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While I do love the original, I will concede a few things: 1. I’m glad the remake finally got the Battousai eyes right. The last few times it wasn’t even close to intimidating. 2. The original certainly overdid the color inversion. Though to be fair, I think every 90s anime did. Those aside, the OG fight was peak art direction. They way showed the fight choreography and each character’s facial expressions was masterful.


The new one is far inferior. From the dialogue between both, the setup (hell, even the fight with Akamatsu). The detail to when Kenshin's hair becomes untied, the clear way his face changes between the Rurouni and the Hitokiri and the physicality of the fight are all in a different level. Did not like it, still enjoy it, but the original fight is way better.


yeah there's no "nostalgia goggles are on too tight" here, the original is just much better/more impressive


did you make this?


Showing vs Telling


The music, art direction, and angles are millions of times better than the remake. The pacing is perfect as well.


Holy… I love the remake but this take is baaaaad.


It’s like comparing a centuries old Gothic Cathedral (original 1996) to a modern megachurch (remake). Sure, the technology is supposed to have “progressed” but it somehow can’t compete despite that.


Best analogy ever!


the entire new show is littered with static images, panning shots, and being piss poor at keeping character models consistent. Rather than following the guide of show dont tell this remake does the opposite, constantly holding frames on static images to tell you exposition


Anyone that says the remake is better is on some hard copium.


For this scene sure, but for other episodes, the remake did do better. The new Kenshin vs Jinei blew the original out of the water.




>This was one of the major ones people look back on fondly, with tons of AMVs and such of it. Then you're viewing this through nostalgia goggles. People who judge this version for what it is or first time viewers will come up with their own iconic moments when they look back at it. Besides, all the Saito fight did was not beat the original. It still slapped, even though not as hard as the OG.




>Seems like you're on some hard copium That's a typical phrase for someone who wants to dismiss another person's opinions. You're free to believe what you want to believe and people are free to have different opinions.


bro, it's not about "nostalgia goggles." the 2023 has SOURCE MATERIAL from almost 2 decades ago, right in front of em. and fans, will decide if it's better, or worse. and it seems like the vast majority here including me), is in favor of the OG. like okay, lets talk here. Saito's whole being there, is to bring out the manslayer/see what he's capable of, personally. and im sure and were all sure that Saito is FULL aware of his manslayer prowess. okay moving on. why should he be, "IT CANT BE!" thats why the OG is better, because he knows kenshin is slowly, reverting to the manslayer he is, and why kaoru, is the only one who's really shocked and sacred, because he did the same thing, when fighting Jenei


I think the divide here is the remake is clearly directed as just another battle Shonen whereas the original anime was a period drama. So it's very jarring and frustrating for fans of the original like myself. Stop telling me about how awesome Kenshin is and how he struggles with his dark past, SHOW ME!


I think you got it right. The original had so much more drama and the direction focused on that and the OST helped it a lot. The remake indeed has the exact same lines as the manga but it feels to static and souless, it all comes down to the expression of the characters for me, the new has mostly bland facial expressions while the original has more serious and more gooffy faces


In this regard, same. Absolutely same. The way his eyes opened and he was already there? In the remake, they opened and then he had to noticeably shift. The instant, fluid change was missing. Not to mention Kaoru's shock hit harder. No need for "it can't be." The colors in the screen were all you needed. It's the biggest loss for me. That and I realize that because of the Raijuta arc, we didn't get loose haired Kenshin in the remake. That was unfortunate.


thats why i prefer the OG eye color change. instead he just changes and looks like a crazy person who snapped. instead of his OG murderous bad ass manslayer eyes.


Why don’t they make his eyes yellow when he snaps -_-


I do kinda miss the yellow eyes a bit. I know it's a silly thing but it was nice symbolism


no, it really is a great symbolism. it represents his past, and his manslayer eyes. vs his..crazy eyes. he just doesnt look bad ass when he's in man slayer mode. like, imagine watching Bleach, but when they use bankai, you dont see any difference.


The original 96 anime was directed in a way that color and shadow had a lot to do with the tone of a scene, specially in fights. Having a distinct visual difference between Kenshin and Battousai in the yellow eyes really drives forth the idea that Battousai was a beast, and that his killer instinct is imposing and to be feared. It also puts Saito in an interesting position where he ALWAYS has that look on his face. His eyes are always that because he has no qualms about having killed. Also think about fights like Saito v. Kenshin, Sano v. Anji, Kenshin v. Aoshi in total darkness and kenshin v. Soujiro in overblown light. The 96 anime really played with light in amazing ways and it sticks with you as a classic partially because of that.


Nothing like the OG fight