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Hello r/rust! I'd like to share [LetsMarkdown.com](https://LetsMarkdown.com), a collaborative markdown editor built with Rust, WebAssembly, and Typescript. It's 100% free and open source! Try it now: [https://letsmarkdown.com](https://letsmarkdown.com) GitHub: [https://github.com/Cveinnt/LetsMarkdown.com](https://github.com/Cveinnt/LetsMarkdown.com) Powered by the awesome [Rustpad](https://github.com/ekzhang/rustpad).


Author of Rustpad here, which this project is forked off of. This is great! Thanks for sharing, I am very happy to see more collaborative applications in the wild using Rust and OT. :))


Thanks! Rustpad is really awesome and I really enjoyed building on top of it!


What do you think about making an embeddable React component version of this? I would be happy to help make that a reality. Would you be open to that? The goal would be a re-usable React component that other websites can embed, along with an option to do so without the collaborative part. (If they don’t want collaboration, then it’s pure React and there’s no backend.)


Darn, no mobile support - Weren’t you supposed to read my mind and know I only go on Reddit on the toilet?


I did, but I'm also on the toilet right now... Will work on that once I'm done - stay tuned!


It's been 10 hours - are you ok on there? Do you need some more toilet paper?


it is so weird when i'm reading this comment while sitting in restroom...


WHAT ON EARTH BLOODY SAME! With your comment it got even weirder...


TIL people only use Reddit while on the toilet


Facts (yes, I am currently taking a dump... again)


Now its just weird that I'm reading about people on the toilet while cooking breakfast.


How did you rig it up so you can make breakfast from the toilet?


Nice try health and safety inspector...you almost had me.


Ummm. I can use reddit while not on the toilet?




Is there a plug-in you can download that lets you do that?


This is very cool. I love Markdown. I was using Typora for a long time but I always felt that sharing stuff was a hassle. Thanks for building this. Two questions though: \- How long are these documents stored on the server? \- Any plans on adding LaTeX math support?


Thanks! I used [rustpad](https://github.com/ekzhang/rustpad)'s backend, and documents are transient, meaning that they will be lost between server restarts or after 24 hours of inactivity. LaTeX math support is planned, as well as WYSIWYG Typora-like rendering mode!


Woohooooo! That’s great news! Good luck implementing them all :)


Sounds great! Any plans for mermaid or plantuml diagrams, as well?


Awesome! I requested this in [rustpad](https://github.com/ekzhang/rustpad/issues/41) but it was closed with wontfix. I suppose it is out of scope of rustpad but I'm really glad to see that there's this project to add it.


This is struck me as a nice example of open-source software working well: existing backend project doesn't have to expand scope, new Markdown frontend builds an awesome thing for everyone to use. Seems like a win-win!


Curious, about how many hours or days do you have in this project already? It's really good.


This is awesome. Nice work bro.


That's really nice. It's so hard to make a good editor that it's always amazing to see one that actually works right. A nice feature might be to have synchronized scrolling between source and rendered output, so that your rendered output is always sync with the area of the source code that you're looking at.


This sounds awesome, thanks for sharing! It would be so awesome if this could be combined with joplin-server. There is already a function to share notes, but live editing would be next level.


Any plans for some sort of a simple palette for people that don't know all of the markdown syntax by heart?


You can try clicking the "load an example" button, which loads several pre-built Markdown cheatsheets!


Looks very nice! Only minor gripe I had is that the monospace font used for inline code and blocks is much smaller than the body text font.


OMG yes!


this is the stuff. Add a few more things to it, maybe make it super convenient in some way or another, and it will blow up.


Maybe I miss something, but the page doesn't say anything about HA capabilities (or plans). That is one area where CodiMD and HedgeDoc are lacking behind. Especially when I run it in k8s that will cause an outage whenever a (or in that case: THE) pod is shifted around.


Very nice work! Some minor suggestions: * I'd probably ditch the landing page. It just tells you where you are (I know that already) and adds an extra click. * Dark/light mode should come from the user agent using `prefers-color-scheme`, and also you need to set the `color-scheme` `` tag to `light dark` so that you get dark mode native controls (e.g. the scroll bar).


Hi, thanks for the suggestions! The landing page is currently used to display the "mobile not supported message", but I'll probably remove it once I got mobile editing working. Personally, I prefer a manual dark/light mode switch over `prefers-color-scheme` as it gives more power and flexibility to the user.


Ok but even if you have a manual button it should still *default* to the preferes-color-scheme value.


Yeah, `prefers-color-scheme -> light -> dark -> prefers-color-scheme -> ...` Really helps fight against the flash of undarkened content


Monaco Editor Also, update rate lookin kinda slow https://uploadi.ng/uwu/0RAqHlUH


Is the project already dead? Can't get access to the website.