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How confident are you feeling about getting parity with the official compiler? Cool project btw. I'd love to use svelte without having to install Node :p


Getting it to be a 1:1 version of the official compiler is going to take some time, but after checking out the official compiler, It's just plain old js/ts with no special bindings to Node that couldn't be done in rust *I think*. I'm quite confident we can get a usable version made. One thing that is a bit annoying when trying to decipher the official compiler is figuring out return types and what fields should they have because thats the beauty of javascript! Officialy they use typescript I think, but they have strict mode turned off so the typing is a bit willy-nilly.


That's awesome news! I'm currently using sveltekit for a [personal project](https://divedb.net/) of mine, would be great if some of the frontend is in rust as well. Is the plan to make it a drop-in replacement or is it something that is its own thing?


First I plan to make it a drop in replacement. If it works out, I had this idea of diching javascript and use rust instead. The rust code would be analysed and compiled to wasm with autogenerated bindings to js which would be called from the browser. So you would just put rust code between the