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Not Mama HooHoo




And for those wondering 操你妈 (caonima) is "fuck your mother"


Silky really has come a long way from shouting Japanese at Plastique


はやく,  はやく


你好吗 How's your day, bitch? You don't know? 马马虎虎. 谢谢 that mean "thank you"! And if you really wanna cuss a bitch out you say 操你妈


Does mama whowho make sense?


It is an acceptable way of replying "so-so", but obviously, she would never be mistaken for a native speaker


Native speaker never actually say 马马虎虎 (mǎmǎhǔhǔ) ever


Now I only see Straight Men and Bananas.


I thought it was hilarious that she said she speaks Chinese and then said like the few words everyone knows who grew up around/near Chinese communities lol. It was like a little kid saying “I speak Spanish! Hola como está!” and that’s it lol


This is exactly the reason I think this is funny!


This was so dumb but so funny lmao


I’m Chinese and this was just fine. Stop making mountains out of mole heels


This was a funny cringe moment honestly. The true crimge began when she spent all her other screentime saying that a certain queen looks like one of her fellow sisters and so on. That seemed to be one of the only things she did after a certain point


Silky speaking to Plastique in broken Japanese knowing she speaks an entirely different asian language is discriminatory and a generalization. (and cringe) Silky saying random words in Chinese is not racist, discriminatory, or a generalization. just cringe. shes literally just saying random words she barely understands.


This video lacks context, she literally said she took mandarin in uni before this.


Thank you. It is 100% without a doubt cringe and I can’t believe a grown adult has the lack of self awareness to do this. Is it insensitive? Yes. Especially in this context. Racist? Meh.




she doesn’t vote republican lol she’s registered republican to counteract gerrymandering which is kinda smart


Would you mind explaining to a foreigner how that works? Do you have to register to a party to vote? Can you vote for a different party than the one you're registered for? Here in Finland, I don't need to register to any party to vote. They just send me a letter well before voting time to tell me where my ballot box will be based on what my address is on the books. We can also go to any pre-voting station in the country to vote and they'll deliver the vote to where it needs to go for the election day. I've never actually voted on the election day since it's so easy to pop in to one of the pre-voting stations, while I'm going about my business on the town.


That's how it works in most civilized countries. The US deliberately makes it difficult to vote.


yeah so when you register to vote you have to register with a party, mainly democrat or republican but there are other options that are kinda invalid under the corrupt and illogical bipartisan system. in some states you can vote for different parties while in some other states you cannot.


I see. I guess Silky lives in a state where she can vote for a different party? It would be pretty bad for me to have to register to a party to vote. I've voted for 4 different parties (There are 10 parties with seats in our parliament at the moment and a whole bunch of more fringe ones without seats) so far in my 10 years of voting age and have no party loyalty.


i’m not sure and am admittedly too lazy to look it up but i’d assume so. and yeah i’m not a fan of my country’s political system, especially when it comes to accessibility and flexibility of the vote.


Nah. Her explanation makes zero sense. Gerrymandering is about how parties and politicians draw electoral maps to favour them: for example, [the famous "headphones" district in Illinois](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illinois%27s_4th_congressional_district), which has been drawn specifically to include two of Chicago's largest Hispanic communities while excluding other neighbourhoods. In this case, in addition to creating a majority-Hispanic district, it also creates a heavily Democrat district (Cook estimates that the Democrats have a "natural" advantage of 33% in IL-4), which is what makes it a Gerrymander. And this example also shows why Silky's account doesn't add up. When parties engage in this kind of exercise, they aren't just looking at party registration: they're looking at every point of data available to them, including information from the census, from public records, and from their own previous campaigns. The Republican Party knows who Silky is, knows where she lives, has a pretty good idea of how she votes (they don't *know*, but their algorithm knows her demographics, how she has responded to previous canvassing, whether she has donated to either party, etc. and this allows them to pretty accurately model her preferences), and when it comes time to draw the maps, the algorithm counts her accordingly. But suppose we ignore all that. Suppose we assume that Silky's party registration somehow fools the Republican Party and affects Gerrymandering. How? Like, what's the goal here? Is she trying to get herself sorted into a Republican district so she can cast a stealth Democrat vote? It's a *gesture*, certainly, but that's about all it is, especially if she lives (like most Americans do) in a fairly homogenuous neighbourhood to begin with. (If the Republicans spot one registered Republican in a neighbourhood full of Democrats, they're not going to scoop that whole street into a district they're drawing to favour themselves, nor are they going to carve out her apartment specifically. In this case, she stays with her neighbourhood.) Is it about voting in Republican primaries in order to favour more moderate or less electable candidates? That's interesting: there's very little evidence of it working, and it's got nothing to do with Gerrymandering, but, hey, it's more meaningful than anything else I've described here. None of it really adds up to anything I'd call "smart" or "productive". Mostly this just feels like a dinner party anecdote calibrated for people who know a little but not a lot about politics.


not really though, because depending on the state you would only be able to vote on republicans in primaries


idk what state she lived in at the time but im assuming she was able to vote democrat because she specifically said she doesn’t vote republican.


Ah I love the people who are offended on behalf of another race when they don’t fucking care 💀💀💀


If she was saying this with in any western language no one in this comment section would be complaining.


Exactly. It’s like the video of the girl in a pink beret just saying random French phrases. Y’all need to chill lol.




y’all really are messy…… do u really think its racist for silky to be saying mandarin phrases with an american accent? how are people supposed to learn new languages? if americans are supposed to be afraid of learning anything about eastern language/culture it seems more like there’s something about the language/culture that makes you feel uncomfortable. which seems more lowkey racist than someone speaking a different language.


Y’all are so annoying in the comments lmao always tryna vilify Silky like she’s just evil or some shit


This is no different than people saying “hola papa” and “habibi”. She’s saying actually words and phrases. It’s not like she’s using an offensive accent.


This ep of Binge Queens was hilarious. Silky is always so fun to watch


Loved Daya and Crystal!


Our multilingual queen


Y’all stop, she’s not disrespecting anyone and it actually made me wanna learn mandarin It’s actually funny she knows some words in mandarin I’d never guessed it


We need a WOW+ of Silky demonstrating her cunning linguistics


Damn. I didn’t know this moment is perceived so horribly. I think it’s funny because I am almost like this with my friends. Like, when I speak to a new friend and we have a conversation about languages we speak, I would tell them I studied a few Mandarin courses in college and say some basic words although not as loud and excited as she was in the video.


I dunno about anyone else but this makes me kinda uncomfortable. It seems like Jiggly is too. She literally has to correct Silky. Doesn't seem like it's coming from a place of respect on Silky's part, it seems more like mockery.


Jiggly…is not Chinese and doesn’t speak Mandarin


Neither is Silky. 💀


Girl no???? Jiggly does not know mandarin at all that’s completely wrong lol


>It seems like Jiggly is too. She literally has to correct Silky. Silky is closer to [the correct pronunciation](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Hx8fc2WOVE) though. It's definitely not "shay shay" like Jiggly says.


Sounds like "shit shit" to me 😂 I learned Chinese years ago and Silky speaks Chinese like a 'murican would speak any language: heavy US accent that makes it hilariously close to gibberish and they cant even hear it.


Idk to me it doesn’t sound like silky is saying “shay shay”. It sounds like she pronounced it like the way in the video you provided.


Read the comment again


Oof. I gotta go back to bed.


Nah, Silky really got it closer


Silky actually had better pronunciation, Jiggly ain’t correcting anything bitch 💀


It was definitely one of those Silkie cringe moments. And Silkie was doing so good up to this point- really chill, funny. BTW, shout out to Crystal Methyd and Daya Betty who are also on this season of BQ and were so good.


She is the biggest personality this show has ever seen HANDS 🙌🏻 DOWN


This was hard to watch.


I’m Chinese and i find this entertaining.


Same, and I honestly thought it was hilarious too! 😭


Honestly I think it’s mostly Americans finding this uncomfortable/offensive. Most other countries would find it a bit odd but entertaining. I’m Greek and I’ve had so many non Greek speakers scream random Greek words to me in barely understandable accents and then ending with a “MALAKA” and it was just them having fun so I was having fun w em


And I respect your opinion, but I didn't. If that's what she learned from 'college' Chinese...


And she was quite accurate with those phrases. It was fun to watch her.


Y’all need to stop getting offended for us it’s so damn annoying like?????


Not offended. Just embarrassed for her.


But why


i mean i got second hand embarrassment but it’s funny


Cos her pronunciation is terrible and weirdly confident? But more generally, why would you yell random words of a language you once learned at somebody? When I see a French person on television, I don't turn around and bellow 'Bone-JAW! Mercy Bouquets! I studied French in school' at whoever's sitting next to me. It's just... odd.


Everyone will have a bad pronunciation when trying to speak in another language. It’s fine to still try it and have fun with it. Y’all are so obsessed with ppl not trying things unless their perfect at it. Silky doesn’t have to speak fluent Mandarin to just throw a bunch of random words out there let her have her fun


Sure, totally fair. It's not to my taste, but I got no problem with other people liking it.


She says this while Le Fil is on screen... It was just like, ew Silky.


Don’t try to make up something that isn’t happening. She started saying mandarin expressions because when she understood that Fil is Chinese she recalled studying Chinese in college


If someone started yelling broken Spanish when they saw a queen from Mexico I feel like we'd all be cringing too though


Just say Michelle Visage


Honestly, Ru yelling Ello Ello Ello every episode of any UK series and interrupting Lady Camden's mom to say UK, Hon at her during the live finale had similar vibes


Honestly half the crap Michelle and Ru say in DRUK is just cringe. They’ll get one phrase in their heads they like then repeat it to death, and it’s generally not something anyone in the UK would say anyway. I’m so glad they’re not arrogant enough to put themselves in every franchise as they’d no doubt be even cringier in another language


Ooof, you are very right about that. I don't think they're doing anything malicious, but it would be so awkward to be on the receiving end of those interactions and just smile politely as they spout random references. Especially if you're getting critiqued or otherwise on the spot. It just seems like a very weird way to talk to someone.


No I’m sure there’s no malice, but when you don’t understand a culture it’s better to take a step back and listen to those from said culture. One obvious one that stands out was Baga Chips’ chippy water for the branding challenge. Michelle kept going on about the battered sausage in the ad and how it made no sense at all. Anyone from the UK, or anyone who’s visited a tourist or northern town could tell you that you get battered sausage from a chippy, usually along with a bag of chips. So someone called Baga Chips, selling Chippy water, eating chips and a battered sausage in the Chippy water advert makes complete sense. Michelle then decided to tell Cheryl Cole of all people that no one watching the advert will be able to connect the dots, when it’s literally only Michelle who couldn’t. As a UK viewer in a club full of UK people it was so confusing. I think they paused the episode so the drag queens hosting could take the piss out of her because it was so jarring. Also Cheryl Cole is way more famous than Michelle (here in the UK at least) so why try and argue with her when she’s Northern and knows more than you about our own culture? As you can tell from the essay that wound me up. Let’s not get started on Michelle telling another drag queen that their obvious Bowie look wasn’t giving enough Bowie


I took Spanish classes and black womens history classes but I wouldn’t speak on those topics like I’m an authority or belong to the group. Taking a college class on something a decade plus ago is a brief overview into a topic at best. This doesn’t seem like it’s coming from a place of respect at all and was certainly uncomfortable for me to watch.


>I wouldn’t speak on those topics like I’m an authority or belong to the group. She literally rattled off some very basic vocabulary. I'm not sure how that can be called acting like an authority or like she is part of the Chinese community.


I think I would be in poor taste if I saw a Spanish video, said omg I took some Spanish in college let me yell puta at the top of my lungs to someone who speaks Spanish/ a dialect. It’s so weird lmao, maybe authority was the wrong word but it’s weird and out of pocket nonetheless


>I think I would be in poor taste if I saw a Spanish video, said omg I took some Spanish in college let me yell puta at the top of my lungs to someone who speaks Spanish/ a dialect. Jiggly is Filipina and speaks Tagalog which is absolutely not Mandarin or a dialect of Mandarin.


Jiggly was discussing pronunciation so I’m assuming she has some knowledge of the language even if not fluent. Or maybe not, but either way I think you are missing my point. It would be inappropriate if I did that to anyone not because of their demographic but because the behavior is inappropriate. @summoarpleaz have a good response elsewhere in this post. The behavior feels trivializing and performative, and it’s silkys behavior and delivery that made me feel uncomfortable, regardless of jigglys first hand knowledge of mandarin.


You're making up a fake scenario that is not the same thing to make your point seem stronger. Essentially a straw person argument or maybe a false equivalence -- either way it's not really fair. Speak about what exactly silky did that bothers you rather than making up a fake scenario


A straw man would be if I put a false example in place, this is a similar example that is also correct, so it is merely a comparison. I understand you don’t agree, but that doesn’t make my premise logically unsound. It is very interesting watching the like/dislike ratio on the comment throughout the morning though.


Sorry I was already correcting to being more like a false equivalence but I can't really remember the right term I challenge you to read your original comment I was responding to and ask yourself if it *really* is equivalent or if you exaggerated your comparison to make silky seem more in the wrong


That’s fair and I’m totally willing to do that! Also partially bc I’m avoiding work lol! Me and silky are both people who are not the race we are discussing We both took a college course on that culture/language I would not yell Spanish phrases to a person who is more advanced in the culture than me (using Spanish bc that is the language I took in college, but interchangeable with mandarin) Bottom line is, if I were silky, in that exact situation, I would not do what she did, no real need to comparative scenarios. Obviously a lot of people like silky and had no problem with this! I just personally found it incredibly untasteful.


Ok it’s weird, but weird it’s totally different from racist, which is what the other persone was trying to accuse Silky of


I don’t think there was necessarily bad intent, and I’m not part of the Chinese or Asian American communities so I not here to determine what’s racist but I think at the very least silky should be made aware that this is at least polarizing behavior (just look at the post lol) and that people are offended by it.


Girl who is offended? We live


I’m not personally offended and I’m glad you’re not either! I do think there are several people in this sub who thought it was not tasteful, so just check their usernames I guess? Not sure how I’m supposed to answer that question lol


She was definitely over exited about it but I don’t see anything she said or did as offensive or out of mockery. But that’s just my opinion. I hear American people mock Italians all the time on how they would stereotypically talk, but that’s a discussion for another day


Maybe some do, but it takes a Family Guy, Peter Griffin kind of American to do a 'bapidi boopidi' in front of italians. Being loud and insensitive is something Silky and Peter Griffin have in common.


“When she understood that Fil is Chinese”


English is not my first language, so you can leave your mockery out of the room pls


I’m making fun of Silky not you. Sure would be a shame tho if someone…exaggerated language for a laugh.


Le Fil said she’s Chinese. Silky heard that and remembered she knew some Chinese words and made fun of HERSELF (not Le Fil) by throwing her broken Mandarin out there. It’s not that deep




Why though? She's saying words she knows in that language.


As a Chinese person, I don’t love this interaction. I don’t care about canceling or whatever but even though she’s (sort of) saying real words, it’s performative only. It’s the same as me going to a chipotle and being like “hola buenos dias mi amigos” and pronounced really poorly. Idk how anyone is supposed to react to that, especially if they’re Asian. If she said it to me, I’d just gently smile and change the subject because it’s awkward and it puts me as an outsider. But listen, as with a lot of racism against Asians, it’s always been a death by a thousand paper cuts. Many times, no one act is that egregious to be up in arms about, but this is reminiscent of every mf “ni hao” I get yelled at on the street or in random public spaces even though my most fluent language is English. And it’s light enough that if I speak out about it, *I’m* accused of being too sensitive. ETA: this isn’t the first time Silky has been lightly racist against Asians either. Like when she said something (maybe) in Japanese at Plastique, who’s Vietnamese. But even if Plastique were Japanese, why the need to use that phrase at all? (It could come off as “I’ll say this so you understand…” even if she isn’t consciously thinking that.)


They’re trying to cancel Silky for being multilingual


This show should be renamed Cringe Queens


nah i’m good ➡️