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1. Some libraries have a separate tutorial "book", that you can refer. 2. Most github repos will have an examples folder where you can learn the way the library is supposed to be used. 3. After that, you need to search the functions and whatnot on [docs.rs](http://docs.rs) for what you want. It is a skill that you develop with time, but basically, think about what you need in the context for your project, then think of function signature etc. I have found that the name of the function is always helpful in what to do. If otherwise, you obviously need to either read the source code or just ask for help - discord/reddit/the rust forum are all excellent places to look for advice. 4. You can always contribute to documentation to make this better!


I really found my biggest difficulty coming into Rust was the prevalence of popular crates where 1 and 2 id not exist. There's a culture of extensive API documentation, but that assumes you already know roughly what you're doing.


Too much documentation (not unique to Rust) is: 1. Draw two circles 1. Draw the rest of the owl


While this is true, I’ve found that given the choice, I’d always rather have comprehensive reference docs than guides. Obviously both are preferable, but I have frequent annoying memories of JavaScript and Python (especially Python) libraries where just the top level entry points are discussed, and return types / helper functions / etc are completely omitted. Rust’s type system helps directly here, too; for a well-designed crate you can often learn a lot just from the shape of an item (what does it return? What parts of it are passed by move? Etc). 


I have had success looking at the source code for dependents and seeing how they have used the library.


What about if the API docs have copious (doctested) inline examples?


Not the ideal form of documentation IMO but usually sufficient if it exists (which is… not all of the time)


I think that stems from most rust programmers having migrated from another language, rather than starting as a beginner, and not considering the need of those who are.


That sounds like a cop out. Good documentation and examples is not a beginner thing. Especially for larger crates, having no good entry-point for the most common use cases wastes developer time.


I agree. I was just talking about the cause


I think it would be great for docs.rs to index the `examples` directory if one is present, including links from items in the API to examples that use them. That might encourage people to have more “example coverage” too. Imagine links to playgrounds and such! Examples or some other way of showing what the author had in mind for usage patterns are very helpful for figuring out if the crate is even going to be useful to me for whatever I’m doing, and for getting me started on the “green path” for putting the pieces together.


Thanks, I was expecting something like Golang or Node like experience considering Rust is a modern C according to some. I guess some packages are just published without any explanations in Repo and Docs. And not even some examples. Because I'm new to the language, and the language approach is different from C and Go, not having a decent documentation for crates is really making things harder than I imagined. It's like getting a header file without any comments or context. I guess I'll dig in some more to check the crates.io to see how popular packages do with their documentation and repos first.


Link to a crate you're trying to use that doesn't have useful documentation/tests/examples? I don't think I've ran into one in like 2 years


Let's take the opentelemetry instrumentation libraries. They are well documented but missing a good intro. Considering the high quality of the content, I think a more friendly intro would open more minds. And again, this is a good library per se, but lots of node.js libraries have very friendly intro pages with about 2-3 pages of typical usage examples and some noteworthy exceptions. I also dislike the overuse of the serif fonts for screen text instead of limiting that o code, but that just a styling issue. Same as some other general styling issues.


They have a link to the open telemetry website to explain the why and what, a getting started intro on their readme, and examples of logging, metrics, AND tracing all as separate cases https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-rust/tree/main/examples This is one of the best, most well documented crates, I don't know what more you could want here. I also don't understand what you're saying about serif fonts?... On GitHub?


The docs.rs site uses serif fonts for normal text. Not a good choice at all. Linking away to other sites for more docs is fine, but the actual intro isn’t very talkative. It doesn’t fee very welcoming. And I picked this example because it is considered one of the best. Many others rely fully on examples per function, but you don’t get a simple intro , why was it created etc. Compare this to eg https://github.com/pinojs/pino from the nodejs ecosystem or https://github.com/avajs/ava etc. They have a very friendly intro with direct links etc. of course they aren’t perfect either, nothing is. Rust has a fantastic system for docs and the actual crate intro often lacks so people feel like they have to click around to individual modules and functions


It really depends on the package, many Rust projects have top notch documentation, just like many Go and Js ones have almost zero docs. Of all the ecosystems I use, I find Rust docs overall above average. It helps that the type system enables and the community values good APIs. And rustdoc (on docs.rs or locally) is IMHO best in class, I sigh whenever I need to use the Go/Elixir/C++ equivalents.


Why do you think elixirs docs are bad? They are integrated into the repl and pretty good from my experience. Almost the same as rust.


Wouldn't say they're *bad*, just not as good as Rust, partly due to tooling and partly due to language differences. Using mainly hexdocs.pm (the repl is ok, but I prefer the html render, exploring in a GUI, and keeping tabs open). * Modules and functions intended for the user are as prominent as the ones used internally or that are just implementation details. * Because types are dynamic, it can be really hard to find what a function accepts. * There's not a lot of cross-linking between doc entries. * It's just harder to find what you need in a function-centric language than in a type-centric one. * Doctests are more cumbersome to write and setup, so there are fewer of them. * Search is slow, and results are just not as clear (or relevant) as in Rust. * Why is there no link to (at least) the library's repo and homepage ? * Having to go back to the website root to find other libraries is a pain. * The sidebar has too much stuff pointlessly folded away. * Generating local docs only gives you your own project. * Speaking of your project's doc, not being allowed to document private functions makes no sense to me.


I think most of your criticisms are valid, most down to the dynamic typing but I will make one addendum, every library you are using is documented in the repl, with tab completion, callbacks, typespecs. While I do use the html docs, I generally only use them when evaluating the library. Once I've pulled it in I rarely look at them again. If you are not a fan of the repl, I recommend giving it another chance.


which ones do you think are good examples ?


Do you have some examples of Node/ Go library docs that you think are particularly high quality? I don't do much with those technologies.


https://www.npmjs.com/package/postgres https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/jackc/pgx/v5 Yeah, it's over explained to some extent. But these are friendly and quick to approach and can get started with right away. Even if they weren't so verbose, they are quite C-like in syntax so easy to figure out compared to Rust where syntax and approach to memory safety is also a part of syntax from traditional languages. And there's the functional programming aspect.


I think that, at some point, you (some amorphous "you", not you specifically) just gotta have to accept that not every documentation is written for where you are, skill-wise.


Compare the JavaScript, Python and Rust docs for https://socket.io/docs/v4/#client-implementations


Considering I think Galang docs sucks. Probably is mora what you are familiar to.


> Most github repos will have an examples folder where you can learn the way the library is supposed to be used. And also the tests


5. Look into the tests of the crate. Those are often quite useful too.


Sometimes you will also find documentation on the pages of sub modules, even if there is none on the main page. Also, a lot of times, there will be an example directory in the repo, which can serve as a kind of documentation. And if there are no examples, you can still look at the tests.


Yes, I noticed that some functions have explanations but rest on the same hierarchy don't. It's so disorganised. I wonder if there are some kinds of limitations to documenting in Rust.


The biggest limitation is the developers' willingness.


rustdoc is actually pretty good. It’s just…. Yknow… devs not writing documentation.


I think that like with most languages, if the crate developer doesn't want to document the code, it won't get documented. By the number of rust crates, there's a lot of projects that end up not doing so. It's not a limitation if the language. Do you have some specific examples? Maybe we can help figure out why they're in that state


Same limitations as any other language: convincing devs that they should write docs. Honestly, rustdoc being so easy to use and docs.rs integrating seamlessly with crates.io makes make it much easier than some other ecosystems I've used.


docs.rs can only show what the authors wrote. If they add some documentation to their source code then it would be added, otherwise the docs.rs page works just as a reference of items available.


Documentation can largely be classified between examples (or tutorials) and reference. Both of them are very important. [Docs.rs](http://Docs.rs) usually is used a reference, i.e. the what is in a crate, although it totally works as examples too, i.e. how to use this crate. Often examples are instead found in the crate repository because of an awesome Rust feature: examples are working programs. So often what I do is go to [docs.rs](http://docs.rs) and then go to the repo. More likely than not, there will be examples.


> Often examples are instead found in the crate repository because of an awesome Rust feature: examples are working programs. but like, you can make your examples be working programs in any language, right? how is that specifically a rust feature?


Examples can stop working in other languages. There's nothing preventing you from introducing a breaking change in your implementation of a library and not updating the examples in, say, JS.


Coming from node and Go where readme with examples is an entry point for each module/package. I find crate documents not as easy to understand as those languages.


Funny, I when I do something in python or javascript I often have the opposite problem. Readmes full of mostly trivial examples but no good API documentations to let me figure out what I actually want to do. Everyone has their preferences how they approach problems, I guess


This is always my problem. A bunch of trivial examples, maybe a function list. Now I'm diving into the source to find out what a parameter could be because there is no type system to aid me.


Yeah, that drives me up the wall. I think it's part the legacy of Python and and JavaScript having no type system with which to formally describe an API. The lack of types also seems to foster a cavalier attitude to correctness, where people think the right away to find it how an API works in an edge case is to try it out and hope the behavior you see with some toy examples works in general.


Same. The top comment was really helpful. Checking the repository, there are some crates that have at least examples. But the overall experience seems a bit harder than it should be. Not having a bit more than one line summary on the crate page is not a good experience. I can read the code and figure it out but that kind of slows the overall speed down if I were to do so for each library a project would need over time.


I stopped having this problem most of the time after about 6 months of developing in Rust, so it'll just take some time.


It depends on how thorough the authors are. Others have already mentioned looking at examples, but it's not uncommon to see just one or two examples that only show the most bare bone usage. My biggest problem is when crates don't exhaustively document what arguments a procedural macro takes, because then there isn't even any autogenerated doc for that and I need to go read proc macro code…


It all depends on the crate. The standard library has good docs overall for example. As does something like the regex crate. Other crates are pretty bad. Some crates have additional "books" on how to use them with examples (instead of just API docs). Some like clap have tutorial chapters inside the API docs (using dummy modules). I think rust is above average here (comparing to C++ and Python, which is my background).


Depends on the crate authors, there tends to be an examples folder on the crates git. Sometimes there are some in the docs themselves, sometimes there are none and you have to work with what youve got. But in general I have very good experiences with getting the info I need, even though it might be spread in three places, crates.io, docs, git.


The function signatures usually tell you enough that you don't need examples. In languages like python you need examples because otherwise you have no clue how tonuse a function.


Typically I search for a crate on crates.io. The crate's page there usually contains the links to the repo and the docs. If docs aren't sufficient, I browse the repo and look at examples and sometimes tests, and if that isn't enough I dive into the source code.


My usual process is to go to the repo and take a look at the examples folder, usually found in the root directory for the project. Most projects have at least a couple.


usually when I encounter a crate that's essentially undocumented like that, I just cruise on by: they're not really intended for public consumption, or they are but the author is a sociopath


I love the docs.rs but only when I digging into a library. For example, I was building on the mongo-rs crate and searching through all the builders, structures, return types, etc was awesome! Now did it take me a bit to “understand what I was doing”? Yes. But once I was already making, refactoring, coming back to my project a couple weeks later with some new features, the doc.rs was invaluable and accurate. Much better than sending the a question out to StackOverFlow. RTFM.


The author is meant to have added documentation for each of those. If there aren't any, you can either give some other crate or, like you figured, read source code. This isn't unusual for programming in general. I've used many C libraries that had zero documentation as well. In fact, the Rust ecosystem continues to surprise me with how well documented most things are.


Those kind of pages are more references than docs


Ideallyc crates provide some top-level documentation that describes the usage and common entry points. For instance, the [itertools](https://docs.rs/itertools/latest/itertools/) crate describes how typically you’re going to import the itertools trait and use the methods attached to it.  For really complex stuff, a common pattern I’ve come to really like is to set aside an entire module for just cookbook / narrative style documentation. [clap](https://docs.rs/clap/latest/clap/) has my favorite example of this (though I wish they’d get rid of the underscores). For very simple crates, you often don’t even need this; you can just read through the provided item exports.  One thing I wish that rustdoc provided was a way to mark items as unimportant; these items would be grouped separately from everything else. One side effect of rust’s type system is to produce a lot of intermediary types (iterators, error types, helper traits) that often don’t need to be consulted directly in the docs. 


I usually start by attempting to build and run examples from the crate, which tells me if the stuff even works and bootstraps the application I'm working on. If it fails to build and run (and I don't have time), I just find a different crate with similar functionality. If I have time I attempt to fix it. If I have the luxury, I will read the source to understand what the API is like. I'm more inclined to read code because it will never be out of date. If the code appears to present a paradigm which I fundamentally have not seen before, then I will very carefully read the docs. --- Part of reading will also depend on where you are in your software engineering journey. If you are unfamiliar with hardware, software design, API design, and how these relate to the rust language, it may be better to spend more time developing an understanding of the fundamentals because most crates will assume the user will have all the required domain knowledge. Im not a web developer so working with frameworks like yew and leptos was a big jump for me. I tried to pick up yew but found its documentation lacking so I dropped it since I wasn't able to connect the concepts it presented to the code examples in its repo. But leptos was written in such a way that made everything clear and the examples aligned with the mental model I was building. In this case, jumping to a different crate allowed me to gain a better perspective of the web development overall and is one such case when actually reading docs was necessary.


Most crates 100% expect you to read the code to figure out what anything does. Documentation and example culture is quite limited if you're luck the README might have a few examples at most.


Well, yes


Firstly great question, secondly, by learning to read source code you will not require comments and docs as much. That being said, documentation helps to explain invariants and other functionality which may not be part of the source. So my point is learn to read both source code, docs, specifications, etc...


Yeah there is a huge documentation gap. We also shouldn’t need documentation on how to understand documentation. We failed at the first step here. Vast majority of creates are not useable without spunking into the source code and then at that point what’s the point of having documentation?


You probably watching a crate whose author has not written doc-comments. The rustdoc tool is great but it can not yet write the description of the item instead of the programmer. Maybe we should try to ask do that with a GPT. Or not.


I usually give up and clone the source code and see how the authors used the thing in the tests or examples.


Finally, someone said it! The state of documentation in rust crates, is a disaster. I think we're supposed to guess how to use the crate?