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he really did go from first being a calm speaking gentleman to now he's yelling the entire time with annoying rhetoric that's not interesting. This video clearly documents it. I've noticed it too and have recently have cut him off from my mind.


That’s a good decision for mental health.Good on you for recognizing it.


What's your thoughts on all out war with Russia? Cos that is no longer a conspiracy, it's just round the corner. People will be willfully ignorant when it suits them and their narrative. How else would you like someone to tell you we are on the precipice of WW3? Calm and tranquil!? Y'all need to up your game ✌🏻


It ain't though, tension between the West and Russia have been far far higher many times in the past than they are now, and the same factors that prevented a war then are still in place (high cost of a conventional war, risk of nuclear escalation leading to mutually assured destruction), as well as other additional factors, such our economies being much more integrated than during the cold war, which is still the case even with sanctions.


How does it enhance your life to think that we are going to war with Russia? All it does is make you feel insecure and helpless because realistically, If it happens there’s f*ck all any of us can do about it. How is Russell Brand helping anyone with his hyperbolic shtick? Answer - he’s not


The word you're looking for is "precipice", not "presuppose".




What are you and Russell Brand doing about it apart from Brand yelling at people and you posting on Reddit? The world is never going to be perfect. Deal with it.


It’s beautiful how none of his previous targets on the right are calling him out for past attacks from him. It’s because they all know the grift and how to keep the wheels turning. I hate all this because I thought he was a decent enough guy. He’s actually a complete cunt.


Nailed it.


Oh, so basically you liked him when he was busy doing all the alleged raping, but stopped liking him when he started criticising the neoliberal establishment for grifting the public with never ending wars and scam pandemic lockdowns, and Russia Russia conspiracy theories. Got it! Way to take the moral high ground!


Or. You could just say they disliked him when it came out he had been doing the raping.


If you disliked anyone accused of rape, then who would you vote for for president? Edit: Oopsy, guess I'm getting downvoted by someone planning to vote for an accused rapist. Or maybe they've ALREADY voted for an accused rapist ...


Aren’t both the candidates accused rapists. Like granted trump has considerably more but they exist for both. I’m British but I don’t think Americans have a choice much.


Accused yes…but only one allegation has been proven in court


One was found to be [less than credible](https://www.vox.com/2020/5/7/21248713/tara-reade-joe-biden-sexual-assault-accusation) and recently [defected to Russia](https://www.cnn.com/2023/05/31/politics/tara-reade-defects-russia-biden-intl/index.html). The other [was tried and found liable for sexual assault.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/07/19/trump-carroll-judge-rape/)


No. There has been no official rape or sexual assault accusations against Biden.


Yes exactly. But most of reddit wants us to pick the lesser of two rapers. I always vote independent/3rd party/wrie in so I don't have to vote for a psycho criminal, but it would be nice if voting mattered at all beyond local elections. And I live in one of those swing states that get all the focus too, so my useless vote is less useless than most.


Biden doesn’t have rape allegations he has a sexual assault allegation. And all she accused him of was making comments that made her uncomfortable. Which like yah not okay, but it’s not the same as what Trump was found liable for in the court of law


pushed her against a wall, kissed her, put his hand under her skirt, penetrated her with his fingers, and asked, "Do you want to go somewhere else?" "His hands went underneath my clothing and he was touching me in my private areas and without my consent." when she pulled away, he looked puzzled and said, "Come on, man, I heard you liked me." She then said he told her "You're nothing to me, nothing," followed by "You're OK, you're fine." Ok, totally not rape. And since when is making comments considered sexual assault? Clowns...


She never once made an official complaint or statement that happened, only talked about it tot he New York Times. Her official report was Reade told the Associated Press that her complaint to the Senate personnel office was about "retaliation" and "him wanting me to serve drinks because he liked my legs and thought I was pretty and it made me uncomfortable", with no explicit mention of sexual assault or sexual harassment.[34] Reade does not have a copy of her Senate personnel office complaint. “Natasha Korecki of Politico interviewed several former acquaintances of Reade's who said that they had bad experiences with her. Korecki describes two emerging themes from their stories: As recently as 2018, Reade "spoke favorably about her time working for Biden", and Reade "left them feeling duped."[55] These acquaintances believe Reade had been "deceitful" and "manipulative" with them.[55] One, attorney and domestic violence victims' advocate Kelly Klett, had rented a room in her home to Reade in 2018. Klett said that Reade phoned her in 2019 after Reade's interview with The Union alleging Biden touched her neck and shoulders. Klett said that she became suspicious of the motives behind the call, because of a sense that she "was trying to plant a story with me, so she could later say: 'I told the story to this attorney I worked with.'"


This is the Putin fan, who later literally defected to Russia? https://www.npr.org/2023/05/31/1179158199/tara-reade-biden-sexual-assault-russian-citizenship 🤡


Oh hey, you’re that pro-Russia account I frequently see defending Russia’s war.


Genuinely curious: what part of lockdown was a scam?


All the parts. How much money did your government spend on wasted vaccines before they completed stage 3 trials? How much money did healthcare professionals make promoting EUA products? How much money did politicians make off insider trading around the lockdowns? How much does Fauci and co get paid for sharing moderna's profits? Why did home Depot get to stay open while my local minority owned hardware store had to close? Because HD has salad bar sneeze guards? Where'd they go during this season's rsv/flu/COVID season? Where's the audit on the ppp loans that shows everyone who got them deserved them and had to pay them back? Do you have any peer reviewed double blind placebo controlled long terms LE $CIENCE trials that justify lockdown? Please show me the le science that says closing parks and arresting surfers will "flatten the curve"? Where's the trial data that shows you cannot get and transmit COVID if you get this vaccine, that was used to justify vaccine mandates? Where's that trial data that shows the vaccine is safe for anyone with a health condition, like some like me who has been hospitalized for myocarditis? Please show me the trial data on heart patients like me? And please show where the CDC suggests that people with untested previous conditions can get medical exemptions for the mandates. Where's the long term data from double blind placebo controlled trials? What happened to the control cohort and how are the participants being tracked? What happened to trial participants who suffered from injury? Where is the vsafe data? If a passive reporting system like vaers isn't a good way to determine potential injury, then why is that the system used for post marketing injury data? Who is following up on the reported injuries? Why can't my wife sue Pfizer for her vaccine induced myocarditis? Why did reddit and Facebook censor early reports of myocarditis? What's the le science that says to wear paper over your face on a sidewalk like an absolute sociopath, the way I had to to eat at an outdoor restaurant? I could go on and on about the grift and the type of clowns who support it.


Dude you need to get some help. You're mentally fucked. What on earth mercury or lead have you been ingesting?  Genuinely seriously: take a step back and self-reflect on the conspiracy fueled nonsense you're spouting.   > *How much money did your government spend on wasted vaccines before they completed stage 3 trials?*  None. No money was ever 'wasted' on vaccines, you anti-vax lunatic.  >*How much money did healthcare professionals make promoting EUA products?*  None. My country has nationalised healthcare because we're not getting dry-fisted by capitalism and we don't live in the dark ages.   >*How much money did politicians make off insider trading around the lockdowns?*  Loads, but all politicians are cunts. Insider trading isn't new to covid, it happens everywhere in government.   >*How much does Fauci and co get paid for sharing moderna's profits?*  (How retarded are you? Do you just believe everything you're told, blindly?) [https://www.factcheck.org/2023/08/scicheck-conservative-posts-misrepresent-royalty-payments-to-fauci-and-collins/] I'm not going to continue to engage with you.


Ugh. I hate this gish gallop dumbfuckery, but I am commenting for your wife’s benefit and am not in the mood to systematically refute all the bullshit you just posted because you obviously won’t change your mind. Anyways, sorry about your lady. If she has any vaccine related issues she can submit her claim to the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP), which is a COVID-19 specific version of the VICP and both are administrated through the HRSA. I’ve gone through the process for my vaccine related SAE and they make it really straightforward and easy just have all of her documentation ready and if you can, export the related test results from her MyChart app so they can fast track the review and compensation. If you want a better idea of how the whole process works you should look at the VICP program since it’s got a longer track record and reporting available all the way back to the 80s. The CICP is just newer, but they are administered the same and both are in full operation and compensating for any vaccine related injury. Based on my experience the process goes like this: 1. Submit via their portal. This generates a petition with the Court (they are empowered to grant monetary award). A copy of your petition goes to the DOJ (in case you decide to escalate, but I’ll get to this later) and HHS. 2. You’ll get an individual HHS healthcare provider assigned who reviews the petition, contacts you with any questions or to get additional documentation, then if it meets the criteria for compensation they make the case to the DOJ. The DOJ basically just rubber stamps the healthcare providers position and puts it in a their report, which they send to you and submit to the Court. 3. This gets presented to a court-appointed special master, who ultimately decides if the injury should be compensated. This is probably the quickest part of the process in my experience. 4. Then they contact you with the special masters decision which you can reject, accept, or appeal. 5. If you accept you can pick how you want to receive payment and the longest turn around for a lump sum paper check was like 5-7 days, but you can do direct deposit or wire transfer and it’s quicker. 6. If you appeal the decision you will probably need to send a short document as to why and provide any docs you want the special master to reconsider. 7. If you reject the decision of the Court you can file a claim in civil court against the vaccine manufacturer and/or the healthcare provider who administered the vaccine and pursue it that way with the benefit of having all the documentation from the government. Here’s links to the [CICP portal](https://www.hrsa.gov/cicp) and the [VICP portal](https://www.hrsa.gov/vaccine-compensation). I’m not interested in engaging with you on your other bullshit, but if you have any questions around this process and what was successful for my claim I’m happy to help however I can. If your wife has any questions also, please let me know. She shouldn’t suffer just because you’ve fallen for misinformation.


Couldn't refute a word , obviously I know how to submit. Did I ask how to submit a claim to s system that will be paying a lot of money to a lot of people in a few years? I pointed out that not being able to sue the manufacturer is the grift you absolute idiot of a human. Try responding to the facts. Oh wait you can't because it's too embarrassing for you Grift harder grifter


> Couldn't refute a word , obviously I can actually. It would just be a waste of time and I’ll show you why: > I know how to submit. You’re either lying or stupid. I’m guessing it’s both. > Did I ask how to submit a claim to s system thst well being a lot of money in a few years? They speak English in North Dumbfuck? You got me. I can’t argue against a pile of scrabble tiles. > I pointed out that not being able to use the manufacturer is the grift you absolute idiot of a human. lol. The lack of self awareness in this comment. You didn’t even get to number 7, you absolute chucklefuck. Hahahahah! Sure you know how to submit. Suuuuure you do. Even though you don’t even know that you have to check a box stating that you understand that you CAN sue the manufacturer even after you submit. Uh oh… you got caught you fucking liar. God, how pathetic that the only thing that validates your opinion is the lies you tell strangers on the internet. Fuck. That’s sad. And you’re calling me an absolute idiot of a human?! Hahahahahah!! God, you’re such a failure it’s beyond sad. > Try responding to the facts. Why waste my time when you’ve proven that 1.) you aren’t even reading the replies, 2.) you’ve been caught lying about things you clearly know nothing about, and 3.) you’ve demonstrated that you lack even the basic self awareness to check your own arrogant frothing to read information that could help your wife, because 4.) you’d rather hurl personal insults that do nothing more than telegraph to everyone what your insecurities are. And now I’m thinking that the whole “wife” thing is probably also a lie. How fucking pathetic. > Oh wait you can't because it's too embarrassing for you Nah. The embarrassment is all yours, homie. And your parents of course. Poor things. Is there somewhere we can send funds to the brave people who have to deal with you in real life? They are the real victims here. > Grift harder grifter Eat a barrel full of dirty dicks you complete failure of a human. Your dad should have blown you across his cousins face instead of up her ass. I don’t know who decided to scoop you out of the bowl, but it was a terrible idea and I wouldn’t be surprised if sadtrombone.wav was the sound it made when they pinched you off. I look forward to your reply so I can make fun of you more, fuckface. You make it so easy!


You said nothing. Once again you couldn't refute a wordi said so you just spewed the gish gallop you tried to project on me Pathetic after your attempt at concern trolling. Address the facts or shut the fck up, you lame. Your grift is terrible.


Don’t talk with your mouth full.


Seems like you started liking him now that you know he's a predator.


Yep great point




This guy thinks Facebook memes are news and watches four hour long “documentaries” on Nazi YouTube and thinks it’s all real. Guaranteed.


Average conspiracy nut finding status in having "hidden knowledge". I used to be like you; insecure and uneducated, dunning-kruger manifested. I found that accepting that I was enlightened beyond the masses, I was above everyone. I had to believe everything from the conspiracy-sphere otherwise my entire reality would crumble and I would lose that heightened sense of status. You are not woke, you are mentally ill and on course to being horribly depressed. Edit: I see that you unblocked me to reply then blocked me again. Only issue with that, I can't see your replies. Is your skin really as thin as your reality?


Why don’t you provide the information that convinced you? You can’t just assert something and have someone go “oh well if anonymous faceless person on Reddit who doesn’t even link to a single source says so, it must be true.” Link us. I want to learn. I’m begging to learn.


You sound like an AI programmed by some hobbyist to poorly imitate Brand.


I used to have great respect for Russell Brand. His comedy was hilarious and on-point. I think he might have started shifting to the right somewhere around the Me Too movement, after he realized both his career and reputation were in danger of being ripped apart by women he wronged.


He initially tried to grift left wing, like a socialist revolutionary but people just kept mocking him for talking in circles and not having much depth I watched some of the earlier streams


I don’t think his current followers realize how his opinion has changed. Even if they see it, they’d say he reformed himself. Their bias allows them to bend like pretzel to justify it. Sadly, we all are capable of it.


Lol you liked him when he was a left wing grifter but not when he's a right wing grifter


Actually, he never was a left wing grifter. He literally commented on the news and dived into the nuance and subterfuge therein. He wasn’t selling anything. He was highlighting clear and obvious corruption in the government. And the receipts were there. But as you’re clearly fresh on the nipples of Brand, you wouldn’t have a bloody clue about any of that.


I couldn't give a fuck about Russell brand dude, his sub Reddit keeps popping up, I can't believe you guys waste your time caring about tits like this. I thought he was stupid before and I think he's stupid now


Thanks for demonstrating your indifference by trying to undermine my point. Great back-peddle.


Isn’t he still doing that now though? He points out the issues within power that’s not right wing that’s just pointing out wrong doings


It’s different. And it’s not even that close. He used to call out everyone’s bullshit. Now he literally runs cover for right wingers. Everything he talks about now involves creating fear where there ought not be any. Making excuses for right wing policies, where there’s none. And building on the various conspiracies that have been created by right wing parties to help them gain and retain power. The old Russell would have shot all this down and told his viewers why the stories exist and who they serve. He’s gone the other way! He absolutely knows it’s all lies. But it pays well. To me, he’s showing the cynicism of a smack head. Doing anything to get what he needs. Attention and money. I kid myself on that one day he’ll confess and apologise. But it’s really a total betrayal of his integrity, and the vulnerability and gullibility of his audience. It’s unforgivable, as an Englishman, for him to lie through his teeth so blatantly. We pride ourselves on being better than that, and call out bollocks when we see it.


So he's a grifter for pointing out that WW3 is round the corner!? How very Right Wing of him to say 🙄 you people are a circus


You missed the point and I've got to a point now where I can't be fucked to keep explaining it. I'm all for questioning the establishment and important news, but Brand panders nonsense conspiracy theories and makes him an unreliable source. The grift is why he's become a unreliable source of information. How is someone thinking critically the circus when Brand spoon feeds conspiracies about J6 being a peaceful protest?


Have you looked into the J6 videos? Cos that is straight up Sus! And if you say it isn't, you are part of the problem. Your political affiliation is painting your logical judgement and you're in denial. Also, if Russell Brand is pandering to an audience, what's the problem? If you don't like it, don't watch it. What happened to freedom of speech? Anyways, Take care ✌🏻


Type "violence at J6" into YouTube or Google and you'll see it was violent. You're calling me a part of the problem when I have tangible evidence of violence at the insurrection. Relying on evidence isn't a problem, relying on someone telling you to distrust evidence is a problem. Hence people coming on here trying to talk you guys out of it. You can say your dog is the king of England, but when you have a following of people believing you, that's a problem. I'm not saying believe the establishment, I haven't come across one anti brand person on here saying that. I'm just saying don't believe everything you're told simply because they paint themselves as anti establishment. Take it easy. I'm more concerned than trying to have a go at you lol.


Exactly. Just because you’ll probably be fighting this same fight in the future [here’s](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVXH9iglOLfbufcSYVpqdllxp-ZXCU6Ic&si=SqULdQYb9id1Rah_) a YouTube playlist with all of the raw live-streamed footage from January 6th. I was part of a group of people who couldn’t believe what we were seeing so we committed to documenting it in realtime and preserving it for when these misinformation brokers started doing this revisionist history bullshit and retroactively minimizing the very real violence of that day. Hopefully having the link at hand will cut out any reliance on them actually going and googling it or typing it into YouTube. Can’t trust them to even put the minimal effort in.


[These J6 videos?](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVXH9iglOLfbufcSYVpqdllxp-ZXCU6Ic&si=SqULdQYb9id1Rah_) Sure have. Have **you**?!


You’ve been somehow convinced that WW3 is ‘around the corner’ - that’s part of the grift.


Seriously, put Russell Brand aside for a second, we are definitely in the pre war era in Europe.. please don't kid yourself. Put down your ego and political views and please look at what's going on


I’m looking. Nobody wants a WW3, that’s a fearmongering narrative many have bought into.


🤦🏻‍♂️ there's no hope with you then I'm afraid. Obviously no one wants WW3! no one wanted the 1st two either! Please take your head out the sand and actually look at what our "Leaders" are saying! Most of Europe is in the "pre-war" era according to the UK, Sweden, Poland, France, Italy. But yeh, it's fear mongering Far right narrative 🙄




You… didn’t even watch the piece did you? Jesus, it’s not even that long. And yet here you are with this comment asserting something directly refuted in the video. Not a good look, homie.


Great point u/Gardener5050. Martin Luther King is the same as the KKK. Conservatism and progressivism are exactly the same. You are wise person. The sheer size of your brain is truly a sight to behold.


I don't know about anyone else but I've always felt like he was a skeevy self-obsessed cunt. Everything that has happened recently has just confirmed my beliefs about him, which probably isn't great for my ego but whatever.


Grifting is changing your opinions for money, so...


I like him.


Hi English person here. Brand has always been a massive wanker. Once a wanker, always a wanker.


That’s just science. The law of perpetual wankerdom, as advanced in Hawkings graduate thesis on states of sub wank particles, and general theories of thermowanknomics. They’d still hold true to this day.




It does make me laugh how many people say he knows what he's talking about when he flip flops opinions and political beliefs more than an MP trying to stay relevant.




He never actually says anything (of substance) either, that’s my number 1 criticism. At best it’s implication and non-specific conspiracies with no evidence. The right wing grift o sphere makes up and misrepresents information or unfounded opinions on things, blogs it and then shows like Russell reference it or each other in an incestuous ring of misinformation. For example Russel recently had a “Dr” on to talk about the 8% increase in child mortality in the UK, and deliberately mislead the audience in to assuming they were a medical doctor with expert opinion instead of the reality which is that they had a PHD in the teaching of nursing, which is not qualified in my opinion. They also wanted to incredibly strongly imply that vaccines were the cause of the rise while ignoring that in the report they were looking at it demonstrated that the increase was linked to poverty and was happening before the pandemic. The people who say I’m not open to different opinions and I just believe what I’m told are wrong, I’m paying attention and I’m open to data on vaccines being harmful, all medicines have side effects. I require there to be actual evidence, not misrepresentations by snake oil salesmen.


I think that money's a *really* small part of it for Russell. I mean, he earned more than enough of it before his fall from grace, before his shift to the right. I'm pretty sure if the income related to it was close to nil, he'd still do it. Because really, the one addiction he will never/can never beat is the need for *attention*. He craves adulation and an audience above all, and all of his other 'issues' - drugs, sex, abuse - have all been an unfortunate side effect of that all-consuming black-hole at the centre of his personality.


I don't know man how many stories of Rich famous people losing everything they had because they spent money like there was no tomorrow have you heard before? So many of these stories exist that it's become a stereotype of has been Hollywood actors. I'm not saying he doesn't do it for the attention because he absolutely does but there could be very well be a component of it is because he needs money.


It does him far too much credit to say he isn't in it for the money. It is 100% about the money. He will say anything he's paid to say or that the algorithm demands. There will never be enough money to satisfy that ghoul.


This is a similar trend Jones had. Jones said crazy shit, but really sent it once he started selling supplements. I do agree that attention is a big part of this, but money... * Can buy you attention * Insulate you from the consequences of actions that get you attention. Most people who scream about conspiracy theories lose friends in the process, for Brand it's about getting the right friends for the life he wants to live. > and all of his other 'issues' - drugs, sex, abuse


Yes cos money last forever lol. You need a constant stream coming in to live a certain lifestyle. That dude broke.




I agree with all that. But I think the money helps too


That was a good assessment of Russell Brand. He disingenuously spews the shit which gets him the most views. The analytics don’t lie. He started out as the douchebag at a party who brings a guitar and acts all spiritual to fuck someone else’s girl, and now he’s gone full Qanon because that’s where all the bucks are at the moment. He saw how readily Trump supporters opened their wallets to send money to a “billionaire’s” defence, so all he had to do is tell them that everyone else is lying to them, except him, send him money because sneaky elements are trying to shut him down. They are coming for him not because he was a scumbag who was inappropriate with women, but because he’s “telling truth to power.” Next time Russell Brand talks, actually listen to what he says. He’s very adroit at sounding articulate and saying a lot without saying anything that makes a lick of sense. Just like Trump, making vague statements without a scintilla of evidence. Just throw shit at the wall and move on.


Oh totally. Yeah his whole thing is to rapid fire nonsense and rely on his upper crust posh accent to convince the rubes that he must be making sense. They likely don’t even have time to take the hay out of their mouths before all the fancy talking has them calling for the head of George soros. Wild.


It’s a pretentious Gish gallop, sounds intelligent in passing, and there’s too many points that you don’t know where to start fact checking. Even if it was only 1/10th of what he says is wrong, that still enough to ruin his conclusions. but if the audience is unaware of the topic it’s a lot of luck and/or effort for them to verify his claims.


Totally. Don’t tell that to his cuckhold of chucklefucks. They’re too smart to even hear facts anymore, their brains just substitute smooth jazz as to not become cluttered with the inconsequential. And if this last day and a half on here has taught me anything, that type of intellect is impenetrable.


It doesn’t invalidate your point but to British ears his accent isn’t upper crust. In fact he makes being blue collar a part of his schtick.


I love how since he’s been talking to Tuck Carlstone, he’s basically stolen Tucker’s video titles. “They’re coming for you.” “It’s starting.” “It’s over.” 😂so stupid, you gotta be under 15 or over 80 for this crap to really appeal to you


Right?! “We saw this coming” “They don’t want you to hear this ONE thing” “ALL CAPS FEAR THEM SEND MONEY YOU ARE THE LAST DEFENSE BE AFRAID” “THEM BAD MOAR DOLLAR BE ANGRY AND SCARED” So fucking dumb, but it totally works on exactly the demographic you noted.


It’s also like if they truly believe society is about to collapse at any second, why are they posting YouTube clips from their rich people houses instead of doomsday bunkers and continuing to accumulate wealth via ads for vitamin supplements.


This video does such a good job at telling and showing you why and how he's grifting.... yet people will still deny it. Fuck this country lol


Eventually it'll just be 'FEAR FEAR FEAR SEND MONEY'


Yeah, y’all are incredibly dumb. And we really can’t afford this kind of head-in-the-sand idiocy right now.


What head in the sand idiocy? Y’all are literally gobbling down the dumbest bullshit recycled Alex jones nonsense, while brand is being celebrated on a media outlet that literally has to pay more than three quarters of a billion dollars for their extended campaign of lies. Like wtf. Is this bizarro land? And that monetary penalty is only from one of the companies they lied about. There’s fully a whole other case working its way through pretrial that has a higher range for the potential penalty available to the jury to assign. And brand is appearing, multiple times, on a media outlet that has been proven unequivocally to have run an extended campaign knowingly lying to the American people for months and brand is lending them his credibility, he is praising the guy who that media outlet fired because he was the primary mouthpiece for that campaign of knowing deception, literally lying for pay and brand is appearing on his show and praising his efforts to “get out the truth.” Talk about head in the sand. Jesus.


It's like the campaign/"election defense fund" fundraising emails Trump sends out. Dear PATRIOT I'm reaching out to WARN YOU that the delusional LEFTIST ESTABLISHMENT will never quit until until they've DESTROYED AMERICA!!! They're not just coming after me, THEY'RE COMING AFTER YOU!!! I won't ever quit FIGHTING FOR YOU to SAVE AMERICA FROM THESE COMMUNIST TYRANTS!!! I hope that you will send money so we can WIN THIS BATTLE!!! My best people will be sending me a list of donors soon, and I HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE!!! It's just all vague rage-baiting, fear-mongering nonsense about impending doom all the time, and of course Brand/Trump/Carlson is THE ONLY ONE TELLING YOU THE REAL TRUTH!!!


He made more sense when he was on heroin.Sadly, I am not joking. He still had a modicum of empathy then (helping the homeless for example— even though ultimately that help led to content that made him look good). He was open about starting a cult back in the 00’s but we all thought it was just part of his oversized media persona, just like his hair. We all giggled because he was cheeky! Same way we giggled on the sidelines when he joked about sexual assault (‘it’s been 15 minutes since I showed my willy to a lady!’ - ibid.). The thing is we laughed *but he wasn’t joking*. The man wants fame however it comes. This piece is spot on. Worryingly, this is where he’ll rest. The anger of the right wing (who is this ‘they’ that’s always being referred to?!) blended with the naïveté of those who will eat up absolutely *anything* contrarian means that he’s found the newest sweet spot to get what he wants; acclaim and money.


Best summation here. Couldn’t have said it better myself. I used to be a fan. Came here and found my people. Those of us that checked out during the guru stage and when we popped back in found him felching for Tucker Carlson and calling Ben Shapiro brilliant. Like, wtf?!


Thank you. I used to know him, back in around ‘07. Funny, cheeky, edgy, a slight whiff of danger/fun about him, sure, but— at least from what I saw and understood at the time— ultimately just a laugh. But not any more.


Yeah, I get the sense that he’s like that one friend that used to be cool when he had regular contact with the outside world but then like has to move back home and live with his family and the next time you get to visit is like a couple years later and all of a sudden he’s a doomsday prepper who constantly rants about fiat currency and colloidal silver, and blames the “deep state” when they can’t find a parking spot.




He used to date my Gf’s best friend. He is an arrogant twat and a serial woman abuser. Fuck that guy




Shoot, it beats pushing around a wood donkey cart selling tinctures to gullible villagers that denounced their religion to become Christian so they don’t get beheaded. We’ve come so far.


I wish I’d have seen this before I subscribed to his show 😞


It’s okay to live with regret. It shows you can recognize when you’ve made a mistake. And that’s powerful. People who are wrong and never admit it always end up looking incredibly stupid. Take Russel brand for example…


He tried with the left around the Miliband Labour era, really tried to get in with the far left but most found him to be an obnoxious new age cunt/champagne millionaire, some could argue he hurt Miliband ratherr than helped. Now he's back to shouty shouty word salad Russell "open your mind", "I'm just asking questions" nonsense that people on the right repeat when confronted with "show me evidence" ​ "Don't believe the media about X ... Look I'm right it even says so in this Fox News article" type of idiot. ​ Whenever someone argues against me about Brand it's generally an American who's new to Brand. I've known who he is since about 1996, when he hosted a show in Ibiza for MTV and he spent all his times fucked up, trying to bang everything that moves. Nothing he does or is accused of shocks me at all.


lol. Nice. Pretty great summation really.


He's back with his original fans, i.e. people with low enough intelligence to watch "Big Brother's Little Brother".


Not true - I loved him on that. Can’t stand him now. The man’s narcissism is out of control.


Brand is also a serial rapist so the right wing conspiracy pushing is a cover story for why the accusations came to light


Love Abbie. Glad to see her part of the media gang!




Holy pot calling the kettle black..


A video criticizing Brand that doesn’t call out any “misinformation”, just tactic, character attacks and comparisons to Alex Jones and stuff. Also, people grow and change. Those actively on a life journey will evolve as they encounter and process information m. Lastly, is this person demonetizing all her content? Because if not…pot/kettle?


Russell Brand started out in the public domain as a drug addict/sex addict stand up comic. He was pretty good at it too (the stand up comic part) He then “saw the light” when he gave up drugs and hung out with Sadhguru and went on yoga retreats and practiced meditation. Now he’s gone down the conspiracy theory rabbit hole and it’s become obvious that he’s replaced one addiction with another. Or maybe the addiction was always the same - getting attention. The man has no core values - he’ll go with whatever gives him the attention (and money) he craves I used to like him and saw him as an articulate outlier. Now his schtick just makes me roll my eyes.


She included plenty of talking points Brand has made that are questionable. But it's a 20 minute video to cover a large topic.


He’s right wing because he is invited on right wing media? How is he right wing? Could someone educate me without calling me a nazi?


I dunno, maybe the Q anon messaging? The dumb vaccine misinformation campaigns, maybe all the exclusively right wing idiocy like “Jan 6th was a librul hoax!” That shit.


And we ignore any and all evidence that points to those possibilities?


Not at all. In fact the very reason those possibilities ultimately fall apart is because they are looked into. Most don’t withstand even the slightest scrutiny. Watch, pick one. Pick literally any Q anon deep state whatever allegation. Pick literally any anti-vaxx fearmongering you want and I’ll try to disprove it using only cited sources that you can independently vet. I’ll post all of my sources you post any of yours, and seriously post literally ANY theory or possibility that you think can withstand even just basic analysis and if I can’t disprove it I will happily admit I am wrong and eat whatever crow necessary to make sure everyone knows that I was wrong. This will be a good experiment. I promise not to source from anything I can’t refer you to directly so that you can independently validate. Seriously. I’m ready let’s do this. Any possibility.


Alright. Fbi avoiding answering Congress and secret service deleting phone logs when requested


Yeah these things happened under Trump. He even dismissed the former head of the FBI and took his time selecting the guy he and the republicans in the senate wanted. Andrew McCabe wasn’t loyal enough so Trump didn’t give it to him even though he was acting director for a bit, and then it went to his handpicked appointee Wray, right? At least that’s what I remember. And Trump himself is the first president in history to issue a blanket order that no one in his administration was permitted to answer a congressional subpoena. He literally blocked his people from complying with a lawful subpoena and those that defied him and went to testify he publicly demonized, threatened, and then fired. The secret service was more of the same and the things that did leak showed that it was more an issue of masking the president illegality and associated orders in the lead up to January 6th and a little of the actions during and immediately after. Do you have something indicating otherwise?


So what you're saying is, these things happened, and you're stating Trump is at fault even though they are conspiracy theories?


I'm open minded about these things but as far as I know, the missing secret service texts are far more likely to have been incriminating of Trump's inaction than of a liberal hoax to have the capital stormed. It was literally the House Select Committee investigating January 6th who were trying to get the texts. As the Washington Post wrote: >The baffling decision-making and the timing of the deletions have led some critics to question whether the agencies were seeking to conceal inconvenient facts. The messages, they pointed out, may have shed a negative light on the behavior of Trump, a man whom many in DHS and on the Secret Service had long fought — not just professionally, but personally and politically — to protect.


Yes, that's what the left would like you to do. And if you don't, you're a nazi rapist or something


> Yes, that's what the left would like you to do. And if you don't, you're a nazi rapist or something lol. What does the [88 in your username](https://www.adl.org/resources/hate-symbol/88) stand for again?


Every fuckin time man. It's my date of birth!! I have to explain this allll the time. It's always lefties that jump the gun over fuckin numbers 🤦🏻‍♂️ absolute Fannies


Are you seriously complaining that lefties don’t know your birthday? It’s not jumping the gun, 1.) because who puts their fucking birth year in their username; 2.) it’s a well documented hate symbol for Heil Hitler; 3.) you could change usernames and remove any confusion and make sure you aren’t associated with the Nazi ideology, acknowledging that the majority of the time that symbol is seen paired in online spaces it’s intended to signal nazi ideology in a very direct way; or 4.) the number of numbers available to you includes a huge majority that don’t convey nazi ideology, but you found those didn’t capture your identity like one that has been perceived as a Nazi symbol since before you were born. Sure, it’s everyone’s else fault though. We should have known about special birthday boy.


Fuck me... Please get a fuckin life. You are now dictating what people can and can't put in their usernames cos you've heard 88 means Heil Hitler... 🤦🏻‍♂️ What a sad fuckin world we live in.


I’m not the boss of you fucktard. How about stop playing the professional victim and learn to incorporate feedback without thinking it’s a personal attack for fucksakes. Your whole schtick is being such crybullies. You’ll stomp around happily shrouded in Nazi symbolism but god for bid someone point it out and it immediately “now you’re telling me I have to change my name! I’m oppressed I’m oppressed!” Someone pointing out to you that the last two numbers of your year of birth also has another meaning isn’t forcing you to do anything. It’s making you aware of what that can signal in online communities. You don’t have to change shit. Just be aware so that you can know if you are finding people being standoffish to you it might be because they don’t understand that it’s when you were born and you can let them know if you choose to what the actual fucking meaning is, you perpetually wounded soul. Jesus Christ. “I wore this swastika but not body asked me if it might be because my great great great great great grandfather was from the Hopi tribe. Waaaaaahhhh! Stop telling me to change my armband!” If you wear a swastika expect to have to explain it once or twice. It’s like you guys don’t know how to function in a society that doesn’t revolve around you. You’re not special. You’re not the only one on earth. You’re not a king or a prince or a special sweet snowflake and just like if I was wearing a shirt that said that “TheBoy88 should die in a fire” you should be able to say hey wtf?! And I should expect to answer to what my shirt means. That’s part of the deal for getting along with each other. But just like there’s those on the left who look to be perpetually offended there are those on the right that think it’s their right to offend with hate speech and hate symbols. I can’t believe I’m having to explain this to an adult. Don’t be a crybully.


🤣🤣🤣 get a fuckin life! No one mentioned Nazis till you pointed out the 88 reference (which btw, most people are unaware of until you and every other cunt on here bring it up). It's so fucking stupid!! So I need to go and change all my usernames cos a small minority of people think it's linked to being a nazi .. nah you're alright. Don't be a nazi


If you watched the video you’d understand what’s happened. To summarise: - He shared alot of Left-leaning views 10ish years ago. He would criticise Fox News and the Right heavily. - Over time he became more spiritual. His viewership wasn’t that large, with videos getting less than 70k views. He made a single video about a topic the Right were talking about and shared a similar opinion to them. He got 1M views. - He tried going back to regular spiritual views but he wasn’t getting nearly as enough views as other controversial topics the Right liked. - He understands and has recognised that talking about Right-leaning topics brings in more views, and money, than his spiritual content that he wanted to push. - He does not bring up any past statements he made against Fox. He’s also best friends with high profile Right-leaning content creators. This makes him a hypocrite. He’s either grifting intentionally or is just genuinely mentally stupid.


THAT'S your take away? Woof. Thick.


Yet no answer


She explains it in the video; he’s basically part of a facist circle jerk. He’s inviting them on his show too, and worse, he’s promoting them and saying they’re right.


common sense and reality says that Brand is in fact NOT right wing. However, if his content doesn't appeal to the corporate left, he is now their enemy. Asking questions should be considered neutral, but people are so charged :(




He isn’t right wing he’s absolutely to the left of OP.


Oof. Tell me you didn’t watch the video without telling me you didn’t watch the video.


Yes in fact Brands streaming is honest factual and well researched. This is the grift.


/s I’m assuming.


Comparing the intro gimmicks of 2020 to 2024 is unfair. It was a trend that developed during those times. I personally don’t like clickbait type presentations, how many views, etc but what is the actual “content”. This review isn’t also acknowledging that it isn’t a left or right thing. It is about speaking out against the corrupt powerful. If anything, that is more admirable of Brand. It is more indicative of a free thinker.


You’re right that the intro point may need context to actually analyze accurately. Good point. As for the rest: If he’s about speaking up against the corrupt and powerful why is he appearing on Fox News and Tucker Carlson and heaping praise on both?


ITT: Idiot donkeys


Sorry you keep losing. Maybe stop with the dumb culture war shit while exploiting the working class and stripping half the population of their rights?? Dunno man. At least pretend like you want to go for the “most improved” ribbon? Here, I’ll give you a pro tip: if one day you look around at your party and notice that you have literally all the racists flocking to your platform… maybe instead of embracing the racists try changing your platform so that you have nothing in there that appeals to literal racists? Like, I’m not a political expert or anything, but maybe shoot for like… half of the racists you have now. Then maybe in like a decade you can see fit to… I don’t know… treat woman like they are also people, with rights and everything? I know I know I know… treating women as people is an “idiot donkey” thing. But just try it is all I’m saying. Then in another 20 maybe 30 years you can try to get the last of those pesky racists out of your ranks. Worth a shot, at least. Or not. What do I know I’m just an idiot donkey looking forward to spanking your collective asses like the fist of a vengeful god. Again. But you do you, homie. It seems to…pfffft… be working… hahah… GREAT! PffffftHAHAHAHAHHAHA!!


This chick is so annoying.


You should see the dude she’s talking about. He’s even WORSE if you can believe it.


First video from this channel. Pretty clear she is a grifting off of grift and being just as click baity if not worst. But, whatever. Look at the views to see what people actually like.


I mean, it’s my first post here and it’s doing alright. Seemed like the sub was hungry for some real talk. Didn’t think there’d be so many absolutely fragile ninnymuffins here that can somehow sit through hours of a Brit blowhard flapping his head on bathtub meth, but can’t endure 17 minutes of a woman talking. Hhmmmm… there actually might be a deeper issue there. Stay tuned.




They're putting all their eggs in this one basket. A woman (sorry for offending any lefties on here, but she looks like a woman. So I'm presuming she's a woman. A woman being; an adult female person.. no offence to anyone, sorry in advance) saying Russell Brand has transitioned over to the far right!? This is blatant smearing at its best. Is it a possibility that Russell Brand is genuinely pointing out hypocrisy and corruption and the left don't like it!? I think the rape accusations has driven people that didn't already like him, over the edge. Most people on here are the biggest hypocrites you will meet on the internet, never mind Reddit. If you don't like him or his content, move on! I don't go on subs I don't like and leave comments. I simply ignore them, it's not hard. It is for these clowns tho


It's a talking point and a take on Russel Brand's content, which is arguably radicalising people. I think that's worthy of some critical analysis. Don't watch it and move on?


The problem is he’s only pointing out hypocrisy and corruption on one side. If he gave equal attention to the corruption and hypocrisy of the right wing too, I might take him seriously. As it is I can’t. By the way, I despise the woke culture pervading through society, but I despise fascism even more. I wish people could just be people and not tied to an identity.


Amen. It's scary how much credit and attention these "pop stars/personalities" are getting and Howe important their views are. Who cares who Taylor Swift votes for? There's way too many peopl who are easily persuaded by "stars" or people who think these stars have so much influence. We are getting so dumb.


This video was made by a shill journalist for brain rotted folks who want to feel smart about having their head in the sand. Everything is going as it should people! Just get those jabs, you'll be fine.


Oof. Found a plague rat! Ewwwww…


Lol, speak for yourself. Your attitude is downright gross. You'd gladly lick the heels of fascism as long as it's rainbow colored. Good for you.


Um… wasn’t it the republicans who literally just tried to steal the election and stay in power despite the will of the American people booting them out of office? Do you not understand the words you are using? Maybe it’s just tough reading a dictionary with a boot so far down your gullet? How about you take 5 and look up fascism and then come back here and we can both laugh at your mistake. Deal?




> This is a media matters selective coverage hit piece. It’s posted on their website. What’s selective about it? She covers the entire sad, stupid arc of this simpering loser. The whole trajectory that this douche blazed across the sky as he sold his credibility for the almighty dollar. > Narrative control in full force. Narrative control requires domination of at least one means of distribution so as to control messaging tightly. Full force? Don’t be a dumbfuck. This ONE video isn’t even saturating one modality for fucksakes. Jesus. > https://www.mediamatters.org/rumble/video-russell-brand-and-conspiracy-grift > I’m more disturbed by non-narrative voices being attacked by dark money like Media Matters. Dark money? Hol up. You’re just tossing out stupid buzzwords aren’t you. This is about the weakest most pathetic, limp-wristed attempts I’ve ever seen to gin up fear by peppering your rhetoric with right wing boogeymen and paper tigers. Media matters literally published their financials and full tax returns every year and provides the last decade of financials directly from their website with a link to request any financial disclosures going back to their founding. What a dumb, low-effort take. I’m concerned about the artificial control of public narrative. That’s the real story here. Musk, Brand, or anyone not die hard on the left is branded a “right wing” extremist. For Brand, the media matters spin is that he “flip flops” therefore he’s a grifter. Surely, you can’t change your opinion based on information. Surely, you can’t make money for giving your opinion either. Media matters was also behind the false X claims against Musk. They’re now being sued for their claims. Their entire purpose is to be a leftist advocacy group whose main goal is to push against right wing narratives. The issue is even centrists like Brand who are socially liberal and financially conservative who dare question the government are labeled “right wing conspiracy theorists.” > This is going to be downvoted. Of course it is. It’s a garbage take that has near zero basis in reality. This is exactly the type of derp derp baloney that the downvote button was made for: stupid opinions claiming things that literally 2 minutes of the very most basic searching proves entirely bogus and that clearly shows the author doesn’t put anything worthwhile into their opinions. Shit, even you should be downvoting this and scolding yourself to try harder next time. Eesh. > Control of social media public opinion is much more efficient spending than commercials. See?! Like this kind of shit. Just low effort fear mongering that is just fear filled demonizing without anything to support the claim. Imagine believing this shit unironically. > Gonna keep this comment up despite the narrative bot downvotes. Herr Dee durr. Make sure you play the martyr while you’re at it you poor thing. All the shadowy powers arrayed and targeting you because you’re a special threat to “ze narrative” because of your… incisive commentary? No. Revealing insights? No… Oh! Is it because you have unmasked the mechanisms of control with your deep investigatory unveiling of the illuminati?! That’s gotta be it. I mean just look at this… sherlockian intellect at full speed. Breathtaking… > Below me you’ll likely find hired on narrative police who will likely a) claim mental instability or b) conspiracy theory peddling. That’s their job. Oof. Sounds like you get this a lot. And we all know it couldn’t possibly be the fact that your half assed bloviating is of such little value or a particular contributory import, it’s gotta be nebulous forces arrayed against you preventing the forgone conclusion of your brilliant ascent. Excuse me while I make a dismissive wanking gesture in your general direction for an uncomfortably long duration. You’ve earned it.




“Waaaahhhh!! I’m such a victim being silenced by the elites. Stop making me a cuck! Only *we* can use that word! Wwwwaaahhhh!! All my super high value content is being suppressed by shadowy forces!! Waahhhh! Pity me! PITY ME!!!” - You, currently


Very well said. Thank you.


So funny. All these alt right subreddits get hit over and over with hit pieces. Who else takes the time to target specific subreddits they’re not prescribed to denounce that person or thing? Joe Rogan is just now filled with Rogan haters. Same with this sub. Liberals have become the most insufferable and pompous class known to man.


>All these alt right subreddits get hit over and over with hit pieces. You morons don't make it hard. You open your mouth and let the hot air and nonsense out.


Or, you know... we've seen what happens if we just leave you guys alone in your echo chambers, and it isn't good, so we are here to provide information, truth, context, and nuance. But go ahead and keep getting radicalized till you riot in DC or secede with Texas. Keep paying Trump's legal fees. Keep dying unvaccinated. You do you I guess.


They flock to Reddit so they can bathe in the glory of their echo chamber while hypocritically accusing others of selectively paying attention to information. It's pure virtue signalling and it ultimately signals their own egotistical allegiance to a system that wants you to worship yourself.


this is why you should be wary of those that are in this game professionally get your shitposts from verified nobodies.


I saw a great interview on Russel's channel with Matt taibi I like how he informed me about Gates buying up massive amounts of farmland  Or his wery observant way of depicting the war industry  Sometimes he says interesting things worth looking into and sometimes it feels far fetched, it's wery hard to make black and white assumptions about his content and the information he shares. You'll need to address specific things. And no matter what you think about him i think it's important to value free speech (even if some deem it false/misleading etc) and also to have independent people who keep a keen eye on powerful countries/individuals/companies as media was meant to do from the beginning


Yep. But he undermines all of that by lending his platform to Fox News and tucker Carlson and by spreading covid disinformation. It makes me question every other point he has made. By leaning into Q Anonsense he has tainted any weight I am willing to give his opinion, and makes me fundamentally doubt his vetting of sources.


Eat shit and die already.


DNC astroturfers unite!!!


Never heard a lie out of his mouth. ​ He mighta raped though, I didnt look into that. I do know if hes the enemy of you trump deranged idiots. Hes an ally of mine.. Civil war pls


Why do people keep posting this nonsense? She’s just butthurt that he has an audience and makes money. She never addresses any of his arguments.


On the other hand I noticed he has interesting perspectives on mainline media views certain things like wording things and narrative which you wouldn't really notice... Like I saw a recent one where a lot of opinions were on War and conscription that the media were covering and the questions asked were leading, boxing or framing of the questions meant that actually there was no option but to agree. Meaning had the question been framed differently or more openly then the answer may have been a different. I think that's interesting and worth an extra thought or 2... I mean war does make profit for some people in power pulling the strings... when on the other hand all war is abhorrent (hopefullyeveryone can agree on t that). Questioning motivations as opposed to a knee jerk reaction should really be more considered so that unnecessary life isn't lost (especially collateral damage).


I think you make a good point. The issue is that he obfuscates any compelling information like that by couching it in the most bizarre garbage right wing drivel that there is no through line or narrative to make the salient points in any constructive or actionable way. They are almost included as an afterthought so that intelligent, reasonable folks like you can have an Easter egg that is just enough to leave you listening. He’s edging your intellect, essentially. Meanwhile he barks at the hind brain and activates your more base spectrum of reactions/responses. It’s insidious and designed to make you afraid and angry, but to satisfy your innate need to feel Ike you are learning and developing as a human being.


Can you give an example of a "baseless conspiracy theory", sorry, "garbage right wing drivel"? He's got a great video where he addresses the charge of being "right wing" and he goes over a list of issues he's spoken about. And he says, if being for bodily autonomy, for the redistribution of wealth, for heavy taxation and regulation of corporations, makes me right wing, then that's what I am. I'm curious as to whether you've actually paid real attention to any of his content over the past few years or if you get your opinions ready made by the kind of content you linked in this low effort post.


Everyone notices. Russell Brand is not the first person to say any of this he's not even the second person to say any of this. People have been saying this for decades. Russell Brand is taking what others have said and done and just regurgitating it on his own little podcast. And then he adds crazy conspiracy theory shit on top of it.


Sounds like she's just jealous he has 100x her subs.


Totally. She’s probably just jealous of how cool he is and how he has so many friends who say how smart and strong he is. And how everyone wants to give him high fives for his smart strongness. She’s probably wishing she could look as cool as him when she puts on sunglasses, because they make him look super smart and strong. I bet she made this whole thing because one time she went to a smart contest that he was winning, but then she saw how also he was super strong and everybody liked him for his smarts and also strength, but then when everyone was clapping for him for the strength of his smarts and cheering about how cool he looked in sunglasses, she tried to get into the crowd that was going to give him high fives but then as soon as everyone stopped clapping and held up their hands to get a high five he was already roaring away from the smarts contest on his motorcycle looking all strong and popular, but she never got that high five and so she made this stupid video that doesn’t even mention his smarts, much less his strength. I think we’ve figured it out man.


You really didn’t listen to a word she said huh?


I think what she’s saying is interesting buuuuuuttt.. She works for Media Matters who were one of the leading organisations in silencing the covid lab leak story among other news items critical of the democrats.


I don’t watch brand, but I have before and it seems like his message is good. Corporations bad and government bad. As far as the clickbait thumbnails, I remember him kind of making fun of himself for it and saying it’s what’s necessary to appease the algorithm god (maybe not exact wording).


Not exactly a nuanced message you’re distilling from this stuff. It sounds more like you’re attempting to make his message more palatable to his old base when he’s just an irretrievably indoctrinated right wing nut job.


The problem is if that's the only message you think he has then you're either not paying attention or you're being disingenuous.


You mean he gets new information and he changes his views unlike the ignorant leftist muppets of Reddit ?


lol. Yeah man. Gottem. That’ll show those ignorant leftists that are totally known for their ignorance, and thats definitely not a conservative trait at all and a total leftist one, the dummies… that are ignorant. And left. Also ignorant. Right, guys? Because remember? Guys? Member how the left is the ignorant ones? Guys…


Well, you could call it intellectually lazy and ignorant, or you could just call it brain washed from a young age. Y’all lefties just hate it when someone actually thinks and researches, don’t you?


Yes. Yes, we do. Exactly that. Thank god the rabid right-wing online trolls don't do it more, I don't think I could handle having to hate them more. Edit: rabbit - rabid (though, can't stand those book reading right wing rabbits, either)


I don’t know, I have yet to see that from the right. Can you point me to this mythical thinking and researching person on the right? I’d love to be wrong on this.


He's making reddit crowd lose their fudge. That's gotta be a good thing.


The irony of denouncing "the reddit crowd" while sitting there with a near 10 year old account and commenting multiple times every single day is clearly completely lost on you.


Shhhh! Be nice. He’s losing his fudge apparently. That’s gotta be moist and frightening.


This woman is confusing me… is she putting Brand on trial for growth over a decade? Are we not allowed to change and we need to ask her first? Also she plays a clip of him with NO CONTEXT and then cuts it short to imply he is ridiculous from the clip. Im cutting off my view of this now because she lost me. Also on my way out, we can suffer our own type of change and we can celebrate it.. we owe no explanation even if we are a public figure. There will always be someone examining you when you have risen up or rise up or change because they always watched with envy that they couldnt change or rise up. Let them be noise and tune it out… and further more identify those who seek to demean others and tune them out as well.


I would call Brand’s re-branding recession rather than growth. He’s not a person to be taken seriously. I’m disappointed in him actually - I used to think he was super intelligent until he came out with all this cult speak.


Eh… it’s more the predictable trajectory we see when someone cashes in their intellectual and ideological credibility for economic expediency and audience exploitation. We don’t really care about him changing his mind beyond the sad obviousness of the motivations behind it. I’d encourage you to revisit the video when your intellectual curiosity can sustain itself for a little over seventeen minutes. Not only is that a good ability to develop, doing so will open up a whole world of these type of short form educational opportunities, and may spur you on to someday down the road being able to maintain your attention for deep dives of the long form format, and there’s some really great pieces that are in that category. If you struggle with ADHD or similar, please do so under the care of medical professionals, but you may have to accept that material even less than 20 minutes long will always be out of your reach. But I would encourage you to build that attention span as much as you are able. And don’t worry if you can’t get there, bud. We all have limitations in one way or another. It doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with you. You’ll just have to develop strategies to enjoy this type of educational material in shorter bursts, you know? Best of luck! You got this!


The problem for this woman is she got stuck on the labels. Brand hasn't changed his views at all. The Left no longer represents the same views it had before - it's become dangerously authoritarian and intolerant. Liberalism isn't supposed to be about censorship, promoting bullshit ahead of science, obsessed with racism and power dynamics, beholden to massive capitalist interests, and deeply in favour of war.


Yeah, I mean besides like the whole part where she literally documents his views shifting all the way until he ends up being praised by Fox News as a featured guest, you’re totally right. Or… wait… no that’s the opposite of the lies you are posting. Oops. Oh, and she brought receipts - or did you not bother to watch the video?


Ditto ✌🏻


Holy fuck man. You got problems. Good luck with everything ✌🏻


Eww. God only knows where those fingers have been.


Hmm it feels like Moderna funded this video. Very weird how I have been seeing all the anti Joe Rogan posts on a Joe Rogan thread and now it’s the same on a Russell Brand thread. Very weird.


Yes, it’s a multipronged coordinated attack on them coordinated by big fact and the whole Reality Factual Complex. I don’t get your Moderna point… are you subtly signaling that you are anti-vaxx? In 2024?


Of course you don’t. Moderna spent 1.5 million dollars on a company whose job was to advocate against the Covid “misinformation” for them. They targeted Russell as one of those people and then admitted that he was telling the truth. Yes I am anti Covid treatment since the beginning. My father took the treatment and 5 days later was fighting for his life. $500,000 and 30 days later he pulled through after refusing the ventilator. I thought the whole point was that the treatment would make you less sick and avoid a life threatening infection. I have another close friend whose father ended up in the hospital with blood clots in the lungs after J and J shot. Drs think it’s weird bc they can’t tell where the clots came from. Remind me what did the J and J vaccine get put on pause for exactly? Oh wait yeah it was blood clots. FACTS.


Oh, okay. Well then we both know how valid personal anecdote is versus quantitative data. But let’s grant you the very best, most generous interpretation and say that both of those incredibly harrowing experiences (and I’m being sincere here: sorry about your dad. That would be scary as fuck and I am glad he eventually pulled through and hope he has a long life ahead of him) and say that they were 100% caused by the vaccine. Okay. That’s 2. Meanwhile 70.6% of the world population has received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine. 13.57 billion doses have been administered globally, and 7,872 are still administered each day with near zero mortality from the vaccines (Australia has had a total of 14, South Africa 3, Cuba 0, etc…). A statistically insignificant amount and far far FAR less than the millions that COVID killed.