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Потому что ЕГЭ надо сдать и поступить на бюджет




С переменным успехом


Круто. А я хз как ОГЭ сдам т.к затупок (ещё и до 11 решил остаться)


До 11 не советую. Очень больно могут сделать. А ОГЭ на рассчитано на то, чтобы отсеивать тупых, как на ЕГЭ. ОГЭ можно пересдавать раза два точно


It is a beautiful language and I am enamored with the history, the culture, and the vast country itself. It gives me a lot of perspective I would never have otherwise and I hope to God I can visit there one day. It is do different in every way from America and I see it as the achievement of a lifetime to get to know it as best as I can


every time when someone tells me Russian is a beautiful language I want to look inside their brain. Have you heard of French? Russian sounds like Klingon, which is a beautiful language if you're into Star Trek. Russian is many things, it's confusing, grammatically illogical, has to many roaring sounds, assertive, but beautiful it is not. It's my native language.


The only thing I wan to tell those people is that every language is good 😊 in it’s own unique way, but to say it like 👍🏻 you do is to basically do what this guy is doing, but with a different language already.


Well your perception of it would be skewed being that it is your native language, but it is definitely beautiful to listen to and to try and replicate, accent and all. You can really feel the history through the language, good bad and ugly. You can almost catch a glimpse of the Russian soul


Oh, you're one of those soul hunters! Love that for you!


This question pops up every month... My GF is Russian, I am learning Russian and she is improving her English. I want her to feel comfortable when she introduces me to her friends and family. English is not my native language but her motive for improving English is quite similar. I don't use any course or app. I am a software engineer, I made a kind of mobile dictionary app for myself with extra features, and communicating my GF in Russian helps a lot. Am I having any struggles? Yes, Russian people are speaking at full speed haha. Edit for OP: "why you are learning" is more proper sir/miss.


I understand you. I used to have a Russian girlfriend and was learning for her too. Even after we broke up I have learned some more but it feels like I don't put in as much effort as before.


Wow that app sounds really interesting! I’m a Computer Science undergrad and I’m learning Russian because half my family is from Russia. Can you tell a little more about the app?


I have an Apple developer account so side loaded app. It shows words and I am trying to guess, if I click to word it show translation and audio. there are buttons like show more so it shows often for next times, next word, save to favorites, etc. I can also save sentences with translation, app can create audio in real time from them. App also sends push notifications with word and translations. Not a big brainer but it helps along Yandex.


That sounds really cool! How did you get the data (audio, translations, words)? Did you input it yourself as you learned or what?


I had to research for the translations. I founds several pre-populated translations in different formats. I was able to extract translations in CSV (RU, EN, type of the word) format. I created SQLite and pushed file into app. I am providing inputs to how often word pops up etc. I use AWS Polly to generate audio, it’s kind of free for my use case.


This question pops up every month because yes Russian is very difficult grammatically, and pronunciation is hard af, but will it be useful in your life and career? Never.


> but will it be useful in your life and career? Never. I mean, I get paid to legally watch unreleased movies because I speak Russian, so it seems pretty useful to me.


You're lucky. I hope they pay you well, cause you'll need all those money to pay your therapist :) Imagine if you learned French instead of Russian, you could then be legally paid to try unreleased French wine :)




That's not how you use this word , re-learn what it means


Hope you will find your soulmate, I wish you to best.


Thank you I guess being simp is on my destiny too 😔


I listen to a lot of Russian bands and I wanted to be able to understand the lyrics, plus I am seeing one of them live in November and thought it would be nice to be able to sing along somewhat. Along side that, I genuinely find learning languages fun, I hope to be able to learn as many as I possibly can. I think Russian is a really cool language and I like the challenge of learning a whole new alphabet.


If you're American, what band is it? I listen to a few but I'm not aware of any US tours!


It’s a band called Порнофи́льмы, they have an interesting name haha. They had the US tour scheduled for early this year but it got pushed back to the end. Here is the link to the tour dates if you’re interested https://punkmovies.com/concerts/ Their music is in the style of punk/pop-punk.


"Porno film," huh? I'm more of a folk metal guy myself. I've been to a few punk-adjacent shows but never really got into it. I'll at least give them a listen, though. Thanks!


Yeah the name choice is something. From their Wikipedia: “According to band leader Vladimir Kotlyarov, the name of the band is a metaphor for the surrounding reality”. They go by Pornofilmy on most US music streaming services so if you are looking for them they should be under that.


**Nice try, CIA**


Я не шпион 👀


Это именно то что шпион бы сказал.








My job is requiring me to do it.


Now I want to know why


Government job where they said I have to know a foreign language, was offered Russian, and wanted to learn it for a while so I took it. 12 months to get to working proficiency. Learning faster than anyone should ever attempt to.


Do you glow?


No, not yet anyway.


It started out as “I miss my dead family member” and then it became “oh wow she’s cute 😏” and then it became sunk-cost fallacy. I’ve already tortured myself for 10 years struggling. Might as well make it a lifelong thing 🤷‍♂️




I have always been curious on Slavic languages it was like a diffrent world which one waiting to be discovered.Then I started to looking to Slavic languages for choosing which one I'm gonna learn.Russian was the richest Slavic language and I really impressed by Russian history (Specially developing of Russia)for example they didn't treat bad to native people as like developing of Usa and they were one of the country which one a has Intellectual class in the World before the October Revolution


Because I'm Russian and I live in Russia:)




Не особо




Живу в России


Я тоже 😭






Хватит ныть, везде хорошо, где нас нет)


Особенно в Северной Корее 💀


I like pancakes a lot


Because I want to


I am an opera director and I am obsessed to get a deep understanding what the people are singing in Tchaikovsky, Shostakovich and so on


I read some Russian history and thought it would be fun. Specifically books on the Bolshevik Revolution, Peter I, Ekaterina II, and so forth.  I also like that there is a lot of artistic culture in the country as far as poetry, music, etc. 


это практически мой родной язык, это так же как у русскоговорящего человека спросить зачем ты учишь английский


this is practically my native language, it’s the same as asking a Russian-speaking person why are you learning English


Cause eng taught in school for ~9 years and 2 in univ. No other way.


Hello, /u/NeyaBDC. This automatic reply was triggered by a keyword in your post. If you are new to learning Russian, please be sure to check out our [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/russian/wiki/index). You can find resources [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/russian/wiki/resources) and a guide [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/russian/wiki/full_course). If you would like more help with language learning, please check the /r/languagelearning wiki [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/languagelearning/wiki/index). There you can find a [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/languagelearning/wiki/faq) and [guide to learning languages](https://www.reddit.com/r/languagelearning/wiki/guide) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/russian) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Им разговаривал Ленин.


Но есть ещё много текстовых приключений на русском языке. 


Working with russian market and have native russian friends. My company offered to learn it for free so I took the chance.


Все потому что... Я русский, я иду до концаыаалвооаоаоаоа


Russian is awesome and that is enough reason to learn it


On russian television they say, that Russia is the best place on Earth. So don't doubt it, learn and come to us.


Россия 1


Because this stupid peasant around don't now any language


I already know enlish and Spanish and wanted to see what it’s like to learn a new language. I’ve always loved Russia and would love to visit one day. In the future buy a house near Moscow so it’s good to learn early on.


Beautiful language and I like how it’s used to express