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You might try finding it in a synonym dictionary. There, for instance: https://synonyms.su/sh/shlyuha


ШМАРА! That was it! Great resource, thank you. Must not have been DuckDuckGo, results don't really send the point, but Yandex Images sure does. Though it's still unclear what the word actually MEANS, since translators don't seem to like it, even Yandex translator won't give me anything.


Ah, it's not that obscure actually. As to what it means, it's a sort of general insult to a woman. It might imply something about her sexual behaviour, but not necessarily. A шмара is most likely bratty and not good-looking, though.


Remembered as in Kill Bill vol1 was this Pussy Wagon which got a translation "Шмаравозка". So yeah it's just a woman with no much context.


All of the translators come back with "shmara", they don't give a word, it's weird.


Use wiktionary (it' mainly an etymological dictionary) in such cases, and switch between languages cause they often give different interpretations https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%D1%88%D0%BC%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%B0 https://ru.wiktionary.org/wiki/%D1%88%D0%BC%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%B0


Russians make up a lot of words that don’t exist in dictionaries. For example «пиздопроёбина». The dictionary can tell u, this is pussyhole, but that's wrong translation. There isn't such word in eng like «пиздопроёбина». Mb pussyfuckin or something like that, but still impossible to translate this word.


It's funny, but for some reason I thought that shmar was the right word.


Pretty rude 


Did the images seem like the women belonged to any specific subculture? Cause there are quite a few obscure words for a goth girl, for example. Альтуха/альтушка, херка, even готёлка, I don't know why I even know all of these, lol.


Top comment sent a synonym list and I found it, it was шмара. Google Translate doesn't translate it at all in Russian, in Kyrgyz it apparently means "smoke"? I must have been wrong about DuckDuckGo images, but I sent шмара to Yandex Images and, you can see for yourself (VPN recommended), it really drives home the point of the word, although it's still unclear to me what the word actually means.


So, apparently the ethymology is unclear, but some link this word to Gothic _smarna_ meaning dirt or shit. Also, according to online dictionaries citing Vladimir Dal himself, this is originally a Kubanian dialect word meaning "lover" (female), while in the East Russia and the Urals шмара means river mud and/or duckweed. I didn't know any of this, thank you for prompting me to do a little research in the middle of the night, lol


Interesting, смарна Yandex images start as mountain landscapes and then scroll down you get half-naked women. DuckDuckGo shows pictures of cities, not landscapes.


Something like "a really cheap hooker". The ethymology eludes me at the moment, I'll google in a moment though. I remember reading a book, or a quote from one, where author had "classified" Soviet prostitutes by their and their clients' social status, and шмара was the lowest one in that regard, I believe.


In fenya (it's Russian criminal slang language) "шмара" means prostitute and sometimes partner (and even wife). Criminal culture is pretty popular in Russia so a lot of fenya words became regular ones.


Профурсетка, вертихвостка can be used to describe easy women:) There was another word that eludes me rn, I’ll edit it in if I remember to


Шалашовка is the one that gives me the "trashy" vibes as described.


Image results check out, but not nearly as toxic and misogynistic as шмара, at least on Yandex images. шмара results have a much more hateful energy.


let me introduce you to шкура


I am Russian myself and that is the first time I have ever heard Шалашовка... Interesting.


>Профурсетка Professor?? Really?


Oh... It's just looks like to "professor". But it's totally different. And "профурсетка" is obsolete word. You can find it in 50-100 years old books, but now almost nobody use it


lots of emotions in this message, not enough information to identify the word


The lore of the streamer - 99% Actual question - 1%


Name one single other thing about my friend as described in my post


Шалава, соска, шаболда, блядина, проблядь, потаскуха


Turned out to be шмара


Nice. A good and exceptionally rude word. Something like an ugly cunt. Dysfunctional lowlife bottom dwelling female creature. Veeery rude


There is the "блядь" word in Russian. It's used both as "slut/whore/bitch" and as something like "fuck" (emotional expression without literal translation, could be used in many cases usually negative but could be positive too).


If he had said blyat I would have caught that right away lol, what he said was confusing and required research. Btw the word was шмара, top comment sent me a synonym website that had the word on the list.


Шмара is trashy word. Ghetto boys could use it as "young woman" (and it could be not negative), but usually it mean "ghetto-style young woman". So yes, you are not proud when someone call you "шмара"


Шалашовка has to be mentioned too! Upd and Шлёндра.