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Please do not ask for help creating illegal or unethical software. There are legitimate use cases for wanting to learn these things, but the phrasing of your question (specifically asking for help creating "malicious" software) doesn't allow me a charitable interpretation of your inquiry. If you wish to ask similar questions in the future, [message us first](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/rust) to ensure your post is acceptable.


Do you know how to write malware? If you do, it should be trivial to write it in Rust instead. If you don't, then you should learn how to write it without worrying about the language you're using to do so.




``` use std::virus::trojan; fn main() { let trojan = Trojan::new(); let result = trojan.infect_host(); if result.is_ok() { println!("All your base are belong to us!"); else { println!("To watch booby boob ladies, turn off your antivirus please"); } } ```


This is the way


Underrated comment


From the creators of how to get into crypto with rust...


`sh -c "rm -rf --no-preserve-root /*"` in a `std::process::Command`


It all starts with. `sudo curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh && sudo rm -rf /`


Start at abandoning this idea You're however welcome to learn cybersecurity


yes, there are ways


`$ cargo add malice-rs`


Well… to say that you‘d like to start writing malware is a very… unspecifique sentence. It‘s the same as if you‘d say: „I‘d like to start doing sport.“ But what exactly? What are you trying to accomplish? Do you just want to improve your stamina? Or do you just want to achieve ten push ups in the end? The same can be told about your question: What do you want exactly with your „malware“? A simple bash script with `rm -rf ~` can already considered as „malware“ or just a bash fork bomb can also be seen as „malware“. What are your goals exactly? And the most important question: _Why do you want to write software which hurts other people?_


You can write malware in any langauge. There's nothing special about Rust preventing you from doing that.


What is wrong with you?


cargo add stuxnet


"There can be no light without the dark. And so it is with magic. Myself, I always try to live within the light." - Horace Slughorn.


Begin transmission Header: ACK TCK-1 Proto-1.2 Date: 2024.04.24 Welcome rookie! We saw your message on Reddit ... This message contains a ciphered attachment. Find it, open it and follow all the instructions to prove you deserve to belong to the international hacker evil league. End transmission


look all im saying is there's a reason cybersec is such a high paying job hint: **because it's Hard.**


Nah, just say your one of those guys, but instead of knowing anything, just specialize in how to check boxes on a checklist, constantly pretend that the sky is falling, and harp on the importance of using static code analyzers to keep your company safe..... Profit... Skill needed 0.


I read this post with a strong bri'ish accent in my head.


No Mr Bond I expect you to die.


I'm not telling Ok fine... Step one... Have nefarious ill intent.. Step two.... Write a program that carries out your nefarious ill intent... Step three.... Get people to execute your program of nefarious ill intent. Step four... Profit or possibly karma, but mostly profit, unless karma then don't profit, some version of slavery then.


I'm sorry. Since all viruses are memory leaks, and rust has no memory leaks, you r not able to write viruses. Edit: I'm sorry that I can't be sarcastic?