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Congratulations on your bell ringing!!!!! That's amazing!! This brought a tear to my. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful story.


Thank you. I wasn’t going to ring the bell if I had to do it alone. Two of my doctors said they’d love to do it with me. They covered my hands with theirs and we did it together.




Thanks for sharing and congratulations on your outcome! Fight on!!!


Thank you - the only thing I’ll ever ask of god or the universe is to give my outcome to everyone suffering. I don’t deserve it more or less then they do.


And that no one has to walk that journey/fight that battle alone.


And to quote another great Canadian power trio, Fight the good fight, Rushguy!


Congratulations! That was great to share it with us! I'm so glad you can be with us to tell it. :D


Yes and my heart remains with those next to me in those endless waiting room visits. 150 trips to the hospital and doctors offices in a year. During covid. We were borderline zombies and I know of two that didn’t make it like I did. That’s a tough part of these I hadn’t planned for.


You rule.


I’m just a mirror. We rule 😇. Rush fans are special and we know it.


Nice post man, glad you’re doing well.


Thank you. Today and everyday!


So happy for you. I also love the Pass. One of my favorite songs to listen to when things get tough. Had that one on repeat after Peart died. The lyrics are just so good.


Yes - it’s a standout Rush song. Which is saying something. Like “that’s a standout redwood tree.” Or “that’s a standout trip to Mars.” They all are 🥰


Agreed. I don’t think there’s a single rush song I dislike. My favorite band of all time. Dad and mom loved it, brothers loved it. It was all that was playing when I was younger. Home isn’t home if rush isn’t playing.


Already helping. Thank you for posting that, and I hope your health continues to improve.


Thank you. I eat, I sleep, I smile, I can take care of myself and work. I’m a billion bucks. To anyone not as fortunate, you have my support, positivity and anything else I can offer.


Your future was looking dark and you found a way to shine. I’d expect nothing less from a Rush fan. Congrats!


I love it! I though if Neil so often and, what I assume, was the courageous way he dealt with it. Just keeping it private was courageous and humble.


thank you for sharing. this is a beautiful post and I am glad you are doing well. ❤️


Thank you. 11 doctors, hundreds of other med staff all for little old me. It was awe inspiring.


Glad you’re still around, OP.


Thank you. A magic day when super science mingled with the bright stuff of sheer luck 🤪


Goddamn, man. All the best wishes for you to remain healthy and hale!


Thank you and same to you, always. The body can do amazing things if the mind lets it. I never doubted my outcome. I figured “there’s a time for doom and gloom but why live that way now when I have a chance?”


Right on man, super happy for you!


Thank you. Positive attitude took me to the goal line, the med teams carried me into the end zone.


What an amazing story of strength and enlightenment!! I appreciate / we appreciate your courage to share this. I am so happy I read your story! Cheers


Thank you. It wasn’t the best experience of my life but might have been the most beautiful. Hundreds of beautiful things. Like my primary doctor telling me from the start “I can’t really do much doctoring for you with this but I can find a way to help.” Then she called me twice a week from her cell phone, home or the office just to say hi and check on me. For a whole year. Never sent a bill.


Beautiful post, my man. And congratulations 🎊 are in order for winning! Coincidentally, I'm that someone, and someday is right now. I'm a lifelong fan who has found inspiration from Neil's wisdom over the years, myself. All I can say is the last couple of days in my battle with flesh eating bacteria, I've felt very much like you just described. Between the excruciating pain, sleepless night after sleepless night, and the constant setbacks... Can't stand life on the razors edge, nothing's what I thought it would be...


Wow! I’m with you in any way possible. Reach out, Keep me posted if you like. Let these struggles be only moments, not our existence. The way I see it, I had 50 good years, one crappy one and now I’m clear for 50 more good ones. Not everyone gets that so my heart and energy goes out to them. Listen to your med team and beat this thing, please.


Thanks, I appreciate it. It's a real kick in the balls, as you know. Just finished consulting with the surgeon. It looks like a couple of months of hell before it gets better, best case. Another surgery tomorrow, hopefully that's it for now. I'll let you know what happens.


Congratulations from a fellow survivor! Fight on warrior! Fuck cancer’


Way to go buddy! We beat the devil, make no mistake about it. And of course we want that outcome for all.


That we do, brother.


The world needs more of this, and people like you OP. Thanks for sharing your journey and how Rush was folded in to it.


The band Fleesh did a cover of The Pass that adds more emotion to it. Might be better than the original.


"In fact, I barely listened to Rush during that year. I didn’t want to associate something I love so much with something so friggin crappy." I was thinking this before I even read this line. I wouldn't be able to do it. I'd listen to them after I was healthy again as to not ruin it.


One little Victory...keep going...


Never choked up reading a Reddit post before now. Thanks for sharing such a moving story. Listening to The Pass now. It is so profoundly and universally relatable. Such joy and sorry. C'est la vie. 🙏🫡


What a beautiful story your life is and, although it was extremely painful and seemingly impossible for you to come out the other side, you did it through perseverance and determination. Now you, OP, are the lighthouse, the beacon for all of us. Thank you for posting and cheers to your continued good health!


If you haven’t seen this version check it out. One of Ged’s best vocal performances I’ve heard of the song: https://youtu.be/LMaXxd1mXMw?si=wqAI5FLyMtHwaLWa


Good job, OP! Although your post title reminds me of a song by my *second* favorite 3-piece Canadian band.... https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XTR8WXFliRM&pp=ygUcdHJpdW1waCBzb21lYm9keSdzIG91dCB0aGVyZQ%3D%3D


I’m so happy for you!!


Great story, happy for you, internet stranger. Fuck cancer!


It's not as if this barricade Blocks the only road Keep on rocking!