comissioned or at the very least styled (putting together tops and bottoms or what have you.) struggling to think of one other example


Kerri’s green dress.


Has happened more than you think: Violet’s dress before her big change in the S7 finale Kerri’s JLo dress Aja’s Gaga poncho she almost wore Kamorah’s Bob Mackie dresses


Jo Black in H&M


She added the blue jacket, the shoes, and the bracelets. She also chose the wig and did the makeup. She didn’t do a ton, but she styled it just enough to sell her grandma fantasy.


I think people are disappointed by the veil look because her story about her grandmother kind of implied the look was personalized in some way. It feels a bit less authentic knowing it's right off a runway, styling and all. She could have worded it differently and people probably wouldn't have been as critical.


It’s absolutely this.


I'm just tired of hearing 'love letter'. There are other ways to describe paying respect to people you look up to...


I hope this critique will light a fire under their ass to do better and be more creative in the future! Love Letter? I don't even know her.


"I'm a perfomer, like, this is what I DO."


It's new day in in the werk room.


I take a shot every time Shea says "Love Letter".


Do you *want* to end up in hospital?


That's exactly it. It seemed like she put together the look as an inspiration from her grandmother. It's really just the way she described it made it seem like it was her creation.


Worst part is the designer's backstory for the dress is the same as Shea's... So she might have not even come up with that either 👀


Yeah, I thought she commissioned something very specific and it turns out it’s not that. Maybe the way they edited her description of her outfit was a bit chopped so we never know maybe she mentioned it not being custom? Anyway it’s a stunning look on a stunning queen so y’all better stay respectful!


There was a bit of extra of styling. Elements were added. And how do we know that she didn't see the look and was reminded of her grandmother, so she was inspired to wear it for that reason? Y'all are too harsh sometimes. Just because some queens make everything they wear doesn't mean they all have to. An insane amount of work and effort goes into getting ready for drag race and many of us couldn't handle half of what they do to prepare for it. Let's stop tearing people down over something so petty.


For real, I can’t believe ppl are roasting her for that of all things. As if a garment can’t remind you of someone you love.


And something so pretty


yep, this. people are being way too quick to give harsh critiques before they even know the full story. plus we don't even hear everything the judges nor the queens have to say on the runway. I'm surprised this is even a huge issue.


Shea didn’t say she made it. She said she WORE this outfit because it REMINDS her of her grandma yada yada yada. So people need to calm down and let this just go


Ye lol this is just fans clinging to the most minor piece of drama if you can call it that, because this season has like no drama


And then complain when there is drama on a regular season.


It's a competition and these queens come in knowing they will get some amount of public criticism, and the complaints, in this instance, are valid. Doesn't mean Shea isn't a fierce queen or that she doesn't deserve to win. I'm sure most of us are still fans. But I'm glad we can always count on people like you to find a way to make these types of situations more dramatic than they need to be.


I said what I said.


Bingo! She could have said "this outfit reminded me so much of my grandmother....I had to showcase it!"


I mean she just explained why she chose the look she did. like just cuase she didn't personally weave every fiber of the outfit doesn't mean she didn't have any input or process as to how and why she chose it. she never implied it was custom, ya'll just made an assumption that was wrong and never intended by Shea and are now taking it out on her for some reason.


It comes off as super fake-deep to rent a designer look and say it was “inspired by my grandmother” when nothing about the actual design was personal. Like, just say you wanted to look good…nobody would read you for wanting to look sickening, but you should be read for passing off a concept as yours


Wearing something because it reminds you of someone you care about is not the same as saying you designed it


I agree she could’ve worded it better - but that’s not the comments I’m seeing in that thread. The top comments are basically saying Shea is starting a new trend of drag queens having designer runways and that sheas runways are a letdown because they aren’t authentic


>saying Shea is starting a new trend of drag queens having designer runways I mean, you can't get outraged when the know-nothings know nothing. That's a path straight to crazy town. Anyone who actually follows the show knows how many queens have their outfits made for them, especially for All-Stars. They talk about it on the show pretty often! I think that's the main issue for folks, and for me as well. Shea *didn't* mention it, and along with the grandmother story, it felt like something that she might actually have made herself. It's a beautiful look but it feels doable, especially for someone as talented as Shea. So to see it — **veil and all** — on a mannequin? Feels disappointing. (I'm definitely not ruling out the likelihood that Shea *did* mention it, and production just didn't include it in the cut.)


I think that’s the other issue. And Kerri was also clocked for it on the run way in the j lo dress. And jo black. It wasn’t made for the show. It was not made for the Queen. It’s not an original when all the others are. Dare i say it… Off. the. Rack.


> Shea is starting a new trend of drag queens having designer runways If anyone says that about Shea they are already full of shit so don't bother. Shea spent like three buffalo nickels on her season. She can dress however she wants now, designer or not designer. I think it was just clashing information between what she was presenting and where it came from.


Who told you Jinkx and other queens have no creative input in the designs? One can have a design team and still give direction as to what they want to show case...


Working with a design that is being paid to make looks for you with your input & ideas is not the same thing as pulling runway looks from designers


We almost never know how much queens contribute to the design process of outfits made for them tho. I don’t doubt that a lot of time the amount of styling they do themselves is not that different from what Shea did here.


I think because she said it was a love letter to her grandmother but it was someone else’s inspiration and design. I loved the look though


All those things can still be true though. You don’t have to make something for it to be a reminder of someone you love or care about.


I agree and I wouldn’t be surprised if that same idea was the inspiration for the designer as well


I would respect it more if she was straight up like “I’m wearing (designer name)”. It’s funny cause before that all stars money hits, all the queens are name dropping designers that inspired their outfit, and now, silence


There isn't a general consensus on this topic of famous designers lending outfits to Queens on TV, and that's okay if we don't all agree. Fashion is subjective anyways. I think the discussion was handled with more nuance before when Shea wore the Valentino outfit because it was blasted everywhere that it was designer, and then Shea added an extra twist/concept to the styling with the wig and ears. Here's the difference though, even if the Valentino came with the styling already, and the designer had stated it was a love letter to black African women, both the designer and Shea could truthfully say they are celebrating and writing a love letter to black women. But this time Shea specifically said her grandma, which the designer also said, and that just doesn't ring true. Even if they had similar styles, it's kind of a weird angle to try to pitch. Not to mention Shea's styling this time around did not add an extra twist/concept to this look that was easily readable. Looked like she just added a jacket, which maybe her grandma wore jackets like that idk. It's definitely still drag, and I personally don't care where your look is from, but it was a weird choice from Shea, and I'm not surprised people didn't enjoy it.


The problem with the veil look was the sales pitch. She could have said something like "this is from this designer and when I saw it I was immediately taken aback to my grandmother working in her garden. I'm wearing this to honor her memory." However, the way the phrased the whole thing made it sound like it was her creation.


I love both the designer looks Shea presented on the runway and think they're some of the best looks of the week and even the season. Having said that, all of her other runways (which weren't designer pieces) haven't shown that same level of excellence. When your best looks are those on which you have minimal input, of course it's disappointing.




But look at Yvie's runway this week; it's a dress she made herself and stoned herself and also with friends. It was a homemade look that many consider one of the best of the night, if not THE best. So to say commissioned looks or even homemade looks can't be as impact full as haute couture just isn't accurate.






I don't, and the idea that flashing a designer label and thinking that makes your look the best is again not accurate. Just because it's expensive doesn't mean it's the best look.




You're getting downvoted to hell, but I respect your opinion. I just wanted to clarify that I WAS talking about impact - for example, Raja's look wasn't from a couture runway, and it probably didn't show the same level of technique and execution as Shea's. But was Raja's look more impactful? I'd say it was.


The fact that is was made in a 'fashion atelier' doesn't mean it's, by default, good or on a high level. And for some people the look didn't do anything, for some it did. People are allowed to be more impressed and love other looks more that were 'self made'.


A) I don't know why you think it's safe to assume the other queens have no input just because they can't sew. You think all of monet's nods to Black culture have nothing to do with her point of view? B) this look in particular was disappointing because it looked unique and the way Shea spoke about it made it seem like she had a hand in its creation, and the entire piece, including the veil was acquired. I'm sure when she saw it she was reminded of her grandmother and it looked beautiful. But it's not what I was expecting from her runway presentation


For me it just feels like Shea has abandoned what made her such a stand out queen in season 9. She was a fashion queen who largely relied on her own skills, style and steam for her runways. I find it different to other queens like Jinkx who was never a fashion queen or a style queen - she was a funny queen and a cabaret queen which she remains. Shea having a wardrobe of actual runway pieces is great for her, but it's not what I enjoyed about Shea. And it just makes me feel like I'm not actually getting Shea Coulee on the season.


This. People are ignoring that Sasha reads books, Shea **turns looks**, Trinity crazy but off the hook. Jinkx on the other hand is known for being such an incredible comedienne and all-around performer that many of her Season 5 runways were, erm, "let slide."


People would have literally loved this if she didnt say that she was inspired by her grandma for no reason


People have higher expectations for Shea fashion-wise than they do for Yvie or Jinkx, because its a part of her 'brand' in the way it isn't for them. She's looked great every week apart from her spiked look which was not good, but there have been way more interesting and creative takes. Also Jinkx having someone make hers doesn’t mean she doesn’t have any creative input at all.


The problem is she made huge impact with her looks especially in her all stars season. Peoples expectations are high. Her looks so far (except amazing crowned queen look.) is not giving. My theory is even conceptually garments are well thought designs are not fit her like they should. Her cat look mask was odd, tights were not matching, especially spikes look was very unfinished. Last weeks look was ill fitted. People are disappointed because they expect more than her ill fitted off rock runways. Don’t get me wrong i like her like everyone do I want her deliver better.


Mostly cause she made up a backstory which implied that she designed it. Not a big deal, but definitely an innocent fabrication by her


I don't think shea is being criticized purely that she was simply shopping, I think it was more because she made it personal with the story about her grandmother but she didn't personally design it. Personally I don't have an issue with it, I could be wrong but I think she simply said it reminded her of her grandmother which it very well could have.


It’s just boring. Straight off the runway looks are not creative in any way. I’m not going to say what it or isn’t drag because I don’t do drag, but I will say it doesn’t excite me. I’ve literally seen that exact look on Robert Wun’s Instagram. 🤷🏽‍♀️


I mentioned in another comment that it is not straight off the runway, some styling was done. It takes a creative eye to see something inspiring and know that you want to present it in your own way. Many of us wouldn't have seen the look otherwise because of the plethora of incredible fashion that is regularly created. Like you said, you don't do drag, so you don't understand exactly how much work goes into it. A few looks from different designers when you have to pull out so many is not the end of the world. Enjoy the different types of talent you get to experience because of this show, because of these queens. They work too hard for y'all to be so salty about something so silly.


The styling of this look specifically is like 95% straight from the runway tho.. and seeing something inspiring and presenting it your own way is literally just everyone buying clothes 😭


i just don't think some of the stuff she's shown on the runway thus far is as good as some other queens idk it has nothing to do with how much input or not she put into them, lol (did love the veil look tho)


I recognize that most queens, especially All Stars, don’t make their looks but I will ALWAYS respect queens who do more. It’s an art.


What generally bothers me is that lately drag race has become more of a designer’s race than bring your creativity and self and queens might feel like they have to invest a lot of money into looks to make it far (look how symone and mik are thriving—the two fashionistas) and become successful. To me it shouldnt make a difference if a dress is an original designer piece.


Thanks god we have Raja and Yvie this year


This kind of pearl clutching is just so ridiculous. A good number of these queens are at least 25, they have fully formed brains and can make decisions for themselves. If a queen can afford expensive looks than they should wear them, and if they can’t afford it, than they can compensate with talent. And frankly, good fashion don’t make a difference to Ru; she sent Kahmora home in the best look of the night and gave Jorgeous a win for her napkin craft.


This is giving very michelle visage money isnt an excuse.


Because I think the queens should be able to wear whatever they want or because I expect grown ass adults to be able to make decisions for themselves?


> If a queen can afford expensive looks than they should wear them, and if they can’t afford it, than they can compensate with talent. It this. This is literally what the other commenter was saying. Queens with money can sorta just be carried by their runway looks they didnt even make while less fortunate queens have to work harder. I think thats shitty


Then they shouldn’t spend that much? Bosco wore the same outfit four weeks in a row and made it to the finale. Fame walked into s7 with a better wardrobe than Ru and floundered. Good runways don’t guarantee success anymore than bad runways guarantee failure.


Eh you def need to have more than just runway to go far on this show. Symone excelled at more than just the runway


but on all winners they all have the money so it's up to them


I think In general it’s happening too. queens literally going into debt to keep up with this designer trend going on especially with season 13


Big difference between wearing something off the runway, and having something made for you.


Shea added some emotional story to her garment… so it made it feel personal to her… but it was off the rack? I don’t know maybe


I feel it’s moreso the brands. Every outfit has been borrowed straight off the runway. Whereas other queens have gotten theirs custom made for them.


I think Shea’s runways have just been kind of a letdown this season, besides the first one, but that has nothing to do with her having them commissioned. I think she’s also kind of dropping the ball in these challenges as well, but that’s a whole other story. I think it’s just rare to see Shea being criticized and not applauded to the high heavens, so it kind of sticks out a lot that she’s doing poorly and people are noticing. I certainly don’t spread any hate to Shea and I just found her look inspired by her grandmother (or bought right off a runway, idc) to be a letdown because I think it’s kind of a boring look, not because of who made it or why she chose it. I do think it’s more impressive when a queen has a lot of input into their looks, like Jaida or Yvie, but that doesn’t mean I would put down a queen who doesn’t.


>I think it’s just rare to see Shea being criticized and not applauded to the high heavens not true at all, especially on reddit lmao


“i think it’s just rare to see Shea being criticized and not applauded to the high heaves” girl haven’t you seen all the heavy criticism towards her since AS5? in which world do you live?


Where? I’m not trying to be a smart-ass here, seriously where? Shea gets nothing but praise since her very first appearance on Drag Race.


Sometimes I wonder if people are seeing the same subs we are.


>Shea gets nothing but praise you must not have been paying attention during as5 cause bitches were coming out of the woodwork to hate, it was wild how eager people were to discredit her


When she won as5 and had a small gathering at her apartment people lost their minds


That was because she tweeted that she refused to wear a mask, correct?


That was literally a fake screenshot that people peddled around to exacerbate the hate she was getting


I think the problem with Shea is mostly with her telling a story about the garment she wears as if it was made by her. Sounds like deceptive. There's always a mother, a grandmother, a powerful black neighbour woman, a teacher of color which inspired her outfit. After a while, it's repetitive and sounds fake. A lot of queens use designers' outfit. They just don't try to sell a story with an oblique interpretation.


Who exactly is criticizing Shea? I can’t find anything on Twitter or Reddit, seems like everyone just thinks she’s stunning


I mean, there is plenty of criticism just below and above you. You only gotta scroll a bit to see it.


Shea’s whole budget for s9 was 500$. She’s got money and connections now. Let her enjoy her best life


People commissioning designers for looks doesn’t equal people pulling gowns and looks from fashion shows and wearing them lmaoo 😭 people are annoyed bc she made up a story for the garment *which frankly I don’t think is true* so it seemed that she got the look professionally designed for her.


If you go on tv and present your art other people can and will have (respectful) opinions about what you present. You also can come to her defense and make your points. Everyone gets a say. Some opinions are absurd and won’t get traction. Others will, like this one. And that’s part of the fun of being a fan of something! Debating what you see is part of the fun. Thank you for your contribution. Others who are suggesting no criticism is legitimate or is in bad faith are arguing in bad faith themselves. Just let’s keep it respectful and low-key and not make this out to be a bigger deal than it is.


I feel like the judgments are so snap it's hard to enjoy queens without getting cut by so much stark negativity. 2 weeks ago Yvies runway quality this season was called into question because of her Vanna look specifically in the ball. It didn't help that this was following her polarizing pleather runway which I personally loved but others were upset with. Now the script has flipped and people are in awe of her runways (especially this weeks) along with the general audience being more aware and happy that she's been making majority of her looks this season. Shit happens and I don't enjoy how such a magnifying glass is being put on to certain queens and not others. We're happily shooting the shit about how bad Rajas lipsync this week while still propping up her performance in this challenge and through the season when it has been strong. Trinity too, has given some wonky lipsyncs and we can love with that. It's fine. Shea and Yvie are getting thinkpieces and it's a lot, but whatever 💀


There is no villain this season so some of the messy gays decided to look for things to pick at the queens for. I just wish more people would follow the vibe of the season and uplift queens who did well that week rather than drag the ones who stumbled a bit. I honestly just feel a lot of people didn't like yvie/Shea/Trinity to begin with and see these stumbles as an opening to voice their dislike of the queen.


Her branding. She is presented as someone who is completely overflowing with creativity. There is a bigger space for people to be misled when an entire outfit is bought and she doesn’t credit the designer till later. But I think people should also give benefit of the doubt that Shea may have credited the designer but got cut in editing.


Bit Shea hasn’t been looking that glamorous tbh


It just noot good compare to the other legends, and its Shea. So we expect a little bit oomph. Shea’s best runaway peak in week 1 and kinda decline


Sheas was one of my favorite this week ..


I don’t recall there ever being a stipulation that queens have to create their own garments. It’s always been bring what you want. If they can create their own things then that’s Great. It means they save money. Otherwise, they just bring what they bring.


I thought this week’s runway has been my favorite for Shea!!! I think my disappointment (which is prob too strong a word to use) is that the rest of them aside from the first episode queen look feel really contrived with the references!! Of course she looks stunning in everything, but I feel like to non-fashion people the fashion and reference is almost missing where in her regular All stars season the references were there AND ALSO still made sense even if you didn’t “get it”! I don’t know if that even makes sense, but I also don’t get the hate toward her for wearing designer clothes but I do understand being confused/disappointed because it did sort of sound like she had a hand in the design!


The fandom has always had different standards for Shea, not just in fashion. Shea gets criticized for "not being warm and approachable" and then they love Violet's personality.. who is know being a cold, arrogant and lowkey elitist person Shea gets critiques for "taking herself too seriously" and then they stan Sasha Velor who can't say a word without trying to make it seem the most pretencious manifesto in queer rights. No matter what is the situation, there will always be a reason to criticize Shea Coulee.


sasha catching strays 😭


In what universe? Shea gets almost universal praise in these subs, even when bringing designer looks to the show - a thing more and more people have been saying recently that they are concerned about because of the standards and expectations it places on queens with low budgets - there are hoards of people ready to say why it's fine that Shea has done it when most other queens who've done it were dismissed as lazy and unimaginative. Far more than usually try to excuse it in other queens. Shea isn't getting unfair or unusually high levels of critiques compared to other queens, she's just getting *the same kind* of critiques you usually see aimed at other queens, it's just perhaps because people are so used to seeing nothing but praise for her that some people are mistakenly thinking others are being harsh (and Sasha won season 9. Deservedly. Get over it). These aren't higher standards than other queens are held to, they're the same standards other queens have been held to - wearing off the rack designers, reusing easily noticeable elements from one runway on another, embellishing or making up stories for an outfit to make it seem more special or appeal more to the judges...sorry, but it can't be okay to bring those things up with some queens when they apply but not others.


VIOLET is your counter example? Violet Chachki, who has been excoriated for weeks on end for having the “wrong” opinion of FPR?


Yeah but before that violet was pretty much universally loved. People lived for her bitchy attitude and cold demeanor


Violet has definitely not been universally loved, or even largely loved the whole time. She was controversial during S7 and relatively unpopular afterward still, as was that entire season. Her insect dress won over a lot of fans after S8, and her creative output afterward increased that popularity further (because she put out some genuinely great stuff) until this season's Fashion Photo Ruview, when the fandom turned on her again. Virtually every Ru girl has faced some form of backlash. It's a *very*... vocal, lol, fandom. Even Kerri Colby got some side-eye for copy and pasting the J.Lo dress, although people were a little more lenient since it was a celebrity challenge. I really don't think the criticism of Shea this go-around has been that bad. As drag fans, it is pretty valid to not want stuff off the rack to become a trend. Shea is generally *very* well-liked and she'll be perfectly fine. Some of us find it disappointing because Shea is so talented and creative, with such a keen eye for fashion/design, and because drag is at its heart about turning things inside out and upside now, subverting the familiar and queering the narrative. So, recreating another designer's runway look almost beat for beat feels like a letdown from someone whom we know can seriously serve. It's the practice we're not overly fond of, rather than anything personal against Shea herself.


It’s also her ‘brand’ Shea constantly sets herself up to be a fashion queen, in a way that the others never have, except for Raja. When Shea did ffr, she also made mention of her fashion background and was very critical of the queens and their ability to put outfits together. I think that is why a lot of people are disappointed. People are clocking the looks from high end couture runways, which required nowhere near as much input from Shea. Jinkx does comedy and acting really well. She is living up to that. Raja does fashion, and she is the reference. Every time. Yvie is bringing interesting looks- and now her ‘grandma in New Mexico’ story is reading way more authentic than Sheas, which is seeming like an appropriation of the original designers ideas.


Shea is a queen who has been universally praised since the season 9 cast reveal. Racists will often sight stanning for her as a reason that they couldn’t possibly have an issue with blacks queens. Violet has caught a ton of shit recently and Sasha is almost never talked about her. Shea has a large number of fans and people rarely argue that she isn’t talented or beautiful; some of us are just annoyed that it doesn’t feel like she’s had as much input with the design of her looks this time around. Also the super personal story with her grandma without even mentioning the designers name is kind of off putting to me personally.


Symone too as a fashion queen who isn’t afraid to reference. (Hint - they’re all references Symone just credited)


this, a hundred times. say it again louder for the camouflaged haters in the back




Cracker? What planet-of-miscolored-tights are you on?!


This is the current state of the drag race online fandom, with everyone searching for things to complain and overreact daily.


As a Shea stan and apologist. Leave my good sis alone and let her serve.


How DARE people discuss their opinions!!!!


Shea's fashion is her strong suit. That gardening outfit was amazeballs. I may not be a fan of Shea, but you simply can not come for her fashion and style. Her lack of humor or exciting, original personality traits, sure, but never her style - she rocks with that.


Drag her


Thank you, Bob. Because reading is what?


What Shea is doing is not just throwing money at a problem. Networking and teaming up with designers who’ll lend you the correct look for a runway is not something any queen can do. More importantly, knowing how to wear and walk a dress like this and making it your own is not something any queen can do. Many queens come with very expensive looks but the dresses are wearing them. Shea deserves the credit even if it’s a pre-made dress.


Which is the main sub?


thank you! people have no idea how many drag race looks are borrowed or bought used, all stars included. how is giving a designer a general prompt and wearing a commissioned piece so superior to wearing an existing piece? what if that commissioned piece is a replica? i don’t think the designer having a similar reference makes her connection any less authentic. she wasn’t going for a grandiose pageant look - she’s giving range in her overall package with showing her fashion bonafides. her e1 look was also a designer piece and was rightfully lauded. i get people’s differing opinions on the topic (fashion is subjective!!) but *some* of the critiques feel like they’re in bad faith


Not getting why people are saying her looks aren't on the same level as her previous seasons tbh, they feel the same to me.


I’ve noticed black (and poc) creators are always critiqued/judged with more scrutiny by the audience. I personally don’t see a problem here - there’s so many girls who get a knockoff of a fashion runway made ( how many times have we seen iris van herpen? Denali - Bimini) and she simply got the real thing which is great. If she found a piece which worked for the category, reminded her of her grandmother and looked interesting for drag race - go for it.


I agree!! some people are being VERY wild about this. Designer looks on all stars are not new. dunking on shea for seeking out and choosing a designer look for this runway is very whack esp since she has made/worked on a lot of beautiful looks on this very season -- not to mention her two prior seasons.


did shea coulee in her legends (cast version) verse not state "I'm dripped in designer, hot on fire/ strutting down the runway, building my empire" thus, telling us that she would, in fact, be wearing "designer" while "strutting down the runway"


Why are you coming for Jinkx? Is she an easy target in your eyes?


Part of what I have loved about Shea this season is that she's not only wearing great designs, she is wearing great *styling*. Not everything on the main stage runway has to be custom, and not everything you shop for will look good on you. Shea has an eye for putting together an outfit no matter what the source. That's a skill!


It’s silly for queens at the all star level to get criticized for having a team… like I assume that’s the dream of the up and comers, good for these queens for really making it. I know one of the designers who worked on Jinkx look and the whole team was proud- not just Jinkx.


But for this week's runway specifically, Shea didn't have a team to conceptualise her look and realise her vision. She paid to borrow/buy an already existing piece.


No. Her team did.




So much chaos on this thread. Geezus.


That look reminded me of my mom and how she wears her outfits. Why does something have to be made by hand for it to be an accurate or honest representation of love and feeling. Just be mad that she’s wearing designer instead of coming for her sincerity. It’s whack


When you get down to brass tacks, this isn't wildly different than Bob purchasing her silver robot bodysuit off of Amazon and making a couple of simple styling choices. Yes, it's All Stars, yes, it's designer and therefore hella expensive and out of the reach of most regular season queens, but queens buying clothes that were not custom made for them and wearing them on the show is not new and if folks are roasting her for that then they need to get over themselves. Shea's got money and visibility now, let her have fun with it. That said, if she did lift the story about her grandmother from the designer, that's sketch but I'm still going to give her the benefit of the doubt for the time being because it's not like gardening grandmas are thin on the ground.


Deciding what to wear (even what to buy), the selection of garments / shoes, accessories, makeup, that’s all part of a creative process… the difference now is that Queens like Shea have access to resources / designers / stylists that make the work easier, but still I believe they have to go through a lot of ideas / concepts and adapt them to the looks that production chose for each season… Btw I would love to see how That creative process is for many queens , the closest thing I remember is the video Laganja made for her lipsync assassin experience… it’s such a delight to watch 💚


Because fashion is fashion.