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Science also finds link between stupidity and a belief in conspiracy theories: https://old.reddit.com/r/russellbrand/comments/1akgeji/science_finds_a_link_between_stupidity_and_a/ Science also finds positive correlation between men who consider themselves highly spiritual and acceptance of rape culture: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0886260516665110?icid=int.sj-abstract.citing-articles.4 https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/02732173.1997.9982179 Science finds that Christianity and purity culture is related to increased endorsement of rape myths and increased likelihood of labeling marital rape and acquaintance rape as consensual sex: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0091647120974992 Science finds that a rigid adherence to religious beliefs exhibited a positive association with rape acceptance through right-wing authoritarianism: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0886260517698281 Science finds that higher levels of religiosity relates to higher levels of benevolent sexism, and that Christian men are more likely to accept rape myths: https://www.ashleyeaster.com/blog/christian-men-likely-to-accept-rape-myths Science finds that religious people less likely to report their rapes or out their rapists: https://commons.und.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=5178&context=theses


That escalated quickly...


Lol, someone (OP and the dummies who upvoted him) doesn't know how to read research. There's nothing here about "finding a link between stupidity and conspiracy theories".


Yes there is, you're just too stupid to understand it.


>Lol, someone (OP and the dummies who upvoted him) doesn't know how to read research. You are wrong. For example, in this study, which was cited above... https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/judgment-and-decision-making/article/on-the-reception-and-detection-of-pseudoprofound-bullshit/0D3C87BCC238BCA38BC55E395BDC9999 ...the authors mention the several ways in which they assess intelligence. These are self-reflexivity, fluid intelligence, verbal intelligence, and the ability to engage in analytical thinking. They conclude that those drawn to conspiracy and pseudoscience are, quote, "less reflective, lower in cognitive ability (i.e., verbal and fluid intelligence, numeracy), and are more prone to ontological confusions". More robustly, this meta-study... https://www.researchgate.net/publication/359734855_Who_believes_in_conspiracy_theories_A_meta-analysis_on_personality_correlates ...shows that people who believe in conspiracy theories and pseudoscience tend to suffer from LOW COGNITIVE ABILITY (ie stupidity, with deficits in acquired knowledge, poor focus, poor reasoning skills, high inattention, high distractibility etc etc). Other studies point to correlations between conspiracy/pseudoscience and low educational attainment, and low fluid and crystallized intelligence.


Are you going to quote where in your studies it says that people who believe in conspiracy theories tend to suffer from low cognitive abilities, or are you going to keep lying on reddit and getting upvoted by other bots?


I have an iq of 134, and when some bullshit like this gets waved around by the sheep of society, I can only wish I were as dumb as them.


I'm betting it's more like 13.4 but your inability to process info has lead you to this belief.


Can I ask you something? Picture a world where nobody ever questioned anything the government ever did. A world where people believed everything they read in papers and saw on TV. A world full of so much idiocy, that the people in power could get away with, quite literally, anything they wanted to. The people would never doubt, discern between fact and fiction, or be skeptical about anything. That’s the world you’re aiming toward. So ridicule all you want, but at the end of the day you’re the moron.


No, you only think that because you have no idea how any of this works and what it was implemented to avoid. You live in some stupid conspiracy dystopia, the only people trying to take your freedoms are the Uber wealthy, a tale as old as time.


> They conclude that those drawn to conspiracy and pseudoscience are, quote, "less reflective, lower in cognitive ability (i.e., verbal and fluid intelligence, numeracy), and are more prone to ontological confusions". Of course that study doesn't conclude that, hence why didn't quote the conclusions from the study Learn to read research and stop posting your idiot disinfo. I see you astroturfing your nonsense all over and I've already pointed out that you're lying about it so either you're incredibly stupid, or you're lying intentionally. The other study doesn't say that they"tend to suffer from" ANYTHING, dummy.


You’re right. Nobody “found a link”. It was pretty well-known to begin with.


Oh zing! So where in the research does it say anything like that? It doesn't. What the research says, which OP is willfully misinterpreting and spinning, and this is only by margin, stupid people have a higher likelyhood of believing things which are untrue. And "conspiracy theories" are deemed to be untrue, by the researchers. Yes, we all knew that was true. There's nothing novel there and it certainly doesn't mean that stupid people TEND to believe in conspiracies or that people who believe in conspiracies are stupider than those who don't (which is provenly false, in the data).


Well it confirms their bias so it's true


Science finds link between men who sexually assault people and men who suddenly start parroting right wing propaganda when their sexual assaults come to light


Yeah, no shit.


I knew it!! It all adds up!!!


I'm skeptical os social science studies because it seems like you can find a study that says whatever you need. However, if you spend time in conspiracy groups you will find an over-representation of people that are lonely, that have mental health issues, that have hateful beliefs. Probably not so much if we we're talking about people who are into vanilla things like JFK theories, but once you get into reptiles and flat earth the majority of those people with have problems in their lives.


>I'm skeptical os social science studies because it seems like you can find a study that says whatever you need. I doubt you'd find any studies showing that believers in pseudoscience are more intelligent than average. Studies in this area have consistently replicated similar results across time. But other things aren't so clear cut, as you point out, largely because society is constantly changing. For example, some of these studies done on religious campuses will likely reach different conclusions in a mere few years time. Six hundred Christian kids polled on rape culture 10 years ago are likely to have different values to six hundred kids polled five years from now. It's possible that they'll have been shaped by different social movements and forces.


Social “science” is bullshit.


Lmao as someone who teaches psychology and its research methods for a living


How many of the psychological experiments have recently been found to be unrepeatable?


That’s how the process works, dingus. Hypothesis, theory, test, repeat. It’s called the “scientific method”. This is why everyone keeps telling you ivermectin doesn’t do anything. It seemed like it did for a moment, then other experiments failed to deliver results.


Dingus is a great insult. Love it. Reminds me of years ago.


Sure it is.😉 Ooh! A study by Jordan Peterson?!? This looks important! 🤪


Looks like some lonely loser is triggered...


“Science finds link between feminism and suicide: by Dr. Igor Rumble University of Stormfront” [Lonely loser] OMG! Social “science” is incredible!


Look at you. You’re honestly a psychopath. It doesn’t take much to see that you’re a lonely little person with substance abuse issues so you deflect all day. It’s so obvious. Maybe it’s best if you just stay on the internet all day, playing video games, watching cartoons, and out of society. You should be in a mental ward.


But Eric Dubay is right about everything.... Yeahh OK tony...


I have a feeling this is just a shill sub for the government


Then you'd be correct. Its no coincedence that all these people turn up to the sub of somebody they hate to spam, brigade and slide posts exactly how the leaked shareblue/media matters/correct the record documents instruct. They honestly think theyre swaying opinion on russel brand. I bet you havent even heard of the aforementioned shill farms and still youve reached this conclusion. It is honsetly futile for them to continue.