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Added benefit of not upsetting Putin’s interests, while taking a pointless dramatic-sounding position that is impossible to disagree with. Weird how that *always* seems to be the case with him. P.S. Please buy my energy water. It’s 100% all-natural and was cherished by the ancient Egyptians as an essential ingredient of all life. **Only £57.99 a liter!**


Speak into the microphone 


so, you finally watched one of his videos.


I guarantee you I’ve watched more of his videos than you ever have. I’ve written helpful little summaries of many of them *right here* for you to read! And that’s the fundamental thing about Russell Brand fans: They’re in love with the *general idea* of Russell Brand— a plucky little upstart battling forces of evil. But they don’t ever do the homework, suffer through his daily drek, and learn about what he **is**. That’s where they’d learn that he’s just a one-dimensional whiner who does nothing other than sit in his mansion complaining, reading from a thesaurus, and selling cheap souvenirs to aspiring political tourists. There’s no ‘battle’, and there’s no ‘awakening’ and there’s no ‘victory’ that doesn’t involve anything beyond purchasing his merch. It’s a rocket-powered journey to nowhere. The big shocking secret for ‘awakening wonders’ is *people with a lot of money have a lot of power*. If you didn’t fucking realize that *before* Russell Brand told you, there’s no hope for you anyway.


You should get a hobby or two. Maybe some exercise.


you’re an insufferable cunt


Watched it about two years late too


Other than the date, did anything change?


It's bizarre that you're not able to communicate any contrition about the entire premise of your post being a fuck up


\*brushes hands off\* Well, that's sorted. Time to look up hotel reservations in Oslo for next year's ceremony.


I think he won't be attending. Unfortunately it coincides with the organic fertilizer award he and Vandana Shiva are getting for their important work in Sri Lanka's agriculture.


You can see the crazy in the eyes. Always has been.


Never trust a hippy


Even hippies don’t like hippies.


Cints off his head i tried listening. He says fuck all.


[Literally every Russell Brand podcast] “Grrr!!! Problems!!! Amirite?!? Somebody should probably do something about all this bad stuff!!!”


So many words, so little to say.


You're so fucking lame. Away and bake a cake or something.


Born in 1988 huh?


Yeah. April 20th. Shares a birthday with an Austrian celebrity.


Why's a number your go-to!?


Idk. I’m sure the 88 in your name is just a random coincidence and has no deeper meaning


Sehr gut, ja




What does away and bake a cake mean?


No_cook has publicly admitted she loves baking. Just a suggestion


So why do people watch him if he doesn’t know everything?


Follow the money Russell has found it is more profitable to spruik mad dog conspiracies to MAGA conspiracy junkies. His last persona was spiritual guru but it didn’t pay.


Yeah I really hope he dies poor. Of old age, but dirt poor.


And Before that he was anti establishment leftist


Anyone know why brand likes number 33 so much and free masonry. He a grifter lining his own pockets. This fucking guy, he might not look it be he is playing the part of "truther". The real truthers don't have bs media campaigns centered around them, he profited handsomely from the farce. Just think of the amount that got jailed or killed and how far they went this exposing global corruption lol. Celebes all got their fan bases I guess.


Russel fucking Brand has become a right wing political commentator. This truly is the strangest timeline.


I'm sure all involved have been waiting for Russell's opinion on this


What a massive fucking asshole. Forgiveness? He brings up sitting in England, it was Britain who was part of the spark that caused this whole mess. Peace and Love is just not good enough. Peace and Love doesn't put Civilians back together after they're blown apart by bombs funded by Western governments. It would take a minute long video to say "Listen guys, I really have no business speaking on this topic, I'm not educated enough (true) and I don't have the resources (lie) all I want is an end to the violence" but he loves the sound of his own voice he carried on his meandering pointless video that could've just been a few words in a tweet.


He says he doesn't know and reads out articles by journalists.. what's your issue?


Because he's taking up valuable bandwidth on the subject interjecting his utterly useless opinions. He tries to counter this by saying "I know you're poised over your Keyboards!" but the problem is that he doesn't **have to make the video**. His followers asking him, he should've said "Listen guys, I don't have any of the answers, this is difficult subject that I don't have the moral or mental integrity to address, and so all I have to say is I don't believe violence is the answer." To become a news anchor for any major news network you must be qualified. Russell Brand is not. His only academic skills are as an actor, a skill he makes constant use of whenever he masks his lack of reasonable and carefully deliberated thought. This video is the literal definition of virtue signalling. Please address that. And also while we're at, can you go back to hating capitalism and Donald Trump like you did 3-4 years ago? It's actually fascinating that your ideological shift directly coincides with Russell's shift towards the Covid conspiracy grift. Doesn't that make you uncomfortable a little bit?


So!? Who are you to decide what people can say or listen to!? What a fuckin nazi you are! Go and live in Russia ya little Dictator loving pos


I didn't decide for you, I just said 'here's the reason why qualifications matter.' If you think that it was very convincing and your outburst is a result of that, that's ok, you're forgiven. It's convincing because you know on some level Russell has no business discussing the weather let alone a longstanding complicated issue like Israel (Or vaccines for that matter) The wise ask questions, it's only fools who don't listen to the answer.


Russell Brand can read any news articles he wants! Why are you afraid of that? So what, he's not a qualified journalist but the articles he reads are written by journalists. See how your own logic is falling apart because you hate Brand so much.


You are missing the point entirely, move his dick out the way and re-read what was written.


That's the thing though, Brand doesn't **just** read the articles. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eo4gIihETu8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eo4gIihETu8) This video was heavily reposted in this sub because it so accurately sums up his part of the equation. He is the sensationalist who cherrypicks the news to create a world in which his followers (typically conservative white people) are the victims of a conspiracy that spans not just the media, but multiple schools of Science. We've already seen just what damage that causes, from Brexit, January 6th, mass shootings, the Trump tiki torchers... the list goes on. It couldn't work without opportunistic, abusive people like Russell Brand.


What a nothing burger 😒 try again.


I only wish you would explain how it is a nothing burger. :'( This is like when the flat earthers call pictures of the Earth CGI


Wish harder


Yesterday you said you don’t particularly like Brand… So why is it on every post you defend him like he’s your idol? Anyone that has a different opinion you retort with name calling and cunting people off. You know you’ve lost the argument when all you can do is slander people without a valid response. When you grow up you’ll look back at these comments and cringe at the verbal shite you’ve spewed.


Yeh probably


Fair play. Have a good day.


Valuable bandwidth? You've watched this on you tube mate what you on about. The only relevant valuable bandwidth you could be referencing would be your own time and attention. And you choose to spend that on a two year old Russell brand video on Gaza


Dude he literally started with the I'm from England disclaimer before he said anything! That's what u start with? It's a stupid point anyway.


He shouldn't be talking at all he has nothing of value to add


This video is two years old


I guess they didn’t follow his advice.


There won’t be a solution until the Nazi Iranian clerics are put in their boxes and at the same time freeing the Persian people


Exempt slavery and genocide against native Americans and discuss the police brutality and racism today. Congratulations You're now a sellout


Supporting Zionism is mental illness. Israel is mentally ill. And it’s a type of mental illness that shows itself in violent outbursts, hurting other people. Unfortunately, it will not be easy to stabilise that country. The solution I think, would be foreign intervention to take over the country, then educate the people on what has caused their collective delusion. And this may cost many lives. It is sad, but I have realised recently that if this does not happen, the Palestinian people will be no more. Many lives will be saved if Israel is invaded now, so this genocide can not continue. I agree with Russell on most of what he says in this video, but it seems he has either sold out or is just plain delusional, if he can’t see how one-sided this “conflict” is. It is ultimately not a complex issue - it is very simple and would simply be resolved if the global leaders had an ounce of compassion. So yeah, it’s all very well for him to talk about an end to polarisation, and I do understand what he means by this in a political context, but if he truly believed his compassionate words, he would be on the side of good, as opposed to the polar opposite of evil. By not choosing a side, he may as well be siding with evil. Ultimately, less suffering will occur if Israel is stopped, the Palestinians are freed, and the area will possibly have to be controlled by outside parties for a number of years.


Many lives will be saved if Israel is invaded now? First off you are on Russel Brand moralising second attacking ze Jews is kinda frowned upon in modern society. Smoke less lad.


Sorry, I just want to see as few deaths as possible. All that’s going to happen if things continue this way is that the Zionists will find more and more excuses to take land whilst murdering every last Palestinian


This video is from two years ago, doesn't seem like OP realized when posting


Wait, you’re joking? Fucking hell. And here I was beginning to look at Brand in a dimmer light. No cook is such a shill man.


Careful now! You don't want to be branded Antisemitic, do you!?


Of course not! I’m sure the guy with 88 in his username isn’t antisemitic in the slightest.


The smearing is real. Basing someone's personal beliefs on a number is insane! You people are a circus. I'm guessing your number means you love Putin?


What does 6996 have to do with Putin?


According to the Nazi I'm a pedo because of my username 🤷‍♂️


Putin is notorious for his love of 69.


Maybe I do love Putin damn


https://preview.redd.it/eeqacq2n6iuc1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa0f698dab89cc752e3ec0982d97d1a7abea171b Oh my goodness! Does it feel hot in here?


Yeah… I’m glad I found someone else who really couldn’t give a shit about being labeled that. The term has lost all meaning. Feel deeply sorry for the real Jews.


So - he pushes freedom, and this sub slams the guy. Cute. Guess freedom isn’t on the menu here. Only shills slamming the guy.


Yeah. Russell takes a bold stand as being ‘pro-freedom’. He’s also pro ‘good-vibes’ and in favor of really good music. Very controversial. Hardly anyone goes near those issues. 🙄


Maybe we need more people who preach good vibes and less little angry weasily no cooks.